
Gabby, if anything, was a woman of tact and coolness---

---That's why, at this very crucial, critical, first encounter; she displayed none of these traits and panicked, like a spineless chicken. Squealing in abject mortal terror, she froze, slumping down into a squat while simultaneously covering her head protectively from whatever Satan she had foolishly unleashed from the very bowels of the holy grail.

What felt like forever, past in a few awkward breaths. Feeling a sudden urge to peek, she found herself staring at a woman. Wait--- "I-I-I d-did, right-t?" Gabby, a woman, who never did anything right, had done the unthinkable: summoning a heroic servant! Terror made way for triumph and joy, ecstatic she lept, and. . . immediately came to regret that decision as her stomach revolted against her.

But, that was okay, Gabby has summon her---

Wait. Her?! That couldn't be right? Something was amiss. Gabby's servant had to be male. A guy. A hot guy. Not a chica. It will make her adventure all weird and going in directions she rather didn't want to go, so yes, it had to be a pretty, effeminate, bishonen type-guy. That's okay.

Gabby would be fine with that.

Her servant spoke up in a surprisingly feminine voice. Ignoring the signs that may offend her sensibilities, Gabby shakily stood up, and sighed. Bad mood, already? Uuh--- how to break this to him.

Red eyes swept up as she looked the new Master over, and Monster sighed. "You know, this would almost be funny if it weren't so sad. The worst thing is I can't even be angry at you; it's not your fault a better class wasn't available." She bent down, picking the teapot up almost reverently, and looked around the clearing, not bothering to pay much more attention to her Master. "So, I can't help but notice the lack of a roof. Tell me you have a house. I'm not just going to squat in the woods for however long this takes; I'm in a bad mood already."

"Aah--- I'm broke-er the economy of Greece, but I have the party van. At least!" Scratching the back of her head sheepishly, probably trying dismiss any of her. . . shortcomings, under the rug.



"Uh, look, I mean, this place is abit. . . I dunno, Izu? Inu? Iku? Ikuui? Isn't really the best in terms of real estate, seeing as they're pretty much fishing holes. That smell like shitsushi. I'm not sure, how, exactly, but a house is a non-issue, I guess? I mean. . . 'acquiring' one."

Shifting her stance to be more comfortable, Gabby went back to her confident posturing.

"Aah, call me Gabby, short for Gabrielle."

". . . Your class?"

For love of god, don't be a Caster, oh god, please!
@Murderhobo of Nod

Gabby, if anything, was a woman of tact and coolness---

---That's why, at this very crucial, critical, first encounter; she displayed none of these traits and panicked, like a spineless chicken. Squealing in abject mortal terror, she froze, slumping down into a squat while simultaneously covering her head protectively from whatever Satan she had foolishly unleashed from the very bowels of the holy grail.

What felt like forever, past in a few awkward breaths. Feeling a sudden urge to peek, she found herself staring at a woman. Wait--- "I-I-I d-did, right-t?" Gabby, a woman, who never did anything right, had done the unthinkable: summoning a heroic servant! Terror made way for triumph and joy, ecstatic she lept, and. . . immediately came to regret that decision as her stomach revolted against her.

But, that was okay, Gabby has summon her---

Wait. Her?! That couldn't be right? Something was amiss. Gabby's servant had to be male. A guy. A hot guy. Not a chica. It will make her adventure all weird and going in directions she rather didn't want to go, so yes, it had to be a pretty, effeminate, bishonen type-guy. That's okay.

Gabby would be fine with that.

Her servant spoke up in a surprisingly feminine voice. Ignoring the signs that may offend her sensibilities, Gabby shakily stood up, and sighed. Bad mood, already? Uuh--- how to break this to him.

"Aah--- I'm broke-er the economy of Greece, but I have the party van. At least!" Scratching the back of her head sheepishly, probably trying dismiss any of her. . . shortcomings, under the rug.



"Uh, look, I mean, this place is abit. . . I dunno, Izu? Inu? Iku? Ikuui? Isn't really the best in terms of real estate, seeing as they're pretty much fishing holes. That smell like shitsushi. I'm not sure, how, exactly, but a house is a non-issue, I guess? I mean. . . 'acquiring' one."

Shifting her stance to be more comfortable, Gabby went back to her confident posturing.

"Aah, call me Gabby, short for Gabrielle."

". . . Your class?"

For love of god, don't be a Caster, oh god, please!
The woman turned to look at Gabby like she was an idiot. "You should be able to see it." Getting on to more important matters, then... "As to the accommodations, a van isn't enough room. Shall we get started on taking a home, then?" She didn't move, of course. That was for the person who actually knew the destination.
Nodding at her Servant's words, Yuu stepped out of his reach and gave him a small smile before replying. "It's the truth, after all. I'm not a talented magus by any measure - I can't make a familiar or a bounded field. I don't have any sort of super trump card like those geniuses that'd attend this War. Dad didn't even pass the family crest."

Her head lowered until the hood obscure her eyes as her fist rises slowly to her chest. "But so what?!" Yuu declared, her palm cutting through the air in defiance, clear red eyes shining against the backdrop of moonlight.

"What I do have, I've earned. I have this." She flexes her thin arm before slapping it with a meaty thwap. "That." She pointed at her trusty knapsack. "And you, Uncle." She gave her Servant a radiant smile.

"They are my badge of pride, the treasured swords with which we'll use to cleave our way through this War. The only way to prove my worth is through combat with the others and their treasured swords!" Animated, Yuu continues "I know exactly what we'd do, too!"

Holding both arms in front of her, she extended the forefinger and middlefinger of each hand out in a pantomime of two figures standing in a confrontation with one another.

"You'll say 'Stop Right There, Criminal Scum!' and the enemy Servant will say," Yuu paused to cough into her fist and runs two fingers across her throat, before continuing in a rich baritone entirely unsuited to her slight frame " 'I am Servant Super King God Super King! Bow before me, mongrel!' and you will be like 'Never!' and then the battle is joined!" She mimed her fingers engaging in deadly combat, mostly involving the young magus shivering her body, stretching to tiptoe and crouching along with the flows of battle.

"While this was going on, I'll keep the enemy Master busy. Maybe even knocks them out, so I can come join you in battle!" Yuu said, bouncing in place. Despite her disposition, her footwork is exceptional, that of a master. "I'll punch" She punches. "and kick!"

From a standing position, Yuu suddenly twists, shooting straight up two meters, her foot shattering the basement's lone light bulb.

Like curtain falls, the basement plunges into darkness but for the light of the moon. Tiny flakes of broken glasses about her, even in the darkness, the Servant knew - Yuu is grinning ear to ears.
Their Master having not stepped out far from their gauntlet, the Servant finds little trouble in catching her out of the air by the waist. Holding her up with extended arms, he took patient steps back to the staircase like a man carrying one's child. "Well, you certainly have plenty of spirit," the knight shook his head playfully beneath his helm as he set her down, "and I suppose with the classes altered as such we could be in for some 'criminal scum' as you say.

"Keep in mind however," 'Uncle' went on, "that traditionally there should be some honorable fellows whom can be reasoned with, and that shouldn't necessarily change even with the lack of Knight-Class Servants. With more in question than usual, having allies among the others may prove prudent if there is some villain plotting in the wings. Besides, seeking only the fight itself and not the prize could extricate yourself from less favorable circumstances. I can't fault you for not having a wish in mind, in any case."
The grin turns sheepish after a moment. "Um, well, Uncle, let's discuss things upstairs? If this War is shady as you say, we should go out on patrol soon."
Even beneath the armor, it was clear by his posture as he turned to the exit that the suggestion was well met.

"Too true. What can you tell me about the locale at large?"
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Their Master having not stepped out far from their gauntlet, the Servant finds little trouble in catching her out of the air by the waist. Holding her up with extended arms, he took patient steps back to the staircase like a man carrying one's child. "Well, you certainly have plenty of spirit," the knight shook his head playfully beneath his helm as he set her down, "and I suppose with the classes altered as such we could be in for some 'criminal scum' as you say.

Fidgeting for form's sake than discomfort, Yuu allowed herself to be carried upstairs. Master and Servant arrived at the first floor of a house built in the Japanese style, tatami mats set in an orderly manner. Paper partitions separate the home into the living, dining, and sleeping area, with the flame burning in a makeshift fireplace in the dining area. To one side of the sleeping area laid strewn an improperly made sleeping bag, as if reflective of it's owner haste exiting it. The living area is coated with a thin layer of dust. A katana hung on the mantlepiece, and under it there's a shrine with the picture of a smiling boy as its centerpiece. Overall, the house is small and unremarkable, twin to any other domiciles in the village.

"Keep in mind however," 'Uncle' went on, "that traditionally there should be some honorable fellows whom can be reasoned with, and that shouldn't necessarily change even with the lack of Knight-Class Servants. With more in question than usual, having allies among the others may prove prudent if there is some villain plotting in the wings. Besides, seeking only the fight itself and not the prize could extricate yourself from less favorable circumstances. I can't fault you for not having a wish in mind, in any case."

Yuu squirms out of her Servant's grasp and led him to the cooking area, setting down cushions (triple stacked for her) and sat down. Yuu spoke, "Fair enough, Uncle. I'm ... not opposed to making friends over the causes of this War, but-" She lowers her voice, making it barely audible over the crackling fire, and leaned in closer "- geniuses tend to be a bit stuck up. I'm not so sure they'll play nice unless they had to."

Settling back, Yuu's eyes flashed blue as she looked over her Servant's status. " – I see. That had promise, so I'll follow your lead, Uncle.

"Hey, Uncle. Why did you answer my summon? You seems– " wishy-washy, she didn't say "–very cool about it? From what I've read, Servants in the Holy Grail War tended to have a powerful wish that can only be fulfilled through the Grail or by participating in the War.

"Why do you seek the Grail?"

Even beneath the armor, it was clear by his posture as he turned to the exit that the suggestion was well met.

"Too true. What can you tell me about the locale at large?"

"Not much, I'm afraid." The girl said, shifting uneasily in her seat. "I've only arrived a week ago. My heritage meant I don't stand out so much, but I haven't been able to confirm the presence of other Masters in the village. I've made friends with several fishermen's wives - one gave me tea and sweets! - and I believe they'd tell me if they spotted suspicious foreigners walking around. I've scouted out the surrounding area, so we should have an advantage over newcomers."

Yuu's voice grew quiet, and there is a graveness to it. "Inzu village is small and delicate - an errant Magecraft or Noble Phantasm could well wipe it off the map. The people here are nice - Mrs. Yoshida had a small child, Mrs. Fujita gave me an apple every day I passes her stall, Mr. Ito lost a leg back in World War II; he had a wooden peg leg and would make up stories about being a pirate.

"I don't want them to get hurt. I came here looking for a fight – and I want it! – but we should make sure they aren't drawn into this. For that, we've got to stop anyone who would involve them."

Her intentions declared, the magus stood back up. After a moment, she's all smiles again.

"Unless there's something else, we should get to patrolling. Let's check out plausible summoning spots first."
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"A week or two. I don't think the grail actually tries to end the war early, so long as it's progressing at all." Fencer hummed, taking some food and dumping it in the bowl far too high. She didn't even bother with the milk before beginning to shovel it in. "Trouble finds me, anyway."
"That makes two of us." Jack nodded and ate another sickeningly sweet spoonful of cereal. "Fair warning, I'll be getting sloshed sooner or later. Can you handle pulling designated driver duty?" The question was more than a little disrespectful to one of the station of a legendary hero, but Fencer's Master treated the outcome as an inevitability. It seemed this was the going to be a long week.
As the prayer rose, the circle began to glow with a cerulean light, briefly becoming the dominant source of light in the area. But as the prayer concluded, no great flash of light shone out, no thunderous roar signified its acceptance. No hero stepped forth from the circle.

For a full minute, the circle shone on, waiting as though the ritual was incomplete. Finally, a great wind kicked up, blowing in from the sea, brushing aside the overhanging clouds like so much water vapor, and driving the waves inland to cover the circle. And yet, even as it should be washed away the light yet shines.

It is rendered of little consequence however, as shortly a much greater concern makes itself known, and a vision of gold can be seen above, eclipsing the new moon. Around the vision, the stars shifted, and began to distort, until in their constellations they formed a crown, which set itself about the vision. In that moment before it faded, the vision of gold was possessed of a name, known to any who would behold it, and that name was Glory.

As the vision faded, its source was revealed to the world, a man in form, his left leg crossed and his hands resting in meditation. From this figure, a proclamation can be heard, judgment being declared upon the world he has been brought into. "Ah, the World of Man... it fills me with disappointment."

It is not a judgment delivered with invective, but rather an unmistakable sense of pity. The world could, and should be more, but wasn't. As the words are spoken, gravity finally takes notice of the figure, and he allows himself to be brought gently to the earth, right hand shifting easily into the gesture of fearlessness. "I, the Emperor, have been summoned forth by your prayer, and by the blasphemy of the Holy Grail. If you would hold to the oath you have offered, then may all the worlds fall under our dominion."

So the well-muscled form of the Emperor stood, garbed in gold and crimson and bearing a crown of the same. His presence bore down upon the world as he stood, one leg yet crossed to his left thigh, in such might that the waves simply broke around him before striking him.
Juliet couldn't help but let out a whistle at the impressive summoning before her. It was not everyday you get to see the stars and clouds moved by the mere presence of one individual. Not even the most egotistical and talented of magi could pull this off, Juliet wagered. Hah, she really might have a shot at this. One heck of a pull though, not really a surprise considering with what the godly being just did.


Her left fist clenched, bandaged fingers digging into her palm. Juliet bit down on her tongue, she could feel her left arm lighting up in pain. The sensation of pinpricks constantly gnawing at her bandaged arm, that burning sensation was electrifying. This feeling of pain was what kept her going. It demanded that she give it more! More, more, more! It cried out.


But, now was not the time. The arm was greedy like that. Especially, with such a feast before it. But, Emperor wasn't a mere meal ticket to glory. Oh no, this man was Glory itself, nothing could ruin this avatar of perfection. Yes, yes, this was it! Juliet felt her lips tugged upward in a smile, this might-no will be it.

"I am the one who summoned you." The poorly dressed Italian woman raised her right hand. The back of it towards Emperor's divine gaze. A beautiful yet grisly, red lotus marred upon her skin. "The name's Juliet, and I intend to keep our oath. To the bitter end if I have to."

"Say, how many people do you think will flock over to us?" Juliet asked, still mesmerized by Emperor's appearance. "And do you think we could take on all of them?" Her eyebrow quirked in genuine curiosity.
Fidgeting for form's sake than discomfort, Yuu allowed herself to be carried upstairs. Master and Servant arrived at the first floor of a house built in the Japanese style, tatami mats set in an orderly manner. Paper partitions separate the home into the living, dining, and sleeping area, with the flame burning in a makeshift fireplace in the dining area. To one side of the sleeping area laid strewn an improperly made sleeping bag, as if reflective of it's owner haste exiting it. The living area is coated with a thin layer of dust. A katana hung on the mantlepiece, and under it there's a shrine with the picture of a smiling boy as its centerpiece. Overall, the house is small and unremarkable, twin to any other domiciles in the village.

Yuu squirms out of her Servant's grasp and led him to the cooking area, setting down cushions (triple stacked for her) and sat down.
Perhaps it was unremarkable to Yuu, but their Servant found it quite refreshing to revel in the stylings of the space. Catching sight of the mantlepiece and the focus of the space therein, he offered the shrine a deep and respectful bow before following his Master into the kitchen. The shift in the tatami mats within the space seemed to draw his interest towards the uniquely cubic room centered upon the stove.
Yuu spoke, "Fair enough, Uncle. I'm ... not opposed to making friends over the causes of this War, but-" She lowers her voice, making it barely audible over the crackling fire, and leaned in closer "- geniuses tend to be a bit stuck up. I'm not so sure they'll play nice unless they had to."

Settling back, Yuu's eyes flashed blue as she looked over her Servant's status. " – I see. That had promise, so I'll follow your lead, Uncle.
Offering a small nod to the young magus, he leaned against a counter and said, "You assume that all Magi whom attend such 'festivities' such as this are geniuses of renown, but I'm not entirely confident in that assessment. Regardless, it is my fellow Servants whom we'll see of their mettle."
"Hey, Uncle. Why did you answer my summon? You seems– " wishy-washy, she didn't say "–very cool about it? From what I've read, Servants in the Holy Grail War tended to have a powerful wish that can only be fulfilled through the Grail or by participating in the War.

"Why do you seek the Grail?"
Her 'Uncle' chuckled at the inquiry. "I'd argue that you're equally ill resolved in this conflict — takes one to know one I suppose — neither of us cares all that much for the Grail, shady or not. For you it is a means to your end of proving this worth you feel owed by the world, and the wish that one might gain from the ritual itself is an afterthought.

"As for myself?" he went on with a reflexive reach for his neck to roll the joint, "I'm sure I have many things that I might wish for, but none that I think would be appropriate to declare upon some wish-granter on my own; for any other Master such words would be quite a relief. The circumstances of your specific set-up and the War at large certainly seem to be a factor, but the point would be that as far as I could discern? You called out to me and me alone, and what kind of honor would I uphold if I had ignored your call?"
"Not much, I'm afraid." The girl said, shifting uneasily in her seat. "I've only arrived a week ago. My heritage meant I don't stand out so much, but I haven't been able to confirm the presence of other Masters in the village. I've made friends with several fishermen's wives - one gave me tea and sweets! - and I believe they'd tell me if they spotted suspicious foreigners walking around. I've scouted out leylines path in the surrounding area, so we should have an advantage over newcomers."

Yuu's voice grew quiet, and there is a graveness to it. "Inzu village is small and delicate - an errant Magecraft or Noble Phantasm could well wipe it off the map. The people here are nice - Mrs. Yoshida had a small child, Mrs. Fujita gave me an apple every day I passes her stall, Mr. Ito lost a leg back in World War II; he had a wooden peg leg and would make up stories about being a pirate.

"I don't want them to get hurt. I came here looking for a fight – and I want it! – but we should make sure they aren't drawn into this. For that, we've got to stop anyone who would involve them."
The armored man leaned back up to a standing posture. "Were you so concerned, perhaps it would be better to have them leave town as did the residents here? I certainly would prefer to keep things as such same as you, but evading harm is easier by avoiding the storm altogether. If in no other respect but this, what has been brought upon this town is indeed a War along with all that entails..."

Her Servant sighed but little else, his posture remaining the same regardless. "I suppose you've done all that you can pre-emptively. We'll have to put our best foot forward and see what we can do. Try not to telegraph your fondness of the townsfolk though — there's bound to be some who aren't so concerned with collateral damage if it could get to an opponent".
Her intentions declared, the magus stood back up. After a moment, she's all smiles again.

"Unless there's something else, we should get to patrolling. Let's check out the spot the leylines converges first."
"Right behind you, Master." And with that, her Servant let himself vanish to follow inconspicuously.
"That makes two of us." Jack nodded and ate another sickeningly sweet spoonful of cereal. "Fair warning, I'll be getting sloshed sooner or later. Can you handle pulling designated driver duty?" The question was more than a little disrespectful to one of the station of a legendary hero, but Fencer's Master treated the outcome as an inevitability. It seemed this was the going to be a long week.
"Driving? Easy." Fencer did not looked concerned at all at the prospect, shovelling food down all the while. "Better be some decent drink. Mead starts tasting like shit after a week."
The woman turned to look at Gabby like she was an idiot. "You should be able to see it." Getting on to more important matters, then...

Gabby subtly tried to hide her instinctive flinch of mortal terror, mumbling, "R-right, I knew that! Uh, just testing you, that's it!" Inwardly, she kicked herself in the metaphorical testes for being such a dumbass. 'Sooo, fuck me, then?' Don't go asking Mr. Pissy, here, any questions. . .

"As to the accommodations, a van isn't enough room. Shall we get started on taking a home, then?" She didn't move, of course. That was for the person who actually knew the destination.

"Umm, err, uh, S-sure? ---I mean, yeah! We can easily go cruisin' for some real estate up in this bitch!" Maintain confidence, Gabby, you can do it! "To the party van!" She points dramatically southward, beckoning her servant to walk with her.

"Any, *ahem*, preferences?" Besides that somewhat nervous question, Gabby led them both to a rather unremarkable black van. Clicking her car keys, the van unlocks with her entering the driver's seat. The vehicle had already a smoky haze about it, while clean, it had an odd mixture of desperation and despair somewhat stiffing the air.

"Er, ready? She began starting up the van, at least.
"Driving? Easy." Fencer did not looked concerned at all at the prospect, shovelling food down all the while. "Better be some decent drink. Mead starts tasting like shit after a week."
"Amen to that." Having finished the last of his marshmallows, Fencer's Master moved on to the remaining oat pieces before tipping his bowl over and drinking the considerable amount of milk left inside with a long, loud slurp. "Ah..." He gave a sigh of satisfaction. "Don't know about decent, but I've heard stories about the exotic stuff they do with the drinks around here. Buddy told me about this thing called habushu where they pickle a snake in a bottle of rice liquor and drink out of it, the crazy bastards." Jack left the bowl on the table, rose from his seat and pocketed a slim black object resting on the cushions of the loveseat situated in front of the apartment's small television. He approached the door, stopped and patted himself down in search of his car keys until he realized they were right in front of him, hanging from one of a row of hooks conveniently affixed to the main room's light switch panel.

"Ready when you are."
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But, now was not the time. The arm was greedy like that. Especially, with such a feast before it. But, Emperor wasn't a mere meal ticket to glory. Oh no, this man was Glory itself, nothing could ruin this avatar of perfection. Yes, yes, this was it! Juliet felt her lips tugged upward in a smile, this might-no will be it.

"I am the one who summoned you." The poorly dressed Italian woman raised her right hand. The back of it towards Emperor's divine gaze. A beautiful yet grisly, red lotus marred upon her skin. "The name's Juliet, and I intend to keep our oath. To the bitter end if I have to."

"Say, how many people do you think will flock over to us?" Juliet asked, still mesmerized by Emperor's appearance. "And do you think we could take on all of them?" Her eyebrow quirked in genuine curiosity.
Hand lowering, the Emperor spoke. "Then your oath is received, and returned in kind. I am [POINTLESSLY REDACTED], the [ALSO REDACTED] and [STILL REDACTED]." As he stood finally, rising from his seated position to tower at nearly three meters in height, the wind stilled, and the water calmed.

In response to the second question, Emperor smiles for the first time since his summoning. "All the world may come and stand against us, and be broken before us," he pronounces, absolute confidence filling his words, "but for the Grail's failure to answer your prayer properly. I feel as though I could exhaust this shell in but a few hours." In words, it was a simple statement of fact; in tone, it was an unmistakable condemnation of the summoning's quality.

"Before the world, there are more immediate concerns to deal with. I will not stand idle when one of my own is threatened, by poverty or by war." With but a gesture, the marble brick was brought to Emperor's hand, the the circle of summoning obliterated. "The docks will make a fitting place to start.," he stated, already beginning to walk in that direction.
Forests were very rarely quiet in the truest sense. Whether it be day or night, cold winter or lively spring, there was always some bit of noise being made and spread throughout. Yet in a small clearing within the woods surrounding the village of Inzu, there was not a single sound to be heard.

Instead, there was a solitary, feminine figure sitting cross legged upon the ground in the center of the clearing. In addition to the woman, three carcasses of indistict origin lay strewn upon the outskirts of the clearing, each drained of the blood which now composed the summoning circle drawn out in front of the sitting figure.

For a few moments the woman remained seated, examining the circle with an intensity born from failures a plenty. But when she failed to find any flaw in the circle's design, she let out a sigh, rose to her feet and began speaking in a tongue altogether unlike those spoken by the Westerners who ussually visited this eastern land.

A half-minute of seeming gibberish later and the clearing returned to its prior silence even as the woman stepped back. She'd felt well enough her power leave her to fuel the ritual summoning.

Now all she had left to do was to see what hero of ages past would answer her call.

The circle began to glow, the wind a gentle breeze billowing through the clearing, The silence growing stronger, as the glow did so as well, but sson an odd humming, not quite from the mouths of man begin to fill the quiet.

The spectacle grew rather otherworldly and shining, before ending in a wondrous flash of brilliant rainbow light, before fading just as so, revealing a pair of figures standing in the centre of the circle, a man and a woman, both of obviously Oriental decent.

The man was broad shouldered, an impressive 6 feet tall, with slight stubble on his chin, and long, neck length hair in a topknot, wearing a short-sleeved, bronze-brown colored "shirt", underneath a black robe, with white designs on it, with simple, black "pants", with plain wooden handles adorning his feet, his face rather stern, keeping silent.

The woman, in contrast, wore a similar outfit, though simply with the blacks traded for white, and vice versa.
Her hair was considerably short, reaching to her upper back, tied into a high knot, her eyes a gentle honey color, as she smiled at the lady before them, both giving a bow.

" Good evening, ma'am. We are Servants Crafter, and we ask that you are our Master?", says the lady as they stood up straight once more, the man just as gruffly silent, though nodding at the woman's words.
The circle began to glow, the wind a gentle breeze billowing through the clearing, The silence growing stronger, as the glow did so as well, but soon an odd humming, not quite from the mouths of man begin to fill the quiet.

The spectacle grew rather otherworldly and shining, before ending in a wondrous flash of brilliant rainbow light, before fading just as so, revealing a pair of figures standing in the centre of the circle, a man and a woman, both of obviously Oriental decent.

The man was broad shouldered, an impressive 6 feet tall, with slight stubble on his chin, and long, neck length hair in a topknot, wearing a short-sleeved, bronze-brown colored "shirt", underneath a black robe, with white designs on it, with simple, black "pants", with plain wooden handles adorning his feet, his face rather stern, keeping silent.

The woman, in contrast, wore a similar outfit, though simply with the blacks traded for white, and vice versa.
Her hair was considerably short, reaching to her upper back, tied into a high knot, her eyes a gentle honey color, as she smiled at the lady before them, both giving a bow.

" Good evening, ma'am. We are Servants Crafter, and we ask that you are our Master?", says the lady as they stood up straight once more, the man just as gruffly silent, though nodding at the woman's words.

Melanie did not outwardly react as the ritual reached its conclusion. If she was ever to discuss the matter with anyone who's opinion she cared for, she'd likely claim that it was simply because her relatively extensive research into formalcraft had inured her to such sights. In truth though, she simply surprised that the ritual had actually worked and was experienced in suppressing the accompanying reaction.

"And a good evening to the two of you as well." Melanie replied, tone and expression empty of any discernible emotion. Better not to offend the monstrously powerful spirits, whether it be through a disregard for traditional niceties or through fraudulent emotion. In her mind a sensible decision, and one that was further justified by the 'Statistics' their bond allowed her sight of. Perhaps not the greatest among Servants, but more than enough to make short work of her if so inclined.

"As to your question, as I have summoned you to this time and place, I will be your Master in the upcoming war. If you have any initial objections or concerns, I think now would be the best time to address them."

It seemed like their were downsides to being a hermit. Not having to speak with most anyone for years on end did lead to atrophying social skills. Who would've guessed?
Melanie did not outwardly react as the ritual reached its conclusion. If she was ever to discuss the matter with anyone who's opinion she cared for, she'd likely claim that it was simply because her relatively extensive research into formalcraft had inured her to such sights. In truth though, she simply surprised that the ritual had actually worked and was experienced in suppressing the accompanying reaction.

"And a good evening to the two of you as well." Melanie replied, tone and expression empty of any discernible emotion. Better not to offend the monstrously powerful spirits, whether it be through a disregard for traditional niceties or through fraudulent emotion. In her mind a sensible decision, and one that was further justified by the 'Statistics' their bond allowed her sight of. Perhaps not the greatest among Servants, but more than enough to make short work of her if so inclined.

"As to your question, as I have summoned you to this time and place, I will be your Master in the upcoming war. If you have any initial objections or concerns, I think now would be the best time to address them."

It seemed like their were downsides to being a hermit. Not having to speak with most anyone for years on end did lead to atrophying social skills. Who would've guessed?
"Not many.", says the woman with a slight nod of her head, tone still pleasant.
" Where shall we stay, for the duration of the war, and what are your plans?"
A steady breeze suddenly picked up, tossing fallen leaves into the air and causing the flames to waver. Amidst the dancing flames, a short figure suddenly appeared, in the space between one heartbeat and the next. The wind caught her shoulder-length, pale hair, obscuring her face for the briefest of instants. The criminal has only a few seconds to take in the simple, pink kimono and the katana held at the woman's side by a red sash before her face suddenly contorts with pain.

Bringing her hand to her mouth, she began to violently cough, dropping to her knees among the quickly-dying flames.

Eventually, the woman's hacking died down, and she removed her hand from her face. Looking down at it with a pained expression, she reached into the fold of her kimono for an obviously dirty rag. After wiping her hand on the cloth and returning it to her robe, she looked up at her summoner, reorganizing her pose into a proper seiza.

"I apologize for my sorry state, the smoke did not agree with me. Servant Assassin has heard your call, and so I appear to claim the Holy Grail in your name, Master."

As she spoke, her emotionless grey eyes focused directly upon her summoner, waiting for his reply.

"The smoke isn't for everyone, I suppose, though I'd say what usually results is a helluva lot ruder about making itself known," Marko grinned. "But ahhhhhh, I can't hate it."

An idle hand waves away the smoke. "Welcome to your new stomping grounds m'lady, though you won't be seeing much of it 'till the sunrise."

He turns himself, offering a side profile as he takes in the village deep below, eyes gazing where he knew it resided.

"But perhaps you can. After all," He turns back. "You're more familiar with what you're capable of, and I'm thinking it's likely to stay that way for the moment."

He crouches in the dirt, where residual flecks of incandescence yet smolder in the dirt, and gently cradles one. Lifting it from the ground, he hunches over it, and left it to his lips.

And blows

The flame springs into existence, hungrily lapping at his face with a ravenous fury, and he laughs gently as it tickles him.

A finger raises, and he gently strokes an immaterial outline, watching the flame squirm under his fingers, before laying it down to the side. The flame sits but for a moment, still and wary, before the greenwood branch he placed it on is consumed in a crackling glee. Gently leaning back, he collapses heavily onto the ground, and waves at the fallen log, previously used for him and his former associates' comfort.

"Sit easy Miss, and let's talk. The night is long, and full of scary, scary things, and I've a mind to drive it away for a little while. Why don't we try to get along in the meantime, and then you can decide how you want this to play out."

"The smoke isn't for everyone, I suppose, though I'd say what usually results is a helluva lot ruder about making itself known," Marko grinned. "But ahhhhhh, I can't hate it."

An idle hand waves away the smoke. "Welcome to your new stomping grounds m'lady, though you won't be seeing much of it 'till the sunrise."

He turns himself, offering a side profile as he takes in the village deep below, eyes gazing where he knew it resided.

"But perhaps you can. After all," He turns back. "You're more familiar with what you're capable of, and I'm thinking it's likely to stay that way for the moment."

He crouches in the dirt, where residual flecks of incandescence yet smolder in the dirt, and gently cradles one. Lifting it from the ground, he hunches over it, and left it to his lips.

And blows

The flame springs into existence, hungrily lapping at his face with a ravenous fury, and he laughs gently as it tickles him.

A finger raises, and he gently strokes an immaterial outline, watching the flame squirm under his fingers, before laying it down to the side. The flame sits but for a moment, still and wary, before the greenwood branch he placed it on is consumed in a crackling glee. Gently leaning back, he collapses heavily onto the ground, and waves at the fallen log, previously used for him and his former associates' comfort.

"Sit easy Miss, and let's talk. The night is long, and full of scary, scary things, and I've a mind to drive it away for a little while. Why don't we try to get along in the meantime, and then you can decide how you want this to play out."

Assassin watched the man as he breathed life into the dying flame, noting with a faint sense of annoyance that the man had not yet introduced himself. All things in time, then.

Still, he was a bit... odd. The way he acted, what he just said. At best, he could be said to be habituated to fire. He did not hesitate at all to carry and nurture a flame without any form of protection.

Of course, were she to be less charitable, the terms 'foolhardy' and 'pyromaniac' may also apply to her new Master.

She supressed a slight shudder as she thought to the last fire she had been in. If this man started burning down buildings...

Not allowing her feelings to reach her face, she bowed down in her sitting position, hands neatly placed to the side of her head, and then spoke.

"This one thanks you for your consideration, Master. I will do so momentarily."

Raising her head and standing, she moved over to the burning branch. Moving with brisk efficiency, she clears the immediate area of loose foliage and branches.

Idly placing a few of the gathered lengths of wood on the small fire, she moved over to the log and sat down, resting her hands on her knees.

"While my vision in the dark is clear, I'm afraid the town itself lies outside of my perception." She begins, answering his earlier question, "I would first like to ask something of you Master. As you are aware, I am of the Assassin Class. As with many of that designation, I will most likely function best while alone, and while hunting enemy Masters. To what degree am I allowed to act on my own, and make my own judgements?"

She didn't ask if she was allowed to kill Masters, but the question was implied.

Incidentally, her calm launch into matters concerning the War completely disregarded his request for more personal talk.

Personally, she thought it was only fitting. There was the possibility of their being attacked at any moment, personal matters could wait until they had discussed the rules of engagement.
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"Right behind you, Master." And with that, her Servant let himself vanish to follow inconspicuously.

Yuu gathers up her knapsack and exits the house, closing the door gently. Touching the doorknob, she expels a small amount of magical energy to locks it securely shut - there are no thieves native to the village of Inzu, but she's a guest. An old magus legend spoke of a girl who slept in another's bed, ate another's food and sat in another's chair - she was eaten by a Phantasmal Beast for her unmannerly behavior, and Yuu has no intention to tempt fate like so.

She held up one finger and rest her other arm on her hips, choosing a particular direction at random and trusting her Servant to be there, invisible or no. "There are four spots that's suitable for a Summoning Ritual; that I know of, anyway. The first is behind us, Mr and Mrs Yamato's basement. The second is near a shrine in the forest surrounding Inzu. The third is on a hill some distance away. The fourth is-"

As the prayer rose, the circle began to glow with a cerulean light, briefly becoming the dominant source of light in the area. But as the prayer concluded, no great flash of light shone out, no thunderous roar signified its acceptance. No hero stepped forth from the circle.

For a full minute, the circle shone on, waiting as though the ritual was incomplete. Finally, a great wind kicked up, blowing in from the sea, brushing aside the overhanging clouds like so much water vapor, and driving the waves inland to cover the circle. And yet, even as it should be washed away the light yet shines.

It is rendered of little consequence however, as shortly a much greater concern makes itself known, and a vision of gold can be seen above, eclipsing the new moon. Around the vision, the stars shifted, and began to distort, until in their constellations they formed a crown, which set itself about the vision. In that moment before it faded, the vision of gold was possessed of a name, known to any who would behold it, and that name was Glory.

Juliet couldn't help but let out a whistle at the impressive summoning before her. It was not everyday you get to see the stars and clouds moved by the mere presence of one individual.

"The docks will make a fitting place to start.," he stated, already beginning to walk in that direction.

" - The beach, near the docks." Yuu stared, transfixed by the display. "It's so beautiful. That must be a Summoning Ritual, I'm sure of it."

Giving as much the World as her Servant a fierce grin, she said to her Servant, "Let's go, Uncle!"

With that, she made her way toward the source of celestial extravagance. Specifically, to an abandoned building several stories tall with a commanding view of the beach. She is a fighter, true, but also an alive magus - recklessness is not in her nature.
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" - The beach, near the docks." Yuu stared, transfixed by the display. "It's so beautiful. That must be a Summoning Ritual, I'm sure of it."
'Perhaps at first,' her Servant chimes in mentally, 'but surely something more at this stage. Regardless, with any fortune we've come across a virtuous spirit yet.'
Giving as much the World as her Servant a fierce grin, she said to her Servant, "Let's go, Uncle!"

With that, she made her way toward the source of celestial extravagance. Specifically, to an abandoned building several stories tall with a commanding view of the beach. She is a fighter, true, but also an alive magus - recklessness is not in her nature.
'Roger that...!'
"Umm, err, uh, S-sure? ---I mean, yeah! We can easily go cruisin' for some real estate up in this bitch!" Maintain confidence, Gabby, you can do it! "To the party van!" She points dramatically southward, beckoning her servant to walk with her.

"Any, *ahem*, preferences?" Besides that somewhat nervous question, Gabby led them both to a rather unremarkable black van. Clicking her car keys, the van unlocks with her entering the driver's seat. The vehicle had already a smoky haze about it, while clean, it had an odd mixture of desperation and despair somewhat stiffing the air.
Monster shook her head, hair swishing around her shoulders. "So long as it's got a tea set, I'll be satisfied." Upon arrival at the van, she ran ahead of her summoner, looking at the vehicle from every angle. She was in the process of examining the underside when her summoner getting in prompted her to climb out and follow suit. "So, how much would something like this normally-" Then the atmosphere inside the van hit her, and her new smile was replaced with a frown again. "You should really go out, forget about whatever's eating you, and enjoy yourself sometimes."

"Er, ready? She began starting up the van, at least.
"Sure, sure..." Monster sighed, closed her eyes, and assumed a proper slouch. Then her eyes flashed open, and she looked back at Gabby, considering. "How fast do you think you could get this without crashing into anything?"

Dashing through the abandoned street, Yuu arrived at her destination several minutes later. The abandoned building was a fishery/restaurant hybrid owned by a Mr. Blue, a war veteran who promised his friend during the war to creates the best damn shrimp place the world has ever seen. Despite the short Tourism boom that led to the construction of several high-class Western-style hotels, Inzu was never a sustainable locale for that kind of specialized business. The man couldn't bring himself to sell the building, so here it stands, smelling faintly of broken dreams and much more strongly of shrimp carcasses.

Eschewing the boarded-up entrance, Yuu scaled the side of the building with handholds made during previous excursions. Crouching on the roof, she retrieves a cylindrical object and places it on her eye, looking through it like one would a binocular.

the well-muscled form of the Emperor stood, garbed in gold and crimson and bearing a crown of the same.

With a gulp, Yuu began describing the figure that is unmistakably a Heroic Spirit to her Servant.

"–– A God made flesh. Magnificence is your name, King of Man. There's no doubt that this one is powerful, Uncle. We must beware him while we're in his presence, much less enters a dialogue with him."

Moving the binocular-analogue fractionally, she spies the one-in-a-generation genius magus that drew this powerful Spirit. Her heart is beating so fast, this is the kind of challenge she's looking for!

a cloaked figure. The sand shifted with each step the figure took, the flayed and dirtied rag that covered the figure danced aimlessly in the breeze. The long, ashen branch in the figure's right arm drooped lazily downward

"Oh. It's a disabled homeless man."
With a gulp, Yuu began describing the figure that is unmistakably a Heroic Spirit to her Servant.

"–– A God made flesh. Magnificence is your name, King of Man. There's no doubt that this one is powerful, Uncle. We must beware him while we're in his presence, much less enters a dialogue with him."
'While I understand your hesitance at the display, it seems to me if nothing else that we've an honorable leader before us. I'd be curious as to their class and pertinent details if you would use your proper sight, especially concerning this War's quandaries...'
Moving the binocular-analogue fractionally, she spies the one-in-a-generation genius magus that drew this powerful Spirit. Her heart is beating so fast, this is the kind of challenge she's looking for!

"Oh. It's a disabled homeless man."
'Hmm?' At this, Yuu's 'Uncle' looked through her sight and sighed. 'Now now, just because they're in an aged cloak with a staff does not mean they must be disabled or homeless. Or even a man, for that matter...!

'But if the opponent on your end is yet dissatisfactory to you, then perhaps on my end we can come to a friendlier arrangement? The lack of fair landlines on top of the class shenanigans means finding a fair ally shouldn't completely out of the question...'
As the pair walked, Emperor quirked his head briefly, seemingly hearing something in the environment. All indications were that he considered no threat to exist, however, for his stance remained relaxed.

"You do not walk with the grace of a warrior, nor with the frailty of a scholar, nor with the confidence of some divine champion. What brings you to this war?"

To his hidden observer, Emperor's stance looked strangely graceful, betraying no stiffness but rather a flowing grace which wasted no motion, even in such a simple activity as walking across a beach. It spoke of complete confidence, born of knowing that he could prove the superior in any engagement, worn with a simple honesty that spoke of this confidence to any who looked upon him.
And in the vision of a Master, details are revealed.

Class: Emperor
Strength: A+
Agility: A
Endurance: A
Mana: A
Luck: C

Charisma: A+
Golden Rule: A
"Not many.", says the woman with a slight nod of her head, tone still pleasant.
" Where shall we stay, for the duration of the war, and what are your plans?"
As her servants made their concerns known, Melanie struggled valiantly to suppress the urge to freeze up like a dunce in front of the two spiritual killing machines standing before her.

Oh, it was quite reasonable of them to presume that their summoner would have a plan for the war, and it was just as reasonable for them to want to know their part in those plans. Unfortunately for them, or more likely her, Melanie didn't actually have any grand plan for winning the war, and she'd just come to the realization that what she considered 'suitable living arrangements' might clash with those of her prospective partners. Since that clash could very well lead to two insulted servants after her head, she desired to avoid that with all her un-beating heart.

Which is why she decided to be completely upfront with the two. Either they'd accept her reasoning...or they'd kill her right here and now. Regardless of how it turned out, her anxiety would be leaving her very soon.

"I apologize, but as I did not plan on summoning a specific servant, or even a servant of a specific class, my plans for the war are yet only the most rudimentary of ideas. Unless your strategic and tactical expertise exceeds mine to the point of annulling any contribution I could make, I was hoping we could exchange knowledge of our respective capabilities and formulate a strategy based on such. As for where you'll stay...I would not ask that you suffer my all-too rustic taste in shelter, so if you have any preference I will do my best to accommodate you...within reason."
As her servants made their concerns known, Melanie struggled valiantly to suppress the urge to freeze up like a dunce in front of the two spiritual killing machines standing before her.

Oh, it was quite reasonable of them to presume that their summoner would have a plan for the war, and it was just as reasonable for them to want to know their part in those plans. Unfortunately for them, or more likely her, Melanie didn't actually have any grand plan for winning the war, and she'd just come to the realization that what she considered 'suitable living arrangements' might clash with those of her prospective partners. Since that clash could very well lead to two insulted servants after her head, she desired to avoid that with all her un-beating heart.

Which is why she decided to be completely upfront with the two. Either they'd accept her reasoning...or they'd kill her right here and now. Regardless of how it turned out, her anxiety would be leaving her very soon.

"I apologize, but as I did not plan on summoning a specific servant, or even a servant of a specific class, my plans for the war are yet only the most rudimentary of ideas. Unless your strategic and tactical expertise exceeds mine to the point of annulling any contribution I could make, I was hoping we could exchange knowledge of our respective capabilities and formulate a strategy based on such. As for where you'll stay...I would not ask that you suffer my all-too rustic taste in shelter, so if you have any preference I will do my best to accommodate you...within reason."
The man stared at her a bit sternly, though not in anger, while the woman nodded in understanding.
"Ah, that is understandable then. Then we will simply have to think of something later on then.

And as for accommodations, we are not too choosy-.", the man nodded once at this, "-a place that is simple will be enough."
As the pair walked, Emperor quirked his head briefly, seemingly hearing something in the environment. All indications were that he considered no threat to exist, however, for his stance remained relaxed.

"You do not walk with the grace of a warrior, nor with the frailty of a scholar, nor with the confidence of some divine champion. What brings you to this war?"
'Well well, it seems you've piqued yet another's curiosity,' her Uncle chimed in mentally, perfectly capable of catching the declaration as well as his Master. 'Would you still insist upon not meeting our fine friend in spite of their gracious invitation?'