Wow, I fully respect Yagyu, and am looking forward to see the stuff you pull off with his card.

I just thought he didn't add much of a dynamic to the rest of the cast I predicted.
Sucks Nanayayi didn't get in, but ah, well, win some, lose some. Congrats to y'all.

Mind if I ask about the selection proccess? I wanna know what I should improve on.
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Mind if I ask about the selection proccess? I wanna know what I should improve on.
Indeed even if it's something as minor as presentation, it's nice to know what points could be better/more appealing.
It wasn't particularly easy, nor was it a quick process. Basically I cross-referenced every entry with every other entry and my planned Black Team searching for potentially interesting situations or thematic resonance, as well as who would all work best together from an OOC perspective to keep things running smoothly. If you didn't get in, know that it wasn't necessarily because I just dumped your application in the garbage instantly.

In other news, the OP will hopefully be up later today (Australia time).
IC Time Begin Now

I also invite you to spread the link around if you feel so inclined - RP threads don't get much exposure, but I would like this story to have appeal more universal than just the players.
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Just to clarify, will the characters be able to communicate with their yugioh card servants? I haven't seen Prillya.

I just wanna know if we're gonna get the chance to really meet Karna's ex :V
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So with the submission of Wade Garrett's piece we have all the Masters on display.

My compliments to the author's involved in the project. This really does feel like the opening of a movie with a collection of scenes that showcase the main characters.

I do look forward to Red Team meeting each other the interplay should be all manner of fun.
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Well I didn't expect the truth of Shirou Kotomine, or at-least some version of it, to come out this early. Bravo for treading untried ground.

Of course now comes the question of how Red Team is going to react to this.
You know despite me spending some time thinking through how the various members of Red Team would play off each other and noticing the foil dynamics between certain characters somehow it never occurred to me that of course the North Korean magus soldier would gravitate towards the Russian participant. Man do I fell silly for missing that one.

In other news Arkady continues to be impossibly adorable despite the steel teeth and Avenger Class Card that really should make him a Edgelord. Hyun-suk and Jin-Ae are tied in the race for the snark at Kotomine award. Mary is in over her head but asking valid questions and in for a surprise when she uses that card of hers. Bertrice is the gift that keeps giving with her honest enjoyment of the Class Card's power and I eagerly await the fireworks that will ensue when Edward dons the mantle of Berserker.

Also sorry but when I first read this.
"I shot Hitler in the back of the head, was very cathartic.

The first thing that came to mind was -

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If things keep up at this pace between Arkady and Assassin of Black, who I think I recognise from a previous Fate RP in which Zerban contributed, it will need to move to a different forum.

Further thoughts: The Saber reveal legit surprised me. Ali continues to be a massive help to his teammates by simply asking the right question and being the voice of reason. It looks like Mary is going to have no choice but to don the Mantle of Caster which I am looking forward to. Hyuk's reaction to turning around and finding her teammate flitting with an enemy servant will be fun.

As ever this RP continues to be excellent with impressive contributions from all involved. I look forward to seeing what comes next.
Continuing my one man attempts to commentate on this excellent project, congrats to all players on making it through the first night. A lot of actionable intelligence was gathered and there was plenty of interesting interaction.

I must admit that, rather arrogantly, when the character list was decided upon I came up with a bunch of different inter-team relationships/dynamics that I was sure would play out. So far not one of those interactions has developed instead the readers have been treated to an array of fascinating groupings of masters.

Ali and Jin-Ae with contrasting views on religion, Hyuk and Arkady the communist trainwreck, Edward and Mary's developing camaraderie, Marianna and Bertrice being persistently insightful. Its all very well handled. I'm really interested in seeing where these characters go as the war follows its its course.

Zerban's inclusion of the post WW2 political landscape into the narrative is really neat. Stuff like Black Saber wanting to use the Grail to avert nuclear Armageddon, the shadow of the Nazi's actions and more gives the narrative a sense depth that really helps.
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I must admit that, rather arrogantly, when the character list was decided upon I came up with a bunch of different inter-team relationships/dynamics that I was sure would play out. So far not one of those interactions has developed instead the readers have been treated to an array of fascinating groupings of masters.
I'd be curious to hear what those predictions of yours were.
I'd be curious to hear what those predictions of yours were.

Well it was mostly me thinking the narrative was going to put what I saw as opposites together;

Basically I was sure that Jin and Hyuk were going to end up a teeth clenched team of foils with their contrasting servants and political leanings. The enlightened Saber contrasting with the hedonistic Rider, Communist vs Democrat.

Arkady and Bertrice seemed to me to be ready made counterpoints, both having Servants tied with nature and representing non clock tower magus groups. The recently hero Robin Hood clashing with the ancient monster Fenrir just as the ancient and esteemed Baba Yaga contrast with the new Yggdmillennia Clan.

I thought Edward and Ali were going to be contrasts. Both got less glamorous servants, have sisters more prominent than them in their family structure and serve as muscle in the Clocktower. But where Edward seems more bitter and angry with Magus culture Ali for all that he goes about it in a non standard way really does appears to believe in the ultimate goal of Magus society.

I was unsure who Mary was going to end up contrasting with, though I thought Marianna was a likely possibility, contrast the unblooded pacifist with the chainsaw wielding professional magus hit-woman.

Honestly looking back at my assumptions I'm really glad that things have gone so differently than I expected, this is way more interesting.
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Jin-Ae is being somewhat hostile, in a very Evangelion hedgehog sort of way. I suspect she may be overcompensating after her brush with possession battling Saber.

I know it's not meant to be funny but everyone reactions to Cash's behaviour is great. She's being all big and dramatic sniping at everyone but the group just ignores her or is utterly unimpressed by her antics.

Zerban's Shirou Kotomine continues to be fascinating. Kudo's as every to @TenfoldShields word smithing skills, Arkady's spectrum of emotions after his thing with Assassin came out was really eye catching.
On the one hand, the Night Phase is beginning, and the night is dark and full of terrors.

On the other:
ZerbanDaGreat said:
Eopsin was owed some goddamn chocolate.

"Oh! I'd like that very much, please. That does sound nice." He flashed Jin-ae the biggest, sharpest smile he had, eyes almost scrunched shut as he jerked his hand and the ribbons rewound.

The choice you offer is no choice at all.
That reveal as the fire of God's name burns away the deception.

I'm not sure what reaction is appropriate here, though laughter seems apt. This RP continues to be absolutely enjoyable.