So, what's the plan?

  • DO IT! DO IT NAO! (Put up IC ASAP)

  • That's ____ You're Walking Into. (Wait for Map)

  • Evacuate? In Our Moment of Triumph?! (Sucal's Idea)

  • ...that's it...? (None of the above)

  • *shrug* (Like the GM, down for whatever)

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So tags apparently have been very unfriendly simply from how SV works compared to my technical challenges, hence why I'm throwing this in the oThread as well as in the respective OoC Threads — something about needing repeat visits or just using the 'All Watched Threads' page or whatever — if you've been out of the loop as a result and aren't up for things, then I sincerely apologize and understand as before.

With a computer officially on the way [Hoo-f*kin'-ray~!] I hope to properly begin some kind of steady update schedule for both of these RPs of mine (and kickstart other lingering projects in the future).

That is all~ *goes off to keep working on prep*
I have minimal presence on SV anc check it every 3 or so days once a day since nothing on it interests me anymore and I'm really busy with other stuff, but once this gets starting i'll try and get back on.
I have minimal presence on SV anc check it every 3 or so days once a day since nothing on it interests me anymore and I'm really busy with other stuff, but once this gets starting i'll try and get back on.

dont forget about the pokemon league

find a replacement if it's eating up your time
Still here (he says as nothing continues to happen for another couple months)
Still here (he says as nothing continues to happen for another couple months)
...I feel like saying more will jinx it considering my 'recent' chain of technological issues, not to mention unusual health conditions.

I'm just eager to get things rolling across the board.