"I-I think some bad men are after me....."
"Yes, there would be some "bad men" wouldn't there be, heiress Luo." The Soldier states.
I frowned at him.

"Mama said that it is rude to eavesdrop on people." Or at least that it is a mistake to allow people to know that you have eavesdrop. "Strange of you to call her a compatriot when it seemed as if you two had just met. It is also rude of you to assume that your.....compatriot's features are out of the ordinary as it is quite ordinary in the magical world. As for my canines, that is none of your business."

Feeling my annoyance, my three wolves started to growl at him, their hackles raised.
"No need to get violent, either of you. Miss Luo, I presume that Mr. Smith is referring to the uncommonality of fox ears and tails in the mundane world. He is trying to limit the amount of work we have to put into the SEP field after all." The soldier continues, looking rather amused.
Timmy had heard enough, he wanted to help protect this site if a fight broke up here, so he decided to take off with his wings in the pursuit of carving tools so that he could inscribe this place with runes, he felt confident in this knowledge though he could barely remember actually studying it in the past. It seemed the amnesia only actually affected his memories not his knowledge.
"Child, if you wish to carve runes, you could have just asked one of us for a kit. We have spares after all. And you are currently under our protection till that monster that calls himself your father is tossed in prison."

Cuilian Luo (Former Luo Clan Heiress | Runaway)
Status: Normal
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

"No need to get violent, either of you. Miss Luo, I presume that Mr. Smith is referring to the uncommonality of fox ears and tails in the mundane world. He is trying to limit the amount of work we have to put into the SEP field after all." The soldier continues, looking rather amused.
I frowned up at him. "She should just use illusion magic. Would that not be easier as a Huli Jing?"
Sakatsuki Miho (Heiress of the Japanese Sakatsuki Family)
Rather Amused
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America/United Tribes of America

I frowned up at him. "She should just use illusion magic. Would that not be easier as a Huli Jing?"
"Kakurembo." Miho incants. Her foxy features disappear as if fading away. "Sorry Heiress Luo. I had forgotten that I still had them out. Thank you kindly for bringing it to my attention." She explains, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. "Besides, I think I would be getting plenty of attention from my open carry, and my Wakizashi. Not to mention my uniform."
"No need to get violent, either of you. Miss Luo, I presume that Mr. Smith is referring to the uncommonality of fox ears and tails in the mundane world. He is trying to limit the amount of work we have to put into the SEP field after all." The soldier continues, looking rather amused.

"Child, if you wish to carve runes, you could have just asked one of us for a kit. We have spares after all. And you are currently under our protection till that monster that calls himself your father is tossed in prison."

"Thanks, I Think. I'll set up some runes around this place, so if we get attacked here, now or in the future we'll be prepared. Tell me if we're going somewhere." Timothy replied meekly glad he could help out here. As he uses the runekit to make the runes that come to mind, the protective ones specifically.
You remember pain. You don't really remember how you died, nor do you remember how you got in the situation you're currently in. You're currently lying face down in the middle of a forest. You can vaguely hear the lapping of waves against the shore, and cars passing by. (OOC: You are in a forested area of Presque Isle, close to the lighthouse.)
Spitting out the sand in his mouth, Charlie rolls over and props himself up.

"Ah, shit...anybody get the number of that truck?"

He takes a look around him. Trees as far as the eye can see, and the occasional ambitious forest animal that crosses his path. In other words, he was so fucking lost it stopped being funny. There was also a rifle on the ground--some sort of BAR derivative, probably--which he picks up and slings over his shoulder. Somehow he just knew that there was something about it that would keep people from taking notice.

Standing up all the way and dusting himself off, he begins heading in the direction of automobile noises. If he's lucky, he'll be able to hitch a ride into town and work from there. Failing that, he could try and walk his way back to civilization.
Cuilian Luo (Former Luo Clan Heiress | Runaway)
Status: Normal
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

Sakatsuki Miho (Heiress of the Japanese Sakatsuki Family)
Rather Amused
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America/United Tribes of America

"Kakurembo." Miho incants. Her foxy features disappear as if fading away. "Sorry Heiress Luo. I had forgotten that I still had them out. Thank you kindly for bringing it to my attention." She explains, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. "Besides, I think I would be getting plenty of attention from my open carry, and my Wakizashi. Not to mention my uniform."

I bowed my head slightly, flustered.

"A-ah, you're welcome. It was no problem miss."