Grasp the Stars (Stellaris: Overlord)

Grasp the Stars (Stellaris: Overlord)
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With the release of the latest DLC for Stellaris, I'm try a quest experiment! I'm going to set up a game of Stellaris to run with the thread-created civ and let it run, posting periodic updates regarding major events and decision points. Votes in the thread will dictate the actions of the current leader of humanity's space exploration and expansion efforts, while planetary administration is left to the game's (supposedly much-improved) AI.
2200.01.01 - Setup
The Deep Blue Sea
2200.01.01 - Setup

The climb into space has been surprisingly slow, you reflect, as you watch the finishing touches and final safety checks begin in the dry dock of Sol Station. From heavier than air flight to the lunar surface in less than seventy years, but it has taken another two-hundred and thirty to reach the point of launching the first interstellar ship. Of course, the space explorers of yesteryear thought they would need to reach the stars over hundreds of years on the back of chemical fuels alone. They could not have known about the areas of compressed space - "hyperlanes" - that humanity's exploration of the Oort cloud had revealed. And as for everything else that had happened...

What events precede humanity finally reaching the stars?
[] (Origin) Galactic Doorstep
The discovery of a gigantic, clearly artificial object orbiting on the edge of the solar system spurred a surge in space exploration.​
[] (Origin) Imperial Fiefdom
Our first attempt at interstellar travel was intercepted by a much larger, much older civilization. We have been under their heel ever since.​
[X] (Origin) Shoulders of Giants
Our first efforts at permanent lunar construction unveiled the remnants of an ancient, alien civilization, spurred a surge in space exploration.
[] (Origin) Post-Apocalyptic
A new global civilization has risen from the radioactive ashes of the third World War, enabling humanity to cling to life on this scarred planet by tooth and claw.​
[] (Origin) Prosperous Unification
The United Nations progressively became more powerful as the world's developing nations banded together to counterbalance individual superpowers. (Requires Democratic or Oligarchic government.)​

Generally, what values most critically defined the human civilization at the start of the 23rd century? Vote for up to 3.
[] (Ethic) Militancy
[] (Ethic) Pacifism
[] (Ethic) Xenophobia
[X] (Ethic) Xenophilia
[] (Ethic) Authoritarianism
[X] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[] (Ethic) Pragmatism
[X] (Ethic) Spirituality

How do the people of 23rd century Earth organize themselves?
[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance

[] (Gov) A select few control the government
[] (Gov) A single figure wields non-hereditary power
[] (Gov) A unified planetary empire
[] (Gov) Government has been replaced by a megacorporation

With the release of the latest DLC for Stellaris, I'm try a quest experiment! I'm going to set up a game of Stellaris to run with the thread-created civ and let it run, posting periodic updates regarding major events and decision points. Votes in the thread will dictate the actions of the current leader of humanity's space exploration and expansion efforts, while planetary administration is left to the game's (supposedly much-improved) AI.
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Civilization Info
The United Nations of Earth (2254.08)

Nearby Space said:

An egalitarian, spiritual, and xenophilic democracy.

Key Leaders:
  • Exoplanetary Secretary Katya Zhivenkova
    • Born 2167, Skill 5
    • Adaptable (gain XP faster), Architectural Sense (cheaper + faster buildings), Home in the Sky (cheaper starbases), Industrialist (+mineral generation)
    • Leads the Electoral Freedom Initiative (Egalitarian faction)
  • Secretary-General Yun Liang (Earth Sector)
    • Born 2207, Skill 3
    • Intellectual (+10% researcher output)
    • Leads the Red Legion (Militarist faction)
  • Envoy Stanley Cartwright
    • Born 2158
    • Ambassador to the Shazarak Subsumers
  • Envoy Anita Schneider
    • Born 2165
    • Ambassador (spy network) to the United Lypian Suns
  • Envoy Sizwe Tshangisa
    • Born 2211
    • Ambassador to the Klaggian Authority

  • Admiral Joseph Bosquet (First Interstellar Fleet)
    • Born 2192, Skill 3, Gale Speed (give ships +20% speed, +5% evasiveness)
  • Admiral Hiyori Okamoto (Second Interstellar Fleet)
    • Born 2195, Skill 2, Cautious (ship weapon range +20%)

  • Captain Apoorva Moorthi (ISS Aldrin)
    • Born 2198, Skill 2, Carefree (faster anomaly research)
  • Captain Kimiko Ogawa (ISS Maui)
    • Born 2203, Skill 3, Xenoarchaeologist (excavates archaeology sites faster)
  • Captain Shiori Okada (ISS Azophi)
    • Born 2170, Skill 7, Roamer (faster survey speed), Adaptable (level up 25% faster)
    • Leads the Association for Scientific Betterment
  • Captain Subham Pannikar (ISS Hawking)
    • Born 2181, Skill 5, Meticulous (higher chance to discover anomalies), Expertise: Statecraft

  • Dr. _____ (Sociobiology Research)
  • Dr. Beatrice Reid (Physics Research)
    • Born 2173, Skill 6, Meticulous (higher chance to discover anomalies), Expertise: Field Manipulation
    • Leads the Xeno Liberty Trust (Xenophile faction)
  • Dr. Cai Wan (Engineering Research)
    • Born 2201, Skill 3, Spark of Genius (all research faster)
Internal Factions:
  • Council of Metaphysical Cleansing (Spiritualist faction)
    • Leader: Cordelia Whitfield (retired)
    • Size 33
  • Electoral Freedom Initiative (Egalitarian faction)
    • Leader: Exoplanetary Secretary Katya Zhivenkova
    • Size 39
  • Xeno Liberty Trust (Xenophile faction)
    • Leader: Doctor Beatrice Reid
    • Size 31
    • Demands
      • Make a formal alliance with one or more other civilization(s)
  • Red Legion (Militarist faction)
    • Leader: Governor Yun Liang
    • Size 21
    • Demands
      • Remove 'Benevolent' subjugation policy
  • Association for Scientific Betterment (Materialist faction)
    • Leader: Captain Shiori Okada
    • Size 13
    • Demands:
      • Allow the study of more advanced artificial intelligence
      • Cooperate on research with neighboring polities
Inhabited Planets: (total population 138)
Earth Sector (Governor Yun Liang)​
Earth (Continental, size 18)​
Chiron (Continental, size 17)​
Delling (Continental, size 16)​
Kannon (Continental, size 14)​
Kore (Continental, size 12)​
Emesh (Gaia world, size 20)​

Scientific Projects:
  • Former Baol Colony, Darep system (Precursors, Currently blocked by Guardians of Zanaam): A nearby, now-extinct spacefaring civilization, the Grunur, wrote about encountering an entire civilization made up of a single organism, which they called the Baol. We have identified an ancient colony of the Baol, and must excavate it to learn more about them (it?).
  • Ancient Battlefield, Roshon system
    • Captain Kimiko Ogawa (ISS Maui) is excavating
  • Orbital Science
    • Earth - Captain Shiori Okada (ISS Azophi)
    • Kannon - Captain Subham Pannikar (ISS Hawking)
(Biosociety Research): Secrets of Life (+20% sociobiology output from research jobs)​
Dr. Reid: Improved Reactor Boosters (ship component)​
Dr. Wan: Advanced Corvette Hulls (+hull points)​

Key Policies:
First Contact: Proactive​
Casus Belli: Liberation Wars​
Subjugation Terms: Benevolent​
Refugees: Welcome​
Slavery, Purges, Population Controls: Outlawed​
Artificial Intelligence & Robotic Workers: Outlawed​

Edicts (161/195):
Fortify the Border (+2 starbase capacity, cheaper to upgrade once those techs are unlocked)​
Fleet Supremacy (+100 ship starting experience, +10% ship build speed, diplomatic weight from navy size, and upkeep cost)​
Map the Stars (+survey speed, +anomaly discovery chance, +hyperlane detection range)​
Research Subsidies (+1 upkeep for researchers, +10% researcher output)​

Discovery - COMPLETE​
Expansion - COMPLETE​
Prosperity - COMPLETE​
Supremacy - 4/5​
Empire Modifiers:
Technological Ascendency: +10% research speed, 'rare' technologies more likely to be discovered​
One Vision: +10% monthly Unity, -10% population amenities use, +50% governing ethics attraction​
Executive Vigor: +100 Edict capacity​
Enclave Effects:​
Curator Insights: +10% research speed​
Patron of the Arts: +10% Unity generation​
Other Bonuses:​
Drone Mining Techniques: +10% mining station mineral output​
Harmonious Crews: +10% ship speed​
Spurred by the Past: +5% Unity, Happiness, and Research Speed; + 10% Governing Ethics Attraction​
Void Loops: +5% physics research from jobs​
Enclave Relations
Artisan Troupe (+100) said:

  • Currently granting Patron of the Arts (+10% Unity generation)
Caravan Coalition (+40) said:
Curator Order (+96) said:

  • Currently granting Curator Insight (+10% research speed)
Muutagan Portrait (+0) said:
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Diplomatic Info
Updated: 2254.08

Ongoing Diplomatic Situations said:
  • Wars:
    • Esurient Bruggan Absorbers + United Nations of Earth vs. Birnathi Confederacy + United Lypian Suns (annexation)
    • Barclaid Star Authority vs Galactic Qopinjaxi Republic (rebellion)
  • Federations and Overlords
    • The Exalted Sphere Federation
      • Provalguvor Conglomerate (leader)
      • Obbha Union (member)
      • Izki Confederacy (member)
      • Iztran Mercantile Guilds (member)
      • Klaggian Authority (associate)
      • Sacred Kazam Republic (associate)
    • Divine Kazam Republic holds the Benn'Thell Compactas a bulwark (military-specialist vassal)
    • Polity of Nolyon and Rutharian Empire have entered a defensive pact

Diplomatic Contacts said:
Number in parentheses represents the group's opinion of the United Nations of Earth.
Barclaid Star Authority (+30) said:

  • Rebelling against Galactic Qopinjaxi Republic
  • Rivaling: Galactic Qopinjaxi Republic
  • Rivaled By: Galactic Qopinjaxi Republic
Bhen'Thell Compact (+11) said:

  • Bulwark under Sacred Kazam Republic
  • Rivaling: Prikkiki-Ti, Klaggian Authority, Bodrianite Syndicate

Birnathi Confederation (-577) said:

  • At War with Esurient Bruggan Absorbers + United Nations of Earth
  • Allied To: United Lypian Suns
  • Rivaling: Esurient Bruggan Absorbers, United Nations of Earth, Prossnakan Alliance
  • Rivaled By: Esurient Bruggan Absorbers, United Nations of Earth, Prossnakan Alliance

Bodrianite Syndicate (-89) said:

  • Holds a Branch Office on Earth
  • Rivalling: Shazarak Subsumers
  • Rivaled By: Benn'Thell Compact

Esurient Bruggan Absorbers (+110) said:

  • At War: Birnathi Confederation + United Lypian Suns
  • Rivaling: Birnathi Confederation, United Lypian Suns
  • Rivaled By: Birnathi Confederation, Prossnakan Alliance, and United Lypian Suns

Galactic Qopinjaxi Republic (-158) said:

Izki Confederacy (+137) said:

  • Member of the Exalted Sphere Federation

Iztran Mercantile Guilds (+114) said:

  • Member of the Exalted Sphere Federation

Jonus Custodians (-20) said:

Klaggian Authority (+92) said:

  • Associate with Exalted Sphere Federation
  • Rivaling: Prikkiki-Ti, Shazarak Subsumers
  • Rivaled By: Benn'Thell Compact

Mitron Citizen Union (+82) said:

  • Rivalling: Thorquell High Kingdom, Prossnakan Alliance
  • Rivaled By: Thorquell High Kingdom

Obbha Union (+57) said:

  • Member of the Exalted Sphere Federation
  • Rivalling: Prikkiki-Ti

Prikkiki-Ti (-2070) said:

Prossnakan Alliance (+233) said:

  • Rivalling: Bruggan Absorbers, Birnathi Confederation, Lypian Suns
  • Rivaled By: Bruggan Absorbers, Birnathi Confederation, Lypian Suns

Provalguvor Conglomerate (+102) said:

  • Leader of the Exalted Sphere Federation
  • Rivalling Prikkiki-Ti

Sacred Kazam Republic (+166) said:

  • Associate with Exalted Sphere Federation
  • Overlord of Benn'Thell Compact (Bulwark)
  • Rivalling Prikkiki-Ti

Sharazak Subsumers (-133) said:

  • Rivaled By: Klaggian Authority, Bodrianite Syndicate

Thorquell High Kingdom (-160) said:

  • Closed borders
  • Rivalling: Mitron Citizen Union, Prikkiki-Ti
  • Rivaled By: Mitron Citizen Union

United Lypian Suns (-374) said:

  • Closed Borders
  • At War: Esurient Bruggan Absorbers + United Nations of Earth
  • Rivalling: Bruggan Absorbers, Prossnakan Alliance, United Nations of Earth
  • Rivaled By: Bruggan Absorbers, Prossnakan Alliance, United Nations of Earth
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Have you had the chance to play the new DLC yet and if so how well do you think the AI could handle being told to specialize their planets? Because if the can handle it well enough I'd go for imperial fiefdom and vote for research specialization.
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[X] (Origin) Prosperous Unification
[X] (Ethic) Pragmatism
[X] (Ethic) Pragmatism x2
[X] (Ethic) Egalitarianism

No idea on gov, I normally do hive mind.
[x] (Origin) Post-Apocalyptic
[x] (Ethic) Militancy
[x] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[x] (Ethic) Pragmatism
[x] (Gov) A select few control the government
[X] (Origin) Imperial Fiefdom
Our first attempt at interstellar travel was intercepted by a much larger, much older civilization. We have been under their heel ever since.

[X] (Ethic) Spirituality
[X] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[X] (Ethic) Xenophobia
[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance

One day, we will have a quest on SV where voters where voters don't hiss like a vampire at the thought of religion.
[X] (Origin) Shoulders of Giants
[X] (Ethic) Militancy
[X] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[X] (Ethic) Spirituality
[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance

[x] Plan: Knock knock
-[x] (Origin) Galactic Doorstep
-[x] (Ethic) Authoritarianism
-[x] (Ethic) Pragmatism
-[x] (Gov) Government has been replaced by a megacorporation

People underestimate goods of an early gate tech and a free gate in capital system
But Fanatic Materialist is all about the research!
But ASCENSION SLOTS MAN! Have you never played a game with like 25 different focus trees and like 30 ascension slots?! So much more satisfying than hitting 'laser weapons N+1' every three real world days jesus christ the late game lag whyyyyyy

And regardless of this being vanilla, the unity updates are very nice, especially as you go later game.

[X] Is this a [Mass Effect Ripoff]?
-[X] (Origin) Shoulders of Giants
-[X] (Ethic) Militancy
-[X] (Ethic) Xenophilia
-[X] (Ethic) Xenophilia x2
-[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance
[X] (Origin) Prosperous Unification
[X] (Ethic) Spirituality
[X] (Ethic) Xenophilia
[X] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance

Just voting for things I like :)

Do we have to do plans btw? Tally compromises are so much more fun.
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[X] (Origin) Shoulders of Giants
[X] (Ethic) Militancy
[X] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[X] (Ethic) Spirituality
[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance

I'm up for space boats
[X] (Origin) Imperial Fiefdom
[X] (Ethic) Pragmatism
[X] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[X] (Ethic) Militancy
[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance

Going with Spiritualists because that's what helps lead into psionics and psionic ascension. Granted, I tend to go the synthetic ascension route, but for a quest I think it would be nice to go the psionic route.
Galactic Doorstep because getting into the gate network early is awesome.

Switching to Imperial Fiefdom now that I realize that it's from the new DLC. I originally thought it was the "Scion" origin from Federations. Also switching from Spiritualist to Pragmatism since I think that would be more useful as an Imperial Fiefdom. Materialist means robots and robots means productivity.
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[x] (Origin) Shoulders of Giants
[x] (Ethic) Pragmatism
[x] (Ethic) Pragmatism x2
[x] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[x] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance
[X] (Origin) Prosperous Unification
[X] (Ethic) Spirituality
[X] (Ethic) Xenophilia
[X] (Ethic) Egalitarianism
[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance
Having no experience with Stellaris (I keep meaning to try it but haven't found the time yet) I'm voting purely narratively. I'm not keen on going all evil empire but I also don't want to be too squeaky clean.

[X] (Origin) Galactic Doorstep
[X] (Ethic) Militancy
[X] (Ethic) Spirituality
[X] (Ethic) Xenophilia
[X] (Gov) Most people have a voice in governance
Time to horrify SV. After all, we have to play like a true Stellaris Player... :p Or maybe it's just the adverse reactions of a young race achieving the stars only for intervention to occur. Not sure what a True Stellaris Player does for the third Ethic point, I suspect Militarism but I'd vote for Pacifiscm before that here. And honestly, it changes enough that I'm willing to back Spirituality despite some saying that was one of the weaker Ethics. Or was that the patch before the previous patch/DLC?

[X] (Origin) Imperial Fiefdom
[X] (Ethic) Xenophobia
[X] (Ethic) Xenophobia x2
[X] (Ethic) Spirituality
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