I Am Taylor? (Worm CYOA SI)

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It seems like it's basically the same as your other fic.
What, it doesn't?! Aw, dang it! I'll have to think of something else then, which means a whole bunch of rewriting. Agh. And I was almost done with chapter 2, now have'ta rewrite.
This is why, for story concepts, I only ever use CYOA's as loose guidelines.
Rule 6 - Sexualised material about a minor
Would have had chapter 2 out, but realized a problem with some of what I had written and had to rewrite the whole thing. Here's a second omake for you lot to tide you over until the chapter's done.

Omake 2

Taylor happily adjusted the TARDIS's controls. She was going to a planet out in the Idsla galaxy. They were having a pet contest there and she wanted to enter her pet. Show how good she was as a pet trainer. The galactic creds that were the first prize there wouldn't hurt either.

She went into her pet's room to get her ready. "Here girl!" she called. "Come here girl! We've got to get you ready!"

A little bit later her pet burst into the room in a frenzy of energy. And then promptly pounced on her and licked her face. "Woof!"

Taylor giggled and patted her pet. "Alright girl, let's get you dressed and groomed for the pet show." she said. "Can't have you showing up naked. Well, I suppose we could... but we would loose points for not having you dressed up then."

Her pet cocked her head and looked at her, her ears upright on her head as she listened intently. "Arf!" She wagged her tail happily right then.

Taylor then got her pet dressed and groomed.

Her pet whined, finger her clothing unhappily.

Taylor looked at her and said "I know you prefer to be naked, and I like you better that way too. And there are plenty of planets that allow it. But we need to have you dressed now to get the prize money here."

Her pet just nodded and waited for her.

Taylor smiled and hooked a leash into her pet's collar.

Her pet followed her to the ship's door.

Taylor opened the doors up and said "Alright, come along Madison and let's win that prize money."

"Yes Mistress." said Madison. "I'll gladly obey you! Let's go win money!" And then she followed her owner out to the contest.


Yes, Taylor... adjusted Madison's mind and shapechanged her a little then turned her into a pet girl.^_^ Hope you enjoyed this. Please C&C my efforts.
Stop: Stop
One will be dead, one will be in a mental hospital thinking she's an animal, and one will be mind-raped into being Taylor's little 'pet'.

She'll have an awful lot of eggs to lay.

stop Given this, and given the content in your second omake, and given your warning for marginal behaviour for similar sexualising behaviour, I feel justified in levying 75 points against you, which will result in a three day suspension. In that time I will further investigate your posting history, and depending on what I find further action may need to be taken. Even if it does not, we will be having a discussion at the end of your suspension.

@I just write, @Finagle007, thank you for indicating disapproval for this kind of material. I think there were warning signs on the first page, but regardless it was the right thing to say.
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