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Erie, Pennsylvania: December 31st at 12:00PM, 2001

Miho Chan

One with too many ideas

Erie, Pennsylvania, United States of America/United Tribes of America.

Unknown Speaker said:
We've Delayed this invasion long enough. Begin the invasion of Erie, Buffalo, Rochester, and Cleveland immediately. For our way of life! For the Magical Brethren!
You awaken, having fallen asleep after answering the mysterious text message from... You can't seem to remember what number it was. How odd. The first thing you notice is the lack of your comfortable bed, and the presence of sand. Sand literally everywhere, and waves lightly lapping against the shore. The smell of the sea is missing though, so it must be a freshwater lake. You spot a ornate sword lying beside you. What do you do? (OOC: You are currently on Presque Isle Beach, near the lighthouse.)

@Michael Lewis
You remember pain. You don't really remember how you died, nor do you remember how you got in the situation you're currently in. You're currently lying face down in the middle of a forest. You can vaguely hear the lapping of waves against the shore, and cars passing by. (OOC: You are in a forested area of Presque Isle, close to the lighthouse.)

You entered this world just in time to witness nine eleven, and all the chaos that followed. You deployed, got injured disarming a Magical IED and was honorably discharged from the military. You're currently visiting the Perry Monument on Presque Isle, when you're approached by a young girl wearing a military uniform with a Wakizashi Sheathed on her right hip.
Sakatuski Miho said:
Mr. Smith? I was told to approach you with an offer to rejoin the United States Military on the Magical Side, are you interested? Don't worry about the Mundanes, my comrades set up a SEP field around here.

You Don't remember much of who you were before. When the kind men and women from the United Nations (Magical) found you, you were afraid they would bring you back to that... place. Fortunately, the soldiers immediately recognized the signs of an abused child, and you were not taken to your father (not that you remember him), but was instead taken to the United Nations Garrison in Erie. You're currently relaxing near the Perry Monument while one of the soldiers (who was near your age!) talked to someone that the UMN (United Magical Nations) was interested in.

You're plan is progressing nicely, but perhaps it was time to seek the help of those who thought like you. You're currently following the United Magical Nations Soldiers who are following someone to Perry's Monument. Your disguise? You're walking your three "dogs". Once they reach their destination, a child in uniform breaks off to talk to the assumed POI. What are you going to do?

You've Arrived in Erie, as instructed by UMN HQ to join the garrison there. There have been whispers that Britain is preparing to abandon her neutrality, and join the Magical Brethren. The UMN has a small garrison in high priority cities in the US/UT northern border to hopefully counteract the impending assault. You are still in flight towards the Garrison Near the Mundane US Coast Guard Station in Erie. (You may choose what to do from here) (You are flying from the City of Erie)

@0th Law
You're out for a "walk" in Presque Isle, rolling along the beach when you come across a Lynn passed out on the beach, with an enchanted sword right next him. He seems to wake up as you stare at the scene. (What do you do from here?)

You've been in this world for a year now, having witnessed 9/11 once again. You're currently holed up in Erie, and are seriously considering heading over towards the UMN Garrison near the Mundane Coast Guard Station on Presque Isle. You're currently in the city of Erie, in an abandoned apartment.

Your currently walking away from the Erie International Airport, having been sent by your family to check on assets in the city. (what will you do from here)

You deserted the Magical Brethren Military as soon as you had the opportunity and intelligence you had set out to steal. You are currently heading towards the UMN garrison to deliver this intel, and see what you can do from there...
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Jeremiah Smith (US Army, Specialist 3rd Class)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

"Mr. Smith? I was told to approach you with an offer to rejoin the United States Military on the Magical Side, are you interested? Don't worry about the Mundanes, my comrades set up a SEP field around here."
Jeremiah briefly looks over at the young girl approaching him, before doing a double take. He then rests his right hand on his hip, not far from the holstered Glock 17 he's carrying, and looks around warily. "Kid, if this is some sort of Candid Camera bullshit, I will be very annoyed. And the fact that you dropped in a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference doesn't help me take you seriously."

While he's still talking, it's pretty clear he's sizing up anyone who seems to be looking in his direction. He also is keeping the kid with the shortsword at a distance, doing his best to make sure that if she drew the sword, he'd be able to defend himself before she got within swinging distance. He's been jumped by bounty hunters before, and has no intention of that getting repeated without being able to defend himself.
Sakatsuki Miho (Imperial Japanese Army, Private First Class)
Time: 11:00AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United Tribes of America Territory

Jeremiah Smith (US Army, Specialist 3rd Class)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

Jeremiah briefly looks over at the young girl approaching him, before doing a double take. He then rests his right hand on his hip, not far from the holstered Glock 17 he's carrying, and looks around warily. "Kid, if this is some sort of Candid Camera bullshit, I will be very annoyed. And the fact that you dropped in a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference doesn't help me take you seriously."

While he's still talking, it's pretty clear he's sizing up anyone who seems to be looking in his direction. He also is keeping the kid with the shortsword at a distance, doing his best to make sure that if she drew the sword, he'd be able to defend himself before she got within swinging distance. He's been jumped by bounty hunters before, and has no intention of that getting repeated without being able to defend himself.
"Mr. Smith, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Miho takes a breath, and slowly moves her hand towards the Wakizashi. "I know you've been hunted, so let me disarm myself." She does exactly that, unclipping her sheathed short sword and laying it on the floor slowly. "I'm not going to kick it over to you though, I respect my weapon too much for that." She say. I'm not going to tell him about my Glock. I'm still far too unskilled at any magic besides illusions. I probably should also drop the illusion I'm using to conceal my ears and tails. Miho does exactly that, revealing her snow white fox ears and three tails to the world. Of course, since the SEP field is up, no one reacts.
Jeremiah Smith (US Army, Specialist 3rd Class)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

"Mr. Smith, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Miho takes a breath, and slowly moves her hand towards the Wakizashi. "I know you've been hunted, so let me disarm myself." She does exactly that, unclipping her sheathed short sword and laying it on the floor slowly. "I'm not going to kick it over to you though, I respect my weapon too much for that."
Jeremiah doesn't immediately react, but does untense slightly.
I probably should also drop the illusion I'm using to conceal my ears and tails. Miho does exactly that, revealing her snow white fox ears and three tails to the world.
Jeremiah blinks at this, and not so surreptitiously looks around to see if anyone else reacts.
Of course, since the SEP field is up, no one reacts.
Upon seeing that nobody else is reacting, he untenses a bit more, and moves his hand back to a more neutral position. "Alright, so I'll buy your claim about being involved on the magical side of things. And you wouldn't have disarmed yourself even that much if you were one of the bounty hunters after me. Especially considering that, odds are, if you were competent as a bounty hunter, you'd have just jumped me as soon as your SEP field was up."

He looks around again, then sighs. "Alright, I'm provisionally in. If you're going to be leading me to some magical US Army base, I will want to pick up some things from my current place of residence. And, depending on how long I'd be away from the shop, get some of my mundane affairs in order to take a 'vacation'."
Timothy Rainwoods (Civilian Class)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

Timmy was surprised to say the least. He had no real clue what was happening around him, and yet he was in a garrison. He was still worried of course, but he had no clue what to do, or how he would do it. So he decided to listen into the person's discussion, a bit of eavesdropping wouldn't harm anyone, and besides maybe if he hears about any problems they have he can help! He of course couldn't exactly move any closer steathily or otherwise, his lower legs wouldn't allow it, though a distinct impression was left on his psyche that perhaps he could move another way. He just couldn't quite recall how right now.
Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse

You awaken, having fallen asleep after answering the mysterious text message from... You can't seem to remember what number it was. How odd. The first thing you notice is the lack of your comfortable bed, and the presence of sand. Sand literally everywhere, and waves lightly lapping against the shore. The smell of the sea is missing though, so it must be a freshwater lake. You spot a ornate sword lying beside you. What do you do?


So much sand...

...Where's my bed?

...Wait, where am I?

I get up off the ground, panicking for a moment. This isn't my room! I quickly realize I'm on a beach and calm down to a point where I notice an odd sword. I look down at the weapon I woke up next to. I don't know why this weird sword is here, but it might be useful later on. I bend down and grab it, holding it close. I should find somebody and ask where I am... I pick a direction away from the water and start walking. I move cautiously, scared of what I might find.
Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse


So much sand...

...Where's my bed?

...Wait, where am I?

I get up off the ground, panicking for a moment. This isn't my room! I quickly realize I'm on a beach and calm down to a point where I notice an odd sword. I look down at the weapon I woke up next to. I don't know why this weird sword is here, but it might be useful later on. I bend down and grab it, holding it close. I should find somebody and ask where I am... I pick a direction away from the water and start walking. I move cautiously, scared of what I might find.
Ariel wheels in front of the Lynn and disengages their SEP Field. "Greetings, young one. You seem to be troubled, most likely due to an unfamiliar situation. May I ask who you are, and the extent of your knowledge regarding your current situation?" Ariel says, their English carrying a slight French accent.
Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse

Ariel wheels in front of the Lynn and disengages their SEP Field. "Greetings, young one. You seem to be troubled, most likely due to an unfamiliar situation. May I ask who you are, and the extent of your knowledge regarding your current situation?" Ariel says, their English carrying a slight French accent.

Sean smiles a bit when he sees the other person. Well, that was fast... I guess. "I... Yeah, I have no idea where I am. I fell asleep in my room and woke up on a beach with a weird sword. I'm Sean... Could you tell me your name?"
Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse

Sean smiles a bit when he sees the other person. Well, that was fast... I guess. "I... Yeah, I have no idea where I am. I fell asleep in my room and woke up on a beach with a weird sword. I'm Sean... Could you tell me your name?"
Ariel tilts their head, considering this. "I am Ariel, and there are most likely more changes than you initially realized." They reach into the bag currently strapped to their wheelchair, and give Sean a mirror.
Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse

Ariel tilts their head, considering this. "I am Ariel, and there are most likely more changes than you initially realized." They reach into the bag currently strapped to their wheelchair, and give Sean a mirror.
I slowly take the mirror and look into it. I almost instantly recoil in shock. "I'M A FOX BOY!?" After a moment, I laugh a bit. "Heh, I sorta like it." I hand the mirror back to Ariel. "So, where am I? What should I do?"
Cuilian Luo (Former Luo Clan Heiress | Runaway)
Status: Normal
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

You're plan is progressing nicely, but perhaps it was time to seek the help of those who thought like you. You're currently following the United Magical Nations Soldiers who are following someone to Perry's Monument. Your disguise? You're walking your three "dogs". Once they reach their destination, a child in uniform breaks off to talk to the assumed POI. What are you going to do?

It's been a long road coming here. Dodging assassins and mercenaries both, avoiding police and what electronic surveillance I can find, disguising myself and somehow stowing aboard a ship along with my three wolves while trying to hide from the regular inspections pushed me to my limits but I did it. Made it to the United States. Not bad for a seven year old girl. Now though, I needed to find allies and these people looked like a good starting point. As the child walked up to a man, I started to put my next step into action.

I quietly whistled a command to my wolves, who are currently trying to act like regular but highly trained dogs guarding their master on a walk.

Act fussy.

Almost immediately, one of them, a white one I called Xiao Bai, started to loiter near enough to the group so I could hear what the child and man were saying. Sighing exasperatedly, I started to randomly jabber at Xiao Bai in Chinese, trying to convey the scene of a child trying to discipline a misbehaving dog while trying to listen in.

Jeremiah briefly looks over at the young girl approaching him, before doing a double take. He then rests his right hand on his hip, not far from the holstered Glock 17 he's carrying, and looks around warily. "Kid, if this is some sort of Candid Camera bullshit, I will be very annoyed. And the fact that you dropped in a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference doesn't help me take you seriously."

While he's still talking, it's pretty clear he's sizing up anyone who seems to be looking in his direction. He also is keeping the kid with the shortsword at a distance, doing his best to make sure that if she drew the sword, he'd be able to defend himself before she got within swinging distance. He's been jumped by bounty hunters before, and has no intention of that getting repeated without being able to defend himself.

Pretty cautious but understandable. I've been on the receiving end of an ambush set up just like this. Assassins and soldiers seem to start young.

"Mr. Smith, you know exactly what I'm talking about." Miho takes a breath, and slowly moves her hand towards the Wakizashi. "I know you've been hunted, so let me disarm myself." She does exactly that, unclipping her sheathed short sword and laying it on the floor slowly. "I'm not going to kick it over to you though, I respect my weapon too much for that." She say. I'm not going to tell him about my Glock. I'm still far too unskilled at any magic besides illusions. I probably should also drop the illusion I'm using to conceal my ears and tails. Miho does exactly that, revealing her snow white fox ears and three tails to the world. Of course, since the SEP field is up, no one reacts.

Oh.....OH! It's a Huli Jing! But what's a young one doing so far away from home?

Upon seeing that nobody else is reacting, he untenses a bit more, and moves his hand back to a more neutral position. "Alright, so I'll buy your claim about being involved on the magical side of things. And you wouldn't have disarmed yourself even that much if you were one of the bounty hunters after me. Especially considering that, odds are, if you were competent as a bounty hunter, you'd have just jumped me as soon as your SEP field was up."

He looks around again, then sighs. "Alright, I'm provisionally in. If you're going to be leading me to some magical US Army base, I will want to pick up some things from my current place of residence. And, depending on how long I'd be away from the shop, get some of my mundane affairs in order to take a 'vacation'."

I frowned. There wasn't much I can take advantage of in this situation. At least, not something that I can leverage in order to have them help me. Looks like i'll have to act as a princess in trouble. The question is how though. I leaned my forehead against Xiao Bai as I tried to think up of a scenario before giving up. Guess i'll just have to wing it.

Taking a moment to hype myself up, I nervously walked up to one of the United Magical Nations Soldiers that were standing around.

"Ex-excuse me?"

Here's hoping the Imperium hasn't sunk their claws here too.
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Sakatsuki Miho (Imperial Japanese Army, Private First Class)
Time: 11:00AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United Tribes of America Territory

Upon seeing that nobody else is reacting, he untenses a bit more, and moves his hand back to a more neutral position. "Alright, so I'll buy your claim about being involved on the magical side of things. And you wouldn't have disarmed yourself even that much if you were one of the bounty hunters after me. Especially considering that, odds are, if you were competent as a bounty hunter, you'd have just jumped me as soon as your SEP field was up."

He looks around again, then sighs. "Alright, I'm provisionally in. If you're going to be leading me to some magical US Army base, I will want to pick up some things from my current place of residence. And, depending on how long I'd be away from the shop, get some of my mundane affairs in order to take a 'vacation'."
"I'll leave you to it while you arrange your affairs Mr. Smith. Thankfully, we're right near the Erie garrison, which is right near the Coast Guard Station on this Isle. I'm to escort you until you arrive in base, but feel free to ask me to wait outside of your place of residence." Miho says, before her ears perk up and,
I frowned. There wasn't much I can take advantage of in this situation. At least, not something that I can leverage in order to have them help me. Looks like i'll have to act as a princess in trouble. The question is how though. I leaned my forehead against Xiao Bai as I tried to think up of a scenario before giving up. Guess i'll just have to wing it.

Taking a moment to hype myself up, I nervously walked up to one of the United Magical Nations Soldiers that were standing around.

"Ex-excuse me?"

Here's hoping the Imperium hasn't sunk their claws here too.
"Yes? What can I help you with madam?"
Cuilian Luo (Former Luo Clan Heiress | Runaway)
Status: Normal
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

"Yes? What can I help you with madam?"

"I-I think some bad men are after me....."

I nervously looked around while my "dogs" acted restlessly.
I slowly take the mirror and look into it. I almost instantly recoil in shock. "I'M A FOX BOY!?" After a moment, I laugh a bit. "Heh, I sorta like it." I hand the mirror back to Ariel. "So, where am I? What should I do?"
Ariel takes the mirror and returns it to their Bag of Holding. "We are currently on Presque Isle, in Pennsylvania; however, I doubt that they are 'your' Presque Isle, or 'your' Pennsylvania, as this is most likely not 'your' Earth. There is currently a war between people that wish to keep magic hidden, and those who wish to reveal it, allowing its benefits to be used for everyone. I recommend enlisting in the UNM military, which has a garrison roughly a mile from here."
Jeremiah Smith (US Army, Specialist 3rd Class)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

"Yes? What can I help you with madam?"
"I-I think some bad men are after me....."
Jeremiah stayed quiet, with slightly narrowed eyes. "I'm guessing this isn't a terribly ordinary case, seeing as, 1), you haven't acted as if my compatriot's extra features are anything out of the ordinary, and 2), most 7 year olds wouldn't be able to have wolves on leashes."
Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse

Ariel takes the mirror and returns it to their Bag of Holding. "We are currently on Presque Isle, in Pennsylvania; however, I doubt that they are 'your' Presque Isle, or 'your' Pennsylvania, as this is most likely not 'your' Earth. There is currently a war between people that wish to keep magic hidden, and those who wish to reveal it, allowing its benefits to be used for everyone. I recommend enlisting in the UNM military, which has a garrison roughly a mile from here."
I have several questions... "Magic? I... can't say I'm familiar with 'magic'. And you said there's a military base I can go to..." Maybe I'll be safe in the base. Would they let me stay there, though...? I need to get home. This person did say this isn't the same world that I'm used to... "Sure. Could you take me to this base? I, uh, don't know how to get there, and I'm pretty sure it's safer to walk in a group." I smile a bit more. I glance at the sword I picked up and decide to ask about it at the base.
Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse

I have several questions... "Magic? I... can't say I'm familiar with 'magic'. And you said there's a military base I can go to..." Maybe I'll be safe in the base. Would they let me stay there, though...? I need to get home. This person did say this isn't the same world that I'm used to... "Sure. Could you take me to this base? I, uh, don't know how to get there, and I'm pretty sure it's safer to walk in a group." I smile a bit more. I glance at the sword I picked up and decide to ask about it at the base.
Ariel nods. Their wheelchair floats a couple inches into the air. "Get on." They say, as they shrink down to a small enough size for both of them to sit comfortably on the chair.
Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse

Ariel nods. Their wheelchair floats a couple inches into the air. "Get on." They say, as they shrink down to a small enough size for both of them to sit comfortably on the chair.
I get startled a bit by the wheelchair suddenly floating and the shrinking, but I quickly recover. Must be the "magic". I nod to them. "Okay." I hop onto the wheelchair with them, trying to give them as much space as possible. "Let's go!" I grin widely and chuckle a bit. This is cool!
James "Jimmy" Thorne (Mercenary, Currently magically unemployed)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Abandoned apartment, Erie, Pennsylvania, United States of America

You've been in this world for a year now, having witnessed 9/11 once again. You're currently holed up in Erie, and are seriously considering heading over towards the UMN Garrison near the Mundane Coast Guard Station on Presque Isle. You're currently in the city of Erie, in an abandoned apartment.
The sight of the clear white ceiling greeted James as he awoke from last night's alcohol induced state of unconsciousness. And while he hadn't been much of an avid drinker during his "previous life", he certainly was one now. The fact that he was now a resident of a paraller universe where magic existed, that would make just about any man take up drinking. He had lost everything he had had, including his old body and identity. The worst part was that he could quite clearly remember the faces of his old family and friends. He was, as someone had quite succintly written in the past, "a stranger in a strange land".

And what kind of land was he in? One where magic existed, and the world was no better for it. The mages had long ago in the past erected a ward which encompassed the whole planet, and it stopped any mundane human from noticing or paying any attention to any magic happening around them. It was some sort of mental and physical block. And worst of all, it was waning. The ward would disappear sometime in the near future. And as was the way of the world, wars were being fought over that fact.

The war between those who wanted to keep the mundane humans from discovering magic, and those who wanted the opposite had been fought for a number of years. And unfortunately for the man who had inhabited James Thorne's body for the last, the original had actively been taking part in the war as a mercenary. The deeds of the original weighed over the new James' life; a bounty in the magical world, being paid by magical Russian Imperium primarily and multiple crimes committed in the mundane countries of Russia, Britain and Portugal.

The original James had been far from a saint. The man had abused his skills in the school of Soul Magic, primarily with mind control. First simply due to the man's thirst for the finer things in life, and later due to a seemingly endless thirst for knowledge on furthering his knowledge of Soul Magic.

The last year had been a time of mental crises and endless plotting. There had to be a way out of this bizarre mirror world, back to his own world and family. This was the hope that had carried James through multiple harrowing moments of life and death. It was best to not linger on the fact that he had had to already murder multiple bounty hunters, who had thought him to be an easy mark due to his low bounty. No, it was far better to just think about about how he was going to get back.

And the current plan? Visit the Thorne family in Minnesota and steal all their books, notes and other knowledge in Creation Magic. If they had anything on Soul Magic, that would be even better. James doubted that, since the family had always been known for their Creation Magic. The original, Jimmy Thorne (as he had taken to calling recently) had just been an outlier with his expertise in Soul Magic.

The trip to Minnesota had been rather slow, as he had no interest in taking a plane there. It was a risky thing to do due to his name being then in their systems. It would not be the first time he had been tracked down by bounty hunters due to it. Hells, they most likely already knew he was in then United States.

He had made a pitstop in Erie for a multitude of reasons. Firstly to let the local magical garrison know that he soon no longer intended to offer his services, secondly to stock up for yet another long road trip and thirdly to actually be able to sleep in a proper bed. The third reason was somewhat hard to fulfill due to him not wanting to leave behind a clear paper trail. So now he was spending a few days in a mostly vacated apartment, after having mind controlled the landlord to ignore his existence in the building.

He had bought any supplies that he had lacked yesterday, before having hit up the nicer of the local bars. Now he just had to go talk with whatever passed for a military leader in the region. After that, he would be just about ready to leave Erie, and Pennsylvania in general.

After having taken a shower, trimmed his beard and slicked back his blond hair (at least some parts of Jimmy's body matched his old one), the man now known as James Thorne was about ready to head out to go meet with the leader of the garrison. He didn't leave through the door though, not before he had taken monstrous pistol known as the H&K MK 23 along, as well as a brand new iPod. Really, carrying a portable CD player past the 1990s was just inefficient.

Classic psychedelic rock carried James along, as he walked out of the apartment building and toward his car.
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Presque Isle Beach, Near Lighthouse

I get startled a bit by the wheelchair suddenly floating and the shrinking, but I quickly recover. Must be the "magic". I nod to them. "Okay." I hop onto the wheelchair with them, trying to give them as much space as possible. "Let's go!" I grin widely and chuckle a bit. This is cool!
Ariel simply nods, and raises their wheelchair into the air, and has it go at half of its maximum speed towards the garrison.
Cuilian Luo (Former Luo Clan Heiress | Runaway)
Status: Normal
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

Jeremiah stayed quiet, with slightly narrowed eyes. "I'm guessing this isn't a terribly ordinary case, seeing as, 1), you haven't acted as if my compatriot's extra features are anything out of the ordinary, and 2), most 7 year olds wouldn't be able to have wolves on leashes."

I frowned at him.

"Mama said that it is rude to eavesdrop on people." Or at least that it is a mistake to allow people to know that you have eavesdrop. "Strange of you to call her a compatriot when it seemed as if you two had just met. It is also rude of you to assume that your.....compatriot's features are out of the ordinary as it is quite ordinary in the magical world. As for my canines, that is none of your business."

Feeling my annoyance, my three wolves started to growl at him, their hackles raised.
Timothy Rainwoods (Civilian Class)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

Timmy had heard enough, he wanted to help protect this site if a fight broke up here, so he decided to take off with his wings in the pursuit of carving tools so that he could inscribe this place with runes, he felt confident in this knowledge though he could barely remember actually studying it in the past. It seemed the amnesia only actually affected his memories not his knowledge.
Jeremiah Smith (US Army, Specialist 3rd Class)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
Location: Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, Erie, State of Pennsylvania, United States of America

"Mama said that it is rude to eavesdrop on people." Or at least that it is a mistake to allow people to know that you have eavesdrop. "Strange of you to call her a compatriot when it seemed as if you two had just met. It is also rude of you to assume that your.....compatriot's features are out of the ordinary as it is quite ordinary in the magical world. As for my canines, that is none of your business."

Feeling my annoyance, my three wolves started to growl at him, their hackles raised.
Jeremiah simply fixes her with a flat look, before shaking his head and turning to walk towards his truck, so he could gather the stuff he wanted from his apartment near the gun store he owned, before heading to whatever military base they wanted him stationed at.
Alekto Magos (Independant Agent)
Time: 11:00 AM, Dec 31st, 2001
In Flight

You've Arrived in Erie, as instructed by UMN HQ to join the garrison there. There have been whispers that Britain is preparing to abandon her neutrality, and join the Magical Brethren. The UMN has a small garrison in high priority cities in the US/UT northern border to hopefully counteract the impending assault. You are still in flight towards the Garrison Near the Mundane US Coast Guard Station in Erie. (You may choose what to do from here) (You are flying from the City of Erie)

There's a bit of a shake as the plane hits some turbulence, but Alekto pays it no mind. From one hand stretches a web of light in the form of the surrounding provinces and states around the Great Lakes. In the other, a folder of information she has gathered on common tactics and spells used by the Brethren. With not much to do until the plane lands, she has been busy with familiarizing herself with the situation that she had thrown herself into.
Private Frank Lim, SAW gunner, 2nd Infantry Battalion

A week and knowledge of that goddamn Garrison's location is the same as it was. Basically nothing. Wish it was... More obvious? Then again...

Frank pulls out his handgun, a P226, from his field pack, and shoves the holstered gun into his pocket.

In hindsight, going without much of a plan was a bad idea. Who knew?

Anyway, it's too late for regrets. Far too late for that.

Frank gets up from his "home" for the past week, a random picnic bench in a park, and checks his bag again. Just in case.