Fate/False Order

If any Servant needs a Smith, my Master is your girl.

Kinda wish I had applied as False Rider. Admiral Yi would have been great.

Well given it's not happening I suppose I can let everyone know what would've happened had I been Archer (False).

I would've given China a giant dose of collective PTSD as The One and Only Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga! I mean you can't tell me that a Japanese person in a 40s looking uniform with a reputation for brutality and a disregard for collateral damage wouldn't have pushed the PRCs buttons something fierce.

However I'm Saber so y'all'll see who I am in due time.
Bah, you like little baby man when it comes to traumatizing the Chinese. Watch this for Rider (False)

Name: Tsubodai/Subutai
Title(s): "Valiant Dog of the Khan"
Class: (False) Rider

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Goal for the War:
He has a number of wishes; to step out of the shadow of Genghis and gain fame as his own warrior, that he did not kill Jochi and was able to negotiate a truce between father and son, that he died earlier and didn't have to live a life of chaos or just have a quiet life. He'll make his mind up eventually.

Despite being a proud, loud and boisterous warrior in his youth, a lifetime of war has worn that away. Rider is a callous and cold old man who remembers everything. A man who was made a weapon and had the misfortune of living a long life in that regard. He tries to hold back having gotten sick of bloodshed and war and not prefers non-lethal ways to beat his opponents - he couldn't show much of this in life but did where he could, after conquering a nation he would only pillage. Now you might not say this is much but many questioned him from that level of restraint alone.

Rider would happily take the role of a mentor who lets his pupils do the legwork while he has a beer. However if he decides killing is the only way to win or survive, Rider throws himself fully into the fight, intending to end his enemy as quickly, efficiently, and brutally as possible.

Appearance: An elderly grey haired man, well developed muscles crisscrossed by scars adorning his frame. Of course this is all covered by his armor.
Bio: The greatest general of Genghis and Ogedei Khan. He directed more than twenty campaigns in which he conquered thirty-two nations and won sixty-five pitched battles, during which he conquered or overran more territory than any other commander in history.

Born in 1175 as a commoner, his elder brother served with Genghis Khan (then known as Temujin) who rescued the Khan from the most powerful blow he ever received in his life - an arrow shot by his enemy Jebe who would later become one of Genghis's greatest warrior generals.

At the age of 14, he left his tribe to join the army and follow in his brothers footsteps. He proved himself invaluable and became a general in less than a decade. As one of the first generals he won many decisive victories with minimal losses, manoeuvring the enemy into a position of weakness before committing to battle. He played a key part in the campaigns against Xi Xia and Jin and a number of western campaigns. He also mentored the first "Son" of Genghis Khan and considered him a close friend Jochi was much like Genghis but with a kinder disposition and a need to prove himself - however then Jochi rebelled, Rider was the one to end it by assassinating him. A part of Rider died that day.

After the death of Genghis shortly after, Rider focused into his work as he served the heir - Ogedei Khan. He turned west to fight on against eastern and central europe. He had little trouble facing against knights for the first time in Russia and famously destroyed the armies of Hungary and Poland within two days of each other, by forces over five hundred kilometres apart. On the verge of assaulting the Holy Roman Empire he heard the news of the death of his new Khan which effectively put an end to the Mongol invasion of Europe. He later retired and spent his twilight years with his family at home where he died a quiet death in his home at the age of 72, a blessing few warriors ever receive.

Panoply: Horse, Traditional Mongol weapons of Bow and Arrows, bladed lance and curved saber.
Full body armor, Shield

Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: D
Luck: A+

Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: C

Grants protection against magical effects. Differing from the Resistance effect that merely rejects Magical Energy, this ability cancels the spells altogether. Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.

Riding: A
A skill denoting the ability to ride mounts. All vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be used as mounts. Like most of his talents, Rider excelled in the art of mounts and is fully capable of firing projectiles from atop a mount without it affecting his accuracy in the slightest. He would be able to ride divine beasts… if he ever encountered any in life. As he did not, the skill is limited at 'A' rank.


Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True): A

A heightened capacity for observation, refined through training, discipline and experience. A danger-avoidance ability that utilities the intelligence collected up to the current time as the basis, in order to predict the opponent's activity and change the current situation. This is not a result of talent, but an overwhelming amount of combat experience. Unlike the Khan and his descendents whom had a divine connection, all his talent comes from pure skill as a human.

Military Tactics: A

Tactical knowledge used not for one-on-one combat situations, but for battles where many are mobilised. Bonus modifiers are provided during use of one's own Anti-Army Noble Phantasm or when dealing against an enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. Rider was single-handedly the greatest tactician of his time, even the great Genghis Khan himself acknowledged Rider to be superior in that regard and often relied upon his knowledge in combat. Whether it be attrition, siege or guerrilla strategy, Rider possesses expertise in all.

Protection from Arrows: B
An increased defence against ranged attacks by predicting the projectiles' trajectories through exceptional means, such as hearing the sound of air being cut, or sensing the killing intent of the enemy. As long as the shooter is within the line of sight, this skill user can track down ranged weapons with their eyes and defend against them.

Noble Phantasm:

Ikh Mongol Uls

Punishment from God
Rank: C++
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: 2-50
Maximum Number of Targets: 1-100
A noble phantasm of great contradictions conceptualizing the Mongols conquests. Rider is capable of summoning undead Mongol warriors to aid him and attack his enemies alongside his own personal steed. Although the power of each warrior is low in comparison to that of servants, they possess their spectacular skill and even individual personalities minds. However there is a great limitation. This is not truly his army, merely placed under his command by his lord whom is the sole holder of their true loyalties. He will only be able to summon and command a limited number of troops before he loses control of them.

Alternatively he could summon literal hordes of countless mindless undead - trading the minds of his summons for superior numbers - that exist only to devour and destroy. Although summoning a few elite fighters alongside him would help him destroy a powerful singular target such as a powerful servant, unleashing his horde upon the world would create a scourge that much like the Mongol armies before could devour nations if left unchecked.
However due to limitations as a servant, Rider can only maintain "Horde Mode" for so long before running out of magical energy and fading away.

Now we'll never experience the feeling of a zombie Mongol horde rising from the ground.
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How tolerant do you consider the PRC being of foreign agents disrupting one of their projects?

Depends on how important they think the project is.

Like, the response could vary from "Police are on the look out for potential false masters" to "Give all foreigners 48 hours to get out of the city, then shoot on sight, with PAP and PLA infantry going house to house and person to person checking people and scanning for local cell phones/social media accounts to confirm identities."
Depends on how important they think the project is.

Like, the response could vary from "Police are on the look out for potential false masters" to "Give all foreigners 48 hours to get out of the city, then shoot on sight, with PAP and PLA infantry going house to house and person to person checking people and scanning for local cell phones/social media accounts to confirm identities."
It's probably a private project by someone in authority who doesn't want to share. So I'm assuming the support is a mixture of temporary loans of troops to root out "terrorists" and keeping the masquerade.

Anything more will probably attract attention from internal rivals.
True Team Pairs
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also if you're like a huge weeb pretend that the last line was "fate false order hajimarumasu"

it's keigo because i'm not a barbarian
So is the False Team meeting up as well, right now, or are the individual members doing their own thing? Language used in the IC would seem to suggest the first one, but I'd hate to hold a meeting that hasn't been agreed upon if I'm misreading things.
So is the False Team meeting up as well, right now, or are the individual members doing their own thing? Language used in the IC would seem to suggest the first one, but I'd hate to hold a meeting that hasn't been agreed upon if I'm misreading things.
None of you have any IC knowledge that any of the other exist. Assume that you're all individual gatecrashers to a grail war.