Genetic Abominations are wonderful

Voting is open
The First Day
After a decade of effort I was done with schooling and could begin my project. The dream that had driven me to this point, I had the knowledge needed and the access to resources that would be required. it was strange in a way, to be done with the directions of others, I was not the smartest nor the most diligent of those in Sol University. I probably should not have been admitted in all honesty, but perhaps Alpha Omega has a soft spot for one born on Luna.

No matter, I can not be distracted right now for at hand is a choice that will shape my future. I have no interest in joining one of the countless mega corporations that control thousands of ships, nor do I desire to entry the academia world, therefore I will strike outward on my own. As always planned and expected to be done.

Of course the first question comes to where should I build my lab, for there are benefits and costs to any and all locations. The simplest would be to work upon Luna itself, easy access to the Solar Library without waiting for teleport codes that might be hard to come by over the Ultranet. But at the same time, it would provide the most scrutiny for there are few independent labs upon the surface of Luna and the AIs would know all I would do without a doubt for that is simply their nature.

Next that comes to mind would be the Eden Orbitals, a place where I would be able to observe the actions of nature upon Earth and perhaps gleam inspiration from such cycles. Plenty of biological options would be in easy reach for me there and I would never lack for more living subjects to work with and upon, but at the same time the laws for such independent labs are most stringent within orbit of Earth for the risk to our home is great.

Venus, the crucible of the system would be a strange choice, it presents the best technology in the system within easy reach. Nothing I could desire to be forged would be beyond my reach, but at the same time I would be far from Sol Library and living samples. A technological wonder, but lacking in perhaps the most critical of my required resources.

Mars would serve well in obfuscation of my existence, but it offers little beyond such to me. It too lacks biological samples and it also lacks complex technology and the forges to make custom items to my required levels without effort. It could well be the worst of the options at hand to me. The one benefit I see upon it is easy access to teleportation relays and the greater system.

Jupiter's moons might serve well, but little has been found of interest in them over the centuries and I doubt I would find anything of us, but the distance from the inner core would hide my presence well and allow me to undertake more divergent experiments.

Following the same line of thought, the space beyond the Frontier would serve even better for such obscurity an actions. It should be possible to gather the resources to buy a personal teleportation link and be able to drift freely in space.

Where to build the lab
[] Luna
+Easy access to Sol University and its Library
+Easy access to AI support
-Constant AI oversight
-Few independent labs
[] Eden Orbitals
+Easy access to biological samples
+Biological Inspiration
-Restrictive Laws
-Limited space
[] Venus
+Crucible Forge
+Advanced Technology
-Far from Earth and Luna
-Import scarcity
[] Mars
+Easy teleport access
[] Jupiter
+Second Star
-Limited prospects
[] Frontier
+No oversight
-Extreme Distance
-Low priority teleportation
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[x] Luna

AIs! I wish to see them all!

On a less memey stance, I figure that oversight should be fine, and the facilities are useful if we can get them.
Closing the Vote. Venus wins.

Crucible Forge and Advanced Technology are bonuses applied to the Lab
Far from Earth/Luna and Import Scarcity are maluses applied to Lab

Crucible Forge - Can try to acquire any item of technology in existence for personal usage at a much lower DC
Advanced Technology - A minor bonus to all rolls. Sanity costs reduced for Insane actions
Far From Earth/Luna - Less access to random events
Import Scarcity - Higher DC for all actions that rely on importing physical or information from another world
Lab Set Up
Yes, Venus would serve my purposes well. Luna would overly constrain the options I would be allowed to undertake due to the AIs that cover every digital zone without exception. Mars would be too difficult to work within, from the thousands of laws that could and have befuddled AIs in their complexity, ensuring that anything I try to achieve would be Madde harder through overbearing bureaucracy. The Eden Orbitals, are similar in that they have extreme protection for all forms of life and even though easy access to observation of Earth could lead to breakthroughs not otherwise found, the simple fact that anything and everything related to biological study within the Orbitals was held to the highest possible standard.

Then there is the Frontier and Jupiter, both would provide space and no oversight of note, but I do not plan on doing anything that would require to make use of such lawless space. As for the matter of space to expand, well yes it is an unavoidable fact that there are limits on such expansion in other worlds, but why would I ever need that much space.

In the end, Venus was the best choice, easy access to the Crucible and Venusian technology would serve me well. The only downside would be a much harder time to get ahold of biological resources and being removed from the general flow of time. The people of Venus care little from what I have found for any discoveries that they can not apply towards improving the Crucible and so they buy and distribute few Relay tokens for such investigation.

Now, that the world has been chosen, it is time to begin the construction of my future lab. Even with the stipend I get for having graduated from Sol University, I will not be able to buy everything directly at the start. Even for Venus and me in this matter, there is a cost associated with complex technology. The cost might be deferred into another form, but it will exist and I will have to pay it unless I desire to contest the Venusian Authority.

Yet, before I consider what I want I should first determine what I would require for my work to proceed in the first place. The simplest and most clearly obvious is a set of machines for handling biological alteration and cloning, simple enough to buy on any work considering the thousands of corporations that produce such products. Then at least a few dimensional probes which are a significantly harder to acquire piece of machinery, but still well within my budget no matter where I had chosen to set up my lab, but cheaper on Venus by a long shot. As for the computer systems, my personal dual core is significantly better than any normal system that I am aware of and so that cost is removed from consideration.

Now what would I like to buy?

Plan voting please. Also keep in mind that this is a Narrative quest, think through the likely results of certain things
Point Buy system is in effect
You have 18 points and 20 possible Debt to take. Next turn you will be presented with options to handle Debt. Venus will decide after you submit your plan to them.
You are able to upgrade the Lab over time, but upgrades will cost more than buying them now

You require a Clone Vat of the proper size to make a creature of that size. Clone Vats no matter the size count as Tier 1
[] Clone Vat (tiny) - usually used to breed microbes, can make an animal up to 10 mm long (0)
[] Clone Vat (small) - can make mice and hamsters (0.5)
[] Clone Vat (minor) - can make up to Guinea pigs in size (1)
[] Clone Vat (medium) - can make a good size feline (2)
[] Clone Vat (moderate) - can make a large dog (3)
[] Clone Vat (large) - can grow a big cat (lion/tiger) (4)
[] Clone Vat (extreme) - can grow an elephant (5)
[] Clone Vat (massive) - can grow up to a blue whale (6)
[] Clone Vat (Leviathan) {V} - size limitations prevent anything more than 1km long (7)
Sculpting affects how complex you can make something and not have it blow up in your face.
[] Basic Gene Editing - will stabilize a genome with 1 Dimensional trait (0)
[] Novice Gene Editing - will stabilize a genome with 2 Dimensional traits (2)
[] Standard Gene Editing - will stabilize a genome with 4 Dimensional traits (4)
[] Complex Gene Editing - will stabilize a genome with 6 Dimensional traits (6)
[] Extensive Gene Editing - will stabilize a genome with 8 Dimensional trait (8)

The machines in this group give a bonus to dimensional research and limited access to Teleportation and Spatial
[] Dimensional Readers - This must be taken if no other higher tier is taken from this category. (1)
[] Dimensional layer separators - allows deeper access to the dimensions. Unlocks Passives (2)
[] Dimensional Modeling - enables complex dimensional structures to be modeled. Unlocks Illusion (4)
[] Dimensional Lens - provides direct access to other dimensions in limited ways. Unlocks Manifestation (6)
[] Reality Modulator {V} - enables direct alteration of physical laws in a contained area. Unlocks Shaping (8)
[] Dimensional Disrupter - grants access to Disruption style magic to research, replaces the need for Readers if taken (2)
[] Brane Reader - Unlocks teleportation as an area of study for the Project (3)
[] Relay Teleporter - improves the ability to research Teleportation (6)
[] Anchor {V} - massively improves the ability to research teleportation and unlocks Spatial as another topic (20)

Defensives have a higher effect on lower tier disasters than their tier and a reduced effect on higher tiers
[] None - Negative events are magnified
[] Light - No bonus or malus to negative repercussions (1)
[] Medium - Slight reduction to negative repercussions (2)
[] Heavy - Moderate reduction to negative repercussions (3)
[] Extensive - Large reduction to negative repercussions (4)
[] Crucible Bunker {V} - Immunity to low tier negative events and higher tier heavily reduced (6)
[] No investment - prevents research into elemental style magic (0)
[] Light Investment - allows elemental magic research (1)
[] Moderate Investment - gives a slight bonus to elemental style research (2)
[] Heavy Investment - gives a notable bonus to elemental magic style research (3)
[] Massive Investment - unlocks esoteric elemental options such as Gravity and Time for research (4)
[] Nova Laboratory {V} - unlocks the ability to research transmutation magic and alchemical options (6)

[] Digital Core
[] Quantum Core
[] Quark Core

[X] Dual Quark/Quantum Core - best possible Computer Core (Backstory/Class synergy, Free)
[] Basic Network - allows Tier 1 and gives bonus to Tier 1 (1)
[] Deep Network - allows Tier 2 and gives bonus to lower tiers (2)
[] Fortified Network - allows Tier 3 and gives bonus to lower tiers (3)
[] Complex Network - allows Tier 4 and gives bonus to lower tiers (4)
[] Dimensional Network {V} - Required for Venusian Options (6)
[] No AI - Free
[] Dumb AI - basic bonus to action type chosen (Biological/Dimensional/Physics) (2)
[] Semi Smart AI - medium bonus to action type chosen (4)
[] Smart AI - large bonus to action type chosen (8)
[] Lunar Seed - the core of a new AGI that will grow over time, provides a ramping bonus to all actions (16)
Points 0/18
Debt 18/20
[X] Plan AI Don't Fail Us Now
-[X] Clone Vat (medium) - can make a good size feline (2)
-[X] Novice Gene Editing - will stabilize a genome with 2 Dimensional traits (2)
-[X] Dimensional layer separators - allows deeper access to the dimensions. Unlocks Passives (2)
-[X] Brane Reader - Unlocks teleportation as an area of study for the Project (3)
-[X] Light - No bonus or malus to negative repercussions (1)
-[X] Massive Investment - unlocks esoteric elemental options such as Gravity and Time for research (4)
-[X] Dual Quark/Quantum Core - best possible Computer Core (Backstory/Class synergy, Free)
-[X] Dimensional Network {V} - Required for Venusian Options (6)
-[X] Lunar Seed - the core of a new AGI that will grow over time, provides a ramping bonus to all actions (16)

Best computer running best AI on best network and enough everything else to unlock basic functionality in every area
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Best computer running best AI on best network and enough everything else to unlock basic functionality in every area
Could you please change the Debt to 15/20, it makes more intuitive sense to me since that is how much is filled.

Also, you have enough to get the Esoteric Dimensional basic if you wish to get a finger into that pie. It is cheaper to build up from a starting point rather than from 0 in that category.
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Scheduled vote count started by Leon12431 on Jun 25, 2022 at 11:58 PM, finished with 6 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan AI Don't Fail Us Now
    -[X] Clone Vat (medium) - can make a good size feline (2)
    -[X] Novice Gene Editing - will stabilize a genome with 2 Dimensional traits (2)
    -[X] Dimensional layer separators - allows deeper access to the dimensions. Unlocks Passives (2)
    -[X] Brane Reader - Unlocks teleportation as an area of study for the Project (3)
    -[X] Light - No bonus or malus to negative repercussions (1)
    -[X] Massive Investment - unlocks esoteric elemental options such as Gravity and Time for research (4)
    -[X] Dual Quark/Quantum Core - best possible Computer Core (Backstory/Class synergy, Free)
    -[X] Dimensional Network {V} - Required for Venusian Options (6)
    -[X] Lunar Seed - the core of a new AGI that will grow over time, provides a ramping bonus to all actions (16)
Venusian Authority's Reply: Final Set Up
Greetings Mr. Smith, we of the Venusian Authority have processed your request for laboratory space to be signed over into your name and holdings with all legal ramifications handled as per the standard of the independent laboratory space. We have checked your background and have come to the conclusion that you have asked for what is within the means of your worth. Sol University has confirmed that you are indeed a recent graduate of the system and in light of that we have agreed to lease to you laboratory space within the northern areas of the Crucible Mantle.

However, our teams have determined that you have overdrawn the funds allocated to one of your position and calculated income stratum. Normally, we would request a heavy price for the amount of overdraw our reports indicate, but your primary overdraw originates from an area in which we lack jurisdiction and therefore we strike it from the debt you own to the Venusian people. In recognition of this fact we have included in this message a set of offers that will conclude our trade in perpetuity.

The first offer we extend in light of the requested materials and systems, is access to your findings. We are aware of what it means for an independent to allow oversight in this manner and therefore we only ask for information upon the mechanical aspects of your work.

The second offer we give to you, is to invest research into your specialized computer core and upon discovering means of reproduction to grant us the single right to manufacture. You would retain all rights and privileges on the technology and the patent, but we would reserve the right to manufacture such cores for planetary usage as we see fit.

Thirdly, we offer a partnership between us and your AGI. There are items that would benefit from having the oversight of a Lunar AGI and we are aware of your privilege in having been granted access to an as of yet undeveloped Seed Core. We would therefore request that you grant us the right to use your AI in complex manufacturing tasks beyond lesser AIs. We promise in this offer to not wipe away the information or growth that would occur while we made use of the growing AI.

Fourth is another offer of partnership. We as a world lack the research apparatus of other worlds in depth, and as such we offer to consider your debt cleared and to lower the costs for future expansions if you provide us your use of your time to aid us in developing better technology. We are aware of your lacking background in physics, and as such would only request such for Computer Science and Dimensional Science.

Fifth and the final of our offers, is to become a Venusian Laboratory. We are aware of why people desire independence in such cases and the reasons that drive such actions. As such we do not expect this to be chosen, but we would be willing to support you in greater value if you worked with us in an official capacity instead of an informal partnership.

We, the Venusian Authority, hope that you find these offers acceptable and bid you a good day and that we await your reply via teleport relay.

[] Grant access to findings (Dimensional/Physics)
+Limited Intrusion
+No direction
-Findings Known
-Intrusion Allowed
[] Research Quark/Quantum Computer Core and give Venus the right to make use of them for Planetary usage
+Already Planned
+Profit Income
-Removes Uniqueness
-Could be improved without you
[] Grant Venusian Authority the right to clock cycles of the AGI Seed
+Will help the AI grow faster
+The AI will gain manufacturing experience
-The AI will have other models
-Dilution of expertise
[] Research Partnership with Venus
+More access to Venusian data
+Cheaper upgrades for Lab
-Locked in research actions for Venus
[] Become a Venusian Lab
+Heavily Subsidized upgrades
+Protected under Venusian Law
+Much better access to Venusian Teleport Net (Negates Import Scarcity Venus Malus)
-Venus Direction
-Locked In Actions
-Greater vulnerability to Venusian Events
[X] Research Quark/Quantum Computer Core and give Venus the right to make use of them for Planetary usage

That one cost us very little.
[X] Research Quark/Quantum Computer Core and give Venus the right to make use of them for Planetary usage
Voting is open