Which timeline would you prefer to begin?

  • 1994, Zero era

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2004, Stay Night era

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I'm a fucking ninja
Puerto Rico, Vega Baja
The Age of Spirit began at the year 1814...

It is all began when a large blue wave flow throughout the world, disturbing the Ley Lines and Prana, and a large explosion created a crater at a field.

A day later... we saw them.

It was a first contact with something powerful, something that we can't even imagine.

It is the day that a Spirits made contacts.

Lesser Spirit, High Spirit, Noble Spirit, they started to appear around the world, catching the Mages and the Churches.

By the time they recovered and move out, it was already too late.

The world already know about the existence of the Spirits, to solve the problem, the Tohsaka families has made a means to keep the world at peace.

They created the Master Seal.

It is with this Seal that both the living and the Spirits has live peacefully in the world.

...until the discovering of the Heroic Spirits...

It first appear at the years 1934, where the Age of Spirit ended... with the beginning of the Age of Legend.

A man, whose goal is to destroy the world of Spirit, summon the first Spirits known as the Demonic Spirits, the Spirit know as the God of All Evil.

It has nearly ravage the lands in India, destroying almost all of it until there was nothing but darkness in it.

And it would have continue to ravage the lands, have the first heroic spirit haven't been summoned.

The battle between the two Spirit is relentless and merciless, nearly splitting the land in two. The battles being going on for days until finally the Demonic Spirit has been cut down.

Since that day, more of the Heroic Spirits appeared, and the families of the Einzburn created the class system to categorized them.

It has been a truly peaceful time, despite the war between the nation.

However, the world will be descend into chaos in the Japanese town of Fuyuki, where the Ley Line is rich and the place where Heroic Spirit came.
1. No Godmodding
2. No cheating
3. No death... Sorta.
4. No character limitations, go nut.
5. Do not be a jerkass to other, you will be judge.

The master seal is a special device that allow the user, magus or not, be able to summon the spirits, akin to command spell. However, there's are something that are different:

The Master Seal does not give absolute command.

Meaning that you cannot command your servants with the Master Seal. You can, however, use the Master Seal to either give them power up, ability or weaponry with the used of Spirit Card.

Basically, the nasuverse version of PET Navi.

Spirit are "servants" being summoned like familiar; only this time, they don't need mana due to the world literally got Unlimited Prana Work. The spirits are divided by their rank.

Low Spirit: Spirit that are weak and are commonly summon by mundane. Their strength can be increased.

Middle Spirit: Spirits that are averages and can be seen around the works.

High Spirit: Spirits that are stronger, have authority and can be live without a masters.

Noble Spirit: Spirits that can own a company and stronger than their lower cousins. Although they aren't rare, it is actually rare for them to be seen owning company.

Heroic Spirit: The mightiest and rarer of all spirits. They have access to the throne of hero, due to be mostly historical heroes from the past. While they need to be summon, unlike the others spirits, they need to have a catalyst to be able to summon or by invoking a incantation.

Divine Spirit: The rarest of them all. Unlike others, they are rarely being able to summoned and won't be seens. They're mostly divine beings like gods.

Like always, every spirits have classes that suit them, and while there the original seven, there are other classes that can be summoned as.

Beast, servant of monster
Avenger, servant of vengeance
Ruler, servant of mediator
Shielder, servant of shield
Boxer, servant of the fist
Gunner, servant of guns
Saver, servant of salvation
Axer, servant of Axe
Dancer, servant of dancing
Singer, servant of music
Fencer, servant of the rapier
Shogun, servant of samurai(They're most common in Japan)
Healer, servant of medicine
Crusader, servant of Crusades
Cavalier, servant of Calvary

Each of them has their own class skill and ability, so be sure to choose them to your style!

Unlike other fate series, the are no holy grail war happening; because of that, Zolgen Makiri died from old age. So I decided to replace them with the Sabutori family (Totally did not rip it off from Naruto) who's study of magecraft is the completed opposite from the Makiri.

There's also large changes in this timeline, namely:

Shirley become a death apostle instead of a ghoul.

Kiritsugu, while still being called the Magus Killer, did not suffer a emotional breakdown after Natalia's demise due to the promise he made.

Kiritsugu married Irisviel, who is human instead.

Kotomine's wife did not died(But still suffer that bothersome ill)

Sakura was not adopted.

Tokiomi summoned the child version of Gilgamesh.

Basically, a whole lot of shit changes.

Now then, before we begin, we must use which timeline we began:

We can began in 1994, where the fourth holy grail war should've begin or 2004, where is the present time.

The vote tally will be open the moment I post it.

Now then, let's this series began.

(P.S, you can either play as a OC or a canon characters)