
Fantasy Seal
The Holy Grail War. One of the most prestigious wars for Magi, a test of a magus' skill, and the chance to get anything that you wish.

Gensokyo. The Land of Eastern Fantasy. The place where everything, once forgotten by the world, goes.

Two fantastic things, brought together by the curiousity of one who called herself a maiden, yet is unknowably old.

What will happen when both Magi from the outside world and Youkai from Gensokyo fight using servants for the wishes of the Holy Grail? And how will the Magi react to discovering True Magic within this place?


Hello and welcome to Fate/Necro Phantasm, a Grail War set in Gensokyo, an ancient place where everything that is forgotten goes, in Japan.

Now to lay down the ground rules:

  1. Standard site regulations are in effect.
  2. No God-modding.
  3. This is a war; characters are going to die or be otherwise eliminated in some capacity. Do not get salty/complain in the OOC over this.
  4. If you intend to leave the RP, be sure to notify the GM beforehand and work something out regarding how you intend to have your character exit the stage. Otherwise, it'll be an absolute pain trying to make something of where you left off and trying to resolve the issue of your character in a manner that keeps the plot moving. Prolonged or unexplained absences will result in your character being relinquished to your partner or get killed off.
  5. Be reasonable and polite when dealing with other players; caustic and/or condescending behavior will get you kicked from the RP. Or at the very least will have me yelling at you, which I don't want to do.
  6. All character applications will be submitted via PM. These PMs will be formatted as follows:
    Fate/Necro Fantasia: (Name of the applicant)
    If your PM does not follow this format it will be ignored.
  7. You will be expected to exercise some basic writing skills in this RP. If the GM has trouble understanding what you're writing, you won't get in.
  8. This RP is set in a fusion of the Nasuverse and the Touhou universe, and as such players are expected to have some basic understanding of both settings and mechanics prior to applying. If you honestly don't know something, check the wikis, the Type Moon General thread or ask me to explain a specific thing to you.
  9. Any instance of cheating will be punished with an immediate ejection from the RP, as will causing moderator intervention. Excessively forcing the GM to intervene will do the same.
  10. If you submit multiple Servants, please don't open a new convo. I'll be swamped enough as it is.
  11. Crossover Servants are allowed only if they are crossovers with works of fiction in the public domain, and Masters only when they're an expy.
  12. Standard Servant Classes are not the limitation. Any servant class can be submitted.
  13. Characters submitted may be Youkai, Celestials, or any other non-human species.
  14. You are allowed to submit canon characters from either series.

True Name:
Cultural Sphere:
Alternate Classes:

Strength: -
Endurance: -
Agility: -
Mana: -
Luck: -

History: -

Personality: -

Appearance: -

Class Skills
Example (-): -

Personal Skills
Example (-): -

Noble Phantasms
Fancy Subtitle
Type: Anti-
Rank: -
Description: -

Species: (Is your character a human, a youkai, or something else?)

Appearance: (Written description, this is mandatory. I suppose you can also include a picture if you really want to.)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's legend)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)

(If your character is a Magus, then just use the following)
Element(s): These are the attributes the character can manipulate with Elemental Magecraft
Origin: (Optional, put N/A if you don't feel like specifying)

(If your character is a Youkai or otherwise native to Gensokyo, just use the following category)

(List of abilities, thaumaturgical or otherwise. If your character is a Youkai, or has a Touhou-style Ability as opposed to standard magic, put it here.)

Thank you to OOW for the template
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Okay, there's basically no possible universe in which this doesn't have my interest.
I need to find out what variety of large stompy monsters are a thing in Touhou...
There is the Hisoutensoku, a steam-operated doll the Kappa cooked up, and a Catfish of Unusual Size that showed up in Meiling's dreams once... .

Edit: Also, the Dragon God... but if the slightest indication of them showing up would probably eclipse the Grail War in terms of noteworthiness.

Edit2: There's also Suika using her ability over density to become a giant, and Alice's Goliath Doll, formed as something of a response to that, if I'm remembering right... .
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I need to find out what variety of large stompy monsters are a thing in Touhou...

Everything. They're just hidden inside the facades of little lolis.


I have a few questions.

First, what's the power levels like for the Masters, Servants, and the gap between them, if at all? I only have a limited understanding of the Gensokyo residents, but a lot of them seem like absolute monsters who could smite the average Nasu-mage like a piece of lint.

Second, given that this is set in Gensokyo, how much presence will you as a GM exert over the setting? For example are you taking control of the NPCs and pitting them against us or is this a traditional Grail War where we are primarily concerned with the other pairs?

Third, this is kinda tied into my first question, you said we can be canon characters from either side. Does this include top tier characters like Arcueid, Gilgamesh, Yukari, Remilia, etc.?
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I need to find out what variety of large stompy monsters are a thing in Touhou...

They all look like teenage girls and fire lots of dakka.

Basically, yeah. At least, most of the main cast is a young woman or a little girl; though there have been examples of more conventional youkai. Even then, there aren't that many stompy youkai in classic Japanese myths. The closest would be Suika, but she only goes big in certain circumstances.

I'm tempted to submit Reimu as a Master, just to add to her irritation and misery.
Whee, making a Master out of a minor canon character. Let's see if this gets accepted.
Everything. They're just hidden inside the facades of little lolis.


I have a few questions.

First, what's the power levels like for the Masters, Servants, and the gap between them, if at all? I only have a limited understanding of the Gensokyo residents, but a lot of them seem like absolute monsters who could smite the average Nasu-mage like a piece of lint.

Second, given that this is set in Gensokyo, how much presence will you as a GM exert over the setting? For example are you taking control of the NPCs and pitting them against us or is this a traditional Grail War where we are primarily concerned with the other pairs?

Third, this is kinda tied into my first question, you said we can be canon characters from either side. Does this include top tier characters like Arcueid, Gilgamesh, Yukari, Remilia, etc.?
firstly, power level is going to be... well, the servants will probably be more heroic spirit level than the servants in canon; also, because in gensokyo more people believe in magic and stuff, true magic-style feats aren't out of the question

(as for the power level in Gensokyo, well, it varies)

secondly, the grail war can go on, but if certain characters find out about the grail war, but aren't involved, they may try and fight

thirdly, well, power levels are up to my discretion, but there is at least one character that i'm outright forbidding: yukari
So Gensoukyou as a domain/cut off world/layer similar to the Reverse Side of the World that doesn't make people die from too much ether?

I guess it can work with handwaves.

I might send in something I guess.

Shoving things that represent human order in a domain that's pretty divorced from Human Common Sense/Order sounds like a dangerous thing however!

RIP any culture sphere bonuses.
thirdly, well, power levels are up to my discretion, but there is at least one character that i'm outright forbidding: yukari
Sweet, I apply as Shikieiki. :V

No but honestly, I don't really understand how you intend to justify the Holy Grail War lasting past day 3 in Gensokyo, considering that the event of a Holy Grail War is distinctly very much not in Gensokyo's interests, which means that it's going to get the attention of a lot of very powerful people who, to put it lightly, are not likely to fail in stopping it.
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