"Keep'em coming Carl."

The Dead Apostle watched her hypnotized cook work for a moment, took a sip of tea, licked grease and blood off her fingers. Power move. Snippy little Association girl could wait.

"Ahem. Take a seat Lady Shawna, I don't bite." Glittering fangs begged to differ. "Or, at least not anything that'd make me sick, and I was wrong about you sweetie, you don't look like shit, you look like shit warmed over in a Third-World trash fire. I'm talking one of the ones with the old PCB capacitor cans and god knows what else...sorry, rambling. Keeps the voices down. Give'm an inch they take your goddamn leg and don't...no...I said no..."

Gingerly hefting her gun she slipped it back in to its holster under her duster.

"Anyway. Natalia Kaminiski. Not of the Association. Too stiff upper lip, classist, hidebound, all those good British qualities. So, they're exporting to the states now? Not sure you'll find a decent fry up in Florida, but this is just about as good."

On the one hand, a proper Magus would not ever dream of reacting to a Dead Apostle's remarks as if it were a human, as if it were anything besides a pest to be crushed underfoot, remains wiped from ones bootheel, and then forgotten.

On the other...to be insulted without retaliation, even by a creature...was ignoring the slight an assertion of your superiority, that the one insulting you was too far beneath your station to even bother noticing...or was it weakness? You weren't retaliating because you couldn't, because your displeasure wasn't something to be feared?

As with most matters regarding Magus social protocol, it was...complicated.

And so Shawna does not openly react. Nothing overt. Nothing so obvious as casting her own verbal barbs. She merely looked Kaminski up and down, the slightest movement of her head to make sure the motion wasn't lost behind her sunglasses, then ever so slightly sniffs. A sort of "Pardon me if I do not accept criticism of my appearance from someone who voluntarily went out in public dressed like that" delicate flaring of her nostrils, and if the creature was too thick to grasp the nuances of her retort that was its problem.

Behind her eyes, the Other sighed, but Shawna barely noticed it because her nonverbal gesture of contempt had perhaps been somewhat ill advised considering the mouth watering aroma wafting off the Apostle, and Kaminski's tongue playing over white fingers sticky with blood and grease...

Those fingers in her mouth, teeth crunching down, stripping the meat, blood and the food drippings like a glaze, like a marinade and it wasn't like they were human fingers so it didn't really count, did it? A cheat meal, was that what they called it....

Summoner? Summoner, you do know she is like you...in the sense that there is a Servant bonded to her, and in no other way of course. Something to consider.

'It', not 'she'
Shawna corrected the presence in her head, and she was drooling again. Slavering, really, and she snatched her gaze away from the Dead Apostle's hands, reaching for her kerchief, please please let the food come soon...

From down the road a man seemingly straight out of noir fiction walks forward with hands in trench coat pockets, the image somewhat subverted by the colorful hair beneath his flat cap. He approaches the establishment with a calm demeanor, and stops at the door to unbutton the outer apparel. As he takes his time in the practiced motions — reveal a white button-down shirt left to hang out over simple dark grey slacks — a minute smile graces his features. Were the primary famished patrons to turn to meet Verner's gaze he would nod in courtesy and tip his cap were a hand free from their work. After all...

A Magus. A Dead Apostle and now another Magus and probably soon to be an Executor and a representative of the Sea of Estray and so hungry just hungry, that was all, everybody got hungry and everybody had to eat, nothing wrong with that nothing inhuman if they would all just leave her alone and let her eat a nice, human meal of human food...just LEAVE her ALONE so she could EAT like a PERSON!

Hmmmmm went the voice in her head, in a slightly knowing manner that would have pissed Shawna off if she wasn't watching the soft meat at the base of the newcomers neck, if she wasn't thinking of syurp and salt and didn't want to cook it too much, sear the taste out of it...

Natalia let out a low, slow growl that rumbled deep in her chest. "What the FUCK do you people want?!"


"I am....simply...famished...and I...just...want..." someone "something to eat." Prim proper English please don't look at the lines of saliva on my chin my teeth nothing wrong with my teeth rude and improper to notice such things, mention them, just my little eccentricity ha ha and her stomach was growling as loudly as the bloodsucker.
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Satisfied with the coat so that it wouldn't be too warm, the man outside reached for the door and started to open it up.
Natalia let out a low, slow growl that rumbled deep in her chest. "What the FUCK do you people want?!"
Door cracked open, Verner paused at the guttural vibration and the words that accompanied it.
「Well. Tha's unfortunate.」
「Breakfast,」 came his succinct reply, portal held still as he looked over to the bustle in the kitchen.

"I am....simply...famished...and I...just...want..." someone "something to eat." Prim proper English please don't look at the lines of saliva on my chin my teeth nothing wrong with my teeth rude and improper to notice such things, mention them, just my little eccentricity ha ha and her stomach was growling as loud as the bloodsucker.
"No rush — "
「Speak for yerself.」
I am, thank you...? " — but..." Looking between the two the Magus nodded his head in the direction of the bar-seats. "May I, or...?" he trailed off as black eyes very visibly looked behind him. "...waiting outside is...fine..."
「Ye really are a man of few words, aren't ye...?」
「Yare yare daze...」

"I am....simply...famished...and I...just...want..." someone "something to eat." Prim proper English please don't look at the lines of saliva on my chin my teeth nothing wrong with my teeth rude and improper to notice such things, mention them, just my little eccentricity ha ha and her stomach was growling as loudly as the bloodsucker.

"No rush — "
「Speak for yerself.」
I am, thank you...? " — but..." Looking between the two the Magus nodded his head in the direction of the bar-seats. "May I, or...?" he trailed off as black eyes very visibly looked behind him. "...waiting outside is...fine..."
「Ye really are a man of few words, aren't ye...?」
「Yare yare daze...」

Natalia gave the man a scornful growl. "Piss off and find your own watering hole whelp. We swear, we'll hang you from Odin's horse AND FEAST UPON YOUR ENTRAILS. YOUR SCREAMS WILL WARN THE PREY THAT WE COME. WE̛ CO̡M̛E. W̩̻̘̰̙̱̦͘Ę̦͖͠͠ ̺̪̺̫̜C̞͈͈͕͉̮̦̭̖̀͘Ó̵̤̟̜̖ͅM̸̵̧̠͙̻͖E̫̘̫̬̝̞̝ͅ.͍̼̜͙͈͍́ W̨̘̹̱̥̫̞̫̻̹͝͞Ȩ̡̻̳̩̗͉̝͓͙ ̷̛͚͔̖͇̞̟̗̳̙̟̞̩͙͍́͝͡C͏̴̵͚̟̪̬͜Ò̡̧͙̩͍̝̤̱̲̥̯͇͡M̶̛͓͍̫̟͈͉͓̥̬͔̙̖̳̲E͙̮̳̤͈͝.̵̛̲̞͖̳̙̖̣͝ͅ

The Dead Apostle quivered in her seat, her eyes hollowing out in to dark pits and things seeming to teem within her mouth as if her skin was just a shell for some dimension of nightmare invertebrates. Black liquid leaked down her face and spread in her veins, making Shawna's drooling look positively chaste as the smell of rotten blood and carnage filled the restaurant.

No more fucking tea if you push me. Stop.

The beast trying to slough its frail humanoid skin paused, panting as it stared at the other two Masters with alien intellect, watching for any break, any opening to lunge.
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The Dead Apostle quivered in her seat, her eyes hollowing out in to dark pits and things seeming to teem within her mouth as if her skin was just a shell for some dimension of nightmare invertebrates. Black liquid leaked down her face and spread in her veins, making Shawna's drooling look positively chaste as the smell of rotten blood and carnage filled the restaurant.

Oh Holy God that smells DIVINE.

That was the last coherent thought to run through Shawna's mind. That the smell before, drying blood and frying grease she'd just thought that was torture, just thought that was teasing and tickling the hunger and teasing and teasingteasingsoemptyneedabitefilltheholefillfilljustabitpeckish...

The Other was saying something, crackling jolts of energy running through the scars on her face, highlighting the other scars right through her suit trying to make her stop, make her feel something besides the craving and the smell so good. So hungry. Just a bite.

And so she just.


Fighting it.

It was the black eyed Magus' bad luck that he was the first thing in Shawna's field of view when she gave in. When she stopped holding back the clawing emptiness in her guts.

When the bone white serrated blade slid out of her sleeve, and she crossed the space between them in a fencer's lunge, point trained on his center of mass to pin him in place while she tore warm, bleeding chunks off to fill the screaming void.
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Natalia gave the man a scornful growl. "Piss off and find your own watering hole whelp. We swear, we'll hang you from Odin's horse AND FEAST UPON YOUR ENTRAILS. YOUR SCREAMS WILL WARN THE PREY THAT WE COME. WE̛ CO̡M̛E. W̩̻̘̰̙̱̦͘Ę̦͖͠͠ ̺̪̺̫̜C̞͈͈͕͉̮̦̭̖̀͘Ó̵̤̟̜̖ͅM̸̵̧̠͙̻͖E̫̘̫̬̝̞̝ͅ.͍̼̜͙͈͍́ W̨̘̹̱̥̫̞̫̻̹͝͞Ȩ̡̻̳̩̗͉̝͓͙ ̷̛͚͔̖͇̞̟̗̳̙̟̞̩͙͍́͝͡C͏̴̵͚̟̪̬͜Ò̡̧͙̩͍̝̤̱̲̥̯͇͡M̶̛͓͍̫̟͈͉͓̥̬͔̙̖̳̲E͙̮̳̤͈͝.̵̛̲̞͖̳̙̖̣͝ͅ
A beat. "Okay. Later, then." And with that he let go of the door and stepped back with placating hands as the albino...
The Dead Apostle quivered in her seat, her eyes hollowing out in to dark pits and things seeming to teem within her mouth as if her skin was just a shell for some dimension of nightmare invertebrates. Black liquid leaked down her face and spread in her veins, making Shawna's drooling look positively chaste as the smell of rotten blood and carnage filled the restaurant.
...well, That's a thing.
「Not sure why ye're letting 『whelp』 stand.」
Because it's probably true technically, even if she weren't a Dead Apostle? came the swift retort, And I do truly feel that —
That was the last coherent thought to run through Shawna's mind. That the smell before, drying blood and frying grease she'd just thought that was torture, just thought that was teasing and tickling the hunger and teasing and teasingteasingsoemptyneedabitefilltheholefillfilljustabitpeckish...

The Other was saying something, crackling jolts of energy running through the scars on her face, highlighting the other scars right through her suit trying to make her stop, make her feel something besides the craving and the smell so good. So hungry. Just a bite.

And so she just.


Fighting it.
— it's rarely worthwhile to be discourteous...!
Steps back from the Waffle House door took much more distance with each stride.
「Flight or fight, then?」
Normally? Fight. But since the other one asked? Flight seems best if possible. Hopefully I won't——
It was the black eyed Magus' bad luck that he was the first thing in Shawna's field of view when she gave in. When she stopped holding back the clawing emptiness in her guts.

When the bone white serrated blade slid out of her sleeve, and she crossed the space between them in a fencer's lunge, point trained on his center of mass to pin him in place while she tore warm, bleeding chunks off to fill the screaming void.
need to stall her...!
「Just move!
"Dance and flicker with flame...!"

Even with the relative distance covered from the restaurant there wasn't much in the way of alternatives beyond variations of "wide-open parking lot", but none of those were very good for keeping things away from civilians and general property damage. Not to mention moving out of the way alone wasn't going to do much depending on the approach. Something needed to actually halt or slow the charge, and though it wasn't the preferable option in the wheelhouse it would do.

So as another long stride was made back two fingers swung down towards the concrete and a fire burst forth in a thick half-circle between Verner and Shawna curving about the caster, and with it came a storm of blue butterflies that dove through the blaze and came down upon his attacker alight with fire but unimpeded and glowing with energy as if...!
Outside the illusion his trench coat fluttered widely as he rushed away at full speed.
「I know we're running, but I didn't know better looking forward to a bout would be ye'r fault, rubbing off on me...!」
「Took the words right out of my thoughts — 『I am thou, and thou art I,』 right? Be ready to take over if this doesn't work out...」
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It was the black eyed Magus' bad luck that he was the first thing in Shawna's field of view when she gave in. When she stopped holding back the clawing emptiness in her guts.

When the bone white serrated blade slid out of her sleeve, and she crossed the space between them in a fencer's lunge, point trained on his center of mass to pin him in place while she tore warm, bleeding chunks off to fill the screaming void.

Two fingers extended from one gloved hand in a swinging point skyward as a flurry of motion burst forward on the other side of the door: a storm of butterflies — illusions all — became a strange blockade before the entrance to the Waffle House. Without their wits about them there would be little they could do in lieu until they snapped out of it, but with the Grail War relying on that and even secondary entrapment was true folly.
「If I didn't know better looking forward to this would be ye, rubbing off on me...!」
「Took the words right out of my thoughts. 『I am thou, and thou art I,』 right?」

The stool cracked as the weight resting upon it increased dramatically. Overt violence, magic, threats from every direction and the ever present scent of fear and sustenance was just too much for her. And it. Too much.

Natalia dropped the chain.

There was a burst that blew the windows of the Waffle House out as air was displaced. Where she'd been sitting there was nothing but a broken stool and a slouching seven feet of heavy black armor. The figure's sex was superfluous, the plate it wore was a brutal affair marked by countless battles and scored by sword, mace, claw, and tooth. Something scratched inside, trying to escape, and its limbs flexed and shook independently of one another like the entire thing was a shaky confederation of constituent parts just waiting for the first shot of the inevitable civil war. Red eyes glowed through the slotted helm and steam escaped below them as it panted, its gaze seeming to hone in through the mass of butterflies with uncomfortable ease.

With an unnerving silence after Natalia's swearing and growls it charged, a brutal looking length of steel materializing in its hand as it churned the floor to rubble on approach.

The first sentence went in one ear and quickly evacuated out the other for fear of doing any lasting damage should it linger. The second stayed and took root. The cocktail from earlier had already made it through, and his stomach was yawning whenever it wasn't twisting up in an anxious knot.

"Yes please that sounds very good right now."

<And then you kill him while his guard is down. An excellent strategy.>

Even he could tell Avenger was just being snide. He tried to ignore her.

"Allllright then!"

Getting clapped on the shoulder was a bit like being side-swiped by a semitruck. The man wasn't trying to bully him, wasn't trying to casually humiliate him, if he was Hayden had the dim impression that he would have been cratered into the fucking floor. He was just...strong. Unsettlingly strong. Enforcer strong.

The party was winding down around them, people filtering out, chatting. The servers cleaning, stacking up used trays. The lights shone down, cool and white and hi-tech. Stripping away the shadows, letting the exhibits's colors shine through properly.

The humming was gone.

Lawrence mingled in with the stream of guests, catching the door and holding it for the other man, all gentleman-like.

"So, what's your name?"
"Allllright then!"

Getting clapped on the shoulder was a bit like being side-swiped by a semitruck. The man wasn't trying to bully him, wasn't trying to casually humiliate him, if he was Hayden had the dim impression that he would have been cratered into the fucking floor. He was just...strong. Unsettlingly strong. Enforcer strong.

The party was winding down around them, people filtering out, chatting. The servers cleaning, stacking up used trays. The lights shone down, cool and white and hi-tech. Stripping away the shadows, letting the exhibits's colors shine through properly.

The humming was gone.

Lawrence mingled in with the stream of guests, catching the door and holding it for the other man, all gentleman-like.

"So, what's your name?"
Hayden flinched. If he was hoping to be tougher due to his possession at the very least, he was sorely disappointed. Even so, the flinch was too strong. It came a hair before Lawrence's hand actually made contact and nearly bowled him over. He stumbled and regained his balance, standing stiffly a few paces from the white-haired man. Glancing around furtively at the exhibit, fiddling nervously. At least that humming at the edge of his hearing had finally stopped.

<I swear to any god still watching over this world I will throttle you with your own hand if you do not stop simpering and compose yourself.>

Hayden's bruised hand twitched in his pocket. He stood up ramrod straight, eyes wide, as if whipped right at the base of his spine. He swallowed, spinning back to face Lawrence far too rapidly.


A pause. Too long. Self-conscious.

"Prescott." Much quieter.

The Prescott line was not the oldest or the most storied, but it was large and it was respectable. Its heirs were distinguished magical biologists, crafting the finest chimeric familiars one could ask for, hunting down fossilised bone fragments and magically reconstituting long-spilled drops of blood from the lost beasts of the Far Side. Its spares were fearsome Executors and Enforcers, bred to be better than human by their well-cultivated mutable genetics and a selection of enhancements from the steadily growing family archives.

And then there was Hayden.

"And, ah, yours?"
For a moment, Carey thought it would be another quiet night. The only thing of note his familiars had picked up was a Domino's Pizza delivery to Church of Our Mother Saint Mary, the overseer's sanctuary. There was no accounting for taste. Technically, the Overseer's church was supposed to be neutral ground, and Carey didn't have any intention to violate that unless he had good reason too. Didn't mean he couldn't use it to identify any Master foolish enough to register. Too bad no one had taken the obvious bait.


Fortunately, someone else had drawn his notice. In this day and age, there was an app for almost everything, and Carey had set his computer to notice a very specific set of parameters, which was triggered by a female wearing a heavy jacket with a hoodie whose appearance alone lit his suspicions, especially in Florida's weather. The sight of her using her blood as a catalyst was all the confirmation he needed. Seemed like she was staking out the hotels. Probably looking for out-of-town Magi. Not a bad idea. Carey had already paid the local criminal element to keep an eye on these places.

The hitman pulled back his familiars watching her and sent in Saber's friends to replace them. He wasn't sure what kind of supernatural senses this Magus had, but he wasn't going to underestimate whatever Servant was accompanying them. The ones under Saber's call were much more subtle; they were everywhere after all. He emailed her photo to his information broker and ran it through an app on his computer. She appeared on his cameras once; maybe she'd appear somewhere else in his recording.

As he engaged the warehouse's security behind him, Carey contemplated which ride to go with. He decided to forego the high performance motorcycle and went with the nondescript Toyota Corolla. The bike might've suited Saber more in terms of combat, but he wasn't intending to get into a tussle just yet. Meanwhile over a million Corollas had been sold just last year, a car like that tended to blend into the background, and unlike his bike, the car's trunk had plenty of space to carry some extra gear. Carey wasn't the type to jump into things without doing his research. If he could trail her back to her Workshop without getting caught, he'd be satisfied.

Carey made sure to give his prey a wide berth. He suspected the average Servant had a sensory range of around 200 to 300 hundred feet but wasn't sure, so he kept his car back around 600 feet. A little too far for a quick response, but for tailing it was just fine. Nonetheless, he was already wearing Kevlar under his duster, and his P90 was hidden in a half-open bag on the passenger seat. A Florida baseball cap topped off his half-hearted disguise. It wouldn't hide anything from a passing pedestrian, but Carey was more concerned about the cameras setup around the city. Ever since the terrorism scare a few years ago, the bigger cities had begun taking security a lot more seriously. There were more government cameras littered around the city than there were ten years ago, making work more difficult for people like Carey. If he got embroiled in an altercation, the last thing he wanted was to get caught on tape. He doubted most Magi were as technologically inclined as he was, but it never hurt to be careful.
Nemina swished and flicked, and the last tiny demons sprung off her hands and splashed onto the ground like tiny droplets of black mud, before immediately uprooting themselves and proceeding to scurry around like tiny little beetles. Nemina stepped on them and casually ground them into the sidewalk with her heel.

"That should be the last of them," she said, looking up at the final hotel. It had been a pain finding them all, but luckily she lived in the 21st century, where there were such useful tool as Google Maps. Also, she was not a magi, and as such was not a luddite afraid of modern technology.

"Are we going back then? I would have loved to stay out longer."

"No," Nemina shook her head, glancing behind herself out of the corner of her eyes. Yes, she hadn't been paranoid and imagined it after all. It was there. Like they'd think she wouldn't notice. "There's someone tracking us."

"Tracking us...? Like....?"

"That familiar, on the roof of that building, you see that? It's been trailing us for the last two hours. The owner didn't do a good enough job of making it inconspicuous and I pinged onto it after the second hotel."

"Someone had the same idea as you, then."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Seed the town with a few easy to make familiars with cameras, stick their feeds onto the same screen. You can get a surveillance net for cheap, that way."

"You sound like you've had a lot of experience with this."

"The Church uses a similar technique a lot." Nemina slide back onto the sidewalk and continued walking, deliberately keeping her movements nonchalant- trying not to alarm anybody. "The vampires who get strong enough to think, but aren't strong enough to openly resist the Church, they start trying to cover their trails. We track down where they lair and hit them there."

"Sounds bad. For us, I mean."

"Not exactly." Nemina trundled into a low cost clothing store and began picking through layers of nondescript shirts and pants. "Whoever's been watching the feeds hasn't moved on them yet- so right now it's just information. Not particularly good information either. All he knows is that I'm wearing a really heavy coat which obscures most of my defining body features and I was doing something to the hotels. He doesn't know what I look like underneath the jacket nor who I am or even what servant you are. But on my side, their trap is sprung, and I'm aware of it now."

"So they blew their cover on some bad information. We're going to use this, right?"

"Yeah," Nemina nodded. "First off, I'm going to reschedule my appointment with Father Crowley. They're likely going to be watching his Church. I don't think they'll go as far as to put a tail of the neutral overseer of Grail War, but it's not implausible," Nemina said, examining a blue windbreaker with her left hand, while rapidly texting with her right.

<<Father Crowley, this is Sister Gallimard of the Basilique Cathédrale Sainte-Croix d'Orléans, participant for this Holy Grail War. If it's not too much trouble, could we going out later tonight, perhaps for a late meal? I know I was set to come in tomorrow morning to register my servant, but I've discovered some unfortunate complications regarding the servant summoning. Also one of the participants might have set their familiars to trail you, just a note of warning.>>

Nemina scrolled through it one more time, and then tapped the send button. Hopefully Father Crowley would return her text when he had the time. In the meanwhile... she snatched up a pair of pants, and some tacky sunglasses and stepped into the changing room to try them out. A quick bounded field to ensure privacy, and then to change.

First, the coat. The coat dropped to the ground, where it made a heavy metallic thud. Nemina winced. Ah. Hopefully she hadn't damaged the ground.

"Oh, wow. What did you put in there."

"A couple of Black Keys, some flashbombs, anchors for defensive bounded fields, and a lot of other stuff. It doesn't matter- we're going to have to ditch most of it anyway." Nemina sighed. That was a lot of gear getting thrown away. Well, no, maybe she could save most of it. The Black Keys, at the very least. Most of the other stuff was easily replaceable, but she didn't fancy having to write back to her boss to ask for another set of holy swords.

She turned to look at herself in the mirror. Underneath the bulky coat she was... pretty small actually. Yellow-grayish hair, cute face, amber eyes like dragons. Nemina reached up to smooth down her ahoge, only for to pop right back up. She sighed. Nevermind then.

For clothing, she was wearing a dumb orange touristy t-shirt, with something about Florida and Gaters stenciled across her chest, but most interestingly, strewn across both her arms were holy shrouds. She slipped on the blue windbreaker, and pulled up a pair of tight jeans across similarly wrapped legs. Lastly, the sunglasses and a baseball cap. She turned back to the mirror. "How do I look?"

"Like a really tacky tourist."

...yeah, true enough. "But would I stand out?"

"No, you'd blend right in with the rest of the tourists. That's why it's so tacky."

"Perfect," Nemina took the clothes off and folded them neatly on the bench before pulling her old coat back on. "We're going to use these to lose our tail."

Dispelling the bounded field on the changing room, she walked back out into the small store, new clothes tucked under-arm. On the way to the checkout counter, she grabbed two cheap backpacks.

Five minutes until my shift's over. Ugh. Another weirdo. Hm, actually if I look at her face she's kind of cute, but like she's also wearing a giant coat in the middle of a Floridian summer, so cute but crazy. "Hi, can I help you?"

"Oui," Nemina played up her accent for emphasis. Americans, she found, were much more likely to play nice if they thought you were just a kooky foreigner. "This is check-out, oui?"

Oh, she's foreign. That explains it. "Yes, this is check out." The young teenager at the checkout counter smiled at her. "You're wanting to buy those?"

Nemina nodded. "Oui."

As the checkout boy ran the items through, he kept glancing over at Nemina. She could tell what he was thinking. This foreign girl is actually cuter than I thought she was. I wonder if she'd accept if I asked her out on a date. The answer to that was no, Nemina thought, but she pretended like she was a completely normal human being who couldn't read minds and plastered a smile on her face.

"Um, so alltogether, that'll be uh, 62.95?"

"Do you acceptz-vous cash?"

"Er, yeah, sure." The checkout boy hastily ran the money through the machine. "Er, are you visiting Florida?"

"Oui," Nemina nodded. "I am visiting a priest here."

Oh, she's religious. Man, when Johnny said you could meet cute foreign girls at church I thought he was kidding! "Oh. Um, I hope you have fun, then. Do you want me to put all of these into one of the backpacks?"

"S'il vous plaît."

After a moment of struggle, the checkout counter boy handed the now full backpack over the counter. "There you go. I hope you come again."

"Maybe if you're still here," Nemina winked and then quickly clasped a hand over her mouth with a look of surprise. "Um- um.... I should go!"

Wait, is she into me? "Hey wait!" The cashier yelled, but Nemina was already fleeing into the streets. She ran for a little bit, before she slowed down, face flushing not particularly from exertion, but embarrassment mostly.

"What exactly was that for?" She grit out.

"C'mon, that kid was totally into you. I could tell. Why not give him a bit of hope?"

"Because we're in a potentially life threatening situation here?" Nemina sighed, and then straightened up, looking back for the familiar again. Hm. Gone now. That wasn't particularly good. "Whatever. We're going to have to hurry up- I think whoever was tracking us decided to make their move."

"So, what's the next step of your master plan?"

"We're going to crash a tourist destination," Nemina whispered, as she moved to fall back into the line of pedestrians moving northwards, sticking closely to the civilians to screen her movement. "Preferably a big one with a lot of people."

She walked, not conspicuously but with a certain sense of urgency, scanning her surrounding as she did so. No- too quite- too obvious- there! An art exhibit, hosting what seemed like a small event. Nemina steeled herself, and then moved towards the crowd, towards the security guard, who stood near the entrance with an somewhat absentminded expression on his face. "Excuse me? Sir?"

"Everything's okay," the man said in a daze. The sun the sun the sun the sun. "It's all okay."

"What's up with him?"

Nemina inwardsly shrugged. His thoughts... they were extremely strange. But, at the same time it could also just be drugs. "Um, is it alright, if I step inside for a bit?"

"It's okay." He's here now he's here now he's here now he's here now

Nemina blinked again, and then took another look at the man. There was an odd scent in the air, but the security guard was... human, still. There was nothing wrong with him or his body. Maybe it was just drugs. "Um, alright then."

She bounced up the steps without looking the gift horse in the mouth, trying to ignore the strange prickling on her skin.

The amount of guests were looking like they were dying down now, which was good. A steady movement of people flocking towards the exits, normally, chatting, talking. Great, great. This would work fine. Nemina scanned the foyer for someone who looked like they would be willing to help her. There. Two talking over there- an old white haired mandressed in a somewhat touristy t-shirt and some jeans, talking with a much younger man with a distinctly uncomfortable body language. There was something a little bit... odd about them, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. It was... probably nothing. Nemina decided to walk towards them.

"Um, hi, hello," she called out, to trying to mask her growing unease. "Um, do one of you kind gentlemen mind telling me where the wo-"

And then she saw them. Sclera like molten gold, an iris of rippling tongues of fire reaching outwards. The white hair- that wasn't that of that of an old man's, but of something not quite human. The guard, the scent, the tingling upon her spine and across her skin, it all came together. She'd been too distracted by the shadowgames with her unknown pursuer- she'd missed all the obvious clues!

Nemina froze, and then forced herself to unfreeze. Nothing is wrong. Don't stiffen up. Relax. She slowly untensed herself, and gave him an awkward smile. "-the, uh, where the woman's restroom is?"

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"Prescott." Much quieter.

The Prescott line was not the oldest or the most storied, but it was large and it was respectable. Its heirs were distinguished magical biologists, crafting the finest chimeric familiars one could ask for, hunting down fossilised bone fragments and magically reconstituting long-spilled drops of blood from the lost beasts of the Far Side. Its spares were fearsome Executors and Enforcers, bred to be better than human by their well-cultivated mutable genetics and a selection of enhancements from the steadily growing family archives.

And then there was Hayden.

"And, ah, yours?"

"Oh well that is...ahaha," off came the glasses, folded and stuffed in a pocket, an awkward hand pushed through his feathery hair. His grin was big and broad and guileless and wow it was enough to make a nun feel Things. In the end almost every description of the man boiled down to a single essential fact: Laurence was pretty. Really pretty. Boy band and supermodel and "Yo, man, I like girls but if I had to pick one guy" pretty. The worst part was that he didn't even have the decency to look grossly inhuman in the process. He didn't have the unearthly, almost alien beauty of sculpted homunculi or spliced up Magi. His was a very mortal sort of aesthetic, with just enough minor flaws to avoid plunging properly into the uncanny valley.

The absolute fuck.

"Technically I'm supposed to introduce myself as surname 'Cook'. Probably because 'Dog' was too on the nose, y'know? But hey! This is sort of a special situation isn't it? I'm an Arkwright by, to be fair, the very loosest of definitions. But Laurence is fine, for now and later~."

Ah. That explained the, uh, sense Hayden was getting. Laurence was almost aggressively American. The Arkwrights were an old family, older than the nation they inhabited and one that was not unknown to Hayden. They moved in much the same spheres as the Prescotts really, cultivating Mysteries derived from biological sciences. More reckless to be sure (some unkind souls would go so far as to say "sloppy") and lacking the refined tastes of their European cousins; old money with all the grace and taste of the new.

Abruptly the other man felt his companion's attention fade. His posture shift, orienting towards an approaching figure.

"Um, hi, hello," she called out, to trying to mask her growing unease. "Um, do one of you kind gentlemen mind telling me where the wo-"

And then she saw them. Sclera like molten gold, an iris of rippling tongues of fire reaching outwards. The white hair- that wasn't that of that of an old man's, but of something not quite human. The guard, the scent, the tingling upon her spine and across her skin, it all came together. She'd been too distracted by the shadowgames with her unknown pursuer- she'd missed all the obvious clues!

Nemina froze, and then forced herself to unfreeze. Nothing is wrong. Don't stiffen up. Relax. She slowly untensed herself, and gave him an awkward smile. "-the, uh, where the woman's restroom is?"


"...I'm just going to let that hang in the air for a bit. So we can aaaall just...wish for a do-over."

And so he did, waiting in silence, staring at the woman with nearly unblinking eyes as the crush of the crowd seemed to thicken. Spilling out down the steps, onto the sidewalk. Talking and laughing and chattering away into the warm, humid night. Hayden could hear it, hear the return of the humming as everyone started to leave. The guests, the servers, the guards...

The director.

His arms crossed over his sinewy chest as he leaned against the plate glass door.

"Look, I'll be honest Miss. I'm here to have fun and this fine gentleman here has already graciously agreed to be my escort for the night. So there's one of three ways this can go: you turn around and keep scouting the city, we throw down here and now, or," and here his grin widened a bit farther, sharp, milk-white canines all but dimpling his lips, "you come out for drinks and we make three a crowd."
"Oh well that is...ahaha," off came the glasses, folded and stuffed in a pocket, an awkward hand pushed through his feathery hair. His grin was big and broad and guileless and wow it was enough to make a nun feel Things. In the end almost every description of the man boiled down to a single essential fact: Laurence was pretty. Really pretty. Boy band and supermodel and "Yo, man, I like girls but if I had to pick one guy" pretty. The worst part was that he didn't even have the decency to look grossly inhuman in the process. He didn't have the unearthly, almost alien beauty of sculpted homunculi or spliced up Magi. His was a very mortal sort of aesthetic, with just enough minor flaws to avoid plunging properly into the uncanny valley.

The absolute fuck.

"Technically I'm supposed to introduce myself as surname 'Cook'. Probably because 'Dog' was too on the nose, y'know? But hey! This is sort of a special situation isn't it? I'm an Arkwright by, to be fair, the very loosest of definitions. But Laurence is fine, for now and later~."

Ah. That explained the, uh, sense Hayden was getting. Laurence was almost aggressively American. The Arkwrights were an old family, older than the nation they inhabited and one that was not unknown to Hayden. They moved in much the same spheres as the Prescotts really, cultivating Mysteries derived from biological sciences. More reckless to be sure (some unkind souls would go so far as to say "sloppy") and lacking the refined tastes of their European cousins; old money with all the grace and taste of the new.

It truly was a small world after all. He might as well have bumped into one of his brothers for all the world was conspiring to rub shame in his dead little eyes like coarse sand. With that otherworldly allure, white hair and Enforcer strength, Laurence could only be some breed of cambion. Promiscuity as a magical-energy-gathering tactic. No wonder he was bothering to talk to Hayden like a person. That or he still hadn't actually realised what Hayden was. Neither option particularly enthralled him.

It was almost a relief when another stranger entered, drawing the pale young magus' attention.

The amount of guests were looking like they were dying down now, which was good. A steady movement of people flocking towards the exits, normally, chatting, talking. Great, great. This would work fine. Nemina scanned the foyer for someone who looked like they would be willing to help her. There. Two talking over there- an old white haired mandressed in a somewhat touristy t-shirt and some jeans, talking with a much younger man with a distinctly uncomfortable body language. There was something a little bit... odd about them, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. It was... probably nothing. Nemina decided to walk towards them.

"Um, hi, hello," she called out, to trying to mask her growing unease. "Um, do one of you kind gentlemen mind telling me where the wo-"

And then she saw them. Sclera like molten gold, an iris of rippling tongues of fire reaching outwards. The white hair- that wasn't that of that of an old man's, but of something not quite human. The guard, the scent, the tingling upon her spine and across her skin, it all came together. She'd been too distracted by the shadowgames with her unknown pursuer- she'd missed all the obvious clues!

Nemina froze, and then forced herself to unfreeze. Nothing is wrong. Don't stiffen up. Relax. She slowly untensed herself, and gave him an awkward smile. "-the, uh, where the woman's restroom is?"


What an introduction.

"...I'm just going to let that hang in the air for a bit. So we can aaaall just...wish for a do-over."

And so he did, waiting in silence, staring at the woman with nearly unblinking eyes as the crush of the crowd seemed to thicken. Spilling out down the steps, onto the sidewalk. Talking and laughing and chattering away into the warm, humid night. Hayden could hear it, hear the return of the humming as everyone started to leave. The guests, the servers, the guards...

The director.

His arms crossed over his sinewy chest as he leaned against the plate glass door.

"Look, I'll be honest Miss. I'm here to have fun and this fine gentleman here has already graciously agreed to be my escort for the night. So there's one of three ways this can go: you turn around and keep scouting the city, we throw down here and now, or," and here his grin widened a bit farther, sharp, milk-white canines all but dimpling his lips, "you come out for drinks and we make three a crowd."

<I like the halfbreed. I think I'll keep him.>

That damn humming again. Hayden winced a little, trying to hide it and properly study the newcomer. She was dressed... well, a lot more like the lewd man beside him than someone more respectable, but the cheap clothes looked so fresh it was like she'd just burst out of the shop trailing price tags. But they didn't hang loose like his own (premium brand label). She wasn't soft and spindly like him. Church or Enforcer, one of the two, if he had to guess.

Both people in this room could fold him in half like a blanket. And that was even before considering if they were possessed too. Hayden swallowed.

"Good evening," he said. Flawless.

Little shooting pains pulsed in his right arm, strongest at the wrist and fading away in the bicep. His fingers felt swollen. At this rate he'd even stoop so low as to go to one of those grimy 'drugstores' they had in these parts and down a bottle of whatever analgesics they had in stock, but he did his best to conceal his discomfort. His left hand hung by his side. He surreptitiously rubbed it on his slacks to wipe away the sweat.

<I wonder how much of me they see in you, boy. It must be a fraction, if at all. I imagine there would be more screaming if not.>
((transition done with OOW's contribution))

Hours later, the woman soon came to understand that the mayor of Santa Maria was an egotistical man who thought more with the head between his legs than the one atop his shoulders. Her efforts at arranging a rendezvous with the man were initially blocked by his apparent secretary, but the addition of a tantalizing picture of herself in her clothing that in this modern climate could pass for rather tasteful evening wear - a 'selfie,' as the Grail's breakdown of the current era's innovations and cultural customs informed the both of them - was enough to yield a very swift response from the man running the city himself over the phone. A few minutes of conversation later and a private transport was arranged for an evening with the mayor at a local art gallery and hints of a more intimate evening to follow afterward. The ride to the gallery was mostly filled with the man's egotistical prattling on about his accomplishments, financial holdings, the strong points of his re-election campaign and other assurances of his personal influence over the city's workings writ large. That his narcissism and lust provided ample strings to pull made her night all the better.

"Are you certain that you want to see the Gallery, Darling? I could have given you a tour of the mayoral mansion, it's really quite the place. Or City Hall, you know, I've been doing great work over there, you should see all the improvements I've made to the building-" "Please." 'Darling' cut the mayor off. "I've always loved the arts. I really admire men that support them, you know. Maybe we can take a tour later, when we're in a more..." she flicked her hand and shrugged lightly, "'Avant Garde' mood." Convinced, or enticed, the Mayor nodded. With Darling practically draped off of the Mayor's arm, they walked into the Gallery, looking every bit the part of a pair of socialites. The mayor was dressed in a suit, of course (Really, such a boring design, her other half complained). Darling, for her part, was dressed in a thin black dress, with a slit so far up the side that it was almost illegal. Still, she thought, it was a rather nice change from normal. Darling herself was a sight for sore eyes, a vaguely latino woman whose proportions rather took the focus away from her fairly short stature, and an aura that exuded appeal of all kinds. Together, they wandered the gallery, Darling ooh-ing and ahh-ing at practically everything, paying no mind to the rest of the plebians who sullied the place with their-

Are you really going to just ignore what's going on around you?

"(Oh hush, would you. It's called subtlety, you know.)" She patted the Mayor's arm, a (superfluous, really) gesture to get his attention. "Would you mind terribly if we headed back to the foyer? I wanted to see a map; I heard there's an absolutely wonderful collection of Greek frescoes around."

That's what you call subtlety?

"(Please, he's so focused on our thighs we could ask him to drive us to the butcher's and he'd think it was innuendo. Just trust me.)"

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"Good evening," he said. Flawless.
Nemina nodded. "Good evening to you, too."

She smiled at him, and felt something drip down her lips, wet and thin. She brought a hand up to wipe it away. Her finger came away red, with the tiniest slick of blood.

Huh. Blood. She hadn't bled real blood in quite a while.

"There's something seriously weird about that kid."

Nemina frowned. There.. didn't seem to be anything wrong. In fact, the boy seemed fine. Well, not fine, from what she could tell from his emotions which he was dumping absolutely everywhere, he suffered from a very bad lack of self esteem. A really bad lack of self esteem actually. It was actually quite unhealthy.

"He seems fine," she whispered to herself. "Besides his mental state, of course."

"He gave you a nosebleed!"

People got nosebleeds all the time. Besides, the boy didn't look at all magically powerful- there was no way that was him. "I'm sure you're overreacting. He's a good kid."
"Look, I'll be honest Miss. I'm here to have fun and this fine gentleman here has already graciously agreed to be my escort for the night. So there's one of three ways this can go: you turn around and keep scouting the city, we throw down here and now, or," and here his grin widened a bit farther, sharp, milk-white canines all but dimpling his lips, "you come out for drinks and we make three a crowd."
Drinks? Escort?! Nemina opened her mouth. "Er- thanks for the offer but I totally accept!"

She closed it. She opened it again. Then she put her hand over it and smiled apologetically at the handsome white haired man. "Um, could I get just a moment to compose myself please...?"

Without waiting for a reply, she turned and walked a fair distance away over to a wall, before beginning a hushed whispering tirade against herself. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Teaching you how to have fun. Now walk back over there and agree to go party."

"....are you mad? I can't go out to go drink with strangers! Actually I shouldn't be going out drinking, period." Nemina paused. "Especially with other participants in the grail war!"

"C'mon, that man is ridiculously pretty. Look at him."

Nemina turned her head around to look at him. She stared for a moment. Then she turned back to the face the wall. "Alright, he's very pretty but that doesn't mean anything!"

"Are you sure it doesn't mean anything? He's not just very pretty, he's extraordinarily pretty."

"No matter how pretty he is, it doesn't change the fact that I can't go out drinking with him when we've literally just met!" Nemina's hands twitched at empty air. "Yes, okay he's got perfect bone structure but I don't even know his name!"

"Aw, c'mon, you're not so different. You bleed demons out of your pores, he's like half a demon, you're practically best friends or something. Yeah?"

"Alright, first of all the types of demons that I generate and the type of demon he is are very different. Mine are-"

"Semantics, skemantics. Just take another look at him."

She did take another look at him. It look a little bit longer to tear her attention back this time. "I have things that need to be done. I need to meet up with Father Crowley, and then I see to lose this tail, and... other things, too!"

"You can meet Father Crowley later, you two haven't even decided on where you're even going to meet up yet. And losing the tail is just an excuse, you can do that while going out for drinks. Face it, you're just using this as an excuse to deny your desires."

"...I am a Sister of the Faith. Is it so ridiculous to want to deny my desires?"

"Not to the point of self flagellation. Even the most devout sisters must find time to relax somewhere. When was the last time you went out and did something you wanted? Not something the church wanted. Not something your boss wanted. But something, you wanted?"

"...a long while ago," she admitted.

"Exactly. You're going to be fighting against much less pleasant people for your life, soon enough. For now, how about going off and having fun? Plus, if you say yes, I'll cut back on screwing around with your control."

Nemina's lips curled up in a wry smile. "That is an offer I can't afford to give up."

"Isn't it?"

A moment later, she was walking back to the the duo."Sorry, I had to evaluate my life choices. As I said earlier, I'll accept your kind offer."

"But first, I'm going to need a moment to get rid of a tail- there's someone following me," she glanced around the room, just checking to make sure the three of them were the only ones in the room. The next bit of magic she was about to perform was going to be rather conspicuous. "If you give me a second?"

She placed one hand on the crucifix hanging from from her neck, and within her mind began to affix an image. It had to be stable, strong, or else the whole illusion would collapse around her. Carefully, she pushed intent from her mind, carefully crafted intent, with only the things she wanted, no more, no less. (The first time she had done it, she had let a little bit of her self conceit slip in and the result had been absolutely horrific.) And then, finally, as the last step, she released the seal. Just a smidgen, just a tiny lifting of the crucifix. But the prana that bubbled forth was vast and powerful, and it exploded out of her into a cloud of dark black fog, before slowly coalescing around her, drawing slowly to the ground in the dark dark spirals of free floating mana until it formed a figure.

A figure that was a perfect replica of her. As the fog died away, the newly born demon opened its eyes, just as Nemina did. Both blinked at each other, Executor and doppelganger.

Nemina spoke first. She licked her lips. "Um, hey. You're, uh, you're fine with this, right?"

The demon shrugged. "I don't see why not. That's my purpose."

Purpose. The way she said it sort of creeped Nemina out, like that was all she had in life. But in a way that was all she had. It was the purpose she had been formed with. "Then... you, uh, you know-"

"I know," the doppelganger interrupted. "And frankly you don't have to do this whole thing where you awkwardly talk about the whole thing- I know what I was made for and I'll carry it out and probably fade away because I've completed my purpose. I'm not like you humans, always wondering about what you're meant for. I was made with one purpose and one purpose only. Now gimme the damn coat."

....how blunt. Nemina shrugged off her heavy overcoat and shook it a few times. A clatter of items fell onto the ground, black keys, flash bombs, a regular old paring knife, some wooden talismans. As soon as she finished, the doppelganger practically snatched it from her grip, before jogging towards the exit, down the stairs, wearing Nemina's old coat while being blatantly conspicuous as possible. Hopefully her decoy would lure attention off herself.

Nemina reached down to scoop everything on the ground back into her backpack. Once she was finished, she slipped on the windbreaker, put on her baseball cap, and slide on her sunglasses. "Okay, I'm done."
A beat. "Okay. Later, then." And with that he let go of the door and stepped back with placating hands as the albino......well, That's a thing.
「Not sure why ye're letting 『whelp』 stand.」
Because it's probably true technically, even if she weren't a Dead Apostle? came the swift retort, And I do truly feel that — — it's rarely worthwhile to be discourteous... Steps back took more distance in the stride, hands lowered in part."Conduct this dance."

Two fingers extended from one gloved hand in a swinging point skyward as a flurry of motion burst forward on the other side of the door: a storm of butterflies — illusions all — became a strange blockade before the entrance to the Waffle House. Without their wits about them there would be little they could do in lieu until they snapped out of it, but with the Grail War relying on that and even secondary entrapment was true folly.
「If I didn't know better looking forward to this would be ye, rubbing off on me...!」
「Took the words right out of my thoughts. 『I am thou, and thou art I,』 right?」

The stool cracked as the weight resting upon it increased dramatically. Overt violence, magic, threats from every direction and the ever present scent of fear and sustenance was just too much for her. And it. Too much.

Natalia dropped the chain.

There was a burst that blew the windows of the Waffle House out as air was displaced. Where she'd been sitting there was nothing but a broken stool and a slouching seven feet of heavy black armor. The figure's sex was superfluous, the plate it wore was a brutal affair marked by countless battles and scored by sword, mace, claw, and tooth. Something scratched inside, trying to escape, and its limbs flexed and shook independently of one another like the entire thing was a shaky confederation of constituent parts just waiting for the first shot of the inevitable civil war. Red eyes glowed through the slotted helm and steam escaped below them as it panted, its gaze seeming to hone in through the mass of butterflies with uncomfortable ease.

With an unnerving silence after Natalia's swearing and growls it charged, a brutal looking length of steel materializing in its hand as it churned the floor to rubble on approach.

Everyone did it.

Now, flaunting it, that was something else, quite a faux pas, fuel for all kinds of "do you see those long gloves, *I* hear the family made him get Formalcraft arrays on his hands, that dueling scar? Not a duel, she paid for ATLAS to do a bit of tinkering, and did she ever pay" rumors and catty whispers.

But everyone accepted that perhaps JUST your natural talents and hard work, perhaps those might need to be...augmented. Perhaps. Sometimes. Not that you would ever admit it.

So it wasn't like Shawna's experiments would have been seen as wrong, a bit gauche but really, what could you expect from a First Generation that had angled for a posting in the Enforcers like that was some sort of accomplishment...now, if her superiors had been aware of how much of her craft had been taken from the burning Workshops of Sealing Designates and Philosophers....

In practical terms, this meant the ravening thing barreling towards the Waffle House doorway was considerably beyond the average human and the average Magus in terms of physical ability.

And that it lacked any shred of caution that might have halted a headlong charge into a barrier raised by unfamiliar Magecraft.

The door and the spell shattered, fragments of metal and scraps of prana in the wake of Shawna's lunge...and her blade hit flesh and she was leaning in, jaws unhinging, like a monster, like something not human, never human, milky gray blind eyes empty and hungry, leaning in for a bite...
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Standing in the centre of the pub, Assassin slowly turned, observing everything she could generally before she looked for anything in-depth.

"They're having some trouble walking...." Assassin noted.

"Assassin, have I explained what a drunk person looks like?" Alec asked.

"Oh, good." Assassin noted. "You're being sarcastic, you must be feeling better."

"Been improving slowly." He noted. "Actually stopped getting worse when I was in the bathroom, before you took over, so maybe I was out of range of whatever this is when we went in there?"

Assassin didn't reply, watching the signs for a bit longer.

It looked familiar, the symptoms, and not just because of a drunkenness. Alec reported having a headache, and a few people automatically rubbed their head every now and again, as if they were feeling something similar. Vertigo and headaches...

Even if she had never seen the technique herself, Assassin knew enough of those that followed her to recognise it.

"Master?" She asked. "Are you familiar with the Ichor of Reverie?"

Alec was quiet for a moment.

"Ichor, Ichor... Vaguely recall seeing something like that while looking into past Grail Wars. A Hassan technique, is it?"

"A Zanabiya, yes." Assassin replied. "A sound-based attack. Non-lethal exposure could cause veritgo, make it impossible to think through the headache it gave you. This isn't as extreme, but it looks familiar..."

Assassin pondered on it for a moment. "I don't suppose your Magic Circuits feel like they're about to explode?"

"Nah, I feel fine. And when I was exposed, it was just my head that was stinging."

"Then it's not exactly like the Ichor of Reverie..." She mused. "But it's likely to be based off the same kind of sonic basis, whatever is causing this. Something too high-pitched for humans to hear, but enough to target their nervous system..."

"So, how does this relate to how everyone seems to be influenced and dulled?"

"...Perhaps the variant technique ultimately serves as a form of hypnotic control?" She pondered. "Well, no matter. I'm immune, and if we can find the source, we can find a way to shut it off..."

A moment passed, before she turned and looked at the television again.

"Though, if it is a sonic attack, eliminating a source of sound may be wise, to see if we can determine the source."

In a heartbeat, Assassin was at the suspended television, and casually pressed the off button. Before anyone could react, she returned to her post in the centre of the room, away from the television, to observe and see if a difference was made.

A moment passed. And then a second. At the third, people began to stir.

Next to Assassin, a man's back straightened out slightly, and he shook his head, as if getting his bearings. This pattern repeated throughout the room, and people began to stir.

"Look at you, Ace Detective." Alec noted "You've solved the mystery."

Whatever effect had influenced these people had been stopped, and slowly, the bar began to grow more lively.

"So, it was the preaching on the television..."

"Please don't make this a religious thing."

"It could be, though." Assassin pointed out. "I'm not saying their version of worshipping the Lord is wrong, but these people are certain suspicious. We shouldn't trust anyone until we find out the connections. Do these people have ties to the Church, or are they a minor, independent sect?"

"It could just be some asshole using religion to scam people out of a quick buck, there was a talk show thing about it a while back-"

"We should investigate." Assassin decided, heading towards the door.

"Hold it right there." Alec replied. "It's still Happy Hour, I'm not nearly drunk enough, and I will use a Command Seal if you take another step towards the exit."

Assassin paused. "...Are you really going to leave people in danger so you can get drunk?"

"Hey, we didn't see anyone dying here, did we?"

"I'll amend that, then. Are you really going to allow a shady supernatural conspiracy of some sort go uninvestigated, in the hopes that nobody is dying, in a show of trust that the supernatural is not preying on the mundane?"

"Well, when you put it like that..."

Satisfied, Assassin left the bar.

"You know what you're looking for?" Alec asked, as the door shut behind her.


"Find someone with a phone, then. Someone actively looking at it, but not speaking. Trip them up, take the phone, and see if the reception's good enough here to find a map."

Assassin nodded.

"Also, when this is done, you owe me a bear. Steal it, steal the money to pay for it, I don't care, you just owe me one."

The Hassan ignored that comment. Her Master did seem to be a good person, but that didn't make him any less of an annoyance. Hopefully, he'd take the message that her silence should give.

There were no voices speaking for a while, as Assassin ran, looking for someone with a phone to steal, or a sign that would point towards a church or something vaguely church-related.

"...I spy, with me little eye..."
<<Father Crowley, this is Sister Gallimard of the Basilique Cathédrale Sainte-Croix d'Orléans, participant for this Holy Grail War. If it's not too much trouble, could we go out later tonight, perhaps for a late meal? I know I was set to come in tomorrow morning to register my servant, but I've discovered some unfortunate complications regarding the servant summoning. Also one of the participants might have set their familiars to trail you, just a note of warning.>>
After what felt to be an uncomfortably long wait, Nemina's smartphone chimed to signal having finally received a response from the Church mediator:
Name the time and locaion
and please give me a sign that you are not a Magus who has killed dear Sister Gallimard and taken her phone
for security reasons of corse
how do you turn on the auto correct
Little shooting pains pulsed in his right arm, strongest at the wrist and fading away in the bicep. His fingers felt swollen. At this rate he'd even stoop so low as to go to one of those grimy 'drugstores' they had in these parts and down a bottle of whatever analgesics they had in stock, but he did his best to conceal his discomfort. His left hand hung by his side. He surreptitiously rubbed it on his slacks to wipe away the sweat.

<I wonder how much of me they see in you, boy. It must be a fraction, if at all. I imagine there would be more screaming if not.>
"(Oh hush, would you. It's called subtlety, you know.)" She patted the Mayor's arm, a (superfluous, really) gesture to get his attention. "Would you mind terribly if we headed back to the foyer? I wanted to see a map; I heard there's an absolutely wonderful collection of Greek frescoes around."

That's what you call subtlety?

"(Please, he's so focused on our thighs we could ask him to drive us to the butcher's and he'd think it was innuendo. Just trust me.)"
Nemina reached down to scoop everything on the ground back into her backpack. Once she was finished, she slipped on the windbreaker, put on her baseball cap, and slide on her sunglasses. "Okay, I'm done."

"Right then!" Hands on his hips, surveying his companions, lifting his eyes to lock gazes with the woman bringing up the rear of the crowd, pitching his voice a little louder to include her too "I have just the place in mind. Hobson's Harbor, classy little watering hole~. Late but I was there earlier, it should still be open!"

It was closed.

Not that that was, in and of itself, a problem. The wrought-iron lock fell open at Laurence's touch and the door swung on noiseless hinges. No bleary eyed servers or lingering proprietors accosted the troupe as they made their way within. Wolves made have made more convincing (and less threatening) shepherds but the cambion hadn't steered them wrong: it was a classy little place. Padded, intimate booths beneath black and white panoramas of the old city. A gentle, amber glow that kindled in recessed sconces. The wood paneled floor and age-darkened walls gave it the impression of a ship on a gentle sea, a thought helped along by the waves crashing and breaking on the nearby shore and the more proximate pop and creak of settling timbers. Laurence took down some barstools and gamely hopped the counter, rummaging through the place's liquor stocks as the others sorted themselves out.

In short order he had himself something tall and fruity, pineapple pinned on the rim of the glass and a little cherry bobbing amidst the ice. He paused, rummaged around beneath the counter, and garnished it with a little umbrella.

Before noisily slurping it through a straw.

"There's some peanuts and pretzels back here if anyone wants some or you could plug in the popcorn machine and get it going if you'd like. I'll take orders if you don't know how to make a drink yourself."

Palm to a (quite well defined) pectoral, hand over his heart.

"Won't poison you, scout's honor."
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Nemina nodded. "Good evening to you, too."

She smiled at him, and felt something drip down her lips, wet and thin. She brought a hand up to wipe it away. Her finger came away red, with the tiniest slick of blood.

Huh. Blood. She hadn't bled real blood in quite a while.

<A complete coincidence,> Avenger reassured him, in a tone that was the absolute reverse of reassuring.

Hayden avoided eye contact just to be safe.

Drinks? Escort?! Nemina opened her mouth. "Er- thanks for the offer but I totally accept!"

She closed it. She opened it again. Then she put her hand over it and smiled apologetically at the handsome white haired man. "Um, could I get just a moment to compose myself please...?"

Without waiting for a reply, she turned and walked a fair distance away over to a wall, before beginning a hushed whispering tirade against herself. "What do you think you're doing?"

"....are you mad? I can't go out to go drink with strangers! Actually I shouldn't be going out drinking, period." Nemina paused. "Especially with other participants in the grail war!"

Nemina turned her head around to look at him. She stared for a moment. Then she turned back to the face the wall. "Alright, he's very pretty but that doesn't mean anything!"

"No matter how pretty he is, it doesn't change the fact that I can't go out drinking with him when we've literally just met!" Nemina's hands twitched at empty air. "Yes, okay he's got perfect bone structure but I don't even know his name!"

"Alright, first of all the types of demons that I generate and the type of demon he is are very different. Mine are-"

She did take another look at him. It look a little bit longer to tear her attention back this time. "I have things that need to be done. I need to meet up with Father Crowley, and then I see to lose this tail, and... other things, too!"

"...I am a Sister of the Faith. Is it so ridiculous to want to deny my desires?"

"...a long while ago," she admitted.

Nemina's lips curled up in a wry smile. "That is an offer I can't afford to give up."

A moment later, she was walking back to the the duo."Sorry, I had to evaluate my life choices. As I said earlier, I'll accept your kind offer."

<Oh no she's a madwoman,> Avenger remarked.

"(I'm sure she's just talking to her Servant)," Hayden muttered under his breath.

<Then she's a fool for trying to hide it.>

"(I'm trying to hide it.)"

<That's because you're a coward, not a fool. A fool would not follow instructions so obediently.>

Hayden just stopped talking.

She placed one hand on the crucifix hanging from from her neck, and within her mind began to affix an image. It had to be stable, strong, or else the whole illusion would collapse around her. Carefully, she pushed intent from her mind, carefully crafted intent, with only the things she wanted, no more, no less. (The first time she had done it, she had let a little bit of her self conceit slip in and the result had been absolutely horrific.) And then, finally, as the last step, she released the seal. Just a smidgen, just a tiny lifting of the crucifix. But the prana that bubbled forth was vast and powerful, and it exploded out of her into a cloud of dark black fog, before slowly coalescing around her, drawing slowly to the ground in the dark dark spirals of free floating mana until it formed a figure.

A figure that was a perfect replica of her. As the fog died away, the newly born demon opened its eyes, just as Nemina did. Both blinked at each other, Executor and doppelganger.

Nemina spoke first. She licked her lips. "Um, hey. You're, uh, you're fine with this, right?"

The demon shrugged. "I don't see why not. That's my purpose."

Purpose. The way she said it sort of creeped Nemina out, like that was all she had in life. But in a way that was all she had. It was the purpose she had been formed with. "Then... you, uh, you know-"

"I know," the doppelganger interrupted. "And frankly you don't have to do this whole thing where you awkwardly talk about the whole thing- I know what I was made for and I'll carry it out and probably fade away because I've completed my purpose. I'm not like you humans, always wondering about what you're meant for. I was made with one purpose and one purpose only. Now gimme the damn coat."

....how blunt. Nemina shrugged off her heavy overcoat and shook it a few times. A clatter of items fell onto the ground, black keys, flash bombs, a regular old paring knife, some wooden talismans. As soon as she finished, the doppelganger practically snatched it from her grip, before jogging towards the exit, down the stairs, wearing Nemina's old coat while being blatantly conspicuous as possible. Hopefully her decoy would lure attention off herself.

Nemina reached down to scoop everything on the ground back into her backpack. Once she was finished, she slipped on the windbreaker, put on her baseball cap, and slide on her sunglasses. "Okay, I'm done."
Hayden's eyes widened. The woman cloned herself before his eyes. Even that wouldn't have been so shocking if she hadn't done it so casually. He hadn't even seen her lips move. The way the power burst out of her as she lifted her crucifix so much as a degree, as if she were a seething, bubbling pit of it beneath the surface only barely restrained by the holy icon. Casually creating a demon that was a perfect replica of her - and it could only be a demon, to have been sealed by a simple crucifix with no real extra magical treating he could sense - yet carrying the Black Keys of a Church Executor. Was it the Servant bound to her? Was it just her?

Hayden swallowed. Avenger made a noise of curiosity. It unsettled him even more.

<Could she-? No, I cannot say yet. She interests me, boy. I trust you understand me?>

<I shouldn't let her out of my sight until you permit me?>

<Very good. You're learning.>

It was closed.

Not that that was, in and of itself, a problem. The wrought-iron lock fell open at Laurence's touch and the door swung on noiseless hinges. No bleary eyed servers or lingering proprietors accosted the troupe as they made their way within. Wolves made have made more convincing (and less threatening) shepherds but the cambion hadn't steered them wrong: it was a classy little place. Padded, intimate booths beneath black and white panoramas of the old city. A gentle, amber glow that kindled in recessed sconces. The wood paneled floor and age-darkened walls gave it the impression of a ship on a gentle sea, a thought helped along by the waves crashing and breaking on the nearby shore and the more proximate pop and creak of settling timbers. Laurence took down some barstools and gamely hopped the counter, rummaging through the place's liquor stocks as the others sorted themselves out.

In short order he had himself something tall and fruity, pineapple pinned on the rim of the glass and a little cherry bobbing amidst the ice. He paused, rummaged around beneath the counter, and garnished it with a little umbrella.

Before noisily slurping it through a straw.

"There's some peanuts and pretzels back here if anyone wants some or you could plug in the popcorn machine and get it going if you'd like. I'll take orders if you don't know how to make a drink yourself."

Palm to a (quite well defined) pectoral, hand over his heart.

"Won't poison you, scout's honor."
Hayden sorted himself out. He was not a drinker per se, more a hobbyist. If he had one thing it was an overwhelming surplus of free time, and little to do with it but learn. The internet and video games were not quantities known to the magi of the Clock Tower, you see. The first thing he learned was alcohol and alcohol accessories, for the one thing most orthodox magi appreciated in even the most minute of portions compared to breeding and power was a good drink. Many even stomached foreigner stuff.

So Hayden searched, and he found a clear bottle full of clear liquid, with Arabic lettering across the white label. The English below read 'arak' but he could read the Arabic anyway. He prepared a glass with ice, filled a third of it with the arak, then topped it up with water. As if by magic it turned white as milk, the anise's essential oils emulsifying in the water. He took a sip. It... tasted okay, actually. But maybe he'd try mixers more daring than water next time, if the night lasted that long.

He glanced at Laurence. The cambion had apparently teleported a finished cocktail into his hand. He flashed a somewhat aggrieved expression, and retreated to a booth across the bar from their 'host'.

<I hope you aren't letting any of our 'companions' out of our sight,> Avenger commented.

"(They're not going to run away after all that)," Hayden whispered back. "(I'm just trying to blend in.)"

<A natural urge for you I am sure.>
The demon moved through the night, already diverging from its progenitor. It had altered its form in subtle ways, hiding razor sharp claws under long sleeves, shaping its eyes so function better in the dark, lengthening its teeth until they were tiny daggers, twisting and distorting its mien so not even its corpse could give it away, as according to its purpose. Everything it did was according to its purpose. It was a creature born from desire, and it pursue that desire until it was complete, and then would likely fade away, out of existence.

If it had sentience, which it did not, for its kind, imaginary demons, were a strange existence which only possessed sapience and not sentience, it would have found nothing objectionable to this idea. Indeed, to go against this purpose would to be to violate its own nature. It accepted nonexistence, welcomed it in fact, for it meant that it would have completed the purpose for which it was born. That was the sort of creature it was.

The demon haunted traffic cameras, quiet patches of light illuminated by lonely streetlights, anywhere near the clothing store away from which its progenitor had fled that it thought that it would provoke a confrontation with this mysterious tail. It did not know what sort of magus was pursuing its progenitor, but it intended to find out. After all, that was the only reason it existed. To draw their attention, fight, and probably die.


"There's some peanuts and pretzels back here if anyone wants some or you could plug in the popcorn machine and get it going if you'd like. I'll take orders if you don't know how to make a drink yourself."
"I've tried some of the sacramental wine," Nemina offered. Of she had. She was French. Plus, everyone in the Church's care had tried at least some when they were going up. The question wasn't whether or not they had tried it, but whether or not the Nuns had caught them and stripped the hide from their flanks for this grave offense. "Let me take a look at the wine cabinet."

She leapt over the counter in one smooth motion, and began opening cabinets until she found the familiar shape of a wine bottle. It was indeed nicely stocked, with a fine selection of wines- sparkling, orange, red, even some types of fortified. Nemina didn't have much experience besides red- so she skipped all the others and went straight for the reds.

There were some nice names in here. Grevrey-Chambertin, Vosne-Roman, Flagey-Echézeaux. Nemina reached out hesitantly for one, before drawing her hand back. No. They weren't paying for the drinks here. It was best not to overindulge.

Instead, she cracked open a Marsannay, still a nice Burgandy of good terrior, but notably less expensive and from a less renowned domaine. But that wasn't a trouble, the decanter would help open up the flavor profile. First, she washed it out with a splash of the Burgundy first. It was a funny sight, someone looking for all purposes like a punk pouring wine like a trained Sommelier.

She placed the bottle down once she could see the sediment, and poured herself a glass from the decanter- oh a text message. Nemina set down the glass for a second to check her phone.

After what felt to be an uncomfortably long wait, Nemina's smartphone chimed to signal having finally received a response from the Church mediator:
Nemina sent back a selfie of herself with a nice glass of red wine in her hand grinning at the camera.

<<I found a nice bar, with a good wine cabinet. You want to come over? Let me send you the address.>>

<<Also, it's under general, in the settings menu. I think. Are you using an iPhone?>>
<<I found a nice bar, with a good wine cabinet. You want to come over? Let me send you the address.>>

<<Also, it's under general, in the settings menu. I think. Are you using an iPhone?>>
it's a Galaxy Note seven
there were several of them on sale for an amazing price
I will be there as soon as I can manage

but I don't drink outside communism so my visit will likely be brief
the auto carrot made it worse
"Right then!" Hands on his hips, surveying his companions, lifting his eyes to lock gazes with the woman bringing up the rear of the crowd, pitching his voice a little louder to include her too "I have just the place in mind. Hobson's Harbor, classy little watering hole~. Late but I was there earlier, it should still be open!"

It was closed.

Not that that was, in and of itself, a problem. The wrought-iron lock fell open at Laurence's touch and the door swung on noiseless hinges. No bleary eyed servers or lingering proprietors accosted the troupe as they made their way within. Wolves made have made more convincing (and less threatening) shepherds but the cambion hadn't steered them wrong: it was a classy little place. Padded, intimate booths beneath black and white panoramas of the old city. A gentle, amber glow that kindled in recessed sconces. The wood paneled floor and age-darkened walls gave it the impression of a ship on a gentle sea, a thought helped along by the waves crashing and breaking on the nearby shore and the more proximate pop and creak of settling timbers. Laurence took down some barstools and gamely hopped the counter, rummaging through the place's liquor stocks as the others sorted themselves out.

In short order he had himself something tall and fruity, pineapple pinned on the rim of the glass and a little cherry bobbing amidst the ice. He paused, rummaged around beneath the counter, and garnished it with a little umbrella.

Before noisily slurping it through a straw.

"There's some peanuts and pretzels back here if anyone wants some or you could plug in the popcorn machine and get it going if you'd like. I'll take orders if you don't know how to make a drink yourself."

Palm to a (quite well defined) pectoral, hand over his heart.

"Won't poison you, scout's honor."
Darling suppressed a laugh at Laurence's offer, passing it off as a cough. She waved away the Mayor's...supportive hand, before getting one of the wines Nemina had passed up. "Darling, are you sure we should be here?" He asked, after only a moment's appreciation of the view as the drink was poured. "This place is closed, and these are complete strangers. Maybe we ought to head back to the mansion..." "It's fine, it's fine. Have some wine, it'll calm you down." She took a sip from the glass, smiled, and pressed it against the mayor's lips.

A few moments later, and the man was face down on the counter, drool pooling around the glass. Darling turned to Laurence and the others, looking faintly apologetic. "My apologies for the mess, but I assumed you didn't want him blubbering all night." There was a pause, and she shrugged. "Well, I didn't, at least. He's so needy. Anyways", she waved a hand, "I don't believe we've been introduced. Who are you fine fellows?"

"Or, well. Fine fellow and company at least~."
"Well, I didn't, at least. He's so needy. Anyways", she waved a hand, "I don't believe we've been introduced. Who are you fine fellows?"

"Or, well. Fine fellow and company at least~."

He smiles and laughed and pearly whites flashed in the dim, yellow, light. His teeth had a sharpness to them, gentle enamel edges coming to gradual points. Not a mouthful of fangs no, just a hint of the predator.

"Laurence Arkwright. My friend hiding in the booth is Hayden, recently of the Clocktower. The good sister didn't give her name, so if you want it you'll have to ask her yourself."

The cambion took a generous pull from his drink as he walked around the bar, shaking a packet of popcorn in his other hand. Shove in the plug, switch on the cooker, fill the basket with kernels and butter. In seconds the rich, oily, scent was wafting free and the aluminum cradle ticking and popping merrily along.

"Sssooo, since none of you have had your Servants show up to do the whole flex and strut routine and nobody's perched on a roof chatting and at least two of you are doing the under the breath thing...guess we really are all in the same boat huh?" He tapped two ivory nails to the side of his temple. "Fucked up rituals. Fucked up Servants. And here I thought you had to wait until night two or three for shit to really hit the fan."
The stool cracked as the weight resting upon it increased dramatically. Overt violence, magic, threats from every direction and the ever present scent of fear and sustenance was just too much for her. And it. Too much.

Natalia dropped the chain.
『「Right. Time to go.」』
There was a burst that blew the windows of the Waffle House out as air was displaced. Where she'd been sitting there was nothing but a broken stool and a slouching seven feet of heavy black armor. The figure's sex was superfluous, the plate it wore was a brutal affair marked by countless battles and scored by sword, mace, claw, and tooth. Something scratched inside, trying to escape, and its limbs flexed and shook independently of one another like the entire thing was a shaky confederation of constituent parts just waiting for the first shot of the inevitable civil war. Red eyes glowed through the slotted helm and steam escaped below them as it panted, its gaze seeming to hone in through the mass of butterflies with uncomfortable ease.
At the same time a much quieter transformation began to take place: From beneath his clothing a pitch-black substance took form over his body like a viscous liquid; expanding outwards the oozing vacuum of color took a ruddy sheen as the nebulous form became a vantablack suit of armor to match that which now opposed it.

But before it could fully form —
In practical terms, this meant the ravening thing barreling towards the Waffle House doorway was considerably beyond the average human and the average Magus in terms of physical ability.

And that it lacked any shred of caution that might have halted a headlong charge into a barrier raised by unfamiliar Magecraft.

The door and the spell shattered, fragments of metal and scraps of prana in the wake of Shawna's lunge...and her blade hit flesh and she was leaning in, jaws unhinging, like a monster, like something not human, never human, milky gray blind eyes empty and hungry, leaning in for a bite...
— the attack hit its mark in the forming figure's back.

「Try something more subtle next time, would ye?」 A voice murmured out not from the (just-formed) armor but from the shadows all around them, as if the genderless timbre came even from their own dark castings in the night. Were it as ragged as the battle-worn plate of the figure within the Waffle House was impossible to tell, let alone keeping easy track of the depth in its movement. Despite being skewered through there was poise and grace to the armor of shadow even still. No trace of the magus that once stood there could be found, but to those of keen senses there was a bloody, ethereal scent not unlike a Phantasmal Beast. One that spoke of danger.

In an instant the Knight leapt forward to remove the blade and make space with ease — somehow not gushing more blood with the forceful motion against the serrated edge — the opening resealing itself in the crimson-black. As if speaking to themself, a response followed brusquely within distorted and misplaced as the last. 『It's hard not to get more sublte than only visible to one person, but fair enough... Right can't always make might when folks are having a bad day.』
With an unnerving silence after Natalia's swearing and growls it charged, a brutal looking length of steel materializing in its hand as it churned the floor to rubble on approach.
「Still prefer flight to fight?」 the echo came again as the growling knight entered the fray.

『Considering the customers probably still in the Waffle House...? How about a mixed tactic?』

The voice seemed to sigh at its own utterance as the shadows seemed to coalesce into something in its waiting gauntlet. Immediately the armor continued the magus' retreat at the expected drastic increase in pace one might expect from a Servant, while its arms met somewhere at the front of its visage. The shadows blurred together as they moved, the object and its wielder indistinguishable from one another in the void; so too did the incoming projectiles that shot back from their wake towards the incoming Servant and the ravenous attacker.
He smiles and laughed and pearly whites flashed in the dim, yellow, light. His teeth had a sharpness to them, gentle enamel edges coming to gradual points. Not a mouthful of fangs no, just a hint of the predator.

"Laurence Arkwright. My friend hiding in the booth is Hayden, recently of the Clocktower. The good sister didn't give her name, so if you want it you'll have to ask her yourself."

The cambion took a generous pull from his drink as he walked around the bar, shaking a packet of popcorn in his other hand. Shove in the plug, switch on the cooker, fill the basket with kernels and butter. In seconds the rich, oily, scent was wafting free and the aluminum cradle ticking and popping merrily along.

"Sssooo, since none of you have had your Servants show up to do the whole flex and strut routine and nobody's perched on a roof chatting and at least two of you are doing the under the breath thing...guess we really are all in the same boat huh?" He tapped two ivory nails to the side of his temple. "Fucked up rituals. Fucked up Servants. And here I thought you had to wait until night two or three for shit to really hit the fan."
Hayden winced. At being named specifically, at being called 'formerly' of the Clock Tower, also being associated with the Clock Tower at all, being called a friend having only been met ten minutes earlier that night, pre-emptively fearing Avenger's reaction to the 'fucked up Servants' line - really just at every single statement that left Laurence's mouth.

<Rejoice, boy. It seems it was not your fault after all.>

"(That's something, at least.)"

He gingerly slid his right hand out of his pocket, wincing with pain. Cradling his glass of arak and water in his left. He laid his right on the tabletop - it seemed the warmth of his pocket and the stress had just made the nailbeds bleed even more. All five were an ugly purpleblack, stinging and throbbing, as if they were ready to pop right off. The sensation made him queasy. He tried easing the pain with the side of the cold, perspiring glass. That just made it worse. He hissed softly in pain and snatched his hand away, fingers loosely curled. Command Seals tattooed on the back of his hand standing out sharply against the paper-pale, drawn skin. He put it under the table again, resting on his thigh.

"So does... anyone actually know how to use their Servant?" he asked.

<And just when you were beginning to show promise.>

<No I wasn't.>

<No, but I would have preferred to inflict the false hope on you regardless.>

Hayden drank a lot more of his arak in one go than was socially acceptable.

<And if I went to the Church to forfeit and have you exorcised?>

<I would kill you, of course. If I must be brought here at all I deserve to see you suffer and die in battle before I go.>

<Yes, Avenger.>