[GURPS AtE] Worse Than the Disease

Perth, Western Australia
About two or three generations ago, the old world suffered a terrible plague that forced people to seek an extreme lockdown. Fortunately for humanity, one of their disaster preparations was a huge network of underground Shelters all across the nation. Your ancestors fled to one of these Shelters and escaped death from the RW11 Virus.

Up until a day ago, you lived your whole life in Shelter 44, an advanced and safe lockdown bunker in the state of Vermont. But the Overseer of the Shelter has declared you outcast, and has banished you to the outside after a grace period of 48 hours, never to return. With only a small amount of supplies "graciously" given to you, you are forced to travel the wastelands. This is your story.

This will be a Play-by-Post GURPS After the End campaign. Required books are just the Basic Set, and AtE 1 & 2. If you have a book you'd like to use, tell me about it first before you start creating a character. Make sure you keep an eye on the thread to keep the game alive! I'll probably be doing most of the dice rolls, as not all of the modifiers will be obvious to you or your character.

A little rules change (since this is a PbP campaign); as per Powers page 108, certain abilities like Luck and Serendipity that operate on real time will instead use game-time cooldowns.
For Luck advantage, each use per real-time hour instead equals uses per in-game day (i.e. Ridiculous Luck has six uses per day).
Advantages that have uses per session are uses per in-game week instead.

Character Creation: 150-points, limited to -50 in Disadvantages, 5 quirks. Use either templates or the cheat sheet in AtE 1. Your character can not be mutated.
Style: Heroic Realism
Morality: whatever the party decides on in-game
Inappropriate Skills: Hazardous Materials (Radioactive), Survival (Radioactive Wasteland), no TL 9+ tech skills.
Skiing and Skating ARE appropriate - Vermont is very cold and snowy. Your character can have second hand knowledge of the outside world (Anthropology, Streetwise, Survival, etc.) - your Shelter has had limited contact with outsiders and sports a database of knowledge.
Starting gear: You are not allowed to sacrifice any Character Points for more starting gear. And you only get the usual limited $500 gear allowance (including the cost multiplier for high TL gear) despite coming from a Shelter - "outcasts" like you are given a paltry "severance package". All other Shelter belongings are considered "public property" assigned by the Overseer. TL 8 is the ceiling.
How ambitious would it be to eye this with no more familiarity with GURPS than one may get from Fallout video games?

Also, wouldn't it be wilderness rather than wasteland, if the end event was a plague? That one shouldn't impede regrowth as much.
How ambitious would it be to eye this with no more familiarity with GURPS than one may get from Fallout video games?

Also, wouldn't it be wilderness rather than wasteland, if the end event was a plague? That one shouldn't impede regrowth as much.

Pretty ambitious.

And to your Sheltered PC's eyes, it is waste all the same.
I'm interested! Here's a quick character build.

George Starr had been born a giant in Shelter 44. He was always growing bigger, and always at a faster pace than all the other kids. By the age of ten, he'd already grown as tall as his mother, and the start of his teens was when he overtook his father. The shelter's strict rationing meant that even as George shot past seven feet, he was skinny as a rail and had more than a few health problems. Thankfully, once he turned eighteen, a strict diet of pills and some invasive surgery targeting a tumor on his pituitary glands halted his growth.

The good thing about his height is that it made others look up to George, and with time that became more than literally. With his size and strength, young Starr was a shoe-in for a security position in Shelter 44, becoming a well-liked protector of the community. He rose through a few ranks, becoming a highly commendable senior officer, learning leadership skills and the necessary skills to safekeeping the citizens.

And then it all came apart. He was being exiled on the whims of the Overseer...

George Starr [150]
Point Total: 150
Disadvantages: -50 (& 5 Quirks)
Template: Freeform (based on Hulk).
Description: 23 (D.O.B. Sept 13th, 2XXX), 7'6", 3?? lbs. Pale Caucasian, short brown hair & short beard, green eyes. Right-Handed.

STATS {122}
Primaries {135}: ST 15 [45]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 13 [30].
Secondaries {-13}: HP 15/15; WIL 11; PER 10 [-5]; FP 11/11 [-6]; RP 12/12 [-2]; SPD 6.00; MOV 7.
Derivatives: SM 1; Dam 1d+1 Thr/2d+1 Sw.

TRAITS {-14}
Physical {-19}: Hard to Kill 3 (+1/Lv. to HT rolls to survive death rolls) [6]; Deep Sleeper (Fall Asleep anywhere!) [1]; Penetrating Voice (+3 to be heard over noise, +1 to Intimidation rolls when roaring/yelling) [1]; Gigantism (SM +1, Move +1, -2 Disguise, -2 Shadowing while following in a crowd) [0]; Night Vision 0 (Natural Vision (-1), +0%) [0]; Slow Reflexes* [-1]; Photosensitivity* [-1]; Unfit (-1 to all HT Rolls except for HT Attribute/Skills. Lose FP at twice the normal rate.) [-5]; Skinny (-2 vs. Knockback, -2 to Disguise, -2 Shadowing) [-5]; Insomniac (Severe: Every 2d-1 days an episode hits. roll against HT-2, On failure lose 2 hours of sleep, on crit fail don't sleep!) [-15].
Mental {4}: Charisma 3 (+1/Lv. on Reaction Rolls, Influence Rolls, Fortune-Telling, Leadership, Panhandling, & Public Speaking) [15]; Absolute Timing (Always keep track of time) [2]; Lightning Calculator ('Automatic' calculations) [2]; Humble* [-1]; Disciplined* [-1]; Attentive* [-1]; Arachnophobia (CR 15 // CR when encountering spiders/spider-related things. On failure, roll on the Fright Check Table. If success, you're at -1 to DX, IQ, & Skill Rolls while the fear persists. Roll again every 10 minutes. The threat of spiders triggers CR at +4.) [-2]; Xenophilia (CR 12 // When encountering weird/strange subjects, CR. On failure, must interact with object. +2 on Fright Checks/Reaction Rolls when meeting strange creatures/Exotic NPCs.) [-10].
Social {1}: Signature Gear (Starr Rifle) [1]; Appearance (Average) [0].

Primary Skills {23}: Intimidation (Will/A+1) [4]; Guns (LMG: DX/E+5) [16]; Shortsword (DX/A+0) [2]; Brawling (DX/E+0) [1].
Secondary Skills {11}: Scrounging (PER/E+1) [2]; Stealth (DX/A+0) [2]; Leadership (IQ/A+0+3) [2]; Soldier (IQ/A+0) [2]; Tactics (IQ/H-1) [2]; Forced Entry (DX/E+0) [1].
Background Skills {8}: Area Knowledge (Shelter 44: IQ/E+0) [1]; Current Affairs (Regional: IQ/E+0) [1]; Fast-Talk (IQ/A-1) [1]; Gesture (IQ/E+0) [1]; Gambling (IQ/A-1) [1]; Observation (IQ/A-1) [1]; First Aid (IQ/E+0) [1]; Computer Operation (IQ/E+0) [1].

*Quirks: Slow Reflexes - -1 SPD for the sole purpose of determining your place in the turn sequence. // Photosensitivity - -1 to HT Rolls to resist dazzling effects. If you suffer -1 to Vision due to bad light, add another -1. If your total penalty reaches -10, you're effectively blind. Canceled out with sunglasses. // Humble - Quirk-level Selfless. // Disciplined - You won't start a fight without being confronted or commanded to. // Attentive - +1 when working on lengthy tasks, -3 to notice important interruptions.

[STATUS] GEAR (STATS; COST/WT.: NOTES) {500$, 36.75 lbs.}
[E] Big Baton (Sw+1/Thr+1 Cr, Reach 1?, Parry 0, ST 9; 30$, Wt. 3 lbs: SM +1.) - A security baton, sized to fit George.
[E] Clothing, Normal (N/A; Free, 4 lbs: SM +1) - A standard set of clothing found in Shelter 44.
[E] Leather Jacket (1* DR (Torso, Arms); 100$, 8 lbs: SM +1) - A leather jacket built for George's dimensions. Has 'SECURITY' printed on its back.
[E] Shoes (DR 1*; 80$, 4 lbs) - Very large shoes.
[C] Cheap Lever-Action Carbine, .30 (5d Pi Dam, Acc 3, Rng 450/3000, RoF 1, Shots 6/6+1 (3i), ST 10+, Bulk -4, Rcl 2; 240$, Wt. 7/0.3: -1 HT, -1 Malf.) - The Starr family rifle. It was old before it was brought into the shelter, and it's ancient at this point. Has the family symbol in the form of a trinket attached to it's stock.
[C] Small Bulky Backpack (30$, 3 lbs: 7.75/40 lbs) - A backpack with extended shoulder straps.
- [C] 5x Rations (10$, 2.5 lbs)
- [C] 5x Filled Water Bottles (10$, 5.25 lbs: Each contains 1 Pint of Clean Water (+5$, +5 lbs))