Fate/Isle of Sorrows


Lost on the road of life

Separated by time and distance in the weeks leading up to the dawn of a new year,
Yet entangled within the strings of Fate by a common goal,
7 voices chant in unison as they are drawn to their battleground.

The Holy Grail War has Begun

Shawna Cash @Mina + Caster @TenfoldShields
Joel von Einzbern @Xasure Higeki + Archer @Jemnite
Fujiwara Sojiro @Wizard_Marshall + Berserker @Deathwing
Kumoko Matou @RexHeller + Saber @Theravis
Yukiko Kuro-Fells @Look to the Left + Assassin @Dragonjackel
Daniel Cash @Wade Garrett + Lancer @Rowknan
Rin Tohsaka @Scia + Rider @Desdendelle
Church of All Souls, Every Street

The gaunt man considered the his surroundings, and saw they were good. Assuming your idea of good was broad enough to encompass a church that had stood abandoned for almost thirty years while slums sprang up around it, anyway.

Dan Cash whistled to himself as he strolled up to the altar, boots clicking on the stone floor as he made one last check of the summoning circle. Candles lit, lengths of wire laid out on the floor, blood, bones and feathers from a few pigeons providing certain necessary...

"This reeks of Papery."

The Magus didn't even turn his head towards the brittle, high pitched voice as it spoke from behind him, he just reached inside his tattered denim duster with a sigh.

"Ain't nothing Papist 'bout it, Strike." He said, withdrawing a pin and jabbing it into the palm of his other hand. Working it back and forth, he coaxed a single red droplet into the point and held it out as a peace offering.

Strike-Down-The-Iniquity-Of-The-Bishop-Of-Rome scuttled warily across the floor towards him, stain glass legs making a musical staccato rhythm as it hesitantly reached a claw out to accept. The spirit was an odd thing even by Dan's standards, angel and wasp and scorpion all mixed together and made from shards of colored glass and sporting a psychotic hatred of anything connected with the Roman Church, but the two of them got on well enough.

"Cross my heart and swear on the Bible. Now if you can give me a little room...got a call to make."

The spirit scuttled back into the dark as he pulled a battered harmonica out and began to play. Slowly and carefully, the ritual circle beginning to flicker with light in time with the tune, the notes mournfully echoing off red brick walls, and then...
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Separated by time and distance in the weeks leading up to the dawn of a new year,
Yet entangled within the strings of Fate by a common goal,
7 voices chant in unison as they are drawn to their battleground.

The Holy Grail War has Begun

Shawna Cash @Mina + Caster @TenfoldShields
Joel von Einzbern @Xasure Higeki + Archer @Jemnite
Fujiwara Sojiro @Wizard_Marshall + Berserker @Deathwing
Kumoko Matou @RexHeller + Saber @Theravis
Yukiko Kuro-Fells @Look to the Left + Assassin @Dragonjackel
Daniel Cash @Wade Garrett + Lancer @Rowknan
Rin Tohsaka @Scia + Rider @Desdendelle


Joel stood in the courtyard of the Einzbern castle in Germany, the usual freezing weather not bothering her as her silver hair whipped through the air. She was too excited about this to let some measly weather ruin this. It was a two weeks before the official (suspected) start of the Grail War. It was a bit early to summon, but having the energy to allow it, Joel was sure it would be quite the important advantage.

She stood over the summoning circle before beginning to chant.

Legenden aus lang vergangener Zeit und
Helden die unsere Zukunft sichern,

(Legends of old ages long past and
Heros who secure our future,)

Hör mein Ruf zu den Waffen, folge mein Bitte nach Unterstützung
und hilf mir meine Wünsche zu erfüllen!

(Hear my call to arms, follow my plea for assistance and help me achieve my Desire!)

Wir werden nicht versagen, wir werden nicht zweifeln, wir werden nicht zögern in unserer Jagd nach unseren Wünschen, unseren Ziel.

(We will not fail, we will not doubt, we will not hesitate in our pursuit of the desires, of the goals we seek!)

Unsere Entschlossenheit wird heller scheinen als der Himmel, und unsere Wut wird selbst die Hölle verbrennen!

(Our determination will outshine the heavens and our fury will burn hell itself!)

Weder die Götter der Tugend oder die Teufel der Sünde, Engel der Hoffnung oder Dämonen der Verzweiflung werden uns aufhalten!

(Neither the gods of virtue or the devils of sin, angels of hope or demons of despair shall stand in our way!)

So, komme mein strahlender Verbündeter, mein loyaler Freund und geliebter Diener. Komme mir zu Hilfe.

(So come my radiant ally, my most trusted friend and beloved servant! Come to my Aid!)

Joel couldn´t stop her smirk at her changed chant, it was not really impressive given that chants were, in the end, simply self hypnoses to activate a thaumaturgical process, but still, it would show Acht were to shove it. It is functionally the same as if to rename a machine, changing the name doesn´t change the function.
Church of All Souls, Every Street

The gaunt man considered the his surroundinds, and saw they were good. Assuming your idea of good was broad enough to encompass a church that had stood abandoned for almost thirty years while slums sprang up around it, anyway.

Dan Cash whistled to himself as he strolled up to the altar, boots clicking on the stone floor as he made one last check of the summoning circle. Candles lit, lengths of fire laid out on the floor, blood, bones and feathers from a few pigeons providing certain necessary...

"This reeks of Papery."

The Magus didn't even turn his head towards the brittle, high pitched voice as it spoke from behind him, he just reached inside his tattered denim duster with a sigh.

"Ain't nothing Papist 'bout it, Strike." He said, withdrawing a pin and jabbing it into the palm of his other hand. Working it back and forth, he coaxed a single red droplet into the point and held it out as a peace offering.

Strike-Down-The-Iniquity-Of-The-Bishop-Of-Rome scuttled warily across the floor towards him, stain glass legs making a musical staccato rhythm as it hesitantly reached a claw out to accept. The spirit was an odd thing even by Dan's standards, angel and wasp and scorpion all mixed together and made from shards of colored glass and sporting a psychotic hatred of anything connected with the Roman Church, but the two of them got on well enough.

"Cross my heart and swear on the Bible. Now if you can give me a little room...got a call to make."

The spirit scuttled back into the dark as he pulled a battered harmonica out and began to play. Slowly and carefully, the ritual circle beginning to flicker with light in time with the tune, the notes mournfully echoing off red brick walls, and then...
...And then a spirit was summoned. He heard the man's call and found the Grail's offer of a wish promising.

Dan's Servant was tall, standing a good head above the other man. It seemed suitable for a man of Lancer's presence. The Servant's dress was clearly of a bygone era. He wore modified hoplite armor. He had a massive scarred round shield inscribed in Latin, the letters ringed the shield and were clearly significant. Lancer had two spears. One was strapped to his back and was a short spear foreign to the rest of his gear and the other was obscenely long and clearly meant for phalanx tactics. He also held a short sword at his side.

The man's grey eyes surveyed the mage and the spirit. So far he was not impressed, but he ultimately decided not to judge for now. The man could have some hidden merit. Gods know that Lancer had not been much before he had joined the military.

The warrior knelt. "Are you my Master?" A proper soldier appreciated formality and rank Lancer reminded himself.
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Kumoko Matou turned her catalyst over in her hands. A tiny little shard of fossilized wood, she could still feel the remnants of Mystery clinging to it. Who knows how old and a mere fragment of the whole, the fact that it still had any mana left at all after being broken of hundreds, probably thousands of years ago was nothing short of miraculous. Sure, it wasn't enough mana to actually do anything with but it was a shard of a divine artifact. It almost seemed a waste to use it as a Catalyst. Kumoko was honestly tempted to just absorb the dying spark of divinity into herself and summon purely on compatibility.

A Pillar of the World, hers for the taking...

Instead she sighed and rolled her eyes, feeling secure enough in her privacy to let her saint-like act slip a bit. Even if she did eat it, she was sure her father would know somehow and while the thought of finding out what divinity tasted like was tempting, it wasn't worth another hours-long lecture from her father. No, she would just follow the plan.

Placing the shard inside of her summoning circle, she stepped back and began the chant. Kumoko had always enjoyed the burn of od coursing through her circuits and this was no exception. She she summoned, she couldn't help but smile as the magic and adrenaline began to build. Soon, purple light began to fill the room and the summoning was finished...

Kumoko Matou turned her catalyst over in her hands. A tiny little shard of fossilized wood, she could still feel the remnants of Mystery clinging to it. Who knows how old and a mere fragment of the whole, the fact that it still had any mana left at all after being broken of hundreds, probably thousands of years ago was nothing short of miraculous. Sure, it wasn't enough mana to actually do anything with but it was a shard of a divine artifact. It almost seemed a waste to use it as a Catalyst. Kumoko was honestly tempted to just absorb the dying spark of divinity into herself and summon purely on compatibility.

A Pillar of the World, hers for the taking...

Instead she sighed and rolled her eyes, feeling secure enough in her privacy to let her saint-like act slip a bit. Even if she did eat it, she was sure her father would know somehow and while the thought of finding out what divinity tasted like was tempting, it wasn't worth another hours-long lecture from her father. No, she would just follow the plan.

Placing the shard inside of her summoning circle, she stepped back and began the chant. Kumoko had always enjoyed the burn of od coursing through her circuits and this was no exception. She she summoned, she couldn't help but smile as the magic and adrenaline began to build. Soon, purple light began to fill the room and the summoning was finished...

First, an ember blossomed in the center of the circle. A smoulder began, and suddenly, forcefully, flared into a shape, nearly six feet tall and pulsing to the heartbeat of a great beast. The fire coalesced, spinning in tighter and tighter rings and dimming, though the heat did not abate, to leave a tall, pale man standing at the center of the circle. Though his age was discernible, his long, flowing hair wavered between blond and white, he still exuded confidence and bravery. Bowing slightly, his voice lilting and musical, he thundered:

"Far have I come to wander.
Far from the Isles I called home.
So have I cause to wonder,
are you a Master to call my own?"

Joel stood in the courtyard of the Einzbern castle in Germany, the usual freezing weather not bothering her as her silver hair whipped through the air. She was too excited about this to let some measly weather ruin this. It was a two weeks before the official (suspected) start of the Grail War. It was a bit early to summon, but having the energy to allow it, Joel was sure it would be quite the important advantage.

She stood over the summoning circle before beginning to chant.

Legenden aus lang vergangener Zeit und
Helden die unsere Zukunft sichern,

(Legends of old ages long past and
Heros who secure our future,)

Hör mein Ruf zu den Waffen, folge mein Bitte nach Unterstützung
und hilf mir meine Wünsche zu erfüllen!

(Hear my call to arms, follow my plea for assistance and help me achieve my Desire!)

Wir werden nicht versagen, wir werden nicht zweifeln, wir werden nicht zögern in unserer Jagd nach unseren Wünschen, unseren Ziel.

(We will not fail, we will not doubt, we will not hesitate in our pursuit of the desires, of the goals we seek!)

Unsere Entschlossenheit wird heller scheinen als der Himmel, und unsere Wut wird selbst die Hölle verbrennen!

(Our determination will outshine the heavens and our fury will burn hell itself!)

Weder die Götter der Tugend oder die Teufel der Sünde, Engel der Hoffnung oder Dämonen der Verzweiflung werden uns aufhalten!

(Neither the gods of virtue or the devils of sin, angels of hope or demons of despair shall stand in our way!)

So, komme mein strahlender Verbündeter, mein loyaler Freund und geliebter Diener. Komme mir zu Hilfe.

(So come my radiant ally, my most trusted friend and beloved servant! Come to my Aid!)

Joel couldn´t stop her smirk at her changed chant, it was not really impressive given that chants were, in the end, simply self hypnoses to activate a thaumaturgical process, but still, it would show Acht were to shove it. It is functionally the same as if to rename a machine, changing the name doesn´t change the function.
A summoning ritual, my lady.

His figure grew faint. Indistinct. He fluttered into shimmering shapes, outlines of outlines of a spirit. But it was not he that was changing. It was she.

She was being pulled away from the Throne of Heroes, to an unknown place and an unknown time. To partake in that curiosity that summoned heroic spirits.

A grail war. Such an interesting thing.

Though her companion's shape grew indistinct his speech was still clear and distinct. He would always be her advisor, even after death, even after both became recordings left in the throne of heroes. She thought and he listened. 'You understand its workings, D?'

A ritual to recover the materialization of the soul. A clever little trick, to use to create a copy of a hero spirit and use it to reach closer to Akasha. But the ritual will supply you with all the information you need soon enough. That will probably be enough for this you. After all, it is not caster but archer that you were summoned as.

'Indeed,' Archer responded. She could vaguely feeling like she used to be something greater, as if she was now only a limb that had been severed from the main body, but the feeling was so indistinct that it slipped through her fingers. It was probably the limitations of the container.

Well it was not really that important. What was probably more important was to compose herself for the completion of her summoning, and her first meeting with her master.

Chair. Girl. Teacup. Three things were summoned. The girl was a petite thing, slender of frame and dressed in a fairly light though still quite frilly gold gown. Hair of strawberry yellow, eyes of a wobbly mysterious blue. She had a strange fae-like look to her. With a gentle clink, she placed her empty porcelain teacup back upon its saucer in her other hand and then moved both gently to a resting place upon the ground, nestled in the grasp of soft downy snow. She took a grasp of the edges of her dress with both her hands and gave a curt curtsy.

"I am the servant Archer, come in response to thine summons." Archer said. "Art thou the one who summoned me?"
Finally! I've escape the bureaucratic hell that was the airport! Quick! I better grab a taxi before god knows what else would happen. Never been to Manchester before though. Hope I don't get scammed.

I saw a few taxis waiting at the front. I walked up to one of them and asked the driver if he was free. He nodded, thank god I learned I took English class.

I asked him what kind of good hotels there were in the city and he replied that Principal Manchester is a pretty good 5-Star hotel, though very pricey and that I should try to look into other hotels. Good enough. I gave him about 500 pounds and told him there's more where that came from if he put the pedal to the metal. He delivered.

After a few drifts down the street and some odd number of angry drivers honking at us later. I got to the hotel and left the man with a good extra 1000 pounds all free for him to spend on anything he wants. Assuming of course he even survives whatever is going to happen in this city. Oh well, I'm sure he'll live with a few limbs still on him.

I made my way into the hotel and after some talking and arrangements I managed to get a nice, large family size room all for myself. It also helped that I got very lucky, apparently it was the last room.

So I made my way there, it was a good thing that I packed lightly. Just a large carry-on luggage to keep all my 'special tools' inside and a violin case where my 'weapon of choice' is held in. Well, it's more like a cello case but whatever. The rest of my things are coming in as soon as we speak, after a few phone calls of course, still to let them know where to send them. Still, I needed to get something out of the way first.

After I reached my room (a rather fabulously furnished room if I say so myself) I dropped off my things by the bed before I closed the door and locked it shut.

I started getting to work. I closed shut the curtains and threw off my brown overcoat, revealing the mystic code I was wearing underneath. Damn it was getting hot in that coat.

I opened opened up my luggage case and took out a jar of blood, a paint brush, some stoch tape, a large roll of very thick paper and two mystic codes. The aforementioned mystic codes looked like black icosahedron shaped balls that fit the size of your hand with the only difference being one had a red symbol on it and the other a blue one. They're weren't anything special, just something I put on so I could tell the difference.

I placed both the balls in the middle of the room and channeled mana into them. They both activated and each enveloped the room in their own respective boundary field, one hiding all magical presence, the other creating an illusion that hid anything strange happening in the room as well as keeping any unwanted noise from coming out.

I taped the piece of paper to the floor, it should be thick enough to keep the blood from getting to the floor, can't leave any evidence behind after all. I drew the circle onto the paper from memory. I didn't need a catalyst for this, I need someone who would be as useful to me as possible.

After I was done, I carefully put away my tools and materials before making sure I had no blood on me. After that, all that was left to do was the chant.

Ice and lead to the origin. From beyond the sands of time I call. My ancestor is one who was exiled from the holy city.

The dust filled winds gnaw at my face. Still I walk forward.

City after city. Town after town. Great nation after great nation.

There are infinite crossroads yet only path is walked.

Hoping that it's the right one.

I proclaim.

Your duty is to me, my doom in your blade.

In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am one who seeks victory at all costs. That all achievements and sins that I have committed, I will confess to.

You, legend lost in the sands of time chained by three words of power, arrive from the fortress of deterrence, oh keeper of the balance!

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Finally! I've escape the bureaucratic hell that was the airport! Quick! I better grab a taxi before god knows what else would happen. Never been to Manchester before though. Hope I don't get scammed.

I saw a few taxis waiting at the front. I walked up to one of them and asked the driver if he was free. He nodded, thank god I learned I took English class.

I asked him what kind of good hotels there were in the city and he replied that Principal Manchester is a pretty good 5-Star hotel, though very pricey and that I should try to look into other hotels. Good enough. I gave him about 500 pounds and told him there's more where that came from if he put the pedal to the metal. He delivered.

After a few drifts down the street and some odd number of angry drivers honking at us later. I got to the hotel and left the man with a good extra 1000 pounds all free for him to spend on anything he wants. Assuming of course he even survives whatever is going to happen in this city. Oh well, I'm sure he'll live with a few limbs still on him.

I made my way into the hotel and after some talking and arrangements I managed to get a nice, large family size room all for myself. It also helped that I got very lucky, apparently it was the last room.

So I made my way there, it was a good thing that I packed lightly. Just a large carry-on luggage to keep all my 'special tools' inside and a violin case where my 'weapon of choice' is held in. Well, it's more like a cello case but whatever. The rest of my things are coming in as soon as we speak, after a few phone calls of course, still to let them know where to send them. Still, I needed to get something out of the way first.

After I reached my room (a rather fabulously furnished room if I say so myself) I dropped off my things by the bed before I closed the door and locked it shut.

I started getting to work. I closed shut the curtains and threw off my brown overcoat, revealing the mystic code I was wearing underneath. Damn it was getting hot in that coat.

I opened opened up my luggage case and took out a jar of blood, a paint brush, some stoch tape, a large roll of very thick paper and two mystic codes. The aforementioned mystic codes looked like black icosahedron shaped balls that fit the size of your hand with the only difference being one had a red symbol on it and the other a blue one. They're weren't anything special, just something I put on so I could tell the difference.

I placed both the balls in the middle of the room and channeled mana into them. They both activated and each enveloped the room in their own respective boundary field, one hiding all magical presence, the other creating an illusion that hid anything strange happening in the room as well as keeping any unwanted noise from coming out.

I taped the piece of paper to the floor, it should be thick enough to keep the blood from getting to the floor, can't leave any evidence behind after all. I drew the circle onto the paper from memory. I didn't need a catalyst for this, I need someone who would be as useful to me as possible.

After I was done, I carefully put away my tools and materials before making sure I had no blood on me. After that, all that was left to do was the chant.

Ice and lead to the origin. From beyond the sands of time I call. My ancestor is one who was exiled from the holy city.

The dust filled winds gnaw at my face. Still I walk forward.

City after city. Town after town. Great nation after great nation.

There are infinite crossroads yet only path is walked.

Hoping that it's the right one.

I proclaim.

Your duty is to me, my doom in your blade.

In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am one who seeks victory at all costs. That all achievements and sins that I have committed, I will confess to.

You, legend lost in the sands of time chained by three words of power, arrive from the fortress of deterrence, oh keeper of the balance!

At first... there was the flash of lights, showing that there should be something summoned, but where there was supposed to be some figure, some person emerging... there seemed to be nothing...

This lingered for only a moment, before out of the corner of the room, a darkness, there seemed to be a glint, for just a second. Then, out of that blackness, the glinting multiplied, like spots of light in the night sky.

"Aha~. So yet another Grail War needs yet another Assassin, no~? Well. If it is shall be an Arbitrator of Death the Holy Grail calls upon, there is no better than one of Us to answer." the voice called out, seeming almost amused.

And forward, out of that glinting darkness, walked a Woman. She was slim and lithe, though her body was obviously mature. Her skin was Dark, yet seemed dotted with almost glowing spots of bluish lights, like stars in the night-sky. Her body was covered by a light whitish robe, with black sleeves. It was obviously lightweight clothing by how it swayed in the unnatural wind of the room, caused by the summoning. Under the Robe, one might catch glimpses of more form-fitting black bodyclothes, more expected gear for an Assassin. Several Knives or Daggers could be spotted in sheathes dotted on the underclothes, nearly hidden from eyesight.

On her face though, lied a somewhat plain, white, recognizable Mask, bearing the shape and appearance of a Skull. The Woman walked forward, back into the summoning circle, where she should've likely popped up from originally.

"And so this Devotee of the Angels of Death would ask you, scion of magecraft, Art Thou my Master~?" she said, tilting her head somewhat coyly. She looked at her Master, and under her Mask, Assassin smiled. From what she could gather from everything the Ritual gave her of her Master, this would certainly be an interesting war. She had heard of the Grail Wars from several of her compatriots on the Throne, even though none of them had won...

Perhaps if she could Win where they failed... Perhaps. At least she had been given to a Master who seemed more likely to be a good fit for her, unlike her far-off successor.
Radcliffe Tower, The Present

The shadow flitted up to the humped mass of stone. Rotten, mossy, the wind caressed each surface and snuck through the crevices it had cut through mortar, chipping and wearing away from the time Henry let spill the blood of Scot and Welshman, when Lord James raised it anew. It was older still however, its bones sunk deep in to the loam, history built upon history, age upon age. A nameless thing, a timeless thing, and endless thing.

Shawna stepped over the low fence ringing the ruined stump of man's ambition. The gates that barred the empty mouth of its entrance gave way in her hands, iron and rust flaking, twisting, submitting. She wiped the grime off with a pristine handkerchief, ever mindful of the standard of conduct she was held to. In the midst of this ancient disorder she remained aloof. Back straight as the stone's seams were crooked, skin glowing white against the dank green-brown of mosses feeding upon the rot of their antecedents, she was untarnished steel thrust in to a dark ring the good English loam sought to reclaim.

Then a twitch. A spasm. Something clicked and she was no different than her environs. She was--


The juices of her steak and kidney pie ran down her chin. Homemade, as most everything she ate these days had to be, and a masterpiece of flaky, untopped pastry, containing the vital nourishment. Red things. Soft things. Hunks to tear and rend and crunch, all wrapped in their buttery blanket. Again the handkerchief, but this time it came away scarlet, and it was good.

She began the ritual, in the clipped tones of received pronunciation her voice lost and echoing in time and darkness as she sought old power to claim what was hers. By every right, natural and unnatural, at any cost.


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The warrior knelt. "Are you my Master?" A proper soldier appreciated formality and rank Lancer reminded himself.

Holy shit it worked!

No, no, don't be thinking like that, this was a spirit, just like every other one he'd ever made a bargain with (just older. And stronger. Hell of a lot stronger, he could taste the power radiating off it) and rule number one of spirits, you didn't act impressed. Or scared. Or any other way that might make'em decide they might be able to eat you.

So Dan just shrugged and idly examined the brand sparking to life on his arm, a trio of...might be leaves, but it could be feathers, maybe? In the shape of, it could be a crown but it might be some kinda weird tree. Hard to say.

"Reckon that'd be..."

"Papist!" And then his confidently casual confirmation of their contract was completely drowned out by Strike-Down-The-Iniquity-Of-The-Bishop-Of-Rome's grating screech as it flung itself at the newcomer, glass pinioned wings blurring into invisibility as it rose into the air.

Something else moved too, something in the shadows, and then the Anglican avatar was held fast, caught in Dan's shadow as if it was submerged in tar, prevented from attacking the Servant, but not from furiously denouncing it.

"...behold, behold pon his shield! The barbarism behind which the Scarlet Whore hid the truths of the Christ! Unhand me, that I may scourge this..."

"Yeah. Master. That'd be me." Dan said, ignoring the commotion taking place behind him.
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Chair. Girl. Teacup. Three things were summoned. The girl was a petite thing, slender of frame and dressed in a fairly light though still quite frilly gold gown. Hair of strawberry yellow, eyes of a wobbly mysterious blue. She had a strange fae-like look to her. With a gentle clink, she placed her empty porcelain teacup back upon its saucer in her other hand and then moved both gently to a resting place upon the ground, nestled in the grasp of soft downy snow. She took a grasp of the edges of her dress with both her hands and gave a curt curtsy.

"I am the servant Archer, come in response to thine summons." Archer said. "Art thou the one who summoned me?"

Joel replied the greeting in kind, before answering "I am thy summoner, master and jointress in this great war of heroes, mine name is Joel von Einzbern, It is a great pleasure thou." Joel´s mind was already racing in thoughts how to exploit her servants class. She was quite happy to have Archer class, since it would allow for far more tactical attacks than simply sending the servant to attack the enemy, all the traps they could lay and wait to see how they would crush the enemy. Though of course she also was captivated by the beauty of the servant.

Joel couldn´t help herself as she chuckled at the prospect.
Holy shit it worked!

No, no, don't be thinking like that, this was a spirit, just like every other one he'd ever made a bargain with (just older. And stronger. Hell of a lot stronger, he could taste the power radiating off it) and rule number one of spirits, you didn't act impressed. Or scared. Or any other way that might make'em decide they might be able to eat you.

So Dan just shrugged and idly examined the brand sparking to life on his arm, a trio of...might be leaves, but it could be feathers, maybe? In the shape of, it could be a crown but it might be some kinda weird tree. Hard to say.

"Reckon that'd be..."

"Papist!" And then his confidently casual confirmation of their contract was completely drowned out by Strike-Down-The-Iniquity-Of-The-Bishop-Of-Rome's grating screech as it flung itself at the newcomer, glass pinioned wings blurring into invisibility as it rose into the air.

Something else moved too, something in the shadows, and then the Anglican avatar was held fast, caught in Dan's shadow as if it was submerged in tar, prevented from attacking the Servant, but not from furiously denouncing it.

"...behold, behold pon his shield! The barbarism behind which the Scarlet Whore hid the truths of the Christ! Unhand me, that I may scourge this..."

"Yeah. Master. That'd be me." Dan said, ignoring the commotion taking place behind him.
Lancer looked annoyed at the other spirit and absently hit it with the shaft of his spear.

"I am not Catholic for the record. The Heroic Spirit that founded that religion was after my time."

Lance kept his professional exterior even as he lightly kicked the other spirit with the barest fraction of his strength. Catholicism was a Roman Institution and thus worthy of respect and honor. Even if he himself belonged to the Cult of Mars, Lancer would not see it disrespected.

"Master, do you have any idea on what we should do next? I recommend marching up to the enemy Servants with your auxiliaries at my back and slaughtering them one by one."
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At first... there was the flash of lights, showing that there should be something summoned, but where there was supposed to be some figure, some person emerging... there seemed to be nothing...

This lingered for only a moment, before out of the corner of the room, a darkness, there seemed to be a glint, for just a second. Then, out of that blackness, the glinting multiplied, like spots of light in the night sky.

"Aha~. So yet another Grail War needs yet another Assassin, no~? Well. If it is shall be an Arbitrator of Death the Holy Grail calls upon, there is no better than one of Us to answer." the voice called out, seeming almost amused.

And forward, out of that glinting darkness, walked a Woman. She was slim and lithe, though her body was obviously mature. Her skin was Dark, yet seemed dotted with almost glowing spots of bluish lights, like stars in the night-sky. Her body was covered by a light whitish robe, with black sleeves. It was obviously lightweight clothing by how it swayed in the unnatural wind of the room, caused by the summoning. Under the Robe, one might catch glimpses of more form-fitting black bodyclothes, more expected gear for an Assassin. Several Knives or Daggers could be spotted in sheathes dotted on the underclothes, nearly hidden from eyesight.

On her face though, lied a somewhat plain, white, recognizable Mask, bearing the shape and appearance of a Skull. The Woman walked forward, back into the summoning circle, where she should've likely popped up from originally.

"And so this Devotee of the Angels of Death would ask you, scion of magecraft, Art Thou my Master~?" she said, tilting her head somewhat coyly. She looked at her Master, and under her Mask, Assassin smiled. From what she could gather from everything the Ritual gave her of her Master, this would certainly be an interesting war. She had heard of the Grail Wars from several of her compatriots on the Throne, even though none of them had won...

Perhaps if she could Win where they failed... Perhaps. At least she had been given to a Master who seemed more likely to be a good fit for her, unlike her far-off successor.

At gazed at her, observing her starry like form from head to toe. "I am Yukiko Kuro of the Fells Family. I shall be your master for the duration of the war."

I cocked my head at her, a finger tapping on my chin. "You look like a Caster. Yet I would think a caster would get summoned with a bit more fanfare. You came out of the dark corners of the room... Are you perhaps an Assassin per chance?"

If what I got really is Assassin then I would've never gotten a better choice. Oh this is going to be so much fun!
"Master, do you have any idea on what we should do next? I recommend marching up to the enemy Servants with your auxiliaries at my back and slaughtering them one by one."

The church's spirit was hurled backward by the impacts...or would have been, if whatever was holding it in place hadn't kept a grip on it. A muscle worked in Dan's jaw, but his voice was calm when he answered.

"Auxiliary? You mean back up for you, all we got right now is that little fella you're..." pause for a shallow breath, as whatever roiled in Dan's shadow shifted its grip, cradling the lesser entity for comfort instead of to restrain it.

"Way I work, gonna take some pounding the pavement to round up some more, and I didn't feel like strolling around and walking up on somebody just popped a Sword Knight out. Enforcer, Executor, whatever and a Servant all by myself...I'm good, but I ain't that good. You wanna stretch your legs, I reckon we can get started on that now."
The church's spirit was hurled backward by the impacts...or would have been, if whatever was holding it in place hadn't kept a grip on it. A muscle worked in Dan's jaw, but his voice was calm when he answered.

"Auxiliary? You mean back up for you, all we got right now is that little fella you're..." pause for a shallow breath, as whatever roiled in Dan's shadow shifted its grip, cradling the lesser entity for comfort instead of to restrain it.

"Way I work, gonna take some pounding the pavement to round up some more, and I didn't feel like strolling around and walking up on somebody just popped a Sword Knight out. Enforcer, Executor, whatever and a Servant all by myself...I'm good, but I ain't that good. You wanna stretch your legs, I reckon we can get started on that now."
Lancer nodded. "So you are a necromancer of some sort Master? You collect different spirits and contract them. The Holy Grail War must have been a natural choice for someone of your talents."

He walked alongside Dan. "Can I expect any modifications or additional help to my form then?"

"Also, will the mana requirements of your other spirits be of any concern?" Lancer was a practical man, and not one for subtlety.

Lancer did not shift away into astral form as they left the building. "Cowardice is beneath us Master."
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Lancer nodded. "So you are a necromancer of some sort Master? You collect different spirits and contract them. The Holy Grail War must have been a natural choice for someone of your talents."

He walked alongside Dan. "Can I expect any modifications or additional help to my form then?"

"Also, will the mana requirements of your other spirits be of any concern?" Lancer was a practical man, and not one for subtlety.

"Something like that, yeah...modify your...maybe, need to put you through your paces first, see what needs fixing or tweaking...and nah. Not unless I reel in a whole...I figure it's better to have the right tools for a job than just grab a whole box, got kind of a wish list, few good spirits, the right few good spirits..."

Lancer did not shift away into astral form as they left the building. "Cowardice is beneath us Master."

"Uh-huuuuuh." Dan said noncomitally, eyes scanning the street for anyone that might notice the weirdness of a man dressed in ragged layers of flannel and denim and a giant armored in bronze emerging from an abandoned church. (Strike was currently sheltering under his denim duster, thank God for layers, as much cloth as he could get between him and broken glass).

"Got a pretty good hop to the first on my list, I'll get us some wheels unless you wanna carry me the whole way or something..."
"Something like that, yeah...modify your...maybe, need to put you through your paces first, see what needs fixing or tweaking...and nah. Not unless I reel in a whole...I figure it's better to have the right tools for a job than just grab a whole box, got kind of a wish list, few good spirits, the right few good spirits..."

"Uh-huuuuuh." Dan said noncomitally, eyes scanning the street for anyone that might notice the weirdness of a man dressed in ragged layers of flannel and denim and a giant armored in bronze emerging from an abandoned church. (Strike was currently sheltering under his denim duster, thank God for layers, as much cloth as he could get between him and broken glass).

"Got a pretty good hop to the first on my list, I'll get us some wheels unless you wanna carry me the whole way or something..."
Lancer shrugged noncommittally. "Unfortunately I do not possess the Riding Skill in this class, skill and parameter wise the creators of the Holy Grail War had an obvious bias."

Lancer intentionally marched at at a good pace, proudly displaying the regalia on his armor and not noticing the stares he got.

"Do you have any specific sort of car in mind Master? There are plenty we could take on the road here."
At gazed at her, observing her starry like form from head to toe. "I am Yukiko Kuro of the Fells Family. I shall be your master for the duration of the war."

I cocked my head at her, a finger tapping on my chin. "You look like a Caster. Yet I would think a caster would get summoned with a bit more fanfare. You came out of the dark corners of the room... Are you perhaps an Assassin per chance?"

If what I got really is Assassin then I would've never gotten a better choice. Oh this is going to be so much fun!
She tilted her head again, "I believe I did indeed call mineself an Assassin while I was introducing mineself, did I not?" she questioned, gazing at her Master in return. She nodded, "But yes, I am indeed a woman of the Shadows. One of the original Assassins, even; how lucky you are to summon one of our Order. I can sense we have origins from a similar location, geographically. Though I cannot smell the scent of sand on you, I do remember the Fells family from the annals of our order, I believe. Have they left the sands of Nazareth?" she asked, tapping her chin.

"The robes do make mineself look like a Caster, don't they...? Well, simply more methods of misdirection. It could be useful to trip enemies up with something like that. Yes, if you wish you may indeed call me a Caster for the purpose of such." she said, a hint of mirth creeping into her voice.

She then straightened jut a bit, "Ah, but forgive me for going so quickly to questions and planning. It is nice to meet you, My Master. I do not foresee us having any problems, unless you start disrespecting those freed from life by the grace of Azrael." she said, extending a hand for a shake, a timeless gesture of acquaintance.
She tilted her head again, "I believe I did indeed call mineself an Assassin while I was introducing mineself, did I not?" she questioned, gazing at her Master in return. She nodded, "But yes, I am indeed a woman of the Shadows. One of the original Assassins, even; how lucky you are to summon one of our Order. I can sense we have origins from a similar location, geographically. Though I cannot smell the scent of sand on you, I do remember the Fells family from the annals of our order, I believe. Have they left the sands of Nazareth?" she asked, tapping her chin.

"The robes do make mineself look like a Caster, don't they...? Well, simply more methods of misdirection. It could be useful to trip enemies up with something like that. Yes, if you wish you may indeed call me a Caster for the purpose of such." she said, a hint of mirth creeping into her voice.

She then straightened jut a bit, "Ah, but forgive me for going so quickly to questions and planning. It is nice to meet you, My Master. I do not foresee us having any problems, unless you start disrespecting those freed from life by the grace of Azrael." she said, extending a hand for a shake, a timeless gesture of acquaintance.

"You did? Huh, must've slipped my mind." I extended my hand and grasped her hand as we shook them. "Oh and uh... Please don't mention the Nazareth thing to any of my relatives to are coming by to drop off my things. It's a very sore subject to say the least."

Breaking off, I walked towards the window and opening the curtains slightly, gazing out at the cityscape and the people walking below me. "So, Caster as we'll call you for the moment. How confidant are you in your skills? Sure I believe you'll find no problem hiding in this age of smartphones and streets more crowded than the results of Rat Park but say... What happens if you were to pit yourself against another servant? Oh and uh... do you mind on clarifying what you mean by those freed from life?"
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Joel replied the greeting in kind, before answering "I am thy summoner, master and jointress in this great war of heroes, mine name is Joel von Einzbern, It is a great pleasure thou." Joel´s mind was already racing in thoughts how to exploit her servants class. She was quite happy to have Archer class, since it would allow for far more tactical attacks than simply sending the servant to attack the enemy, all the traps they could lay and wait to see how they would crush the enemy. Though of course she also was captivated by the beauty of the servant.
A 'von'. German, then. Archer could not help giving a little click at her tongue at that. Well, at least she was not a Spaniard. Archer turned her gaze to the castle, and the forest around it. It was largely composed of pine trees.

So she had been summoned in Germany as well. 'D, where are we?'

Judging by the starssong and the movement of the heavens, we are somewhere in western Germany. Your master has summoned you in advance of the war, the heavens do not yet align for the coming of the new year.

Possibly impressive? Archer was not overly familiar with the art of the magi.

Indeed, without the expertise of your caster aspect-

Yes, yes. Archer cut off the tangent at its head. They had already discussed this once before. "I recognize not the name, but a summoner is a summoner. Thou shalt hast aid of thine power for as long as it is did need." Archer nodded at the Einzbern mistress. "Introduce me to thy household staff. I shalt need to best be acquainted with them."
A 'von'. German, then. Archer could not help giving a little click at her tongue at that. Well, at least she was not a Spaniard. Archer turned her gaze to the castle, and the forest around it. It was largely composed of pine trees.

So she had been summoned in Germany as well. 'D, where are we?'

Judging by the starssong and the movement of the heavens, we are somewhere in western Germany. Your master has summoned you in advance of the war, the heavens do not yet align for the coming of the new year.

Possibly impressive? Archer was not overly familiar with the art of the magi.

Indeed, without the expertise of your caster aspect-

Yes, yes. Archer cut off the tangent at its head. They had already discussed this once before. "I recognize not the name, but a summoner is a summoner. Thou shalt hast aid of thine power for as long as it is did need." Archer nodded at the Einzbern mistress. "Introduce me to thy household staff. I shalt need to best be acquainted with them."

Joel looked at the servant with an amused glimmer in her red eyes, before nodding "I am not sure when we started calling us that either to be honest, but our history goes back to 1 Anno Domini. Follow along now, I will introduce you to the headmaid." She waved towards the castle doors, just as they opened and a figure entered the courtyard .

She was similar in appearance to Joel, but her attire differed from the purple dress Joel wore. She was dressed in a maid uniform which made her near invisible in front of the snow, though the silver hair, and pale skin were also helping.

She curtsied before the two ladies, before introducing herself to Archer. "Greetings and well met, my name is Josphina, I am the headmaid of Mistress Joel and will serve you as well to the best of my abilities, along with any other member of the household. "

Hundreds of scents filtered through Chinatown as dinnertime brought the restaurants to life. Large amounts of food at a good price seduced many people's wallets along with their palates. Cooks and waiters were quick to serve their delicious meals, and customers were swift to gobble it up. But despite being in the heart of this bustling district during one of its busiest hours none of this had anything to do with Fujiwara Sojiro. The symphony of the rambunctious nightlife was unable to pierce his humble abode, like it was completely shut off from the outside world. This silent antique store was home to his country's agents. Sojiro would've stood out more if he had needed to secure his own lodgings, but borrowing a long time resident's? As long as he kept quiet and was subtle about it, no one would know he was here. As for the owners, they were on a full paid vacation cruise that they had conveniently won in a contest.

Deep into the house, Sojiro decided to use a windowless room for the summoning. It was unlikely that anyone could peer pass the barriers, but just to be on the safe side, he didn't want to give anyone a light show. Sojiro stood before the summoning circle, a architecture of symbols woven with mercury. Although he was no longer a child, he couldn't help but feel a little giddy. He was about to summon a hero from the age of the gods, a warrior of such renown that even Westerners had heard his name. His thumb rubbed the piece of fabric between his fingers, a piece of that person's flag. The organization had spared no expense in gathering catalysts for Sojiro, and they had plenty to spare. Japan was a prosperous country, maintaining the third largest economy after the United States and China. His friend and comrade Gin was normally a light hearted comedian, but when he had personally handed the artifact to Sojiro he did so solemnly. Sojiro didn't want to fail his family, friends, or country. An artifact like the Holy Grail... It was too risky to let it fall into some stranger's hands. Who knew what they would wish for? Sojiro wanted to believe in the goodness of mankind, but time and again, he'd been shown otherwise. He was still hopeful but not naively so.

His throat bobbed. Reverence and anxiety assaulted him. He thought of wearing his robes but felt it was overkill, even the black suit and tie felt stiffing, but he wanted to show respect to the individual he was summoning, even if he would've been more comfortable in jacket and jeans. He placed the catalyst in the center of the circle, careful not to disturb the formation. Then he stepped back, kneeled in a deferential manner and placed his fingers on the edge of the circle. Another magus might've thought of a Servant as a mere familiar, but Sojiro was different. As far as he was concerned, they were legends worthy of respect.

The words of power slipped from his lips and all emotion bled out of him as he slipped deeper into a trance. The silver construction started to glow.
Radcliffe Tower, The Present

The shadow flitted up to the humped mass of stone. Rotten, mossy, the wind caressed each surface and snuck through the crevices it had cut through mortar, chipping and wearing away from the time Henry let spill the blood of Scot and Welshman, when Lord James raised it anew. It was older still however, its bones sunk deep in to the loam, history built upon history, age upon age. A nameless thing, a timeless thing, and endless thing.

Shawna stepped over the low fence ringing the ruined stump of man's ambition. The gates that barred the empty mouth of its entrance gave way in her hands, iron and rust flaking, twisting, submitting. She wiped the grime off with a pristine handkerchief, ever mindful of the standard of conduct she was held to. In the midst of this ancient disorder she remained aloof. Back straight as the stone's seams were crooked, skin glowing white against the dank green-brown of mosses feeding upon the rot of their antecedents, she was untarnished steel thrust in to a dark ring the good English loam sought to reclaim.

Then a twitch. A spasm. Something clicked and she was no different than her environs. She was--


The juices of her steak and kidney pie ran down her chin. Homemade, as most everything she ate these days had to be, and a masterpiece of flaky, untopped pastry, containing the vital nourishment. Red things. Soft things. Hunks to tear and rend and crunch, all wrapped in their buttery blanket. Again the handkerchief, but this time it came away scarlet, and it was good.

She began the ritual, in the clipped tones of received pronunciation her voice lost and echoing in time and darkness as she sought old power to claim what was hers. By every right, natural and unnatural, at any cost.



Sapphire flame spewed into the air; streams of molten, azure light: raw mana, the energy of the self, the soul, the world unbound. Raging, roaring, barely channeled by the structure of the spell, the ritual reinforcement. Hot enough to slag metaphysical motors and smelt the slow-turning gears of the land. Think of it as an engine, a cable on a chain, the winch whining and smoking as it struggled to pull a soul from...well. Not heaven to be sure, but something close to it. Something almost in kind.

What arrogance, to think that a few words would be enough to loot the Throne, that a bit of blood and some scratched sigils were enough to tear down the sky.

But still, she called and the divine machine answered. She demanded and the celestial mechanisms obeyed. The blaze slow-swirling, collapsing in on itself, rising to a scream of air and loosed power before detonating with all the force of a mortar shell. A meteor strike. The shockwave whipping her hair on end, sending skeins of dust and scorched grass past her ankles. The ancient stones shuddering with the impact, rock crumbling away, falling pebbles and the hiss of dry sand and dust from the seams between torso-large bricks.

The wound in the world resolving into a shape, a shadow and-

What was that?

What was that?

A squirming, coiling, patch of blackness. A tentacular darkness, plasmic and mutable; details fading into the gloom, insane colors bleeding into sharp aches of the eye. Slow-pouring itself into something smaller, resolving and refining until it was something that didn't set the brain on fire to see. That didn't send shards of splintered glass through the white meat of the sclera. Until the dimensions made sense and the anatomy was human and it was a pair of dark boots alighting gently on the seared circle of earth and soil. Cinder and char crunching underfoot as the boy took a step forward. Head tipped up to look the Magus in the- no not quite the eye, but at least the face. A black-bound book appearing in a swirl of blue motes, nestled securely in the crook of his arm.

"I ask of you," he said softly, formally, all but swallowed up in a sleek, green-black raincoat, a child of no more than twelve, "are you to be my Master?"
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She was similar in appearance to Joel, but her attire differed from the purple dress Joel wore. She was dressed in a maid uniform which made her near invisible in front of the snow, though the silver hair, and pale skin were also helping.

She curtsied before the two ladies, before introducing herself to Archer. "Greetings and well met, my name is Josphina, I am the headmaid of Mistress Joel and will serve you as well to the best of my abilities, along with any other member of the household. "
A homunculus?

Archer eyed the maid. 'She's hardly little.'

They can be grown larger. But she radiates with mana- not to the extent your master does, but clearly enough so that it is obvious that she cannot be natural born.

'I see.' Archer held out her left hand, where her ring finger glinted with an adornment, gold with a prominent ruby. "Thou may kiss mine ring." As she waited for the headmaid to properly greet her, Archer turned to speak to Joel. "I shalt eke require introductions to thy spymaster, treasurer, marshal, and guards. Mine own household hast not been summoned with me."