Fate/Bloody Highlanders (Closed)

It almost like summoning figures of myth and legend from different cultures and time periods isn't really conducive to organization.

Funny that.
As a question do we have a player specifically being our homunculus constructor?

Also I concur Andromeda is adorable, sorry Kobus wants to dissect her.
Thinking about it, shouldn't the Masters probably share at least some of their biographies with each other, seeing as how we've all known each other for at least some time?
Kobus Wachtel utilizes healing magic and can make synthetic beasts though recently he's been hybridizing some homunculi unfortunately these homunculi have even shorter life expectancy than the others.

So at some point I've probably offered to try and put octopus or raptor eyes into Annabelle's sockets. It was likely a wise decision to refuse.

But if you end up needing a limb sown back on Kobus can do that.
I'll just copy/paste the bio I submitted, not like any of it wouldn't be public knowledge amongst Yggdrasil members, and Monty wouldn't bother hiding anything in it from the Servants - aside from the fact that his Magecraft works on humans, which he will very smoothly lie about.

Also it's been so long since I wrote it that I'd forgotten that his hair is in fact white instead of blonde.

Name: Montgomery Silk
Age: 170
Gender: Male
Element: Average One (artificially induced Element, was born Wind+Earth)
Description: English by birth and a London native, Montgomery Silk is a man completely unsuited to be a mage. He is much too...nice, really. Most people would describe him as a doddering old grandpa, even though he currently looks to be in his early to mid teens. The trademark ruthlessness common to all Magi is alien to him, and he'd rather have nothing to do with politics if he can help it...Mostly from decades of trying (and failing) to deal with the Clock Tower's bullshit.

In fact, the only reason why he inherited his family magecraft at all was because his mother died in the Second Holy Grail War. That he is now working to complete that very same ritual is an irony he finds most amusing.

Presently, he looks like a young teenager with stark-white hair and faded blue eyes, but this is only because he has recently youthened himself in preparation for the Holy Grail War. Funnily enough he is presently the same age, physically, as he was when his mother died in the Second Holy Grail War...though he still had color in his hair back then.

He's pretty cheerful all things considered, though from what some have heard he was a broken, beaten man before Yggdmillenia invited him to join them. That was a literal lifetime ago, though...

Magecraft: Conceptual transplantation. The art of conceptualizing a given trait of an object, then removing it and applying it to another object. For example, you have a wooden chair and a rock. You exchange the traits 'made of wood' and 'made of stone', resulting in a stone chair and a lump of wood shaped like the rock. For another example, you could take the 'harmless to humans but harmful to dogs' trait of chocolate and apply it to a weapon, rendering the chocolate edible by dogs and the weapon unable to harm humans, or the 'is a door' trait of a, well, door, and apply it to a wall to pass through it. Or give an inanimate object the 'capable of speech' and 'comprehension of language' traits to ask it questions.

Or give a bullet the 'severing' and 'binding' traits to crudely replicate the signiature weapon of a certain infamous killer.

However, while many traits or concepts can be removed from something with ease, certain 'core' traits or concepts cannot be removed without being replaced by a similar trait or concept. For example, you can remove the 'wet' or 'burning' trait from something without issue, but removing the 'made of stone' trait without replacing it with a 'made of X' trait will piss Gaia the fuck off and create massive backlash, since the object is now essentially not made of anything and that shit just isn't kosher.

Montgomery is unable to create concepts himself. He must retrieve a concept from an object before placing it on something, and that concept is forever lost to said object (unless it's put back). A piece of food that has had it's taste removed will be tasteless.

Montgomery's sole Mystic Code is a thick tome he keeps on his person at all times. Each page has a unique, interesting or useful concept stored on it, and the Mystic Code keeps that concept in a sort of stasis. This way, Montgomery has easy access to a wide range of concepts that he can apply to things at a moments notice. Once, long ago, Montgomery only had a single, half-filled volume. After joining Yggdmillenia, he now has an entire library of these books. Or, at least, several bookshelves worth.

Despite his age Montgomery is inept as a magus, and thus rather terrible at the traditional Magecraft practices of the Yggdmillenia clan. His only capability is his family Magecraft, which is mostly thanks to his Magic Crest. He has gotten quite good at using it in his near two centuries of life, though.

He is extremely hesitant to use his magecraft on humans fearing any lasting negative consequences, mostly out of rather traumatic personal experience from when he was a century younger. He's only recently been talked into using it on the homonculi, mostly due to the coming Grail War, and it'll be a while before his allies get him to budge any further on the issue. He is also very protective of his Magic Crest (and completely incapable of coherently explaining how it works), though he will happily use it to help his comrades however he can if simply asked.

Family History: Much of Montgomery's family history is completely unknown to him. Because the magecraft he inherited allows the user to remain eternally young, his mother never saw him as a potential heir, and thus never trained him as a proper magus nor educated him on his maternal family history. He doesn't even know how old she really was.

A true magus, Montgomery's mother had intended to carry out her research herself over the course of centuries, using a method of immortality she had devised that she thought flawless - conceptualizing and swapping her 'old' trait with an animal's 'young' trait. And indeed it worked, as Montgomery himself and his one hundred and seventy years of life can attest.

The ancient magus's first failing, or at least the first that Montgomery knows of, was meeting and falling in love with a certain man during the mid 1800s. She had a child with that man, born in 1850, named him Montgomery and lived happily for some time. She kept up with her research, of course, but allowed herself to indulge in the simple pleasures of family life at the same time.

Neither her husband or her son knew about her true occupation, at the time.

Her second failing was falling prey to the allure of the Holy Grail.

Montgomery's mother suddenly left one day during the 1860s, headed to Japan...And, as it turns out, her death in that disastrous war. Montgomery's father was inconsolable with grief, and died in an accident shortly after. Montgomery, meanwhile, received his inheritence from his mother - her Magic Crest.

It had only been a failsafe that she was confident would never come into play, a method to make sure that the work she had poured her life into would not be consigned to oblivion in case the worst happened. The result was that a young teenage boy was thrust into a moonlit world he never knew existed, and had never been prepared for. While he was not completely helpless, having the luck to inherit high-quality magic circuits from his mother, he was chewed up and spat out by the cut throat politics of the Clock Tower.

Even though he was determined to fulfil his mother's final wish and carry on her legacy he found himself consigned to mediocrity by his ineptitude as both a magus and a politician. True, he had the unique power to alter concepts to a degree most other mages are simply incapable of, but those concepts had to come from somewhere and Montgomery found himself unable to progress his mother's research with only the mundane concepts found in the modern world.

Perhaps if he had the help of another mage, capable of conjuring up things that possessed traits unseen in the mortal world, things might be different. But alas, the secretive and treacherous nature of the Clock Tower meant that Montgomery was doomed to work alone, and for decades he laboured tirelessly but fruitlessly, an ageless, lonely old relic of a fool written off by most of the Magus association and all but forgotten. One hundred years of failure would wear down even the strongest of men, and Montgomery was not a strong man.

Then, several decades ago, the Yggdmillenia clan contacted him...and everything changed.

He once had a wife and still has a son, sort of. His wife died decades ago, and his son (now in his fourties) hasn't spoken to him in years after a particularly vicious disagreement
So, uh, here's mine.

Name: Annabelle Glace
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Element: Water/Fire

Rather tall, with long, unruly cerelian hair. Fair-skinned with noticable burn scars around her wrists and ankles. Small bust, not much of a feminine figure. She really doesn't care about her appearance and usually just wears a simple shift in addition to metal armor on her forearms and shins in battle. She is blind after having her eyes burned out of their sockets, so she usually wears a blindfold.

Her Family Crest focuses on ice-based thurmaturgy, but her dual affinity has allowed her to combine it with fire to create heat-absorbing flames and light flames from ice and snow, among other things. In addition, a passive ability of her Crest allows her to absorb electricity and convert it into prana. In order to offset her blindness, Annabelle has taken to reinforcing her senses on a regular basis. 20 Magic Circuits, 5th generation Crest. Annabelle's Crest is much stronger than it has any right to be, although she lacks enough Magic Circuits to utilize most of the higher grade mysteries incorporated into it without killing herself. In addition, there are rumors that the founder of the Glace family was an extraordinarily powerful magus, and the family's power just waned over the years. Should Annabelle win the Holy Grail War, her wish would be to become as powerful as her ancestor was.

Family History:
The Glace family is rather unremarkable in Magi society, despite the late head's boasts of his great-great-grandfather marrying a fire elemental, and his Crest using a scale from a storm dragon as its base, of which only the latter can be easily proven. The former story is even more implausible due to the fact that there is no sign that the Glace family ever studied Fire Thurmaturgy. Twenty years prior to this War, the Glace estate was attacked by an unknown party, resulting in Annabelle's blinding, the death of her family, and the destruction of her family's property. As the only surviving member of the Glace family, Annabelle was made the head and given the Glace Crest, and, lacking any legal guardians, quickly adopted by an enterprising member of the Yggdmillennia family.

Her origin is Hearth, which I've interpreted as, among other things, her being a lot more active during the Wintertime as well as her and her Servant mostly hanging back as the rearguard or last line of defense.

During the Winter, she'll often be found doing random chores and housekeeping tasks around the manor, and with her sometimes waking up in the middle of the night to go dance in the snow, using her magecraft to burn intricate patterns into the snowfall.

At times she'll effectively kidnap someone who crosses her path and start fussing over them, this will likely happen a lot to her Servant once they're summoned since they'd be the closest to her.
I'll clarify that Annabelle is not usually like this, but is acting so confrontational because Nobu is, in her view, needlessly antagonizing everyone and ruining the Black Faction's cohesion, and that Darnic is doing nothing to prevent that.
Then perhaps post slower to acommodate the fact that your gm works of a week.

Either that, or your going to have to accept a level of fill in the blanks.
Then perhaps post slower to acommodate the fact that your gm works of a week.

Either that, or your going to have to accept a level of fill in the blanks.
Oh, I just assumed that Darnic was being quiet so as to gauge who was summoned, and fully expected Caster or Shielder to step in if things got too out-of-hand.

Remember, Annabelle is blind, and I don't believe that Darnic is in Archer's field of view, so she definitely made some assumptions as to what is happening.
It almost like summoning figures of myth and legend from different cultures and time periods isn't really conducive to organization.

Funny that.
Or worse. That said figures actually know each other.

Edit: Also just gonna mention that as squishy squishy humans it is usually not very ...wise to antagonize greater than life supernatural beings that made their careers on indiscrimantely killing more people than everyone else.
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