I Am Taylor? (Worm CYOA SI)

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I Am Taylor?


Nightgazer Starlight

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Cute Lil' Pegasus
USA In The NE Corner Of Lousiana
Disclaimer : I own nothing, do not sue me.

I Am Taylor?


Nightgazer Starlight


It was just an ordinary night in the house as I went about doing... whatever I usually do. Just an ordinary boring night. But that was soon to change now.

As I sat in front of my comp playing a very heavily modded Skyrim, there was a poof of smoke. Then I heard the voice of John de Lancie "Where in the multiverse am I at now?" I looked over to where the voice was coming from but I did not see Mr. de Lancie, instead I saw... "Discord?!"

Discord looked at me when I shouted his name and said "That's my name. Don't wear it out." Then he looked closer at me and said "I haven't seen one of your kind in a while. No humans on Equis. Sunbutt seems to have a 'no human' policy for my dear homeworld. Can't really understand why. Humans are such fun!"

"Ugh..." I said while just blankly staring.

He looked at me some more and reached into his pocket, which wasn't actually there before, and pulled out some floating computer screens he sent to me. "Here." he said. "Fill those out and we'll cure that bad case of dullness you have."

"Ehhh..." I said.

"This doesn't make any sense." I said.

"Make sense?" he questioned. "Make sense? Where's the fun in anything making sense?"

I giggled.

"Um." he said.

I babbled.

He sighed and said "Right. Let's get you awake first. You're no good to me if you don't even know what's going on."

He tapped me on the forehead and suddenly all my fatigue was gone and I felt like I had had many years worth of good sleep.

I looked at him, at the screens, around the room and asked "This is real, isn't it?"

"Yes." he said.

I sighed and said "I don't suppose I can just get you to go away and not cause trouble?"

"No." he said.

"You're going to stick me in a Worm CYOA." I said. "Fine. But I want something out of this."

"What?" he asked.

"My family." I said. "They're not in the best of health. Heal them up, solve their problems, and make them younger. Wave the point cost on powers, but limit it to two only. Wave the point cost on friends and allow me to choose seven from a fictional series. If you do that. I'll even let you choose my difficulty, perks, and complications."

He looked thoughtful at that. He then looked rather excited. "Deal." he said.

I looked at the floating screens and started typing. I then handed them back to him. "Well, let's see what you've got here." he said taking the screens back.

"Difficulty : Skitter Mode. " he said. "You get no points. Method of arrival : Reincarnation. Oooh. That's going to be interesting. Powers : Inspired Inventor and Shaper. You could do a lot with those. Friends : Seven girls formally going to Canterlot High School, but got to be part of a student exchange program with Immaculata. Will meet them later when you get transferred there. Oooh, I see what you did there. Complications : Well, let's see what I can choose for you. Marked against the E88, you get one point. Marked against the ABB, you get one point. Marked against the Merchants, you get one point. Being Taylor is Suffering, you get two points. That's five points there. I'll tell you what, I'm gonna be nice and let you choose some perks."

He hands the screens back to me. I look at them and notice some of the perks are greyed out. The ones that are for Self Insert and Endbringer I can understand. But there are others that are greyed out too. Ah, it says here they are greyed out because of the Taylor complication.

I look at the remaining perks and wince. Only a few are choosable. Well, let's see what I can do.

I look at the perks I can choose and think. Then I make my decision. After filling them out I hand the floating screens back to him.

He takes the floating screens and says "Perks : Blank, minus one point. Shattered Limiter, minus one point. Wise to choose that one. Your chances of survival went up there. First Impressions, minus one point. Warning. This will not work on any members of the E88, ABB, or Merchants because of the marked complications. Cloak and Dagger, minus one point. That's a good one to choose now, especially in this setting. It's best to always know what your enemies are doing there. Bottled Superpowers, minus one point. Bottles are labeled thus : Bottle one 'Honesty'. Bottle two 'Kindness'. Bottle three 'Laughter'. Bottle four 'Generosity'. Bottle five 'Loyalty'. Bottle six 'Magic'. Bottle seven 'Trust'. Bottle eight 'Random Pony'. Bottle nine 'Random Pony'. Bottle ten 'Random Pony'. ... ... ... ... ... Clever. Very clever there. That could make things... interesting. Yes. Well, at least you left the last three up to random chance now."

"Right." he said. "So... Bye bye now, have fun!"

There is a sudden disorientation, and I am gone.

Unknown to me Discord sits down at my comp and has fun with my heavily modded Skyrim now. "I'll just play this a little bit. Then I'll go look after his family. Wow, that's a lot of mods there." He has fun with the modded game.


I awoke with a gasp. Memories swirled around my head, both my own and not. Well what do you know now, Taylor's life really was so bad that now I was now suffering from severe depression, I felt like I couldn't trust anyone, and I think I'm partially insane too. 'Well.' I thought quite sarcastically. 'This is just bloody wonderful. I just had to get the complication of being Taylor. Man this girl's life just really sucks.'

Her life had been so bad that she had been lying here wishing only to die. She wanted to be free from it all then. She got her wish, her spirit is gone. And I'm now stuck in this body. And I have to live her life.

Looking around I could see I was in a hospital. 'So.' I thought. 'Shortly after the locker incident then? My power choices should have replaced her cannon bug power. Or... It's been incorporated into the hive mind aspect of the chosen shaper power.'

I lifted the sheets and looked down at my body. Not exactly the most flattering figure. Oh well, my shaper power should fix that up in no time flat. ... When I figure out how to use it anyway. Hmmm... Hopefully it won't take me too long to figure out to use my powers. According to what I chose I should be a tinker 12 and a shaper 12. All others could change depending on what changes I made to my body. I let the sheets drop again and thought what to do now. Maybe I should just leave and find my own way?

I looked around and noticed a case. Also there was a box with a ribbon on it. And there was a card attached.

I read the card and it said 'Thought I'd give you one last little gift. The phone inside has some... interesting files on it. I suggest looking at them and playing the video files. You might find them to be useful soon. -D'. D was most likely Discord. I wonder what he had left me. I ignored the case, I already knew the vials were inside and had the combination.

I opened the box and took the phone. Turning it on I browsed through the files. I found the video files and played one. ... ... ... ... It was a file of Sophia shoving Taylor into that locker. Other video files have more evidence of the trio's bullying. So did sound files. And the picture files.

I smiled happily. I could use this. Use it to get whatever I wanted from that school.

I powered down the phone and put it back in the box. I then hid the box, and case in the desk's drawer. Then I laid back and tried to figure out what to do.

Then I heard a noise at the door and it opened. In came a man I had never seen in my life, but had fond memories of now. "Taylor. Kiddo. How are you?"

I stared at Danny Hebert and then I said very quietly "Oh boy."


Well, here it is now. My second fic posted here. Please C&C my fic now.

EDIT : Cleaned up some spelling, fixed some punctuation, and added some more dialogue.
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I vote for the nuclear option. Upload the videos to YouTube and say who everyone is. Cause a PR problem that forces Winslow, the Protectorate, and PRT nightmares. At minimum, you will get Sophia sent to juvenile detention, yourself transferred to another school, and Emma and Sophia expelled and/or sent to juvie. A little more luck will also get Principal Blackwell canned. A little more than that and the Protectorate will pay for all the troubles (indirectly, as a result of Winslow paying you off).
Well, the nuclear option would certainly be fun to see. At the same time, I can't really say my opinion on the plot, since I don't think it's really started yet. That said, you seem to have left the occasional extra word lying around which might trip some people up.

On the note of your build, the most efficient usage of Inspired Inventor (as far as disposing of Scion is concerned at least) is probably turning yourself into a pan-dimensional self-replicating von neumann death machine hive mind that out-masses the rest of the multiverse by a significant amount. The necessary Tinker specialties for doing such can be accumulated in less than a week, especially with Shattered Limiter. Seriously, that shit be OP.
So, I'm having trouble remembering all the CYOA details, but what does shattered limiter do again?

Here's some info.

Hit the actions button in the upper right window and then view full resolution choice.

There are four images available.

They'll tell you all info.
Here's some info.

Hit the actions button in the upper right window and then view full resolution choice.

There are four images available.

They'll tell you all info.

Doubles the number of charges per day, causes exponential power growth, and grants immunity to Trumps trying to screw with your power.

Thanks! I appreciate it.


Alright, I've caught up with everything. Thanks again for the link.
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Everybody always holds back and tries clever shit. Don't do that, just unload the full first-strike nuclear option. Bring down the whole house of cards.

No one ever does that.
Everybody always holds back and tries clever shit. Don't do that, just unload the full first-strike nuclear option. Bring down the whole house of cards.

No one ever does that.

Yeah, it'd be interesting to see someone finally just go all out. I don't see that happen very often. Normally because the author is worried that cries of Mary Sue will immediately follow (God I hate the term Mary Sue. It's just led to authors being afraid to have the main character really accomplish anything major because then they're obviously a Mary Sue because something good happened to them).

Sorry, kind of got into a rant there.
Yeah, it'd be interesting to see someone finally just go all out. I don't see that happen very often. Normally because the author is worried that cries of Mary Sue will immediately follow (God I hate the term Mary Sue. It's just led to authors being afraid to have the main character really accomplish anything major because then they're obviously a Mary Sue because something good happened to them).

Sorry, kind of got into a rant there.

Totally with you though. That shit needs to be on the evening news, no blackmail, no cops, splash that shit on fucking television and let chaos reign!
Best part of the nuclear option? Dragon is a Thinker, and you have Blank; if you're the one sending it out, she Can't Stop The Signal.
As Lurker/Mythril Moth put it last year:

A foxfic is a curious spurt of psuedo-literature crafted by one
Fox/"Cute Kitsune Kaydee"/"Cute Neko Hibiki"/"Cute Stargazer
Nightingale"/etc., which typically features a crossover between three or
more properties, is short and pointless, and if it actually presents a
plausible, interesting idea, it is never followed up on. Hundreds of
these curious drabbles have existed over the past twenty or so years.
None of them have ever mutated into legitimate fanfiction.

While I wouldn't fully agree with everything Lurker said (he can be quite abrasive), the general gist is quite accurate.

This particular one was cross-posted to the FFML from one of Fox's known aliases ("Cute Nightgazer Starlight"). Honestly, I've been coming across foxfics regularly for longer than many here have been alive (I think I came across my first one in... '94, maybe?). Not one has gone anywhere.

And if I seem frustrated... well, I've been getting these things regularly for around twenty years now.
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I vote for the nuclear option. Upload the videos to YouTube and say who everyone is. Cause a PR problem that forces Winslow, the Protectorate, and PRT nightmares. At minimum, you will get Sophia sent to juvenile detention, yourself transferred to another school, and Emma and Sophia expelled and/or sent to juvie. A little more luck will also get Principal Blackwell canned. A little more than that and the Protectorate will pay for all the troubles (indirectly, as a result of Winslow paying you off).

That's not the nuclear option. The nice nuclear option is the SI showing off powers, getting in touch with Rebecca or Number Man and then sitting back and watching every politician from the POTUS downwards gives formal apologies while Contessa brings her fancy drinks with umbrellas while anyone who's even frowned at Taylor gets screwed. The nasty nuclear option is completely rewriting the terrible trio's brains or simply turning them into mush.
Omake 1
Omake 1

Taylor giggled as she put the last component in place. She had been growing/building this for most of the last year. She finally had it ready now too.

"It's done!" she shouted in glee while jumping up and down. "It's finally done! Now to give it a test!"

She quickly started pressing buttons, pulling knobs, and throwing levers. With a sound the object faded out of her lab, taking her with it. Then it reappeared elsewhere.

Taylor emerged from it and looked around. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "It works! It works now!"

There was a sound of a door opening and then someone called out "This is a restricted area! Is there anyone there? Come out with your hands up!"

"Oops." said Taylor. "Maybe I shouldn't have parked right next to the PRT building. I better go."

She quickly got back into the device and closed the door just as two males turned the corner and hurried up to her device now.

The older one said "I wonder what it is?"

The younger one stared at it and said "You know Armsmaster, it looks kinda like that one in the Sci-fi Aleph show."

"Don't be silly Clockblocker." said Armsmaster. "There's no such thing. I've seen the show and I doubt any tinker could make one, that actually works."

Just as Clockblocker was about to say something there was a *VRORP* *VRORP* *VRORP* sound, and the large blue box vanished. The sounds died down. There was a lingering shout that sound like "GERONIMO!" that faded away too.

Both guys just stared, until Clockblocker ran forward and collapsed to his knees where it had been and arms spread wide shouted "NO! WAIT, COME BACK! DOCTOR, TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!"


Yes, Taylor built herself a TARDIS.^_^ Hope you enjoyed this. Please C&C my efforts.
As Lurker/Mythril Moth put it last year:

While I wouldn't fully agree with everything Lurker said (he can be quite abrasive), the general gist is quite accurate.

This particular one was cross-posted to the FFML from one of Fox's known aliases ("Cute Nightgazer Starlight"). Honestly, I've been coming across foxfics regularly for longer than many here have been alive (I think I came across my first one in... '94, maybe?). Not one has gone anywhere.

And if I seem frustrated... well, I've been getting these things regularly for around twenty years now.

So there's a good chance this story isn't going to be going anywhere? Well, that's disappointing.
Worth noting is that by the time a year has passed you'll have WELL over 3,000 charges. That's several orders of magnitude more than you need to make a TARDIS (Some goes into dimensional mechanics, some for Temporal Dynamics, some for Teleportation, and a bit of misc stuff). Seriously, with those and some charges in automation, manufacturing or stuff like that you could start knocking out TARDISes in like, 2 weeks, tops.
@FireAsh If I do I'll have to tone the silliness and make it a little more serious since I plan on Taylor going all 'Dark Side' on the trio. Remember, Being Taylor Is Suffering also means a pretty good loss of sanity.

One will be dead, one will be in a mental hospital thinking she's an animal, and one will be mind-raped into being Taylor's little 'pet'.


@EasyCo Don't believe everything Aleh says about me. They don't like me on the FFML and take any opportunity to denounce me anywhere. Lurker/MM hates my guts... the feeling is mutual. Don't believe anything he says about me. Don't believe anything I say about him.


@I just write It's an omake. Not part of the main fic yet. It's not supposed to make any sense. She'll also be putting most everything in 'shaper' at first. To fix up her body and create a Hive Mind. She's also got to get some minions.

She'll have an awful lot of eggs to lay.
I don't think Tinker charges can go directly into Shaper. You could probably cheat by putting them into, say 'bio-engineering', but the two powers don't directly mix, generally speaking.
I don't think Tinker charges can go directly into Shaper. You could probably cheat by putting them into, say 'bio-engineering', but the two powers don't directly mix, generally speaking.

What, it doesn't?! Aw, dang it! I'll have to think of something else then, which means a whole bunch of rewriting. Agh. And I was almost done with chapter 2, now have'ta rewrite.
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