
Probably listening to music
The year is 2004. Ever since the Holy Grail in Fuyuki was stolen by the Germans in World War II, it's been impossible to find for the few that bothered looking. Someone, presumably the thief, leaked the design, and mages all over the world gave it a try. All failed to properly replicate it, of course. The materials were lacking, as was the talent, and they didn't spend nearly as much time making these proxy grails as they should. Those that could even summon five Servants of reduced power were few. These proxy wars became an accepted phenomenon, not particularly important.

Recently, however, this changed. Yggdmillenia, a magus clan known for taking in those with weak bloodlines, declared their independence from the Magus Association. Naturally, an army of Enforcers soon found them. It was a disproportionate response, really; half that number should have been enough to kill them all. However, Yggdmillenia had the power of the true Holy Grail. A single Servant met that army and slaughtered them to a man.

Even now, the Association dispatches Masters, those who manifested Command Seals, to summon Servants of their own to claim the grail and put down Yggdmillenia's rebellion. However, not all who find themselves with Command Seals are a part of either group.

Another proxy war has started, seemingly unremarkable, but for the backwater location it takes place in is the same as where the original wars took place, decades ago. It's certainly beneath the Association's notice with a crisis like the Romania situation going on.

But they don't know that those who received Command Seals number seven.

Gimme a minute to reserve a couple posts.

Credit to @The Out Of World for the templates and what-not.

General Rules
  1. Standard site regulations are in effect.
  2. No God-modding.
  3. This is a war; characters are going to die or be otherwise eliminated in some capacity.
  4. If you intend to leave the RP, be sure to notify the GM beforehand and work something out regarding how you intend to have your character exit the stage. Otherwise, it'll be an absolute pain trying to make something of where you left off and trying to resolve the issue of your character in a manner that keeps the plot moving. Prolonged or unexplained absences will result in your character being relinquished to your partner or get killed off.
  5. All character applications will be submitted via PM.
  6. I am the GM who will receive the PM. I am merciless and cruel. If you don't know how to send a PM, ask a friend for help so that you don't suffer my merciless cruelty.
  7. Be reasonable and polite when dealing with other players; caustic and/or condescending behavior will get you kicked from the RP.
  8. You will be expected to exercise some basic writing skills in this RP. If the GM has trouble understanding what you're writing, you won't get in.
  9. This RP is set in the Nasuverse, and as such players are expected to have some basic understanding of the in-universe setting and mechanics prior to applying. If you honestly don't know something, check the wiki or the Type Moon General thread.
  10. Any instance of cheating will be punished with an immediate ejection from the RP, as will causing moderator intervention. Excessively forcing the GM to intervene will do the same.

If you apply as a canon character, feel free to make changes to their backstory. In fact, you may have to. Talk to me about it.

Servants from other fictional continuities are not allowed unless you really sell it to me. Expies are under a bit less scrutiny, but I'll still be narrowing my eyes at you in a suspicious manner.

Double Summon/Distortion is not available unless the sheet is written with the finesse of an artisan.

Your Master may not be a crossover character. They can be an expy, I.E look like and have a similar personality to an existing character, but they cannot be that character.

If your Master could give a Servant a fair fight or your Servant could take Herakles, I will be annoyed and probably reject them out of hand. If your Servant can take Gilgamesh, I will laugh and struggle to resist the urge to show friends so they can laugh at it too. Don't do these things.


Appearance: (Written description, this is mandatory)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's past)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Element(s): The elements the character can manipulate with magecraft

(List of abilities, thaumaturgical or otherwise)

True Name:

Appearance: (Written description, image, both, doesn't matter how you show it, but doing so is mandatory)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's legend)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)


Class Skills
Example (Rank): Description

Saber: Magic Resistance, Riding
Lancer: Magic Resistance
Archer: Magic Resistance, Independent Action
Rider: Riding, Magic Resistance
Berserker: Mad Enhancement
Assassin: Presence Concealment
Caster: Item Construction, Territory Creation

Personal Skills
Example (Rank): Description

Noble Phantasms
Fancy Subtitle
Type: Anti-Unit, Anti-Unit (Self), Anti-Fortress, Anti-Army, Anti-Team, Anti-Territory, etc.
Rank: (E-A, include a "+" or "-" if your Phantasm's effective Rank can be increased/decreased under certain conditions)
Description: (Explain how this ties into the character's legend and what it does)
Naturally, you don't have to do the sheet exactly like the template, but similar would be best.
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Servant Matrices:






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You know, I do admire that the 'mercilessly cruel' rule has managed to survive countless iterations of the timeline.

Something something the comrades I lost something something.

...Crap, I hesitated and was beaten to the Phantom Memes. :(

Something something the memes you lost something something.