Fate/False Order

All of the Servant slots are filled. Overfilled, actually. There are people there who are going to struggle to get in. If they all made master sheets, it'd be something
We are on the final approach my dudes. I have an application (though sometimes it's doubled filled) for all the servant slots in the war. If you are interested, you of course can all still continue submitting servants, but now I need masters. (Specifically True Masters.) If I don't get 7, I can run with 6, but that also means only 6 (True) servants.

Also here's the profile for the administrator, who will be mostly played with by @Crow.

The origins for the magus who calls herself Tian Tian are not exactly clear. But one thing is certain. She has been here for a long long time, and been in a position of power for long period as well. If one looks closely they can spot her figure hidden in pictures of every single group photo of the politburo leadership from the current day to 1949, when the CCP officially marched its troops into Beijing. But even before that there are signs of her. She is in photos of the KMT's high level leadership before 1946, in the background of the rare photos taken of the Beiyang government before 1928, and even drawn into portraits of the Qing and Ming Imperial Courts.

The only thing that the CCP has told their (True) masters about her is the cryptic statement that they can trust her, for she will and forever have the interests of China foremost in her heart. And for now, they'll just have to believe in that.
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If I don't get 7, I can run with 6, but that also means only 6 (True) servants.
Completely possible that my suggestion is real stupid but;

You could have the 7th (True) master be a NPC mook with another NPC mook for a servant and then let a random (False) team murder them as a way to announce the other side of the War.

Also I would assume you want speculation on the origins of the administrator kept secret, or is that up to our own discretion?
Well the usage of Tian as part of her name probably indicates she has something to do with heaven and as such probably isn't human, at least any more. The problem with that is that surprise a bunch of people/things used Tian in their names. Most famously the Jade Emperor and the Celestial Dragon.

Neither of whom are cute girls but this is Fate.