The Out Of World

Lichte's Brain
Ξ Fate/Carnival Rebirth Ξ

The Holy Grail. A wish-granting cup created by a triad of magus clans in the 1800s. Those who sought the endless potential of the device engaged in Holy Grail Wars, vicious battles between Heroic Spirits of legend. After three such wars, the city of Fuyuki was scoured by flames and the Grail was thought to have been destroyed.

Now we look to the 1930s. Only a mere two decades ago, key countries across the globe had taken up arms against one another and called upon alliances to initiate what was then known as the war to end all wars. Brothers-in-arms laid upon the rotting carcasses of each other as they choked on deadly gas in filth-laden trenches, prayed to the powers above in hopes of salvation and received no reply as they rushed across stretches of artillery-torn no man's land for friend, family and country.

And yet the world was readying itself for a new conflict to come. We had learned nothing from the folly of our fathers and the monuments to human imperfection that lay strewn across those barren and blighted scars on the landscape - and the scars that stretched across our own minds.
Another Grail War, if one should be so bold as to call such an event holy, raged on in the Far East. The Imperial Army of Japan and the Waffen S.S. waged a bloody battle against each other as the phantoms of fallen warriors rose from their graves to wet their tools with the blood of their foes once more. But it was not a walking god or a beast of olden myth that claimed the Holy Grail; the cup of wishes was whisked away from those traditional killing grounds by the patron of clan Yggdmillennia.

The schematics for the Holy Grail were leaked throughout the magical community to key individuals who would best facilitate knowledge of the Holy Grail's potential for destruction, all as part of an elaborate plot by which the Yggdmillennia would one day secede from the Clock Tower with this trump card in their pocket. But some things don't always go according to plan. Little incidents occur too small and far away to be observed and controlled with precision. Like a cancer, the first seeds of disaster borne by the replicated Holy Grails began to crop up. A Serbian family of magi with small territorial holdings in the American Southeast had developed a convoluted alteration to the Holy Grail in hopes of harvesting Noble Phantasms to employ as bargaining chips of their own.

Again, things don't always go according to plan. Individual accounts of that Grail War may vary, but sources agree that it concluded with chunks of a Floridian city in ruin as a phantasmal dragon flew away to the Other Side of the World with the Holy Grail clutched in its claws. And so the cycle of war carried on. More battles over Holy Grails ensued across the nation, with America becoming a new theatre for the magical world to clash over a critical resource. One mock Grail War even began in Las Vegas as a spectacle funded by the Vandelstam Conglomerate for a Dead Apostle Ancestor's entertainment.

We now look upon South Lake Tahoe, California. It is in this dusty city where we lay our scene. A Holy Grail has emerged and sent out the call for those who would be willing to shed civil blood for an uncivil cause.

War never changes.

And it makes monsters of us all.

  1. Standard site regulations are in effect.
  2. No God-modding.
  3. This is a war; characters are going to die or be otherwise eliminated in some capacity.
  4. If you intend to leave the RP, be sure to notify the GM beforehand and work something out regarding how you intend to have your character exit the stage. Otherwise, it'll be an absolute pain trying to make something of where you left off and trying to resolve the issue of your character in a manner that keeps the plot moving. Prolonged or unexplained absences will result in your character being relinquished to your partner or get killed off.
  5. I am the GM who will receive the PM. I am merciless and cruel. If you don't know how to send a PM, ask a friend for help so that you don't suffer my merciless cruelty.
  6. Be reasonable and polite when dealing with other players; caustic and/or condescending behavior will get you kicked from the RP.
  7. All character applications will be submitted via PM.
  8. You will be expected to exercise some basic writing skills in this RP. If the GM has trouble understanding what you're writing, you won't get in.
  9. This RP is set in the Nasuverse, and as such players are expected to have some basic understanding of the in-universe setting and mechanics prior to applying. If you honestly don't know something, check the wiki or the Type Moon General thread.
  10. Title your PM "Fate/Carnival Rebirth: (Insert Username Here)."
  11. Any instance of cheating will be punished with an immediate ejection from the RP, as will causing moderator intervention. Excessively forcing the GM to intervene will do the same.

This RP is taking place around Lake Tahoe, Nevada. The in-universe date is May 10th, 2006. The starting time is 10:00 PM or thereabouts. The weather is cloudy but otherwise pleasant. It's also a bit cold - consult temperature forecasts for the Lake Tahoe area for more details.

Masters can be either canon characters or original characters. Whatever floats your boat.

Servants from other fictional continuities are not allowed.

Double Summon is not available unless the sheet is written with the finesse of an artisan.

Noble Phantasms of Anti-City level or higher are banned for obvious reasons. If you can't use the NP without destroying the Grail, don't bother.

Failure to properly format your character sheet will result in rejection. Play it by the books.

No, your Master can't be a Dead Apostle Ancestor. Yes, they can be something utterly zany and absurd. Go wild. They can't be a crossover character from another fictional continuity unless you can write it well enough to earn my approval. Be aware that such entries will be heavily scrutinized and failure to pass judgement will mean you lose at the internet forever.

Assume this is a case similar to Fate/False Rebirth. You can apply for any class of Servant you like; there may be multiples of a class present. I may potentially allow more than the standard seven Servants and seven Masters. It all depends on how things turn out.

No, your Servant cannot be top-tier like Gilgamesh, Heracles, Karna, etc. If you wish to use those heroes, you must write them up in a different way from canon that is appropriately scaled down. Originality and alternate interpretation are key.



Appearance: (Written description, this is mandatory)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's legend)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Element(s): The elements the character can manipulate with magecraft

(List of abilities, thaumaturgical or otherwise)

True Name:



Appearance: (Written description, this is mandatory)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's legend)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Class Skills
Example (Rank): Description

Saber: Magic Resistance, Riding
Lancer: Magic Resistance
Archer: Magic Resistance, Independent Action
Rider: Riding
Berserker: Mad Enhancement
Assassin: Presence Concealment
Caster: Item Construction, Territory Creation

Personal Skills
Example (Rank): Description

Noble Phantasms
Fancy Subtitle
Type: Anti-Unit, Anti-Unit (Self), Anti-Fortress, Anti-Army, Anti-Team, Anti-Territory, etc.
Rank: (E-A, include a "+" or "-" if your Phantasm's effective Rank can be increased/decreased under certain conditions)
Description: (Explain how this ties into the character's legend and what it does)

The Grail: This is a Subcategory Grail War, as would be expected in Fate/Apocrypha. The Grail may be an imitation, but the Magic that the Grail uses still operates on the principle of 'throw power at it until it happens.' So the prize and stakes are the same as any canonical Holy Grail War.

The Servants: They get the standard Grail War info package. Additionally, they are able to sense whether another Servant is within a medium-small proximity of themselves.

The Masters: They get Master Vision, which updates an index in the OOC to include what they've seen.

The Location: The war initially takes place in the city of South Lake Tahoe, California. All Masters and Servants begin the RP within the boundaries of that area for the sake of coherency.

The Assassin class is getting revamped for this Grail War, which is a sort of mixed blessing. Presence Concealment as a skill has been changed. It was formerly a case of magical invisibility that dropped once you initiated an attack. Now it prevents an Assassin from being detected by another Servant's proximity sense. It also masks their Servant status to other Masters (avoiding detection and parameter reveals via Master Vision) until they initiate an attack, making them something to be a bit paranoid about.

The ability to conceal oneself with methods such as camouflage is bolstered to a high enough degree that exotic methods of perception may be needed to detect them, unless they break away from the proper concealment procedure or otherwise reveal themselves from their cover. If your Assassin is a master of submerged assassination, he'll be hardest to detect when moving through the water. If the Assassin specializes in urban combat or hiding in crowds, they will make their movements supernaturally unobtrusive when hiding among numbers and be impossible to scrutinize. And so on. Now Assassins will need to actually apply the skill part of sneaking.
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Servant Index
Player Servants
Class: Saber
Titles: El Campeador
True Name: Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, El Cid
Alignment: Lawful Good

Strength: A
Endurance: B
Agility: C
Mana: D
Luck: C

Appearance: A tall and imposing man, clad in heavy armor, Rodrigo is a fearsome sight. A scarred and weathered face, analytical and penetrating blue eyes, and a quite full beard of brown hair, the very face of a veteran warrior. A tall man as well, it would be very hard to underestimate him, and he certainly has a presence on the battlefield. A crown completes the ensemble, giving an air of at least some nobility.

Class Skills
Magic Resistance (C): Cancels spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.

Riding (C): All animals below the level of Phantasmal Species can be ridden. Does not extend to vehicles of the modern era.

Personal Skills

Noble Phantasms
The Tizona, Firebrand

The Unworthy Shall Fear
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: The legendary sword Tizona is infamous for its ability to make unworthy opponents terrified, having them give up upon sighting the blade, making Ferrán González surrender when he sights the blade. However, any being that qualifies for Servanthood by definition is a worthy opponent, so such extreme effects are not present. Instead, those without an anti-mental skill of B rank or higher, and those who do not have Eternal Arms Mastership of C or higher, have a rank down in all parameters when engaging Saber in single combat.

Other Servants
Class: Berserker
Titles: Dragon of Greed
True Name: Fafnir
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Strength: A (A+) [A++]
Endurance: B (A)
Agility: C (B)
Mana: C
Luck: D-

Appearance: Berserker is a very short and scruffy man with a horseshoe moustache. His attire is usually a leather biker jacket with the phrase "CASH MONEY" emblazoned on the back with the image of a roaring dragon. This dwarf is rarely ever without a numerous assortment of golden rings, chains and other sorts of jewelry all over his body. He loves his sunglasses and wraps his head in a bandanna to complete the biker image.

Class Skills
Mad Enhancement (E): While not insane in the conventional sense, Berserker is possessed by an intense greed. If an enemy steals from his amassed treasure, Berserker gains a rank-up to his Strength, Endurance and Agility until it has been taken back. His anger at being robbed drives him into a furious rampage that is difficult to calm down, as he will not desist until his wealth has been reclaimed.

Personal Skills
Golden Rule (C-): Berserker is guaranteed a lifetime untroubled by money, but his Luck is decreased one rank.

Magic Resistance (A): Cancels spells of A-Rank and below. Even if targeted by High Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for Berserker to be affected. An attribute born of his hybrid nature as a Phantasmal Species of immense power.

Monstrous Strength (A): An ability owned by monsters and beasts. Temporarily boosts the Strength parameter when under this skill's influence. The longer and more frequently Berserker utilizes this skill, the closer he grows to transforming into a deadly Dragon with poisonous breath. Stacks with Mad Enhancement.

Runecraft (D): Training in the thaumaturgical system of the Norse runic language, the Elder Futhark. Saber's comprehension of this magic system is very poor for the most part, but he has proficient usage of the Primal Rune Aegishjálmr - the Helm of Awe.

Noble Phantasms
Class: Berserker
Titles: ?
True Name: ?
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Strength: A
Endurance: A
Agility: C
Mana: D
Luck: C

Class Skills
Mad Enhancement (E): While not actually insane, Berserker's mindset is one that seeks to 'communicate with his fists' whenever possible. He is drawn to the thrill of a challenging fight whenever such an opportunity arises.

Personal Skills

Noble Phantasms
Class: Rider
Titles: ?
True Name: ?
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Strength: B
Endurance: A
Agility: C
Mana: D
Luck: E

Class Skills
Riding (A+): Creatures on the level of Phantasmal Beasts and Divine Beasts may be used as mounts.

Personal Skills

Noble Phantasms
Class: Archer(s)
Titles: ???
True Name: ???
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Class Skills
Independent Action (A+): The ability to act independently of one's Master, even without a supply of prana to support oneself. At this rank, a Servant can persist and even fight without a Master, even when using high-level Noble Phantasms. If the Servant is careful with his or her prana expenditure, then he or she can persist even after the Grail War.

Magic Resistance (C): The ability to resist magical effects. At this rank, the Servant is unaffected by spells consisting of chants of two verses and below. This Skill does not protect against High Thaumaturgy or Greater Rituals.

Personal Skills
Disengage (C): The ability to withdraw from combat in the midst of battle.

Protection from Arrows (B): The ability to defend against ranged attacks via extraordinary means. At this level, as long as the ranged weapon is within the Servant's line of sight, he or she can defend against them. This skill does not work for extremely long-range weapons, or weapons with a large area of effect.

Noble Phantasms
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So this is in the same universe as False Rebirth correct? I think I have an idea.
Too bad that we can't send in anyone with an above Anti-City NP, I was hoping to submit Grillby with a lightsaber. I guess I should look through my sheets and see if I have anything I want to play instead.
Well, first try I got in with a master, might as well try a servant this time.
... I have a few ideas. I might even get time to do them justice in a week or so.
fite me irl

Oedipus Tower no phantasms Gilgamesh only

all I wanted was a comedic scooby doo doors sequence through space station enki

ending with taiga tripping over and landing on the self destruct

causing beardgamesh to declare that he will get you next time tiger and use tarnhelm to teleport onto his secret underwater lair

is that too much to ask
Also, whenever I see 'You can't be a DAA' I have this warm sensation in my chest.

I am filled with pride.