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You perked up and looked over to see your sister lying on the snow covered ground and...
Introduction/Prologue 0.1

You perked up and looked over to see your sister lying on the snow covered ground and cradling her knee.

"Anna?" You called out.

"I-I tripped," She stuttered out, her face red and eyes wet. You could see her lip trembling, the pain already too much for her young mind.

She's 3 years younger than you, but you've always been close to her, no matter the age gap. Seeing her like this sends an ugly pang of pain through your heart.

"H-hang on, Anna," You cried out as you ran over to her side. She's all bundled up to keep the cold out, but she hasn't worn her gloves. There's a small tear in her skirt which allowed you to see the scrape on her knee.

"It hurts," She whimpered, looking up at you with those big green eyes.

"Don't worry," You smiled at her, reaching for her hand, "Big sister Elsa is going to make it all better."

As soon as your pale flesh touched her more rosy skin, you felt it. The warmth in them seeping into your body.

Warmth, a comforting, enticing, and enthralling feeling you rarely had the pleasure to experience. You were always cold, so cold. After a while, it didn't bother you, but whenever you felt the impact of warmth on you, suddenly you realized what you had been missing, and the feeling of losing it again was agonizing. The feeling of going from the kind warmth that soothed your soul back to the pins and needles feeling of the cold was torturous, but it was something you had to deal with every day.

But today was different.

When you felt that warmth sink into your hands and travel up your body, you couldn't pull away. The hunger was too strong, the cold too deep, and you didn't want to be immersed back into it. You gripped tighter, inched closer, your mind filled with the warm buzz of comfort.

"E-Elsa…" Anna choked out in a pained voice, but you didn't listen, instead, you clenched tighter.

You drew your left hand to rest on her shoulder while your right grasped her hand. Your head rested next to hers, your nose hovered over the crook of her neck as you breathed in the hot air rising off her.

I need more, more! You thought internally, unable to be satisfied by the meager warmth filling you.

You needed more, and you needed it now.

And as you thought these dreadful thoughts, you reacted on instinct. Something inside you reached out into Anna's body through your contact with her and pulled. As it pulled, your mouth opened wide to take in the heat from her body. You could feel the muscles strain as they forced the jaw well beyond the extent it should have gone, bones popping and contorting in pleasurable pain.

"E-Elsa...p-please...." Anna moaned, strength fading from her voice.

You breathed in the scent of warm flesh inches away from your maw, inches away from being consumed. Your mouth watered and your soul trembled in anticipation. Your teeth hard and ready to rend flesh. Your tongue wet and ready to lap up her hot blood. Your stomach rumbling in anticipation of her plump meat. Your soul quivering as it hungered for her very life.

You were hungry, and you needed to feast.

"Y-you're h-hurting me…" She begged as her pulses slowed.

And like that, you blinked and realized what you had been doing.

Quickly, you dropped her, recoiling from her body in disgust and fear at what you were doing to her. Anna dropped like a doll cut from her strings and crumpled onto the ice. Her skin was pale, her breaths short and ragged, and her auburn hair marred with streaks of white. Worst of all, the light in her eyes was dying, fading from this world. You rushed back and hovered over her, holding her in your hands, but careful not to try to do...whatever you had done before

Her hands were cold, colder than they had any right to be, and yet they were still warmer than your own. Her pulse was weak, almost nonexistent.

You looked down at her, tears prickling edges of my eyes at what was happening, "ANNA!" you screamed, begging her to stay with you.

Soon mother and father came to see what was wrong. They took her from you, desperate to do whatever they could to help her. Before you could see what they did, however, you succumbed to the emotional turmoil within you, and the world fell to black around you.

As you faded to exhaustion, as horrified by what you had done to my sister as you were, you realized one thing.

For the first time in forever…

You finally felt full.




Frozen/ Disney Dark Fantasy AU




[ ] Man and Beast
  • Like man and beast, you will always be in conflict, but your problems will evolve, and soon your greatest worries will not be the beasts at the gate, but the demons in your mind.
  • A more narrative experience
  • Conflict and actions are resolved narratively, there is no chance in things.
  • There are times you can't lose.
  • There are also times you can't win.
  • Combat is relatively easy, and your biggest problems are those off the battlefield.
  • Relatively grounded combat.
[ ] Angels and Demons
  • Like angels and demons, forever locked in a great and epic struggle, you will have to worry about balancing good and necessary evil in a world in the midst of a revolution. Magic is on the rise, and the forces mounted against you are fierce, but you? You will be better. Or you will die.
  • A blend of combat and emotion.
  • Conflict and actions are often resolved through dice rolls, with a few exceptions.
  • A larger array of forces are arranged around you, with a wider arsenal of powers and abilities to draw from. But just as they are more powerful, so are you.
  • Magic is more prevalent and powerful. You'll also encounter far more magical creatures.
  • A midling blend between the combat and narrative experiences.
[ ] Gods and Kings
  • You are in the battles of Gods and Kings: War. War is coming, a war the likes of which the world has never seen, with weapons and magics not yet used. The world will be burning around you, blood shall coat the ground, and empires will crumble. As the world tears itself to pieces in its bloody evolution, where will you be? What will you do? Because in war, there is only the lucky, and the dead.
  • The Hardest difficulty.
  • Combat and Survival are paramount, while some of the emotional subtext must be sacrificed.
  • Almost everything is left up to chance, beyond the most basic of things
  • Unless I think it would be funny.
  • It's technically possible for a small child with a rusty fork to ruin you for life if you're unlucky.
  • It's also technically possible to accidentally make yourself the god-empress of your people, beloved and worshipped by all.
  • The largest variety of powers, forces, and kingdoms shall participate. Everything is at its most powerful, and it's most perilous.
  • Make your own allies, challenge your own enemies, even build your own empire. Whatever you do, though, make sure you survive.
The best way to simplify this quest is as such.

Hunger will be much like Once Upon A Time in the basic premise in setting but merged with The Eldar Scrolls, Dragon Age, and the Witcher in Tone, Depth, and Playstyle, with the Player Character being Elsa from Frozen.

Canon is a guideline at best and is more often a recommendation for the initial condition of characters. Many aspects of either this AU or my writing style prevent several aspects of canon from appearing. Namely, some things just won't have happy endings because the world doesn't work that way, and I abhor love at first sight taken seriously and unironically unless sufficient work is put into it.

Everyone from the Little Mermaid, to Snow White, to even Little Red Riding Hood technically exist in this world, but whether or not you encounter them is mostly up to you. But should you meet them, they likely won't be the sweet young girls you remember. Another thing that one should keep in mind with this quest is that I work in the Long Term.

You will not instantly become a major power. You won't even instantly become an adult. Should the more narrative experience be picked, there will be a fair bit of time before you're a major player in the great game. If you go for God and Kings, where chance is more important, however, it is possible that you accidentally become a child king. That wouldn't really be good for you, per say, but it could happen.

This is also my first quest, so hopefully, I haven't fucked something super basic up.
Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 7:36 AM, finished with 27 posts and 13 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 9:22 AM, finished with 28 posts and 14 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 12:13 PM, finished with 33 posts and 17 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 12:23 PM, finished with 36 posts and 19 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 1:11 PM, finished with 37 posts and 20 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 31, 2017 at 10:03 AM, finished with 92 posts and 23 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 31, 2017 at 10:07 AM, finished with 93 posts and 24 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Aug 1, 2017 at 6:58 PM, finished with 146 posts and 20 votes.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet:

Character Sheet:

Name: Elsa Lothbrok

Level: 3
Age: 12
Race: Human/[????]
Difficulty: Angels and Demons (Medium with Narrative Chance)

Satiety: 150/180
Sanity: 70/180
Humanity: 60/100
Constitution: 85/100
Experience: 200/300

  • Anna Lothbrok (Sister): A (20/50)
  • Inda Lothbrok (Mother): S (5/100)
  • Agnar Lothbrok (Father): E (0/50)
  • Fergus Dunbroch (Uncle): C (1/10)
  • Merida Dunbroch (Cousin): C (5/10)
  • Annaliese Lothbrok (Aunt): O (0/5)
  • Caitlyn Lothbrok (Aunt): C (2/10)
  • Camlulus Baldaren: D (0/25)
  • Nereia Baldaren: D (0/25)
  • Inquisitor Chernyx: O (0/5)
  • Casper Basolof: C (0/10)
  • Wolf: C (0/10)
  • Arendelle: 60/100 B
  • Jättesgrav: 60/100 A
  • Suðrland: 60/100 A
  • Norðreyjar: 60/100 B
  • Dusør: 60/100 B
  • Arendelle(Territory): 60/100 A
  • Gullkysten: 60/100 B
  • Corona: 30/100 C
  • Emaldra: 10/100 O
  • Latruce: 10/100 O
  • Solgren: 30/100 C
  • Southern Islands: 30/100 D
  • Southern Continent: 1/100 O
  • Yuelen Empire: 5/100 D

Major Stats:

Strength: 1 - 10% = .9 => 1
Endurance: 14+6 = 20
Dexterity: 11
Intelligence: 20 +2 + 2 = 24+10% = 26.4 = 26
Charisma: 15 + 5 = 20+ 20% - 10% + 10%= 24
Magic: 33 + 20%= 39.6 = 40

Traits and Titles:
[????] :
  • [????]
  • [????]
  • [????]
  • Gains [????]
  • Gains Iceborn
  • Gains Hunger
  • Roll 1D20 for Initial magic
  • +10 for starting magic
  • You need to progress through the path of the Soul to learn more about this.
  • You can never be affected by the Cold, beyond the unending desire for warmth.
  • You have power over Ice, Snow, and all things Cold.
  • You can absorb heat and energy through your skin, causing you to feel cold to others and cool down rooms.
  • [????]
  • [????]
  • [????]
  • You need to progress through the path of the Soul to learn more about this.
  • You're always hungry, no matter how much you eat.
  • [????]
  • As your Hunger increases and your Satiety decreases, your sanity will fall, but your magic will grow.
  • [????]
  • You can feed this hunger through heat energy and the life energy of living beings.
  • [????]
  • [????]
  • You need to progress through the path of the Soul to learn more about this.
  • You've always been a well-reasoned girl, looking at both sides of an issue and trying to keep your vied grounded and realistic.
  • +20% Sanity.
  • +20% Satiety.

Natural Mentalist:
  • You've always been good at reading people, even if you aren't necessarily good at talking with them.
  • +10 Charisma
  • +20% Charisma
  • +10 to rolls involving understanding someone.
  • - 5 to rolls involving talking to someone
  • You have the ability to sense what other people are feeling, and the echoes they can leave behind.
  • You interpret these emotions through your sense of taste and smell.
  • +10 to rolls involving understanding someone
  • +10% Charisma.
Prodigy [Magic]
  • You are a prodigy at magic. You have unheard of skill and talent in your area compared to others of your race and age.
  • +10 to all rolls related to Magic
  • Thanks to your Hunger, you're bone thin, practically a walking skeleton.
  • -50% to Strength Growth.
  • -10 to Strength related rolls.
  • Your strength is 1 or lower.
  • You need to progress down the Soul path to have a hope of eliminating this Trait.
First Blood: Cannibal Killer:
  • You've killed someone for the first time. More than that, you ate them.
  • You are not ok.
  • -20 Sanity
  • Due to completely devouring a human, you've gained a detailed understanding of human anatomy. Not necessarily what everything does and why, but certainly where everything goes, and of course, which tastes best.
  • You've developed a taste for humans. No matter how disgusted you are by it, you can never deny the fact that nothing you've ever had has ever come to the taste of human.
  • It gets easier: decrease Sanity penalty for next kill of a sentient being.
The Acolyte:
  • You've always been drawn towards understanding the depths of your soul. It comes naturally to you.
  • +20% to Magic
  • -10% to Strength
  • -10% to Intelligence
  • +100% for Soul path growth.

The Disciple
  • + 5 to Soul Discovery rolls.
  • + [????]
  • Delve into your soul more to further this title
  • +10% of magic to roll when pertaining to magic
  • +10% of charisma to roll when pertaining to social
  • +10% of Endurance when pertaining to will

  • You're a human being
  • +10 to starting Intelligence.
  • Roll 1D20 for Intelligence.
  • +100% Intelligence Growth.
  • +5 to starting Dexterity.
  • Roll 1d20 for Dexterity.
  • +50% Dexterity Growth.
  • +5 to starting Endurance
  • Roll 1d20 for Endurance
  • +50% Endurance Growth
  • [????]
  • [????]
  • [????]
[ ] Marked [????]
  • You have an image of a black feather branded onto your hand.
  • [????]
  • [????]
Love's Last Chance:
  • When in the proximity of a loved one, allows you to reroll.
  • Bonus to roll depending on the intensity of the relationship.
  • Relationship buffs stack with the more loved ones near you.
  • Once per week.
  • ????
  • ????
  • ????
Thought for Food:
  • While normally you have your wits about you, when it comes to food and your hunger, you can get a bit...carried away.
  • When feeding, Sanity is effectively halved.
  • +/- Every Point of Hunger(Max Sat - Current Sat) above 25% (Currently bar is 90) to Hunger related rolls based on intended effects.
  • Usually - unless trying to eat.
  • + Every Point of Hunger above 25% to Charisma
  • That can backfire.
  • When Hungry(under 75% Sat), minuscule chance to lose yourself to the ???? under the right conditions[Narrative]

Monster Love[Greater]:

    • Where most people would find such creatures frightening, terrifying, or monstrous, you find them adorable.
    • In fact, you tend to get along with them better than you do humans.
    • +35% Cha when dealing with a Monstrous creature. +25% of Cha/Int to roll when related to Monstrous creature depending on intent.
    • -15% Cha when dealing with a humanoid
    • Negative effect negated by close relations.
    • Greater Resistance to fear effects of Monstrous creatures. -75% of fear effect. +20 to resist
  • You are an artist, you love to work your craft. To have your soul make it's mark on reality.
  • +20% Cha when Art related
  • Can recover sanity by dedicating time to an Art Project.
  • Art Projects can earn you additional benefits upon completion, based on the Project competed.


[Soul] Feed Level 6: (0/600)
  • Allows you to consume heat energy to feed your Satiety.
  • Allows you to take the essence of living beings to feed your Satiety.
  • Allows you to instantly drain human-sized targets of most of their body heat with skin on skin contact.
  • Grants Devour.
  • Grants Feed: Metaphysical
[Soul] Feed: Metaphysical Level 1: (0/200)
  • You've gained the ability to Feed on the metaphysical and esoteric aspects of reality, to a small degree.
  • You can you can Feed on emotions and echoes of emotions and effort.
[Soul] Devour Level 1 (0/200)
  • Enhanced usage of Feed.
  • Requires Feed Level 5
  • You draw out most of the heat energy from an object, then using the magic you've seeped into it, you tear it to pieces, grind it down, and Devour it all.
  • Faster than eating it conventionally and far less messy, but less efficient.
  • -25% Food gain Penalty.
  • More difficult the larger the subject.
  • Currently only usable on organic subjects.
  • Currently requires skin contact.
  • Currently can only gain Food and Exp from use.
  • Instant kill if successful.
[Soul] Theatrics Level 1: (0/100)
  • You've gotten talented in using your abilities to impress people.
  • +20% of best stat added to Charisma when using Theatrics.
[Soul] Ice Magic Level 10: (200/800)
  • Allows you to create basic constructs of ice.
  • Allows you to control ice, snow, and cold on a basic level.
  • Allows you to steal heat from the environment.
  • Allows you to control constructs after you make them
  • More control and power.
  • Grants Ice Spike
  • Grants Weather
  • Grants Domain
  • Grants Magic Multitasking
  • Grants Frost Skin
[Soul] Magic Multitasking Level 1 (0/200)
  • When using your magic, you can spin a few spells and abilities seamlessly.
  • Perfectly use any two skills in conjunction, even the same one twice if applicable.
  • Can weave two synergistic skills together for greater effect.

[Soul] Ice Spike Level 1: (0/100)
  • Create a spike of ice and propel it forward with your magic.
  • Dangerous projectile
  • Currently only one spike at a time
  • Size ranges from man-sized stalagmite to finger sized shard
[Soul] Weather Level 2: (0/200)
  • Use your magic to create weather and alter the environment around you.
  • Can create snow and mist
  • Can viably impede people physically and visibly with weather
[Soul] Domain Lvl 1: (0/100)
  • When inhabiting an area for an extended period of time, your magic and influence seep into the area, making it yours.
  • Growth rate: 10 meters per week.
  • Grants instinctual knowledge of the area and all within it.
  • +5 to all roles in Domain.

[Soul] Frost Skin Level 1: (0/100)
  • +5% of Mag to Str When Frost Skin active
  • Adds Armor based on Mag
  • Armor = 5% of Mag

[Soul] Life Magic Level 1:

  • You have entry level knowledge on Life magic.
  • You are not great at this.
  • You can infuse the warmth of life from things you Feed on into other things.
[Mind] Alchemy Level 1:
  • You have entry level knowledge on Alchemy.

Body: 0 points

Unlocked classes: none

Mind: 1 points

Unlocked classes: none

Soul: 23 points.

Unlocked classes:
  1. The Acolyte
  2. The Disciple
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A bit, well, vore-ish.

Honestly, think it would have been more fitting had Elsa simply hungered for heat rather than flesh/blood. Now it won't be nearly as dramatic when we encounter Little Red Riding Hood.

Regardless, seems like it may be fun, just my thoughts on the premise.

As far as Gods & Kings goes, does that also have the "increased number of magical creatures" that Angels & Demons has?
A bit, well, vore-ish.

Honestly, think it would have been more fitting had Elsa simply hungered for heat rather than flesh/blood. Now it won't be nearly as dramatic when we encounter Little Red Riding Hood.

Generally agree with this. Hunger for heat and hunger for flesh/blood both work fine on their own; combining them is a bit like werewolf vampires or ninja pirates-- sure, it can probably work, but sometimes less is more. Heck, at first I thought we were getting some old-school breathstealing, which I've never seen outside of obscure WoD supplements (and possibly Dementors by some definitions, I guess), but instead it looks something more like a wendigo, which I've been seeing a little too often lately. Ah well; still looks interesting.

[X] Man and Beast

Narrative-driven quests never get enough love.
Narrative-driven quests never get enough love.
Agreed. Though I do very much enjoy the added element of unpredictability that the dice can grant, which is why I'm leaning towards the latter two options.
Generally agree with this. Hunger for heat and hunger for flesh/blood both work fine on their own; combining them is a bit like werewolf vampires or ninja pirates-- sure, it can probably work, but sometimes less is more.
This as well. I'd recommend it be limited to just heat, otherwise all of the fairytales will devolve into being about cannabilism and they lose their "uniqueness".
This as well. I'd recommend it be limited to just heat, otherwise all of the fairytales will devolve into being about cannabilism and they lose their "uniqueness".

Eh, I'm not familiar with Once Upon a Time beyond a few character names, so this might be me flagrantly displaying my ignorance, but isn't "all of the fairytales" a bit of an exaggeration? Little Red Riding Hood, sure; that's a bit blunt and obvious as far as ironic twists go, but it works. Belle might go a bit feral when she starts dating the Beast, Ariel could turn out to be on the nastier side of the "Our Mermaids Are Different" spectrum, and I guess you could maybe do something involving vampires with Snow White or Sleeping Beauty (magical coma, undeath; it makes sense in my head okay), but Cinderella? Rapunzel? Pretty much every other Disney Princess? Their themes don't really mesh up with cannibalism all that well, and that's not even bringing up any male characters that might be involved. :V

Don't get me wrong; I agree with the general sentiment. Just don't really think we need to worry about everybody being a cannibal.
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A bit, well, vore-ish.

Honestly, think it would have been more fitting had Elsa simply hungered for heat rather than flesh/blood. Now it won't be nearly as dramatic when we encounter Little Red Riding Hood.

Regardless, seems like it may be fun, just my thoughts on the premise.

As far as Gods & Kings goes, does that also have the "increased number of magical creatures" that Angels & Demons has?

I considered pure heat-based-hunger, but A: Mass-based would be more fun for me to write, and B: Eating physical food is a source of a large part of energy for all life. Sure, they get it from a wide variety of sources, but food is one of the most prevalent. Another being air (breath). Food is also important for a bunch of other things, namely getting raw materials with which to build, repair, and sustain your body, but it also breaks down food into usable chemical energy.

Absorbing heat energy is largely just used maintain homeostasis. That's pretty important, but it's not the heat of the environment that really fuels us. It contributes, but it's hardly the deciding factor.

However, that's just the scientific perspective, and I probably shouldn't chain myself to that and ignore the narrative.

On the more narrative side, I just like the idea of writing food porn.

That said, everything isn't going to just devolve into cannibalism. The physical food based hunger will be selective and used when I want to write food porn. For most scenarios and intents and purposes, it'll be more heat and energy based rather than physically eating someone or something. Although, depending on your choices, that might go up or down.

Literally getting down to eat someone with her teeth would be a major san loss. Which is bad. Which is really really bad. On the upside, it would fill up her hunger more. If you guys want to go around munching on people, I won't stop you. But you can just as well go around draining things of their heat and vitality.

As for Gods and Kings, yes, it will have more magic and magical creatures. It'll also have more combat and such violent activities in general. It'll be the most violent and high-fantasy by far. Kind of like Skyrim in which you run murdering the fuck out of things on an almost constant basis. At the same time, as a result there will be less on the "Intense emotional angst" angle.

For example, if you guys are looking for a love interest, in Man and Beast, it would be more of a long term slow burn thing where you cultivate a relationship. In Gods and Kings you'll probably just pick someone you like and make them your cuddle-buddy so you the two of you can munch face together because you're too busy trying to keep both of you from getting killed or worse to bother with angst.

Hopefully this is helpful
That said, everything isn't going to just devolve into cannibalism. The physical food based hunger will be selective and used when I want to write food porn. For most scenarios and intents and purposes, it'll be more heat and energy based rather than physically eating someone or something. Although, depending on your choices, that might go up or down.
So the flesh-eating will be mostly eating large prepared meals of reindeer and livestock?
So the flesh-eating will be mostly eating large prepared meals of reindeer and livestock?

I mean, if you want. I have a pre-written scene of Elsa eating a live rabbit, piece by piece as it struggles in her hands. Whether or not it actually happens is up to your choices.

Obviously, this whole thing will depend on what the players decide.

You guys could totally go and turn Elsa into a serial killer who goes around eating people at night while during the day she rules the kingdom. If you do it smart, that'll totally be fine

I mean, it'll probably end badly, but again, if you do it smart that'll be fine.

conversely, you could turn into some kind of saint, only, like, eating fire or the life force of the dying.

Either way, though, you're going to have to eat something. Otherwise, your hunger will plummet, which'll make your sanity plummet, and then you'll just go on an insane murder rampage anyway.
Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 1:37 AM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 2:11 AM, finished with 18 posts and 8 votes.
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[X] Gods and Kings
I want to be surprised. Internal trouble won't provide that.

Please keep romance slow-burn. Sex from heat-in-the-moment stuff is fine but keep the emotional burn slow.
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Hunger will skyrocket? If lower values are bad then it should be satiety on the character sheet and not hunger.

I suppose you have a point. Hunger sounds better, considering the quest, but that's not really the point. And just flipping the system I have to measure hunger upside down doesn't work because it isn't a flat equation where, for example, one steak will always fill up 1 hunger. It's more fluid, the more full you are, the harder it is to fill up said stat, but you'll become hungrier relatively easier. The less full you are, the easier it is to fill up. Sure, I know I can flip said system upside down, but right now I'm way too tired to figure out how the hell to do that.

Now, while the system I have I like, I'm not sure how robust it is. It's the kind of thing I feel needs to be play tested.

If while playing the quest I find that it is inadequate, I'll pull it out and while I'm tweaking it I'll just use a narrative system. If we end up going with Man and Beast that might be for the best. The narrative system being whatever I feel makes logical sense.

As the quest is played I'll be able to better figure out what the best things I want the system to include.

But, regardless, you do have a point, calling it satiety makes more linguistic sense.
And just flipping the system I have to measure hunger upside down doesn't work because it isn't a flat equation where, for example, one steak will always fill up 1 hunger. It's more fluid, the more full you are, the harder it is to fill up said stat, but you'll become hungrier relatively easier. The less full you are, the easier it is to fill up. Sure, I know I can flip said system upside down, but right now I'm way too tired to figure out how the hell to do that.
Sounds like what you really need is two linear systems
Energy - How well fed Elsa is. The physical effects of starvation at certain levels
Hunger - The mental effects. Continually increases if Elsa is low on energy. Gradually lowers if Elsa has high energy.
The crown princess is a cannibal. And still has ice powers? That part isn't clear. Either way, this will end in much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Bring it on.

[X] Angels and Demons

I'm torn between Man and Beast and Angels and Demons, but I really don't want a super-heavy combat quest. Too many of those at the moment. I reserve the right to change my vote should Gods and Kings look like it's taking the lead.
Sounds like what you really need is two linear systems
Energy - How well fed Elsa is. The physical effects of starvation at certain levels
Hunger - The mental effects. Continually increases if Elsa is low on energy. Gradually lowers if Elsa has high energy.

Her hunger doesn't quite work like that, it's not a normal physical hunger. Her mind relates it to that, but she is no longer just a normal human with a rumbly tummy. It's an energy deficit, yes, but part of it is just mental. Part of this you're going to have to discover, but I'll give you the basics, as it will be brought up in the next chapter.

Elsa's magic is the result of a curse/blessing/something you don't know yet. Her hunger is, obviously, unnatural. But it is tied to her power. Her power over ice is the same thing that causes her hunger. Ice, and cold in general, is the result of a deficit of energy, which is why she has such a deficit. It is both in her head and a fundamental part of her magic. It is not a normal physical hunger, no matter what her mind thinks.

As a result, the hungrier she is, the more sanity she loses, but the more powerful she becomes. On the flip side, the more full she is, the saner she becomes, but the weaker she is.

Everything else, you'll have to make Elsa figure out for herself. Both of you know the basics, and I won't let you stumble into accidentally suiciding or eating your dad, but one of the major paths of the quest is delving into your powers and figuring out how and why they work, along with figuring out new and interesting ways to use them.

if I told you all of it now, there wouldn't be much point to that path.
Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 10:48 AM, finished with 29 posts and 15 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Jul 30, 2017 at 11:08 AM, finished with 29 posts and 15 votes.
As a result, the hungrier she is, the more sanity she loses, but the more powerful she becomes. On the flip side, the more full she is, the saner she becomes, but the weaker she is.
So basically something like the Winter Mantle in Dresden or possession in Pact. Hunger doesn't represent actual hunger and instead it represents her humanity or how much the Other part of her has taken over.
Eh, I'm not familiar with Once Upon a Time beyond a few character names, so this might be me flagrantly displaying my ignorance, but isn't "all of the fairytales" a bit of an exaggeration?
Is this Once Upon a Time based? The show?

Anyhow while, yes, it was a bit of an exaggeration, it's quite true that it can be spun in such a way in many cases.

Snow White - Lips Red as Blood - Feeds on Blood + Hearts

Little Red Riding Hood - Obvious

Beauty and the Beast - Obvious

The Little Mermaid - Flesh Eater

Goldilocks - Obvious

Well, kind of hitting a blank regarding other fables, but you get the idea.

Granted, there are some that won't, but as I've shown above flesh eating isn't really unique depending on how the myth is twisted.
I considered pure heat-based-hunger, but A: Mass-based would be more fun for me to write, and B: Eating physical food is a source of a large part of energy for all life. Sure, they get it from a wide variety of sources, but food is one of the most prevalent. Another being air (breath). Food is also important for a bunch of other things, namely getting raw materials with which to build, repair, and sustain your body, but it also breaks down food into usable chemical energy.

Absorbing heat energy is largely just used maintain homeostasis. That's pretty important, but it's not the heat of the environment that really fuels us. It contributes, but it's hardly the deciding factor.

However, that's just the scientific perspective, and I probably shouldn't chain myself to that and ignore the narrative.

On the more narrative side, I just like the idea of writing food porn.

That said, everything isn't going to just devolve into cannibalism. The physical food based hunger will be selective and used when I want to write food porn. For most scenarios and intents and purposes, it'll be more heat and energy based rather than physically eating someone or something. Although, depending on your choices, that might go up or down.

Literally getting down to eat someone with her teeth would be a major san loss. Which is bad. Which is really really bad. On the upside, it would fill up her hunger more. If you guys want to go around munching on people, I won't stop you. But you can just as well go around draining things of their heat and vitality.

As for Gods and Kings, yes, it will have more magic and magical creatures. It'll also have more combat and such violent activities in general. It'll be the most violent and high-fantasy by far. Kind of like Skyrim in which you run murdering the fuck out of things on an almost constant basis. At the same time, as a result there will be less on the "Intense emotional angst" angle.

For example, if you guys are looking for a love interest, in Man and Beast, it would be more of a long term slow burn thing where you cultivate a relationship. In Gods and Kings you'll probably just pick someone you like and make them your cuddle-buddy so you the two of you can munch face together because you're too busy trying to keep both of you from getting killed or worse to bother with angst.

Hopefully this is helpful
So... wait.

This is gonna be real heavy on the vore ("food porn")? Not just a horrific twist on a disney tale?

Depending on how far you go with it, this might be something better suited to QQ.

Though I'm rather leery now... I'll hold off judgment for another chapter or two, but the fact that you refer to it as "food porn"...