Fate/Duel of the Fates - Star Wars Holy Grail War (OOC and Discussion Thread)


Fantasy Seal
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

It has been 15 years since the rise of the Galactic Empire, and the galaxy is in turmoil. Some Jedi still remain, fighting from the shadows against the evil reign of the Empire, while the Rebel Alliance keeps at bay the Empire from destroying the peace that the Republic had kept. Meanwhile, the mysterious Sith have been seen on many planets, oppressing the inhabitants. But now, something new is about to happen.

On the planet of Coruscant, the capital of the galaxy, an odd being has awakened. It takes on the form of a cup - a grail, to be more specific. Feeding on the Force, its power is near infinite in scope, and it can grant any one wish.

But first, there must be a battle. 7 Human Spirits, summoned from the history of a far-off planet, must do battle under their masters. And 7 masters, of any species or alignment, have been chosen to wield this honor.

Now, the battle for the Holy Grail begins...


Hello, and welcome to a new, original style of Grail War! How is this original, you may ask. Well, it is set in a different setting - more specifically, Star Wars. For this game, you may use canon characters from Star Wars as Masters, OCs, or converted characters from Fate/Stay Night and Zero. For the purposes of this RP, however, each Servant must be from Earth History or Star Wars History. I will be controlling the Master of Saber, however.

1. No Godmodding
2. Fun is allowed
3. Servants are allowed a maximum of 5 Personal Skills and 3 Noble Phantasms
4. Yes, you can have a Master be a Jedi or Sith
5. The setting of the Grail War is near where the former site of the Jedi Temple is
6. All Servants must be from human history or the Nasuverse, or from Star Wars history.
7. All Masters are fed information about the mythology of earth by the Grail.
8. There are 8 Servants; Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Caster, Gunner, and Berserker.
9. Double Summon is not permitted.
10. If you read the rules, put on top of your sheet the phrase "No, I am your father."

Name: Obvious
Faction: Which side are you on; the Rebellion, the Empire, or neither?
Species: What's your species? Mandalorian? Human? Twilek?
Appearance: Description or picture goes here
Biography: Put your character's life here
Personality: Obvious and important
Equipment: What equipment do you have?
Skills: What can you do? Force powers, standard skills, put them here.

Class: Your Servant Class
Nicknames: Other names your character has earned over their legend (not essential)
True Name: What your character's actual name is
Legend: Your character's legend
Major Differences: Any major differences in reality from fantasy
Class Skills:
(Name) (Rank)
Personal Skills:
(Name) (Rank) (Description)
Noble Phantasms:
Fancy Subtitle

Each Servant must have certain skills depending on your class:
Caster: Item Creation, Territory Creation
Archer: Independent Action
Berserker: Mad Enhancement
Assassin: Presence Concealment
Rider: Riding
Lancer: Magic Resistance
Saber: Riding, Magic Resistance
Gunner: Marksmanship

No Noble Phantasms or skills above A+ Rank.
Based off @The Out Of World's templates
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What's the expected scale of this war? Are we staying localized to a single city, or are we spreading across the system?
Does this grail war have to stay secret? This seems like a fun opportunity to trash every Imperial facility on the planet. :3
Since Starwars takes place long long ago, do servants get nerfed based on their age? Or is the Long Time Ago bit going to just be handwaved away?
Damn it.

New Grail War ! (woot)
Its a crossover war (Double Woot)

But its human history only...
