Genetic Abominations are wonderful

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This strange little plot bunny decided to make a home in my head rent free and now I am cleaning it up. In short, I have zero bloody clue what this quest will be nor why anyone would ever bother reading or voting on it, but I need to write it.

Now that thats done, this little quest is going to be about a poor schmuck trying to grow his own personal murder beast.
In the distance future of earth, the solar system has been colonized and much has changed since the early 21st century. Now in the first years of the 3rd millennium, Earth is but one of hundreds of worlds upon which humanity lives and thrives. From the Eden Lands of Earth to the Venusian Forge Mountains, to the Lunar Archives to the Martain Ecumenopolis where trillions live in peace, all the way to those that call distant Pluto home and inward to those that live upon the building Dyson Sphere around Sol, humanity thrives in this era.

Trillions call Sol home and trillions more are born and die every day, but peace and war are ever part of humanity's soul and they have not been left behind. Perhaps, the ancestors of those that live now would not call what happens war, but in this new age so too has war changed, becoming ever more technical and hidden from the majority.

But, that is not the story at hand, this story is about a recent graduate of Sol University, the largest and most prestigious university in the solar system. Built upon Luna, it stands resplendent welcoming people from all corners of the system. Yet, of the countless trillions only a mere few hundred thousand can claim one of the seats offered within the halls of wondrous artifice that compose the legendary structure. No one enters the halls of the University without a claim to fame of their own prior to admission, it is no mere university such as could be found upon the hundred worlds and space stations of humanity, only the best and brightest can find their way in.

The Dean of the University, Alpha Omega, the first General Intelligence ever coded by human hands, ensures that the integrity of the institution remains untarnished by nepotism and alumni's feeding their children into his hallowed halls. Instead only merit is considered, for the courses offered are beyond any other university to teach to mastery.

Now Solomon Smith, graduates from this rarified institution and carries with him a dream to make real, but as stated before no one enters Sol University without cause for Alpha Omega to admit them to their school.

Solomon's Past: Narrative effects based on background
[] Constructed a small computer. Alpha Omega: Prospective Student Solomon's admission presented his construction of a simplistic quantum computer core from scrap as the reason to allow entry. I believe that Solomon is more capable than this lacking example shows. (Solomon will only have 7 points to spend in later character creation sections. No oversight in the future) Adds [] Quantum Computer Sciences as a Free major, no change to pass cost table
[] Genetically altered a cat into an exemplar of cats. Alpha Omega: Prospective Student Solomon's admission presented his creation of an Exemplar animal as reason to accept him into Sol University. As normal with this level of achievement I gladly open the doors to Solomon Smith. (Solomon will have 10 points for later sections. There will be a handful of people interested in his future actions) Adds -[] Genetic Sciences expansion as a Free Class, all Grade costs reduced by 1
[] Proved a long standing trans dimensional theorem wrong. Alpha Omega: Student Solomon admission has been completed and filed with the board as per my initiative, there is only shame in refusing a spot to such a promising individual. Although, I do worry about his future with his desires and that of others. (Solomon will have 12 points for later sections, but will have constant observers unless he leaves the system) adds -[] Esoteric Dimensional Science as a Free Class, all Grade costs reduced by 2

If one thing could be said of Mr. Smith is that he was determined and secretive on his end goals, never speaking of his future plans to any that knew him and some would say he had no true friends. Even his few classmates considered him strange and generally, silent on matters outside of a few eclectic interests that seemed to have no commonalties between them. Only in the classes on genetics and the study of other dimensions was he engaged, but outside of such there was little life in his behavior or actions, seeming to only go through the motions to see another day done.

Solomon's Majors in Sol University: Narrative effects ripple forth. Can only take a maximum of 3 including the locked ones, sub items do not count as independent majors, each subject costs 1 point
[X] Trans Dimensional Science - Free (Major)
-[] Esoteric Dimensional Science (Class)
-[] Teleportation Science (Class)
[X] Genetic and Biological Sciences - Free (Major)
-[] Genetic Sciences expansion (Class)
--[] Complex Biological Reconfiguration (Class)
[] Physics (Major)
-[] High Energy Physics (Class)
[] Theoretical Physics (Major)
-[] Esoteric Physics (Class)
[] Quantum Computer Sciences (Major)
-[] Advanced Quantum Computer Science (Class)
--[] Quark Computer Science (Class)

Everyone in Sol University declared their Majors on the day of their arrival and was then given only the classes needed for mastery and beyond in their Majors. Alpha Omega had long since removed the silliness of extraneous classes for the members of their school for that was what the admission requirements were for, everyone in Sol University was a mind of rare talent and insight and to force them to fight through drudgery was a waste of everyone's time. But of course, not even an AI was perfect as the case of Solomon showed, but even the most unenthused of students would managed to complete the work and so it held true for even him.

However, it was a sad fact of life that not everyone would pass their classes with all possible mastery and Sol University knew this well, but most did their best and so passed their classes with reasonable margins for their futures into the waiting arms of the corporations and various other groups eager to pay more than what merely graduating from Sol University entitles one to for the rest of their life.

Solomon's ending Grades: Narrative effects ripple ever onward,
each Class and Major has to be assigned a Grade by spending Points remaining
Grades and associated costs
Failed | -1
Barely Passed | 0
Passed | 1
Upper level | 2
Top Group | 3
Honors | 4
[X] Trans Dimensional Science (must allocate at least 3 points)
[X] Genetic and Biological Sciences (must allocate at least 4 points)

AN Post edit: Oversight in this context is more people just keeping tabs on your actions akin to celebrities in the modern world have the press after them. It is not an authority commanding you, but just watchers.
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I am planning on this being a much more narrative quest than mechanically driven. For several reasons, but mostly because I don't want to roll dice for a billion and one things. Instead, I will mostly use dice only for your actions when they are really needed. I am going to assume that Solomon is competent based on the level of the classes he takes based on this vote and that decides what he needs to roll on.

For instance if he doesnt take Physics anything, then anything that involves physics would be a roll, but anything involving basic Trans Dimensional science is free for him unless its esoteric stuff that most people get migraines from even looking at. I will mark things that fall into the classes so you will know what is what.

Also, unlike most quests you really do not have to worry about funding or resources. Solomon lives in a society that is building a Dyson Sphere around Sol and has full access to the asteroid belt and the gas giants, along with a very healthy universal income system that just by graduating from Sol University will ensure that Solomon can easily buy anything less than extremely high end tech.
[X] Constructed a small computer. Alpha Omega: Prospective Student Solomon's admission presented his construction of a simplistic quantum computer core from scrap as the reason to allow entry. I believe that Solomon is more capable than this lacking example shows. (Solomon will only have 7 points to spend in later character creation sections. No oversight in the future) Adds [] Quantum Computer Sciences as a Free major, no change to pass cost table
[X] Trans Dimensional Science - Free
[X] Genetic and Biological Sciences - Free
[X] Quantum Computer Sciences
-[X] Advanced Quantum Computer Science
--[X] Quark Computer Science
[X] Trans Dimensional Science - Free
[X] Genetic and Biological Sciences - Free
[X] Quantum Computer Sciences
-[X] Advanced Quantum Computer Science
--[X] Quark Computer Science
this doesnt include class pass ratings. You have a base of 7 points and need 7 for the required level of pass on the two mandatory majors. You also have a Bare Pass by default in Quantum Computer Science.
this doesnt include class pass ratings. You have a base of 7 points and need 7 for the required level of pass on the two mandatory majors. You also have a Bare Pass by default in Quantum Computer Science.

I'm confused as to how the pass ratings work, would this mean that I have 7 points to distribute among the 5 classes in regards to their scores? So I could spend 5 points to pass all of them?
I'm confused as to how the pass ratings work, would this mean that I have 7 points to distribute among the 5 classes in regards to their scores? So I could spend 5 points to pass all of them?
Basically in this regard the points represent a measure of effort/intelligence possessed by Solomon. You can use them to buy extra Majors or further in a single Major and then you use them to determine the Grade you get at the final end of the University.
GradePoint Cost for the Class to be passed at that grade
Fail (F)-1
Barely Passed (D)0
Passed (C)1
Upper Level (B)2
Top Level (A)3
Honor (A++)4
All Classes require a listed Class Grade to be valid and the above costs are the Base Costs that are modified by the chosen Background.

The Genetics requires 3 Points to be passed at the mandated level and the TDScience requires a minimum of 2, the remainder can be used for other classes.
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Basically in this regard the points represent a measure of effort/intelligence possessed by Solomon. You can use them to buy extra Majors or further in a single Major and then you use them to determine the Grade you get at the final end of the University.
GradePoint Cost for the Class to be passed at that grade
Fail (F)-1
Barely Passed (D)0
Passed (C)1
Upper Level (B)2
Top Level (A)3
Honor (A++)4
All Classes require a listed Class Grade to be valid and the above costs are the Base Costs that are modified by the chosen Background.

The Genetics requires 3 Points to be passed at the mandated level and the TDScience requires a minimum of 2, the remainder can be used for other classes.

Would this work then?

[X] Constructed a small computer. Alpha Omega: Prospective Student Solomon's admission presented his construction of a simplistic quantum computer core from scrap as the reason to allow entry. I believe that Solomon is more capable than this lacking example shows. (Solomon will only have 7 points to spend in later character creation sections. No oversight in the future) Adds [] Quantum Computer Sciences as a Free major, no change to pass cost table
[X] Trans Dimensional Science - Free x2
[X] Genetic and Biological Sciences - Free x3
[X] Quantum Computer Sciences x2
-[X] Advanced Quantum Computer Science
--[X] Quark Computer Science
[X] Plan Compsci Costs
-[X] Constructed a small computer. Alpha Omega: Prospective Student Solomon's admission presented his construction of a simplistic quantum computer core from scrap as the reason to allow entry. I believe that Solomon is more capable than this lacking example shows. (Solomon will only have 7 points to spend in later character creation sections. No oversight in the future) Adds [] Quantum Computer Sciences as a Free major, no change to pass cost table
-[X] Trans Dimensional Science - Free (Major) - 2pt Upper Level
-[X] Genetic and Biological Sciences - Free (Major) - 3pt Top Group
-[X] Quantum Computer Sciences (Major) - 0pt Barely Passed
--[X] Advanced Quantum Computer Science 1pt (Class) - 0pt Barely Passed
---[X] Quark Computer Science 1pt (Class) - 0pt Barely Passed

If I'm interpreting it right, the Compsci guy basically only has 2 points after paying for mandatories.
System Lore
Going to give a bit more background to this setting for everyone.

Earth: The Homeworld, Cradle of Humanity, The Heart, The Eden Lands, The Final Bastion, The Final Resting Place
Everyone alive has their own view of Earth, but it is without a doubt the single most cherished place in the solar system, and if any dared threaten its lands it would cause all to engage in full out war to protect it. Even now long since the Exodus of Earth, people think of it as the true home of humanity and as such it is protected beyond all other worlds in the system. The once massive cities have been dismantled and the environment terraformed back to perfection with only a few handful resort cities on each major continent. In its orbits float the thousands upon thousands of massive space stations that those that call Earth home truly live upon, only a few million people from the trillions have the privilege of living upon Earth in carefully designed homes to mesh with the environment and wildlife.

Luna: The Archive, The First Step, The Mind of Humanity, The Digital Core
Luna was the first place not of earth that humanity colonized and built self sustaining cities upon. Even today those ancient monuments remain mostly intact as one of the wonders of the system. Even if Luna is far lesser than Earth, it holds its own place of importance for being the location upon which the first General Artificial Seed Intelligence was created and raised, Alpha Omega was born within its digital labs and has never left. Ever since then, Luna has been the home of the best schools of the system and the hub of the AIs of Humanity. It beyond all other worlds carries 3 Wonders of the System upon and within its surface: Sol University the best University without question within the system, The First Colonies and The Digital Core the largest Quark Super Computer in existence supporting the lives of countless AIs

Venus: The Forge, The Crucible, The Cauldron
Unlike Earth and Luna, Venus has no native wonders or feats of history to call its own. Its people were originally sent there to prepare for gas removal and to aid in the terraforming of other worlds, but that changed when advancements in counter gravity applications allowed for distant projection of force. Ever since then Venus has become a strange world, where the atmosphere is covered by a metal shell and the surface a maze of endless factories that have never known Human or AI life. It is one of the Wonders of the system: The World Forge, it is the heart upon which all the high end designs are forged in bulk. Venus is the pumping heart of the economy of Humanity and the World Forge is its pride an joy, resources from other worlds are sent in and complex machines return.

Mars: The Ecumenopolis, The City, The Capital
Much like its sister world of Venus, Mars had little to offer to Humanity in the beginning, but as time went on and as Humanity expanded across the system and Earth become ever more of a nature reserve, it took on a new purpose. Now centuries later, Mars is a world of metal and wire, it has been hollowed with massive caverns and the surface covered in massive skyscrapers that pierce into the space above. It is the beating heart of the system government, it holds another Wonder: The System Parliament, a massive building built into Olympus Mons designed to hold the total Assembly Of The System. Within the labyrinthine maze of Mars, all the governmental functions of a interplanetary nation are conducted and laws are passed.

Jupiter: The Second Star
In the later half of the second millennium, the moons of Jupiter were colonized, but soon this become untenable for many reasons that even the technology of the time was unable to handle and so a radical choice was made. Massive structures were built around Jupiter and gravity was bent into action and a second Star bloomed into life within the system. Granted it is only a minor Red Dwarf but it provides light and warmth to trillions of humans across the planets and it will for eons to come.

Saturn: The Jewel
Unlike many other worlds in the system, Saturn has never known the touch of Humanity for there is little to gain from it, the rings are limited in resources of note and the world itself is simply a wonder to behold and so instead stations drift in orbit around the world holding tourists to come gaze upon a world that has long since captured the imagination of humanity

The Frontier lies beyond Saturn's orbit with the numbers of humans and AIs decreasing rapidly as one goes further outward, but it is expected that within the next two centuries for Neptune to become a primary world within Humanity's reach but as of now only a mere handful of stations drift within its orbit and only a bare few teleportation links exist between it and the rest of human space.

Non World Bound Wonders
The Stellar Cage: Around Sol a Dyson Sphere is being built, slowly but surely the metal filigree grows over the surface of the sun and will eventually cover enough to allow countless trillions of humans and AI to call it home, but for now only a few billion live within the frame of the cage and it will be such for centuries to come.
Farsight Station: The most advanced station in the system drifts in orbit of Pluto with prototypical FTL sensors scanning the space light years away for any sign of life in existence, so far only silence has been found and worlds of simple material. Yet, if anything does come within sight all of humanity will know within moments.
The Ulranet: The overarching Internet of the system, using teleport relays and jump points it allows one on Venus to speak with one on Farsight without any time delay. It is the backbone of the System and some believe the most important of all the Wonders of Humanity and AI. It is planned to add true FTL relays into its structure within the next century and people across the system eagerly await the day when there will be no more costs with communication across light time.
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Minor edit to the first post to clarify certain things and to ensure that people do not have the wrong idea of what oversight means in this context.

Just so people know what the Grades mean in context: getting a D in Sol University is roughly equivalent to a full PhD program in any other college in the solar system for the most complex of courses. Passing with Honors in a class or major puts you quite literally in the top 10 humans in that field.
[X] Plan: Genetics with Quantum perfection
-[X] Genetically altered a cat into an exemplar of cats. Alpha Omega: Prospective Student Solomon's admission presented his creation of an Exemplar animal as reason to accept him into Sol University. As normal with this level of achievement I gladly open the doors to Solomon Smith. (Solomon will have 10 points for later sections. There will be a handful of people interested in his future actions) Adds -[] Genetic Sciences expansion as a Free Class, all Grade costs reduced by 1
-[X] Trans Dimensional Science - Free (Major) - 1 point
[X] Genetic and Biological Sciences - Free (Major) - 2 points
-[X] Genetic Sciences expansion (Free Class) - 1 points
[X] Quantum Computer Sciences 1 point (Major) - 2 point
-[X] Advanced Quantum Computer Science 1 point (Class) - 2 point

So, with grade cost reduction, that means Trans dimensional science got barely passed and all others have above average results, right?

Edit: Ok, I did get TDS to 1 point, I just didn't thought on the specifics of the quest. I thought that points will just get you knowledge in those areas and even if MC fail exam and get expelled, - then he will go with private startup or something like that.
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So, with grade cost reduction, that means Trans dimensional science got barely passed and all others have above average results, right?
Ok, I think I have finally figured out the major source of confusion. Each Class is independent of each other for grade purposes. You have to have a minimum grade of Upper for TDS and Top for Genetics which baseline costs 2 and 3 respectively. However, with the backgrounds that reduce Grade costs, this becomes a mandatory 1/2 respectively. You can also over pay on those classes to get higher grades.

Your plan right now, does not work from what I can see. Although I am not sure why you have TDS as -1 when it should be 1 as that is the mandatory grade. You spent 2 points to buy the QCS Major and the AQCS Class and then 4 in total to bring both of those up to Top level grades and then used 5 points on genetics to get one Honor and Top. You need to save 2 points somewhere to bring TDS up to a positive value of 1.
Solomon Smith's Information
Homeworld: Luna - boost to computer knowledge and AI relations
Sanity: 100

Major Grades
Genetics and Biology: A | PhD in every subfield of the subject
Trans Dimensional Science: B | Renowned researcher and PhD in the field
Quantum Computer Science: D -> D+ | Slightly Respected PhD researcher

Class Grades
Advanced Quantum Computer Science: D -> D+ | Slightly Respected PhD researcher
Quark Computer Science: D -> D+ | Slightly Respected PhD researcher

Unique starting Item: Dual Quantum/Quark computer core (Unique) - improves all computation reliant actions, and unlocks personal tech chain to improve the core.
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Background and Direction forward
This is not a true update, but instead a character creation vote that probably should have been interwoven into the first post, but I am doing this quest by the seat of my pants and certain things have fallen out of place and I am scrambling to gather the pieces up and into a semblance of order.

Regardless, there is only two major things I need before I can write the first real turn. 1) Homeworld and 2) scale of project

[] The Eden Orbitals: you were born within one of the thousands of stations that drift in orbit around Earth and watch upon the gentle interplay of nature in its most pristine of forms within the solar system. (All Biological related actions are improved)
[] Luna: The mind of humanity is where you were born, in the domes and the underground cities of the first step were you born into life and the majestic wonder of Sol University a constant in your life. (Better relations with AIs and narrative improvement to computer actions)
[] Venus: Upon the Crucible were you born, a place of artistry of metal and complex designs, it is a poorly hidden truth that Venus is where all the most complex of all technology is forged, and so you know secrets that only those born upon the Crucible would know. (Narrative improvement to Trans Dimensional Science applications, you have a passing understanding of teleportation systems)
[] Mars: In the capital of the system were you born, in the press of trillions you are at home and safe. You were never far from the levers of power even in your youth an it holds true even now. (the most narrative of the effects, but can get higher tier items easier)

Project: For years you have pushed against the boundaries of science to create a creature of impossible nature. You know that the laws of physics within this layer are not universal across them all and so you have devoted yourself to building a being that can wield powers reminiscent of magic of ancient legends.
[] Small: Your goal is to simply prove that it can be done, nothing more nothing less. Already you believe that you have the methods needed with maybe a handful of years to work upon the project now that you have exited Sol University. (Expected to complete in a few turns with little effort)
[] Medium: Why stop at a microbe that can produce a light source without energy from this realm? You know that it could be pushed further and that more could be discovered, why not push forth? That is your mission to breed an Exemplar of a normal species of Earth with powers drawn from other realms. (Much more complex, expected to be at least a few decades of work)
[] Large: Your dreams are massive and wondrous, of massive beings that walk as Titans among the others of the world, creatures that could shape the course of history for eons to come. (Extremely complex and difficult, but still within reason)
[] Ludicrous: Leaving behind the mundanity of the sensible and into the realm of the insane you walk with glee, for there are no chains upon you and centuries might pass but you will come out the victor in the end. (A project that will probably never complete, but will shape history in its entirely if even partly completed)
[X] Luna: The mind of humanity is where you were born, in the domes and the underground cities of the first step were you born into life and the majestic wonder of Sol University a constant in your life. (Better relations with AIs and narrative improvement to computer actions)

[X] Large: Your dreams are massive and wondrous, of massive beings that walk as Titans among the others of the world, creatures that could shape the course of history for eons to come. (Extremely complex and difficult, but still within reason)
[X] Luna: The mind of humanity is where you were born, in the domes and the underground cities of the first step were you born into life and the majestic wonder of Sol University a constant in your life. (Better relations with AIs and narrative improvement to computer actions)

[X] Medium: Why stop at a microbe that can produce a light source without energy from this realm? You know that it could be pushed further and that more could be discovered, why not push forth? That is your mission to breed an Exemplar of a normal species of Earth with powers drawn from other realms. (Much more complex, expected to be at least a few decades of work)

I do like the AI bonus, although I'd prefer a smaller project.
[X] Luna: The mind of humanity is where you were born, in the domes and the underground cities of the first step were you born into life and the majestic wonder of Sol University a constant in your life. (Better relations with AIs and narrative improvement to computer actions)

[X] Medium: Why stop at a microbe that can produce a light source without energy from this realm? You know that it could be pushed further and that more could be discovered, why not push forth? That is your mission to breed an Exemplar of a normal species of Earth with powers drawn from other realms. (Much more complex, expected to be at least a few decades of work)
[X] Luna: The mind of humanity is where you were born, in the domes and the underground cities of the first step were you born into life and the majestic wonder of Sol University a constant in your life. (Better relations with AIs and narrative improvement to computer actions)

[X] Large: Your dreams are massive and wondrous, of massive beings that walk as Titans among the others of the world, creatures that could shape the course of history for eons to come. (Extremely complex and difficult, but still within reason)
Voting is open