GURPS Horror one-shot

Perth, Western Australia
Anyone interested? System is GURPS, the genre is horror, just in time for Halloween.
I'd prefer players who are experienced with GURPS as a system. Post at least once or twice a day to keep things moving.
Not a campaign, just one long adventure. Certain "long term play" traits may not be allowed as appropriate. This is also a play-by-post, so ditto on real-time-centered traits like Luck, Unluckiness, and Serendipity.

Recommended Books: Basic Set (REQUIRED), Horror, High-Tech, tell your GM about any other books you use.
Rules used are grounded, a medium between cinematic/light and gritty/detailed.
Same Languages and Cultural Familiarities as real life modern America.
100-points, up to -50 (lowered Attributes and Secondary Characteristics count towards the limit), up to 5 quirks (try not to leave them as "TBD").
No exotic, supernatural (that you know of) or cinematic traits. Please notify me if you want to have secret traits.
Recommended Horror Templates: Criminal, (private) Detective, Doctor, Explorer, Journalist, Mystic-Charlatan, Occultist, Retired Soldier, Tech, Writer
Appropriate character hooks include Guilty Secret, Haunted Item, Missing Relative, and Missing Time.

Equipment: list personal equipment and cash on hand worth 20% of starting wealth (probably $4000 for TL 8 Average Wealth and no more one level above or below Average), please note that most starting personal gear will be taken at start of the adventure, PCs can and probably will get it all back from enemies in play (Signature Gear Advantage and Equipment/Weapon Bond Perk not allowed as a result).

The adventure is set in the year 1980 (June 20) - very early TL 8 - certain TL 8 equipment may not be available yet (smartphones, advanced rifles, warfighter body armor) or x2 heavier/costlier (electronics, complex gadgets). When in doubt, check to see when it was invented.
Player characters are in West Virginia, they are either treasure hunters looking for a rumored payday, private investigators/concerned loved ones searching for kidnapped people or unfortunate travelers/truckers/tourists who got lost. All of them have run afoul of some nasty characters and got captured by bushwhacking crooks - they start the adventure escaping from the marauders.

Do I have any takers? Questions?