The presence of another Servant washed over Caster like a wave of ill intent. Dammit: He'd hoped to have more time.

"Lady Chiara: We have guests. One Servant, and perhaps even their Master in toe."

He paused to let that sink in.

"I am going to go outside and see if I can negotiate with them: The matter of this... disappearance calls certain matters into question. Enough so that I feel we may need to postpone the war, for the time being. I suggest you remain inside, and prepare whatever spells you have." Of course, knowing what little he did of his Master, Caster doubted she was one to stay on the sidelines for long.

But with that being said, he went outside: If nothing else, then to dissuade violence from occurring on holy soil.

He strode out of the chapel, across the stone walk, and threw open the gates.
"Y-Yes, Caster! I will get on to it then!" Wait. Wait. Hold on a second there. She wasn't ready for battle just yet! She was hoping that they might get some reprieve for the first night. At least the second night, or third night, or even the forth night would be more preferable than now. Oh boy, she had no idea what she was doing.

But that's okay. As long she firmly believed in Him, everything will turn out a-okay! Watching Caster's retreating back, Chiara bagan muttering words of prayers, holding her book tightly to her chest in preparation for the fight with the scary Magus that was going to burst in here with their Servant. The cold, still air of the night thrummed with power as she began using the heretical of the magi. Despite her element hindering her magical talent, even this much was enough to give her time to cast something that would give the magus a pause.

Hmmmm.... A fireball would do nicely. It was a classic in those borderline heretical fantasy novels, after all!
Berserker thought it over for a moment.

"...Nah." He dismissed, after a while. "Let's hold on to those for now. First few uses might be weak, but I can't think of anything to waste it on right now beyond the classics, and I don't feel in the mood to go track down a river important enough for it."

Grumbling as he leaned against the wall, Berserker looked over at the Caster and the Lancer.

"So, what's the deal here, anyway? There's a Caster and a... Lancer, I guess? Holed up here, no Masters I can see, and Lancer's been all quiet. Am I not the first to consider removing their Master?"
"I was summoned by my Master. That's all there is too it." Lancer simply crinkled his nose as he pitched another body. "Tch. That didn't get very far."

He paused for a long moment, before grinning.

"I don't care what we drink, Master, but bring lots of it."
"I found an old book about the Grail War a while back. The last owner of it was a pretty fucking stupid Magus to be honest . Anyway there are four places where the Grail can be summoned. I don't really get the details on why it is summoned, but apparently near the industrial center is one of those place. I can feel that there is quite a bit of mana flowing through the lines there. The land is a bit more fertile and the food is a bit more tasty.... So I have heard, not that I have ever tried eating anything over there," Robert quickly wiped a bit of drool from his mouth.

"Certainly." If his Master wanted to hide his proclivities, Rider would play along. Everyone had their tastes, and indulging them could come later. Rather, he focused on the information Robert relayed, filing the interesting bits away.

"Anyway other places is the church over here and the old Tohsaka residence. By the way, you know what happened to those people?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Master." Rider had just been summoned to this time. Perhaps he might be able to discern something with an investigation, but right now, he was as clueless as his Master.

"Well, I let you handle this. I don't have good memories of going to Church, freaking waste of a Sunday Morning."

"Neither do I, but I shall undertake this tribulation in your stead." Rider shared a smile with his Master. "Please remain close by. There's no telling where Assassin lurks."

But with that being said, he went outside: If nothing else, then to dissuade violence from occurring on holy soil.

He strode out of the chapel, across the stone walk, and threw open the gates.

An older man with gray hair wore a purple head wrap that covered one of his eyes. His robes were of similar color and quality. Privately, Rider hoped the other man wasn't Caster.

"Greetings. I am Rider. To which Servant may I have the honor of addressing?" Naturally, Rider wasn't rude enough to be asking the other man's true name. He was merely trying to ascertain his class, offering his first. Given his abilities, his class wasn't easy to hide, so revealing it cost him nothing.
Berserker thought it over for a moment.

"...Nah." He dismissed, after a while. "Let's hold on to those for now. First few uses might be weak, but I can't think of anything to waste it on right now beyond the classics, and I don't feel in the mood to go track down a river important enough for it."

Grumbling as he leaned against the wall, Berserker looked over at the Caster and the Lancer.

"So, what's the deal here, anyway? There's a Caster and a... Lancer, I guess? Holed up here, no Masters I can see, and Lancer's been all quiet. Am I not the first to consider removing their Master?"
"Ah, if only..." With the leyline beneath me, I didn't need their magical energy any more. Unfortunately, I still needed a tie, but that could be any normal civilian. "No, my summoner felt like removing themselves before I did it for them. So when I was summoned, no one was there. I still don't know where they are or what they look like." I will, though. Probably. Hopefully he'll beg for his life if he's one of the random people the dragons kill, so I won't actually kill him so quickly.

"As for Lancer..." I shrug, flashing my own Command Seals. "I think he's relatively satisfied with his Master."
"I was summoned by my Master. That's all there is too it." Lancer simply crinkled his nose as he pitched another body. "Tch. That didn't get very far."

He paused for a long moment, before grinning.

"I don't care what we drink, Master, but bring lots of it."
...Yeah,we're gonna need more alcohol. Damn, I don't have enough dragons to just pick up the whole building.
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An older man with gray hair wore a purple head wrap that covered one of his eyes. His robes were of similar color and quality. Privately, Rider hoped the other man wasn't Caster.

"Greetings. I am Rider. To which Servant may I have the honor of addressing?" Naturally, Rider wasn't rude enough to be asking the other man's true name. He was merely trying to ascertain his class, offering his first. Given his abilities, his class wasn't easy to hide, so revealing it cost him nothing.

Caster cursed his rotten luck: While it wasn't a Knight Class, Riders were still far more physically adept then Casters. If it came to violence... well, it couldn't be helped now.

"Peace be upon you Rider: I am to serve as this war's Caster." Before the other Servant could consider striking, he continued. "But I have little interest in violence, at the moment: My Master and I came here because the Overseer of this war has gone missing, and we've made several rather startling discoveries." He filled pair in about the discoveries made - the cannister, the kidnapping, and the disappearance of the Founding Families. "Something irregular is happening, Rider, and with the stakes being what they are, we can't afford irregularities."

"So I suggest we make common cause until this matter is sorted."

He was being honest about that: That he held ulterior motives for protracting the war was only a beneficial coincidence.
"And I'm Shirou Hanamura." The soldier introduced himself with a grin. While he talks he pulls out some of the native currency and the bartender takes it before turning to prepare you drinks. "My Servant's already on his way. He can introduce himself when he gets here. So, what do you fine folks want to talk about until he arrives?" The bartender places two glasses of beer on the counter as Shirou stops talking.
"What do I wish to talk about? Hmm..." Rider mused to himself as he brought the glass to his lips. "The King shall not mind if we speak of ourselves to one another, but his highest concern above all is the well-being of his subjects. Tell me of your people, Shirou Hanamura. Tell me of the beliefs they follow, enlighten me on the principles of their culture and most important among these, let me know of their needs so that the King may bring unto them the splendor they desire. In life, I ruled over an empire as vast as the lone and level sands that stretched far away. My reign was known for many things, chiefly among them the standards of prosperity and organization that all facets of my domain were held to. I will not settle for anything but glory for my people, for they deserve all that my love can afford them." The beer was good, better than most of the stock available in his own time, if a bit watered down. His critique of the drink could wait until the more important topic at hand had been handled.

"I'll explain everything while we move," Rani IV said as she climb some more on the really long ladder. "I am from Atlas, a organization of like minded Alchemists that are... different from others."

She continued climbing down the really long ladder.... okay how long is this thing? "Anyways. I am what you call a Homunculus, an artificial human. I was created to be a master in this war but then I was... replaced by a better Homunculus. I was okay with it, if I was inferior then that surely meant that I was unsuitable as a master. But then a strange event happened that shook the entirety of the Atlas organization." She stopped for a bit to catch her breath. "Anyways for some reason or another all the original masters have disappeared. Me including 6 others have now took place of the original. The Atlas Organization has tasked me to find out the fate of the original masters as well as who's behind all this. Any questions?"

"I'll explain everything while we move," Rani IV said as she climb some more on the really long ladder. "I am from Atlas, a organization of like minded Alchemists that are... different from others."

She continued climbing down the really long ladder.... okay how long is this thing? "Anyways. I am what you call a Homunculus, an artificial human. I was created to be a master in this war but then I was... replaced by a better Homunculus. I was okay with it, if I was inferior then that surely meant that I was unsuitable as a master. But then a strange event happened that shook the entirety of the Atlas organization." She stopped for a bit to catch her breath. "Anyways for some reason or another all the original masters have disappeared. Me including 6 others have now took place of the original. The Atlas Organization has tasked me to find out the fate of the original masters as well as who's behind all this. Any questions?"

Noiselessly following her down the ludicrously long ladder Assassin stared at her with what could be called respect in his eyes as she spoke on her origins and replacement. "You truly are strong being able to admit your own weakness compared to another rather than being caught up in excessive hubris; in many ways stronger than me. I was once an arrogant fool too caught up in his own reputation, being willing to face Nobunaga in battle. I was an idiot; I believed that commanding 2 of the greatest clans Iga and Kōga made me an equal to his forces..."

Silently pausing to recollect himself in the midst of his reminiscence the legendary ninja continued in his quiet voice, "I have never been so wrong. We were mercilessly crushed; decades of knowledge, of techniques, of training methods all lost after me and my men fell. The only positives were that some of my students and children escaped with what scraps of knowledge they could before the entire region was burnt to the ground, it was due to them that I and my rival Hanzo are still remembered. All due to the remnants, the scraps of our history, our culture that they could rescue were my legend passed on in the chronicles they managed to form with what they were able to gather."

Temporarily ceasing his monologue with a near silent snarl of what could be considered either sorrow or rage darkness flashing across acid green eyes with a sheen of violent, turbulent emotion; then continuing as though nothing had happened, no signs of his outburst save the pitch of the legendary jōnin's voice deepening with the memories of the indignity committed against his clan spoke once more. "This was the darkest era of the shinobi, the time when almost all of our proud history was lost; much was saved by those close to me.... But so much more was lost to the hungering flames of the Devil King. The forever burning flames of the 6th Heaven stoked with the knowledge, the power of the Shinobi! However I aim to prevent this mindless sacrifice, this horrendous destruction of all important information via using the grail to allow me to form a preemptive alliance with the Oda and thus both prevent the invasion and allow me to place my clans, my family on the victorious side of the war!"

Ceasing his diatribe the Servant paused to shake his head as though breaking from a trance, "Ah my apologies Lady Rani, I became rather caught up in the past; I have some rather raw emotions in regards to the events of my death and thus I suppose I thought it would prove useful to express those before they could become distracting. However I hope this explanation on my motives and emotions may help solidify our partnership in this mission now both of us have given our reasons for entering this war." Thus the Assassin class concluded in a tone that lacked his prior emotion yet still remained quiet as ever.

Then having heard her complete explanation of her mission and request for questions the ninja commander began to speak once again, "Would you feel it agreeable for me to begin some precursory examinations and reconnaissance of the environment, the city within whose bounds this war is contained in search of any evidence or leads which may aid in your search. However I feel your aid in in granting me leave to utilise my Noble Phantasm should it prove useful during this recon mission that I plan on undertaking would prove very helpful in enabling me access to a greater range of skills and options. Of course this will only occur after ensuring your safety at the safe house we are currently on route to; however please raise any objections or adjustments you feel may be vital for this, you are the one with experience in operating during this current era..." Concluding his attempted mission brief and awaiting any opinion of his young mistresses the shinobi patiently continued following her towards the accommodation that Rani had arranged.
Caster cursed his rotten luck: While it wasn't a Knight Class, Riders were still far more physically adept then Casters. If it came to violence... well, it couldn't be helped now.

"Peace be upon you Rider: I am to serve as this war's Caster." Before the other Servant could consider striking, he continued. "But I have little interest in violence, at the moment: My Master and I came here because the Overseer of this war has gone missing, and we've made several rather startling discoveries."

Fuck. Rider had the shittiest luck. The one Servant he least wanted to encounter showed up in front of him.

And look at how confident this old man was standing before Rider. On paper, Rider's Magic Resistance should give him the advantage, but that didn't take Noble Phantasms into account. Caster likely had something powerful and instantaneous if he was willing to place himself near Rider. Fortunately, Caster seemed to amiable sort, the kind willing to work together for the bigger picture. Rider wouldn't forget the endgame though. Caster would probably try to stab him in the back down the road, but for now he could be of use to Rider.

He filled pair in about the discoveries made - the cannister, the kidnapping, and the disappearance of the Founding Families. "Something irregular is happening, Rider, and with the stakes being what they are, we can't afford irregularities."

Caster's revelations were interesting, if they could be trusted. If it was a lie, it was an impressive tale, but Caster could've been summoned earlier than Rider, giving the older man time to write a scenario and manufacture evidence.

"So I suggest we make common cause until this matter is sorted."

He was being honest about that: That he held ulterior motives for protracting the war was only a beneficial coincidence.

"Are you referring to an alliance?" From Caster's words, it seemed as if he was asking for more than a simple ceasefire, which usually turned out to be shit in the end.
"What do I wish to talk about? Hmm..." Rider mused to himself as he brought the glass to his lips. "The King shall not mind if we speak of ourselves to one another, but his highest concern above all is the well-being of his subjects. Tell me of your people, Shirou Hanamura. Tell me of the beliefs they follow, enlighten me on the principles of their culture and most important among these, let me know of their needs so that the King may bring unto them the splendor they desire. In life, I ruled over an empire as vast as the lone and level sands that stretched far away. My reign was known for many things, chiefly among them the standards of prosperity and organization that all facets of my domain were held to. I will not settle for anything but glory for my people, for they deserve all that my love can afford them." The beer was good, better than most of the stock available in his own time, if a bit watered down. His critique of the drink could wait until the more important topic at hand had been handled.
"Indeed, regale us with news of this world. I am most curious about these strange metal boxes on wheels all over the streets. The culture of this strange foreign land also seems interesting. In my life all that laid to the east were frost giants and dragons. I am most curious to hear of how they were dealt with." With that Berserker takes a swig of the beer, it was lesser compared to that of his time, but then again so many things were.
She knew herself, but she did not know her allies, nor did she know her enemy. The best path forward was to prepare an attack, but restrict hostilities to probing attacks until whatever surprises were in play were revealed. "I know not for the two of you, but I am a general, not a warrior to charge headlong at the first sighting of a foe. Caster would be foolish indeed to not have some manner of surprise waiting for would-be invaders.

"Lancer, if you don't mind sharing, what is it that you can discover with your information-gathering ability?"
"Heh, I'm afraid I'm a warrior through and through. I have faced greater foes in life than a witch and her Servant." Lancer smirked confidently, but after a moment's pause, she bit her thumb again.

"Hmm. Yes, Caster, Lancer, and now a Berserker. Along with a number of lesser drakes." The blonde Servant turned to regard her companions, "I can lead us there easily, but I leave it to you two if you wish to join me in my assault." She didn't truly believe she could deal with everything herself, but she couldn't show weakness or cowardice in front of such a lovely lady.

All of a sudden, Lancer frowned, and glared down at the ground for a while. Shaking herself, she began to move again.

"Well, all else aside, I will lead us closer. Follow me."
Saber nodded. "Very well master. And I will admit that having someone listen to my concerns will most certainly be a novel experience."

Turning Saber glanced towards the device that had been indicated to him. Walking over he began to examine it. "I believe it is called a phonograph, a device used to record and play back sounds. Although the grail has provided me no other relevant information about it."

The corner of Saber's mouth twitched upwards for a fraction of a second. "It seems humans have come along a ways in mastering the world around them. Even for a task such as this no magic was used. Forgive me for sounding rude master, but a lot of the problems of my age would have been averted if we had more devices such as this and less love struck mages with a penchant for mischief."

Turning back from the device Saber slid his sword back into its scabbard. "You have a good point master. I find myself unwilling both to bat away the lance and to dodge the arrow simultaneously. But this is the first night of the war, and I find it unlikely that such alliances will have been formed so quickly. It may be in our best interests to scout out the surrounding area and if given the chance familiarise ourselves with the opposition while the risks are still minimal. Few servants will reveal their noble phantasms and more powerful abilities so early after all. It shall also give us an opportunity to decide if our current location is acceptable as a base of operations of if we should relocate to somewhere more suitable. But in the end master the decision is yours. I shall act as your agent in these matters, master. Not the hand that pulls the strings."
I think, if you persue and fellow this line of thought that your idea of reconisance has merit, We can use my car to drive around a bit so that you can try to detect them, I have a possible idea where the overseer for the church is, as there is only a single christian church in town, but that might be a bit to open there. Alternative we could try to go for the hotels, as it is likely that I am not the only Master that is not from inside the city , but then it might be a bit more risky there.
And as last question, do you want to dress up in case someone is using familiars to spy on the population? Either something like a gentelman that is escorting a lady around, or I am going for a more male attire and so we can distract others from my true identity.
I think, if you persue and fellow this line of thought that your idea of reconisance has merit, We can use my car to drive around a bit so that you can try to detect them, I have a possible idea where the overseer for the church is, as there is only a single christian church in town, but that might be a bit to open there. Alternative we could try to go for the hotels, as it is likely that I am not the only Master that is not from inside the city , but then it might be a bit more risky there.
And as last question, do you want to dress up in case someone is using familiars to spy on the population? Either something like a gentelman that is escorting a lady around, or I am going for a more male attire and so we can distract others from my true identity.
Saber nodded. "I feel introducing ourselves to the overseer of the war will be a wise move. While they may be neutral is is wise to pay proper respects so they may look favourably upon us in the future. Although, master, I ask you to consider the fact that the overseer holds much power over us. Power I am sure a powerful magi may be able to wrest into our care. Although if this course of action disagrees with you master feel free to ignore it."

"As for the matter of what I should wear. It is an amusing suggestion. I never played the role of guardian, or gentleman. Mine has always been tarnished with the brush of distrust. For some questioning the king is seen as upsetting. Although I would claim I questioned a dragon instead."

Saber was silent for a moment, lost in thought. "The attire of a gentleman will be a welcome change. As you are a noble, my master, I shall do my best to act with the utmost refinement. Although forgive me when I let the act drop when my sword is drawn."
Saber nodded. "I feel introducing ourselves to the overseer of the war will be a wise move. While they may be neutral is is wise to pay proper respects so they may look favourably upon us in the future. Although, master, I ask you to consider the fact that the overseer holds much power over us. Power I am sure a powerful magi may be able to wrest into our care. Although if this course of action disagrees with you master feel free to ignore it."

"As for the matter of what I should wear. It is an amusing suggestion. I never played the role of guardian, or gentleman. Mine has always been tarnished with the brush of distrust. For some questioning the king is seen as upsetting. Although I would claim I questioned a dragon instead."

Saber was silent for a moment, lost in thought. "The attire of a gentleman will be a welcome change. As you are a noble, my master, I shall do my best to act with the utmost refinement. Although forgive me when I let the act drop when my sword is drawn."
"Sire, would you then please ofer me the honour of a nice stroll out in town as we sit in the back of my Chrysler Imperial , my manservant Saburuo will drive us in that case. Even if it is towards the catholic church." She does not sound whole pleased as she says the word catholic.
"While I am cleaning up here , please go on into the second room to the left as that is where I prepare some possible clothes for you, not knowing how you would look, something gentelmanlike that will suit your fancy should be among them."
She says that and prepares to deal with the ritual circle then. "Oh, smokes and some after shave is also present if you want to put something on."

"Sire, would you then please ofer me the honour of a nice stroll out in town as we sit in the back of my Chrysler Imperial , my manservant Saburuo will drive us in that case. Even if it is towards the catholic church." She does not sound whole pleased as she says the word catholic.
"While I am cleaning up here , please go on into the second room to the left as that is where I prepare some possible clothes for you, not knowing how you would look, something gentelmanlike that will suit your fancy should be among them."
She says that and prepares to deal with the ritual circle then. "Oh, smokes and some after shave is also present if you want to put something on."

"Very well, I shall be but a moment master."

Giving a half bow Saber turned away and headed towards the indicated room. Pushing open the door he took in the room, as hideously lavish and tasteful as he had expected. Shaking his head for a moment he studied the clothes that had been prepared for him. When his master had said that she had prepared various different clothes for him she had not misspoken. Suits of every type and colour adorned the room. Each obviously of an exceedingly high quality.

His eyes were drawn to a suit with fabric as black as his armour, with a tie to match. He felt it was befitting of a treacherous, easily forgotten knight such as himself. Astralising his armour Saber slowly slid on the suit, shrugging on the white shirt followed by the black jacket. However he stopped short of donning the tie.

This war was an opportunity after all, a chance to escape the pitiful hole he had dug for himself. Donning himself in all black may have helped him feel as if he was still in mourning, but it served no other purpose but to make him miserable. Allowing the black fabric to slip through his fingers Saber glanced back at the assembled suits.

He glimpsed a flash of red and grinned. Plucking a red tie from a similarly coloured suit he placed it around his neck. Red, a colour he could only ever associate with one person. A show of respect would be fine then.

He turned and studied himself in the mirror. Once more he felt the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. If he were being honest he liked this style of dress far more than what he had been forced to wear at Camelot. Perhaps it was not as practical, but it was far more comfortable than traipsing around in ceremonial armour.

"What a pair of fools we ended up being, eh Mordred. Still, at least now I have a chance to gain the ending I wanted."

He made to leave the room, but remembered something his master had mentioned. Smokes and aftershave. The grail had informed him of what they were, but it was always nice to try something out. It took him a moment to find the pack and a bottle. Absentmindedly he flicked on an expensive looking lighter, lighting one of the cigarettes he took a drag.

It was not unpleasant, perhaps it would be something he could even learn to enjoy. And he doubted any potential drawbacks would effect him much. Still, the thing that bothered him was the smell, although...

He picked up the bottle of aftershave and quickly put some on. Perfect.

Smiling to himself Saber placed pocketed the packet and the lighter and took anther drag from the cigarette. Turning he left the room and went to join his master.
"Very well, I shall be but a moment master."

Giving a half bow Saber turned away and headed towards the indicated room. Pushing open the door he took in the room, as hideously lavish and tasteful as he had expected. Shaking his head for a moment he studied the clothes that had been prepared for him. When his master had said that she had prepared various different clothes for him she had not misspoken. Suits of every type and colour adorned the room. Each obviously of an exceedingly high quality.

His eyes were drawn to a suit with fabric as black as his armour, with a tie to match. He felt it was befitting of a treacherous, easily forgotten knight such as himself. Astralising his armour Saber slowly slid on the suit, shrugging on the white shirt followed by the black jacket. However he stopped short of donning the tie.

This war was an opportunity after all, a chance to escape the pitiful hole he had dug for himself. Donning himself in all black may have helped him feel as if he was still in mourning, but it served no other purpose but to make him miserable. Allowing the black fabric to slip through his fingers Saber glanced back at the assembled suits.

He glimpsed a flash of red and grinned. Plucking a red tie from a similarly coloured suit he placed it around his neck. Red, a colour he could only ever associate with one person. A show of respect would be fine then.

He turned and studied himself in the mirror. Once more he felt the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. If he were being honest he liked this style of dress far more than what he had been forced to wear at Camelot. Perhaps it was not as practical, but it was far more comfortable than traipsing around in ceremonial armour.

"What a pair of fools we ended up being, eh Mordred. Still, at least now I have a chance to gain the ending I wanted."

He made to leave the room, but remembered something his master had mentioned. Smokes and aftershave. The grail had informed him of what they were, but it was always nice to try something out. It took him a moment to find the pack and a bottle. Absentmindedly he flicked on an expensive looking lighter, lighting one of the cigarettes he took a drag.

It was not unpleasant, perhaps it would be something he could even learn to enjoy. And he doubted any potential drawbacks would effect him much. Still, the thing that bothered him was the smell, although...

He picked up the bottle of aftershave and quickly put some on. Perfect.

Smiling to himself Saber placed pocketed the packet and the lighter and took anther drag from the cigarette. Turning he left the room and went to join his master.
His master meanwhile had cleaned up the the circle for the most part , and then went forth and had a small snack as she changed her clothes into more somber and grey dress, after all she was going to a church, a turquise emblem was placed on her breast and she had made sure that the rock was long enogh, and easily tearable in case she had to run away.
Gathering her things, including a purse with a weapon and some magical instruments she then walked downn and smilled at her Servant, while one of her mundane servants was preparing the car.
"You look quite fashionable, a woman should be careful around you " she said with a smile that showed her sparkling teeth before with a laughter she offered him her arm. So that they might enter the car, and then Saburuo started to drive them throught the nightly city as she leaned back and pulled out a cigarett holder and started to puff one.
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"Are you referring to an alliance?" From Caster's words, it seemed as if he was asking for more than a simple ceasefire, which usually turned out to be shit in the end

Testing Testing is this working? So how serious are you about this alliance? Caster specializes in magic so I am not sure how well your magic works and given he was summoned at the church. Well..... Anyway, anything you need me to be preparing?
His master meanwhile had cleaned up the the circle for the most part , and then went forth and had a small snack as she changed her clothes into more somber and grey dress, after all she was going to a church, a turquise emblem was placed on her breast and she had made sure that the rock was long enogh, and easily tearable in case she had to run away.
Gathering her things, including a purse with a weapon and some magical instruments she then walked downn and smilled at her Servant, while one of her mundane servants was preparing the car.
"You look quite fashionable, a woman should be careful around you " she said with a smile that showed her sparkling teeth before with a laughter she offered him her arm. So that they might enter the car, and then Saburuo started to drive them throught the nightly city as she leaned back and pulled out a cigarett holder and started to puff one.
Saber followed his masters example. Putting the cigarette to his lips. For a moment he focused upon the glowing tip, but quickly realised it made him appear cross-eyed. Covering up his embarrassment with a cough Saber turned to his master.

"So, master. What information do you have upon the overseer?"
Saber followed his masters example. Putting the cigarette to his lips. For a moment he focused upon the glowing tip, but quickly realised it made him appear cross-eyed. Covering up his embarrassment with a cough Saber turned to his master.

"So, master. What information do you have upon the overseer?"
"He is one of those that serve the pope, at least that is what I assume as my information on him is fairly thin, only that he is here, and that he resides in the church, I do not even know for sure if he is a man, and not a nun." She shrugs there as she leans back closing her eyes as she pulls on the holder before blowing it out as a perfect ring. " It is not like they give you out some information beforehand."
"He is one of those that serve the pope, at least that is what I assume as my information on him is fairly thin, only that he is here, and that he resides in the church, I do not even know for sure if he is a man, and not a nun." She shrugs there as she leans back closing her eyes as she pulls on the holder before blowing it out as a perfect ring. " It is not like they give you out some information beforehand."
Saber nodded, rolling the cigarette between his fingers. "When we arrive master, I urge you to stay close to me. There may be other masters that have ordered their servants to intercept anyone heading for the church. While it is not a high risk it is still advisable that we act with caution from this point on."

Leaning back in his seat the suited servant let out a sigh before taking another drag of the cigarette. "My apologise master, but the grail has not provided me knowledge of the locations within the city. How long will this journey take? While I appreciate the technology of this car and the ease of travel it provides it is an easy target for a servant to ambush."
Saber nodded, rolling the cigarette between his fingers. "When we arrive master, I urge you to stay close to me. There may be other masters that have ordered their servants to intercept anyone heading for the church. While it is not a high risk it is still advisable that we act with caution from this point on."

Leaning back in his seat the suited servant let out a sigh before taking another drag of the cigarette. "My apologise master, but the grail has not provided me knowledge of the locations within the city. How long will this journey take? While I appreciate the technology of this car and the ease of travel it provides it is an easy target for a servant to ambush."
"Depending on how direct we want to drive between 20 to 40 minutes but the longer drive is more usefull on our way away from the church. My manservant might be able to answer more of your question also as he knows the area better then I do. And do not be concernend, I know quite well the danger that is inherent in such a confrontation and I would prefer not to see how well my spells hold up against a servant that tries to ambush me.
With that she nodded at the driver and with a short word they where away headed to the church.
@RexHeller @LostDeviljho

"Before I answer that I wanna ask you something that's bothering me... Can you see the bottom of this ladder? Because I can't see anything at all."

Staring deeply into the abyss of ladder rungs extending far below them, seemingly to infinity Assassin looked as far as his enhanced eyesight could see. "I think so, but we need to climb down for around another half hour before we reach the end. Was this truly necessary to reach our secure base? Is it deep underground or something?" Questioned the shinobi as he concluded his statement and resumed his constant climb behind his master.
"Heh, I'm afraid I'm a warrior through and through. I have faced greater foes in life than a witch and her Servant." Lancer smirked confidently, but after a moment's pause, she bit her thumb again.

"Hmm. Yes, Caster, Lancer, and now a Berserker. Along with a number of lesser drakes." The blonde Servant turned to regard her companions, "I can lead us there easily, but I leave it to you two if you wish to join me in my assault." She didn't truly believe she could deal with everything herself, but she couldn't show weakness or cowardice in front of such a lovely lady.

All of a sudden, Lancer frowned, and glared down at the ground for a while. Shaking herself, she began to move again.

"Well, all else aside, I will lead us closer. Follow me."
Drakes. The Caster upon the mountain had brought an army with them, and Lancer only saw fit to mention it now. Gunner could only sigh. When two-thirds of an army charged ahead without orders, the general could either make the best of the situation, or walk away to build a better army.

"Very well. If you're going to play the part of the advancing force, then I shall be behind you, to counter anyone getting clever."
"Heh, I'm afraid I'm a warrior through and through. I have faced greater foes in life than a witch and her Servant." Lancer smirked confidently, but after a moment's pause, she bit her thumb again.

"Hmm. Yes, Caster, Lancer, and now a Berserker. Along with a number of lesser drakes." The blonde Servant turned to regard her companions, "I can lead us there easily, but I leave it to you two if you wish to join me in my assault." She didn't truly believe she could deal with everything herself, but she couldn't show weakness or cowardice in front of such a lovely lady.

All of a sudden, Lancer frowned, and glared down at the ground for a while. Shaking herself, she began to move again.

"Well, all else aside, I will lead us closer. Follow me."

Drakes. The Caster upon the mountain had brought an army with them, and Lancer only saw fit to mention it now. Gunner could only sigh. When two-thirds of an army charged ahead without orders, the general could either make the best of the situation, or walk away to build a better army.

"Very well. If you're going to play the part of the advancing force, then I shall be behind you, to counter anyone getting clever."
"This one will help with the scouting."

Saber began loosening his blade in the sheathe.