Fate/False Order

Alrighty then. Well, hopefully it works well. I don't have much experience with these matters, but I have seen narrative combat systems get more than a little bit complicated in PvP, even if the RP's in question weren't Fate RP's.
real shit servant powered street races are a terrible idea for secrecy but they are super hella cool
Liu: dammit i had better things to spend my magic on then trying to keep this all secret
Lancer is furious with you right now. It's not right to leave a warrior all worked up and to vanish before anything can get started.

You should take responsibility! :mad:
Lancer is furious with you right now. It's not right to leave a warrior all worked up and to vanish before anything can get started.

You should take responsibility! :mad:

I am not responsible for anyone but those who work for me, dear. If you wish to pledge loyalty to my cause, then I'd be happy - proud, even - to give you the duel you so dearly wish for.

Until then, though, I don't take responsibility. I take treasure.
We're waiting on @Kensai right now but I've been informed that he's in the process of renovating his house so you may have to bear a bit.
To confirm, @Jemnite

I know Rider just got OWNED but my reading seems to indicate that she was able to throw one last bomb before she went down? I mean, either way, I'm not getting out of this without a gold tooth, but
I think I won because i got Caster to give me my wish before the war proper started :V
Eh, it's a bit sad, but it's not unexpected with this many players. I'm kinda surprised we got anywhere at all, frankly.