Fate/Bloody Highlanders (Closed)


The year is 2016. It is a time of change. A time of declared war.

Within the city of Renewth, within the heartlands of Scotland, a new disaster is brewing. A declaration, by a clan of Magi, that the world would no longer accept the hegemony of the Clocktower. The heads of thirty elite magi were delivered to the Association, along with a dire warning.

"We own the Holy Grail. Come and face us on our terms, if you dare."

It was the beginning of a new conflict, a Holy Grail War beyond the miserable things that had been seen before. No, today, it was the beginning of a war between two camps, for the supremacy of the Holy Grail.

However, one simple truth remained. Only one man could actually win the Holy Grail, and everything that came with it. For the gathered cream of talent of the family called Yggdmillennia, that hard fact was certain to boil into something terrible indeed.


This is a variant of the 'Player vs Enemy' variant of the Apocrypha Grail War that I've been messing around with in Re: Apocrypha, in so much as I can claim anything. However, I've decided to work it differently to how Re: Apocrypha went. You are playing members of the Black Faction, either Servant or Master. As a rule, I will accept between three and five masters and a similar number of servants, depending on how well I think the applications work together. Of course, since you are playing the Black Faction, there are some facts you need to be made aware of.

In order to change it up, I have moved the Grail War from Romania to Scotland. This, of course, means that the Servant that was summoned by Darnic has changed. For now, in order to allow players the most leeway, I have not nailed down a class. In essence, consider Darnic in possession of Schrodinger's William Wallace; I will find a way.

Yggdmillennia is a family that accepts those with no future as a magus, wither because their futures are sealed politically, their path of magic has no future, or the family itself is dying out. This will, of course, be expected to be born out within your Master applications. You are not required to be related at all; indeed, you will likely not be, as Yggdmillennia is by and large a family by adoption rather then blood. The family magecraft specialises in Alchemy, Kabbalah and Curses; while other more esoteric arts are of course not prohibited, these are considered your go to arts as a Master. Anything outside this sphere needs some sort of justification.

Renewth is a small castle town in the Scottish heartlands, of a sum total of about 15,000 people not including Yggdmillennia's castle fort. It's setup is not too dissimilar to Trifas on purpose; so that you have a frame of reference for the kind of resources you have to work with. For purposes, consider it within reasonable driving distance of other settlements.

Of course, your Servants have access to homunculus support; as such, this is a RP where a Master can be expected to shine, relatively speaking.

Servants, on the other hand, must suffer the brutal reality that catalysts have begun to dry up due to Subcategory Wars. As a result, a situation of Herakles or King Arthur, who is considered too well known, is banned unless you can provide exceptional justification as to why their catalyst might be available to a family of the downtrodden and broken (although yes, I acknowledge due to location, King Arthur is a terrible example as Stonehenge is literally near enough to drive to and back before the war starts). Your power level, likewise, should be moderated due to such issues. Scotland specifically was chosen because the folklore of its heroes is not as strong as some other nations for various reasons; as such, I expect you to improvise.

The final thing you need to know as Servants is the availability of Classes. Generally speaking, there are an absolute maximum of five slots available to players. The Grail War will select three knight class Servants and four cavalry class servants for each faction.

You may be asking why this is relevant. Allow me to explain.

For the purposes of this RP; the Knight Classes are as follows: Saber, Lancer, Archer and Shielder. Likewise, for the purposes of this RP; the Cavalry Classes are as follows: Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker and Gunner.

As such, each set of classes has been expanded by one. You are allowed to take full advantage of this; as such, the Class Skills for Gunner and Shielder are outlined below in the templates list.

As for player rules, they can be summarised as thus; be fair to each other, do not attempt to overrule each other. In a freeform game, it is difficult to gauge power levels in a reasonable, uncrunchy way, and neither a Master nor Servant sheet will reasonably encompass everything about a hero, to the point where weak parameters but inhumanly skilled is a possibility. As such, I am the final and only authority when a decision cannot be reached.

Well, that and have fun, anyway.




Family History:

As a general rule, each section is relatively self explanatory. Name, age, etc. Describe your character, use a picture if you must. Explain their magecraft and any tools they use (and this is important, as I can only work with what you provide. If I think your trying to slip something unreasonable in later because you forgot it now, it is on you) and explain the family history that led to them being a member of Yggdmillennia. Power is no object; remember the Grail has the true decision on who becomes a Master.

True Name:
Cultural Sphere:


Class Skills:

Personal Skills:

Noble Phantasms:


Likewise, the Servant template is mostly self explanatory. List your class, true name, etc, rank your stats, and list your skills and noble phantasms. The biography is a catch all; describe your hero, his appearance, who he is, his history and significance, in as many words as you deem necessary. There is no minima or maxima; some heroes are such they need near no explanation, others are not. I expect you to exercise some discretion, but fret not; if the detail is insufficient, I will ask for more.

Finally, for completeness sake, the class skills of Shielder and Gunner are listed below:

Magic Resistance of middling rank and Mana Defence of middling rank.

Riding of middling rank and Item Creation of low rank.

In order to clarify these Servants, Shielder is the Servant of the Shield, while Gunner is the Servant of the Cannon. As such, consider Gunner less a subclass of Archer, and more a sort of tank or turret precursor; their Noble Phantasm should not merely be a firearm, but something with boom to it, like a giant cannon or the Sanadamaru.

Finally, be aware the Caster class has already been summoned by the Black Faction; as a result, it is off limits.

If you need help, do not hesitate to ask.
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Hmmm... I was about to sleep... but I an at least sketch out an idea or three.
The siren's calling, it's too strong.

Lemme fulfill my duty in another RP before I can finish writing up Rider Eagle.
I figured that I may as well, given some people apparently want Mad Enhancement for some reason.
Who doesn't like going mad for power? And its not like Berserkers can't be characters anyway, Fran was pretty good at getting her thoughts across.

I mean, that requires lower ranks in ME, but still :V
When i feel they should. Given i have exactly one master sheet and even if i wanted everyone whose applied right now to join, on sheer class choices two will miss out, probably not for a bit.
I have submitted a Berserker. Let's see how this goes.
Sent in a Rider. Here's his theme song.

He is a patriotic man who values cooperation and the willingness to accomplish your dream no matter what. He also likes to explore new places, but didn't get much of a chance in life. So, this getaway in Scotland should be fun.
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*Starts making a Gunner*

Fuck, I'm starting to get overwhelmed by memes. When Hadou sees this, he's either gonna laugh and yell approved at me, or he's gonna tell me to get out and never come back.
Finally finished my submission. Had to start over at some point but I'm pretty happy with what I've got now. Loyalty Shielder should be fun.
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Most Trustworthy Assassin was submitted a while back, I just forgot to mention it here.