Where is the Cash clan when you need them...
Well one of them is off fighting in Florida again... CX
New lore:
On a family holiday to Romania the unassuming Cash family gets caught by the belligerent Macedonian Empire's next step in its quest for world domination. The Romanian army, much like the other countries before them, stood no chance against Emperor Waver's mysterious and overwhelming power. In the midst of this crisis, the youngest scion of the Cash clan learns of his family's dark secrets and must now use them to save his family, and maybe even the world.
ah yes, the unpredictable force of destruction known only as Dark Cash
Quite :V
Rider watched after the man for a moment.

"...Was he speaking English?" He asked. "Or any language? I could make sense of a few of the words there, but I have no idea what this "Thine" and "Self Control" thing is meant to be. I am fairly sure he was making up words..."

Rider shook his head.

"Very well then." He declared. "I'll just go into Astral form and run in a straight line until I'm outside."

Fading from sight, the Servant proceeded to do to.
You do realise this has a half-decent chance of you walking straight into Grand Order's final battle, covering your ass by claiming you're there to laugh at Goetia, right?:V
You do realise this has a half-decent chance of you walking straight into Grand Order's final battle, covering your ass by claiming you're there to laugh at Goetia, right?:V

I'm just waiting until things come crashing down so I can have Rider remind people that he has a certain thing that isn't on his sheet and claim he saw it all coming

Whenever or not he actually has the thing in this class is irrelevant

I'm just waiting until things come crashing down so I can have Rider remind people that he has a certain thing that isn't on his sheet and claim he saw it all coming

Whenever or not he actually has the thing in this class is irrelevant

Ah, you must be referring to his own Idoru career.:V
*Looks at GM post*

Let's see if three minutes to midnight is a good time to write an A+ Charisma villaincharacter. :V

Saber: @TheFanficAddict Master: @IKnowNothing
Archer: @The3rdCorinthian Master: @Theaxofwar
Lancer: @Xaldin Master: @Aoditor
Rider: @Mortifer Master: @Grue
Caster: @The Out Of World Master: @God and the Snake
Assassin: @Azrael Master: @Khawy
Berserker: @TehChron Master: @Wizard_Marshall
btw TehChron is suspended at the moment, so you might need to chat with him over PM and see if that's gonna expire in a reasonable timeframe