
Flame Dragon Princess
The glorious Pacific Northwest
The Holy Grail War. A grand-scale magic ritual occurring once every 60 years, in which seven Masters summon the spirits of heroes from across history to fight for a single, ultimate prize: The Holy Grail, a magical artifact capable of granting any wish to the victor of the war. Even, potentially, opening a path to The Root, the goal of all magi.

The eve of the third such ritual approaches. The previous attempts both ended in disaster, most, if not all, of the participants dying. However, the promise of a wish is a strong one, enough to draw prospective Masters like moths to the flame, despite the risk.

However, this is not so typical a Grail War as its predecessors. The original seven Masters have vanished, leaving their Servants alone and without direction. Hidden protocols within the Grail itself have activated, prompting it to select a second set of Masters and permit the summoning of seven more Servants.

Thus, unknown to all participants, the Third Fuyuki Grail War becomes the First Fuyuki Great Grail War.

Welcome to Fate/Unknown, my own little attempt to get in on the whole "Grail War RP" thing. We'll see how it goes.

Today's obligatory gimmick to distinguish it from the masses is thus: There are two factions populated by the players. Only one faction, however, features any Masters. Why and how is up to you to find out, should you so choose.

Now for the Rules:

General Rules
  1. Standard site regulations are in effect.
  2. No God-modding.
  3. This is a war; characters are going to die or be otherwise eliminated in some capacity. Do not get salty in the OOC over this.
  4. If you intend to leave the RP, be sure to notify the GM beforehand and work something out regarding how you intend to have your character exit the stage. Otherwise, it'll be an absolute pain trying to make something of where you left off and trying to resolve the issue of your character in a manner that keeps the plot moving. Prolonged or unexplained absences will result in your character being relinquished to your partner or killed off.
  5. All character applications will be submitted via PM.
  6. Be reasonable and polite when dealing with other players; caustic and/or condescending behavior will get you kicked from the RP.
  7. You will be expected to exercise some basic writing skills in this RP. If the GM has trouble understanding what you're writing, you won't get in.
  8. This RP is set in the Nasuverse, and as such players are expected to have some basic understanding of the in-universe setting and mechanics prior to applying. If you honestly don't know something, check the wiki or the Type Moon General thread.
  9. If you actually read the rules, put the phrase "People die when they are killed." at the beginning of your character application PM. Post that in the PM itself, not the title of the convo. If the GM does not see this present, it indicates you have ignored the rules and your application will be rejected. Read the rules, folks.
  10. Any instance of cheating will be punished with an immediate ejection from the RP, as will causing moderator intervention. Excessively forcing the GM to intervene will do the same.
  11. If you submit multiple Servants, please don't open a new convo. Inbox is cluttered enough as-is.
  12. All PMs must include myself and @RexHeller . This includes planning PMs.
Your Master may not be anyone who wouldn't be alive at the time of the 3rd war, and thus pretty much any canon character younger than Zouken.

Your Master may not be a Dead Apostle Ancestor, True Ancestor, TYPE, or surviving Servant from a previous war. Other forms of inhumanity will be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Your Master may not be a crossover character. They can be an expy, I.E look like and have a similar personality to an existing character, but they cannot be that character.

While in the end it is up to the GM, if you have a preference for which faction your Servant is in, please specify.

Servants from other fictional continuities, and non-standard classes such as Beast or Avenger will not be accepted unless phenomenally well made.

Sheets featuring Double-Summon, Distortion, Imperial Privilege, Pioneer of the Stars, and similar skills will be judged to higher standards than those without.

Keep your Servant submissions below Gilgamesh/Karna tier, please.

Be sure to format your sheets properly. If it doesn't follow the template, it won't get in, simple as that.

Primary Class:
True Name:
(Can be non-standard)
Armament: (All non-Noble Phantasm equipment that your Servant might have)

-Spoiler tag-
Appearance: (Written description or extensive pictures inside spoilers, this is mandatory)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's life history)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)
-End Spoiler tag-


Class Skills:

Saber: Magic Resistance, Riding
Lancer: Magic Resistance
Archer: Magic Resistance, Independent Action
Caster: Territory Creation, Item Construction
Rider: Magic Resistance, Riding
Assassin: Presence Concealment
Berserker: Mad Enhancement

Format these skills with the skill template below.

Personal Skills:

Skill name: Skill rank

Noble Phantasms:

Fancy subtitle

-Spoiler Tag-
Appearance: (Written description or extensive pictures inside spoilers, this is mandatory)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's life history)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)
-End Spoiler tag-

Element(s): The elements the character can manipulate with magecraft
Origin: That which defines you on a conceptual level

(List of abilities, thaumaturgical or otherwise)

Credit to @The Out Of World for the templates.
Player List
Accepted Applications:

@Nathaniel Wolff as Saber of Black
@Clock of Kronos as Saber of Red

@Azrael as Lancer of Black
@BlackHadou as Lancer of Red

@Logos as Archer of Black
@Ψυχή as Archer of Red

@Nanimani as Caster of Black
@God and the Snake as Caster of Red

@The Out Of World as Rider of Black
@Wizard_Marshall as Rider of Red

@Bladestar123 as Assassin of Black
@spiderlord4 as Assassin of Red

@Joebobjoe as Berserker of Black
@Mortifer as Berserker of Red

Master: @Bondo , @Look to the Left , @reborn214 , @Scia , @QTesseract
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Wise Ups.

Clairvoyance: B
A skill representing the power of a Servant's 'sight'. At lower levels, denotes increased visual acuity, while higher levels indicate more exotic capabilities. Lancer herself gained wisdom by [Pointlessly Redacted], allowing her to 'see' the path to complete a goal by biting her thumb- it is through this skill that she overcame her father's killer.

Imperial Privilege (A): A power held by Emperors, Kings and absolute rulers who acted as living representations of the will and desires of their nation and their people. As pharaoh, Rider's skills and dedication are synonymous with the collective works of Egypt as a political entity, which allows for skills befitting a country personified such as Charisma, Military Tactics and other disciplines expected to be held by a nation's government to be applied at B-Rank.

Golden Rule (A): The tendency to acquire wealth. As a god-king who was born into the pinnacle of luxury, Rider never experienced poverty or knew the feeling of an unsatisfied material desire. Even in death he was buried with vast stores of treasure as testament to his wealth, which grants him near-unlimited personal funds as a Servant.

Dragon Witch: Rank A

An inverse phenomenon from legends of Saints such as George or Martha killing dragons, Jeanne calls them forth instead. These dragons are not wise, benevolent things, not are they simply beasts. They are monsters, driven to cause destruction and kill, a drive not even their summoner can hold back, only direct. Truly, the most suitable companions to a witch who would burn the world.

The dragons vary in strength depending on how much time and magical energy is spent summoning them. While most dragons she can summon in a few minutes are small fry, things a good Master could take down with difficulty, if she spent an entire day and most of her reserves... Well, the dragon may well be stronger than her.

Eye of the Mind (True): C

The capacity for observation, heightened by experience. Caster's life was defined by the observation of the physical world, studying its mechanics and mechanisms. However, he rarely used this ability in battle, leaving it weakened in the Grail War.

Strength E
Endurance E
Agility E
Mana E
Luck E

Personal Skills:
Golden Rule E
A very small fortune, befitting a very minor noble. Enough for a bit of luxury or a few weeks of normal living.
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Welp, have to just read a clipnote of the thing I was reading.


My body is almost ready!
Quick question, is there any specific sort of template we should have for the title of the convo? I know that F/CR had one.
I can't help but feel you decided to go with part of my idea anyway.

Anyway, I'll see if I can't make myself a Lancer or something.
your idea to have no masters for servants? yeah, that's like, half the premise.
If my idea is half the premise, does that mean I get half the profit?

Pay me royalties :V

(Jokes aside, I wouldn't have told you my idea if you weren't allowed to use it. Just slightly surprised, since you didn't seem to like it.)
Look at it this way. Lost tossed out all of my ideas and I'm technically the Co-GM. Hell, I was the one that started the conversation that eventually morphed into this thing.