Avenger can pencil some more people into his schedule :V

With your Divinity (C)? What is that, on the slope of the Pantheon? The foot?

You're barely a thing, bulli.

How does it feel @Aodyssey? I'm going to be bullied by Bunny, not you. You can't bully me if I'm being bullied by my own Servant.

Send up the @God and the Snake signal, Khawy. It's time to restart the Master Protective Service.

I mean, I'll probably still kill them. And Castah would take them to a magical realm deep in the woods. It's probably still the best chances they got tho
There is a faint sound, just at the edge of perception as the summoning begins. As the ritual progresses, and blue light floods the room, the sound grows clearer and louder, increasing in intensity until what was once comparable to the bubbling of a creek became the roar of water rushing through rocks and crashing down as a waterfall.

Amidst the roar of water, a figure solidifies within the circle prepared for the summoning, and as that figure takes its first step within the world it has returned to, the sound abruptly ceases.

Standing there in the slowly fading blue light is a woman. Her golden hair falls down her back, and she opens her sea-green eyes to look back at the one who had summoned her.

Immediately, her right hand is pressed against the left side of her silver armor, and she kneels in deference to her Master.

"Servant Lancer, called to serve as your sword and shield in... this... competition?" As she speaks, her clear voice becomes increasingly unsure, and her features twist in distress for a few brief moments, before she visibly shakes herself and continues,

"I ask of you, are you my Master?"

Yeeaaaap! Imma get me a Lancah!