Good Things, Bad Things, and Everything in Between

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"It's cold."

You inhale and exhale, savoring the taste of the cigarette held loosely between...
OP: Once, Atop a Mountain...


Seeker of Originality
Somewhere in the Jungles of S.E.A
"It's cold."

You inhale and exhale, savoring the taste of the cigarette held loosely between your fingers.

"We're up a freaking mountain, it's supposed to be cold. Suck it up."

You raise an arm, checking the time. 0303 hours. If intel was right, though you doubt it, then it is almost time for the shift change. You idly draw your knife and run a gloved finger along its length, feeling out the words engraved into it. It is a way you developed after so long doing what you do, to help psych yourself up for the challenges you're about to face. It might not seem like much, but this simple gesture does wonders to help you calm down.

"I can't feel my fingers."

You slip your weapon back into its sheath on your chest and look up at the star laden sky, trying to sear the amazing sight to memory. And maybe, just maybe…

"Then fucking jack off for all I care, Helix. Maybe you'll snap freeze your dick off while you're at it."

"Go fuck yourself, Laz."

If the two idiots with you would shut their mouths long enough for you to get some small semblance of peace and quiet, you could do just that.

"Alright you two, pipe it down." Your squad leader, Red, grunts as she rises to her feet. "The op's starting. Zim, you're on point. Check if the ice is good."

You make a noise between a grunt and a low growl, pushing yourself to your feet and inch sideways along the ledge of the glacier. You reach down and pluck the two ice axes dangling by your sides. With as much caution as you can spare, you swing and bury one axe deep. You test your weight on it, then swing the other. Cautiously, you climb up, tugging at your axes to make sure they hold.

"Ice is good." You confirm. "Climb up."

"Up we go~" Helix, the designated marksman and resident trivia specialist of the team, sings as he starts his ascent.

"Couldn't we just airlift in, Cap?" Lazarus, your squad engineer and designated driver, questions your commanding officer. "Would save us a lot of climbing…"

"And get every gun in the base aimed at my ass?" Red grunts. "No thanks."

"It's just a little hot lead, nothing to be scared of." Helix grins. "Though, I'll admit; it's a fine target."

"Shut up," You can feel the eye roll Red does with that comment. "You're the sniper, you rarely get shot at."

"Hey, I get shot at plenty of times! If there's anyone who actually doesn't get shot at often it'd be Lazarus, and that's be because he always has his mini robot tank with him." The sniper laughs. "Also, fuck you."

"They're called drones, and they aren't as tough as you think they are," Lazarus corrects him.

"Bullshit! I shot one of those things with Big Bertha and they just shrug it off like it was nothing!" Helix rounds on the engineer. "What the hell do you armor them with, anyway? Fucking bullshitium?"

"It's made from the same thing your gun is, asshole!" Lazarus lashes out with a weak kick. "Of course, you're too busy comparing your dick size with the rounds you shoot to actually read the damn instruction manual that came with it."

"Do you want to know what it's like falling off a mountain, dumbfuck?" Helix raises a leg threateningly.

"Try me, Mister Overcompensating." Lazarus taunts back, his axe raised in answer.

"I regret bringing you two already." Red sighs. "I should've asked Shiva and Dave instead, damn it. At least those two are quiet about the way they flirt."

"Aw, you break our hearts, Red." Helix chortles.

You curse under your breath as you near the top edge. God damned motor mouths, all of them. As quietly as you can, you haul yourself up and peer over the edge for any hostile contacts. Seeing none, you climb over and keep watch while the others climb up. It wouldn't do you well to be caught by a patrol just as you were about to start your mission.

Your gauss rifle unfolds and as you unsling it off your back, primed and ready to fire. You check the power cell slot, mildly pleased to see that it and the power cell itself haven't frozen over yet. The memory of your gun not firing due to ice makes you scowl, but you force it back as your teammates climb up into position behind you. Lazarus sweeps the area in front of him with his SMG, then taps the portable computer console strapped to his forearm.

"Area's clear. Come on up, Sparky." He says. A distant happy beep sounds, and you hear ice crunch as something else scales the cliff face behind you.

You glance back in time to see a six legged robot clamber up, snow and bits of dirt flaking off the reinforced tips of its legs. Practically a turret on a mobile platform, the drone, affectionately called "Sparky" by Lazarus, is armed with a rotary gauss cannon taken off a gunship, an anti-armor energy cannon usually mounted on fortifications and APCs, and several racks of rockets and laser guided missiles. Its legs are large and wide, made so intentionally to provide a larger surface area with which to stop or deflect solid projectiles and act as mobile cover. Sparky scuttles into position at the far rear of the group, a shield generator flickering to life and enveloping all four of you in a single large hemisphere of translucent hexagons.

"Alright, just so we're clear, I'm going to repeat our mission one more time so that no-one does something stupid." Red says, checking her own gauss rifle. "We're here with orders to find and extract a VIP by the name of Alina Ar'Laan D'Lotuk, a Elven royal who went missing along with her escorts two months prior on her way to a prestigious elven magic academy. A group of people led by her childhood friend went out looking and they hadn't been seen since."

"Poor fuckers." Helix shakes his head as he loads a heat sink into his anti-material energy rifle.

"Hush." Lazarus chastises, running a system diagnostic of Sparky and making sure the big lug is functional. "Keep going, Red."

"As I was saying," Red growls. "One of the VIP's escorts was found half dead a week ago at the foot of this mountain. Before she expired, she managed to give details on what happened and where the VIP is. Long story short, she's being held in a prison by a cult that wants to sacrifice her and summon a Daemon Prince to conquer the world but they're waiting for their leader to get here so that he can run the ritual himself."

"So, our targets are two fold." Red raises a fist and extends a finger. "Find the Elf Princess and get her out before she's killed and her soul is used to summon a Daemon Prince," she extends another finger. "And kill or capture the cult leader, who should be arriving right about..."

You hear something let out an ungodly shriek and throw yourself to the snow. You don't move a muscle as several large shadows fly overhead with heavy wing beats strong enough to displace the snow around you. The shadows pass, and you wait another few seconds before standing back up. Your teammates do the same, and Sparky shakes itself out of the snow it had buried itself in moments earlier.

"Man," Helix looks over his rifle forlornly. "I really should've brought Drake for this instead of Pretty Betty here."

"Speak for yourself." Lazarus brushes off the snow and ice still clinging onto Sparky. "Gauss sabots and rockets'll only piss those things off. Sparky'll be feel more than a little sad that he couldn't help, right big guy?"

The drone beeps sadly, tilting forward slightly to imitate a human slumping forward in depression.

"Alright, enough with the pessimism." Red shakes her head. "Geez, moping over not bringing the right gear... You two can fuck with the intel guys when we get back, they should've told us about the cult leader having fucking wyverns in the first place and gave us the layout of the damn base before we ."

"Deal." Helix nods happily, then turns to you. "So, what's the plan, Zim?"

[] Go loud. A raid will catch them by surprise and make them flounder long enough for the team to find the VIPs and get out of there before a proper counterattack can be made.
[] Go quietly. Sneak in and find the Princess and the cult boss. Nab both and leave before anyone notices in one of the cult's own transport behicles.
[] Go alone. Have the others make a distraction while you'll sneak in and take care of everything. Like always.
[] Write-in.

A/N: Goddamnit, why do I always do this to myself...
Dramatis Personae

??? 'Zim' ???
- A combat operator who goes under the callsign 'Zim' for some apparent reason. Chosen from a dozen other candidates who underwent a covert screening process under the guise of a monthly performance evaluation. He is currently stationed in the Rockafeller ICU garrison.

Health: 100/100 [Fine]
- Primary: None
- Secondary: None
Accessories: 2 High Explosive Grenades, 1 Stun Grenade, Gauss Rifle Silencer, 2 Ice Axes

The Irregular Combat Unit
General Jacques 'Old Man' Gauthier - The commander of the ICU, a distant figure who occasionally sends representatives to the Rockafeller ICU garrison to see how things are. No-one but a small handful have actually met the man himself, and their descriptions of the man vary with every visit.

Helena 'Red' Heitinga - The commanding officer of the squad Zim is currently in, she is the youngest operative currently serving in the ICU to date. She was transferred in immediately after graduating from the Perominsk Training Facility located on the northern border to the Russian Wastes.
Oscar 'Helix' Manning - The squad's designated marksman and know-it-all smartass, he is a peppy young man who has a fascination with guns and collects new ones whenever he can both on and off the field. He has a peculiar trait of naming his collected guns, and maintains them affectionately.

Larry 'Lazarus' Pliskin - The squad's engineer and designated driver, a lanky young man who usually spends his free time tinkering with Sparky or making some kind of device with whatever junk he can find. Likes to bring stray cats and dogs back to his workshop before giving them away to willing families.
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Alright, lets see. We can go in, shoot em up, get the targets and leave. We can sneak in, get em and leave. We can also go alone, getting the others to distract em while we do the important shit.

Now, one thing that becomes obvious is that the last one makes the whole operation fall on our success. That's just fucking unprofessional. The first is utterly unreliable and will probably have them promptly kill the Princess. Second needs stealth, and stealth is not in the books when we don't have a map for the damn base.

Quick summary:
Red - Commanding officer. Has a gauss rifle.
Zim - Us. Probably a badass.
Helix - designated marksman and trivia specialist
Lazarus - squad engineer and designated driver
Sparky - super robot with shield generators and anti armour weaponry
Goal: Retrieve the Princess, kill or capture the dumbass cult leader
Current location: atop a fucking mountain

Alright, plan:

[X] Plan: Operation Castile
-[X] Curse Intel a bit more on their fucking incompetence.
-[X] Lazarus and Sparky: They can presumably piss on the cultists. Let Sparky do his thang while Lazarus fixes him up to draw the fire and have them rain hell on those pricks.
--[X] Maybe let Lazarus let loose his motor mouth on the cult leader, have him know our opinion of his damn cult.
-[X] Red: She's coming with us. We break in, stealth kill the morons (who will probably be in high alert but we can figure shit out) and get a map, then retrieve the Princess.
--[X] Maybe try to prevent the Princess from seeing the inevitable aftermath of our run?
--[X] Once we can, aim for the cult leader. Capture him or her if it's viable.
-[X] Helix: can lay fire on the wyverns and provide support for Lazarus and Sparky.

EDIT: M'Kay, fuck intel.
Edit2: Chopped off some bits.
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Your unit is used to working blind (thanks to your dedicated intelligence unit not doing their job, those pricks), so you'll naturally go and acquire intel on the current area of operations on-site. Usually by acquiring a map of the place from the enemy's central command center.

Not easy, but you have plenty of experience in knowing the dos and don'ts of sneaking around and quiet takedowns.
[X] Go alone. Have the others make a distraction while you'll sneak in and take care of everything. Like always.
[X] Plan: Operation Castile
[X] Plan: Stealth Teams
-[X] Red, Zim: Sneak in and find the Princess and the cult boss. Nab both and leave before anyone notices.
--[X] If strong enough and sneaky enough, consider physically carrying them out. Ideally, escape in one of the cult's own transport vehicles.
-[X] Helix, Lazarus and Sparky: Hang back as a reserve force.
--[X] If Helix can pick people off on your way out silently to help, do this if stealth is maintained.
--[X] Go hot to provide cover if it is needed. Red and Zim will hurry things up if this happens.
--[X] Set up in path of transport vehicle to provide cover, hop in as it goes past.
Storming a Cultist Base
[x] Plan: Operation Castile

"Bait and switch." You start. "Helix, Lazarus, Sparky, get on a ridge and let loose on the cultists at range. Keep as much of their attention on you for as long as you can, concentrating mainly on the wyverns and their riders. Pretty Betty can still clip a wyvern's wings if it hits the right spot, can't it?"

"Yeah, but it'll be a tricky shot…" Helix muses.

"You're a good enough shot, it'll do." You grunt. "Laz, stay behind sparky and patch him up whenever you need to, but don't take any risks. Let loose your motor mouth on those sons of bitches if you want to, but don't get too into it, alright?"

"Motor mouth?" The engineer shoots you an incredulous look. "Really?"

"Really." You nod. "Red and I will be infiltrating the base. We'll stop by the command centre first, then head out to find wherever they hid the VIP."

"So, silencers on?" Red reaches into her pocket and produces a silencer that she screws onto the muzzle of her rifle. You mimic her action.

"And keep the bodies out of sight if we can." You load your rifle and flick the safety off. "She's already been through enough trauma as it is, no need to make it worse."

"Aw, what a softie." Helix coos. "Did you bwing the baby's toys too?"

"Fuck you, Helix." You square your shoulders and test the squad comms. "Zim, ready."

"Lazarus, ready."

"Red, ready."

"Helix, ready. Also, fuck you too Zim."

You hear Sparky let out a happy sounding beep and its turret half moving, likely a nod.
"All units, ready." You ignore Helix and rise before stalking off towards the cult base. "Moving out."

You keep a low profile, knees bent and posture purposely poor to avoid detection. You don't need to turn and look if your squad leader is following you, the sound of her boots crunch snow with every footfall is plenty indicative of her presence. For a good ten minutes or so, you and Red stalk side by side in relative silence. Then, you both reach a large snow dune and go prone and to crawl up along its surface. Less than a hundred meters from your current position, you see a small runway and a dozen or so wyverns being herded into hangars by men and women in winter wear bearing the insignia of an infinity symbol some kind of cross.

Across from the runway are the base buildings, seven or so structures around a tower that is built with far too many spikes. A few of those spikes have bodies impaled on them, and you see one body hanging from the largest spike just under the room at the top of the tower.

"Red and Zim here," your partner speaks into the comms. "We're at the base. Helix, Lazarus, Sparky, report."

"We're in position."
Comes Lazarus' reply. "Found a nice ridge for Sparky and I to dig in. Helix fucked off somewhere for better vantage point, but he should be calling soon enough."
"Helix, in position~"
the sniper sounds off. Your eyes catch something glint from a distant snow dune. "I can see you two from here. Ready to pop some heads on your go."

"Copy all. Stand-by on our mark."
Red turns to you. "What do you think?"

"We move around until we hear someone barking orders and telling everyone else what to do and where to go." You shift your rifle. "Can't be the tower, though. Too obvious and exposed, way too many open windows for fire to pour in from. In fact, have Laz and Sparky target that thing from the get go."

"Red to Lazarus, target the tower first. Helix, pick off any foot mobiles the moment any come out into the open. On three." Red relays through the comms. "One…"

You tense, feeling adrenaline pour into your veins as your heartbeat quickens. Your grip on your rifle tightens.


You take a deep breath.


You stand and drop down on the other side of the dune as rockets and missiles blast out of Sparky's chasis to slam into the cultist tower. You ignore how a few rockets punch through the tower's observation deck and detonate, sending debris and bodies flying every which way. You make it into the base perimeter as alarms go off and Sparky sends gauss sabots down range and Helix lets loose with his rifle.

The screams are drowned out in the ensuing explosions and the loud hum of Sparky's gauss cannon mixing with the gunfire of cultist firing at Lazarus' and Sparky's position. You ignore it in favour of stacking up behind Red as she opens a door and rushes inside to knife a cultist bumbling about on the floor in surprise.
You move past Red and climb a set of stairs, gunning down two more cultists who are unloading light machine gun rounds at your squadmate through a window. A third cultist bursts out the door behind you, wielding a wicked machete that glows with malicious energy. Her eyes are glassed over and you duck under as she swings the weapon with enough strength to carve a jagged hole through concrete and break her arm.

There's a crack of lightning and the cultist's head turns to red mist. The body spasms a few times before it drops to the floor and the machete clatters out of her hand. You shoot a thumb's up out the window and rush after Red to check the other rooms. You and your squad leader go through two more rooms before an explosion knocks you both to the floor.

"Watch it!" Red barks into the comms as your grumble and push yourself back to your feet. "Nearly blew us up, Laz!"

he apologizes over the gunfire pouring into his location. "Fucking cultists fucking my aim- hold on…" You hear an explosion and several scream cut off. "Yeah, you like that?! Huh?! You like that?! Fucking scum of the Earth are what you all are! Cunt sucking dicks, all of you! Burn with that fake god of yours!"

"Well, I did tell him to let loose with his motor mouth, didn't I?" you murmur, stacking up beside another door. "C'mon. The sooner we finish, the better."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Red rolls her eyes and stacks up across from you. "I hear four people, and a lot of swearing."

"Definitely our stop, then." You grip the knob and twist. "Ladies first."

Red smirks as you lean on the door and smash it open. Everyone inside turns to you and Red in time to eat your gauss sabots and turn to swiss cheese. The bodies hit the ground and you rush in, double tapping just in case.

Once you're sure the bodies won't be getting back up again, you look around the room. You're pleasantly surprised to see that it is the command center, complete with maps of the surrounding area, schedules for re-supply dates and new staff arrivals, and dusty tomes made from human skin covered with demonic scripture and images that make your head ache just by looking at them for too long. You toss those books into the closest fire and ignore the screams that result to help Red go through the info you find.

"Okay, found the brig." Red taps a piece of paper. "It's underground and the elevator's under the tower Lazarus blew up, around a hundred feet down."

"Anything else?" you take it out of her hands and commit its contents to memory.

"The ritual chamber's even deeper. I think we'll need to split up."

"Alright, let's get going then." You hand the paper back to Red and load a fresh magazine into your rifle. "Call in extraction."

You and Red rush out the room as she pulls out a rectangular device. She depresses a button and it unfolds into a dagger.

A mad scream sounds and then something bowls into you and Red. The device tumbles out of your partner's grasp as another cultist rears back and starts pummelling her face in. You raise your rifle, but another cultist kicks it out of your hands and brandishes an evil machete in your face. You kick his legs out from under him and rise as Red grapples with her own opponent in a mess of limbs and swears.

You growl under your breath and your opponent rushes to, swinging his machete wildly. You duck under a swing and draw your handgun, emptying an entire clip into the madman's back. It doesn't even faze him, and the cultist shoulder checks you to the ground.

You lean out of the machete's path and grope the ground blindly for a weapon. Your fingers curl around a familiar rectangle and you thumb a button. It unfolds into a knife. You stab the blade into the side of the cultist's head and twist it around for good measure until the madman's eyes roll back and blood leaks out of his nose. You thumb another button, and the pommel of the dagger blinks red and green. You pull it out and spin it in your hand so that you hold the weapon by the blade.

You push the dead cultist off you in time to see the cultist grappling with Red grab a chunk of concrete and lift it above his head. You take aim and throw the knife into the cultist's open back. In his shock, the idiot lets go of the concrete chunk he was holding over his head. His body falls onto Red with a half crushed head. The woman scrambles out from under the body, swearing a storm and kicking it for good measure. She sports a shiner and a split lip, but nothing that won't heal in time. You recover your guns as the knife on the cultist's back unfolds further into a tiny satellite dish.

"Bastard." Red spits at the body as she load a fresh magazine into her gauss rifle.

"C'mon, let's go." You urge her, already moving. "They'll be coming out en masse soon, the sooner we get the targets, the sooner we can help take some pressure off Helix and Lazarus."

"Fine." she grunts. "Lead the way."

You make your way to the remains of the tower Lazarus brought down and move into it. You find spaces full of bodies and an open door that leads to an elevator shaft. You spot a ladder along the sides of the elevator shaft that looks relatively intact. You clamber on it to test your weight and find that it doesn't give way.

"We don't have much time," Red clambers on after you. "Who's going after who?"

...Well, obviously, you're going after:

[] The cult leader
[] The princess
Rescuing a Princess
[x] The princess

"I'm going after the princess." you descend quickly. "Knight in shining armor BS aside, we both know you aren't good at handling people who aren't under your command. And you look like you want to blow off some steam after that one cultist beat you up earlier..."

"You don't have to fucking remind me." Red huffs.

"Just be sure to pull back if the prick's tougher than you thought." you see a pair of dented elevator doors, covered in soot. "Helix and Lazarus'll be more than happy to give you supporting fire. Actually, hold on..." You raise a leg and kick the elevator door once. They tumble to the floor. "Helix, Lazarus, Sparky, come in. What's your status?"

"Hold on..." Helix says. There's a loud crack . "Gotcha, bitch! Anyway, I'm good. The cultists still have no idea- wait, hold on..."

"Lazarus and Sparky here. We're picking up movement from the wreckage of the hangars. I think some of the wyverns survived the a rocket barrage and a several tons of metal falling on them."
there's a pause. "Yep, one of them did. It looks real pissed, too. It's got a broken wing and it's limping, but damn it looks pissed."

"I'm sending rounds at it, but it's still holding."
Helix announces through grit teeth. "Advise not bringing any of the VIPs into the open until the thing's dead and- oh shit, I think it sees me. Relocating fu-"

There's an ungodly shriek and Helix's transmission cuts off.

"Lazarus, Sparky, got eyes on?" Red barks, kicking you out of her way as she slides the rest of the way down the ladder. You shoot her a concerned look, then rush down the tunnel with your rifle raised.

The hallways are a maze that frustrate you with their complexity and nonsensical distances. Some hallways are lined with frames that hold symbols drawn on human skin, or have dried fingers or ears dangling from the ceiling. You tear down and destroy as many as you can given your tight schedule, gunning down anyone who tries to stop you.

All the while, you keep an ear on how your teammates are doing.

"-ing tough scaled bastard. The wyvern's going after Helix, but the asshole's slippery and the overgrown lizard's limp isn't doing it any favors." Lazarus reports. "Shifting fire to the wyvern."

"What about the cultists?"
Red asks, the sound of her boots landing heavily on something metallic briefly over. "What're their status?"

"Angry. Running out into the open. I can pick them off once they get in range with my gun, but there's a lot."
a pause. "Fuck, I see bright lights from inside the buildings. I think the mages have finally gotten their shit together."

"Relocate." you tell him, rounding another corner and gunning down a pair of cultists running at you with glowing machetes. The walls shake as explosions continue to sound above ground. "Move to cover, now. Before those fuckers can cast a spell at you. Go. Helix? Talk to us, man."

"Fuckfuckfuckfuck-" you hear the sniper swear. "Ow, the bastard's breathing fire!"

"Just get it to stay still for a few seconds, Helix. Sparky'll take care of the rest."
Lazarus tells him, then you hear gunfire coming from his end. "Come on, scum! Get shit on! Come on!"

"Helix, keep running. Lazarus, Sparky, relocate before the mages can get a bead on you with their hocus pocus. When you can, put some fire on the wyvern on Helix's ass and finish off the cultists."
you hear gunfire in Red's background. "Zim, find the girl and get her out now. I think we pissed off the cult."

"Copy all, closing in on target location. Out." you shoulder check a door and smash it into the face of one unlucky cultists. Half a dozen more turn to you, shocked and half- way to raising their weapons.

You manage to gun down half before the survivors force you to dive for cover and load a fresh magazine. You peek out of cover to gun down yet another unlucky cultist, then roll away when a blast of red lightning obliterates the table you were hiding behind. The one responsible, a man in flowing red robes wielding a staff that crackles with daemonic energy, laughs as he levitates off the floor.

"Fool!" he bellows with a voice that isn't quite his own. "You dare stand before the might of the-"

You empty the magazine at the floating idiot and grin satisfactorily as his body flops to the floor missing half a head and sporting several new holes on his chest and sternum. The remaining three cultists look at you in shock and realize their mistake too late when you shoot new holes through their heads with your sidearm. Idiots, all of them. Never talk in a fight unless your voice can bore your opponent to death.

You charge into a hallway lined with cells that reek of feces and blood and rotting corpses. You proceed slowly, carefully examining each cell for signs of your target. Alas, most of the cells are either empty or imprisoning a dead corpse or two.

You reach the end of the hall and find a locked door that's lined with dried skin and a several daemonic glyphs. You roll your eyes and knock on it thrice.

The terrified gasp you hear on the other side of the door confirms your suspicions. Cliche as fuck cultists.

You rear back and kick the door once. It dents and the glyphs splutter as though they're surprised. You kick it again and the glyphs crackle and fade with a hiss as the door falls off its hinges. You enter and sweep the chamber behind the door with experienced ease.

The chamber is small, and has little in the way of niceties. No bed, no table, a single lightbulb, and a bucket half-full of excrement. In the corner of the room is a bundle of shaking blankets from which a pair of terrified blue eyes peek out of. Those eyes blink once as recognition lights up in them and you approach slowly. You kneel before the bundle and tug off the filthy blankets to reveal a pretty face with dirtied sking framed by gold hair like silk. Pointed ears stick out from her hair.

"Princess Alina Ar'Laan D'Lotuk?" you ask unnecessarily. The young elf nods, desperate and frantic. "I'm with the Irregular Combat Unit, sent by your father. We're here to bring you home."

The girl latches onto you, babbling incoherently and crying tears of joy. Her fingers dig into your shoulders and she holds on for dear life. You let her unload for a few seconds, then pry her hands off and keep them at her sides to look her over.

"Are you alright? Any pains or injuries I need to know of?"

"M-My legs..." she sobs, reaching down to pull away the rags and reveal her ankles. They have been bolted to a set of heavy chains that are attached to the wall. "I-I can't move my l-legs..."

"Okay," you drawn your rifle and load a fresh magazine. "Cover your ears."

The princess complies as you take aim at the links closest to her ankles. A quick burst blasts it to pieces. You shift to the side to help the princess into your arms when hear movement and spin around, gun raised.

Half a dozen emaciated corpses shamble in the hallway towards you, their joints glowing red as they whispers blasphemies. You open fire and the princess screams, tucking herself into a ball as your sabots hit home but do little to stop their advance. You don't stop firing until an explosion knocks them, and you, to the floor in a heap. You draw your sidearm and pop their heads when they try to force themselves back on their feet.

"This is Red," your comm link crackles, you hear fire and screaming in the background. "I got the cultist leader. Fucking bitch tried to sacrifice herself to summon the daemon prince, but I managed to stop her. Zim, sitrep on the princess?"

"I got her." you give the young elf in your your sidearm and pick her up while she's still looking at it in awe. She squeaks in surprise, but doesn't relinquish her hold on your gun. "Moving to extraction. Helix, Lazarus, Sparky, status?"

"The fucking wyvern's still alive!" the sniper screams over the sound of the wyvern roaring. "Lazarus, where's your fire support?!"

"I'm working on it! I'm fucking working on it!"
the engineer barks back. There's a half second pause, and a few screams being cut-off halfway through, before he speaks again. "Okay we've moved, and Sparky's in position. Where are you?!"

"Look for the fire-breathing dragon, chasing the screaming motherfucker, up and down the fucking snow dunes!"

"Zim, it isn't going to be easy going up as it was going down."
Red tells you. "What do we do?"

"I've got an idea. I'm headed for the elevator shaft, get there as soon as you can." you end the call, then turn to the elf in your arms. "Can you cast any spells, ma'am?"

"Y-Yes." she nods, magic gathering into her hand.

"Okay, I'll need you to cast something for me; a levitation spell. The elevator's out, so you'll need to move it up. Can you do it?"

"I c-can." she nods jerkily. "I can."

You shoot her a half smile as you reach the elevator doors. You ignore the fact that the return trip is much shorter than the first trip there.

The princess murmurs something in Elvish that you don't understand. The light in her hand reaches a bright gleam and she throws a mass of swirling lines that orbit a shape you can't understand. The shape bobs once, as though in understanding, and drops into the shaft.

"Zim, I'm a the elevator." you hear Red say. "Now what?"

"Get in it and wait."


"Just do it, quick."

You hear grumbling that's quickly replaced by a shocked gasp. Something deeper in the shaft moves, climbing upwards to your location and occasionally bumping against the shaft walls in a shower of sparks. You wait patiently as it comes up to your level, revealing Red with an unmoving robed form over her shoulders. You ignore her smirk and step in without a word.

The ride is short and bumpy, but you reemerge onto the surface as a great gout of flame erupts in the horizon and loud roar is drowned out but the crack of an energy cannon going off.

"Hah!" you hear Helix scream jubilantly. "Motherfucking lizard fuck! Take that! Woohoo! Yeah!"

"Lazarus to Red and Zim,"
the engineer's voice is the very opposite of Helix's, sounding tired and ragged beyond belief. "We've finally got the wyvern, and it looks like pick-up's here. Fuck, mind if I take a trophy from the dead lizard?"

"Go ahead." Red sighs as you both step out with your respective charges. The elf princess tucks herself into you, eyes shut tight as she tries to ignore the devastation around her. "But regroup over at the air field. Out."

...To be continued.
A/N: Alright, prologue's done. A bit shorter than I thought, but I'll take it.​
Homeward Thoughts
You wake up to the slight shaking of the shuttle carrying you and your team back to Rockafeller, having delivered your charges to awaiting personnel a day earlier.

A royal Elven family arrived not an hour later, flying into the compond in a single silver ariship decorated by gold fligree, disregarding any and all hails by the control tower and targeted by at least a hundred anti-air guns and hundreds more small arms weapons. The ship lands and its doors open to a pair of near-hyteric Elven parents trailed by a beleagured honor guard led by a female Elf struggling to strap on her armor.

The delegation demanded visitation rights to the newly returned princess, and that was as far as you listened before joining the rest of your team to your shared quarters. This mess was better left to the diplomats and other such officials, as the ICU specialized in shooting people.

You managed to get a quick shower and a change of clothes before MPs arrived and handed you new orders straight from your CO; the Old Man sent a shuttle to ferry you and yours back to base, with orders to say nothing should the Elves or to anyone who asks. With groans and more than a few curses, you collected your things and shambled into the waiting shuttle, blatantly ignoring the demands of Elven royalty being rebuffed by a tired Russian lieutenant who's clearly seen better days and was in desperate need of a bottle of vodka. You settled in and fell asleep not long after the shuttle took off.

You stifle a moan and rub the sleep out of your eyes. It does little to change how you're feeling at the moment, as grogginess and fatigue blur your surroundings into faint shapes and bizarre noises. Strapped to their own seats are your teammates; Helix has his head tilted back and his mouth wide open as he snores quietly. Lazarus is slumped over, fingers intertwined over his stomach. Sparky is strapped and locked in place in the shuttle's cargo bay, dormant and quiet. You find Red beside you, her head on your shoulder with her arms crossed protectively in front of her chest.

Through the windows of the shuttle, you see faint hues of pink, blue, and gold bleed across the horizon. In a way, you think the ship's chasing the sunrise.

You settle into your seat, careful to not disturb Red, and reach for your side pocket. You produce your phone and dim the brightness, checking the time; 0213 hours. At least five more hours before the shuttle lands. You internally curse you lack for foresight as you mute the sound and open Piano Tiles 7 for a long game to help pass the time.

You finish a song with a new personal best and a prompt comes up for your name, race, and gender. You type it in with a smile; let those hyper-talented asians know who is responsible for bringing their victory streak to an end. Mwahahaha.

[] Write-in

[] Male
[] Female

[] Human
[] Dwarf
[] Beastman (Human-with-animal-features)
- [] Specify type (Feline/Canine/Reptilian/etc)
[] Elf
[] Orc

That done, you try your hand at the other songs, but alas, your skills are not up to par and you performance is abysmal. You sigh as you end up using the last point of energy you have only to fail on the first tile. You wind watching videos of things, both funny and otherwise, but the lack of sound leaves much to be desired.

Eventually, you end up scrolling through pictures and videos you've kept in your phone. Some are ancient, taken a few years back. Some a relatively new, being added in a few days to a week ago.

Almost all of them feature you and your unit mates in some capacity or other; shots of you all together in a party celebrating the success of another mission, a video of a blushing Red as she runs after Helix who waves a pair of lacy undergarments, a group shot of you before the last mission posing in front of the shuttle.

Then you scroll to truly ancient pictures taken almost twenty years ago. The quality isn't great, as the camera used belonged to an older generation phone, but it's more than enough to capture the people posing for it in crystal clear clarity.

A woman half embracing a young child as the other holds the camera. Her eyes sparkle with love and joy, and your let a finger trace the outline of her cheek.

Her name was Adeline Beaufort, having cast out her old name so that she could raise the child in her arms; you. She told you the truth when you became old enough to understand it; that you weren't planned and that your father left you both when it was clear she wanted to keep you despite all that would entail. She never told you who he was, though. But you found out yourself in time.

Your childhood was not easy. She had you young, and worked hard to provide for you. She gave you as much love and attention as she could whenever she wasn't working her two jobs, and you adored her for it. No matter how hard life became, you took solace that you had your mother to rely on.

Until she died, that was.

You still curse yourself for not noticing. For not caring. Believing her blatant lies when she told you her cough was nothing to worry about. When she started spending more and more time in bed than out of it. When her skin slowly paled and she started eating less and less.

You kept your tears to yourself when they broke the news to you, and when they lowered her coffin into the earth. In the empty house, when you were sure no-one was there to make fun of you, you let go and wept until sleep claimed you. The pain was still there, but it's lessened a lot in the years that have gone by. In time, you moved.

Thankfully, you were old enough to fend for yourself then, and lacking anything else to do, you joined the military. You thrived there, acing tests and assessments without breaking a sweat until you caught the Old Man's eye and you were recruited into the Irregular Combat Unit.

Then, one day, on a day off without much else to do, you decided to spruce your home up a bit. After you clean up everywhere else, you went into your mother's old room. After airing it out and wiping the ceiling fan clean, you started work on the bed and bedsheets. You tugged the tightly tucked blanket off and lo, a locked box slid out from under the bed.

You pried it open and found old things; trinkets of odd make belonging to the culture of your heritage and photos of people and places you've never met or been to.

Amidst all that, you found a sealed envelope with your name on it. The letter you find is splotched with a few tear stains and written with your mother's handwriting. Its contents told you that she was a member of the group of heroes whose actions brought the last century to a close on a peaceful note and started the new one with grand promises for the future. Your father was the leader of this group;

[] The Blademaster, an swordsman without parallel. A warrior who could cut down hundred foes at once and bring down a fighter jet with a bow and arrow.
[] The Sorcerer, an mage unmatched. A scholar-god who could unleash firestorms with a glance and summon an army of Elementals at will.
[] The Tinkerer, a maker unrivaled. A creator who could forge weapons that can break nations and incredible works that continue to help to this day.
[] The Shadow, an assassin without peer. A ghost who can overcome any defense and a guardian who protects his charges without being seen.

...In truth, you were more than a bit shocked at this revelation and it took you a few moments to process the information. And when you did, you felt-

[] Rage. The filthy no-good bastard abandoned you and your mother!
[] Pity. The fool left your mother and missed out on your achievements.
[] Apathetic. The man has his reasons you're sure, but you don't particularly care.
[] Write-in.

And you felt it still, years after the discovery. You haven't tried to get in touch with him, busy as you are with missions and training and post-mission celebration parties. Eventually, it fell on the backburner. But you still have that blank file in the holoport on you desk back in your quarters, and you have plenty of things to say. You lack the time to put the words o paper and mail it to him.

The shuttle shakes again and you feel Red stir on your shoulder. You put away your phone as she blinks awake.

The young woman yawns and stretches, popping a few kinks out of her joints. She lets her limbs fall and stews in her seat for a moment before turning to you. You can see the grogginess in her eyes as her brain tries to regain cognitive function but it's slow going.

Red was never an early riser. The amount of coffee she drank every morning is a testament to that. More than once did you venture into the shithole that was her quarters to wake her up. She grumbles and swears, but you know she appreciates being able to catch breakfast before dealing with whatever work she has lined up for the day.

[] Write-in​
[X] Name: Adrienne

[X] Female

[X] Beastman (Human-with-animal-features)
-[X] Koala

[X] The Sorcerer, an mage unmatched. A scholar-god who could unleash firestorms with a glance and summon an army of Elementals at will.
[X] Rage. The filthy no-good bastard abandoned you and your mother!

Not sure what we're writing in for at the end.
[X] Name: Adrienne

[X] Female

[X] Beastman (Human-with-animal-features)
-[X] Koala

[X] The Sorcerer, an mage unmatched. A scholar-god who could unleash firestorms with a glance and summon an army of Elementals at will.
[X] Rage. The filthy no-good bastard abandoned you and your mother!