Hunter Tales (RWBY RPG)

Opening Post
Great Britain
Hunter Tales
A RWBY Role-playing Game by Bevillia
"Congratulations, Hunters, for your graduation from Beacon Academy. It has been four long years of studying, sparring, and going out on practice missions, but you have finally achieved certification that you are a full, one hundred percent legitimate, hunter.

Of course, paying for all that dust and those high-tech alloys that go into your mecha-shift weaponry isn't cheap, and while the Council of Vale were happy to subsidise your education with loans (the kingdoms always need more Hunters after all!), now you have graduated you really need to look into how you are planning on paying them back.

I mean, you could run for the hills and never look back, hoping to disappear in the endless expanses of Grimm-filled wilderness far from civilisation, but that certainly seems like a lonely existence, and you probably are going to need maintenance equipment, dust, and medical equipment eventually - even for a qualified hunter killing the Grimm is dangerous work! Not to mention the lack of modern amenities out there.

And would you look at that! That section of the contract you signed when you first enrolled at Beacon, yeah, the one between the bit about not maiming your fellow students and the ability for your teachers to send you out on unpaid "experience missions" with the proceeds going back to the school…

What, you're only figuring out now that professional hunters would have been paid for those? Ah, whatever.

Well, it says that the Council of Vale is offering you a guaranteed job! Oh, don't look at me like that, it's a good job as far as these go, decent pay and you get a pretty free hand with your missions, but how else are you going to pay off all that debt?

Yes, that is a lot of lien.

Alright, glad you agree. Right, now if you want to look at these contracts here, take your time, they're not going anywhere, we can get you enrolled into the official membership of the Hunters of Vale…"


What is this? Well, this is an RP based on the adventures of a team of newly-graduated hunters in the world of RWBY. Set a few years pre-canon, this tale does not involve the Fall of Beacon or the machinations of Maidens and Relics, instead following the adventures of a group of hunters who are out doing the various tasks that justify their existence.

As hunters contracted to the Council of Vale, they will answer the call to defend remote villages from attacks by the Creatures of Grimm, to head out into the wilderness to escort teams of scientists or investigate reports of crime, or to work within the walls of Vale against the elite enforcers of organised crime and terrorism.

This will not be a particularly "dark" game, and while it may cover topics such as Grimm attacks, crime, and terrorism, it is my aim to maintain a positive tone; while things may be descriptive, they will not be graphic. Nonetheless, every player character and the majority of those they interact with will be adults, so this is not the place to roleplay as a bunch of teenage school children.

Mechanically, this game will be using the Unofficial RWBY TTRPG for background mechanics. No prior knowledge of this system is required, it is a system that is relatively rules light and narrative heavy, and I will handle creating the character sheets for any accepted applications.

Still interested? Well, take a look at the application below and have a go at filling it out. This game will initially be accepting four players, though if you are willing to accept a position as a "reserve" player should you not be accepted please indicate so in your sheet, and I will call on those in the reserves should a player drop out or suffer character death.

You are welcome to include each other in your character backgrounds if you want, including being on a team together. Each applicant will be a member of the same graduating class from Beacon Academy, and will have been in class together for the last four years; you will all know each other, even if you weren't on a team.

So, without further ado, on with the character creation!


"Alright, so first we need to get some details down. Let's pretend I never had a look at those files Beacon keeps on each student, and start with the very basics…
  1. Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?
  2. Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!
    1. Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.
  3. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. (STR) Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
    2. (AGI) Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
    3. (END) Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
    4. (WIL) Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.
    5. (PER) Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
    6. (DIS) Academics, using dust.
  4. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    1. In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?
    2. What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
    3. What is the weakest thing you can do with your semblance that requires active effort?
    4. What can you do with your semblance before actively having to push yourself?
    5. What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
    6. How do you use your semblance in combat?
  5. Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.
  6. Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.
Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.
  1. What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?
  2. Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
    1. Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
    2. Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?
Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.
  1. Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?
  2. What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?
  3. Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?
  4. You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.
    1. What do you feel you learnt from the mission?
    2. If you did it again, what would you change?
  5. When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?
  6. I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?
  7. Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?
Alright! That's the last of the questions, please take your time in answering them, the job offer is still going to be there for a while. Though, don't take too long, I hear the Council have a particularly interesting mission they're looking to send a team of hunters on, and all the usual lot are out of town. Who knows, they might even send a team of brand new hunters on it if they're impressed by you!"
  1. Johannes Valern, 22 years of age.
  2. Towering at 6'5" in height, sports a dirty mop of reddish-brown hair. Dark green eyes, paired with a somewhat pale complexion. Bulky in body type, though not quite muscular.
    1. Faded yellow trenchcoat and fedora. A little like that Dick Tracy guy, if you have trouble visualizing it. Underneath said coat, wears a messy hodgepodge of thick, casual clothing, usually in multiple layers, such as T-shirts and Jeans.
  3. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. END
    2. STR
    3. WIL
    4. PER
    5. DIS
    6. AGI
  4. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    1. Inferno. Sets everyone around him ablaze in white-hot fire.
    2. The air around him begins to distort with heat, before the targets around him smolder and burst into flames shortly afterwards.
    3. Can make one or more targets smoke and smolder.
    4. Give off harmless embers, constant smell of ash and smoke.
    5. Vaporized entire horde of Grimm that was besieging a Village during a mission. Minimal damage to Village walls, required a week of recovery afterwards.
    6. Does it really need to be said by now? Best used while waist deep in Grimm, far from allies in order to minimize risk while drawing the ire of most if not all surrounding Grim, still doing large amounts of damage while keeping the attention off his allies.
  5. Combination Cleaver/Flamethrower. Cleaver form is weighted particularly in order to maximize force when brought down in order to slice through flesh and sever bone, blade is four and a half feet in length. Resembles a typical Meat Butcher's Cleaver in aesthetic. Flamethrower form fires off a stream of Napalm-equivalent-infused dust mixture that ensures that the flames 'stick' to the target. Stream can reach up to 20 feet away. Note: Flames do not have an IFF system.
  6. Packs away a good amount of lightning-infused Dust for application to Cleaver when heat alone won't do it. (OOC Note: Snorts that shit like it's cocaine in order to dull pain when things are looking at their worst. Obviously not healthy, but if his team is in trouble and they're all at the edge of getting killed...)
Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.
  1. Beserker. Get right into the middle of the fight and draw as much aggro as possible while teammates take advantage. Hit fast. Hit hard. And never hold back.
  2. Simmering in near constant anger, highly confrontational, yet cares greatly for his team. Not liable to make many friends, but those who manage to have him as one will find themselves with an undyingly loyal companion.
    1. None. (OOC: Those with a staunch Anti-Faunus sentiment will find it difficult to work with Valern. Kept off of IC sheet for obvious reasons.)
    2. Atlas is not recommended. (OOC: May or may not be implicated in participating in several Pro-Faunus Riots in the region. Nothing concrete on him, but it's best he keeps his head down there.)
Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.
  1. He and his family hail from the Kingdom of Vale. Grew up in one of the outlying settlements, but the constant threat of Grimm meant his parents ended up selling almost everything to move to the Capital. Wished to become a Hunter, as the fearful flight from the village left it's mark on him, and a hatred for the Grimm for driving him from his first home in fear.
  2. Focused on academic studies, fearing that not doing so would hold him back at the Academy, and make him look like an idiot in front of his peers.
  3. (OOC: Lack Canon knowledge of classes and staff)
  4. When not studying or practicing, picked up a penchant for reading, spending much time doing so.
  5. One notable memory was the formation of his team. One of them was a longtime friend (@BlackCat-055 ), but the others he knew little and put little hope in being able to work together with. Imagine his surprise, how well they all actually did. And it was then that he made his first new friends in years.
  6. His greatest ambition is surprisingly simple, if impossible. As it is to see a new world free of Grimm. It is only a dream, but it's one that he can hope for.
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WIP sheet

Alright, so first we need to get some details down. Let's pretend I never had a look at those files Beacon keeps on each student, and start with the very basics…

  1. Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?

"I'm Saffron Giran and I'm 21 years old."

  1. Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!
    1. Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.
"I see five and a half feet of charmingly good looks, short orange hair, and a winning smile. A few scars here or there but they add to my looks.
My prefered outfit is a red and orange tank top, pair of red and black pants, and silver vambraces."

  1. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
    2. Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
    3. Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
    4. Using your semblance, persuading people to do things.
    5. Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
    6. Academics, using dust.

"I'd say that my best skill is taking a hit. I've been able to get back up from everything so far, and I've been through some nasty stuff. I've broken plenty of bones, but those don't matter if you can just walk it off.
Next I think I'd put strength. I've done a lot of training during the academy and have gotten some nice results..
Third place would have to be… I guess academics and dust usage. I've gotten fairly good grades all around. I wasn't exactly honor roll, but I know how to get by.
My movement could use some work. Footwork and acrobatics haven't exactly been my strong suit, but I wouldn't say I'm bad at it. I can hit well with ranged weapons, but that may be because I use a shotgun from fairly close.
Near the bottom I'd put my semblance. I know how to use it, but… I get the feeling that some people would be able to get a lot more out of it than I do. I try! But there's been so much to do and it's good enough already so I haven't really… focussed on it.
At the bottom is definitely spotting things. I get pretty focused when I'm in a fight, and things can fly right by without me seeing."

  1. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    1. In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?
    2. What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
    3. What does the lowest level of you using it do?
    4. What does a mid-level use of the semblance do?
    5. What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
    6. How do you use your semblance in combat?

"I've got a fun one! My semblance is extra sets of arms. They look… pretty much how you'd expect extra sets of arms to look. They pop out around my shoulders, though too many and they start to get in each other's way unless I'm careful.
At the lowest level I just get one extra set, and they're not exactly all that great, more fragile than my actual arms, but about as strong. Mid-level is two extra sets, which is about the best number for them. They're about as tough as my real arms, and a bit stronger.
The most impressive thing I've done was a full dozen arms, counting my real ones. It was a pain to coordinate them, but for the short glorious moment that I was, it was amazing. I was able to tear apart a Grimm with my bare hands!"

  1. Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.

"I've been using a Variable Length Sword-Shotgun that can extend its blade for a good five meter reach, and folds down into a shotgun for things a bit too far away."

  1. Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.

"I carry around a bit of Lightning dust to make my sword more effective. Although I will admit I initially started carrying it because… it just looked flashy and fun. I've since found it to be quite useful though."

Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.

  1. What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?

"My role? That one's fairly easy. I get in close to the Grimm and start swinging. I get hit a lot, but like I said, I always get back up and go at it again. It frustrated our team leader a bit, but I'd say I have some use."

  1. Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
    1. Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
    2. Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?

"I would say that I'm a bit bold and occasionally over eager, and I would personally call myself a thrill seeker. That's one of the main reasons I applied to Beacon in the first place. I haven't had many issues with people. The only people I'd suggest not putting on a team with me are the meticulous planners. I can't stand when a direct route would work but there's that insistence on a fifty part plan. It's a bit frustrating..."

Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.

  1. Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?

"I'm from a fairly well to do family. My father wanted me to follow in his footsteps and be an engineer. When I was little I had the dream of being one. I was in the top 10% of all my classes for a while, and was on track to be an engineer, or at least as on track as a kid can get. Honor roll and all. Had a bit of push from my parents to help with all that, but I was all for it.
Anyways, that changed when I tried out for boxing. My parents were pushing me to sports, and I'd done poorly in the few I'd tried out for. I wasn't expecting anything more from this than the others. But when I first got up there and started swinging… it felt right. It clicked. Thats not to say I was a natural by any means. I got the crap kicked out of me regularly, but I knew what I wanted to do.
I bounced between various martial arts and combative sports for a while. Eventually the thought of Beacon came up it just seemed like the natural place to go from there."

  1. What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?

"I still kept up my studies to a certain extent, so I wouldn't say I was bad at anything really, but the only non-combat skills I'm good enough to say so in is in math and physics since thats half of what my dad talks about."

  1. Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?

"I have to say, the initiation in the Emerald Forest was my favorite part. That counts as a lesson right?
My first time really fighting a Grimm. It was something I'll never forget. For the first time I was really in combat. Not in some organized ring with someone taking notes or watching for foul moves. Not under the careful watch of a veteran Hunter in case something happened, just me and the thing in front of me. It was something else… I came out of that with a broken arm and three cracked ribs, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

  1. You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.
    1. What do you feel you learnt from the mission?
    2. If you did it again, what would you change?

"As you might've guessed, having your world focus to only yourself and your enemy causes issues in a team based environment. I had that figuratively and literally beaten into me over the course of the experience missions. If I could do it again, I'd try to start of on a better foot with my teammates. Spending half of the time trying to just remember that they're there makes it hard to get to work together with them. I eventually got to a good point at the end, but I was definitely the weak point in our teamwork because of that. "

  1. When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?

"I was usually working on my guns.
… I meant working out, not actually tinkering on my shotgun, though I have done that a bit.
I spent time screwing around with friends of course, or going to the nurse after a mission to help with a broken something or another, but most of the time after class I'd just head to the gym."

  1. I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?

"Well I already went over the moment that's stuck with me the most, but if I had to pick a second… I'd have to say "

  1. Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?

"Biggest ambition? Hmmm… that's not something I've really thought about. I guess I'd have to say it's to just become a famous Hunter. Fairly bland I know, but for me it's mostly the journey, not the destination."
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Might as well give this a shot.

  1. My name Mysti Moore. I'm 22 years old.
  2. I have long blue hair that's really frizzy and unmanageable. I usually tie it into a bun. I have hazel eyes that are pretty narrow and set into the sockets. There's some dark circles around them.
    1. I wear a silver, green, and blue dress that's fairly long and conservative. I have a shawl wrapped around it that sort of forms a short cape too.
  3. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. (WIL)
    2. (DIS)
    3. (PER)
    4. (AGI)
    5. (END)
    6. (STR)
  4. Right, your semblance. Its name is Puppet Master.
    1. It allows me to control a puppet telekinetically from a great distance.
    2. When I use it, a part of my consciousness inhabits a puppet of my choice that I can see. The puppet is then mine to command.
    3. I can move a smaller limb like a finger or make the puppet float without any effort on my part. Just some gestures and the results are immediate.
    4. Over time, I've learned to see through my puppet's eyes at the same time as I see through my body. It allows me to control both my body and the puppet's simultaneously and with such speed and dexterity that we can both fight simultaneously. If the puppet is within 100 meters of my body, I can control it easily.
    5. I can control not just an unmoving puppet but even living things like people... or Grim. Though it's really difficult to manage, I can do it. And when I control another person as my puppet, I can even force them to use their semblance. I can't control more than one puppet at once though.
    6. I'm mainly a semblance-based fighter. I manipulate Amnesia, my custom-made puppet, to fight for me. If I'm having to fight on the front lines, then I'm doing something wrong.
  5. Amnesia is a custom-made puppet made up of durable materials. At first glance, it looks like a human girl with brown hair and a long black cloak until you realize that it never blinks. Ever. Amnesia also has giant, retractable claws for fingers. Said claws are strong enough that, with your semblance, you can tear apart your average Grimm. Amnesia can be installed Dust cartridges to give its physical attack an elemental edge.
  6. I carry around fire, ice, and electric dust with me just in case Amnesia is in need of any.

Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.
  1. I was someone who was on the sidelines controlling Amnesia. Amnesia could tear apart Grimm pretty easily, so as long as I stayed out of the way of my teammates, I could contribute from a distance. Also, as I learned to control my body and the puppet's simultaneously, I was able to better multitask. I can't tell you how useful it was to be able to go and do some activity while Amnesia was keeping some criminal group busy.
  2. I mainly stayed quiet. I'm the kind of person who hides their emotions and prefers to watch others do things. That said, I wasn't anti-social either. I'm a very good listener, and if you had something you wanted to talk about, you would have my ear. I enjoyed learning about other people and supporting them.
    1. I really, really don't get along with the easily-triggered types. I'm a bit of a prankster at heart, and if someone gets mad at the smallest things, I'll use Amnesia to pull pranks on them. It's immature, I know. But it's just too funny!
    2. I would avoid sending me on a mission that prevents me from taking cover behind Amnesia. The Amnesia is my main weapon, and without it, my combat ability is weakened to a great extent.

Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.
  1. I was the pampered daughter of a Mistrali nobleman. I had a sheltered childhood growing up as a result of this, something I resent my family for. I wanted to explore new lands, and once I unlocked my semblance, I realized I could become a huntress and use my job as an excuse to do so. My family was not happy with this, but given how much of an honor being a huntress was, they didn't have any choice but to falsely cheer me on while I indulged in my childhood dreams. No, I don't regret anything. Well, maybe I regret leaving them behind like I did. It wasn't like they were bad parents or anything, just overprotective...
  2. When I went to Beacon, I mainly trained my body and my semblance. I really excelled in the latter but the former was my weak point. Besides those two areas, I also tried to learn about the history and culture of the various parts of the world as well as a bit of mercenary economics.
  3. I made a lot of friends in Beacon. You'd be surprised how many people come to like you when you just gain a reputation as "that weird girl that will listen to your problems and try to help out." I was the only girl on the team, unfortunately. I didn't really get guys back then, and, to a large extent, I still don't. While they were all nice guys who each would've given their lives to protect each other and myself, they did compete with each other to earn my affections. I dated each of them at least once, but none of them caught my fancy, really. I do think that Professor Port was my favorite teacher. Other people get bored by his lectures, but I was fascinated by the stories of what he did as a youth. He was also an all-around fun guy.
  4. One time, my teammates and I had to go out into a far-off villiage and defend it from some Grimm attacks for a week. It was a bit like a camping trip in that you didn't have Internet or running water the entire time. I got to experience what it was like to live out in the Wilds. It's not a pretty. To this day, I hold those people who manage to eek out an existence there with high regard.
    1. I learned just dangerous the Grimm were to humanity and how vital Hunters are to the survival of civilization. From then on, I took my duty as a huntress a lot more seriously.
    2. I probably would have brought more supplies. We ran out halfway because my idiot teammates ate all my damn food too much, and we were reduced to begging for scraps from the villagers, who didn't have much already.
  5. I enjoyed writing in my journal. See, whenever I'm in a new place or I meet a new person, I start writing in my journal all about said place or person. I hope it one day is made into an encyclopedia of sorts.
  6. The dance that final year. I finally was able to pull off the best dance moves perfectly and cleanly. Besides that, I did enjoy the Vytal Festival. My team didn't into the Semifinals, but I'd be damned if we didn't give it our all.
  7. To travel the four corners of the globe and learn all of the world's secrets.
  1. Name: Dalfon Blanche, 23 years of age

  1. Appearance: Tall, but not muscular. At 6'3 Dalfon looks almost stretched, with limbs that don't quite seem to scale with the rest of him. Possesses many scars and burns due to meddling with dust. His hair is a shaggy white held back in a ponytail. His complexion is pale and his eyes icy blue. His facial features are stretched almost unnaturally wide and his eyes are usually squinting. Wears blindingly white clothing, from a full three piece suit and wide brimmed hat to a series of oversized Scarfs that engulf his neck and shoulders and trail down his back.

  1. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
1. Dis

2. Will

3. Per

4. Agi

5. End

6. Str

  1. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    1. In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?
-Cryokinesis and Cryogenisis, which is to say the control and creation of ice and low temperatures via Dalfon's semblance.

  1. What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
-The temperature drops, the lines of dust weaved into Dalfon's clothes begin to glow, and ice forms on the ground where he runs.

  1. What is the weakest thing you can do with your semblance that requires active effort?
-Creating ice from nothing, whether it be a spike, wall, or armor in the immediate vicinity and of moderate size.

  1. What can you do with your semblance before actively having to push yourself?
-Create Ice walls or other landscape features like platforms and large spikes/blades of ice either from the ground or as projectiles large in size, and send them quite far away.

  1. What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
-Created a field of massive icy blades and spikes 100ft in diameter to destroy the enemies within.

  1. How do you use your semblance in combat?
-By setting up obstacles and slowing enemies to support allies as well as attacking enemies with ice weapons and blasts. Able to give and use advantageous terrain created out of ice.

  1. Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.
-Large twin bladed staff named Rime that can fold back to reveal a high caliber sniper rifle. The staff is an icy why with glowing lines running along the heft of whatever color of dust is loaded. The blades have some light patterns engraved on them that flow from the hilt to the tip in a manner that suggests they were made more out of whimsy than of planned design and flow around embedded dust crystals. When shifted, the blades move forwards to present a large bayonet around the barrel and one end deforms somewhat to form a stock.

  1. Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.
-White, Orange, Black, Pink, and Green.

Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.
  1. Ranged elemental attacks from both dust and semblance to assist teammates and the creation of obstacles to hinder foes. Rime would be used to clear out more chaff like enemies with large whirling strikes when necessary or when overrun. Large high threat targets were taken at range, though on the occasion that they did get close Rime would be held in the stance of a spearfighter rather than as a twinblade.
  2. Dalfon simply loves dustcraft, and as such dedicates every aspect of his life to it. Battle is seen as his way of expressing his art, and art is the right word as in a way he views himself as an artist. Will merrily prattle on and on to any that would listen about said craft, and will happily assist in any matters relating to it. Once matters stray from that matter though, so too does Dalfon's attention and on many occasions body as he seeks out a return to practice. In combat tends to stay as a backline fighter and assist his teammates the best he can as to display his art further, and out of it would happily lecture them or assist them in any dust related matters. While not as invested in non dust matters, will happily talk shop or assist in combat related matters with other hunters as he views combat as the expression of his craft, and thus views the matter as not just tangential but similar to an artist discussing his art with those in different artistic fields, such as a painter talking to a sculptor. When not involved in such matters though, he is often mentally or physically elsewhere, perfecting, studying, or scheming up some project for dust, his infused clothes, or his weapon. As such, he works especially well with combat minded people and has bad chemistry with those that focus on more civilian pursuits, though he will always try to get a good read of coworkers as to perform his arts to their fullest potential. Due to elemental attacks and his twinblade, his capabilities suffer in claustrophobic environments.

Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.

  1. Dalfon lived in atlas most of his life, where he received a decent amount of the expected training. While his life was comfortable as the son of dust merchants, his passion could not be contained with the mere selling and handling of dust. Even at an early age, dust was the sole thing that could attract his attention. Perhaps it was due to constant exposure, or due to listening to the rambling of the hunters and military personnel his parents sold to, but eventually he could not be denied. He viewed the freedom and finances of a hunter as the best way to not only procure large quantities of dust without suspicion or limitation but also the best ways to use it without restraint. And so the path was set for him to walk.
  2. Dalfon received the training in the dust arts from his parents, privately hired tutors, and every book he could buy, borrow, or steal. Later he would come to practice his semblance as yet another thing he could weave into his art, and focused upon that as well. This came at a detriment to weapons usage, as he viewed it as tertiary at best to his art, though he did moderately well in his studies of it. His weapon crafting and maintenance was much better as was his sewing and clothes making, as these were also things he could apply his art to. Other areas however received all the attention that would be required to pass, with history outside of dust experts being ignored and social matters entirely falling to the wayside. Indeed, while he was entirely self sufficient by the time of his first mission, he could have then neither told you where he was going nor the names of the grimm he was fighting.
  3. Beacon was all that Dalfon expected and more. Not only did it lack the more restrictive protocols relating to dust that atlas had, allowing him to practice his art more often, but the much more vibrant fashion industry gave him many weaving ideas. His favorite class was combat, as there he could display his art. His favorite professor thusly was Glynda, as she gave him the most feedback about his art, though she did not like the way he viewed combat as a means to display dustcraft rather than the end dustcraft should be aiming towards.
  4. Dalfon had his most impactful mission occur quite early on in his time at beacon. It was an escort mission, and one he was putting very little effort into. His team could courteously be described as "dysfunctional" during that time period, and he had made no efforts to correct that course, tending to avoid his teammates in order to focus on his art. As it so happened, there was a second deployed team, and when they were ambushed by grimm he discovered one of them was a dustcraft expert just like he was. While he viewed himself as her superior in the art, by combining it with her teammates she weaved displays and fought more effectively than he had previously dreamed of. When he asked her for her secrets, she simply told him true art was often produced as a collaborative piece and went on her way. He had put so little effort into others and dismissed them as irrelevant to his art, yet now he learned they could be not just participants but beneficial to his craft. He would put a great deal of effort into teambuilding from that day on, and though it never became a truly well oiled machine his team functioned much better afterwards. If he could do it again, he would have tried to cooperate with others much sooner, but there is little point in regretting the past in his eyes.
  5. When not practicing his craft Dalfon would often study the stars or natural phenomena, hoping to gain inspiration from them. On occasion, he would also try to learn more traditional arts, such as sculpting and painting, but he was terrible at them and his room is littered with the discarded failures he produced. He also kept fairly up to date with the fashion scene, viewing it as yet another source of inspiration.
  6. Dalfon's two most memorable moments in Beacon Academy both relate to mistakes regarding his craft. The first was during his experiments with ice dust early in his career, when he accidentally froze a classmate solid. Fearing a restriction on his dust usage, he spent the day trying to hide his frozen classmate from the increasingly worried staff before being caught perched with the thawing statue atop the tower trying to hide his classmate amongst the spires. The second most vivid memory was during his final ball, when he tried to make the ultimate suit via dust weaving. He made the cloth to harden and stay that way to create a truly unique outfit, but it got stuck during the weaving process and entangled him so thoroughly he could not move without damaging his art, something that was anathema to him. His team found him hours into the ball when they realized he had never arrived, stuck upside down and very unhappy. They spent a good half hour laughing at him before they could be persuaded to assist him in getting free.
  7. To perfect his art and let it burn brilliantly for all the world to see.
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  1. Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?

"Olivia Marsh, or Olive if you want. I'm 22."

  1. Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!

"I see a slender, willowy woman, perhaps a few inches shy of six feet tall. Her dark green hair is a mess, it sticks up all over the place and falls over one of her amber eyes. Its length is uneven, as though she tried to cut it herself, but is roughly just short of her shoulders. Judging by her complexion, she doesn't spend much time in the sun."

  1. Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.

"She's wearing a thick, scratchy looking hooded cloak colored in a chaotic camouflage pattern of different shades of green and brown. Beneath the cloak is a form-fitting white sweater with bits of thick brown leather reinforcing it on the chest and arms, and then a pair of brown shorts with many pockets. Her legs are covered by black tights and knee high brown boots. One small quiver is strapped around each of her thighs, and a larger quiver rests at the small of her back"

  1. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. (AGI) Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
    2. (PER) Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
    3. (WIL) Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.
    4. (DIS) Academics, using dust.
    5. (STR) Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
    6. (END) Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.

"First and foremost, I have confidence in my dexterity. As an archer, getting pinned down could be a death sentence, so I learned early on how to stay mobile and escape when danger closes in."
"Second, I would put my perceptiveness. It takes keen eyes to use the bow and arrow. Next is my semblance, I use it fairly heavily in my fighting style, maybe I'm a bit too reliant on it…"

"Getting down to the stuff I'm not so good at, I'm not completely useless with dust, but I'm not amazing with it either. And as I mentioned before, I fight primarily as an archer. I don't do close quarters unless I'm desperate because, frankly speaking, I have a glass jaw."

  1. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    1. In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?

"My Semblance is called Hunter's Mark. It allows me to track something I have marked with my Aura and perform point to point teleportation with it."

  1. What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.

"If I'm holding something in my hands, or press my hand against a surface, and concentrate my Aura for several seconds, I can inscribe a glowing amber Mark onto what I was touching. When I activate the teleportation later, either myself or the marked object disappears in a cloud of amber particles and then reappears in a brilliant flash of amber light at the other's position."

  1. What is the weakest thing you can do with your semblance that requires active effort?

"I have to concentrate for a few seconds to inscribe something with my Mark, after that I can sense the Mark's location in the back of my head without much thought."

  1. What can you do with your semblance before actively having to push yourself?

"I can have five Marks active at a time before it becomes difficult to concentrate on their locations. I can teleport myself between Marks over short distances several times in succession before tiring, but as the distance increases it becomes harder and I will tire after fewer jumps."

  1. What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?

"Once, when I was trapped with an extremely fast Grimm in close quarters, I was able to teleport point blank almost a dozen times in succession while trying to stay ahead of its attacks and put it down."
  1. How do you use your semblance in combat?

"If I need to reposition or escape quickly, a common strategy I use is to Mark an arrow with my Semblance, fire it to where I want to go, and then teleport myself to it. I might also shoot the marked arrow high into the sky and teleport to it to get an overview of the battlefield. If I'm given time to prepare, I would place marked arrows in strategic locations ahead of time and use them to stealthily move from one ambush point to the next."

  1. Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.

"My weapon is called Thicket. In its base form, it is a longbow made up of green and silver metal, interweaved together in a way that resembles tree branches. The outside faces of the limbs are bladed. The bow can be disassembled from the middle and the two haves shift into two hatchets with curved handles, connected by the bow string."

  1. Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.
"In addition to generic arrows, I also carry arrows with Dust cartridges built into the arrow heads. I try to have a few each of Fire, Wind, Sonic, and Force Dust arrows.

Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.

  1. What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?

"Both because of my weapon and my poor durability, I work best from a distance, the greater the better. While my allies keep the Grimm or other enemies occupied I can rain down hell from afar to pick them off."

  1. Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
"I like to think of myself as a very practical person. I don't like wasting time on inane things like appearance, decorum, or ceremony or any of that other stuff that involves going out my way just to please someone else. I tend to be direct and honest about my thoughts with others, even if they might think me rude or blunt because of it. I wouldn't say that I dislike being around people, but they can be annoying and sometimes I'd rather enjoy the solitude and silence."
  1. Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
"I would prefer to avoid working with someone who doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut. Those hyperactive types really start to grate on me."
  1. Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?
"Places that are mostly enclosed and tight quarters are a poor match for my skill set."

Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.
  1. Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?
"I was born and raised in the swamplands to the west of Mistral. The village that my mother and I lived in was independent of Mistral, most of the villagers were criminals who had fled the kingdom for one reason or another, and then the families they brought with them or formed. As you can probably guess from that, it was a village of bandits. We tried to farm and hunt to support ourselves, but it was never quite enough. So, we raided caravans and other villages and took what we needed to keep ourselves alive, constantly afraid that the Grimm, or other bandits, or a Huntsmen would
come and destroy everything.

I was too young to join the adults when they went raiding for supplies, so instead my mother would take me out into the wilderness to hunt for game. She taught me how to shoot, how to silently stalk prey through the forest, and how to put every part of an animal to use. It was during one of our hunting trips that, one of the rival villages attacked, their hatred and lust for revenge brought the Grimm right along with them. From where we watched, the village was in chaos, the people were fighting and killing each other over food all while the Grimm tore both sides apart.

My mother and I both fled into the forest, hunting to survive. After a few days, we spotted a group of Huntsmen who were sent to clear out the Grimm and search for survivors. I didn't want to do it, but my mother forced me to reveal myself to them so that they could take me somewhere safe. She wouldn't come with me, and she wouldn't tell me why. I assume it's because of whatever led her to live in that village in the first place, but I have no way of knowing.

I don't have any grand or noble reason for becoming a huntress. I just thought that with the power and equipment of a trained Huntress, I would be able to venture into the wilderness again some day and perhaps find my mother."

  1. What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?

"Before coming to Beacon, I was trained in archery, hunting, and wilderness survival by my mother. She helped to unlock my Aura, but I never learned how to train it or what my Semblance was until training as a Huntress. At Beacon, I learned to fight in melee, but I was never very good at it."
  1. Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?

"I think the initiation ceremony was one of the most valuable moments of my time at Beacon. It helped teach me to acknowledge my own weakness, and to be able to put my trust in others. Even after I found my partner in the forest, I ignored her and insisted on going off on my own. I was convinced that because I had grown up in the wilderness that I was tough, that I was better than all of the fragile, privileged weaklings around me. I almost got myself killed, but my partner saved me and knocked some sense into me. We made it to the relics by working together.

I have fond memories of my teammates, it will take some time to adjust to working with a new group of people."

  1. You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.

"The mission that I remember the most is from early on, a time when my team was dispatched to hunt down an old and powerful Grimm that had been menacing a remote region of the kingdom for years. The Grimm was described as a massive, bipedal cross between a man and a bull. Despite being sighted skulking about or attacking numerous times over the course of years, it was always gone without a trace by the time Huntsmen arrived to investigate it.

My team eventually stumbled across a massive network of maze like tunnels that the Grimm had been single mindedly digging below the ground for years. They crisscrossed under settlements and common travelling routes. When we found the Grimm, it put up a tremendous fight. It was intelligent enough to use a giant, rusty axe that must have belonged to a fallen Huntsmen as a weapon, and it disappeared in and out of the winding tunnels to attack us from seemingly everywhere at once.

My team was desperate, we were afraid that we were all going to get killed down there. I'm not sure if it was because of some desperate survival instinct, but something seemed to click inside of me at that moment and I finally discovered what my Semblance was. We were able to use it to keep track of the Grimm inside of its labyrinth, and finally put it down."

  1. What do you feel you learnt from the mission?

"That the Grimm are not mindless beasts. They are capable of great intelligence, and that makes them infinitely more dangerous. Underestimating them could be the death of you."
  1. If you did it again, what would you change?

"I don't think there's anything I would change about that mission. It happened the way it needed to for my team to learn that lesson, and we became better Huntsmen because of it."
  1. When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?

"I liked to spend time alone, reading or just thinking to myself. I also like to spend time with animals, though there weren't very many opportunities for that at Beacon."

  1. I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?

"Well... I'm not going to say it was me who hid Professor Port's fake Grimm heads and replaced them with mounted dolls and stuffed animals, but…"

  1. Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?

"I'd like to reunite with my mother one day, or at least find out what happened to her. "
"Alright, so first we need to get some details down. Let's pretend I never had a look at those files Beacon keeps on each student, and start with the very basics…

  1. 1. Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?
  2. -I am Greye Stele, aged 21.

  3. 2. Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!

  4. 2a. Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.
  5. -Well, in combat, I wear my grandfather's old armor from the war. It isn't as powered as the new ones, but they never built plate thicker than on the Atlesian Semi-Powered Mark II! Outside of combat, I like... jeans I guess? Sweatshirts? Never really was into fashion, just wore what fit.

  6. 3. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
  7. 3a. Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
  8. -I'd say this is my second best attribute.
  9. 3b. Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
  10. -I'd say this is my second worst attribute.
  11. 3c. Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
  12. -I'd say this is my best attribute.
  13. 3d. Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.
  14. -I'd say this is my third best attribute.
  15. 3e. Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
  16. -I'd say this is my fourth best attribute.
  17. 3f. Academics, using dust.
  18. -I'd say this is my worst attribute.
  19. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
  20. In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?
  21. What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
  22. What does the lowest level of you using it do?
  23. What does a mid-level use of the semblance do?
  24. What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
  25. How do you use your semblance in combat?
  26. Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.
  27. Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.

Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.

  1. What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?
  2. Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
  3. Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
  4. Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?

Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.

  1. Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?
  2. What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?
  3. Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?
  4. You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.
  5. What do you feel you learnt from the mission?
  6. If you did it again, what would you change?
  7. When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?
  8. I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?
  9. Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?
  1. Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?
  2. My name is Jasper Dawne. I'm 22 years old.
  3. Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!
  4. Tall and muscular, I'm just over 6'3" with dark red hair with green eyes, green scales on my cheeks, chin and shoulders, and crocodilian teeth. I've got a few scars on my arms from Grimm, too.
    1. Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.
      Yeah, I prefer a simple dark green shirt, with a blue vest with wave patterns at the hem, and olive pants. With deep pockets. Gotta have pockets.
  5. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. (STR) Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
    2. (WIL) Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.
    3. (END) Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
    4. (PER) Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
    5. (AGI) Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
    6. (DIS) Academics, using dust.
  6. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    1. Kinetic Amplification. Anything I can see moving, I can enhance it's power and speed. Downside's that there's no off switch. Once something's amped up, it's gotta bleed that off on it's own.
    2. No fancy light show here, sorry.
    3. A little nudge when someone's starting to run or boosting the speed of my attacks.
    4. Pushing my semblance? Ehh, it's pretty linear so... I guess hit even harder?
    5. Biggest thing I've done with it? Well, falling's got it's own momentum and... look, long and short is that I can pile-drive a Beringal so hard it literally splashes. It was stupid, I got lucky, and I still get shit from some of my friends about doing it.
    6. It's a simple semblance, right? So it's easy to use in combat; I can get full power on a swing without nearly as much wind up, and my full swings can shatter boulders. But I also like to use it to foul up my enemies, make them over-extend and trip up.
  7. Wrath? 'S a big ol' battle axe with a rifle in the haft. Nothing too fancy; Fancy breaks easy when you're hitting as hard as I can.
  8. Gravity and Force Dust are nice; let me hit even harder. But I also carry a bit of Ice Dust with me; sometimes you gotta back up to regroup, or slow an enemy down so it's easier to hit.
Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.
  1. What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?
    I'm not quite beefy enough to be the full vanguard, but my semblance means that every hit I dish out is deadly, so I work best on the front lines, or providing covering fire at mid range in a pinch.
  2. Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
  3. I'm easy going, and like to keep things simple and practical. I'm not exactly the most talkative sort, but I enjoy being around people who don't mind that I'm quiet.
    1. Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
    2. Yeah, someone ultra prissy that picks at the minor details will get right on my nerves.
    3. Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?
      Definitely don't send me to the Grimm Wastes. I'm not interested in suicide missions.
Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.

  1. Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?
    I grew up in a small town on the shore of Menagerie, couple day's trek from Kuo Kuana. Most of our food came from fishing, with a little farming on the side. Wasn't exactly easy, but I was pretty content. I want to be a hunter because I enjoy fighting, and Hunters get to help people and fight the Grimm. Win-win.
  2. What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?
  3. Outdoors survival and basic combat; also fishing. I was always a dab hand with a fishing rod, and being a Crocodile Faunus I've got a slight edge in swimming. I was pretty much a natural at combat, though.
  4. Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?
    Port's pretty great. He's a bit too fond of telling over-inflated stories about his exploits, but his actual lessons on the Grimm are full of useful info.
  5. You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.
  6. Mission I most remember and learned from? That one was awful, but... well there was this little village that had a pretty even small faunus population. The White Fang had passed through and, well, they did a lot to stir up anti-Faunus sentiments among the humans there. A week later and the team I was on was dispatched to check the ruins for the unlikely possibility of survivors, and also to clear out the Grimm in the region 'to make the land safe'. Turns out there was a whole flock of griffons, and an elder Boarbatusk that had made the ruins their home.
    It was one of our first missions together, and the others still weren't exactly over the whole 'Obviously Faunus team-mate' so tensions were already running high when we landed about half a day's walk from the ruins... Sparing the gruesome details and skipping the blatant racism and whispered arguments, it was a week of camping as we cleared out the surroundings, and then a single long day of running battle as we cleared out the town. Once we were done with the Grimm we had to search the buildings... I think only one of us had seen the remains of a Grimm attack before, but we were all sickened by what we found.
    1. What do you feel you learnt from the mission?
    2. Always expect the enemy to have reinforcements; always bring more ammo than you think you'll need; always carry an extra light source; campfires might be a source of comfort but the firelight will draw Grimm; that discrimination has no place in the world when the Grimm are out there; and that no matter how horrible and monstrous Grimm can be, there will always be people that try to one-up them. I'd say that I also learned that sometimes a proper brawl's the only way to resolve an argument, but I already knew that before then.
    3. If you did it again, what would you change?
    4. I'd bring more ammo, some warmer clothes, and I'd do my best to resolve the obvious issue beforehand. We did not need to be arguing as much as we did.
  7. When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?
  8. Read, actually. 's a good escape from, well, everything. Or go fishing near the docks, though that was a rarity. ... working out counts as practicing as a Hunter, right?
  9. I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?
  10. Oh man, the first time I finally convinced my teammates to try proper hot wings... I'm pretty sure Nell thought he was going to die from the spice. Given how much of an ass he'd been, I took it as righteous payback. Jasmine ordering seconds was a surprise, though.
    On the other hand... I'm pretty sure Professor Peach still hasn't forgiven me for that time I tried using my Semblance with a mix of Fire and Gravity dust. Pretty sure she'd have forbidden me from touching Fire dust after that if she could have..
  11. Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?
    Small house, pretty wife, and a few trophies of big angry Grimm. Simple.
Alright! That's the last of the questions, please take your time in answering them, the job offer is still going to be there for a while. Though, don't take too long, I hear the Council have a particularly interesting mission they're looking to send a team of hunters on, and all the usual lot are out of town. Who knows, they might even send a team of brand new hunters on it if they're impressed by you!"
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Atta me. Let's see how far I will go.
  1. I am Cronan Savitar, 21 years old.
  2. Brown eyes, short black hair and 5'64 ft of height. My appearance is and in all unremarkable with the most notable thing about his face being his eye lines...if anyone could see my face fully uncovered that is.
    1. I wear a pair of goggles with blue lenses connected to ear protectors (Obito Goggles basically).
  3. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. (AGI) Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
    2. (STR) Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
    3. (END) Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
    4. (PER) Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
    5. (WIL) Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.
    6. (DIS) Academics, using dust.​
  4. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    1. Over-Booster: By using my own aura I can enhance yourself or something's performance beyond it's normal limits than aura normally should even for professional huntsmen/huntresses. The time limit can go from seconds to hours depending on the quantity, intensity and control of aura. There is a limit to how much something can be enhanced, so going beyond it will damage the vessel enhanced.
    2. The enhanced object will have a weak teal glow (my aura's color).
    3. Enhance one of my senses (sight, touch, smell, etc).
    4. I enhance my own body to become 0.5 times stronger/faster/tougher with ease.
    5. Once in a time of desperation when all my teammates were significantly injured, I managed to enhance all of my physical attributes over 30 times by using 80% of my aura in one-go to kill over 390 Grimm in less than 2 minutes, though the strain teared multiples muscles of my body and made me stay at the hospital for a month. Without actively using aura to enhance myself I can punch hard enough to shatter a rock twice my size with ease.
    6. I normally just enhance my weapon, my whole or part of my body to fight. I can enhance my own teammates or their weapons as well before a fight.
  5. Black Shotgun Gauntlets called Ashni Buster. Use Dust round bullets which can be are enhanced earlier to pack an even bigger punch. The gauntlets can be used to propel me on air by firing the bullets (mostly fire and wind).
  6. I normally only carry Fire, Wind, Lightning or Gravity Dust by this order of quantity.
Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.
  1. I mostly play the role of the Tank and CQC fighter. Hit fast. Hit hard. Hit with perfect precision. I can also play the role of scout using my enhanced senses if needed. Give me a long-range gun and you will see what I can do with my adequate marksmanship and enhanced eyesight.
  2. Being the quiet one of the team I obviously didn't say much and our first interactions were awkward, but I fixed that in a week and since then I greatly care for my teammates and will speak when needed. Just don't expect me to speak a lot often unless it's about something I like.
    1. Obnoxious dickheads, idiots who don't cooperate or plan before acting.
    2. Caves mostly due to fire dust bullets being the one I use the most, outside of that I don't care much.
Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.
  1. I live in Argus in the kingdom of Mistral. Living with only his mother who was a teacher and relatives who were close by, Cronan grew without the presence of a father but thankfully wasn't affected much by it and had a relatively normal childhood. He has simply two goals, and for that becoming a huntsman is the path that he felt suited him the best.
  2. Before arriving at Beacon I was already exceptionally proficient at CQC and being an accomplished fighter who has participated on various tournaments (and won sometimes). I am also skilled at hunting, camping, using guns, knives and spears by learning and sparring with my cousins.
  3. My time at Beacon was great, especially when improving myself. Outside of my team though I at most interacted with 3 other individuals mostly and because of my personality I would never permanently stick on one group, going around like a nomad. My favorite lesson was of Combat, and by consequence, my favorite teacher was professor Goodwitch since she helped me to improve myself so well. Being a non-nonsense hot teacher also helped with that.
  4. The one I learned the most from was on a Grimm extermination mission. The lesson was more than valuable.
    1. What I learned was that teamwork was necessary for a damm good reason as we were clawing our way out of a horde of Grimm. This is when I went 80% aura boost to save myself and my teammates.
    2. Would be better and less reckless when using my semblance. I almost crippled myself with that stunt.
  5. Listening to music, reading, drawing or playing games.
  6. The dance, the festival and the day my teammates pranked professor Oobleck by putting an energy drink in his mug.
  7. To become the Fastest and Strongest Creature of Remnant, becoming the personification of Speed. To kill over 1.000.000 Grimm by myself. To explore all of Remnant.
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Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?
"Sin Amen. Approximately 18 years old."

Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!
"Formally stating that I am complying while in disagreement; requesting a written description as opposed to a picture will only make identification procedures more difficult in future. Having said that - human female, average height. Brown skin, red hair in a feathered short cut, dark red eyes. Athletic build, lean muscle."
Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.
"Red sleeveless vest over black tank-top. Red biker shorts. White-grey ashen markings swirling up arms and legs, over abdominals and face. Barefoot. Chains wrapped around hips."

Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
  1. (WIL) Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.
  2. (DIS) Academics, using dust.
  3. (AGI) Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
  4. (STR) Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
  5. (END) Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
  6. (PER) Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!

In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?

"Ash manipulation."
What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
"Flowery though it may sound, I would liken its appearance to brushstrokes - blots of ink, black, white, and gray, trailing over the canvas of reality."
What is the weakest thing you can do with your semblance that requires active effort?
"Moving my ash telekinetically is like moving an extra limb. Unconscious, with complete control."
What can you do with your semblance before actively having to push yourself?
"With effort, I am able to produce ash from my body."
What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
"I have been able, on occasion, to reconstruct objects which have burnt to ashes. Though retaining an ashen appearance, these objects act in all other ways as they were before being burnt, save that living beings display no intelligence beyond following my orders semi-autonomously."
How do you use your semblance in combat?
"By altering the density of the ash I use, I can create weaponry, shields, smoke, and other constructs as I or my teammates require. Constructs are typically fragile, but easily reformed, regardless of density."
Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.
"I utilize two steel chains, named "Vice" and "Virtue." At longer range, I use my Semblance."
Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.
"Fire Dust. In addition to its obvious offensive properties, as well as its ability to create more ash for me to control, I utilize it in conjunction with my Semblance to "re-stoke" my ash."

What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?
"Typically, battlefield control. I utilize my Semblance to shape the terrain, create perimeters, herd foes, and support teammates as necessary."

Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
"Taciturn. By the book. Focused. Others have described me as "a stick in the mud" and "too serious." I have taken their opinions into consideration. In combat, I expect the same level of focus from my teammates, however, outside of combat, I am willing to be more lenient - though I have noticed that, outside combat scenarios, I become easily riled. I am not a "jokester," though I hold wit in high esteem. Somewhat less taciturn when speaking of myself; possible ego."

Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
"I do not take well to those who cannot take a mission seriously. Some allowance may be made for those without prior field experience. I believe the reasoning for both statements to be self-evident."
Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?
"Cleanup duty seems ill-suited to my Semblance. Aside that, I will go wherever is deemed necessary."

Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?
"In all ways that matter, I come from the kingdom of Mistral. I don't remember my birth parents; my earliest memory is of trudging through the snow, trying not to freeze to death. I spent my formative years homeless, alone, afraid, and cold. My father

(The ink is blotched here, the paper torn, as though something was hastily scribbled out, or suddenly wet.)

"At approximately the age of eight, I was taken in by my parents, and was raised with care and love. I want to become a Huntress in order to give others the same second chance I was given."

What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?
"My Aura capacities are notably lower than that of an average Huntress, and my physicality is similarly stunted; physicians agree that my time in the frost left a scar on my soul. Despite this, my father was a Hunter, and my mother is a genius schoolteacher. I learned enough from both that I was able to skip several years of schooling, enrolling in Beacon at the age of fourteen."

Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?
"Ms. Goodwytch is an accomplished Huntress, and her Semblance is similar to my own. I often sought her advice in furthering my abilities."

You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.
"During my first year, several teams were assigned to work together on a routine patrol mission, including my own. The routes and patrols were left to our discretion; I suggested that splitting up into several smaller teams of two or three would allow us to cover more ground, more efficiently. My suggestion was received well, and I split off into a duo with one of my squadmates, Lilac Cent. Approximately an hour into our patrol, we discovered what appeared to be a black-market dealing, diverting a shipment of Atlesian weapons to an underground crime ring. Lilac suggested we report back with our findings, but I was eager to prove myself, and believed the smugglers to be no great threat to a Huntress-in-training.

"An examination of my medical records will reveal my suppositions to be ill-founded.

"Lilac retreated from the fight, but I was unable to. It was only thanks to the intervention of two of my classmates - Mysti Moore and Olivia Marsh - that I survived to regret that night. The smugglers, to my knowledge, have yet to be apprehended."

What do you feel you learnt from the mission?
"Incomplete information. Faulty assumptions. Unreliable teammates. Sheer stubborn bullheadedness. That night taught me the sting of failure, but it also taught me the many places where failure comes from."

If you did it again, what would you change?
"Primarily, I would heed Lilac's advisement. She had more field experience and a more objective assessment of the threat we faced."

When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?
"I find artistic endeavors to be meditative. Off-duty, I have drawn, painted, composed, written, and sculpted."

I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?
"Near the end of my first semester, my team managed to cajole me into displaying some of my artistic works at a local museum. I agreed under the assumption that the exhibit would be unpopular, and I would remain unknown, as I was uncomfortable expressing my artistic side at the time. However, nearly my entire graduating class turned out in support, which, to be candid, was both incredibly embarrassing and unexpectedly sweet. I credit that night with helping me feel as though I finally belonged at Beacon.

"Then, of course, there was the Great Snowball War during my third year. That winter was the only time Beacon was truly beset by snow, to the point of cancelling classes for a day, and my fellow students wasted no time in making mischief. We split into approximately three teams, though the number of secret alliances and double-crosses throughout the day makes accurate estimation impossible. I allied myself with Dalfon Blanche's team, believing that his Cryokinesis would make him unbeatable in this form of combat, but the third team - composed of a single student named Saffron Giran- soundly trounced all of us. It turns out that having as many arms as you like makes most snowball fights completely trivial.

"Then there was the time I snuck into Team CHLK's room and Please disregard my previous statement. I have no recollection of such an event."

Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?
"I want to make my father proud."

I would be willing to be placed on the reserve list - however, I would also like to make it clear that I would very much prefer to be a part of this from moment one. I haven't RPed in a good long time, and this looks like loads of fun!
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Alright, so first we need to get some details down. Let's pretend I never had a look at those files Beacon keeps on each student, and start with the very basics…

Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?
I am Alice Margatroid, and I am twenty one years old.

Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!
I am six feet tall, and have medium length blond hair. I have gray-blue eyes, and am average in build.

Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.
Top to bottom, I wear a red headband, and around my neck is a pink ribbon, with small frills on it. I wear a short white shawl, also with frills, over a knee length dress and blouse, blue and white respectively. The former also has frills. I wear a ribbon similar to the one around my waist, and a pair of leather boots that reach up to the upper calf.

Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
Using your semblance, persuading people to do things.

I am very proficient with my semblance, as necessary. It is my greatest strength.

Academics, using dust.
I am quite adept with intellectual pursuits. It is second only to semblance control.

Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
My third strongest skill is my perception. One must always be aware of the battlefield.

Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
Physical strength? It is a weakness. The least of my abilities. You can't do everything, and this was the least important.

Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
My fourth strongest skill is my agility. I will admit I've neglected physical pursuits in favor of my semblance, but this is the least so.

Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
My fifth strongest skill is my endurance. It's not much of a claim, and my only 'endurance training' has been pulling all-nighters.

Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
Physical strength? It is a weakness. The least of my abilities. You can't do everything, and this was the least important.

Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?
Simultaneous Multi-Target Animation

What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
I have paired every aspect of my semblance with my dolls, and will be using them as examples. I 'breathe life' into an inanimate object such as my dolls, allowing them movement, light, limited independence, and for me to direct them as I please.

What does the lowest level of you using it do?
The lowest level? I would say managing several dolls indefinitely. Consider my helpers, Shanghai and Hourai. They never leave my side, and assist me in various tasks.

What does a mid-level use of the semblance do?
Something that requires active concentration would be several dozen dolls at once, or perhaps two dozen if they were complex. Like my combat models. Assuming they required active direction.

What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
I, in my home, have a human sized puppet. Every aspect of the human form faithfully recreated with wood, glue, and cloth. When wearing a proper dress and bonnet, it is indistinguishable from a person at a glance. To think a friend called it plain.

Regardless, moving her about required my semblance to be applied to each of the thirty-four individual pieces, with all the intricacies inside having to be manipulated. It was a great feat of concentration, but I managed to control it for a full hour before I started to get a headache.

How do you use your semblance in combat?
I use it to control my combat dolls and suicide dolls, which act as both sword and shield.

Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.
As I have said earlier in less explicit terms, my dolls are my weapons. Not the wooden ones with painted faces and unique dresses. The metal ones, with blades, shields, and guns.

The Bucharest pattern doll, like all of them outwardly resembles a wooden one. Machine painted, with a simple red dress, the Bucharest pattern wields an oversized thrusting blade, that would be more of a short sword in human hands. I generally have ten of these in a combat loadout.

The Craiova pattern doll is like its sister designs, but built for sturdiness over dexterity. It wears a blue dress, and instead of a blade, it uses hard light Dust to project a shield in front of it. I generally have six of these in a combat loadout.

The Oradea pattern doll wears a green dress, and carries an oversized(for a doll) rifle over the shoulder, custom made to use green Dust to fire small pellets at higher than normal velocity. This allows them to fire for longer, without having to go back to myself for more ammunition. I generally have eight of these in a combat loadout.

Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.
I've already mentioned two types of Dust, so let me tell you about a third, and my third type of doll as well. They don't really deserve to be called dolls, really. Just a shrapnel grenade that's been dressed up. They fly into an enemy, I trigger the Fire Dust crystal in them, and they explode. There isn't much else to say, other than their dresses are white, and they're not part of a standard loadout.

Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.

What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?
Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.

I am, for lack of a better term to summarize, a support type. I hang in the rear of the group and use my dolls to aid my allies. I can certainly fight Grimm myself, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Augmenting the capabilities of another is the most effective use of my skills.

I am generally a quiet person, and if is not too arrogant to say, more intelligent than the average peer. If performance at Beacon meant anything that is. I can certainly interact with teammates and enjoy my time with them, and do. But I would generally prefer to spend my time with a book, or in a workshop.

Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
I would request that you avoid anyone who has an inflated ego, specifically as it relates to dashing into combat without a plan or backup. I don't need my job to be made harder.

Is there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?
Given my weaponry, it would be best if I could avoid going on long term missions in the wilderness. I wouldn't have access to the tools I need to perform more than basic maintenance, let alone repairs.

Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.

Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?

I am from Mistral, specifically the upper portions of the city. It was that affluence that allowed me to pursue my passion of creation, and that passion led me to unlocking my semblance. Mother had made sure to get my Aura unlocked early in my life, "as a safety measure" she said.

I've never enjoyed fighting, but I have always felt a need to give back to the world, for what it has given me. So when I discovered a way to fight without fighting myself, with my dolls, I took the opportunity.

What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Was there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?
I was enrolled in Sanctuary, a school equivalent to Vale's Signal. One of the feeder schools for the academy proper. As I am now, I excelled with my semblance, and fell behind in physical ability. It was here I started using Dust, however, and developing my first combat models.

Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?
It's a little embarrassing why, but I enjoyed Professor Port's class the most. So long as I had Shanghai or Hourai taking notes so I could answer questions on the lecture, I was able to use the period to do homework, study, or on several occasions nap. Making and maintaining all my dolls takes time, and sometimes I can lose track of time. As I said. Embarrassing.

You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. What one do you feel you learned the most from?
I think… I think I learned the most from Mountain Glen. A monument to hubris, or so people say. I disagree. It was a failure, yes. It was a mistake to believe that the Grimm would not destroy such a vulnerable target. But what is a mistake but something we learn from? I know that very well. If you shy away from failure, you become one. Mountain Glen is a lesson, one that we must learn from, and use against our enemies.

What do you feel you learnt from the mission?
I don't think I learned anything, personally. It just showed me who I already was. Steel wrapped in velvet.

If you did it again, what would you change?
No profound declaration of ideals here, I am afraid. I would have brought along an extra suicide doll. That gheist we fought would have been much easier to kill with one.

When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?
I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?

Well, my hobbies are reading, doll making, and tailoring. I like to keep my hands or my mind occupied, preferably both at the same time. As for memories… well… I suppose every dance Beacon hosted comes to mind. I make my own clothes. People knew that. So I had people lining up in front of the dorm room door to get cheap, personal tailoring done. Dances meant an influx of lien, enough to fund many personal projects.

Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?
My biggest ambition? Nothing so much as to live my life as I see fit. Today, tomorrow, and for years yet I shall work off my debt to the world. My responsibility to it. In the future? I would be content to create, and only use my semblance in the defense of my home. A peaceful life, but that is not something I will allow myself at this time.
That's a beefy sheet, even with the questions.

Right, before anyone thinks anything different, I thought of using an Alice Margatroid expy when this was still in the ideas channel on the Discord this RP is hosted on. I just haven't had the time to make this until now. So despite the fact that there is another puppet based sheet, they developed completely independently of one another.

Also, I don't know what's up with the spoilers. It's refusing to let me combine them.
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Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?
"Sin Amen. Approximately 18 years old."
A quick thing to point out. We're graduate hunters, so Sin being 18 means that she entered Beacon at the age of 14. Ruby was 16 and she was, by all means, a prodigy compared to her peers in combat school.
A quick thing to point out. We're graduate hunters, so Sin being 18 means that she entered Beacon at the age of 14. Ruby was 16 and she was, by all means, a prodigy compared to her peers in combat school.
Despite this, my father was a Hunter, and my mother is a genius schoolteacher. I learned enough from both that I was able to skip several years of schooling, enrolling in Beacon at the age of fourteen.

Present and accounted for. :)
Present and accounted for. :)
Hmm... I'm not completely satisfied by that explanation. Ruby, Yang and Weiss were all trained by professional Huntsmen and Huntresses, but only Ruby managed to get pushed ahead, most likely because of her eyes. So even if her mother is a great school teacher and she's smart enough to speed past regular school, that doesn't necessarily mean she would speed past combat school.

Still, if the GM is fine with it, I guess it's cool. Plus, Ruby was 15, not 16, when she was at Beacon, so I guess being a year younger isn't impossible.

On that note, @Bevillia, I took a look at the RWBY TTRPG and it says to outright ban healing or aura recharging semblances. Is this going to be the case with your game as well?
On that note, @Bevillia, I took a look at the RWBY TTRPG and it says to outright ban healing or aura recharging semblances. Is this going to be the case with your game as well?
That is also the case here, for the same reasons as in the TTRPG, with that also including any semblances that manipulate already-existing damage (i.e. "transfer damage from myself to others").
That is also the case here, for the same reasons as in the TTRPG, with that also including any semblances that manipulate already-existing damage (i.e. "transfer damage from myself to others").
Gotcha. What if it was with the added caveat of causing incredibly intense pain in those it heals, to the point where it can really only be used when the player characters can rest for an extended period of time, basically at the end of a Chapter as flavor. It could also be used on NPCs but the process of healing would most likely knock them out for an extended period of time, and they would still need time to rest and recuperate before returning to their former condition.
Gotcha. What if it was with the added caveat of causing incredibly intense pain in those it heals, to the point where it can really only be used when the player characters can rest for an extended period of time, basically at the end of a Chapter as flavor. It could also be used on NPCs but the process of healing would most likely knock them out for an extended period of time, and they would still need time to rest and recuperate before returning to their former condition.
Well, player characters heal a the end of chapters anyway, by virtue of having aura. I'm going to stand with the system's ruling there.
Well, player characters heal a the end of chapters anyway, by virtue of having aura. I'm going to stand with the system's ruling there.
Fair enough. It wasn't as if I was planning on making a healing semblance anyway, it's just one of the things the semblance could potentially do. :)

Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?

My name is Rocky Road of the Roads family! You know! The Roads family! They were part of the Faunnus Revolution and were part of the White Fang before know turned like that.

Anyways I'm also 22 years old! Yeah I like pretty young yeah? Anyways nice to meet you sir!

Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!

Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.

Oh that's easy! I'm quite small for my age, kinda 4''9 If I had to estimate, I have long brown hair that goes down to the back of my head and two bangs that go down to my waist, two bunny ears on tap, ice blue eyes framed by the brown curtains, and pale skin!

As for my outfit, it's a simple frilly white sweater with a frilled black collar, on top is my black leather jacket with neon blue underside alongside other random stickers and acessories I placed in, I also wear a knee-length blue pleated skirt alongside thigh-high pitch black stockings!

Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?

(STR) Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.

. (AGI) Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.

(WIL) Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.-This is secondly my most practiced thing or good at since I have to perfect my usage of my semblance so that I can actually properly use my weapon since it's such a giant weapon that's incredibly heavy.

(DIS) Academics, using dust.-Strangely enough, even though people expect me have my semblance or something like my Strength or Agility to be the main thing I'm good at, my best area of expertise is in stuff like Dust and weapon making! Which is mostly because I learnt under every Huntsman Fannus instructor and other people to learn everything I could about Huntsmen, Dust, and Their weapons, this was a necessity becuase I had to learn many things to be able to make the necessary components of Excalibur! And I just sort of basically have that crave of knowledge grew on me, so yeah I basically aced my classes pretty much!

(PER) Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.

(END) Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.-Aaand my last one! Yeah I'm pretty poor in Endurance, which makes sense, my fighting style and Semblance basically makes it so I focus on speed rather than endurance.

Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?

-Basically Self Gravity Control Semblance

What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person

-Kinda like this blue glow on me, is also kinda fuzzy, its intensity depends how much power placed into it, go full max power? I have this almost opaque aura that has this static hazy look, while at lowest power which is effortless as I only use it for extra oomph in my usual bouncing walk, there's a slight haze, but needs to be super close and squint to even see

What is the weakest thing you can do with your semblance that requires active effort?

-I can bounce high, kinda like the height of a person, and I can carry my height and weight like it's a tiny stick.

What can you do with your semblance before actively having to push yourself?

-I can jump across two or four stories of buildings and I can carry four times my weight and height like tiny stick.

What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?

-one time I really needed to lower my gravity to get across the CCT tower, and for weight, I carried a Death Stalker with both of my hands and jumped I think the said same height as the CT Tower and supplexed it to the ground!

How do you use your semblance in combat?

-Bouncing around from enemy to enemy, attacking them with my overly large weapon and jump far to dodge away, if needed, I could just as easily grab a bigger enemy and drop them offf from a bigger height to make them crash.

Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.

Okay then! Simply put, I call it Excalibur! It's a super big sword! It is twice as big as me and is patterned gold and blue with some silver in it! It has a super sharp blade with serrated blades on it that can be revved up and rotate like a chainsaw! Being a chain-sword! Also unlike other Huntsmen weapons, it doesn't really shift into another weapons, instead it has components and chambers in it to hold Dust Crystals which imbued the sword with different effects, Lightning gives it an electrocuting effect and make it faster, Ice freezes the things it hits, fire enflames it, and with Wind, each swing produces a strong gust of air! The Dust Crystals are already there and I just have a revolving mechanism to switch the modes it has, also if it's really needed, I can shoot them out in a jiffy, but that is not a good idea cause it costs a lot to have Dust Crystals the size of the ones I use cause it's intended to work for a long time without refilling.

Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.

Like I said, Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Wind, also Gravity, that's because I also use them with my semblance, Fire makes it so that I leave a trail of fire as I hop through the air, lightning makes me faster, Gravity increases how much gravity I can control, letting me go even higher! Ice freezes wherever I land and Wind makes me able to have this swirl of air around me that blast a a gust of air around me when I land.

Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.

What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?
Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.

I'm a glass cannon attacker, I can get in quickly and cause great damage to Grimm with my big ass sword and quickly get out, but I can't take that much hits before I fall, hence I usually I'm on the move, I don't really have a set synergy with other roles due to my mobile nature, but I do jump in to help defend them and quickly jump to another member that's having trouble, or just jump in and get them out

Of course while do go out once in a while to attack Grimm, I do stay close to the team and help them out, think me as a Tank, but instead of taking damage so others don't, I hit the enemy and direct them to me so they don't attack my teammates.

Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?

- I feel like I should note, people who aren' keen on Fannus, yeah, it's best if we don't stick together, I can play nice, but don't know for them.

Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?

-...err, it's less of an area and more of certain kind of personnel, okay simply put, you know how the White Fang has started becoming more extremist as of late, so I can likely see them pulling operations that would cause attention to be placed upon them, attention that would confer's...well it would be quite awkward for me, but if I must so, I will accept missions like that if I must, I am a Huntswoman after all, it is my duty to help the people.

Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.

Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?

As you know, I came from the Road family, who's heritage has always been of Fannus who strived for the rights of Fannus, from my old Gramps Velvet "Wine" Road, the general war hero of the Fannus Revolution and Sierra Road, my grandma who was a skilled war hero warrior who served my gramps during the Fannus Revolution to my parents who were part of original members of the White Fang when it was still a Fannus rights activist group instead of what it is now.

My childhood was basically two things, training to be a Huntsman and being a Fannus rights activist.

My dream was to be like my grandpa, a great hero among Fannus, and so I decided to become a Huntsman.

When I told my Grandpa that, he simply told me a wise philosophy that I've always placed deep in my heart.

"To Dream is to imagine and day dream, To be Ambitious is to make your Dreams a reality"

And so I placed all my effort into becoming a Huntsman, I learned from every book and reading material they gave me, I soaked in every lesson that all my Fannus tutors taught me, I've researched, I practiced, my schedule was practically start to finish all about preparing me to be a proper Huntsmen.

Of course the other stuff I did was being in the rallies and such that the White Fang originally held, helping out in whatever way I can.

Of course thus busy schedule didn't leave me much time to have fun, but at that time it was fine, I didn't care, all I wanted was to become a Huntsman, I didn't need friends and learning all these cool stuff was fun already.

But of course, this made me quite lonely cause you know, not much friends and all, although I do recall meeting this black haired cat Fannus and a red haired bull Fannus who're younger than me at that time , I think the black cat Fannus was the daughter of the original White Fang leader and the bull Fannus was her boyfriend, well the equivalent of that for young children, it was kinda sweet, I wonder how they're doing now.

I kept doing this until one day when the Fannus rally I was in was hit hard by some bad people, in the chaos some bad people caught me and hurt my pretty badly, and they left me alone to slowly die.

I thought I was gonna die right then and there, but then he came, Johanna, he came in and healed me up by taking all my wounds and placing it on himself.

When I was okay, I immediately took him to a White Fang base I know.

They were confused why I was carrying an injured human, but when I told them that he healed me, they went to work.

As he recovered from his borrowed wounds, I got to know him more and more, and eventually I kinda sort of, liked him a lot, like he was nice to me even though he's a human and I'm a Fannus, he still helped me, i guess I kind of started to like him more, I talked and interacted with him more and more before we eventually became friends.

After some while, we both realized we wanted to be hunters so we decided to go to Beacon together, of course some people didn't trust him but he proved that he could be trustworthy and we both went there and became students of Beacon!

We also made another friend, well I mad another friend, he is a sentient lamp pole named Redwall! Which is weird since he's a lamp not a wall, anyways not much people noticed him but he was okay with it and I was his friend and teammate!

And yeah we did stuff as a team and eventually we graduated!

What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?

My training before Beacon was basically training to be a Huntsman 24/7, learning under tutors, mock spars, reading as much books as possible, I basically was trained in every area I could train in, the only thing I wasn't trained in well was endurance cause I was strangely weaker then normal, for the good things, I'm best at my semblance and learning the academic stuff especially with tinkering with weapons.

Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?

Favorite lesson is obviously History and Combat Arena, History cause I just love listening about the stories of the past! And combat is because I like to fight! And teacher? Hmm, I guess it would be Dr. Oboleck! His grand stories are pretty awesome and cool! I mean yeah sometimes you think they're a bit exaggerated, but I mean… Isn't that the point? Sure tales of grandeur that are a bit exaggerated but do you know what else are like that? Folk stories and legends of heroes! Those tales of great heroes of yore are told to give hope to the common people, and even inspire them to become a hero ones told in the tales! So that's why I like him and neat stories, cause they give hope, and in a world like this, hope is life.

You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.

Well… There was this mission… You might wonder why I never talked about a fourth team member…I-I-This was the reason why he is never talked, why I regret it so much that I don't deserve to even utter his name.

It was near the end of autumn, back then I was not as much of a good leader I am now, I wasn't good enough, so when me and my team was asked to hunt down a pack of Beouwulfs terrorizing a town and later find a swarm of Grimn, we weren't prepared for it.

I did dumb decisions I..I did things wrong, suffice to say we lost that town.. And him, I guess I should be happy it wasn't Johanna, but still,and if it weren't for the fact that Johanna convinced me to do otherwise, I would have totally dropped out from shame and regret.
What do you feel you learnt from the mission?

That if you had to be a team leader, fear is your worst enemy, you lead everyone, you have to do better, that you shouldn't hesitate, that you should be better, that you should have done more, that you should have done differently, because if not….you would lose things dear to you.

If you did it again, what would you change?

I would do everything differently, made smarter decisions, be braver, take the lead, do everything so things could be better, better than before.

(Rocky Road was given time to recompose herself)

When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?

I do a lot of stuff ever since Johanna helped me open up, usually we do outings as a team, go to backeries and eat some sweets, play in the arcade, go to the beach, that sort of stuff.

I guess I play games and collect sweets, oh yeah I tinker too! You know, maintain my weapon and make little do-dads.

I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?

There was the Beacon Prom! Man I loved that, well not at first, even though I tried to find one, I didn't really find someone to partner up with, and lamp post opted out of the Prom entirely, so I was pretty alone at a table during the dance, but then Johanna came, with that smile and suit, yeah he was a sight, he then went to me and asked me for a dance, I was shocked and could only dumbly accept, so when we had the dance it was nice, it was great, it was amazing, it was just, yeah!

It was there I realized even if it is a bit of favoritism, Johanna is a special friend to me, l-like, really special, just seeing him makes me happy and he was always there for me! So if I lost him, well…I wouldn't know what to do, he has always been there and without him, I-I don't know, I don't know what to do.

Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?

My ambition? One that is quite frankly a fool's dream, but past me would think of me as a fool, so what the heck, believe in something so it can be real! I want one simple thing, I want to see every Human and Fannus to get along, I want it so that Fannus can have the same treatment as humans, to be considered equal to them, that we are not different species, that despite our extra traits, that we're just the same in spirit, we are people, and that's what matters, I want it so that Fannus and Humans shouldn't hurt each other, White Fang and other extremists attempting prove their ideal through violence, legal slavery of Fannus and the mistreatment they have, I want to end it all, not just because it would make things more peaceful and happier, but also because our conflict is dumb, we are fighting against each other when we have an enemy that targets both of us!

The Grimn! The beasts that plagued us since the old days of yore! They are our enemies! The endless black horde of beasts and abominations! They continue to plague us day by day! Tearing at our walls! Settlements in the far reaches disappearing like flickering lights! The fact that we can't expand beyond Atlas! Vacuo! Mistral! And Vale! That we can't take the lands contaminated by Grimn! We should stand together and release all pettiness between us! Because if we all bicker and fight! Then we will soon be easy pickings for the Grimm! So we should make peace between Human and Fannus so we can stand together and take back our destiny and world from the Grimm! BECAUSE FUCK THEM! FUCK THE GRIMM! WE FOUGHT A LOSING BATTLE YET WE STILL FUCKING STAND! WE DID NOT FALL BECAUSE WE DID NOT GIVE UP! WE DISCOVERED DUST! WE DISCOVERED HOW TO FIGHT BACK! AND THAT'S WITH THE PETTY WARS WE HAVE WITH EACH OTHER! IF WE CAN STAND TOGETHER! WE CAN FIGHT BACK THE HORDE BECAUSE WE! ARE! AWEEESOME!

*heavy breathing*

*coughs* Yeah apologies, sorry for that, I got too over excited, anyways, that's my ambition! Equality for everyone! And I know it's a fool's dream so I'm gonna keep fighting for it by being a Huntsman!
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  • Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?
I am Lei Jingjiao, and I am twenty one.
  • Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!
    • Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.
I'm tall, too tall. I'm a faunus, but you wouldn't notice it until I open my mouth. I have lion's fangs, you see? I wear simple, plain brown habits. People say I have a frightening expression. Perhaps I do. I always have a scowl on my face, but rest assured that's more because I have to fit my teeth in my mouth somehow, and a scowl is the best way to do that. I am shaved bald, and I will have a set of rosary beads close by. The most incogrous part of my outfit are the sport shoes I wear.

  • Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
  1. (AGI) Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
  2. (WIL) Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.
  3. (STR) Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
  4. (END) Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
  5. (PER) Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
  6. (DIS) Academics, using dust.
  • Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    • In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?
My Semblance is Vajra Push. I can accelerate any object I touch with my body to extreme speeds in the direction it is pushed to.
  • What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
It doesn't look like anything. If your eyes are sharp enough you might just see a crackle of lightning between my body part and the object.
  • What is the weakest thing you can do with your semblance that requires active effort?
I can lightly tap someone and send them skidding backwards without harm done to them. This is as much self control as it is raw power.
  • What can you do with your semblance before actively having to push yourself?
I can regularly launch a 50kg iron ball at speeds of over 200 miles per hour. Similarly, I can launch myself at slightly slower speeds to catch up to the ball. The thing I am most proud of is that I can perfectly oppose the inertia of a moving object with an equal and opposite force, or more or less.
  • What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
I once kicked the head off of a Roc. That's the kind of thing that sticks to you.
  • How do you use your semblance in combat?
My weapon is a 50kg iron cannonball. I like to play soccer. Generally, I use my semblance to propel the ball to lethal velocities, and use my Semblance to launch myself to places where I imagine where the ball lands, kicking it again. Sometimes I use it to intensify direct body blows, such as the afromented incident where I kicked the head off a Roc.
  • Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.
My weapon is the Vajra Ball. It is a simple, well forged, iron and steel ball that is quite heavy. It is also heat resistant, because on some occasions I may launch it so fast that it heats up from air friction. I am also equipped with a pair of armored gloves and boots, as a secondary protective measure while kicking and throwing the Vajra Ball around.
  • Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.
I do not use Dust. It is a sacred vow, pursuant on the vow of poverty and that of self control. It is a gluttonous habit that sullies the pure art of enlightenment through action. Miring oneself with the world is no good substitute for true might and understanding! Also, to be quite frank everyone who beat me used Dust. If I use Dust, I sink to their level and they win. I can't have that, do you understand me?
  • What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?
I played the role of somewhat of a direct combatant. I was the one in the thick of the action, leading off herds of grimm as well as crushing them. I wasn't particularly stuck in the front-line, although that did happen often. I did have superior mobility, but I was never a scout.
  • Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
I like to think I'm pretty even tempered, but I have a competitive streak that never went away. And I'm pretty dumb. Charitably, I like to think I am attaining the state of inexertion, but realistically, I do things before I think. Everything else is just making up a reason for the things I do. I'm incredibly blunt to the point of rudeness. These two traits mean I'm often quiet, but I've been informed that my expressions make it obvious to what I'm thinking. I do enjoy arguing, and I've often found myself in situations where I have no business arguing for and against subjects. Very troublesome. I think I get along pretty well with my teammates, although I will escalate many arguments to the physical near immediately. I try to be considerate but in the end I often end up challenging people over meaningless things.
  • Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
I suppose that people who are fake or unauthentic get me annoyed. Easy way for a fight.
  • Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?
I dislike spaces that are too open. The Vajra Ball might be lost, which is always annoying. I'm already on my third.
  • Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?
I am Lei Jingjiao of the Little Forest Monastery of the Vajrapani School. I was sent to the Monastery at a very young age because my family could not afford another child. I grew up among the monks. The Little Forest Monastery was somewhat of an orphanage and somewhat as a fort. It took in unwanted children and orphans, and the monks trained themselves to defeat the Grimm who often lurked in the forests nearby.

As a child, I was not very interested in the sutras, in fact, I do not think many did. I liked playing soccer instead and basketball in the rest periods more than I liked sitting in one place with cold sweat running down my back as I try to remember what I was supposed to say. Soccer and basketball were always big things in the Little Forest Monastery. All you needed was a ball, two sticks, and in the case of basketball a hoop or a basket. So I often ended up practicing shot after shot after kick after kick. This often got me in trouble, and I spent more time sitting on the monastery doorsteps looking at the road. It was at this time an eccentric abbot got the idea that on top of training with the staff, I should train with this iron cannonball he found. I had to say, it was really enjoyable. I like to think that the last thing that went through all those Grimm's minds before the cannonball was 'why the hell is this man-'

In any case, it was incredibly obvious that I was not very interested in the religious. I memorized the most important sutras and the basic points of the philosophy, but at a bone deep level I thought of them as annoying periods in my life between bouts of physical action. Therefore, when I heard that a sister was going to Beacon to become a Huntswoman, I petitioned to join her. They accepted, and well, now here I am.
  • What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?
I was already trained in controlling my Aura and I was regularly the top of the class in physical aspects, in plain measurements and sparring. However, I was already fundamentally disinterested in the sutras, so it should have come to no surprise that I had zero interest in academia. Most of what I heard in history pissed me off, and I didn't care for math or the sciences. Grammar just felt redundant and unnecessary. I did like art, though, but I won't say I was any good at it. And I had already mentioned my disinterest in Dust, so there you have it.
  • Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?
Well, at Beacon I never quite fit in. I guess that's normal, and according to the Headmaster expected. I ended up getting into a lot of fights really early on because I'm very blunt. Ended up throwing somebody out of the third floor once when they called a Faunus an animal. Didn't say hi, just walked up to them and chucked 'im. That didn't do my reputation as a small minded weird religious thug any favors. I ended up getting to know Se Huishou- the person I mentioned earlier pretty well because well, same home, right? She got us a meditation room and we shared a copy of the Lotus Sutra. I still don't get how she got us that room, but I didn't listen.

I spent a lot of time going delinquent. Got into some gang trouble, but they could never mug me because a. I gave them everything I had willingly and b. what I had were two lien and a leftover salad wrap. I ended up playing soccer and basketball with a lot of the gangs. Even organized a tournament, and I got community service credit from that. Fun times. I guess I also got more into Vajrapani thought, more out of spite and homesickness than any real belief, but I intend to work on that.
I suppose my favorite teacher was Port, by process of elimination. Very relaxed person. Supported my soccer tournament with the gangs, said it was 'spliffing jolly exercise.' Oobleck always picked on me for questions I got mad over and I just plain didn't like Goodwitch. Of course, I think it;s obvious that my favorite class was Practical Sparring.
  • You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.
    • What do you feel you learnt from the mission?
    • If you did it again, what would you change?
In our second year, Huishou and I ended up guarding a Schnee Dust Convoy through a stretch of woods that was known to be harbouring the White Fang as well as Grimm. That never sat well with me or Huishou. Even rural hick monks knew about the SDC and their practices, but the Dust was meant to supply a rural outpost that needed it to fend against the Grimm. The workers on the train were all faunus, and they started yelling at us for being traitors, you know, they were faunus, we were faunus, so why were we helping the SDC? More than the rent-a-cop guards' stares. Huishou and I started arguing. I don't recall who originally held what position, but we started yelling over if it was better to fail the mission and let the White Fang at the Dust or carry the Dust to the drop point.

Halfway through, the White Fang attacked. We drove them off, but some of the Dust was missing. I guess the Fang had some thieves with them. I don't know what I learned. All I had were questions, and I suppose there are those who would say that those questions are more important than the answer. And I don't know what I would do. Maybe try to talk it out. I don't know.
  • When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?
Play ball. And practice some more.
  • I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?
Well, I already mentioned that I started a soccer tournament between all the gangs. When I left they were still doing that. I hope they keep it up.
  • Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?
I don't really have any. I suppose I would like to be a good person, and that's all I really want. I sound like a self help book.
  • Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?
I am Se Huishou and I am twenty years old.
  • Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words!
    • Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.
The first thing that comes to mind is that I'm a faunus. That much is apparently enough- I have lions ears above my head covered in silver-gold speckled fur. My hair too, resembles a mane, long and tangled. People say it gives me a natural and elegant look or something, but to be honest it's mostly because I don't do proper care on it. I generally try to keep a smile on my face and a set of rosary beads close at hand.

Oh, and I suppose I'm short.
  • Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. (WIL) Using your semblance in impressive ways, persuading people to do things.
    2. (PER) Having a strong aura, spotting things in combat.
    3. (DIS) Academics, using dust.
    4. (AGI) Moving about precisely and acrobatically, hitting targets with ranged weapons.
    5. (STR) Physical Strength, hitting things hard in melee.
    6. (END) Toughing out blows, powering through hazards.
  • Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    • In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?
I can generate little living immaterial creatures of aura-fire that I call 'sprites', though there's not really a scientific name for it.
  • What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
Hm, I would describe them as little bundles of miniature sunlight. They're self sustaining for the most part and feed off the ambient energy within the atmosphere. The movement of air, the warm glow of the sun, etc, etc. They naturally form when my aura's topped off, sometimes I'll wake up and the number will have increased from two to sixteen.

They're cheery little fellows, and like to burn things too. It's a part of their nature. They talk a lot, float a lot, and it's a real pain keeping them under control. They can merge or take in energy with another person's aura and they'll grow in size too. Course they'll stop being self sustaining if I pump them full of aura but it's a good way to land a giant ball of hard fire on someone's face.
  • What is the weakest thing you can do with your semblance that requires active effort?
The weakest thing… I can tell them to throw themselves at someone's face. Packs a punch, like a superheated baseball slamming into their head at high speeds.
  • What can you do with your semblance before actively having to push yourself?
There's a lot of things I can do, really. It's a pretty versatile semblance if I say so myself. I can send some sprites over to merge into someone's aura to top them off, I can tell them to operate some aura operated machinery, I can use them to fight or ride them. It mostly depends on scale. If I don't feed my sprites and just depend on them popping passively it doesn't take any effort.
  • What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
I, uh, managed to burn down a forest once. Don't laugh! I was just messing around with my semblance, and it sort of… got out of control. The sprites naturally want to burn stuff. My master scolded me a lot afterwards and then made me replant all the ground that I scorched up. It took me 3 years.
  • How do you use your semblance in combat?
I usually use my sprites like superheated projectiles, slamming them around the place. Sometimes I take a short ride on them as well, and use my sprites as an impromptu platform in the air. Depending on how many of them I have and how well-fed they are I can use them to operate some aura-powered machinery. But generally I use them to hit people.
  • Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.
It's uh, a giant hammer that weighs a ton. Yeah, it totally doesn't look like I'd be carry it and under normal circumstances I can barely do it. But there are holes inside for sprites to sit inside and when they help me out I can fling it around like it weighs nothing. With the weight and force of the thing I can fire off projectiles at super high speeds. It's kind of like playing a hyper deadly game of polo.

When I'm feeling silly I call it the Galaxy Hammer. Hehe. That's a fun name.
  • Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.
I try not to use dust as much as possible. It's expensive… and I'm poor. I came from a monastery with not much in the way of resources and a penchant for taking in too many faunus brats. If I can get my hands on any, I use them to change the color of my sprites. They're balls of aura-fire, feeding them dust makes them happy and do different things. Gravity dust makes them into little poles of gravity, ice dust makes them freeze things instead of burn things, etc, etc. It's pretty fun and I'd play around with it more if it didn't cost so much.
  • What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?
I generally do a lot of battlefield control. I can screen and enable more mobile members of my team to flank, as well as enable less mobile members to move around the battlefield. I can bolster or siphon auras to bolster other individuals. And when it comes down to it my style of combat is mostly ranged- letting me safely attack from the rear but gives me a bit of self defense ability if I'm attacked.
  • Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
I want to say that I'm a good person, but that's a self judgement. I think for the most part I'm quiet but some have described me as confrontational. I don't really agree with that. Sometimes I get confrontational but that's not because I like conflict. It's because I have strong principles. I don't like backing down, even if I don't like getting into fights. If I have objections I won't hesitate to bring them up. I firmly believe that it's better to bring things out into the open rather than to hide them away- even if it's not something pleasant to talk about. Ignored wounds will only fester.
  • Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
I don't like individuals who maliciously belittle the struggles and concerns of others. If someone isn't willing to try to understand someone else I will probably have a fierce disagreement with them.
  • Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?
Small tight places with no place to move and nothing to burn are not ideal for me. I like to move around and also I have concerns about oxygen limitations.
  • Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?
I grew up at the Little Forest Monastery of the Vajrapani School. It's like a hole in the wall place out in the wilderness, near a couple of villages. It sort of provides protection for those places because they can't afford to hire hunters? I mean the prices for hunters is kind of insane especially for like backwater villages which aren't exactly centers of economic activity. Er, well it sounds kind of like I'm badmouthing hunters now but that's not true. It's just that they're kind of… city folk? All the famous hunters spend more time hunting down criminal groups in the cities than they do on the frontiers. I-

Well, I'm getting distracted.

I was a foundling like most of the kids there. Apparently I was swaddled in expensive clothes and found with a pricy jade amulet around my neck. Master says I was probably from a wealthy family but I've never really been interested in that. My parents abandoned me at the monastery, same as all the others.

My semblance was awakened from birth and I spent a lot of time learning how to control it. My master took a direct interest in my raising for this reason and I spent a lot of time in the inner chambers learning Sutras and undergoing direct tutelage transmission. I spent a lot of time watching as my master discussed matters of how to protect the surrounding villages with their inhabitants and got to know about the unequal conditions between the large kingdoms and the outlying villages. That's why I wanted to become a hunter. The easiest place to reform the system is from within.
  • What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?
The Little Forest Monastery offers a lot of training in Aura control mostly and emphasizes physical fitness as well as academic and religious studies. I was a good student and adept at controlling my aura and semblance, but not really the best of physical combatants. There's a big difference between being physically fit and knowing how to fight someone and I didn't really learn to fight people at the Monastery, even if I took part in the standard temple exercises.
  • Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?
You know actually I wasn't the only person to attend Beacon from the Little Forest Monastery. There was this other kid, Lei Jingjiao- he was like a year older than me. And a lot taller too, to be honest. I didn't know him that well before I attended Beacon, as far as I knew he was just one of those kids who ran around a lot outside and fell asleep during classes. And then ended up skipping them. But when you're like the only two kids from your home and you're also those 'weirdo monk kids' who nobody else really talks to a lot you end up hanging out together a lot.

Plus we were poor. Really poor.

We ended up on the same team together, pooled together our living expenses, stuff like that. We formed a club together too, mostly so we could get a meditation room. I asked Professor Goodwitch for one and she said she couldn't approve a room if it was only me, but since it was the three of us (me, Jingjiao, and a ghost member) she okay'd it. We shared a single copy of the Lotus Sutra together and tutored each other to keep ourselves from failing classes.

My favorite lesson or teacher? Uh, Professor Port probably. He had a lot of experiences and stories to tell about his time in the field and he's always very eager to disseminate knowledge. Plus he never tries to intimidate his students like Professor Goodwitch or pick them apart like Doctor Oobleck. I guess he's kind is the thing.

Least favorite class was easily dust studies. Sometimes there's classes that you have a natural disadvantage in despite everything and for me dust studies was it. I can't help not coming from a rich family or a mining town, okay?
My favorite? Probably would have been History if not for the fact that Doctor Oobleck always tried to analyze every question I asked. Otherwise it was probably the classes on aura.
  • You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from.
It was probably the worst experience I had at Beacon. We ended up guarding a dust convoy for the Schnee Dust Company. You probably already know this but the SDC is not good people. They are abusive and racist and they hate faunus. And me and Jingjiao are faunus.

The trip there was bad. The guards kept giving us suspicious looks like we were going to cut their throats, just because my ears were weird and Jingjiao's teeth were sharp. And then once we got there the faunus employees started heckling us. Called us traitors, and stuff. And if it was just heckling then I wouldn't have felt so bad but the conditions weren't… good. They had every right to be angry at us. We were kind of traitors.

On the way back we started talking. Whether it was better or not to let the mission fall through, let the SDC eat the humiliation, let the White Fang take the dust. We didn't really come to a very clear conversation. The dust was going to people who needed it- if the White Fang blew the convoy up the costs would be passing to the people who couldn't afford it- poor villages like the ones were had come from. The SDC certainly wouldn't absorb them. But if we protected the convoy then we would be participating in the same thing that the SDC was doing. We would be complicit. Voices got raised and we started arguing about it.

Eventually the White Fang did attack and we did protect the train. I let the ones we defeated go. I couldn't really blame them for doing what they did. After we got back to the station though they discovered the dust was missing. The SDC took one look at it and decided we were to blame. They put us under interrogation and it was only after Beacon swept in and the professors told them to get out of our face that they decided that we were probably innocent.

All in all the mission was probably the most horrid and memorable one we ever took on.
  • What do you feel you learnt from the mission?
Sometimes the right thing to do isn't exactly clear and is hard to determine. When you're taking on a conflict between people there's going to be someone to worry about no matter what.
  • If you did it again, what would you change?
I wouldn't take on the mission in the first place. It was a bad mission and a bad assignment to give, especially to a team with two faunus. But I guess I would have maybe tried to talk with the White Fang, or maybe with the mine employees. All of them had legitimate reasons for the things they said and the things they did. Maybe we could have talked them through and come up with a better solution.
  • When you were not studying for lessons or practicing as a hunter, what did you like to do?
I wrote a lot of letters to my master and then asked anyone who was willing if they could bring them back to the Monastery for me. Ended up doing a lot of part time jobs, and then wasting the money on lessons for things that probably wouldn't come in handy. Cooking. Forestry. Bullhead piloting. Stuff like that.
  • I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?
I, uh- well. This was an outlier and I firmly believe that it does not reflect my person. But I… graffitied the school once. Um, I got really angry after another guy commented on how cool my 'weird faunus religion' was and I just ran back to the storage closet and found like buckets of paint and splashed a mandala all over the main hall in the middle of the night. Jingjiao encouraged me to do it but I really shouldn't have let him talk me into it.

The school never found out but I think they suspected that I was the one who did it. I snuck back like two weeks later and cleaned it up myself. I think most of the students thought it was a weird staff run event or something.
  • Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?
I want to improve hunter coverage for Remnant's more isolated villages and undercut the influence of the rich and powerful on hunter deployment and logistics in favor of more input from the ruralities which need protection more.
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"Alright, so first we need to get some details down. Let's pretend I never had a look at those files Beacon keeps on each student, and start with the very basics…
  1. Who are you? No, I don't mean that metaphorically, what's your name and how old are you?

    Alright... Let's get this over with before the caffeine runs out and I pass out. My name is Copper F. Edelstein; a hunter, yes, but first and foremost a scientist researching Aura and Grimm, as well as a medical doctor on the side. I have been alive for 21 years, 8 months and 102 minutes. I have been described by some as a "Mad Scientist." They over-exaggerate. I just happen to be very driven and passionate about my field of study. Really!

    Yes, I'm aware of the 12 restraining orders against me. Why the non-sequitur?

  2. Look at yourself in that mirror over there and give me a description of what you look like. No, don't pull up a picture on your scroll, I want it in your own words. Did you remember to also describe that customised, unique personal outfit you hunters love? Well, stick that in there too.

    My height is slightly below the average for a male, about 5'9. My build is slender, almost lanky, though it is usually concealed by the baggy and loose clothes I wear. My hair is mostly brown with the tips of my hair fading to a rusty orange. It is wavy, overgrown, and usually very dishevelled. My skin is lightly tanned and I have a couple of small freckles around my nose and my cheeks. My eyes are usually exhausted looking and have deep dark circles underneath them. I also have heterochromia. In layman terms, my eyes are two different colours due to the right one being a robotic replacement. The left eye is black, while the other is bright amber in colouration. Additionally, I have a large scar on the right side of my face that starts from my temple and reaches all the way down to my collarbone. The zig-zag nature of the scar makes it almost look like a lightning bolt.

    My usual clothes consist of a beige vest over a black dress shirt and orange tie. Over these, I always wear a tattered white and orange lab coat that has been torn and sewn back together so many times that it looks like a patchwork jacket. My forearms are usually wrapped up in medical bandages, though they have a tendency to unravel pretty often. My pants are grey with a similar patchwork design, though it isn't as tattered and stitched back together as my lab coat. My shoes are black brogues with orange soles and are lightly armoured, though not enough to impede movement. On my head, I wear a pair of large round spectacles with tinted orange lenses. Additionally, I usually wear a pair of grey headphones on my head or hung around my neck. The design of the back of the speakers looks like large bolts with a couple of stitches running across them. This same design is on the shirt pocket of my lab coat.

  3. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worst?
    1. (PER) Observation and analyzation are the basis of science, after all. So as an aspiring scientist, it's almost a guarantee that I am well versed in those skills. Curiosity is mankind's greatest weapon after all. Though, I'd much rather practice those skills in a laboratory rather than on the battlefield. Even with the larger than average reserve of aura I have, the heat of battle doesn't always let me have the in-depth and... "internal" perspective I desire when observing my guinea pigs people. I suppose Grimm could offer me that perspective, but their existence is far too fleeting compared to other cadavers. A shame too, since they're the only lifeforms that don't have any trace of Aura.

    2. (DIS) I am told that I did pretty well in my academics during my time at Beacon. Not that many of the subjects particularly interested me. Of course, an extensive knowledge of Dust along with their various combinations and effects comes in very handy when it comes to experimentation, especially since Dust reacts to Aura and semblances in a way science still isn't able to explain. Personally, the thought of discovering the secrestsof the souland ajdhow it pertains theour understanding of aurae brings my heart aquiver- (The rest of the writing grows increasingly manic until it is too messy to read.)

    3. (END) Considering that the last time I slept was... 6 or 7 days ago, I believe? Anyway, I tend to go long periods of time without sleep when I absorb myself in my research. The general opinion seems to be that it's unhealthy and obsessive, but honestly, it's my system and it worked in the long run anyway. So I can say with confidence that I have a great deal of stamina. My tolerance for pain is pretty good as well. Willing subjects for experimentation are hard to find at times after all, and unwilling ones are quite annoying to deal with and are far from ideal, so I've done quite a few on myself when I wasn't able to find any.

    4. (STR) While I may not be the strongest Huntsman, I possess enough strength to wield my rather weighty weapon proficiently and with ease. As a result, my build is apparently far more muscular than one might expect from someone dedicating themselves to the pursuit of knowledge, as many people comment. I must say, while it wasn't my intention, my strength has come in hand during multiple occasions during tests and experimentations. Test subjects do tend to thrash around a lot, don't they? Plus, it lets me take an up-close and intimate personal look at my subjects on the battlefield, which does give me a certain sense of satisfaction.

    5. (AGI) While I possess a great deal of stamina, my movements themselves aren't all that quick, probably because of the lack of sleep that I usually suffer from. Truly, to quote Professor Oobleck, caffeine is one of mankind's greatest inventions. Rather than dodging or avoiding hazards and attacks, my fighting style and weapon are such that blocking or parrying attacks is far more conducive and simpler. That isn't to say that I'm immobile, I can still roll and dodge out of the way of an attack. It's just that most of the time, parrying or blocking is more efficient, thanks to my reserves of aura.

    6. (WIL) While I tend to use my semblance fairly often in combat, it wasn't really a combat-orientated semblance until I honed it to that level. As for my charisma, to be frank, most people seem to get a negative impression of me fairly quickly, even during our very first conversation at times. Opinions of "creepy", "crazy", and "dangerous" seem to be common among these people. Honestly, I have no idea why they feel that way. I mean, I have a tendency to get carried away and start rambling on about very specific details and descriptions of my research due to my passion and curiosity. So what if I tend to run experiments on those around me, that may or may not be potentially dangerous and/or painful at times! So what if I tend to be very obsessive towards things and people that interest me! So what if I have a collection of organs that I've given names too! It's all in the name of science and my personal interests!
  4. Right, your semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give me some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every semblance has an active use!
    1. In as short of a phase as you can manage, what does your semblance do?
      My semblance's name is Graft. Well, to put it in layman's terms, through physical contact, fuse two separate objects within close proximity into one by binding them together, or one object into two or more separate ones by splitting it apart. I can only use Graft to bind things to people
    2. What does it look like when you use it? Remember, write it on the paper, don't try and show me in person.
      Graft takes on the form of glowing, orange stitches or sutures.
    3. What is the weakest thing you can do with your semblance that requires active effort?
      Separating my body into pieces and attaching my body to things. Separating small-sized objects into two parts.
    4. What can you do with your semblance before actively having to push yourself?
      Separating medium-sized objects into two parts. Attaching things to other humans or Grimm and vice versa.
    5. What's the most impressive thing you've ever managed to do with your semblance?
      Halting, then pinning a charging Nevermore to the ground and paralyzing, by using Graft on its insides as well as its outsides, even when it was struggling to take off again. Unfortunately, the strain almost caused me to lose consciousness and my teammates took the opportunity to obliterate the Grimm's head. As a result, i wasn't able to make use of this incredibly rare chance to dissect a Grimm.
    6. How do you use your semblance in combat?
      I generally use my semblance to supplement my attacks, binding opponents and their limbs to various objects in order to hamper their movements and attacks or to forcibly break their guard by preventing them from defending properly. At times, I use it to separate my limbs from my body to extend my range and attack from weird angles. I also use it to help me move around the battlefield, attaching myself to walls or ceilings. Additionally, Graft allows me to safely infuse larger amounts of Dust into the body, either mine or others, though it still causes immense amounts of pain.
  5. Now can you give me a brief description of your weapon? No, I don't need the full documentation, I see you there in the back pulling out a manual, just like a paragraph of description. I'll worry about pairing up the description with the right mechanical forms.
    Personally, I never really found the naming of weapons to be all that important. However, for simplicities sake, I eventually did assign a name to my weapon; Galvanism. As the full in-depth explanation seems to be rather superfluous, I shall endeavour to keep my verbiage on the short and simple side. Galvanism is a Revolving Cannon Lance that can split into two large Tonfas, and can also function as a Pilebunker. When in Lance mode, which more closely resembles a long metal stake than a traditional lance, the dust used to fire Galvanism's cannon shells is instead discharged behind the lance portion of the weapon, away from the tip, which can be used to supplement attack speed and mobility. It also possesses a more compact form designed for easy transportation.

  6. Dust! It's a wonderful thing, and as a hunter, you're pretty much always licensed to use it. You did all pass that class, right? Yeah, okay then. Well, if any hunter doesn't carry around at least one type of dust on them when in combat I'll eat my hat, so tell me what you carry around with you.
    Of course, Dust is rather ubiquitous among hunters, and I am no exception. I generally carry around Ice, Force, and Lightning Dust. Ice is primarily utilized defensively, Force helps with mobility, and Lightning is mostly used as a means of offence.
Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were part of a team back in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need to have an idea of who is capable of what.
  1. What role do you play in your team in combat? Please try and give me at least a sentence here; the last batch of hunters apparently all played some video game
    and just called themselves "Tank", "DPS", and "Support". Do you know how non-descriptive that is for actual combat?

    During team combat, I generally remain on the frontlines of combat. I suppose standing back and taking up a more support-focused or long-range orientated role could help my research in that it would allow me to observe the participants of the battle far more easily, both Grimm and humans. However, there's a simple pleasure I get from dissecting a more hands-on approach to my studies. I generally aim to keep the enemy focused on me and unable to pursue my more fragile allies, typically using my semblance, utilizing a defensive fighting style that focuses on parrying or blocking attacks before following up with devastating counter-attacks that stun or immobilize my opponents, leaving them open for either me or one of my teammates to finish off.

  2. Give me an overview of your personality and how you interact with members of your team, both in and out of combat.
    I doubt the effectiveness of such a statement, at it is very unlikely that such an assessment would be unbiased and objective if it came from the person it is about. Nevertheless, I shall do what ay scientist would do and endeavour to be as neutral and objective as I can be in this self-assessment. People tend to describe me in words like "machine-like", "intense", "obsessive", and "creepy". Understandable, of course, though I still can't help but object to those accusations. Due to my habit of going long stretches of time without sleep, I tend to be disorganised and messy, which can quite inconvenient to me when I misplace volatile, dangerous, and most importantly, expensive materials for my research. Some people have also decried my... disinclination to follow certain safety and health regulations and that I enjoy my work far too much. Personally, my opinion is that while caution has its place in ensuring survival, sometimes but a shackle holding back progress. Which may, or may not, include those pesky laws and ethical concerns. What else... Oh, yes. People have said that I tend to talk a lot.

    My interactions with teammates are fairly normal. I mean, sure I might try the odd experiment on them and at times use them as unaware guinea pigs, but as Hunters, they should be willing to sacrifice their wellbeing and health for the advancement of mankind, no? Though, I would be lying if said I I haven't been threatened with bodily harm at times. As a result, my experiences at Beacon have given me a better understanding of boundaries. I'm not above a playful prank or joke with my fellow teammates, though every time I attempted to do so, it seemed to fall flat. Still, while the overall impression seems to be that I can be somewhat callous or cruel towards those I'm close with, I do feel compassion and worry for those that fight alongside me, even if I don't understand them at times.
    1. Is there a particular type of person we should avoid grouping you up with if we have to send you out without your team? If so, why?
      Someone who, in their ignorance, believes themselves to know how the world works. The types of people who give meaningless boasts with nothing to back it up. Fish who believe themselves to be big due to the relatively small size of their pond. Those are the people I would rather not work with. A true idiot is someone who doesn't recognize the fact that they are an idiot, regardless of how intelligent they may or may not be.
    2. Are there any areas where we should avoid sending you on a mission? If so, why?
      Not particularly. As long as there's plenty of Grimm or other Hunters, I can endure any conditions for my research. Ah, but if possible, I'd like to avoid sandstorms. Maintaining my equipment, Dust and weaponry can get extremely tiring with all the sand blowing around. Not to mention that it could play havoc with my right eye if I'm not careful.
Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.
  1. Where do you come from? What kind of childhood did you have? Why did you want to become a Hunter?
    Eldest son of old money family with a mother on Atlesian Council and deceased father. Had sheltered but dull childhood. Was very much the black sheep of his family. Terrorist attack from White Fang caused the scar on his right eye. Was sheltered even more. Meets scientist who gave him a replacement eye. Was inspired by their passion.

  2. What kind of training did you have before arriving at Beacon? Were there any areas you were particularly good or bad at?
    Combat School Training along with scientific education. Had trouble working with others and struggled at first due to his sheltered upbringing.

  3. Tell me a bit about your time at Beacon. Did you have a favourite lesson or teacher?
    Bartholomew Oobleck. Wasn't all that interested in history, but could appreciate his drive, motivations and experience as an academic and a hunter.

  4. You went out on quite a few of those "experience missions" in your four years at Beacon. Please describe which one you feel you learned the most from. What do you feel you learnt from the mission. If you did it again, what would you change?
    The mission I feel I learned the most from via its experience would probably be one of the last missions I went on with my team. It was supposed to be a routine extermination mission, clearing out a gathering of Grimm in a nearby valley. However, after probing a little more as to why such a gathering of Grimm had occurred in a place with relatively little civilization or negative emotions, we discovered an underground facility, apparently abandoned, with holding pens full of Grimm. I would have loved to investigate further, but as we delved deeper, we somehow set off the labs defence system which inadvertently released the captured Grimm. during the commotion, we were all separated. I was hard-pressed by the Grimm and ultimately had to resort to using my semblance on them. I... Don't remember much of what happened after that. I woke up back in Beacon a few weeks later with strange vein-like black scars on my forearms. Apparently, when my teammates had managed to track me down, I had "snapped" in some way, with strange ink-like substances protruding from my arms. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that in my desperation, I must have accidentally grafted myself with one of the Grimm which ensured my survival. Which offers a whole new world on our understanding on Grimm along with how humans and aura interact with them! Unfortunately, the process left me weak and impaired the use of my arms for almost 4 months, so I doubt such a process would be safe for me to repeat. Still... It is quite fascinating!!
  5. When you were not studying for lessons or practising as a hunter, what did you like to do?
    Experimentation! Mostly on Huntsmen and Huntresses, but I settled for Grimm in the Emerald Forest whenever I ran out of victims subjects. Aside from that, I enjoy listening to music and playing the odd instrument in my free time.

  6. I'm sure you have a lot of memories built up over the four years at Beacon. Can you share a memorable occasion or two?
    Memorable? Hmmm... Nothing particular comes to mind.

    Well, there was that time I almost blew up the school. Turns out fusing 16 different types of dust together using Graft creates quite the volatile substance. Luckily, I managed to relocate the substance a far enough distance from the school where it didn't cause too much damage when it inevitably detonated. Though, from an objective perspective, I suppose one could say misplacing and then forgetting about my small project for months would render me culpable in the formation of the incident. Though, in my defence, I did remember once it was on the brink of detonation.

  7. Finally, what would you consider to be your biggest ambition in life?
    To discover the secrets of the soul. Aura and it's various applications is the least defined and understood subject on Remnant aside from the Grimm. Even more baffling is that we have found a way to quantify and identify it, yet we are no closer to understanding it. It truly is a fascinating subject!
Alright! That's the last of the questions, please take your time in answering them, the job offer is still going to be there for a while. Though, don't take too long, I hear the Council have a particularly interesting mission they're looking to send a team of hunters on, and all the usual lot are out of town. Who knows, they might even send a team of brand new hunters on it if they're impressed by you!
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Is this RP still ongoing? Because if it is...

  1. My name is Mauve Alberius, 26 years of age.
  2. Brown hair, amethyst eyes, around five foot seven inches. My build is slight, and I could easily pass myself off as a civilian if I remove my Hunter clothing.
    1. My outfit consists of a tan traveling cloak, pinned in place by a brooch in the style of my emblem – a spear wrapped in wings, with an amethyst centerpiece.
  3. Alright, can you give me a rough ranking of how good you are at each of these, from best to worse?
    1. (PER): While I do have reduced amounts of Aura compared to the norm, my perception is second-to-none.
    2. (AGI): I'm good at hitting things from far out, and can accurate shoot a moving target from a middle distance. Fully capable of performing short bursts of acrobatics as well, mostly as recovering maneuvers.
    3. (WIL): You pick up on persuading people once you've been on the job long enough, although my Semblance is usually straightforward with how it acts.
    4. (DIS): My weapons are a bit more complicated than most and are a bit reliant on Dust to function.
    5. (STR): Stronger than a civilian, yes – though not by much. Against other Huntsmen out there? I'd probably be dead meat if I don't keep my distance.
    6. (END): Ugh. I can only take around ten hits at most before my Aura fizzles out. Blame my Semblance for that.
  4. Right, your Semblance. You've all graduated, so you've got it unlocked even if you barely use it. Time to give some details, and don't try to pull the "oh, it's a passive effect, I can't use it" line on me, every Semblance has an active use!
    1. My Semblance allows me to see the surface imperfections on an object that I apply my Aura to.
    2. Eyes flickers to gold every time I use my Semblance. Pretty big tell.
    3. Anytime I use my Aura to reinforce a part of my body, even subconsciously. Sometimes, I'm even astounded by the fact that I can stay awake when faced with too much information.
    4. Anything with a volume larger than my own body, I start to struggle with using my Semblance. Weapons? Fine. Body parts? Dandy. A strip of wall? I start to get headaches. Frankly, I don't want to know what would happen to me if I try and analyze anything bigger than that.
    5. Managed to use it on a bridge that we had to explode to keep the Grimm from overrunning our position. Blacked out for two days, dealt with vertigo, migraines, and random nosebleeds for over two weeks before I could use my Semblance on anything and not get hit by a migraine.
    6. Use my Semblance on an enemy's weapons, use what I've gathered to render it unusable. Pretty useless on Grimm in most cases, since even the smallest Beowulf has a larger volume than me.
  5. Break-action, single-shot hand cannon, and collapsible staff-slash-hardlight projector. Hand cannon's useful for different calbers and different ammo types – it can load buckshot, slugs, magnum ammunition, and even the largest calibers available for commercial sniper rifles. Recoil scales with ammunition type, so I mostly use it for finishing off an opponent. Or a surprise attack.

    Collapsible staff-slash-hardlight projector is just that. I can use the projector to fashion a blade to cut through most materials, and the collapsible staff is there for added reach. Blade's about an arm long, so it's handy for different types of situations. At its fully-compressed size, the staff is about the length of my arm. It's more like a pike when it's fully-extended.
  6. Dust… Lightning cartridges for added piercing. Energy if I needed an impromptu flashbang. Other than that, I carry a random assortment of Dust rounds for my gun, and around three charges for my hardlight projector.
Alright, that's the bit about you as a fighter over and done with, now let's talk about you as a member of a team. Yes, I know you all were once part of a team in Beacon, and the Council does like to keep you in those teams wherever possible, but sometimes they don't send a whole team out at once, or sometimes people need to substitute into missing spots, so we need an idea of who is capable of what.
  1. I'm a specialist. Whenever there's something out of the norm, either on a Grimm hunt or anti-terrorism operations, it's my time to shine. Single-target eradication is what I do best, given my abilities to move in and out of fights quickly, and my weapons. Medium to long-range is where I do my best work.
  2. Curt. Not the type to speak unless spoken to first. Just tell me what to do, and I'll get it done.
    1. Faunus. Especially with past relations to the White Fang. I feel a bit uneasy around them for a good reason.
    2. Missions in Mistral are a no-go. I can't stand pompous asshats. While Atlas suffers the same problem, I can immerse myself with the technology there just fine.
Now to talk a bit about your history, so we can get to know you as a person, not just a hunter. Please try and answer these questions as truthfully as you can.
  1. A village in Mistral. Was the son of the village smith before a White Fang attack all but exterminated everyone else. Got out, spent some time serving as part of a 'family' in Mistral itself. Saved some money for myself and hopped onto Beacon the first chance I got.
  2. None. Was just a random civvie till I got caught up in Mistral's underworld and I had to shape up. So yes, a little bit of training, but more or less reserved against other human beings rather than Grimm killing. Weapons, I was good at. Tanking hits, I was not. Still am to this day.
  3. Beacon was… fine. I learned. Port's lessons on anti-terrorist ops were a bit more interesting than the usual ones, alongside Goodwitch's scenario-based training during our third year. Hated Ozpin's philosophy class, though. Damn subject was a required class on our fourth-year, so I barely passed.
  4. Missions… Second-year. White Fang hunting. Match made in heaven for me, till my spotter died. Winston didn't even know what hit him through his binoculars before his brain splattered all over the area that we were in. Killed the sniper, then dealt with the Grimm that nipped at my heels. Hard to do so when… when you're carrying your partner's corpse back to evac.
    1. Anyone can die.
    2. Notch the scope to three-hundred fifty meters downrange. Rookie mistake that cost me my partner's life – you think I wouldn't change that?
  5. Forge. Tried to get along with my team's whims, but it became harder since Winston's death. During my last year at Beacon, I mostly spent my time around the forge or the library. Weapons, or studying for that damn philosophy class.
  6. Graduation. Or what was supposed to be my graduation. Had to be held back a year since I failed that damn philosophy class, and that bastard Ozpin wanted to demonstrate in front of the entire batch. Dropped the ceiling on him with a sniper cartridge. Worth it.
  7. Set up a forge, preferably after the White Fang's dead and buried. Make some lien, get an apprentice, teach him my ways, and die. Lucky bastard gets my weapons and forge. Two-for-one deal. Who wouldn't want to go for it?