
Faux/Rupere Saeculi II

"This world wasn't always like this, you know? This same War has been going on for eternity, across an infinite number of dimensions. Worlds are never the exact same, but some things stay. Some are always glorious gardens of peace and quaint living, while others are always desolate landscapes of hellfire and brimstone. We've done it though. We've done something that not even Gaea has done, and we've broken through." - [EXPUNGED]
But some things were never meant to be broken through.

In this world, under the shadow of dangerous creatures that roam the world, Mankind would never have had a chance if not for Magic. However, not many know about it anymore. A vast majority of humans have forgotten or maybe even have abandoned their heritage, using their newly developed technology and great walled cities instead to protect against the animals that roam the wild.

One thing has remained through history though. First appearing centuries ago as an artifact in a medieval kingdom, entire cities were lost to the beasts and other humans in a vain quest to seek a wish granting device now known as the 'Holy Grail'.

In the modern world, people have all but forgotten the Grail, knowing it only as a part of tales and legends, the fancies of a young child who has not yet understood the harshness of the world he lives in. A group of people have not forgotten about either of these things though, and others have just begun to discover parts of their heritage that span through the entire existence of humanity on this plane.

Such begins the next Holy Grail Competition.

[Night, the First Day]
@notmi @Divider - It's a quiet day in the "Central" Military Base. Uniformed men armed with rifles patrol the solid walls of the compound and the important building, charmed to be blissfully unaware of a poorly lit room below them.

Within the room, Roy, an unshaven man dressed in shabby clothes talks with his Hero Caster, a woman so beautiful some would call her unnatural. They...

@Nanimani @Camellia - Kin stands next to her Hero Assassin in quiet camaraderie outside her home, before a distant explosion throws her slightly off balance. Even as she seems to blur in place, the two of them share a look and decide to...

@Illusion @The Out Of World - Holly and his Hero Rider sit around a propane heater, with a strange sense nostalgia for the propane tank. As the light drifting into the warehouse slowly dim, they hear sounds of a struggle ongoing, in the warehouse section right to the east of them. They look to each other and nod. Holly turns off the stove as the two of them stand up, and...

@Wizard_Marshall - Hero Berserker and his Summoner, Asil Issani, find themselves facing off a group of three Viplings that had been hiding in the Agricultural Domes. They ready themselves, and as the animals launch themselves at the two, Berserker...

@Logos @Bondo - In a dark room inside of a house, Hero Saber discusses tactics with Rowen, his Summoner. The team hears a distant explosion coming from the Northern Forest, and...

@Breogan - Andrew Wyverns and his Hero Lancer are getting ready for a night of hunting. He checks the time, and calls for Lancer. They step out of the house and are just about to starting hunting when they see a small flash of light right before the sound of an explosion reaches them. They...

@D.D. Spectator @BoundaryPhantasm - Meanwhile, another Chosen hides in their home, preparing the catalyst to summon their Hero. They had the catalyst and they had the setup. All that was left was to complete the summoning. They dropped the catalyst in the center, and began chanting...

Meanwhile, the Overseer sends out the official start of the First Night to every Hero and Summoner.

It is 10 o' clock.

All players may PM me with their moves. Heroes can move AGI/2 hexes, rounded up. Summoners can move a max of 2 hexes.
Kin stands next to her Hero Assassin in quiet camaraderie outside her home, before a distant explosion throws her slightly off balance. Even as she seems to blur in place, the two of them share a look and decide to...
Assassin reached out to help steady his Master and yawned. "You want to stay here? It's a nice night out, and I guess I can catch you a fish or something if you're hungry."

He chucked the bird that he'd been whittling for most of the day and took a second look at it in the grass. Huh. From this angle it kinda looked like a hippo.
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Andrew Wyverns and his Hero Lancer are getting ready for a night of hunting. He checks the time, and calls for Lancer. They step out of the house and are just about to starting hunting when they see a small flash of light right before the sound of an explosion reaches them. They...

Stepping towards his Master, Lancer looked on to the direction the explosion had come from.

"Well," He started to say. "I don't suppose that happens every day, does it?" The hero asked good-naturedly, humour serving to hide his wariness as he stood beside other man.

"I would suggest investigating, Master." He said. "I will scout ahead if you wish, although I would prefer that we do not separate. I have a... Bad feeling about this situation."

Call him paranoid if you wish, but he would rather not take chances when he could avoid it.
Within the room, Roy, an unshaven man dressed in shabby clothes talks with his Hero Caster, a woman so beautiful some would call her unnatural. They...

Roy gave Caster a brief look, then checked his own reflection on the edge of his knife.

"...Think the military look would suit me? I might go grab a uniform and a razor from one of the barracks up there. Standing next to you is bad for my self-esteem." he joked.

He sat down in a corner of the room, idly twirling the point of his knife against the ground. "So we've arrived at our cozy little hole for the rest of the Competition. You're Caster, right? Got any magic tricks planned to entertain our rivals?"
Stepping towards his Master, Lancer looked on to the direction the explosion had come from.

"Well," He started to say. "I don't suppose that happens every day, does it?" The hero asked good-naturedly, humour serving to hide his wariness as he stood beside other man.

"I would suggest investigating, Master." He said. "I will scout ahead if you wish, although I would prefer that we do not separate. I have a... Bad feeling about this situation."

Call him paranoid if you wish, but he would rather not take chances when he could avoid it.
"No, it doesn't. Would like you to go with me to investigate, Lancer?" Andrew replies, "I have a feeling some of the other Summoners are already stirring up trouble...


Even as one of the serpentine Viplings jumped at her, Asil brandished her knife, ready to defend herself. To her side, Berserker readied himself to engage the two other beasts.
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"No, it doesn't. Would like you to go with me to investigate, Lancer?" Andrew replies, "I have a feeling some of the other Summoners are already stirring up trouble...

The hero nodded, turning back towards the source of the explosion.

"Indeed, which was why I suggested that we do not separate." His eyes narrowed slightly. "Alone, you would be open to an attack from another team." He seemed to mull on their choices for a second before looking towards his Master once again. "I can carry you, if you wish." He mentioned. "I will not be able to cover as much ground as I would otherwise, but we will still get there faster than if you were to travel on your own."

The hero would have no problem either way. If his Master rejected the offer, then he would simply have to live with the fact that they would get there a little later.

There were worse fates, he supposed.
Assassin reached out to help steady his Master and yawned. "You want to stay here? It's a nice night out, and I guess I can catch you a fish or something if you're hungry."

He chucked the bird that he'd been whittling for most of the day and took a second look at it in the grass. Huh. From this angle it kinda looked like a hippo.
Kin whistled appreciately.

"Yeah, I don't feel like getting closer to that's good for my health. I'll get the grill going?"

Well, there's some popsicles in the freezer, but that's better for daytime than night. Pity.
Kin whistled appreciately.

"Yeah, I don't feel like getting closer to that's good for my health. I'll get the grill going?"

Well, there's some popsicles in the freezer, but that's better for daytime than night. Pity.
"Great." Assassin braced himself and got to his feet. Kin should have pretty much anything she'd need already but the river was, what, one, two miles away? "Anything else you want besides fish? I can make a quick stop by that," and here he flailed a hand, "East Resident place and pick up stuff."

Like wine, although this era had some pretty shitty wine. Maybe some ice cream, or a couple boxes of cinnamon rolls. After hearing her response, he astralized and made way for the river.
Holly and his Hero Rider sit around a propane heater, with a strange sense nostalgia for the propane tank. As the light drifting into the warehouse slowly dim, they hear sounds of a struggle ongoing, in the warehouse section right to the east of them. They look to each other and nod. Holly turns off the stove as the two of them stand up, and...

A deadly smirk appears on Holly's face as he gets up and turns to his servant.

"Looks like there's gonna be some action tonight partner. It would be a shame if we missed all the fun wouldn't you agree?"

Holly's face then turns into one of contemplation, as if he just had an idea.

"Hey uh, partner are you gonna do your...um you know that weird thing that you do with your body...when you...uh..." Holly's hand started to make wild gestures as he tried to describe his vague idea to Rider. " Dammit, it is hard to describe but you know what I'm talking about right? THAT thing."

@The Out Of World
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A deadly smirk appears on Holly's face as he turns to his servant.

"Looks like there's gonna be some action tonight partner. It would be a shame if we missed all the fun wouldn't you agree?"

Holly's face then turns into one of contemplation, as if he just had an idea.

"Hey uh, partner are you gonna do your...um you know that weird thing that you do with your body...when you...uh..." Holly's hand started to make wild gestures as he tried to describe his vague idea to Rider. " Dammit, it is hard to describe but you know what I'm talking about right? THAT thing."
"Yes." The man replied tonelessly from beneath the hooded bundle of black robes that covered his entire body, face and all.

Wordlessly he rose to his feet and stretched his limbs, revealing a rather large frame beneath the robes that sank to the dusty warehouse floor and spilled over his toes. He tested his joints, cracking his knuckles and neck before performing a brief series of aerobic stretches to ensure he was in peak condition. He resumed basking in the warmth of the propane heater, now with his entire form.

The Holy Grail. A construct to grant a wish, as if something out of a baseless fable. Even now, Rider could hardly believe the thought of it, but his existence in this new era was proof enough that the claim held merit.

He extended his hand out from beneath his robe's massive sleeve and remained absolutely still. A passing dust mote stirred up by his rise gently floated down onto his finger. He felt the tiny particle brush against his fingertip as it completed its descent, the sensation of it upon his skin every bit as real as it had been in life.

"Tread silently." He said, snapping his hand into a clenched fist. "Do not let yourself be detected, lest our maneuver will be made more difficult than necessary."

That having been said, the lithe entity stode East, moving in the direction opposite to the setting sun. His steps shifted into a cautious lightness and he entered a slight crouch, a preparatory stance in case he should need to defend his Master.

"Yes." The man replied tonelessly from beneath the hooded bundle of black robes that covered his entire body, face and all.

Wordlessly he rose to his feet and stretched his limbs, revealing a rather large frame beneath the robes that sank to the dusty warehouse floor and spilled over his toes. He tested his joints, cracking his knuckles and neck before performing a brief series of aerobic stretches to ensure he was in peak condition. He resumed basking in the warmth of the propane heater, now with his entire form.

The Holy Grail. A construct to grant a wish, as if something out of a baseless fable. Even now, Rider could hardly believe the thought of it, but his existence in this new era was proof enough that the claim held merit.

He extended his hand out from beneath his robe's massive sleeve and remained absolutely still. A passing dust mote stirred up by his rise gently floated down onto his finger. He felt the tiny particle brush against his fingertip as it completed its descent, the sensation of it upon his skin every bit as real as it had been in life.

"Tread silently." He said, snapping his hand into a clenched fist. "Do not let yourself be detected, lest our maneuver will be made more difficult than necessary."

That having been said, the lithe entity stode East, moving in the direction opposite to the setting sun. His steps shifted into a cautious lightness and he entered a slight crouch, a preparatory stance in case he should need to defend his Master.


Holly wordlessly tipped his cowboy hat at his partner, signalling that he understood his orders. He then gets down in a crouching position and follows Rider as stealthily as he can with his revolver out. Unfortunately he hadn't been able to enchant his bullets as he had spent all of his materials on summoning Rider so the gun was almost completely mundane.

He would have to change that in the future, maybe call his contact and see what kind of materials he could get him or maybe even venture outside the walls to see what he could get. Normally he wouldn't dream of doing something as dangerous as that but with Rider, his partner, around Holly was sure he could take on anything.

After all, between his resourcefulness and Rider's unique skills they were an unstoppable team. But he was getting side tracked. You gotta tackle one problem at a time Holly, one problem at a time. Right now he had to worry about stealth. If he fucked this up Rider would not be pleased and that was no good for anyone involved.
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@notmi @Divider - It's a quiet day in the "Central" Military Base. Uniformed men armed with rifles patrol the solid walls of the compound and the important building, charmed to be blissfully unaware of a poorly lit room below them.

Within the room, Roy, an unshaven man dressed in shabby clothes talks with his Hero Caster, a woman so beautiful some would call her unnatural. They...

Roy gave Caster a brief look, then checked his own reflection on the edge of his knife.

"...Think the military look would suit me? I might go grab a uniform and a razor from one of the barracks up there. Standing next to you is bad for my self-esteem." he joked.

He sat down in a corner of the room, idly twirling the point of his knife against the ground. "So we've arrived at our cozy little hole for the rest of the Competition. You're Caster, right? Got any magic tricks planned to entertain our rivals?"
Putting her hands on her hips, Caster smirked down at him.

"Getting out of those rags certainly couldn't make you look worse, considering how mangy you look now. And any Magus would sell their arms and legs for the chance to learn a few of my magic tricks. I wouldn't really expect someone like you to understand, though."

Her dress swirling around her, she began to pace across the small room.

"First of all, we need to make this place a bit more livable. Once I have a workshop, then I can start to show you the truly impressive things, even if their magnificence will likely be lost on you."
"Great." Assassin braced himself and got to his feet. Kin should have pretty much anything she'd need already but the river was, what, one, two miles away? "Anything else you want besides fish? I can make a quick stop by that," and here he flailed a hand, "East Resident place and pick up stuff."

Like wine, although this era had some pretty shitty wine. Maybe some ice cream, or a couple boxes of cinnamon rolls. After hearing her response, he astralized and made way for the river.
Kin shakes her head, taking a cookie from her jacket.

"Nah, not really. Maybe some bread? Not sandwich bread, the stuff that's actually tasty. We've got enough snacks, last I checked."

Enough for her, at least.
Kin shakes her head, taking a cookie from her jacket.

"Nah, not really. Maybe some bread? Not sandwich bread, the stuff that's actually tasty. We've got enough snacks, last I checked."

Enough for her, at least.
"Lies!" Assassin called. "Total, absolute lies. There are not nearly enough cinnamon buns in this house to say that we have enough never mind cake."

He raced off into the far distance.
"Lies!" Assassin called. "Total, absolute lies. There are not nearly enough cinnamon buns in this house to say that we have enough never mind cake."

He raced off into the far distance.
"You'd better not let them go bad if you're gonna buy them!", she shouts after the departing Assassin.

That done, she walks inside the house to get the last few cinnamon buns and gets the grill going, finishing them off as she waits for Assassin to get back.
@Logos @Bondo - In a dark room inside of a house, Hero Saber discusses tactics with Rowen, his Summoner. The team hears a distant explosion coming from the Northern Forest, and...

"Look, Saber. I know that you like being in the dark and all, but can we please turn on the light? And please, Saber. Can you at least wear something besides just your pants while it just us alone?" He sighed.

Rowen Eamon O. Quicktrolley ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. He slumped down the chair in the makeshift war room in his basement. Saber was not easy to please. At all. The ⌈Hero⌋ was probably the most exhausting person he had dealt with in his entire life.

"Wait. Did you hear that? Looks like someone or something is trying to bait us. Should we bite, or continue with our plan... Of course, I will leave the ultimate decision to you."
"Getting out of those rags certainly couldn't make you look worse, considering how mangy you look now. And any Magus would sell their arms and legs for the chance to learn a few of my magic tricks. I wouldn't really expect someone like you to understand, though."
Roy gave Caster a mock wounded look. "I'll have you know I studied for an entire week under that old hag. I could qualify as a Caster myself!"

He tucked his knife back into his coat pocket. "On a more serious note, you're probably right. Still, watching a Caster go to work should be good for inspiration when what I have so far doesn't cut it."
"First of all, we need to make this place a bit more livable. Once I have a workshop, then I can start to show you the truly impressive things, even if their magnificence will likely be lost on you."
"Well, I was hoping to not have to dine on rations for the rest of the competition. Want to go shopping, then, or is this the part where you start batting your eyes at the soldiers until they cough up what you need?" he asked.
The exceedingly well-muscled man who was currently being called Saber reclined against a wall by the light-switch, arms crossed.

"You're the one who managed to summon me, on the wrong planet, with none of my equipment, at a bare fraction of my power, clad only in a pair of leather pants." As the aftershock of an explosion rocked the house, Saber stood.

"I'll be headed to whatever passes for a market here. We can at least fix one of your blunders." He was tied to Quicktrolley, for now, and would die shortly after him. An elegant way to compel obedience, even without the seals.

Much as it grated on him, Saber would go along with things. For now.
The exceedingly well-muscled man who was currently being called Saber reclined against a wall by the light-switch, arms crossed.

"You're the one who managed to summon me, on the wrong planet, with none of my equipment, at a bare fraction of my power, clad only in a pair of leather pants." As the aftershock of an explosion rocked the house, Saber stood.

"I'll be headed to whatever passes for a market here. We can at least fix one of your blunders." He was tied to Quicktrolley, for now, and would die shortly after him. An elegant way to compel obedience, even without the seals.

Much as it grated on him, Saber would go along with things. For now.
"Oh, buggers. I will be coming along then," Quicktrolley grabbed his hat as stood up from the war table.

How did it comes to this? Maybe getting that catalyst from that old antique shop was bad idea after all. But no matter, what's done is done. Saber, infuriating as he may be, wasn't that much of a bad person per se. He could have summoned someone much worse than Saber.

But that doesn't mean Saber was an exceedingly good person either. The man gets what the man wants. Quicktrolley had to follow him around to make sure that Saber doesn't go overboard at the market.

Maybe having another tall and muscular man around would persuade the shopkeepers from making an exceedingly bad decision. Quicktrolley pinched the bridge of his nose as he walked up to the war room door.

"Let's go before anything else happens."

This is going to be one long night.
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With his Master secured and holding onto him so as to not to fall, Lancer breaks out on a run.

Buildings flash around them as the Servant of the Spear moves swiftly in order to reach their destination, leaving the area they had been at and breezing through one of the industrial sites.

The Servant was, indeed, slower than he would have been if he hadn't needed to carry his summoner, but Lancer's game was speed, and he would do his class proud.

It was with those thoughts in mind that they arrived at a marketplace, and Lancer let his eyes wander a bit, even as he pressed onwards towards his objective.
Roy gave Caster a mock wounded look. "I'll have you know I studied for an entire week under that old hag. I could qualify as a Caster myself!"

He tucked his knife back into his coat pocket. "On a more serious note, you're probably right. Still, watching a Caster go to work should be good for inspiration when what I have so far doesn't cut it."
"Of course. I couldn't let the one who summoned me remain such a disappointment. Why, by the time I'm finished with you, I'd expect you to be a third rate magus rather than the amateur you are now.
"Well, I was hoping to not have to dine on rations for the rest of the competition. Want to go shopping, then, or is this the part where you start batting your eyes at the soldiers until they cough up what you need?" he asked.
"The second, obviously. The collecting of resources is best done by servants, and putting ourselves in danger just to "go shopping" would be the height of folly. Besides, I doubt you could carry all of the supplies we would need by yourself."

She turned and headed for the door, taking for granted that Roy would follow her.
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"Of course. I couldn't let the one who summoned me remain such a disappointment. Why, by the time I'm finished with you, I'd expect you to be a third rate magus rather than the amateur you are now.
Roy snorted in amusement. "Well, I've got something to look forward to, I guess. Should probably pick up lots of sugar and iron-rich foods."
"The second, obviously. The collecting of resources is best done by servants, and putting ourselves in danger just to "go shopping" would be the height of folly. Besides, I doubt you could carry all of the supplies we would need by yourself."
He fell into step beside her, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets.

"What are these supplies anyways? Sanguine Magi don't need much more than a knife and livestock to get their spells going, according to what the old hag said. You haven't really used blood, though, so I'm guessing your magic is different."

Even as one of the serpentine Viplings jumped at her, Asil brandished her knife, ready to defend herself. To her side, Berserker readied himself to engage the two other beasts.

Even without his sharp senses warning him, Berserker's reaction speed was out of this world. The Viplings might as well have been moving in slow motion.

Berserker summoned a pair of twin crimson spears and lunged at the two attacking him like a divine wind. The first Vipling was cleaved down the middle and the second was beheaded. But Berserker wasn't done yet. Before the two Viplings' blood touched the floor, Berserker turned and sundered the one going for his Master. The Vipling's body was obliterated from the force of Berserker's thrust.

His movements were sharp and crisp, unerringly accurate for a mad Servant. Perhaps, the fact that he didn't have Mad Enhancement on contributed to his refined technique. Even then, it spoke of his amazing skills as a hero to be able to accomplish such feats this without Mad Enhancement's boost. Normally, Mad Enhancement was used to enhance weak Servants, but Berserker was plenty strong without it.

"Are you alright, Master?"
"What are these supplies anyways? Sanguine Magi don't need much more than a knife and livestock to get their spells going, according to what the old hag said. You haven't really used blood, though, so I'm guessing your magic is different."
Caster walked through the base confidently, sure that her enchantments would keep any of the soldiers from noticing them.

"I won't need all that much, and there is still plenty I could do right now without any ingredients, but it's a good idea to get a system to gather ingredients quickly right now, before the War kicks off in earnest. It's also a good idea to gather my minions now rather than wasting time doing it later."

Turning the corner of a hallway, she moved towards a door marked "Officers" and opened it without hesitation. Inside were three men, each wearing an identical uniform. They turned towards the two, obviously shocked to see the strangers in what was supposed to be a secure military base. Hand reaching down towards a pistol at his waist, one of the men addressed them.

"Who are-"

Caster beamed up at them, gracefully curtsying.

"I apologize for interrupting your meeting, but I had something to discuss with you. You don't mind, do you?"

Seeing three head shakes, she continued.

"I'm currently residing in this base, and I need some trustworthy people to help me out. Just some basic things. Running errands, helping keep my existence secret, sacrificing your lives to protect me, and other things like that. You're willing to help me out with things like that, right?"

Once again, there were three synchronized head movements.

"Good, good. First of all, I need a few ingredients. Some of them you probably have already on the base, and some of them you may have to go out and buy, but I'm sure you can handle that on your own. I know I can trust you all to do your best. I just need..."
Caster walked through the base confidently, sure that her enchantments would keep any of the soldiers from noticing them.

"I won't need all that much, and there is still plenty I could do right now without any ingredients, but it's a good idea to get a system to gather ingredients quickly right now, before the War kicks off in earnest. It's also a good idea to gather my minions now rather than wasting time doing it later."

Turning the corner of a hallway, she moved towards a door marked "Officers" and opened it without hesitation. Inside were three men, each wearing an identical uniform. They turned towards the two, obviously shocked to see the strangers in what was supposed to be a secure military base. Hand reaching down towards a pistol at his waist, one of the men addressed them.

"Who are-"

Caster beamed up at them, gracefully curtsying.

"I apologize for interrupting your meeting, but I had something to discuss with you. You don't mind, do you?"

Seeing three head shakes, she continued.

"I'm currently residing in this base, and I need some trustworthy people to help me out. Just some basic things. Running errands, helping keep my existence secret, sacrificing your lives to protect me, and other things like that. You're willing to help me out with things like that, right?"

Once again, there were three synchronized head movements.

"Good, good. First of all, I need a few ingredients. Some of them you probably have already on the base, and some of them you may have to go out and buy, but I'm sure you can handle that on your own. I know I can trust you all to do your best. I just need..."
Roy snorted as the officers scrambled to obey Caster's orders.

"I guess I can hardly blame these boys for being weak to a pretty face. Dry as a desert out here, if you catch my drift." he drawled.

He walked in and settled himself at the table the three officers were sitting at. "Caster, don't suppose you could ask one of these fine young men to grab me a change of clothes and tell me where the nearest bathroom is?"