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Even in a land where magic suffuses the air and the spirits of the world roam the land, someone has to collect the taxes. Where there's taxes, there's criminals attempting to commit tax evasion and other crimes. And when there's criminals attempting to dodge their dues, well, there's going to be someone who's job is to get those criminals to pay.

That's you.

But is it just cheaters dodging their obligations? Or is there something more to the case?
Character Generation I
Somewhere over the rainbow
I'm a High Fantasy Tax Collector, So What? A CKII Tax Collector Quest

Ah, Vinimrond, a land of myth made manifest. Underneath the sky sprinkled with crystalline shards, civilization flourishes once again. Works of the Precursors dot the land and sea, ranging from great temples of steel (for what other purpose could such an unfathomable amount of steel be used to point skyward in such neat patterns?) to the terrible Calamity Frames and the unspeakable Armors. No civilization can live without knowing that it resides in the ashes of a civilization far its superior.

And goes on. Civilization flourishes under the protection of the Divine Gathering, the place where all the Greater Spirits eventually find their way home to. Civilization flourishes under the protection of the land spirits, who do so bless the harvests so that the great teeming masses in the cities and the fields may eat. Civilization flourishes under the protection of the nobility - pft, that's a good joke.

Civilization doesn't really flourish under nobility. At least, not the kind you're used to dealing with.

After all, in life, there are two constants: death, and taxes. The first is so inviolate that even the Precursors succumbed to it. Though, you did hear that some Baron over in Transulinia tried to make himself an immortal undead ruler. You also heard that the Divine Gathering couldn't tolerate that kind of violation of the Compact of the Precursors, so a crusade's being called down. Somehow, people have to pay for the arming and gathering of all those warriors under arms, so that leads you to where you are now.

Doing this thankless job of wringing a cheating noble dry.

[] [STAT] Martial
You have your trusty pistol, "Your", and your equally beloved sword, "Welcome". When combined in your hands, they make quite the statement.
Martial is guaranteed to be the PC's best stat, and tilts the game towards the western Blazing Swords and Shot.
[] [STAT] Diplomacy
You have a smile, a gesture, and a letter or seventeen to show to the right person. Or seventeen. You always know who the right person is.
Diplomacy is guaranteed to be the PC's best stat, and tilts the game towards the absolutely vicious Diplomacy, Knightmaker Edition.
[] [STAT] Intrigue
You keep finding ways to get coin into hands that your enemies would really like coin out of, and ways to get all these awfully incriminating documents right into the hands they least want - that is to say, yours.
Intrigue is guaranteed to be the PC's best stat, and tilts the game towards the stealthy Shadow Tactics: Quills of the Finance Ministry.
[-] [STAT] Learning
The Divine Gathering gently urges you away from this path. The Compact of the Precursors is the only way to maintain peace and stability in the long term, after all.
Learning is guaranteed to be the PC's best stat, but for various reasons this path is barred in this quest.
[] [STAT] Stewardship
If there's a book you can access, you've read it front, back, and sideways. The letters and numbers simply fall into place. Which is why it's so interesting that these not fall into place.
Stewardship is guaranteed to be the PC's best stat, and tilts the game towards the puzzling Phoenix Wright, Ace Accountant.
[] [STAT] Piety
Your Divine Spirit is particularly accessible, and helps you solve cases. Sometimes with...bizarre results.
Piety is guaranteed to be the PC's best stat, and tilts the game towards the buddy-cop Divine Weapon.

Your case, though, is a little tricky.

[] [CASE] Brewing Suspicion
The province has a rich port city, feeding exotic spices and teas from the East and spreading it at a huge markup to the interior. The Luxury tax is supposed to apply to the buyers; every time someone buys a luxury like tea, the buyer is supposed to kick a fraction of the price over to the provincial lord, who kicks it up the chain. So why has their provincial tax revenue been falling, while their tea floods the market? Investigate.
[] [CASE] The Origins of Specie
Something strange is going on with the tax from one of the provinces. The province has been able to consistently provide its tax in their own specie; given their own silver and gold mines, their currency should be one of the most trustworthy holders of value. Taxes have thus been consistently paid in specie in a level amount - even as traders complain about specie not holding as much value as before. Dig into the issue.
[] [CASE] Grainy Resolution
One province has paid noticeably less taxes in grain than the previous years. Considering that neighboring provinces have been able to maintain their taxes in grain, something strange is going on in this province. Go check it out.

Well, best get to work.

[] [PARTY] Alone.
Don't want to kick up a fuss, not when this can be resolved all neat-like.
Significant bonus to stat rolls, but no party members outside of previous options.
[] [PARTY] With the team.
This group has your back, and you have theirs. You can't imagine working without them.
Neutral to stat rolls, gain party members with lower stats.
[] [PARTY] With the cavalry.
Knock knock, it's the army. With guns. And swords. Criminal scum will know not to mess with you while these guys are in town.
Malus to stat rolls, completely different background rolls, will have army backup.
Character Sheets
Agueda the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:

Martial: 17
Diplomacy: 19
Intrigue: 22
Learning: 21
Stewardship: 24
Piety: 21

Virtue: Prudence
Successes have better results and failures have reduced impact.

Respect: 5
Your name is known to specialists across the Kingdom and some foreigners paying exceptional attention to Oskaria.

Favors: Emir Valois (1)


Kerrie appeared one day in the ministry. Vivien grouses that Kerrie's just like you. That's pretty high praise from Vivien, but then you also find out that that may be because Kerrie couldn't find other work. Awkward.

Martial: 19
Diplomacy: 13
Intrigue: 19
Learning: 12
Stewardship: 12
Piety: 16

Ser Tekla the Mad

Ser Tekla the Mad is an interesting case, and by interesting you mean "Vivien was obligated to try and foist him onto you." Tekla has a reputation for attempting to conduct experiments, with or without explicit Compact permission; he's been hauled to a heresy defense more than a few times, and that's led to an awkward position where nobody wants him near them but his nobility prevents anyone from simply ignoring him. If you can get him to shut up and dress up,

Martial: 17
Diplomacy: 20
Intrigue: 13
Learning: 23
Stewardship: 16

Cormag the Devout

Cormag the Devout is a remarkable, well-spoken man of the cloth, who has interesting proposals and the divine favor to not get laughed out of the Compact. Reading between the lines, he was probably a bit too anti-corruption and "maybe we should stop spending on the upper crust" for the bishoprics to tolerate, hence his...lateral promotion to your command.

Martial: 12
Diplomacy: 18
Intrigue: 13
Learning: 16
Stewardship: 14
Piety: 22

Ophelia, The Maiden of Light

Crackling with power, she came and demanded to be added to your group as a vessel for the Spirit of Oskaria, and you saw no reason to refuse. Normally a timid but intelligent girl, when Oskaria deigns to grant her true power the gem around her neck burns bright red, along with the color of her eyes. Her blessings when the spirit demands is powerful indeed - but neither is she to be underestimated when she does not crackle with power overwhelming.

Then, on the night of that terrible Autumn, she singlehandedly roused the courage of the capital's defenders and put down the Beasts of Autumn. Alone she dueled one of the great stone giants, glowing so brightly it was said she outshone the sun. With her golden blade in hand and brilliant countenance leading the capital to victory, she became the Maiden of Light. The savior of the capital, and the one who would restore the great morass.


Martial: 12
Diplomacy: 16
Intrigue: 12
Learning: 19
Stewardship: 20
Piety: 20

Ophelia - Oskaria:

Martial: 22
Diplomacy: 16
Intrigue: 7
Learning: 24
Stewardship: 24
Piety: 25

Respect: 10


Tools of the Trade
An old set of tools that someone looking to exit the business sold, they are quite nasty, especially for the difficult jobs. Grants +2 Martial and +2 Intrigue until 27 in either stat.

Tekla's Masterwork Divination Compass

A thoroughly upgraded divination compass equipped with advanced divination spells, this can help with certain investigative tasks - or just crunching through a pile of documents for a single phrase. Grants +2 Stewardship up to a maximum of 26 Stewardship.

Interlocked Abacus Array

When working with documents that require many calculations at once, this array can store every operation you throw at it and then hold those operations aside for when you need them, greatly aiding in your confidence in not making a mistake. Grants +2 Stewardship when working with large numbers of great numeric operations, such as processing financial documents or organizing business expansions.

Enchanting Vestments

These vestments appear to carry a slight suggestion that the person wearing it carries themselves with a little more grace, a little more poise, a little more everything to make the other person feel as though the wearer is a good person. +2 Diplomacy up to a Base Stat of 25.

Directional Compass Array

A magical equipment array, this machine can detect significant concentrations of metal at a distance - handy, certainly, when you needed to investigate without something being able to investigate you back. Significantly reduces the DC for investigations that involve searching for large pieces of magnetic metal.

Tax Cut

One greatsword you "liberated" from a "dragon's" cache, this weapon responds to the spiritual prowess of the wielder - it is a true Weapon, fit for true Adventurers to wield. Adds Piety/5 to Martial, with no upper limit.


1 Major Boon - redeemable for +3 Base Stat on one action. Does not stack with either type of boon.
2 Minor Boons - redeemable for a +1 Base Stat on one action. Does not stack with either type of boon.

Owed Favors
Mage-smith Thiemo of Northern Vlona, (2)
The House of Count Nevin, (1)

Achievement Get: Swift Justice. For completing within one year, +1 Shiny.
Achievement Get: The Spirit Talker: Successfully convene with every group of spirit. +1 Piety, party-wide.
Achievement Get: Thorough: Defeat all enemies. +1 Shiny.
Achievement Get: In the Light: Do not use evidence acquired with less-legal methods. +1 Respect.
Achievement Get: I Am Altering the Terms: Convince the local Compact to loosen technological barriers. +1 Learning, party-wide.
Achievement Get: Pray That I Do Not Alter It Further: Convince farmers to adopt a new crop - with or without the Compact's permission. +1 Shiny.
Achievement Get: War For Fun and Profit: Win a short war that makes you a lot of money. +1 Martial, party-wide.
Achievement Get: The Starting Penalty is Waived: Successfully feed the army without starving the peasantry. +1 Shiny.
Achievement Get: The Ministry Funds Itself: In the course of normal operations, earn more than you spend. +2 Shinies.
Achievement Get: Now We're Adventurers: Acquire at high-tier items through looting. +1 Major Boon.
Achievement Get: Stocks Only Go Up: Acquire a stock that inflates more than 1000% in value, then cash out. +1 Stewardship party-wide, +3 Minor Boons.
Achievement Get: The Instrument of the Compact: Help enforce a decision of the Divine Gathering. +1 Major Boon.
Achievement Get: Authorial Fiat: Write a best-seller - and then sell it. +1 Minor Boon.
Achievement Locked: Order Above All: Prevent the adoption of a new technology.
Achievement Locked: Loyalty To The Crown And Nothing Else: Betray or oppose every faction within a province and successfully close the case anyway.
Achievement Locked: An Uneasy Peace: Successfully prevent stochastic massacres from occurring after a period of heightened tensions.

Cash Flow: 0 (Almost Even)
Income Stream: Tangled and Recovering
Judicial System: No Two Citizens Have Common Sets of Laws
Centralization: Every Noble Granted Liberum Veto
Corruption: No Honest Officials
Military: Victorious
Neighbors: Keeping Respectful Distance
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Case information
Brewing Suspicion

The Port of Gorlin is nominally supposed to pay a tax on luxury goods passing through the city. The tax is applied at point-of-sale to the buyer; the buyer pays whatever amount for the luxury, and then an additional tax to the port authority, which is then passed on to the Finance Ministry. On that list of luxury goods is tea. Now, the Finance Ministry has been receiving a mostly constant stream of taxes from the city, while Gorlin tea has somehow flooded the market.

After getting your hands on the Finance Ministry's internal financial documents, it is immediately obvious that while they claim to be receiving imports of chai foodstuffs, that that chai is actually tea leaves - and as such the Port Authority enforces the Luxury Tax on merchants they disfavor, sometimes multiple times. They then report tea based on a completely fictitious number, and kick just enough of it upstairs to avoid suspicion, so they thought.

You brought the case before the Capital courts, who eventually found the Count and his conspirators guilty on all charges, though you did experience some...excitement along the way. Bishop Rosenberg has been left alone, for now.

Hearsay about suspicious amounts of tea.
Port Authority Monthly Financial Records.
Residual Analysis (Chai).
Merchant Testimony.
Agueda's Estimate for Back Taxes Owed.

Bishop Besim Rosenberg
Count Lucilius Belluomo [DEFEATED]

Bishop Besim Rosenberg
Count Lucilius Belluomo [DEFEATED]
Grainy Resolution

One of the eastern provinces usually manages to export some amount of grain, much like its neighbors - by no means is it the most productive land in Oskaria, but neither is it effectively remanded as grassland for the use of noble cavalry, either. However, in recent times, the grain export has sharply dropped - in fact, it has begun importing grain, despite other indicators suggesting no mass death or migration. Considering the army must move through there during the campaign season, figure out what's going on and get food in place.

Once you established yourself in the province, you've realized that there's multiple problems kicking off at once. For starters, the Countess in this province is attempting to get her peasantry to adopt a new crop - the potato. For another, the tax collector in this province attempted to discredit the Countess by stealing the money due to the crown and diverting it to their own uses. Complicating matters further is the madness gripping the peasantry, split down between those that want to adopt the potato, and those who consider it a blasphemy against all they hold dear.

Further complicating matters is the weak legitimacy of the Countess - in fact, it's just triggered an inter-nobility war between the Countess and a neighboring Count hoping to seize the territory for his own family. The Countess just won that war, and her detractors have all either died or shut up, but. That's probably going to be a flashpoint again soon.

The victory over the Count Schmitt's forces led to a massacre of peasants in the following days - so you needed to spend some time in the province helping to start the province on the path of healing again. That will have to do.

Wahner Family Records (Jumbled)
Countess Tax Records (Heavily Abridged)
Tekla's Research Notes on Potatoes
Witness Testimonials (Adultered)
Agueda's Autopsies
Witness Testimonials (Changed)

The Wahner Family [DEFEATED]
Count Schmitt [DEFEATED]

The Wahner Family [HOUSE ARREST]
The Countess Natalia [LOOSELY ALLIED]
The Origin of Specie

One of the western provinces has observed noticeable price hikes on all goods inside and passing through the province. As one of the few provinces that operates its own mint, naturally you suspected that they had done something with their coinage.

Except...their coinage checks out. You've checked their coins for counterfeiting multiple times, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with them.

So you're in the province now, trying to figure out what's going on. Every man, woman, and child seems to have some amount of specie, the prices are higher, and somehow the streets still remain content with those prices. This suggests to you that somehow the people have lots of specie - which raises the question of where they got all this specie from. You've examined the local government records, and that doesn't tell you anything - you've consulted with the spirit of Oskaria, and it pointed you to a hill outside of town. Additionally, it's nothing but a gut feeling, but you have a hunch that whatever's going on here, the local stock market has something to do with it.


Nobles don't want you to help enforce loan obligations.
A hill outside of town is important, for some reason.
Notes about government grants denominated in amounts too high to be paid in specie.
Extreme eagerness to buy stocks.
Poorly kept government accounts.
Priest testimony.
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[X] [STAT] Intrigue

[X] [CASE] Brewing Suspicion

[X] [PARTY] With the team.
[X] [STAT] Martial
You have your trusty pistol, "Your", and your equally beloved sword, "Welcome". When combined in your hands, they make quite the statement.
Martial is guaranteed to be the PC's best stat, and tilts the game towards the western Blazing Swords and Shot.
[X] [CASE] Grainy Resolution
One province has paid noticeably less taxes in grain than the previous years. Considering that neighboring provinces have been able to maintain their taxes in grain, something strange is going on in this province. Go check it out.
[X] [PARTY] Alone.
Don't want to kick up a fuss, not when this can be resolved all neat-like.
Significant bonus to stat rolls, but no party members outside of previous options.
[X] [STAT] Diplomacy
[X] [CASE] Brewing Suspicion
[X] [PARTY] With the team.

why not?
My passion and my hobbies have found each-other.

[X] [STAT] Stewardship
[X] [CASE] Grainy Resolution
Corruption is bad for both the farmer and the goverment.

I have no preference for companionship
[X] [STAT] Intrigue

Shadow taxsperson is good civ and I have no particular attachment to any of the cases but:
[X] [PARTY] With the team.
The capacity of having good backup would be welcome.
[X] [STAT] Piety
[X] [CASE] The Origins of Specie
[X] [PARTY] With the cavalry.

A mystery, and instead of being an adventurer or great name, we are but one of many, an extension and minor fragment of the nation's might.
[X] [STAT] Piety
[X] [CASE] Brewing Suspicion
[X] [PARTY] With the team.
[X] [STAT] Piety
[X] [CASE] The Origins of Specie
[X] [PARTY] With the team.

Buddy cop divine weapon? Buddy cop divine weapon :p