For a Need of True Heroes (Marvel/Fate Series)

First Morning
As you walked through the stairs, you noticed something different within you, you thought it was just a stomachache, but you felt something not only within you, but something whispering to you.

"Heyo Master!" You heard a feminine whisper in your ear, though you had ignored it because well, there was no one in your home besides you, Aunt May and Uncle Ben.

"Good morning May, good morning uncle Ben." You greeted them as you entered the kitchen and ate some bread.

"Good morning Pete, how had been your night?" Uncle Ben asked you, to which you made a 'eh' sign with your hand, you had better nights after all, not to mention that now you had an tattoo in your hand somehow and well, if your uncles discovered this, you would certainly be screwed.

"Could have been better, felt a strange sensation while asleep, but yeah, overall fine." You told them as you quickly grabbed the bread that was already prepared and went away, for today...

[X] You just had another day in school, and there is not a damn ghost close to you.

[X] You needed to investigate what the hell was that feminine voice that whispered in your ear.

[X] You needed to get to school, for it was going to have a trip to Oscorp after all!


I had some stuff to do irl with my family, that's why I disappeared.
[X] You needed to get to school, for it was going to have a trip to Oscorp after all!

Clearly, this needs to be even more of a clusterfuck.
[X] You needed to get to school, for it was going to have a trip to Oscorp after all!

Well now, they sounded too cheery to be Artoria Lancer... Still, I'm sure it won't take that long for us to discover who she is. So, might as well aim for those Spider-Powers and be capable of fighting alongside her.
[X] You needed to get to school, for it was going to have a trip to Oscorp after all!

There are only so many female Lancers and that greeting already gave me some ideas. So, let's up the chaos and shenanigans.
[X] You needed to get to school, for it was going to have a trip to Oscorp after all!
@UltimateWriter: Is it much of a spoiler to ask if others will have Servants, or if it'll be Peter? Also, just out of curiosity, is the Servant Elizabeth? She seems the obvious one, after all.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Apr 18, 2019 at 4:29 PM, finished with 63 posts and 6 votes.
[X] You needed to get to school, for it was going to have a trip to Oscorp after all!

Huh, looking at the list for the other classes, did we end up with the one possible female Servant? Talk about the odds.
Huh, been pretty unanimous so far, and I kind of doubt one of the other options will get seven votes. Still, only been 2 and a half hours, so plenty of time left for that to change.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Apr 18, 2019 at 4:46 PM, finished with 66 posts and 8 votes.
[X] You needed to get to school, for it was going to have a trip to Oscorp after all!
@UltimateWriter: Assuming we actually do get the chance for that fateful spider-bite, will we be able to influence what happens to the spider? Unless Peter's Servant will just murderize it for hurting her Master.

... Hmm, did "Heyo Master" actually hint at who they are? Cause I'm currently thinking either Kiyohime or Tamamo. Jeanne Lily and Lancer Medusa are too young for shipping, so...
[X] You needed to get to school, for it was going to have a trip to Oscorp after all!

My guess is that it might be Bradamante. She seems like the type to casually address her Master.
Yeah, but Bradamante already has her love interest, so we can't ship her and Peter. Guess having an "older sister" figure would be neat too, though... wonder if Teresa Parker will show up in this.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Apr 18, 2019 at 8:31 PM, finished with 70 posts and 10 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Apr 18, 2019 at 9:24 PM, finished with 71 posts and 11 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Apr 18, 2019 at 11:57 PM, finished with 72 posts and 12 votes.
[X] You needed to investigate what the hell was that feminine voice that whispered in your ear.
Huh, that took long enough... For "get to school" to be overthrown, 11 more people would need to vote. Personally I'm fine with "investigate" winning, but really want those Spider-Powers so Peter and his Servant can be a dynamic duo.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Apr 19, 2019 at 2:33 PM, finished with 75 posts and 14 votes.