
Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.
Under a rock.
All was quiet, in the small fishing village of Inzu. The place was not notable, not by any stretch of the imagination. The population may be above average for a fishing village, but was nowhere near the highest. Nobody who lived in it would have any notable secrets. There was no memorable landmarks, and the place itself was rather small.

In other words, the perfect place to avoid attention.

With the new moon overheard, the girl walked through the streets. Though her appearance was young, the look in her eyes made it clear that she was someone who had experienced a lot.

"So, this is where he has run to..." She muttered, with a sigh. "There aren't even any Ley Lines in this village. Did he fill the Grail up elsewhere, but keep it incomplete until he brought it here?"

...No, that question didn't matter. More importantly, where was the Grail now? Hidden in a Bounded Field? Thrown into the ocean? Perhaps there was a secret cave nearby.

If she could just find it, then her current situation could be resolved. Knowledgeable in the Grail as she was, physical contact with it would be enough, to allow her to begin to program around it. But the one who had stolen it away had used their time wisely, and she was unable to effect it as much as she could.

She couldn't even guarantee herself as a Master, anymore. The pre-programmed safeguards could still take effect in most cases, but beyond that, she was limited to observing the changes he had made.

The fact that the Knight Classes had been disabled was a worry. For what purpose had he cut them? Was he planning on using the templates for a plot later? Or was he simply trying to deny such powerful tools to potential enemies?

...No matter. The Grail had more than enough Classes to fill out a Grail War, and the specific safeguards in place for the removal of the Knight Classes were hidden deep enough to avoid being disabled. Whatever plan he had for the Knight Classes, the likes of Fencer and Hunter should more than serve to prevent them.

The Holy Grail War was beginning for the fifth time. The Masters would come soon, and it was unlikely that they would all come to ally themselves with the shadow laying over Inzu. She was unprepared to claim the final victory, but that didn't matter. Another chance had come forth, to finally realise the dreams she had held for so long...

Hello and welcome to Fate/Restless Dreams, a Grail War set in a completely normal fishing village with a small population, in Japan.

Now to lay down the ground rules:
  1. Standard site regulations are in effect.
  2. No God-modding.
  3. This is a war; characters are going to die or be otherwise eliminated in some capacity. Do not get salty in the OOC over this.
  4. If you intend to leave the RP, be sure to notify the GM beforehand and work something out regarding how you intend to have your character exit the stage. Otherwise, it'll be an absolute pain trying to make something of where you left off and trying to resolve the issue of your character in a manner that keeps the plot moving. Prolonged or unexplained absences will result in your character being relinquished to your partner or get killed off.
  5. Be reasonable and polite when dealing with other players; caustic and/or condescending behavior will get you kicked from the RP. Or at the very least will have me yelling at you, which I don't want to do.
  6. All character applications will be submitted via PM. These PMs will be formatted as follows:
    Fate/Restless Dreams: (Name of the applicant)
    If your PM does not follow this format it will be ignored.
  7. You will be expected to exercise some basic writing skills in this RP. If the GM has trouble understanding what you're writing, you won't get in.
  8. Players are expected to have knowledge of the Nasuverse and its workings. I am willing to explain things but not everything.
  9. Any instance of cheating will be punished with an immediate ejection from the RP, as will causing moderator intervention. Excessively forcing the GM to intervene will do the same.
  10. If you submit multiple Servants, please don't open a new convo. I'll be swamped enough as it is.
  11. Crossover Servants are not allowed and Masters only when they're an expy.
  12. Standard Servant Classes are not the limitation. As noted in the opening cinematic, the big three have been explicitly removed, and I won't enforce any rules regarding the other four standard.. Feel free to submit your Gunner, Avenger, Boxer, whatever you want. Hell, feel free to send in Original Classes, as long as they end in 'Er' and interest me enough/aren't dumb I'll consider it.
True Name:


Appearance: (Written description, this is mandatory. Pictures can be added as well, if you want.)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's legend)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Class Skills
You should know these. For original classes, feel free to make them up.

Personal Skills
Three's the rule of thumb, though you can have more or less. I don't count stuff like Divinity, Migrane or other negative skills in that, so don't fret about those.

Noble Phantasms
Big Important Title - Fancy Schmancy Title That's Rather Flowery Most Of The Time


Appearance: (Written description, this is mandatory. I suppose you can also include a picture if you really want to.)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's legend)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Element(s): These are the attributes the character can manipulate with Elemental Magecraft
Origin: (Optional, put N/A if you don't feel like specifying)

(List of abilities, thaumaturgical or otherwise)
Other Stuff, If Needed
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*Sees new thread. Glances back at the list of RP's he's already in. Glances at the servant sheet he made for Golden Phantasm he won't be using.*
Just submitted one.:V
Standard Servant Classes are not the limitation. As noted in the opening cinematic, the big three have been explicitly removed, and I won't enforce any rules regarding the other four standard.. Feel free to submit your Gunner, Avenger, Boxer, whatever you want. Hell, feel free to send in Original Classes, as long as they end in 'Er' and interest me enough/aren't dumb I'll consider it.
[x] Gilgamesher
i mean

I'm going to submit it Mort

you can't physically stop me

I can put you on ignore and pretend I did though

Incidentally, since I forgot to put it above, the backstory for this War is currently in a fluid state, where I change things up depending on what people want. You want to submit Shirou, sure, he's there. You want to play as some other random F/SN character who is changed up to be who Kiritsugu pulled from the fire, I guess so. You want to play as Rin in an AU where she was adopted by the Edelfelts after her whole family died, go ahead. If stories conflict, I'll do my best and then have you guys solve the contradictions.

Or you could just use Original Characters. That works too.
I suppose I won't be getting Caster into GP, but he'll probably do fairly well here as well.

And Emperor does have a nice ring to it as a Class Name.
Incidentally, since I forgot to put it above, the backstory for this War is currently in a fluid state, where I change things up depending on what people want. You want to submit Shirou, sure, he's there. You want to play as some other random F/SN character who is changed up to be who Kiritsugu pulled from the fire, I guess so. You want to play as Rin in an AU where she was adopted by the Edelfelts after her whole family died, go ahead. If stories conflict, I'll do my best and then have you guys solve the contradictions.

Or you could just use Original Characters. That works too.
What about Little Rin though?
I call assassin btw. Unless someone else takes it and makes a better sheet, but I'm going to be the first. As soon as one of my ideas are accepted, that is.
I can put you on ignore and pretend I did though

Incidentally, since I forgot to put it above, the backstory for this War is currently in a fluid state, where I change things up depending on what people want. You want to submit Shirou, sure, he's there. You want to play as some other random F/SN character who is changed up to be who Kiritsugu pulled from the fire, I guess so. You want to play as Rin in an AU where she was adopted by the Edelfelts after her whole family died, go ahead. If stories conflict, I'll do my best and then have you guys solve the contradictions.

Or you could just use Original Characters. That works too.

You could do that

but you know you want it as much as I do
I can put you on ignore and pretend I did though

Incidentally, since I forgot to put it above, the backstory for this War is currently in a fluid state, where I change things up depending on what people want. You want to submit Shirou, sure, he's there. You want to play as some other random F/SN character who is changed up to be who Kiritsugu pulled from the fire, I guess so. You want to play as Rin in an AU where she was adopted by the Edelfelts after her whole family died, go ahead. If stories conflict, I'll do my best and then have you guys solve the contradictions.

Or you could just use Original Characters. That works too.
So, a Shiroe well on his way to becoming EMIYA is completely okay? :V
What about Little Rin though?

You'd need to justify a lot to get the Fourth War and that whole mess of a plot to interact, but I'm not against it.

I call assassin btw. Unless someone else takes it and makes a better sheet, but I'm going to be the first. As soon as one of my ideas are accepted, that is.

You don't get to call Classes. If people want to play as Assassin and have a better Assassin, I'm not turning them away because someone called dibs already.
You'd need to justify a lot to get the Fourth War and that whole mess of a plot to interact, but I'm not against it.

You don't get to call Classes. If people want to play as Assassin and have a better Assassin, I'm not turning them away because someone called dibs already.
I know, that's why I put the second part. I may not even end up deciding to submit an assassin sheet, as finding good examples are rather difficult, and I'm kind of new at making character sheets, so I'll totally understand if I'm not chosen. Probably should have put a :V to show I was joking though. Sorry about that :p