The bar exploded for a second time, launching Red Archer's head and 65-70% of Shawna out one of the few unbroken windows, through a nearby building, and finally to a halt at Scathach's feet.

"Hmmmmm." The Queen of Shadows said, considering what was left of her mistress. "Mmmmmm." In a slightly more approving tone as she considered what was left of the Red Servant. She folded her arms and tapped a finger on her bicep, deep in thought, before materializing a quill and a piece of parchment.

With the speed of a Knight class Servant, she scrawled an elegant runic "C+" on the parchment and slapped it onto her summoners torso.

"Wha?" Shawna managed to gurgle around the third degree burns and broken jaw, sort of waggling her chin at the scroll.

"Tha? Wael, it depends on whit ya ken. Some sae tis a rank o merit thairty times whit ae mortal ca' achieve, yet if times be richt it cannae sometimes rise fae aboove e'en an A, others tha tis mairly indictive o' ae rank mair tha' thairty ye less than fairty.

For ye, it means ye hae a grasp o' the basic principal o' the thing, yet ae brae dael o'room tae improve.

I ken when mah Pup faced this test, him being but fair an ten at the time, he slew s'en scair hundred god blooded bowmen in open combat, then when ae archdruid cast a dart a' him, he caught it and threw it back with nae a scratch...nae, the scratches came later, twae a fine nocht, deed it twae..."

"Mpassoutnowbye." Shawna mumbled, and fit actions to words.

Scathach frowned and quickly snatched Shawna's grading sheet back up, scribbling over the "+" and replacing it with a "-".

Okay that's funny.

Ah @Theravis we have slight problem on Discord in need of your ruling.

Just a quick note, I'll be busy with a wh40k tournament on saturday and sunday, so my ability to post will be severely limited.
As the fate of her friends and foes was being decided, Archer sat down, back rested against the car, and dozed off. There was reason aplenty to watch, but the night was really long and she wanted to catch some sleep before tomorrow. Or have the good fortune of dying in her sleep. Either would work.
Why Archer, I would never attack you while your asleep. I only do that when I am payed to do that.

... Ignore that.
@Deadly Snark

Kara struggled to her feet, grimacing at the grisly display. It was not an easy death, but she didn't feel particularly bad about bringing it about- it was war, after all, and she didn't fancy being burnt alive as being any more pleasant.

No, it was a grin that split her face. From the little time she had known him, Delacroix was a kindred soul to her, born to the battlefield. He had died doing what he loved.

And not to mention she had won. The exhiliration of victory danced at the bottom of her stomach, even as her heartbeats slowed down and breathing evened out, adrenaline working it's way out of her system.

And yet she couldn't be happier. This was her purpose in life. That moment between life and death, the knife's edge when the battle tipped one way or the other.

Taking a step forward, a wave of ice appeared at her command to engulf Delacroix's body, preserving it in death.

Barking out a slight laugh, Kara cast her gaze towards Archer and Rider standing by the side, her expression tired yet triumphant.

"I do believe we are done here."
Congratulations on you're victory, but did you really have to preserve my body? At least don't give it to Sakura or Caster of Blue. I swear I will haunt you if you do.
@Deathwing ; Paul Delacroix (dead) and @Deadly Snark ; Berserker of Red
@THatWhichWillBe ; Solomon Ertios Forucry and @chiufan95 ; Archer of red (both dead)
@NothingNow ; Cecil Anders and @MaHaL ; Lancer of Red
@Scia ; Zinoviya Tarasovna Bariatinskaia and @IcePickLobotomy ; Saber of Red
@Xanith ; 43 and @NyxNull ; Rider of Red
(unsure atm) and @LupineVolt ; Caster of Red
@chiufan95 ; Victoria Lovehart and @Yuki no Yue ; Assassin of Red

@Omicron ; Jane Doe and @Dekutulla ; Assassin of Blue
@ZerbanDaGreat ; Hayden Prescott and @toxinvictory ; Berserker of Blue
@Bismarck ; Agonius von Einzbern and @Dovahsith ; Rider of Blue
@Wade Garrett ; Shawna Cash and @Mina ; Lancer of Blue
@Blackout ; Kara Edelfelt and @Gargulec ; Archer of Blue
@Wizard_Marshall ; Amakusa Hikaru and @Desdendelle ; Saber of Blue
@Icarus ; Sakura Matou and @TenfoldShields ; Caster of Blue

I'm certain I made a few mistakes, so just tell me any mistakes I made. Made this to make looking for pairs and teammates easier
Last edited:
@Deathwing ; Paul Delacroix (dead) and @Deadly Snark ; Berserker of Red
@THatWhichWillBe ; Solomon Ertios Forucry and @chiufan95 ; Archer of red (both dead)
@NothingNow ; Cecil Anders and @MaHaL ; Lancer of Red
@Scia ; Zinoviya Tarasovna Bariatinskaia and @IcePickLobotomy ; Saber of Red
@Xanith ; 43 and @NyxNull ; Rider of Red
(unsure atm) and @LupineVolt ; Caster of Red
@chiufan95 ; Victoria Lovehart and @Yuki no Yue ; Assassin of Red

@Omicron ; Jane Doe and @Dekutulla ; Assassin of Blue
@ZerbanDaGreat ; Hayden Prescott and @toxinvictory ; Berserker of Blue
@Bismarck ; Agonius von Einzbern and @Dovahsith ; Rider of Blue
@Wade Garrett ; Shawna Cash and @Mina ; Lancer of Blue
@Blackout ; Kara Edelfelt and @Gargulec ; Archer of Blue
@Wizard_Marshall ; Amakusa Hikaru and @Desdendelle ; Saber of Blue
@Icarus ; Sakura Matou and @TenfoldShields ; Caster of Blue

I'm certain I made a few mistakes, I can't remember if Victoria is Caster or Assassin's master, so just tell me any mistakes I made. Made this to make looking for pairs and teammates easier
I have been summoned from the grave/Barbados. Who dare disturb my slum-

Oh, its nothing. Ah well, back to the sun I go.