...I need to go and cry for a moment.
Remember she answers to the term 'Jesus Christ', and should be constantly reminded of how the church spread across the land!

For totally unconnected reasons, @Azrael if something happens to your master, I will be happy to take up the slack! I have this wonderful backup plan you might be interested in! It involves flowers, candy and brutally ripping apart a few outer heaven aligned servants so that I can use the leylines to turbocharge Rider! Theres always room for one more!
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By rights though, if not for the bullsht explanation on how Vlad's bite counted as a gift, Achilles could have held him off indefinitely.
I can agree with that. Doesn't seem much of a gift to me.
Nasu wanted to give Nero the Beast but ultimately didn't because it'd be too OP.
:Citation Needed:
Seriously, by the end of CCC, there's no "Too OP to have." There's only "Too OP for this guy to have."
Rep helps out Vlad, and here it's concept that boosts Nero; even if not as famous, Beast is still Beast and all that entails. And if anything Nero is even more associated with the Beast, now that more and more historians have come to the agreement that 'The Beast' is a stand in for the Roman Empire and it's anti-Christian stance and oppression, of which Nero is the poster child of. Because Nero really really hated Christianity.
You remember that a great deal of that help was his EX rank Skill, right?
An EX Rank Skill that does far less than your A++ one. Really, at least rank it properly.
It is all because of the mount; Mother Harlot aka Whore of Babylon derives all authority from the Beast she rides upon, and in Revelations when it stops supporting her she gets slaughtered by the very beast she rode upon. So if the Beast goes away or is turned against her, she's screwed.
Uh-huh. Shouldn't it apply when she's riding it, then? Rather than when it's not out, and has no chance to do that whole turning on her thing? As is, it'd be kinda stupid for her to summon it against pretty much anyone.
Oh well, I wonder if we will see the Prydwen.

Edit: Also could we please drop the mechanics arguments? Its obvious that you guys don't agree on this particular sheet, but you seem to be ultimately arguing past each other either way. I doubt that you are going to be convincing each other after all.
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:Citation Needed:
Seriously, by the end of CCC, there's no "Too OP to have." There's only "Too OP for this guy to have."
It was brought up in Koha Ace; it was a scrapped idea for CCC that already had an explanation and justification behind it that boiled down to 'misunderstanding of legend like Semiramis's Hanging Gardens = Nero gets Beast of Revelations."

I decided to use it because it makes sense IMO and I liked the concept, also because of cute picture:

You remember that a great deal of that help was his EX rank Skill, right?
An EX Rank Skill that does far less than your A++ one. Really, at least rank it properly.
Fine, i'll change it to EX; I only wanted to differentiate it from canon EX Ten Crowns which just says 'you can't touch this, no exceptions'. Also, because EX- looked ugly IMO.

Uh-huh. Shouldn't it apply when she's riding it, then? Rather than when it's not out, and has no chance to do that whole turning on her thing? As is, it'd be kinda stupid for her to summon it against pretty much anyone.
It applies as long as she owns the Beast and it is loyal to her. And the Beast itself is a many-headed dragon that's capable of a lot.

Also, it's Nero; do you honestly thing she wouldn't take the opportunity to show off?

Look, I just like the concept of Rider Nero being Whore of Babylon and ran with it because it was cool and I liked it; also because her VA is also doing Whore of Babylon's voice in Grand Order and that amuses me even more. Especially if they decide to make it like a Berserker Vlad scenario. If you don't like it then fine, I get it, but it is how it is here and that's the way it's going to be.
You remember that a great deal of that help was his EX rank Skill, right?
Oh, forgot to address this; Dracula seals off Demonic Defender of the State because he's Dracula and not Vlad.
Apocrypha said:
Legend of Dracula: Legend of Fresh Blood
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: -
Maximum Targets: 1 person
Due to his oral tradition, he incarnates into his Dracula image. Transformation into a vampire.
Becoming Count Dracula, Vlad III's normal skills and Noble Phantasms are sealed in exchange for: extreme amplification of the body's ability, animal and fog shapeshifting, healing ability, Mystic Eyes of Enchantment, and a vulnerability to light and holy symbols weak point is also obtained.
Not to mention he was away from his territory so it wouldn't have triggered anyways. So it really was all Dracula, and nothing from Vlad.
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Man, if you can't kill Berserkules a dozen times over with a single backhand as you charge Gilgamesh head-first with even odds of coming out on top, what's the point?
of course

silly me

now I must go forth and make a sheet for Simple Simon, who could totally wipe the floor with everyone forever because his legend is just a bunch of haters shit-talking him and not adequately describing how he rode Tiamat and has a EX-Rank Clairvoyance and seven Anti-Country NPs and A++ Rank Divinity, not to mention Mystic Nine Lives Of Death Perception

and every time the average Servant power level increases, I must appropriately buff Simon to curbstomp them so that the natural order is maintained
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Man, I should not type while sleep deprived. I did an entire post insulting Arturia about her failures and then I remembered that this was an alternate version who basically succeeded at everything she aspired to. That's an hour of beautiful word crafting down the drains.
It was brought up in Koha Ace; it was a scrapped idea for CCC that already had an explanation and justification behind it that boiled down to 'misunderstanding of legend like Semiramis's Hanging Gardens = Nero gets Beast of Revelations."
Koha Ace. You mean that joke magazine that Hideyoshi's sheet came from?
Oh, forgot to address this; Dracula seals off Demonic Defender of the State because he's Dracula and not Vlad.

Not to mention he was away from his territory so it wouldn't have triggered anyways. So it really was all Dracula, and nothing from Vlad.
But... Dracula has worldwide Fame Bonus. Leaving Romania wouldn't do anything to it.

Ah, whatever. Sorry, I felt I had to respond to those one, but I'll shut up now.
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Intelligent Snark: Snark, I think this might be a bad idea.
Emotion Snark: FU
IS: No stop pls, pls staph.
ES: You don't tell me what to do. CHOOCHOO THIS TRAIN HAS NO BRAKES!!!
Intelligent Snark: Snark, I think this might be a bad idea.
Emotion Snark: FU
IS: No stop pls, pls staph.
ES: You don't tell me what to do. CHOOCHOO THIS TRAIN HAS NO BRAKES!!!
Hey man, if you wanna run headfirst into Excaliblast that's perfectly fine with me. Means I get to practice how to lovingly describe how a giant fuck-off bladebeam that makes people reminisce about their past glories and BFFs ruins peoples' faces. :V
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I suppose he doesn't know Luck is your ability to be not a pawn of Fate?
Oh he knows, he just think it doesn't really matter in the end.

Hey man, if you wanna run headfirst into Excaliblast that's perfectly fine with me. Means I get to practice how to lovingly describe how a giant fuck-off bladebeam that makes people reminisce about their past glories and BFFs ruins peoples' faces. :V