It can be argued by people too lazy to Google the Declarations of Secession by the Cotton States, where they moan and piss about for paragraph after paragraph in the key of "Damn federal gubnimt ain't gone take my darkies!"

The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States | Civil War Trust
Oh trust me. I hold it that the whole succession was and still is stupid. I just am pointing out that some (stupid) people can argue it. Doesn't make it any less stupid.
Max-Min-Max? The dice gods are certainly fickle today.
And hey, now both of you have been maimed by Blue! It'll be a bonding experience, I'm sure.
The dice gods sure like to prolong my suffering

I'll bet that Sick Lady's arrow is going to cripple poor Redcher even more
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And I'm out of my hand therapy session early. Not yet back on Discord. Posting this via IPad.

Damn @Wade Garrett I should be miffed about you kill stealing my target but a Master taking down a Servant on their own is so impressive that I can't help but be awed. Berserker takes back every bad thing she's said about you.

On the other hand that revenge roll by Solomon's looks worrying. Ooh you survived. Good job. @Mina and @MaHaL where are you in all this? Because I'll be joining the party shortly.

@ZerbanDaGreat @Omicron I know it shouldn't need saying but please kill Solomon and Lancer of Red's Master avenge Lady Cash's pride.
And I'm out of my hand therapy session early. Not yet back on Discord. Posting this via IPad.

Damn @Wade Garrett I should be miffed about you kill stealing my target but a Master taking down a Servant on their own is so impressive that I can't help but be awed. Berserker takes back every bad thing she's said about you.

On the other hand that revenge roll by Solomon's looks worrying. Ooh you survived. Good job. @Mina and @MaHaL where are you in all this? Because I'll be joining the party shortly.

@ZerbanDaGreat @Omicron I know it shouldn't need saying but please kill Solomon and Lancer of Red's Master avenge Lady Cash's pride.
Bad time to ask.

We're discussing some form of initiative order so that the RP can't sail past people who can't post.
You managed to kill a Servant one on one. Without your Servant's help. That's the kinda thing you should be very proud off. And hey with Blue Team's skills you'll recover eventually.
....... Sure, you could say that.
He can because it happened :V
While she did kill a servant one-on-one. It happened to be a heavily wounded servant focusing more on healing himself then fighting. Its like saying I fought and killed a tiger one-on-one but I used a gatling gun to fight it. You are saying being truthful, but its not really the same thing of facing and killing a servant at full health one-on-one.
While she did kill a servant one-on-one. It happened to be a heavily wounded servant focusing more on healing himself then fighting. Its like saying I fought and killed a tiger one-on-one but I used a gatling gun to fight it. You are saying being truthful, but its not really the same thing of facing and killing a servant at full health one-on-one.

As mentioned, I'm specifically not allowing Masters to go toe to toe with servants. The only reason this was possible is because Archer was already on the cusp of death.

As mentioned, I'm specifically not allowing Masters to go toe to toe with servants. The only reason this was possible is because Archer was already on the cusp of death.
Thank you. I feel happy even though I am really just sitting through this for my fight. Do you know what, I will do a little post of be at the state arena while this is going on.

While she did kill a servant one-on-one. It happened to be a heavily wounded servant focusing more on healing himself then fighting. Its like saying I fought and killed a tiger one-on-one but I used a gatling gun to fight it. You are saying being truthful, but its not really the same thing of facing and killing a servant at full health one-on-one.


As mentioned, I'm specifically not allowing Masters to go toe to toe with servants. The only reason this was possible is because Archer was already on the cusp of death.
The bar exploded for a second time, launching Red Archer's head and 65-70% of Shawna out one of the few unbroken windows, through a nearby building, and finally to a halt at Scathach's feet.

"Hmmmmm." The Queen of Shadows said, considering what was left of her mistress. "Mmmmmm." In a slightly more approving tone as she considered what was left of the Red Servant. She folded her arms and tapped a finger on her bicep, deep in thought, before materializing a quill and a piece of parchment.

With the speed of a Knight class Servant, she scrawled an elegant runic "C+" on the parchment and slapped it onto her summoners torso.

"Wha?" Shawna managed to gurgle around the third degree burns and broken jaw, sort of waggling her chin at the scroll.

"Tha? Wael, it depends on whit ya ken. Some sae tis a rank o merit thairty times whit ae mortal ca' achieve, yet if times be richt it cannae sometimes rise fae aboove e'en an A, others tha tis mairly indictive o' ae rank mair tha' thairty ye less than fairty.

For ye, it means ye hae a grasp o' the basic principal o' the thing, yet ae brae dael o'room tae improve.

I ken when mah Pup faced this test, him being but fair an ten at the time, he slew s'en scair hundred god blooded bowmen in open combat, then when ae archdruid cast a dart a' him, he caught it and threw it back with nae a scratch...nae, the scratches came later, twae a fine nocht, deed it twae..."

"Mpassoutnowbye." Shawna mumbled, and fit actions to words.

Scathach frowned and quickly snatched Shawna's grading sheet back up, scribbling over the "+" and replacing it with a "-".
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The bar exploded for a second time, launching Red Archer's head and 65-70% of Shawna out one of the few unbroken windows, through a nearby building, and finally to a halt at Scathach's feet.

"Hmmmmm." The Queen of Shadows said, considering what was left of her mistress. "Mmmmmm." In a slightly more approving tone as she considered what was left of the Red Servant. She folded her arms and tapped a finger on her bicep, deep in thought, before materializing a quill and a piece of parchment.

With the speed of a Knight class Servant, she scrawled an elegant runic "C+" on the parchment and slapped it onto her summoners torso.

"Wha?" Shawna managed to gurgle around the third degree burns and broken jaw, sort of waggling her chin at the paper.

"Tha? Wael, it depends on whit ya ken. Some sae tis a rank o merit thairty times whit ae mortal ca' achieve, yet if times be richt it cannae sometimes rise fae aboove e'en an A, others tha tis mairly indictive o' ae rank mair tha' thairty ye less than fairty.

For ye, it means ye hae a grasp o' the basic principal o' the thing, yet ae brae dael o'room tae improve.

I ken when mah Pup faced this test, him being but fair an ten at the time, he slew s'en scair a hundred god blooded bowmen in open combat, then when ae archdruid cast a dart a' him, he caught it and threw it back with nae a scratch...nae, the scratches came later, twae a fine nocht, deed it twae..."

"Mpassoutnowbye." Shawna mumbled, and fit deed to action.

Scathach frowned and quickly snatched Shawna's grading sheet up, scratching out the "+" and replacing it with a "-".
While stuck in a place hunters use to catch game, Paul wonders why he feels sorry for the small crazy lady of the blue team. He shrugs before continuing to cook his meal.