From SV Zeros to DBZ Power Houses


Certified Village Idiot
OOC fourm and character application:

Alright! Welcome to the world of Dragon Ball Z! Specifically a year before canon hits! You will all recall information of the character you control, from what you were currently doing to information your character has that comes up when needed! Let's get this started

@searcher8 @chiufan95 @Genon

You all wake up in different small space pods going somewhere in space!


You realize that you are sitting in front of a window looking out a window in a spaceship in a floating chair

@The Fourth Monado

You wake up to see a bunch of books and papers infront of you on a desk


You realize you are on a small island looking out to the sea with a pink house with the word Kame on it behind you

@Insufficient Dakka

You come to attention that you are holding onto the hand of a small girl while standing in the middle of a sidewalk in a big city.


You realize you are in some sort of Mountain range in an unknown location.

Alright everyone! It is morning for you all! Now let's begin!
I blink. Stars. Window. Very pretty nebula, very nice. I glance down. Hoverchair. Tail. Tail! Hands for feet! Back to the window.

Holy shit I'm Freeza.

Holy shit I'm Freeza.

Holding up an alien (in both senses of the word) palm, I... y'know, I'm not sure what I do, but suddenly there's a ball of energy in my hand, about the size of a grapefruit and crackling with enough power to scour a continent down to the bedrock. A girlish giggle threatens to break out of my throats because holy shit I can do that now, but I shove it down. I have bigger priorities.

Namely, I'm now the proud owner of most of a fucking Galaxy, and oh yeah, I'm who knows how long away from a painful beatdown at the hands of Goku. Note to self: if I do end up fighting him, kill him first before anyone else.

Or, better idea, take that offer of mercy he makes. It's Goku; he probably won't mind if I pop in now and again for a sparring match.

Getting sidetracked. Point is, I have no idea how to run real estate or fight. Or... do I?

Hopping out of the hover chair, I settle smoothly into a fighting stance, and run through a few attacks. It's smooth, instinctive, and somehow I know that after this punch I should flow to that kick. Okay, I can fight. And after climbing back into the chair I pull up what I know off the Galaxy and wow that's a lot of planet info. So I remember everything about what the PTO is doing. It's a little too easy to ignore how many sapient beings died to make this. Gonna have to keep an eye out.

A door behind me slides open, and I hear boot steps on the tile. Confident, but a little nervous, too. Hmm. "L-Lord Freeza," I hear a shaky, high-pitched voice say from behind me. "P-Planet Freeza #97 has been cleared, and base construction has begun."

"And why," I queried, not facing him. "Are Mr. Zarbon and Mr. Dodoria not telling me this? Or better, simply sending a message?"

"T-They were sparring, a-and didn't want to be disturbed, L-Lord Freeza!"

I let out an annoyed tsk. "Tell them that once they're done, they will explain why their 'sparring' was so important they could not take five minutes to compose a message." I paused as a thought occurred to me. "Oh, and find a technician that can wire Vegeta's scouter logs to me."

"Y-Yes, Lord Freeza!"

As the soldier left as fast as he could without seeming hasty, I leaned back in the hoverchair and let a contented smile spread over my face. Being a villain was... actually kind of fun. Now, I had two- three things to do: put the fear of Freeza back in Zarbon and Dodoria, sign the genocide of a few more planets, and start figuring out that power-sensing thing.
I blink.

Dirt. All I see is dirt. All around me. And the feeling of nothing being beneath me. So I look down.

HOLY SHIT I'M FLYING! Well, ok, more levitating than flying to be honest. And why am I wearing purple pants? I don't even own purple pants! Nor these curved brown shoes.

I look at my hand and choke from shock. It's green! ...wait, green hand, levitating, strange shoes, am I...

I give myself the best look over I can and realize I am. I'm Piccolo. My third favorite DBZ character after Gohan and Vegeta.

I wonder if I can remember what Piccolo was-meditating. I was meditating. Ok, so, where in the series am I? Or is when a more accurate question? Come on brain, think!

Four years! It's been four years! So that means another year until Radditz comes and I kill Goku.

...huh. I don't feel sorry about that. I wonder why. Oh well, ignore that for now, I need to get stronger for the radish.

Wait, can I fight? Can I even properly use my Ki? I hold out a hand and fire off a Ki blast. Huh. Guess I can use Ki.

I float down while getting into a fighting stance and after throwing a few combos I confirm I can fight.

Which means it's time to train. I am NOT fading into obscurity because of Saiyans thank you very much!
Gohan blinked as his vision wavers for a few seconds, before looking at his books.

...Wait, why was he at a desk? He's three. Babies shouldn't be in school yet; he could barely walk!

So, instead, Gohan hopped off his seat, and toddled away toward the kitchen.
Chi-Chi, upon seeing that you are not studying shouts at you to go back to your room and study.

(OOC: Remember, Chi-Chi is VERY obsessed with Gohan studying. And this is the Abridged verse. So any character flaw she has was multiplied and that goes with her desire of Gohan studying.)
@Insufficient Dakka

You come to attention that you are holding onto the hand of a small girl while standing in the middle of a sidewalk in a big city.
The sights and sounds of the city took me by surprise, leaving me a bit overwhelmed as I got used to them. There were plenty of people out, and...flying cars? And there was a cat person! Several of them! And dog people too?! What was...and there was a child holding my hand? Her hair looked kind of familiar. Not to mention something about myself felt odd. I'd never been here before, but the people seemed a little on the short side. Looking down, I saw my body was far larger than normal, built like a truck with huge muscle and somewhat tan skin. Touching my head I felt an afro of curled hair. I didn't want to believe it, but there was a way to make sure.

"V-Videl? Sweetie?" I asked the little girl beside me, still walking.

"Yes, Daddy?" She responded, looking up at me with adorable eyes. I was torn between screaming out of fear of what was happening and bending down to hug the small child out of paternal instinct. Instead I managed to pretend I wasn't a humanoid ball of panic.

"Are...are you feeling tired at all? Haven't been walking too long, have we?" I came up with at the last second.

"No, Daddy! I'm a big girl, I can handle this!" The 'big girl' said, pouting.

"Of course you are, I'm so proud." She couldn't be more than four, but she seemed fine with walking however far we'd gone. I however was getting closer and closer to a breakdown. Why was I Hercule Satan? What happened to the real Hercule? Was he in my head back in the real world? Were we supposed to be going somewhere or was this just a walk around town? "Do you know where we're going?"

"You were gonna drop me off at daycare so you could have your special training with Miss Candi, remember?" If I had been drinking anything, it'd definitely be spat out onto the floor right now. I guess Mister Satan was trying to fill the void left by his wife however he could, or at least I told myself that to preserve the mental image I had of him.

" about I cancel all that so we can spend the day together?" She looked at me with surprise as I said this.

"Can we get ice cream?" She finally asked, testing her luck.

"Sure, dear. Let's go." And so we went to have fun together for the day, and to help distract me from how impossible all of this should have been.
You realize you are on a small island looking out to the sea with a pink house with the word Kame on it behind you

I look upon my hands and walk to the water staring at my reflection. Fuck I'm one of the most important people in the DBZ universe a universe I barely know filled with death and destruction the entire planet living on a razors edge.

Okay, okay, okay. So, I have a few advantages right? I know direct facts of the universe. From what I remember people don't know exactly what KI is it's only something the author talked about in a conference. I know that KI is made of Emotional courage, physical stamina, and mental strength. Your limit to how much KI you can contain is limited by physical and mental aspects after that limit you have your aura. Okay yeah because of some of those RPs I remember some important stuff.

Now what do I need to do to survive and keep the world safe? Well krillin had the best KI control and Kaio-ken is about the only thing that could put him on the level of most enemies. Kaio-ken also required extreme control, I should be able to learn it I just need Goku to teach it to me. I think King-Kai knew the technique as well. This is all to advanced though, no reason to assume I'm the sole change.

I'm panicking, this is how I freak out by planning and trying to fix it. It's how I was taught to freak out. Okay lets step back. Today, this week at most what do I need. Strength and understanding. I may have the ability to fly in the body, but I still need to know it as myself. I need to get in touch with my KI, that is step one.

I have all the memories of krillin in my head. Okay, good, great place to start.

I sit down to meditate, my martial arts back ground will be useful here.

Who are we at any one moment but all of our memories making up who we are. I have all of another persons memories. I can be both, I need to be both.
I breath in and out slowly, each breath I count, until I get to nine then I start over. An old meditation technique I was taught, if I focus on other things I will count above nine without realizing.

With each breath I try to adsorb krillins memories, he was a good man, a monk, a warrior. I was a solider, a warrior, a good man when I could be. We need to become the same person. One whole. I meditate to let all of who he was become part of me. To go through those memories as if I am living them. To let his past become part of me. I need to take mental and emotional strength from him. I am killing off part of who I am in this way. I think it is the only way though. If I fail the earth may be destroyed.

I continue this for many hours, examining and living each memory in great detail. Letting two people become one united person. Not the only time that happened in DBZ.
I blink.

Then I blink again, because what the heck three eyes. Also because hey, no glasses needed, everything is perfectly visible!

As I'm marveling in the wonder that is unaided vision, my middle eye shifts a bit, and suddenly I'm looking in two different directions, though one viewpoint is considerably flatter than the other.

Hold on, independent trinocular vision? Am I Tien Shinhan? A quick head-pat confirms that I'm bald...

Well, I can think of at least one way to test it further. I can definitely feel something flowing within me, so I try to remember how I had heard DB flight described. Even as I start to try and grab at the energy, though, I feel it shaping beneath me, buoying me up.

Huh. Ki has muscle memory. I suppose that explains a few things.

Also, flying EEEEEEEEEE!

It takes somewhere between five and ten minutes of doing figure-eights in the sky while laughing like a loon before I manage to suppress my excitement, and by then I've managed to either recover or reconstruct (I'm not quite sure which) a few of Tien's memories. The year is somewhere around Age 760, so roughly a year until Raditz arrives. I'm going to want to train in respect to that. Figure out how to practice with the kamikaze triangle beam, or play around with witch-arms a bit, maybe?

I didn't have long to myself for the moment, though - Chioutzu had to run some sort of errand, but he said he'd meet me -er, Tien, here afterwards, and-

Oh. Oh shit. The hell am I going to tell Chioutzu? He and Tien are practically brothers, he'll know something is off almost immediately.

I mean, I suppose I could say I have partial amnesia.

Yeah. I'll do that. What could possibly go wrong?
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I begin to contemplate my plans for the future. What I can do. When I can do it. And what I can fuck up canonically speaking.

Let's see, there is the dragon balls. There is the hyperbolic time chamber. There was this supposed Super Namekian transformation or some other probably movie only thing.

I ponder the benefits of using the time chamber now. But wouldn't I go insane if I was in there alone? Like Abrodged!Vegeta? But maybe I could convince someone that I turned a new leaf? Yeah, the characters were quite naive if I remember correctly.

So I focus on my Ki sense, looking for any of the Z Fighters that WEREN'T Goku. Finally I sensed someone fluctuating their energy. Krillin Piccolo's memories supplied for me. Krillin it is then! Even if not convinced, I might be able to scare him into helping me train.

So, I fly out to where his energy is coming from and after a few hours I float in the sky looking down at a meditating Krillin.

I begin to contemplate my plans for the future. What I can do. When I can do it. And what I can fuck up canonically speaking.

Let's see, there is the dragon balls. There is the hyperbolic time chamber. There was this supposed Super Namekian transformation or some other probably movie only thing.

I ponder the benefits of using the time chamber now. But wouldn't I go insane if I was in there alone? Like Abrodged!Vegeta? But maybe I could convince someone that I turned a new leaf? Yeah, the characters were quite naive if I remember correctly.

So I focus on my Ki sense, looking for any of the Z Fighters that WEREN'T Goku. Finally I sensed someone fluctuating their energy. Krillin Piccolo's memories supplied for me. Krillin it is then! Even if not convinced, I might be able to scare him into helping me train.

So, I fly out to where his energy is coming from and after a few hours I float in the sky looking down at a meditating Krillin.


I sigh, I don't appreciate my meditation being interrupted but I suppose I could make a power play and ignore them. Probably not wise to start a pissing contest just a few minutes into the world. Only having made so much progress at the merging of minds and souls, I'll be stronger for it and am just learning my KI properly.

I slowly open my eyes taking a deep slow breath.

"Oh, Hello Piccolo, nice to see you, how can I help you?"
I sigh, I don't appreciate my meditation being interrupted but I suppose I could make a power play and ignore them. Probably not wise to start a pissing contest just a few minutes into the world. Only having made so much progress at the merging of minds and souls, I'll be stronger for it and am just learning my KI properly.

I slowly open my eyes taking a deep slow breath.

"Oh, Hello Piccolo, nice to see you, how can I help you?"
"Listen, I need to get stronger so I can take revenge on Goku and you are going to help me." I say harshly and as seriously as I can, trying to channle my inner, or is it outter in this case, Piccolo.

"So, you will either help me willingly, or you will help me by force, understand weakling?" I ask him with a fierce glare and scowl.
"Listen, I need to get stronger so I can take revenge on Goku and you are going to help me." I say harshly and as seriously as I can, trying to channle my inner, or is it outter in this case, Piccolo.

"So, you will either help me willingly, or you will help me by force, understand weakling?" I ask him with a fierce glare and scowl.

"Right.....You realize I'm the guy with destructio disk, the attack that kills you know anything. Like maybe you kill me, but very real chance you die trying"

I shrug lightly already channeling ki in my hand letting my aura slowly start to become visible.
"I'm all for training though, maybe chill on the death threats?"
"Right.....You realize I'm the guy with destructio disk, the attack that kills you know anything. Like maybe you kill me, but very real chance you die trying"

I shrug lightly already channeling ki in my hand letting my aura slowly start to become visible.
"I'm all for training though, maybe chill on the death threats?"
I raise a non-existent Namekian eyebrow. "What death threats? I'm not making any death threats at all. You wouldn't be useful to me dead." I say, wondering why you aren't cowering before me.

I then turn around. "Follow me. We're heading for the Lookout." I state before starting to fly towards the location of the Lookout.
You all wake up in different small space pods going somewhere in space
"Hmmn..." I groan, waking up in a small tight space. It's white and spherical; I'm siting on a chair in the centre.

I notice this is not my body; it's larger and more muscular than I'll ever be in life, I feel no hair on my head and there is hair around my mouth, and finally I am wearing a black one piece spandex under some white and gold armour with pauldrons and boots of the same design.

This I see through green tinted glass with alien markings I see, which I understand.

...Fuck, I realize who I now am; it's Nappa, Sayain General and one of four and half to eight and half Saiyans. An old Saiyan General that dies by his prince's hand for his failure.

Strangely enough, I feel kinda optimistic and I seem to know stuff I hadn't known before.

I turn on my scouter communications system and contact Vegeta, which comes naturally to me.

"Hey Vegeta, are we there yet?" I say in a nasally voice.
I raise a non-existent Namekian eyebrow. "What death threats? I'm not making any death threats at all. You wouldn't be useful to me dead." I say, wondering why you aren't cowering before me.

I then turn around. "Follow me. We're heading for the Lookout." I state before starting to fly towards the location of the Lookout.

I shrug lightly. "I suppose" and follow along taking to the skies the first time with a small smile at the sensation of flight.
I close my eyes.

I open them.

I frown, contorting my brow in confusion, squinting at the scene before me.

Slowly i close my eyes, opening them again by the narrowest of margins to see if the scenery will change back.

Why was there a dead dinosaur in front of me and why did it look like someone had bitten a good sized chunk from it's body....dear lord i'm starving. My stomach grumbles loudly, signalling the need for food. Habitually scratching the back of my head, i notice my hair seems spikier than usual, digging into my hand and sticking out at the sides. A bit odd considering i usually have it short. Wiggling my toes i notice my shoes are different, looser, more like fabric than my usual trainers. Also i appear to be wearing a gi in an incredibly eye watering orange colour.

My stomach rumbles louder this time, reminding me i need food. My nose tells me its nearby, my feet instinctively taking me closer to a house on the horizon before i can check myself. Looking back it appears i've dragged the dead....(it's a damn T-REX!!!) a good few meters without feeling that much strain.

Am i an anime character?

Just my luck.

I'm goddam Naruto, aren't I?
I am the first one to land onto the Lookout and walk towards where I know is the location of the chamber, intent on avoiding my 'good' counter part and Mr. Popo.

"Hyperbolic time chamber huh. How long are you planning on, and I know you are something of a KI manipulation expert maybe you can help me with something I have planned" I follow all the way to the chamber.
"Hyperbolic time chamber huh. How long are you planning on, and I know you are something of a KI manipulation expert maybe you can help me with something I have planned" I follow all the way to the chamber.
I freeze. My head snap towards your direction in shock.

"The hell do you know about the chamber!?" I ask you in surprise, glaring a demand for you to answer.
I freeze. My head snap towards your direction in shock.

"The hell do you know about the chamber!?" I ask you in surprise, glaring a demand for you to answer.

I shrug attempting non-chancel.

"People talk, I can fly, I've investigated this place before, I have friends. Nothing to worry about really."
Breath in, Breath out.

Keep calm Ninja Goku. At least you aren't Pirate Goku. After all, i've never actually watch One Piece and at least this way i get lots of Ramen.

Wait..Goku? As in overshadows his son, the actual protagonist Goku?

Did i just get self-inserted into a damaged brain? How am i still functioning? Then again, it does explain the memory problems. Or not, i'm not a doctor. I'm not a chef either and i'm still really hungry. I'll sort it out later. Important things first. I need food. I also need a way to get it without suspicion.

Think brain. What act of incredible subtlety would the brain of a tactical fighter such as Son Goku develop in...a minute.

"Chi-Chi?, Gohan? I'm back and i brought Dinosaur!" i shout from outside the house. "Its a little dusty and it doesn't taste good raw, but it's kind of like Dragon meat. All yummy, but without wings....Oooh, can we have wings for Linner?" I ask a quite possibly empty house.

@DarkKing98 @The Fourth Monado
I shrug attempting non-chancel.

"People talk, I can fly, I've investigated this place before, I have friends. Nothing to worry about really."
"Ok, first of all, nobody visits here." I tell you glaring. "Secondly, I'd know if you were here before. And thirdly, the only friend you have that ever entered the chamber in the first place was Goku and you haven't seen him in years!" I shout at you with a scowl.
"Ok, first of all, nobody visits here." I tell you glaring. "Secondly, I'd know if you were here before. And thirdly, the only friend you have that ever entered the chamber in the first place was Goku and you haven't seen him in years!" I shout at you with a scowl.

"Yeah big ass floating thing in the sky when a bunch of people can fly. I'm so sure no one ever checks it out, and sure whatever goku told me before he left, how would you actually know for certain the last time I saw him? Are we gonna train or not?" It's a lie but one impossible to verify.