If I Were A Rich Man (No SV, Time to make Money.)

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Tax collectors are like Death Gods, when they come always say : Not today!
Choose the World


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
So you have a problem. Well actually you have several problems, but one of them is, you need money. That is all anyone ever thinks about, they need money, and they need security in a world that is utterly insecure. The world can blow up at any moment, the value of anything from money, coins, and even the goods you used to buy them are utterly… utterly worthless.

You however have a problem with a lack of money. You have nothing. Now it was entirely possible that this entire thing was entirely your fault, with bad choices galore.
Or maybe you just had a run of bad luck, trusting the wrong people, that were utterly convinced that, you were the person, the schmuck that would be brought low by an entirely unforeseen set of circumstances.

The problem, again, was that you were out of money.

And you needed money to live in this world.

So go out there and get the money you fool. Money never sleeps, and neither should you.

What world do you inhabit:

[]The Modern World: You inhabit the Modern World Silly, it's not like there is anything worse than a world that is going mad, and while the haves and have-nots are entirely based on where you were born, it does not matter. You are going to claw your way up from this hole. Hopefully, without screwing up. (You are in the modern world)

[]A World of Crime, and Corporations: So you live in a world that is not like our own, of course you do, it's your world, not a world of fantasy. Unfortunately, you learned from a young age that this world is made up of those corporate scum bags that really own the world. There is no justice, not really anyway. The only way up is, to quote the legendary Scrooge Mcduck, Be smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies, and make it square. Now if square just happens to be at a barrel of a gun, then so be it. (Welcome to the bog standard Cyberpunk Dystopia)

[]The Frontier: Space may be the final frontier, but this place was the final frontier. The Rim, the ass end of the Galaxy. The Human alliance was really trying to see if they could colonize this shit hole of a planet. Unfortunately, the last ship from the earth and any other colony, and the last thing, was over a century ago. Means you are on your own now. (Enter a Rimworld-like Planet on the periphery.)

[]The World of Sword and Sail: You are not an aristocrat. You are not a pirate with a ship and a crew. This is a world that is full of Empires. Of adventure, or fame and fortune. But above all else, this is not a world where rising is easy. It requires grit, determination, and above all else… a ship. (You are on earth, in the 17th century, where the only way forward, is through sea travel to a new world)

AN: What is the most common question we all ask ourselves?

How much money do we have?

So We are playing a quest, where you have one goal.

Make all the money.
Name: Johnathan Mercer

Age 18:

Current Money-Making Mode: Legal

Stress Level: Manageable (Everything is going well, despite things not going your way.)

Firearms handling(Competent): You know how to properly handle and maintain, and shoot firearms. (No Roll Bonus to This skill)

Chemistry(Learned): You always had a knack for understanding the thing that is the complex understanding of the universe. (-10 to Chemistry Rolls)

Writing(Learned): You can write worth a damn, it's one of the few things you are good at. (-10 to Writing Rolls)

Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+15 to all rolls. Special Actions available)

Diligent: If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again. (+15 to all rolls, but if you fail, gain a level of stress.)

Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+20 to Combat Rolls when it is against things you hate, -10 to diplomacy rolls with people you dislike or hate.)

Aloof: "Yes, I can see the bloodstains. Why do you ask?" ( -5 Diplomacy Rolls On artistic rolls, roll an additional D100. If it is higher, add to the first roll)

Quick: You are brighter than most, and you pick up on things that others may not see (+5 to all rolls.)
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Current Cash and expenditure Status:

1750 Dollars

650 Dollars for food and water.

Modified Night Raven Model 12 Handgun: A Modified handgun with a bio code grip to prevent anyone other than you from using it. It is a relic from the Oil Wars of the 2030s, but it's plentiful and billions of rounds are still in circulation. The Tried and Tested Mercenaries fire arm. It's easy to modify, and easy to handle. Perfect for beginners and masters alike. (Unknown Effect, increased combat rolls)
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Modified Night Raven Model 12 Handgun: A Modified handgun with a bio code grip to prevent anyone other than you from using it. It is a relic from the Oil Wars of the 2030s, but it's plentiful and billions of rounds are still in circulation. The Tried and Tested Mercenaries fire arm. It's easy to modify, and easy to handle. Perfect for beginners and masters alike. (Unknown Effect, increased combat rolls)
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[X]The Frontier: Space may be the final frontier, but this place was the final frontier. The Rim, the ass end of the Galaxy. The Human alliance was really trying to see if they could colonize this shit hole of a planet. Unfortunately, the last ship from the earth and any other colony, and the last thing, was over a century ago. Means you are on your own now. (Enter a Rimworld-like Planet on the periphery.)

There is only one OPTION!

[X]The Frontier: Space may be the final frontier, but this place was the final frontier. The Rim, the ass end of the Galaxy. The Human alliance was really trying to see if they could colonize this shit hole of a planet. Unfortunately, the last ship from the earth and any other colony, and the last thing, was over a century ago. Means you are on your own now. (Enter a Rimworld-like Planet on the periphery.)
[X] A World of Crime, and Corporations: So you live in a world that is not like our own, of course you do, it's your world, not a world of fantasy. Unfortunately, you learned from a young age that this world is made up of those corporate scum bags that really own the world. There is no justice, not really anyway. The only way up is, to quote the legendary Scrooge Mcduck, Be smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies, and make it square. Now if square just happens to be at a barrel of a gun, then so be it. (Welcome to the bog standard Cyberpunk Dystopia)
[X]A World of Crime, and Corporations: So you live in a world that is not like our own, of course you do, it's your world, not a world of fantasy. Unfortunately, you learned from a young age that this world is made up of those corporate scum bags that really own the world. There is no justice, not really anyway. The only way up is, to quote the legendary Scrooge Mcduck, Be smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies, and make it square. Now if square just happens to be at a barrel of a gun, then so be it. (Welcome to the bog standard Cyberpunk Dystopia)
[X] A World of Crime, and Corporations: So you live in a world that is not like our own, of course you do, it's your world, not a world of fantasy. Unfortunately, you learned from a young age that this world is made up of those corporate scum bags that really own the world. There is no justice, not really anyway. The only way up is, to quote the legendary Scrooge Mcduck, Be smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies, and make it square. Now if square just happens to be at a barrel of a gun, then so be it. (Welcome to the bog standard Cyberpunk Dystopia)
[X]The Modern World: You inhabit the Modern World Silly, it's not like there is anything worse than a world that is going mad, and while the haves and have-nots are entirely based on where you were born, it does not matter. You are going to claw your way up from this hole. Hopefully, without screwing up. (You are in the modern world)
[X]The Modern World: You inhabit the Modern World Silly, it's not like there is anything worse than a world that is going mad, and while the haves and have-nots are entirely based on where you were born, it does not matter. You are going to claw your way up from this hole. Hopefully, without screwing up. (You are in the modern world)
[X]A World of Crime, and Corporations: So you live in a world that is not like our own, of course you do, it's your world, not a world of fantasy. Unfortunately, you learned from a young age that this world is made up of those corporate scum bags that really own the world. There is no justice, not really anyway. The only way up is, to quote the legendary Scrooge Mcduck, Be smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies, and make it square. Now if square just happens to be at a barrel of a gun, then so be it. (Welcome to the bog standard Cyberpunk Dystopia)

I like this cause I want to experience being Scrooge Mcduck. Also, Cyberpunk.
[X] A World of Crime, and Corporations: So you live in a world that is not like our own, of course you do, it's your world, not a world of fantasy. Unfortunately, you learned from a young age that this world is made up of those corporate scum bags that really own the world. There is no justice, not really anyway. The only way up is, to quote the legendary Scrooge Mcduck, Be smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies, and make it square. Now if square just happens to be at a barrel of a gun, then so be it. (Welcome to the bog standard Cyberpunk Dystopia)
[X]The Frontier: Space may be the final frontier, but this place was the final frontier. The Rim, the ass end of the Galaxy. The Human alliance was really trying to see if they could colonize this shit hole of a planet. Unfortunately, the last ship from the earth and any other colony, and the last thing, was over a century ago. Means you are on your own now. (Enter a Rimworld-like Planet on the periphery.)
[X]The Frontier: Space may be the final frontier, but this place was the final frontier. The Rim, the ass end of the Galaxy. The Human alliance was really trying to see if they could colonize this shit hole of a planet. Unfortunately, the last ship from the earth and any other colony, and the last thing, was over a century ago. Means you are on your own now. (Enter a Rimworld-like Planet on the periphery.)

Let's make Han Solo stuff
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[X]The World of Sword and Sail: You are not an aristocrat. You are not a pirate with a ship and a crew. This is a world that is full of Empires. Of adventure, or fame and fortune. But above all else, this is not a world where rising is easy. It requires grit, determination, and above all else… a ship. (You are on earth, in the 17th century, where the only way forward, is through sea travel to a new world)
[X]The Frontier: Space may be the final frontier, but this place was the final frontier. The Rim, the ass end of the Galaxy. The Human alliance was really trying to see if they could colonize this shit hole of a planet. Unfortunately, the last ship from the earth and any other colony, and the last thing, was over a century ago. Means you are on your own now. (Enter a Rimworld-like Planet on the periphery.)

Love making money love space the rim is our oyster
Let's make Han Solo stuff
So be a drifter? Join the army, desert the army with a criminal who teaches him the ropes, join a crime syndicate become one of the best pilots in the Galaxy, travel with space wizards to rescue a Princess, destroy a battle station, fight a war, end a war

Marry said Princess have kids and then get killed by said kid…

That dosent make money?
Love making money love space the rim is our oyster
But mostly it's about making money.
So be a drifter? Join the army, desert the army with a criminal who teaches him the ropes, join a crime syndicate become one of the best pilots in the Galaxy, travel with space wizards to rescue a Princess, destroy a battle station, fight a war, end a war

Marry said Princess have kids and then get killed by said kid…

That dosent make money?
Ok, then let's work in the same field as Malcom Reynolds but being a much more successful entrepreneur...
[x] A World of Crime, and Corporations: So you live in a world that is not like our own, of course you do, it's your world, not a world of fantasy. Unfortunately, you learned from a young age that this world is made up of those corporate scum bags that really own the world. There is no justice, not really anyway. The only way up is, to quote the legendary Scrooge Mcduck, Be smarter than the smarties, tougher than the toughies, and make it square. Now if square just happens to be at a barrel of a gun, then so be it. (Welcome to the bog standard Cyberpunk Dystopia)
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