Well, shit.

Taking down a bunch of human thieves was one thing, but a two-on-one Servant fight was definitely not part of the plan, especially at this early stage of the game. They looked like they were going in opposite directions, but that could just as easily be a setup for an ambush. Though Archer hated to do it, she should probably peel off for now.

Master, I've got a couple of Servants here with Protection from Arrows, she said over the link. I'm going to fall back for now, until we can form a better plan of attack.

She then ran towards one of the houses before bounding up onto the roof and away from the street. She wasn't sure, but she thought she saw some suspicious character pull up in a BMW while she was slapping down those Servants' accomplices. It would probably be unwise to continue fighting in that area for the time being, especially if she needed her Noble Phantasms to take those other Servants down. Who knows who could be watching.


Tsubaki caught a glimpse of the battle from her perch.

Protection from Arrows... What a pain, especially for the Archer class... Now what to do. There were several options she could think of off the top of her head. First, she could let someone else handle them, preferrably someone without the Protection from Arrows skill, or she could...

Understood, Archer. I'll meet up with you, and we can see how the situation develops. Maintain an optimal range.

The young magus slinked off into the darkness, hugging the alleys and hidden paths until she reunited with her Servant. She was interested in whomever might follow up; Archer's scuffle likely drew some attention. But she had to keep all the circumstances in mind.
Slipping back into his Master's hiding place, Angra Mainyu could only grin.

"Am I the best or am I the best!"

It was more a cheer to himself then anything. He was, after all, amongst the weakest of those things called hero. That Russian might well have been able to snap him in two.

"... Well, our spoils."

He didn't mention he'd already eaten. Gluttony was a sin, after all, and he was evil.
Slipping back into his Master's hiding place, Angra Mainyu could only grin.

"Am I the best or am I the best!"

It was more a cheer to himself then anything. He was, after all, amongst the weakest of those things called hero. That Russian might well have been able to snap him in two.
Hakuno, having found an alley that's a bit less in the open than the street, smiled at Avenger as he slipped in. Food! Without another word, she snatched a pancake from the platter, taking bites out of it in the way only hungry people really can.
"... Well, our spoils."

He didn't mention he'd already eaten. Gluttony was a sin, after all, and he was evil.
Upon finishing her first pancake and taking her second, she paused rather than devouring it. Instead, she took on a thoughtful look. "You know, you took longer getting those than I hoped. I actually got a bit worried, wondering if something happened. I couldn... Didn't want to talk to you in case that distracted you in a time you couldn't be distracted, so I was in the dark."

She took a bite of the newer pancake, actually taking the time to savour the flavor before she continued. "And then I found that if Masters want to, they can see through their Servant's eyes. Or maybe it's just me. Doesn't really matter for us. Guess what I saw you finishing off?"

She paused, taking another bite, and looked to continue... And then she just sighed and took another bite, speaking via the Master-Servant bond so she could enjoy the food while talking. "Ah, well. I don't have any room to complain, really. You're the one who actually got the pancakes, after all. Not really fair for me to go 'Oy, you already had some!' when its not like I got any myself. Take what you want."
"You COWARD! Master, I shall return after he has been dealt with!" With a great leap Archer launched himself from the car, releasing another set of arrows to chase the dwarf through the holes left in his wake. As he fell through the air the many many runes encasing his body burst away, and in a flash his true and giant form returned, leaving a large crater in the ground as he landed.

For a brief second he seemed to pause before he let out a roar himself, almost berseker like, before he joined the dragon in breaking his way through buildings. "GRAAAAAAGH! GET BACK HERE FAFNIR, SO I CAN BEFRIEND YOU!"
"Ah! Archer, wait-" Angelica began to yell, but the Servant was already gone.

Slamming the brakes, she tried not to let the forces of momentum force her head through the windshield, and watched in silent dismay as the giant ran, gleefully ignorant of the enormous amount of property damage he was inflicting as he chased the 'dragon'.

"...How am I supposed to record this if I can't see what you're doing?" She asked the air in a quiet voice, prepared curse dying on her lips as her Magic Circuits slowed and quietened.

Noticing the increasing clamor on the street however, she suddenly swore. Looking over her shoulder, she throws the BMW into reverse and turns it around, before putting it back into drive and speeding away.

"Ah, shit. I do not need to get arrested today." She grumbled as she drove pointedly away from the ongoing scene of carnage.
"I'm hunting a Dragon, but the coward is running away to chase after his gold. That will not do!" Archer answer's loudly as he bursts through one of the holes Fafnir had left, making it far larger in the process. Despite the rubble and clouds of dust that was pluming up around Archer as he briefly paused his run to shout in the direction of Saber.

"If you wish to continue the conversation, then join me in the chase. You're a hero, I'm certain you're worthy of hunting along side me!" At that, he readied himself to return to his run, small runes lighting up along his boots as he reinforced his body to chase down and catch the ugly dwarf despite the time he'd lose talking to Saber.

Seeing as he had the advantage, buying some time with this Servant seemed like a good move. Dashing after him, I did my best to keep pace without exerting myself, keeping my eyes peeled for Fafnir. After this concluded, I'd have to see about going back home to my Master. But for now, it was time to hunt.

And if needed, I had my trusty sword to eliminate the potential threats. I didn't want to use my Noble Phantasm early, but if I could get two Servants for the price of one...
Tsubaki caught a glimpse of the battle from her perch.

Protection from Arrows... What a pain, especially for the Archer class... Now what to do. There were several options she could think of off the top of her head. First, she could let someone else handle them, preferrably someone without the Protection from Arrows skill, or she could...

Understood, Archer. I'll meet up with you, and we can see how the situation develops. Maintain an optimal range.

The young magus slinked off into the darkness, hugging the alleys and hidden paths until she reunited with her Servant. She was interested in whomever might follow up; Archer's scuffle likely drew some attention. But she had to keep all the circumstances in mind.
Archer quietly started moving along the rooftops, keeping an eye out for any more Servants that decided that the street was the perfect place for a scrap. She made sure to not jump on the roofs of any of the houses that had large holes in the walls, just in case their load-bearing walls had been taken out by accident.

She sighed in relief when she felt her Master's presence by her side. "There you are. I'm telling you, things are looking real hairy out here," she whispered. "Between those two Archers, and whatever knocked holes in some of these buildings, I'm starting to think that we should pull back for now. We'll be no good out there if it erupts into a free-for-all."

While she was saying this, Archer checked her newly acquired guns to see how much ammo she still had left, before looking around for a relatively safe means of escape. If those other Archers were to show up again, then she might not be able to effectively protect her Master.

And that was unacceptable.
Archer quietly started moving along the rooftops, keeping an eye out for any more Servants that decided that the street was the perfect place for a scrap. She made sure to not jump on the roofs of any of the houses that had large holes in the walls, just in case their load-bearing walls had been taken out by accident.

She sighed in relief when she felt her Master's presence by her side. "There you are. I'm telling you, things are looking real hairy out here," she whispered. "Between those two Archers, and whatever knocked holes in some of these buildings, I'm starting to think that we should pull back for now. We'll be no good out there if it erupts into a free-for-all."

While she was saying this, Archer checked her newly acquired guns to see how much ammo she still had left, before looking around for a relatively safe means of escape. If those other Archers were to show up again, then she might not be able to effectively protect her Master.

And that was unacceptable.

Tsubaki was reassured by her Servant's presence, like having a big teddy bear with live firearms. "Do you think it's safe to observe the situation from a range, or should we retreat?"

Archer had already shown off a glimpse of her prowess. Tsubaki's gut wouldn't feel right if she didn't get to take the measure of their rivals in return. Who else could've thrown that vehicle through the air like a toy or shot lightning across the night sky? On the other hand, if Archer was worried, they'd pull back here. While the information might be valuable, the young girl took Archer's warning to heart. Getting drawn into other people's circumstances was the last thing she wanted.
Tsubaki was reassured by her Servant's presence, like having a big teddy bear with live firearms. "Do you think it's safe to observe the situation from a range, or should we retreat?"

Archer had already shown off a glimpse of her prowess. Tsubaki's gut wouldn't feel right if she didn't get to take the measure of their rivals in return. Who else could've thrown that vehicle through the air like a toy or shot lightning across the night sky? On the other hand, if Archer was worried, they'd pull back here. While the information might be valuable, the young girl took Archer's warning to heart. Getting drawn into other people's circumstances was the last thing she wanted.
Archer thought back to that garbage truck, and the fact that it was aimed at the van filled with cowboys. Whoever threw that truck had a serious grudge against those two Archers and their mortal lackeys. And then there was that lightning to consider. She didn't know as much about magic as her Master, but she could probably guess that whoever called down those thunderbolts had some serious power. Probably more than she could handle in a far fight.


"Let's fall back for now," she replied. "The main reason we came out in the first place was to look for a proper fighting ground. This street's way too exposed for either of us to fight effectively, and the other Servants aren't exactly being subtle with their strengths either."

But when we hunt down the bastard that ran through those houses, he's going to pay. Some of those houses had people in them, and he just plowed through them without even slowing

I won't let that slide. I
"You COWARD! Master, I shall return after he has been dealt with!" With a great leap Archer launched himself from the car, releasing another set of arrows to chase the dwarf through the holes left in his wake. As he fell through the air the many many runes encasing his body burst away, and in a flash his true and giant form returned, leaving a large crater in the ground as he landed.

For a brief second he seemed to pause before he let out a roar himself, almost berseker like, before he joined the dragon in breaking his way through buildings. "GRAAAAAAGH! GET BACK HERE FAFNIR, SO I CAN BEFRIEND YOU!"
"THE MIGHTY FAFNIR IS TELLIN' YOU TO QUIT IT!" Fafnir evaded the newest wave of lightning arrows with an impressive aerial leap, bolstered by a sudden resurgence of his Mad Enhancement thanks to the presence of the nearby gold thieves. Speaking of which, said thief with the suitcase was rather terrified when the biker dwarf barreled toward him with the speed and force of a semi-trailer and blasted his head clean from his shoulders with a single punch. Poor bastard was dissolving in a shower of golden sparks before he even knew what had hit him. Berserker tore open the suitcase with his bare hands and basked in its contents as they rained down in a shower of golden jewelry, every bit as giddy as a schoolchild playing out in the snow. "THE MIGHTY FAFNIR GOT HIS GOLD BACK! HOORAY!" Downright gleeful, that Fafnir.

The remaining cowboy gold thief was stuck on a tall picket fence, desperately scrabbling to find purchase and get to the other side. But in the commotion of everyone chasing down either the thieves or Fafnir, the SUV full of righteously beaten cowboys was now empty as a watering hole in the middle of a drought. And the cowboys who had been riding in it? Nowhere in sight.

Disengage (C): The ability to withdraw from combat in the midst of battle.
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"THE MIGHTY FAFNIR IS TELLIN' YOU TO QUIT IT!" Fafnir evaded the newest wave of lightning arrows with an impressive aerial leap, bolstered by a sudden resurgence of his Mad Enhancement thanks to the presence of the nearby gold thieves. Speaking of which, said thief with the suitcase was rather terrified when the biker dwarf barreled toward him with the speed and force of a semi-trailer and blasted his head clean from his shoulders with a single punch. Poor bastard was dissolving in a shower of golden sparks before he even knew what had hit him. Berserker tore open the suitcase with his bare hands and basked in its contents as they rained down in a shower of golden jewelry, every bit as giddy as a schoolchild playing out in the snow. "THE MIGHTY FAFNIR GOT HIS GOLD BACK! HOORAY!" Downright gleeful, that Fafnir.

The remaining cowboy gold thief was stuck on a tall picket fence, desperately scrabbling to find purchase and get to the other side. But in the commotion of everyone chasing down either the thieves or Fafnir, the SUV full of righteously beaten cowboys was now empty as a watering hole in the middle of a drought. And the cowboys who had been riding in it? Nowhere in sight.

Disengage (C): The ability to withdraw from combat in the midst of battle.
Right, that's it. This fight has gone on long enough. Did I think fight? I meant farce. This Fafnir was too crazy and kill happy for me to allow him to stay around, even for a Berserker.

Time to finish him off and head home. Leaping forward, I charge straight at him and hope that Archer doesn't shoot me in the back. Still, I have one surprise if he tries.

Drawing my sword, and deliberately not activating my Noble Phantasm just yet, I take a few somewhat cautious stabs and slices. Time to gauge his defenses before I really get going.
Saber nodded. He picked up Mograine in a Bridal Carry, rather easily all things considered, and braced his legs. Then he jumped onto a roof of a nearby house.

Tapping down on the roof tiles with slightly scuffed dress shoes, Mograine considered the ruckus in the distance. He could still hear Fafnir yelling. After a few moments peering around the neighborhood and being consistently thwarted by poor line of sight, he gave up on trying to keep track of the various Servants in the area.

"Well then Saber, what do you want to do? I think I've made it clear what course of action I would prefer but it's early days for the war at the moment, in any case. Do you want to depart or try to get a closer vantage point?"
Tapping down on the roof tiles with slightly scuffed dress shoes, Mograine considered the ruckus in the distance. He could still hear Fafnir yelling. After a few moments peering around the neighborhood and being consistently thwarted by poor line of sight, he gave up on trying to keep track of the various Servants in the area.

"Well then Saber, what do you want to do? I think I've made it clear what course of action I would prefer but it's early days for the war at the moment, in any case. Do you want to depart or try to get a closer vantage point?"
"Hmm..." Saber put his hand to his chin, thinking. "I thino we should get a bit closer; gives us a chance to scope out our competition. Don't suppose you have any popcorn?" he asked offhandedly. Thankfully the Grail had fed him information about this popcorn.
"Hmm..." Saber put his hand to his chin, thinking. "I thino we should get a bit closer; gives us a chance to scope out our competition. Don't suppose you have any popcorn?" he asked offhandedly. Thankfully the Grail had fed him information about this popcorn.

Mograine poises himself for the leap to the next building, wrapping an arm around Saber's shoulder.

"Unfortunately not. My apologies." Mograine says snarkily. "Anyway, just keep sharp. I don't want to die because Archer decided to get cute and shoot at me in the middle of her fight."
Mograine poises himself for the leap to the next building, wrapping an arm around Saber's shoulder.

"Unfortunately not. My apologies." Mograine says snarkily. "Anyway, just keep sharp. I don't want to die because Archer decided to get cute and shoot at me in the middle of her fight."
Saber shrugged. "Alright. I'll make sure to draw attention away from you if Archer attacks you." He began to run forwards, still casually talking. "Hopefully she doesn't notice." He jumped to the next roof.
Archer thought back to that garbage truck, and the fact that it was aimed at the van filled with cowboys. Whoever threw that truck had a serious grudge against those two Archers and their mortal lackeys. And then there was that lightning to consider. She didn't know as much about magic as her Master, but she could probably guess that whoever called down those thunderbolts had some serious power. Probably more than she could handle in a far fight.


"Let's fall back for now," she replied. "The main reason we came out in the first place was to look for a proper fighting ground. This street's way too exposed for either of us to fight effectively, and the other Servants aren't exactly being subtle with their strengths either."

But when we hunt down the bastard that ran through those houses, he's going to pay. Some of those houses had people in them, and he just plowed through them without even slowing

I won't let that slide. I

"Very well," Tsubaki replied, acquiescing to her Servant's insight.

Even so, the young magus couldn't help leaving some insurance behind. She stretched out her hand and a plume of mana bloomed from her palm, transforming into a fragile butterfly. Her familiar would remain behind and gather info. The facsimile of nature was less accurate than its summoner, but this method was safer.

"Let's get out of here." And once more, Servant and Master melted into the darkness.
"Very well," Tsubaki replied, acquiescing to her Servant's insight.

Even so, the young magus couldn't help leaving some insurance behind. She stretched out her hand and a plume of mana bloomed from her palm, transforming into a fragile butterfly. Her familiar would remain behind and gather info. The facsimile of nature was less accurate than its summoner, but this method was safer.

"Let's get out of here." And once more, Servant and Master melted into the darkness.
After the two of them had walked a fair distance away from that crazy street, Archer started to relax a little. If any of the other Servants had seen them and wanted to attack, they would have done so before now.

"Y'know, Master, it occurs to me that we should look into getting some grub," she said apropos of nothing. "I mean, we've been out on the town for a while now, and a snack would do us some good."

She didn't really need to eat, of course. That was one of the perks of being a Heroic Spirit. But Archer felt that she needed to reassert her humanity from time to time, and to remind herself and her Master that the Grail and the War weren't everything. Or worse yet, the only thing.

"You have any preferences for food?" she continued, as she started looking around for any restaurants, diners, or other eateries that might be open.
After the two of them had walked a fair distance away from that crazy street, Archer started to relax a little. If any of the other Servants had seen them and wanted to attack, they would have done so before now.

"Y'know, Master, it occurs to me that we should look into getting some grub," she said apropos of nothing. "I mean, we've been out on the town for a while now, and a snack would do us some good."

She didn't really need to eat, of course. That was one of the perks of being a Heroic Spirit. But Archer felt that she needed to reassert her humanity from time to time, and to remind herself and her Master that the Grail and the War weren't everything. Or worse yet, the only thing.

"You have any preferences for food?" she continued, as she started looking around for any restaurants, diners, or other eateries that might be open.

"Hm..." What places were open at this time of night. Perhaps a bar or...

"How do you feel about pancakes, Archer?" There was that restaurant Tsubaki had been meaning to check out. It had gotten some pretty good reviews, but the young magus had been busy setting up for the war.

She glanced at her watch. Her lips began to curl in a small smile when she realized the time. "Should be happy hour soon too."
"Hm..." What places were open at this time of night. Perhaps a bar or...

"How do you feel about pancakes, Archer?" There was that restaurant Tsubaki had been meaning to check out. It had gotten some pretty good reviews, but the young magus had been busy setting up for the war.
"Pancakes, you say? Now that sounds like a good idea to me!" Even in her historical life, Archer did enjoy the taste of a nice stack of pancakes every now and again, and the Grail supplied the memories of the other varieties of pancakes that existed all over the world. Just the thought of it made her stomach growl in anticipation.

She glanced at her watch. Her lips began to curl in a small smile when she realized the time. "Should be happy hour soon too."

Wait, what? Pancakes...and booze? Modern booze? At the same time? And at happy hour?

There was a pause as Archer let the implications of this statement sink in.

Then a goofy-looking grin split her face, and she abruptly pulled her Master into a hug. "Thank you for summoning me, and letting me know of such wonders," she whispered.

Releasing her Master from her grip, she then looked down both streets eagerly. "So, where exactly is this magical place?" she asked. From the looks of things, she would like nothing more than to head over to the restaurant immediately.
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Ivan stared at the spot where the strange child had appeared from thin air for several seconds after the matter, as if his brain was struggling to process what just happened. "дерьмо," he sighed and lit himself a cigarette. Poor Ivan wasn't getting paid enough for this shit.

"You are wanting tab for vodka? Fine. But if you eat pancake, move over Giant Man and be taking his." The burly bear wrestling enthusiast gestured to the now-unconscious body of Rider. "He already pay for big stack and is not looking to be finish it. Mind vomit on floor, Boris is clean up later."

"HA!" Berserker let loose a boisterous roar of approval and slammed his fist against the table jovially, causing the plates to rattle and the towers of pancakes to sway dangerously. "I like your fuckin' spirit, kid! But do you think you've got what it takes to keep up with a real hero?" The Servant reached over to grab Rider and casually flung him across the restaurant where he collided with the wall near Leonardo and Lancer. "Come on and see if you can impress the King, brat!"

"I'll show you why they used to call me the Super Alloy, kiddo." Tiffany replied with a smirk, taking the recently vacated seat along with the abandoned utensils.

"How're we playing this little game out?"
Saber shrugged. "Alright. I'll make sure to draw attention away from you if Archer attacks you." He began to run forwards, still casually talking. "Hopefully she doesn't notice." He jumped to the next roof.
Soon, Saber had reached a vantage point for the battle that was close enough. "Here we go!" he said, smiling and gently putting his Master down on the roof. "We should be safe up here. Should be."
"Pancakes, you say? Now that sounds like a good idea to me!" Even in her historical life, Archer did enjoy the taste of a nice stack of pancakes every now and again, and the Grail supplied the memories of the other varieties of pancakes that existed all over the world. Just the thought of it made her stomach growl in anticipation.

Wait, what? Pancakes...and booze? Modern booze? At the same time? And at happy hour?

There was a pause as Archer let the implications of this statement sink in.

Then a goofy-looking grin split her face, and she abruptly pulled her Master into a hug. "Thank you for summoning me, and letting me know of such wonders," she whispered.

Tsubaki watched the realization dawn on Archer's face. It was a pretty thing. The hug was a little surprising, but Tsubaki returned it with a few comforting pats on Archer's back.

"You're welcome, Archer. Frankly, I'd be failing as your Master if I didn't let you sample the local delicacies after you've come all this way across time," Tsubaki said with a smile.

Releasing her Master from her grip, she then looked down both streets eagerly. "So, where exactly is this magical place?" she asked. From the looks of things, she would like nothing more than to head over to the restaurant immediately.

"Hm... it should be..." Tsubaki's voice trailed off as she checked her smartphone. Unlike her sister, Tsubaki kept up with the latest trends. It was kind of embarrassing how ignorant other magi could be concerning technology.

Travelling there didn't take long. Tsubaki already had an idea of where the place was, but her phone's GPS eliminated any chance of getting lost. "Here we go. The Ultranationalist House of Pancakes."
Soon, Saber had reached a vantage point for the battle that was close enough. "Here we go!" he said, smiling and gently putting his Master down on the roof. "We should be safe up here. Should be."

Mograine replies "Indeed", and watches the Servant's in the area fighting. Making sure to keep Saber between him and them as much as possible. Mograine thinks to himself, 'This would be so much easier if I had a familiar.'

"What's your appraisal of Fafnir, Saber? Could you take him head on?"
Hakuno, having found an alley that's a bit less in the open than the street, smiled at Avenger as he slipped in. Food! Without another word, she snatched a pancake from the platter, taking bites out of it in the way only hungry people really can.

Upon finishing her first pancake and taking her second, she paused rather than devouring it. Instead, she took on a thoughtful look. "You know, you took longer getting those than I hoped. I actually got a bit worried, wondering if something happened. I couldn... Didn't want to talk to you in case that distracted you in a time you couldn't be distracted, so I was in the dark."

She took a bite of the newer pancake, actually taking the time to savour the flavor before she continued. "And then I found that if Masters want to, they can see through their Servant's eyes. Or maybe it's just me. Doesn't really matter for us. Guess what I saw you finishing off?"

She paused, taking another bite, and looked to continue... And then she just sighed and took another bite, speaking via the Master-Servant bond so she could enjoy the food while talking. "Ah, well. I don't have any room to complain, really. You're the one who actually got the pancakes, after all. Not really fair for me to go 'Oy, you already had some!' when its not like I got any myself. Take what you want."
Angra Mainyu just grinned.

"Don't mind if I do!"

And then he partook in more pancake.
Caster had never been what one would call comfortable with the opposite sex up close and personal. His wedding day had been proof enough of that little tidbit. So feeling a young woman running her fingers through his...fur... was a profoundly uncomfortable sensation that he bit down like the good b-Servant he was.

"Very good. A public place will make it risky for others to attack us." He turned in the way Taiga had directed him. "Hold on, Master." And he ran, paws flying over the sidewalk before he made a leap onto a neighboring building's roof, and across to the next, like a furry comet passing over the city.

"Woohoo!" Called Taiga, as she felt the wind blow through her hair. "Faster!"

She took a moment to look around and identify her location, confirming that Caster was heading in the general direction of the pancake place, before a thought occurred to her.

"Wait." She said. "Aren't people going to see us if you just jump around like this? We're wide in the open!"
Mograine replies "Indeed", and watches the Servant's in the area fighting. Making sure to keep Saber between him and them as much as possible. Mograine thinks to himself, 'This would be so much easier if I had a familiar.'

"What's your appraisal of Fafnir, Saber? Could you take him head on?"
"Yeah, I could take him," Saber said confidently.