Huh. I just put forward one Lancer and that one Seibah I've had in the backburner.

The Lancer sorta clicked more, and I prefer him.

I could have submitted the 'Actually-Servant-Boxer' Saber, but that one is on storage until I work out some kinks.
As in I have never delved into the field of dice games at all and do not understand any dice modifiers or how the system works, especially when factoring in specialized formats like exalted.
Ah, OK. This one is pretty simple.

You roll a 6 sided die 4 times, and for ever roll above 5, you get a +1, for ever roll that's 3 or four, you get +0, and for every roll that's 1 or 2, you get a -1. So, rolling 5,6,3,1 would get you a +1 total. Skills provide modifiers, but they are decided by the GM, so Legacy will just tell you what they are.

Also, from memory, you will likely want to give your character some sort of Notice/Observation skill, because it's heavily used.

Huh. I just put forward one Lancer and that one Seibah I've had in the backburner.

The Lancer sorta clicked more, and I prefer him.

I could have submitted the 'Actually-Servant-Boxer' Saber, but that one is on storage until I work out some kinks.
I had a couple I could have used, most notably my Berserker from the previous RP, but I'm really glad my Caster went through.
I had a couple I could have used, most notably my Berserker from he previous RP, but I'm really glad my Caster went through.

Hm. Looking forward to seeing him/her. Honestly, I like both Seibah and Ransa, but I prefer the Lancer. I will be happy if he gets chosen.

I will admit to him being a bit... Straightforward, I guess? But that is not neccesarily a bad thing.
Hm. Looking forward to seeing him/her. Honestly, I like both Seibah and Ransa, but I prefer the Lancer. I will be happy if he gets chosen.

I will admit to him being a bit... Straightforward, I guess? But that is not neccesarily a bad thing.
My Berserker was about as straightforward as it's possible to get, so I went the opposite way with Caster. It'll be interesting to play, at least.
My Berserker was about as straightforward as it's possible to get, so I went the opposite way with Caster. It'll be interesting to play, at least.

The Ajax, right? Well, yes. He was, indeed, straightforward.

Didn't have much beyond 'tank it like a boss and murderize the idiot', did he? Reminded me of Berserkles.

My Lancer isn't that straightforward, but... Yes, similar enough.
The Ajax, right? Well, yes. He was, indeed, straightforward.

Didn't have much beyond 'tank it like a boss and murderize the idiot', did he? Reminded me of Berserkles.

My Lancer isn't that straightforward, but... Yes, similar enough.
Yeah, he literally had no options beside tanking A rank attacks and stabbing people. He was pretty good at it, and I'm fairly confident I could have taken pretty much any Servant 1 on 1 because of my ridiculous stats, but it rather limited my options.
Yeah, he literally had no options beside tanking A rank attacks and stabbing people. He was pretty good at it, and I'm fairly confident I could have taken pretty much any Servant 1 on 1 because of my ridiculous stats, but it rather limited my options.
The Ajax, right? Well, yes. He was, indeed, straightforward.

Didn't have much beyond 'tank it like a boss and murderize the idiot', did he? Reminded me of Berserkles.

My Lancer isn't that straightforward, but... Yes, similar enough.
My Saber is in the middle. Normally it's just straightforward, but once things get serious it is no longer a game of tank and kill.
Yeah, he literally had no options beside tanking A rank attacks and stabbing people. He was pretty good at it, and I'm fairly confident I could have taken pretty much any Servant 1 on 1 because of my ridiculous stats, but it rather limited my options.

Lancer's go-to strategy boils down to 'stab the guy in front of you and avoid getting stabbed' :V

Mind, he is quite good at stabbing people, but I am confident that there will be other options open to him with how I've made him.

Plans for him come to mind, although some also depend on the master.
Lancer's go-to strategy boils down to 'stab the guy in front of you and avoid getting stabbed' :V

Mind, he is quite good at stabbing people, but I am confident that there will be other options open to him with how I've made him.

Plans for him come to mind, although some also depend on the master.
You know, for a random second I thought you were going to do Archer Karna.
Lancer's go-to strategy boils down to 'stab the guy in front of you and avoid getting stabbed' :V
Then he's already more complex than Berserker. My strategy was "let the other person hit you, then hit them harder."

My Saber is in the middle. Normally it's just straightforward, but once things get serious it is no longer a game of tank and kill.
Depending on how much control we have over our starting positions, Caster's first conflict with another Servant may be hilarious.
You know, for a random second I thought you were going to do Archer Karna.
I nearly made an Archer, but I had trouble designing an NP that was more complex than "cause massive explosion", and I was too dissatisfied to go through with it.
You know, for a random second I thought you were going to do Archer Karna.

...That was a joke sheet, really. Karna should never, ever be Archer. At least if he is your opponent.

I mean, he already got slightly shafted in Apocrypha somewhat because he got summoned as a Lancer, and Apocrypha Karna lives up to the claims of being 'Gilgamesh level' very well.

Do you want to give him the bow that basically proclaimed 'yeah, as long as this guy is holding me, he physically cannot be defeated. Get in line.'?

Because that's what it did. Add onto that the Armor of Invincibility, the Astras and the 'one shot, kill anything' Vasavi Shakti and, well... Things get out of hand.

I nearly made an Archer, but I had trouble designing an NP that was more complex than "cause massive explosion", and I was too dissatisfied to go through with it.

Why? That is all the world needs! There is no problem that cannot be solved by an explosion of the right Size at the right place!

Why? That is all the world needs! There is no problem that cannot be solved by an explosion of the right Size at the right place!

It was actually strangely similar to @D.D. Spectator's archer sheet, if with a bit more dakka. A bow that ignores armor and 7 A rank explosive Arrows, along with a bunch of skills. I actually built it with the intention of making it a Saber clone originally.
...That was a joke sheet, really. Karna should never, ever be Archer. At least if he is your opponent.

I mean, he already got slightly shafted in Apocrypha somewhat because he got summoned as a Lancer, and Apocrypha Karna lives up to the claims of being 'Gilgamesh level' very well.

Do you want to give him the bow that basically proclaimed 'yeah, as long as this guy is holding me, he physically cannot be defeated. Get in line.'?

Because that's what it did. Add onto that the Armor of Invincibility, the Astras and the 'one shot, kill anything' Vasavi Shakti and, well... Things get out of hand.

Why? That is all the world needs! There is no problem that cannot be solved by an explosion of the right Size at the right place!

Shakti wasnt even his best weapon. It was just a nifty trinket he used to kill a Rakshasha that threw hurricanes at people. He had several astras, one of which rained millions of posionous snakes of divine origin and another that decimated entire mountain ranges easily, the original brahmastra that in myth is suppossd to be able to eradicate the entire planet, and other such powers that never were explored in Appcrypha.
Shakti wasnt even his best weapon. It was just a nifty trinket he used to kill a Rakshasha that threw hurricanes at people. He had several astras, one of which rained millions of posionous snakes of divine origin and another that decimated entire mountain ranges easily, the original brahmastra that in myth is suppossd to be able to eradicate the entire planet, and other such powers that never were explored in Appcrypha.

Err, no. Shakti is his greatest weapon. Sure, he didn't use it for the most glorious of purposes, but there is a reason Indra gave it to him as a 'fair trade' after he took his armor disguised as a Brahmin. It can, literally, kill anything so long as it connects. No take backs, no 'I am a god, you can't do that!' BS. It hits you, that's that. You are dead.

The fact that he wasted it on a Rakshsha was mostly just due to Krishna's meedling and calling in every favour, blackmail and begging to every single deity in the universe to avoid Karna actually using it against Arjuna and killing him, IIRC. Said meedling was pretty much the only reason Karna lost.

I'll admit that he got cheated out of his best class (Archer. Same deal as Berserkles, really), but he still got the strongest Noble Phantasm he could possibly had. My major beef is that he has Brahmastra. Up to and including the curse. Even when it was explicitly stated that he developed an even better version, the Barghavastra, much like Arjuna developed the Bramashira.

As for the Astras themselves... Well, given that there are over 3.300 Astras and Karna supposedly mastered them all... Try to fit that on a Servant sheet. Another reason would be the Container itself nerfing him to the most powerful (the 'Brahmastra', in this case) and nerfing it even further to avoid planetnuking.

He was given a very poor showing in the end, though. That much, I will also admit.

Especially due to the final Deus Ex Machina team Ruler pulled.

Namely, Achilles' Super-Shield that tanks anything short of Anti-Worlds, from how it reads.

...What? I'm paranoid. You never know if someone is actually reading the thing.
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Everyone who is currently attempting to play as a Hero, please remember to add you Class Bonus to your sheet, and show where it's used.

All new people who are considering joining, send me a sheet for either a Summoner or a Hero, and I'll add it to the list of sheets I need to edit.
Everyone who is currently attempting to play as a Hero, please remember to add you Class Bonus to your sheet, and show where it's used.

All new people who are considering joining, send me a sheet for either a Summoner or a Hero, and I'll add it to the list of sheets I need to edit.
Do you want me to send in what my final Mana total is, since the Caster bonus is a 150% mana modifier?
Everyone who is currently attempting to play as a Hero, please remember to add you Class Bonus to your sheet, and show where it's used.

All new people who are considering joining, send me a sheet for either a Summoner or a Hero, and I'll add it to the list of sheets I need to edit.

So... Re-edit Lancer with the 'Bonus to movement rolls', then? Do I add it on a separate category (General Status, Parameters, Skills, Noble Phantasms and then finally Class Bonus)?
Do you want me to send in what my final Mana total is, since the Caster bonus is a 150% mana modifier?
So... Re-edit Lancer with the 'Bonus to movement rolls', then? Do I add it on a separate category (General Status, Parameters, Skills, Noble Phantasms and then finally Class Bonus)?
Add it directly to the sheet Breogan.

@notmi, that'll work fine. In fact, if everyone could send their base mana to me when I accept them, that'd be good.
... Somewhat tempted to submit something, but Saber's taken...

Oh well. Good job on taking my half done system and turning it into something good, at least.

What is the rate at which refresh may be spent to boost a Noble Phantasm above A rank?

What is the rate at which refresh may be spent to boost a Noble Phantasm above A rank?
Normally, I'd assume that it's 1 for every +, but in another part, it says that boosting stats past A rank costs double the normal amount of Refresh, so there's a bit of ambiguity there.