I Wish RP

After reading about Wish and watching some spoiler reviews, I want to kind of recreate WISH as a more believable, more awesome RPG.
The idea is, when the Wizard King was young, many centuries ago, the realms were scarred, dangerous, and lethal. Life was nasty, brutish, and short. So he determined he would create a world where life was happy and the people prospered. The wizard king, Magnifique united the realms together in one united world, nearly eradicated lawlessness, and reigned with kindness and wisdom for over one thousand years. Now, Magnifique is old. Something is wrong, as Magnifique ages, he grows cold and cruel. Minor slights are met with harsh, draconian punishments, and the King's Court is paranoid, and in fear for their lives.

So, do you, as a player, want to find a way to save the senile old King from his own evil ways, or do you want to save the Kingdom from him, by ending his life before he destroys everything, and everyone he ever cared for?

Character Archetype:
What kind of character do you want? Chosen One? Wise Old Man? Disney Princess? Etc. Keep in mind this isn't Disney, it's a more mature take on a Disney thing, like Once Upon A Time, the soap opera.
Circe The Moon-Seller
Character Archetype: The Straight-Man

A humble craftsman and merchant specialised in the incredibly niche practice of creating and selling tiny moons, has a couple tied to his back with string and drags them around, selling them off to whoever is willing to buy them, despite this strange characteristic of his identity he is quite a normal person
Easily stressed, nervous, and frightened though because he seemingly is the one of the rare folks that question the magical insanity of the world around them, like the fairies, dragons, and monsters which all can easily conquer civilisation yet for some reason don't, princess singing attracting animals, talking barn critters, living objects, he is unable to realise the irony behind the fact that one of his prevalent character traits is that the craziness of the world freaks him out yet he treats making miniature moons as normal

(I hope this is good enough to be accepted)
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