Fate/Demi OOC and Interest Check

In simple terms the chargen works like this:
You have 15 stat points
You put them in stats
The amount of stat points in one stat determines how many abilities you can have related to that stat and how good they are
You have 6 equipment points
*Starts converting Shalha*

Wait no shit homunculi aren't allowed.
Back to the drawing board...
tbh I've never though of the possibility of doing it some other way when i was making this RP.
Would you be open to such an application, then? Characters are the heart and soul of roleplays, and I'd rather play an interesting character who plays a bit loose with the canon framework (which openly contradicts itself at countless ventures, mind) but is engaging and inspiring to write instead of a character who feels like little more than a series of checks on a list but fits all criteria without any friction.
Would you be open to such an application, then?
Not really. If that were possible then it wouldn't be much of a Nasuverse RP would it?
Like I could have Achilles as a little magical idol girl who is in love with his dame ningen country bumpkin cousin who she calls onii-chan.
Amazing as that is, I would not like to have something like that in this RP instead of the canon Achilles.
Furthermore, it possibly intrudes with other people's characters.
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You know he means more reasonable application than a canon sheet, not less, right? Like not having a girl Ushiwakamaru who wears boob flaps, panties, and little else who loves her older brother perhaps more than she should.

No need to mock the idea of changing canon's sheets, even if you feel denying it is the right thing to do.
Like I could have Achilles as a little magical idol girl who is in love with his dame ningen country bumpkin cousin who she calls onii-chan.
Amazing as that is, I would not like to have something like that in this RP instead of the canon Achilles.
...The whole purpose of what I'm asking is to try and use a quality alternative to shitty character designs that lie around that example's end of the spectrum. I'm trying to use sensible contrasts to things like stripper Boudica, pedophile bait Jack the Ripper, whatever the hell you could call canon's attempt at making Blackbeard, Cu Chulainn whose Gae Bolg does what it's described to do in the Ulster Cycle, etc.
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Sorry if it sounded like I was mocking you OOW.
Reasonable is in the eye of beholder.
Magical Idol Achilles sounds great. But I still would not like her in the RP.

As for ushi. ushi is something we have to be strong and live with.
...The whole purpose of what I'm asking is to try and use a quality alternative to shitty character designs that lie around that example's end of the spectrum. I'm trying to use sensible contrasts to things like stripper Boudica, pedophile bait Jack the Ripper, whatever the hell you could call canon's attempt at making Blackbeard, etc.
Blackbeard is unironically TM's greatest creation tho.
Sorry if it sounded like I was mocking you OOW.
Reasonable is in the eye of beholder.
Magical Idol Achilles sounds great. But I still would not like her in the RP.
The using Magical Idol Achilles is what I was referring as mocking, you know... Amusing idea, but not something that anyone would seriously submit.
Blackbeard is unironically TM's greatest creation tho.
Edison. :V
sorry to hear that.
Honestly I didn't think this would be that big of an issue considering this was a TM RP.
I'm totes down for joining. Will take a few days to make a sheet cause I'm currently out of town on vacation.

So, if I'm getting this straight; we make a Master and a Servant, correct? Because we're all Demi-Servants like Mash, right?
I'm interested, but I probably won't be able to do a submission for a while since I;m gonna be out of town. Do you know how long you plan to have submissions open?
I'm just going to say right now that I'm willing to write up Saber Cu if anyone thinks they can write Bazett.
I'll do it again if I need to! I'm up for the return of Fate/Old World, if @Stir will have us.
I'm totes down for joining. Will take a few days to make a sheet cause I'm currently out of town on vacation.

So, if I'm getting this straight; we make a Master and a Servant, correct? Because we're all Demi-Servants like Mash, right?
Either that or we submit one and someone else gets the other, right?

If Mort and I can pair for Saber Cú + Bazett I'll do it, but if not then I'll spend that small added time to work on it.
I'll do it again if I need to! I'm up for the return of Fate/Old World, if @Stir will have us.Either that or we submit one and someone else gets the other, right?

If Mort and I can pair for Saber Cú + Bazett I'll do it, but if not then I'll spend that small added time to work on it.
Read the premise.

You don't actually summon a Servant, you simply can go Demiservant like Mashu.
Read the premise.

You don't actually summon a Servant, you simply can go Demiservant like Mashu.
I did, but considering that I see so much confusion I was stating what I understood. If I be wrong then I be wrong.

Either way, I truly do like Cú/Bazett, sooo...

Also, I never meant to imply NOT Demi-Servanting soooooo...?
EDIT: Wait, that makes no sense if I'm understanding the premise correctly.

Okay, I somehow missed the Demi-Servant thing and just logged in to realize my mistake.

Still, I cannot into Bazett, so if anyone else wants to write up Bazett Demi-Servanted with someone else, I can probably find something to throw together for a Demi-Servant with Cu Saber for reaction purposes...

Eh, that's getting too complicated for interactions sake, I'll probably just do something with the spider lady or failed idol...
Sorry guys, I was taking a nap.

Anyway, I'm gonna submit in PM this time.... Who am I gonna sent to again?
I have been informed that Operation Bring The Clock Tower To Its Knees is feasible after all

I'm jumping back in

man, I'm sure proud of always sticking to my guns :V
good to have you back
sorry for any previous confusion