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Your name is Izuku Midoriya, and you've finally managed to push yourself through three years at...
Setup Post 1


Trust and verify.
Your name is Izuku Midoriya, and you've finally managed to push yourself through three years at U.A. High School, the top program for heroes in Japan. You've got your whole career in front of you now, as well as most of your life in the business, and what business it is. Fighting villains, rescuing civilians, the showmanship of tbe job… god, you'd been awash from beginning to end. With the League of Villains disassembled and in prison for now, you could finally become the next Symbol of Peace.

Well, correction to that. All Might, as amazing of a mentor as he was in the art of heroism, was much less powerful in the art of running a hero agency. Even after your internship with the Wild Wild Pussycats, you were still more prepared to be a sidekick than a hero. Being a sidekick wasn't bad, but it wasn't your dream either- especially as a brand new sidekick. The outfit for the Pussycats had been… fun, after a while (and after Uraraka stopped blushing and laughing when she saw pictures of you in the tights) but the fact of the matter was you had reasons for your costume.

Not like anyone needed to see what being a hero could cost. What sort of world was it when you could say you were lucky all you injuries were just scars?
It wasn't like it mattered, anyway. With your license and the time in grade on it you had, setting up a Hero Agency would be a piece of cake. In theory.

Technically, and thank goodness this was still fresh in your thick head from third year, a Hero Agency only needed three things.
First up, you needed a Hero or three. Generally, most hero agencies had between four and twelve fully licensed heroes, of which you would be, divided up into a series of shifts and beats. Since being a Hero was an on-call any-time job, it was also encouraged for heroes to live at the base of operations or to be in the very immediate vicinity in case a patrol needed backup or another agency put out a request for support.

The next thing you'd need would be a team of support personnel. Most people would think to people in the Support Department when you said this, but that was the creme of the crop, since most of them also voluntarily got themselves licensed in their spare time to have a backup career choice. These were the people who took care of the base, ran the radios, and maintained as much equipment as you could keep in-house. A lot of Hero Agencies actually doubled as small-lab setups for tax reasons (I-Island being the largest example) but it also served to give their heroes a proprietary edge. Being a new agency, though, you'd probably have to contract costumes out.

Finally, you needed either an Area of Operations, or a Specialty. A Hero Agency with the first, like the agency Kaumi Woods ran, was built around having a certain amount of area they were first responders to, for which they'd be subordinate to the Hero Agency Division who'd try and schedule things so that there was a constant ground presence and enough floating reserve to tackle any particularly large issues. Having a Specialty was a slightly more prestigious, but also harder route to take. An Agency with a Specialty was considered nationally on-call for whatever they were best at, but after that they were basically independent. All Might, Aizawa, the Pussycats, and Thirteen were all good examples of Specialist heroes who worked with agencies that helped coordinate and boost their strengths. Rescue Specialists were most common, and you could probably put in for that right out the gate if you wanted. Since they tended to have spottier funding, though, it would probably be best to wait until you had an idea of what you were doing.

There were also the more mundane concerns of a Hero Agency you'd have to get sorted out too, but those were comparatively easy. Things like a base, transportation, communications, money, all the easy stuff.

Two months after graduation, you weren't so sure about that easy stuff. You'd hit the ground running on getting your Hero Agency up and rolling, but only now had the grant money come in, and a lot of your friends were bound to be getting rolling on their own jobs. This was going to be hard, but you were still confident. You were Deku- and you were going to help save everyone, come hell or high water!


Each update is going to try and simulate a week. If you choose to be a regular Agency with an Area of Operations, every week will have an Encounter roll (1d100), with either a vote on how Deku & Co. resolve the issue, or if the encounter doesn't involve combat, then a general vote on the State of Affairs at the Hero Agency. For Specialist Agencies, if you choose to convert to one later, the Encounter Roll will come out of a different table, but be mostly the same.

Mechanically, there's only two resources I'm going to track: Money, and Reputation. Unless you're willing to spend money or the event roll comes up right, you only know your Money. There's a basic government grant based on your effectiveness you get, plus any other funds you accrue through donations, over and above response to calls, sponsorships, or heroic jobs (think the Pussycats managing the training camp) that you do.

Each Hero you have will have four major descriptors: Cost (per week), Fighting Power, Rescue Power, and Will. They also have two different flavor descriptors that you can eventually figure out. Support Units have the same stats, but no descriptors. Will is the statistic that determines resistance to problems in life, from things as little as a bad shift to as big as injury.

Nothing in this quest is permanent; and can be changed at any time.
200 Money

No plan votes please. They mess with the vote counter.

Home Base Selection

[] An old abandoned bar and inn that fell into disuse. Aside from being eerily similar to the old League of Villains hideout, it doesn't leak and has a decent amount of room and is nearer to the commercial docks, where things can get rowdy. Costs 30 Money, comes with bedrooms!

[] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.

[] The old, decrepit shrine has finally toppled over near you, and they're willing to sell you access to most of the old buildings and facilities. A lot of it is a fixer-upper, but there's room to spare, and the old priest knows his way around the business end of a bo staff and wants to get out more. Costs 40 Money, comes with large open areas, some decrepit buildings, and a resident old guy or two.

Support Staff Selection

[] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.

[] Job Hunters: These young men and women are looking for decent work in life, but a bad hand has left them down on their luck. For a good living wage and a check on the resume, these guys will put their backs into it as long as they can. 3 Money per week, 1 Comabt 1 Rescue, 5 Will.

[] High Schoolers: It might look like scraping the barrel, but with a solid core of professionals a lot of kids not much younger than you were can do a lot. Just make sure they stay safe! 1 Money per week, 0 Combat 0 Rescue, 3 Will.

(Before anyone asks: next vote is heroes.)
Izuku's Class Jacket
Year One
Standard Classes: Three semesters
Quirk Training: Two semesters
Heroic Fundamentals: Two semesters
Heroic Responsibilities: Two semesters
Sports Festival: 3rd Place
Visitation: Gran Torino
Earned Provisional Hero License
Internship: Nighteye

Year Two
Standard Classes: Three semesters
Advanced Quirk Training: One semester
Heroic Rescue: One semester
Combat Analysis: One semester
Heroic Management: One semester
Quirk Counseling & Quirk Analysis: One semester
Basics of Investigation: One semester
Sports Festival: 1st place
Internship 1: Endeavour
Entered mentorship program
Internship 2: Wild Wild Pussycats
Earned Hero License

Year Three
Standard Classes: Two Semesters
Publicity Management: One semester
Personal Finance: One semester
Advanced Combat Training: One semester
Introductory Heroic Equipment: One semester
Introduction to Heroic Ethics & Law: One semester
Basic Triage: One semester
Advanced Triage: One semester
Combat Engineering: One semester
Sports Festival: NA due to stadium destruction by 1st years.
Internship 1: Fatgum
Internship 2: Ms. Joke
Graduation Project: Served as TA on Joke's Quirk Training class
Earned Full Pro Hero License
Principle's Remarks: Mr. Izuku has an excellent future as a hero and leader of heroes ahead of him. However, he is prone to overexertion, and has trouble understanding his own limitations when it comes to mental exertion.
[X] An old abandoned bar and inn that fell into disuse. Aside from being eerily similar to the old League of Villains hideout, it doesn't leak and has a decent amount of room and is nearer to the commercial docks, where things can get rowdy. Costs 30 Money, comes with bedrooms!

[X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.

Everyone knows we outsource to interns after we get big. But brand name comes first.
[X] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.
[X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.

Gotta spend money to make money, you get what you pay for, etc. If we have the option to employ Mei and other support staff, we'll want good vehicle access and such.
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and other support staff, we'll want good vehicle access and such.

The other UA grads basically are your (not heroic) support staff. Someone's got to cook and mop the floors, and considering the fact everyone who can wear a costume is on Alert 10 or Alert 30 most of the time it means you need someone who isn't liable to drop everything and leave to do it.
The other UA grads basically are your (not heroic) support staff. Someone's got to cook and mop the floors, and considering the fact everyone who can wear a costume is on Alert 10 or Alert 30 most of the time it means you need someone who isn't liable to drop everything and leave to do it.

I mean support staff as in like David Shields; people we hire or contract for making and maintaining high-tech equipment and such.
[X] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.

[X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.
[X] The old, decrepit shrine has finally toppled over near you, and they're willing to sell you access to most of the old buildings and facilities. A lot of it is a fixer-upper, but there's room to spare, and the old priest knows his way around the business end of a bo staff and wants to get out more. Costs 40 Money, comes with large open areas, some decrepit buildings, and a resident old guy or two.

[X] Job Hunters: These young men and women are looking for decent work in life, but a bad hand has left them down on their luck. For a good living wage and a check on the resume, these guys will put their backs into it as long as they can. 3 Money per week, 1 Comabt 1 Rescue, 5 Will.
[X] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.

[X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.

I mean support staff as in like David Shields; people we hire or contract for making and maintaining high-tech equipment and such.

We're not getting support equipment providers in house right now these are the paperwork jockeys, the call and dispatch and hopefully a good PR specialist.
[X] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.

[X] Job Hunters: These young men and women are looking for decent work in life, but a bad hand has left them down on their luck. For a good living wage and a check on the resume, these guys will put their backs into it as long as they can. 3 Money per week, 1 Comabt 1 Rescue, 5 Will.
[X] The old, decrepit shrine has finally toppled over near you, and they're willing to sell you access to most of the old buildings and facilities. A lot of it is a fixer-upper, but there's room to spare, and the old priest knows his way around the business end of a bo staff and wants to get out more. Costs 40 Money, comes with large open areas, some decrepit buildings, and a resident old guy or two.

[X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.
[X] The old, decrepit shrine has finally toppled over near you, and they're willing to sell you access to most of the old buildings and facilities. A lot of it is a fixer-upper, but there's room to spare, and the old priest knows his way around the business end of a bo staff and wants to get out more. Costs 40 Money, comes with large open areas, some decrepit buildings, and a resident old guy or two.

[X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.
[X] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.

[X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.
votes called

Edit: Note that this quest is being simulcast on SB, they get votes too which will be added when I'm done counting them. Yes, if you double vote here and there, I will count your vote twice. Trying to filter that sort of data noise out isn't worth my time.

Since their votes came out to 8 for Shrine and 13 for UA grads, Shrine wins as the base. Anyone who wishes to yell about redistricting may start double-voting.
Adhoc vote count started by 7734 on Jun 23, 2019 at 1:40 PM, finished with 17 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.
    [X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.
    [X] The old, decrepit shrine has finally toppled over near you, and they're willing to sell you access to most of the old buildings and facilities. A lot of it is a fixer-upper, but there's room to spare, and the old priest knows his way around the business end of a bo staff and wants to get out more. Costs 40 Money, comes with large open areas, some decrepit buildings, and a resident old guy or two.
    [X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.
    [X] An old abandoned bar and inn that fell into disuse. Aside from being eerily similar to the old League of Villains hideout, it doesn't leak and has a decent amount of room and is nearer to the commercial docks, where things can get rowdy. Costs 30 Money, comes with bedrooms!
    [X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.
    [X] The old, decrepit shrine has finally toppled over near you, and they're willing to sell you access to most of the old buildings and facilities. A lot of it is a fixer-upper, but there's room to spare, and the old priest knows his way around the business end of a bo staff and wants to get out more. Costs 40 Money, comes with large open areas, some decrepit buildings, and a resident old guy or two.
    [X] Job Hunters: These young men and women are looking for decent work in life, but a bad hand has left them down on their luck. For a good living wage and a check on the resume, these guys will put their backs into it as long as they can. 3 Money per week, 1 Comabt 1 Rescue, 5 Will.
    [X] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.
    [X] Job Hunters: These young men and women are looking for decent work in life, but a bad hand has left them down on their luck. For a good living wage and a check on the resume, these guys will put their backs into it as long as they can. 3 Money per week, 1 Comabt 1 Rescue, 5 Will.

Adhoc vote count started by 7734 on Jun 23, 2019 at 1:41 PM, finished with 17 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] U.A. General Curriculum Students: Your old classmates, still insanely capable and fit as fiddles. The only downside is that they're good, and they charge like it too. 5 Money per week, 2 Combat 4 Rescue, 8 Will.
    [X] A warehouse on the rent for cheap. Turns out being connected to a large criminal company was bad for business, who knew? Either way, it's vehicle rated, so you can run a van out of it no problem, and has plenty of room for heroic infastructure like a response room or tape library. Costs 45 Money, comes with vehicle access, and industrial scale hookups.
    [X] The old, decrepit shrine has finally toppled over near you, and they're willing to sell you access to most of the old buildings and facilities. A lot of it is a fixer-upper, but there's room to spare, and the old priest knows his way around the business end of a bo staff and wants to get out more. Costs 40 Money, comes with large open areas, some decrepit buildings, and a resident old guy or two.
    [X] Job Hunters: These young men and women are looking for decent work in life, but a bad hand has left them down on their luck. For a good living wage and a check on the resume, these guys will put their backs into it as long as they can. 3 Money per week, 1 Comabt 1 Rescue, 5 Will.
    [X] An old abandoned bar and inn that fell into disuse. Aside from being eerily similar to the old League of Villains hideout, it doesn't leak and has a decent amount of room and is nearer to the commercial docks, where things can get rowdy. Costs 30 Money, comes with bedrooms!
7734 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Fun and Engaging Total: 69
69 69
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Setup Week 2
Once the elation and confusion of sitting on several million yen of grant money wore off, you got to work filling out paperwork. There was an old shrine in Hawth Ward you'd heard about from Kirishima and Mina, so you looked into it. The result, after a bumpy train ride with people commenting on your costume and a pleasent walk after you sent your bona fides to the local Agency, was the rather decrepit ruin of Dancing Stag Shrine. The main priest, Tokagowa Shizue, was very friendly to you, and it didn't take long to have a walkabout the place.

Aside from the haizen and the priest's residence, you had access to the whole facility and the thousand-ish square meters the shrine sat on. There were four main buildings, one of which included a very out of date comercial kitchen, while the rest were just empty space that were once used for community events. The area was zoned to allow for inhabitation, which would make things a lot easier. Getting moved in, though, was a headache and a half. Still, once your bed showed up, it was pretty easy to get locked in to starting things.

By "starting things" you meant "start buying infastructure equipment" though. A small server farm, punch clock, and a full freezer was about all you had the cash for before it looked like hitting the heroic budget.

(-50 Money)

Speaking of the heroic budget, you needed heroes. Ideally, you'd be getting the best of the best, but practically there'd need to be a compromise or two about your staffing. Putting out the call, you got a set of lukewarm response from a few of your classmates. Ashido, Uraraka, Ojiro, Kirishima, Koda, and Sero all answered the call, with varying degrees of enthusiasm. It wasn't really suprising, when you thought about it. Todoroki was already off working with his father managing an outreach station, Iida had the family business, and Kaachan…

...well, he was probably employed by now. Either way, you had to get your classmate's jackets sorted, and see who you could try to hire.

Ashido and Kirishima were first, and you were hard-pressed not to think of them as a combination package. Both wanted average salaries, a little more vacation time than average, and were move in ready: give 'em a go date and they'd be on the next train over to get set up at your new Base of Operations. Kirishima had also added a note that if both of them were hired he'd like to talk to you about some things.

Ojiro's resume, meanwhile, was so bare-bones as to be almost useless. His class jacket, a cover letter, and a list of references wasn't enough! Fortunately, though, he was more than willing to take hits to his salary in exchange for more vacation days, and was willing to negotiate on housing stipends if you couldn't bunk him in the base for any reason. He'd be ready to be here in two weeks, though, having picked up a part-time job to stay in his apartment while you got back to him.

Koda's resume, meanwhile, was suprisingly eloquent, with a few interesting notes in it. Aside from the fact he'd already enrolled for online classes on a few rescue heroe recommended things, he flat-out stated he wanted to try and avoid fighting since he was bad of it. Your memory of the third year Sports Festival begged to differ, but after the stadium accidentally became the host to a major radiological event after someone's Quirk let them start performing cold fusion it became a moot point that he could probably black belt in judo. Funds wise, he actually had an oddly high salary expectation, backed by the fact he had competing offers from a few rescue groups in Hokkaido who wanted him for the winter season. Countering this was a pathetic level of vacation, and a one month note until he could start work to finish up the online class.

Sero's resume was rather plain, although there were enough quiet puns in it to make you smile. Otherwise, though, it was so middle of the road you weren't quite sure why he sent it. The one thing that did get you to perk up was the mention he was quite happy someone in Hawth Ward was interested in picking up his contract, since he had friends here. Currently he was move in ready, with a note that sooner was better since the dive hotel he'd been staying in was starting to leak.

Then there was Uraraka, and you had to still your heart some. Yes, you liked her. A lot. Really a lot. This was business, though, and her jacket and resume showed something very different from your heartthrob thoughts. On paper, she was a hellcat fighter, with enough classes in combat quirk use and hand to hand you were fairly certain that unless Kaachan had figured out some damn good tricks she could pound him into the sand. While she might have been rescue certified (all of UA was, really) it was so secondary you thought it might as well not even be on there. Internships with Grand Orca, Edgeshot, Mirko, and Crimson Riot all showed someone willing to go toe to toe with the worst of them all and come out on top. It showed, too: apparently one week of vacation was plenty, as long as she got an extra thirty percent payout on any villain bounties the Agency picked up along the way and a tooth-clenching salary. At least she could start soon, although the little note with a new phone number and "call me!" in pink ink was a little bit odd.

Fortunately, you still had another two weeks before your shakedown period was done, because there'd been a recent spate of villains in the area. It wasn't a serious issue, but it was problematic enough when you started bringing in supplies to fix the main building you'd started in. It might be pase to admit it, but your room leaked, and so did the small barracks setup. The kitchen was dry, for now, but if a monsoon came in then everything was going to get soaked. With their main jobs as communication slots not needing to be filled, everyone pitched in… and then you found out that when only one person knew anything about fixing shingles, it was kind of a moot point no matter how much PLUS ULTRA you put into a problem.


Money: 100
Weekly Expenses: 5
Next Grant: 11 Weeks


Choose three heroes to hire.

[] Ashido Mina: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[] Kirishima Eijiro: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[] Ojiro Mashirao: 5 Money per week, 6 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[] Koda Koji: 5 Money per week, 3 Combat 6 Rescue, ?? Will
[] Sero Hanata: 6 Money per week, 4 Combat 5 Rescue, ?? Will
[] Uraraka Ochako, 7 Money per week, 6 Combat 4 Rescue, ?? Will
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[X] Ashido Mina: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Kirishima Eijiro: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Uraraka Ochako, 7 Money per week, 6 Combat 4 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Ashido Mina: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Kirishima Eijiro: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Uraraka Ochako, 7 Money per week, 6 Combat 4 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Ashido Mina: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Kirishima Eijiro: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Uraraka Ochako, 7 Money per week, 6 Combat 4 Rescue, ?? Will

Kirishima and Uraraka are two of my favorite characters in the series, and Ashido's also great.
[X] Ashido Mina: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Kirishima Eijiro: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Uraraka Ochako, 7 Money per week, 6 Combat 4 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Ashido Mina: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Kirishima Eijiro: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Uraraka Ochako, 7 Money per week, 6 Combat 4 Rescue, ?? Will
Shame there isn't really much of an actual choice here; I actually would like to hire Sero. Oh well.

[X] Ashido Mina: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Kirishima Eijiro: 6 Money per week, 5 Combat 3 Rescue, ?? Will
[X] Uraraka Ochako, 7 Money per week, 6 Combat 4 Rescue, ?? Will