
Honestly...You're not very fun to chat with when you insert yourself into the conversation in the manner which you seem to favor. After that nonsense you did with that Axel character of yours in that other RP's OOC Im kinda wary of you.
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Honestly...You're not very fun to chat with when you insert yourself into the conversation in the manner which you seem to favor. After that nonsense you did with that Axel character of yours in that other RP's OOC Im kinda wary of you.
95% of my mind is fuel with insane troll logic, and it only comes out when I'm very bored.
Oh dear...
I'm not sure how to interact with people who take their stupidity so seriously. Remembering I was once like you makes me cringe.
95% of my mind is fuel with insane troll logic, and it only comes out when I'm very bored.

No, what you espouse is not insane troll logic. Trust me, I know Insane Troll Logic

I'm intimately familiar with it in fact. What you do is just plain disruptive. With that in mind however, I can't even remotely pretend to try and bar you from your right to join the conversation since I am not staff.

But you did ask if someone would mind, and I answered that question.
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Meh, that was not me when I am bore.

That was me when I WAS nut.

And could have been worse.... Like listening to me speaking in a horrible Irish language.
Meh, that was not me when I am bore.

That was me when I WAS nut.

And could have been worse.... Like listening to me speaking in a horrible Irish language.
Why do you act like that's a good thing?

Do you not understand that such actions are not taken well, that people have no wish to be around someone who chooses to be disruptive purely for the sake of doing so? Say that you 95% Troll Logic all you want, that doesn't make you or your actions amusing, interesting, or in any way likable. Because, and I truly do hope that this is not a surprise to you, Insane Troll Logic or whatever the hell it is you're going to say you are next is not a positive attribute.
Why do you act like that's a good thing?

Do you not understand that such actions are not taken well, that people have no wish to be around someone who chooses to be disruptive purely for the sake of doing so? Say that you 95% Troll Logic all you want, that doesn't make you or your actions amusing, interesting, or in any way likable. Because, and I truly do hope that this is not a surprise to you, Insane Troll Logic or whatever the hell it is you're going to say you are next is not a positive attribute.

Actually, Yuck Fou man. That was my fake personality.