Fallout Equestria: Ebon King of the North

The sudden spike of worry, sadness and anxiety was clear, and recollection of her search for a power generator came to mind. But Ternox had other priorities than her home and mental well being on his mind.

This was a powerful machine, that much was clear. Even if the weapons didn't work, if it could stomp around and maybe have some basic turrets welded on or the like, it'd wreck any settlement, most would surrender on sight. It was a potent tool that could change the fighting between the big groups around.

It was a massive target, something any strong group would seek to claim or ensure the neutralization. By force, by intrigue, by diplomacy.

He considered the pegasus, the injured kirin carefully. The pegasi from a hostile group by her urging to go away from any like her. The young kirin from a somewhat basic tribe.

"This.. is a tough sit-you-ation." He started, sounding a bit hollow. "On the one hoof, this here's a find any big group would kill for. On the other hoof, this here's a find any big group would kill for.

The mare there didn't say the thing was bust. Just that she couln't pilot it. Ah'm assuming the folk with her were also incapable." He looked over to the skeletons noting unicorns. "An I'm not sure why on that part. Since there were other unicorns there..."

The changeling's attempt to seem wise and ruminate on things was interrupted by the rambunctiousness of a foal and the discovery of yet another corpse.

"Guess it's cause that helmet's got some oddness about how it works, and not some simple pullin' levers or the like ta it."

He paused in consideration of the situation. "Way I see it, we kin do three things.

We kin go our separate ways, have Morning race off and contact her ponies, see if she kin get them here before tha slavers.

We kin stop and try ta cover it up before we go, try ta prevent tha slavers from finding it, though if her people are as... unpleasant as she made them seem, that puts tha' rest of us at risk..

Or we have anypony who's up for it, try ta see if they meet the standards of one of the crazy pre-war scientists and pilot tha' thing. And have the biggest baddest thing in tha Wastelands under their control. Tho it'd also be tha biggest target there is.

I know I ain't interested in getting in tha' thing." For multiple reasons, that they were a Changeling and that could probably tell with a direct interface, that they were playing a pacifist doctor, and that they didn't want the pegasus mare to suddenly aim plasma guns at him again because he was talking about taking a find she was duty bound to keep for her people.

Even if it would let the changelings have an interesting option and he'd have immediately abandoned his journey to head back to get tech specialists if he was alone, the situation just was not set up for changeling acquistion of the machine.
Dawn nodded at the medic's words, mind racing. "This... this isn't the sort of discovery we can just leave behind and just forget. It stays here, with the soil like that? We won't be able to hide the hole, and if those slavers got their hooves on that..."

He trailed off, meaningfully. Despite his neutral face, though, he couldn't lie. The reveal this was a vehicle, and not a robot? His forehooves were already itching to dig into that. It shouldn't be that hard to get it started, if it had any fuel despite all this time... Refueling it would be a bit of a logistical nightmare, though, and getting it out would be pretty hard. But he could already see ways to get around those problems without hurting anyone else...
However the corpse slumping out of the Twilight's cockpit was the least of my worries as I jumped into the air, beeline right towards the foal who'd clambered halfway up the dangerous warmachine, and snatch him up in my hooves.

"YOU-!" I stop myself just before I start. My heart is hammering inside my chest, and my wing beats are angry and unsteady.

Breathe in, breathe out...

"You, are lucky all that did was open the cockpit."

This time, my voice not a mechanical snarl but just... my voice.

I slowly carry the little guy away from the robot, almost unconsciously keeping him from looking at the corpse inside. "I don't know if you heard Golden and me talk about it, but the ponies who made these things were both really clever... and also sometimes really crazy. That lever could've had some really nasty booby trap hooked up to it, for example. Imagine how bad that would've been."

I glide down, landing on my hear hooves. The colt is gently deposited onto the ground, right next to Dawn. Right before landing myself, shaking my wings once before closing them.

"Now," I nudge the colt, "What do you say after making your big brother almost have a heart attack?"

I look back at the Twilight and... yep.

"Unicorns-only, it looks like." I roll my eyes. "Of course."

I look back at the others.

... and they're now staring at me.

"... what?" I blink, and then turn the voice distortion back on. "What?"
The adult Kirins outside Dawn all looked away at that, some of them coughing awkwardly. How do you tell a mare she's got... well, that kind of voice when she wasn't hiding it behind a filter...?

As for Blaze, that little scolding caused his ears to flatten as his head dipped. "'m sorry..." he mumbled, just out in general. "It's just... lever..."

"As long as you have an idea why you shouldn't have done that, then it's all good," Dawn replied, looking down to grace his brother with a small smile before turning back to the machine, eyes narrowing. Spring's eyes also immediately begin to narrow, as well.

"Oh no. Dawn. Dawn, I know what you're thinking."

"If it' not too much, could you check to see if there's a manuel in there or something?" Dawn said, ignoring his cousin as he looked over at Morning Mist. "Because we can't leave this behind. Not with what I did to the roof. And if any of us are going to try and pilot this thing, we should at least see the instructions or whatever."
"So he's... senile...?"
If the ghoul weren't occupied ranting to the nearby skeletons about grocer markups and war rationing on beauty cream, he'd have raged at the insinuation- And moreso if Gears had vocalized her pity. Misspent as it was to him, Bitterbriar would be hard pressed to dispute it.

Cataracts glanced aside as Morning Mist's wings fluttered, flashing with something close to nostalgia for the days he'd garner the same sort of reactions- But luckily for all involved, the thought is gone before he could trace her helmet's sight to Golden Gears and say something about it.

They were talking about.. The dra- The robo- The fat metal eyesore and the corpse in its kangaroo pouch. The sociopolitical effects of a weapon like this on the wasteland stage meant havoc and trouble, for them, everypony near them, and everybody else. Even if he ran, he was sure he'd end up dealing with its consequences- Just further down the line. He closed his eyes, stifling a rising growl of frustration as he warred with himself.

No, he could just- Briar blinked, glancing down to pry his hoof from the blade as Mist lectured the foal. His body, ready to spring when she'd charged, quietly uncoiled under his cloak. Resigned violence vanished as quickly as it'd threatened to surface. What was he saying? Well. It wasn't one thing or the other. He was just heading north to look for a chance at restoring himself. He could leave these people to their drama any time he pleased.

Hold up- "Manual?" The ghoul sneered, "What sort of ass backward inbreds do you think ran the Ministries? Just nab the pinbally uh, mem-"
Golden Gears shrugged. "Your voice is nice. Though that distorter in your armor is clever. I don't really have much experience with power armor, so I don't really know if its unique to your model or what. Still." [...] Plus, y'know, instinct to being suddenly touched in the wasteland is usually to respond swiftly and with force, and Golden didn't want to know what being stabbed with that stinger would feel like.
Unfortunately, any semblance of helpful commentary evaporated as Golden Gear's mention of Mist's voice finally registered. The skull's grin widened as he came up beside Gears. "Mighty sorry for earlier." He quietly intoned, almost apologetic. "But don't you worry- Briar's got the right of it now."
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"So he's... senile...?" There were rules above the sky about what to do with pegasi too old too think, and I don't think the Wasteland would be much kinder.

"More like, he's been lost in his own head fur awhile, and having some other ponies to chat with, ought ta help him get his head straight, with time, and medical care." Helping ghouls that had been alone for awhile was sometimes quite worthwhile to the Scorched. Not just for the emotions, since they still could feel like any other pony, even if their bodies were dead, but they were also troves of knowledge sometimes about places.

Some reasons that Scorched were voices in favor of treating ghouls more fairly most of the time, a trend that had made them some against them having a say admittedly, but generally those weren't in favor of 'working class' ponies most of the time anyway.

"Damn right they are!" Bitterbriar puffed his atrophied chest haughtily, dented blue star pinned to a dead pony's barding. Assured he'd 'beaten the dragon into compliance', Briar glanced over his shoulder at mention of familiar names- Vanhoover, Sunny Fields, the Ministries- And mention of spells working with broken horns. He missed any snickering entirely. It was a longshot, but after however long it'd been, any lead was better than none.

It made the changeling chuckle, seeing the unicorn puff up like that. The feelings after, jumbled as they were caught his attention though.
"That Shimmer-" He started, cataracts gleaming beneath the brim of his hat. "They.. They mention..?" Bucking- What was he asking again? It threatened to slip through his hooves like most thoughts did. "Why don't we just-?" But before he could push through the daze of migraines in full-

He couldn't help but feel a smidgen of actual concern for the unicorn. Sure sure, emotional vampire, changeling manipulating others, but.. few ponies were the ones that he'd wish such mental illness on. Mainly Redeye and those that worked for him.

Ternox hopes that hanging around with them would help the ghoul straighten his thoughts out like he believed might happen. Friendship was good medicine that way.

Bitterbriar stumbled back, squinting in confusion- And then abject horror as he pointed a hoof. "I was the dragon all along!"

Okay, that was worth another chuckle.

"The terminal entry says that the exit tunnel had collapsed," I tell the doctor, "Maybe they could've piloted it, but... where would they even go? All they could've done was crash into the walls. Even those big guns would've done no good; at best they'd just bring the whole place crashing down on top of them."

"Iffen ya know yer gonna die anyway.. take the gamble. Have everypony bunch up, make shields, have an 'unfit' pilot do their best ta blast out, just don't lie down and die." The changeling was firmly against such an idea after spending so long hungry, trying to live, braving the dangers seeking new places to lay their head and provide the services of the Scorched. If they were a quitter, they'd not be alive now.

"... what?" I blink, and then turn the voice distortion back on. "What?"

"Ain't nothing." The doc said, amused she was treating a kirin foal so well. When a pony stayed around a pony that propaganda made them hate enough, they realized they were just ponies too. Unless they were truly like raiders.

Hold up- "Manual?" The ghoul sneered, "What sort of ass backward inbreds do you think ran the Ministries? Just nab the pinbally uh, mem-"

"Memory orbs?" Supplied the doctor, reinforcing his desire to not pilot the thing if those were involved. He really really did not like losing his awareness of his surroundings. Best to keep unexamined things out of his field then if the manual might include those.

"Iffen ya know yer gonna die anyway.. take the gamble. Have everypony bunch up, make shields, have an 'unfit' pilot do their best ta blast out, just don't lie down and die." The changeling was firmly against such an idea after spending so long hungry, trying to live, braving the dangers seeking new places to lay their head and provide the services of the Scorched. If they were a quitter, they'd not be alive now.

"The world had just ended," I point out, "Everything they'd ever worked for, every goal they'd had, every dream they'd dreamed... And everypony they loved or knew or cared about or met --everypony not in Stables or bunkers-" Or in the sky. "- was dead. And even if they did get out... you all saw what's up there. The warehouse we were in is the only shelter I've seen, and supplies that last three weeks when sitting around last a lot less when you're moving."

Golden Gears shrugged. "Your voice is nice. Though that distorter in your armor is clever. I don't really have much experience with power armor, so I don't really know if its unique to your model or what. Still."

Morning Mist was odd. Prickly and guarded one moment, kind and attentive the next. Golden Gears had seen her shudder earlier, upon thought that the whole chamber might collapse. She had wanted to pat the other mare on the shoulder, but figured Morning Mist wouldn't appreciate any attention being called to it. Plus, y'know, instinct to being suddenly touched in the wasteland is usually to respond swiftly and with force, and Golden didn't want to know what being stabbed with that stinger would feel like.

I tilt my yead.

... Did Golden Gears just call my voice nice?

Oh she did. Uhm. Hm.

The adult Kirins outside Dawn all looked away at that, some of them coughing awkwardly. How do you tell a mare she's got... well, that kind of voice when she wasn't hiding it behind a filter...?

And now the older Kirins are acting strange. I stare at them through the suit lenses.

"Come on Ell-Tee, do the voice!"


"Come on, boss mare!"



Sigh. "I lead a rabble of bucking perverts... Fine. Ahem. Oh my~."

"Ain't nothing." The doc said, amused she was treating a kirin foal so well. When a pony stayed around a pony that propaganda made them hate enough, they realized they were just ponies too. Unless they were truly like raiders.

"For the record," I growl, "The voice filter's staying On."

As for Blaze, that little scolding caused his ears to flatten as his head dipped. "'m sorry..." he mumbled, just out in general. "It's just... lever..."

"As long as you have an idea why you shouldn't have done that, then it's all good," Dawn replied, looking down to grace his brother with a small smile before turning back to the machine, eyes narrowing. Spring's eyes also immediately begin to narrow, as well.

I successfully resist the urge to use one of my wings to ruffle the guy's mane. For one: Power Armor, small colt. For another: Pointy horn.

The doc's still working on Dawn's leg, but thankfully he's not in too much pain. Unfortunately, he's not in enough pain to not think of dumb ideas.

Dawn nodded at the medic's words, mind racing. "This... this isn't the sort of discovery we can just leave behind and just forget. It stays here, with the soil like that? We won't be able to hide the hole, and if those slavers got their hooves on that..."

He trailed off, meaningfully. Despite his neutral face, though, he couldn't lie. The reveal this was a vehicle, and not a robot? His forehooves were already itching to dig into that. It shouldn't be that hard to get it started, if it had any fuel despite all this time... Refueling it would be a bit of a logistical nightmare, though, and getting it out would be pretty hard. But he could already see ways to get around those problems without hurting anyone else...

Oh my moon and starts, I know what he's getting at and ancestors save me it's dumb.

"Oh no. Dawn. Dawn, I know what you're thinking."

"If it' not too much, could you check to see if there's a manuel in there or something?" Dawn said, ignoring his cousin as he looked over at Morning Mist. "Because we can't leave this behind. Not with what I did to the roof. And if any of us are going to try and pilot this thing, we should at least see the instructions or whatever."

Behind my helmet, I narrow my eyes, and breathe out.

Shaking myself, I spread my wings, and fly up to the cockpit, standing on whichever hoofholds I can find. I gingerly remove the helmet from Starlight's skull, and then nudge what's left of her out of the way while I rummage inside.

Hold up- "Manual?" The ghoul sneered, "What sort of ass backward inbreds do you think ran the Ministries? Just nab the pinbally uh, mem-"

"Memory orbs?" Supplied the doctor, reinforcing his desire to not pilot the thing if those were involved. He really really did not like losing his awareness of his surroundings. Best to keep unexamined things out of his field then if the manual might include those.

"Disregarding the living mutant corpse chucking hail at glass houses; yes, memory orbs. I imagine one of those with basic operations might be somewhere up there. But, unless you find a working memory orb reader around here, the only one who could use it would be one of..." I gesture broadly at Dawn and his tribe. "You."

"My civilisation's rules are very... strict. Even we recognize that,"
I begin, checking first whatever consoles were inside, and then start searching Starlight's body. "And our military's rules are even moreso-" Sometimes. And for most ponies. "- particularly when it comes to the Wasteland. There are operational procedures on what to do when encountering Wasteland dwellers-" Avoid them. "-when somepony discovers our presence-" Kill them. "-when we find advanced technology, and when we find advanced technology in the hooves of Wastelanders." Recover it. Kill them, and then recover it.

I flick my tail. "And before anyone accuses me of worshipping toasters; when I say 'advanced technology', I don't mean... terminals, or power armour, or energy weapons, or an old Protect-buck or the generator that keeps the lights on. I mean this," I tell them, using my right wing to gesture at the Twilight. "And... I have been bending the rules."

Rather, I've been ignoring them and hoping I can reach what's left of Company Alpha and save everypony before-... Before it all catches up to me.

I pause, and then look at Dawn dead in the eye.

"You're right that we can't ignore this. Imagine the Steel Rangers getting their greedily little hooves on this thing. Or imagine Red Eye in the cockpit, or... whoever it was that sent those slavers-" I spit out the word. "-towards us. How long would that security spell last? And as for me... Before now, I could've just..." I flutter my wings. "Left, as I've repeatedly said I would."

Another flick from my tail. "The Twilight complicates things," I say, the understatement bursting with how much it hides. "I have to --and I will-- bring this to my... group, ASAP. If I don't... Well, the moment they find out --and they will find out-- the least that might happen is me being kicked out of the military and then having to figure out what to do for the rest of my life with that hanging over my head. And that's the good outcome. The bad ones start with imprisionment, and end with execution and exile... Depends on how much I pisss the Council off."

I sigh, and suppress a shudder. "What I'm getting at is this: whoever ends up piloting this thing, assuming anyone here can, is gonna be stuck with me untill I can call in Divisional Command."
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Shaking myself, I spread my wings, and fly up to the cockpit, standing on whichever hoofholds I can find. I gingerly remove the helmet from Starlight's skull, and then nudge what's left of her out of the way while I rummage inside.
The cockpit was cozy, disregarding Starlight's sterilized skeleton. Judging by the lack of buttons, sticks and switches, the bulk of the machine's operations would be conducted via the helmet. The space in front of the seat was mostly reserved for screens, all of them black and unpowered, while behind the seat were extremely narrow tanks which, judging from the labels, were autoinjectors for stimulants, combat drugs, and healing potions. A space for waste removal, an (empty) tank for water, and a compartment that was empty save for a single, conspicuous, cleanly folded wrapper whose label read NUTRIENT BLOCK.

The prize was hidden inside a compartment under Starlight's right armrest. An unmarked, metal case containing twenty memory orbs, indistinguishable from clear glass marbles. They were all nestled in foam, each one labeled in neat writing. The one at the top left was BASICS. The next was WEAPONS. The third, ARMOR. Fourth, PERSONAL. The rest below them were all labeled MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, subdivided into categories based on parts and limbs.

Starlight's other armrest also contained a hidden compartment. Inside it was a semi-automatic pistol with a cutie mark that had been etched onto the grip. It was unloaded, but the magazine next to it was missing six out of its thirteen bullets. One more memory orb rested at the very bottom in the corner.

The cockpit was cozy, disregarding Starlight's sterilized skeleton. Judging by the lack of buttons, sticks and switches, the bulk of the machine's operations would be conducted via the helmet. The space in front of the seat was mostly reserved for screens, all of them black and unpowered, while behind the seat were extremely narrow tanks which, judging from the labels, were autoinjectors for stimulants, combat drugs, and healing potions. A space for waste removal, an (empty) tank for water, and a compartment that was empty save for a single, conspicuous, cleanly folded wrapper whose label read NUTRIENT BLOCK.

And of course the only controls that exist are the mental interface. Bucking Unicorns...

... sigh. On the other wing... well. I'd think making this thing move is a little more complicated than a Skytank or a Vertibuck, or even a cloudship. Limbs are funny that way.

The tanks raise my eyebrows. Water... okay, I kinda get that. Healing makes a little sense because anything that penetrates the cockpit will mess up the pilot like nopony's business.

Waste disposal and combat drugs? Less so. A LOT less so. Were they expecting somepony to pilot these things for days without sleep?

... this is the same country which us to die by the thousands against Zebra AAA. Of course they did.

I poke at the nutrient block, morbidly curious, and then stash that in the suit's storage.

The prize was hidden inside a compartment under Starlight's right armrest. An unmarked, metal case containing twenty memory orbs, indistinguishable from clear glass marbles. They were all nestled in foam, each one labeled in neat writing. The one at the top left was BASICS. The next was WEAPONS. The third, ARMOR. Fourth, PERSONAL. The rest below them were all labeled MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, subdivided into categories based on parts and limbs.


I grin under my helmet... and then remember that the only pony with mechanical knowledge here is Golden Gears. The Earth Pony.

Bucking Unicorns.

Grumbling all the words my parents had used to describe Unicorns under my breath, I close the case and tuck it into another storage pouch. Out of spite, I pull the helmet off of the corpse's head and nudge it out of the cockpit.

I keep digging around. Who knows what else is here, after all?

Starlight's other armrest also contained a hidden compartment. Inside it was a semi-automatic pistol with a cutie mark that had been etched onto the grip. It was unloaded, but the magazine next to it was missing six out of its thirteen bullets. One more memory orb rested at the very bottom in the corner.

Slugthrower. How quaint.

The pistol goes into another pouch, along with the ammunition, after a quick examination of the rounds in the magazine... and then I blink. Starlight hadn't used it to end her life, otherwise the pistol would've been somewhere around the cockpit's floor, or on her lap. Had she really just... sat in here, waiting to die...?

I immediately move on from that image, pausing for a moment when I see the memory orb; what had Starlight put in there? Extra instructions? Secret knowledge? A final will? The last moments of a mare locked inside the tight, claustrophobic cockpit as she-

Who knows. I pick it up as well, and then flutter off the Twilight and onto the ground.

@The Fourth Monado @triumph8w @Asmodemus @Sablonus

"Good news: Starlight put a manual for operating and maintaining the Twilight!" I quip with false cheer. "Bad news: she put it all into TWENTY memory orbs because of course she did."

I gesture around the cave which absolutely hasn't shrunk while I was rummaging around an old war machine shut up brain. "Look for a memory orb reader; I'm HOPING Starlight didn't expect only unicorns to maintain this thing."

A pause. A sigh.

"Whoever finds it gets Starlight's gun. Also, if somepony could find something to boil water in I'd appreciate it."
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Unfortunately, any semblance of helpful commentary evaporated as Golden Gear's mention of Mist's voice finally registered. The skull's grin widened as he came up beside Gears. "Mighty sorry for earlier." He quietly intoned, almost apologetic. "But don't you worry- Briar's got the right of it now."
Golden Gears tilted her head as Bitterbrair came up to her, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Got the right of it…in the sense that he—probably temporarily—regained his faculties? He seemed more lucid now, though not as he was during the fighting. Is that when he'd be the most put together? That'd be…kinda sad, if she was being honest with herself. Sure he was kind of a jerk, but he probably could've just run off during the fight if he wanted to. Or even as everyone looked for Dawn Blaze. She repressed a shudder as Bitterbrair's grin widened. Wasn't his fault that radiation decided to leave him half-dead, half-immortal and took his skin as payment. Wasn't the fault of any Ghoul, really. And she liked to think she wasn't squeamish…but she had to admit, he could look scary when he wanted to.

"Well, it happens." Golden Gears said. Living in the wasteland was mentally taxing enough, trying to wander it? Yeah, a mental break here or there should be expected. "Glad to hear you've got the right of it though!" She finished, voice chipper.

"Iffen ya know yer gonna die anyway.. take the gamble. Have everypony bunch up, make shields, have an 'unfit' pilot do their best ta blast out, just don't lie down and die." The changeling was firmly against such an idea after spending so long hungry, trying to live, braving the dangers seeking new places to lay their head and provide the services of the Scorched. If they were a quitter, they'd not be alive now.
Golden Gears could understand what Morning Mist meant, how the world ending may paralyze some ponies. But she found that she couldn't help but agree with the Doc. Better to keep looking for a solution, for something, anything, than to simply lay down and die. Problem solving was a tricky business, but there was an answer to every puzzle. You just had to find it first.

Still, as the conversation went on, the thought went unvoiced.

I sigh, and suppress a shudder. "What I'm getting at is this: whoever ends up piloting this thing, assuming anyone here can, is gonna be stuck with me untill I can call in Divisional Command."
Whatever the group Morning Mist belonged to was called, they certainly didn't mess around.

Part of Golden was surprised Morning hadn't already popped out of the cave to call her 'Divisional Command,' or look for the rest of her team, which she did seem to be worried about. Maybe the power armored mare just wasn't getting her hopes up in either regard. Not much Golden could do there, though part of her wanted to. To be cut off from the people you knew, that you loved, searching for some way to try and help them…

Right. If there was an opportunity Golden might pitch in. Though Morning Mist had warned them off, earlier. Her group seemed to take great care in remaining hidden. Not that Golden could blame them. There were only so many things she could devote her attention to.

It'd be nice traveling with Morning Mist, even if that voice filter would be buzzing out instead of the mares rather pleasant normal voice. Plus, well, it was hard to compete with power armor and plasma weaponry; especially when they were airborne.

Still, she probably wouldn't want to stick around whenever Morning Mist did get through to her commanders and reported in about the Paladin.

"Sounds fair to me," Golden Gears said with a nod.

"Good news: Starlight put a manual for operating and maintaining the Twilight!" I quip with false cheer. "Bad news: she put it all into TWENTY memory orbs because of course she did."

I gesture around the cave which absolutely hasn't shrunk while I was rummaging around an old war machine shut up brain. "Look for a memory orb reader; I'm HOPING Starlight didn't expect only unicorns to maintain this thing."

A pause. A sigh.

"Whoever finds it gets Starlight's gun. Also, if somepony could find something to boil water in I'd appreciate it."

Golden Gears ears had perked up, the small mare leaning forward from where she was standing as she paid absolute attention to what Morning Mist was saying. The Pegasus had been rummaging around inside the Paladins interior, her power armor proving to be surprisingly flexible. It wasn't like what she'd heard about the original suits, the heavy, stomping, walking tanks given to the Steel Rangers. There was a nimbleness here, an ease of movement that was truly impressive. Oh, if only she could compare it properly! Maybe lessons could be taken from this Pegasus PA? Applied to the walking versions?

Golden Gears' train of thought was derailed upon mention of the memory orbs, and she deflated somewhat. They were another piece of truly impressive Equestrian technology, if a bit gruesome in how they were used. Little windows into the past. Unparalleled tools of learning and understanding. To share experiences and knowledge with such ease could help so many people, if used right.

And completely inaccessible to Earth Pony's.

Well, at least she couldn't use it the way a Unicorn would. She'd have to go through some hoops and steps, and if they—or well, her—were unlucky, and a memory orb reader couldn't be found…well, she wouldn't be of much use when it came to the Paladin. The giant machine still seemed like a giant target to her, but even with that thought she felt a bitter sting at the possibility of being unable to get a proper look at how the machine functioned. At a glance, it seemed to share the same principles as power armor, but vastly scaled up. The things they'd have to do to solve any power issues, the advances they'd have to have made, things that would've advanced Equestria by an astounding leap even for its late-war era…

All out of Goldens reach.

"I'll try and find something," Golden Gears said, stepping away from the terminal. "Thanks for looking!"

First order of business: A memory orb reader. They'd have to have something like that here, right? Unless the staff was entirely Unicorns…

Either way, she'd also keep an eye out for a pot or something like it. She didn't really know why Morning Mist wanted to boil water right this moment, but Golden didn't see why she couldn't try to accommodate the other mare.

Another flick from my tail. "The Twilight complicates things," I say, the understatement bursting with how much it hides. "I have to --and I will-- bring this to my... group, ASAP. If I don't... Well, the moment they find out --and they will find out-- the least that might happen is me being kicked out of the military and then having to figure out what to do for the rest of my life with that hanging over my head. And that's the good outcome. The bad ones start with imprisonment, and end with execution and exile... Depends on how much I pisss the Council off."

I sigh, and suppress a shudder. "What I'm getting at is this: whoever ends up piloting this thing, assuming anyone here can, is gonna be stuck with me until I can call in Divisional Command."
Dawn listened, neutrally weighing the pegasi's words against his own desires. "Would your superiors accept a narrative of you strong-arming a barbaric mutant tribe into assisting you?" He asked. "Because I imagine it wouldn't be hard to frame this like that. Almost true, from a certain point of view."

He'd continue, but that's about when the pegasus fluttered down to the ground with everything she'd found.
Slugthrower. How quaint.

The pistol goes into another pouch, along with the ammunition, after a quick examination of the rounds in the magazine. I pause for a moment when I see the memory orb; what had Starlight put in there? Extra instructions? Secret knowledge? A final will?

Who knows. I pick it up as well, and then flutter off the Twilight and onto the ground.

@The Fourth Monado @triumph8w @Asmodemus @Sablonus

"Good news: Starlight put a manual for operating and maintaining the Twilight!" I quip with false cheer. "Bad news: she put it all into TWENTY memory orbs because of course she did."

I gesture around the cave which absolutely hasn't shrunk while I was rummaging around an old war machine shut up brain. "Look for a memory orb reader; I'm HOPING Starlight didn't expect only unicorns to maintain this thing."

A pause. A sigh.

"Whoever finds it gets Starlight's gun. Also, if somepony could find something to boil water in I'd appreciate it."
The idea of getting their hooves on a gun immediately caused half the foals, including Brush, to perk up and scatter to the four corners of the bunker. The older Kirins also spread out, though not before Oak pulled a big old soup pot out of... wherever he'd pulled the rope, before flipping it on its side and dumping even more rope out. "This should work!" He cheerily stated.

Meanwhile, Dawn's horn lit in a somewhat wavery light as he lifted the helmet and brought it to him, carefully investigating it before setting it aside. "If those orbs need a unicorn, then I guess I'll see what they've got. I'm pretty good with vehicles, so maybe I can transcribe the information, if nothing else," he replied, looking at Morning Mist. "So, the orbs?"
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And even if they did get out... you all saw what's up there. The warehouse we were in is the only shelter I've seen, and supplies that last three weeks when sitting around last a lot less when you're moving."

"Seent it, lived it, grew up in it, spotted potential shelters along tha way, rejected most cause likely critter nests, or less comfortable than the warehouse. Was prepared ta do a runner to one if needed." The doctor spoke curtly, reminding them he had experience in these matters before relenting. "Kin see how it'd be a challenge ta them ah admit.

Still can't agree with it is all."

"For the record," I growl, "The voice filter's staying On."

"Course, can't have us forgetting yer the big bad armored mare even if yer fussing over cute foals." The doctor nodded his horned head and chuckled.

He listened to the pegasi basically lay claim over it, her ability to enforce it questionable, but he was staying out of that mess. Mostly.

The bad ones start with imprisionment, and end with execution and exile... Depends on how much I pisss the Council off."

"Just fer the sake of saying it.. everypony here seems reasonable enough folk to me, for where they're from. Iffen ya ever find yerselves down on yer luck, the Scorched probably would help a bit, but say Sawbone Sid vouches for ya an it ought to make trust come a bit faster."

With that and a stable patient the unicorn began rooting around looking for medical supplies leftover from the previous occupants, emergency kits or similar. Their main focus was reneweing their supplies.
First order of business: A memory orb reader. They'd have to have something like that here, right? Unless the staff was entirely Unicorns…

Either way, she'd also keep an eye out for a pot or something like it. She didn't really know why Morning Mist wanted to boil water right this moment, but Golden didn't see why she couldn't try to accommodate the other mare.
The terminal's desk had a few drawers, and inside the topmost one was a memory orb reader. A simple monitor with a built-in battery, connected with wires to a small cup with gem contacts sized exactly for a memory orb to be nestled inside. Power the device, put the orb in, and let it play. Simple.
With that and a stable patient the unicorn began rooting around looking for medical supplies leftover from the previous occupants, emergency kits or similar. Their main focus was reneweing their supplies.
A few healing potions and some enchanted bandages in a first aid kit were the extent of leftover supplies. None had been used. It'd suffice in the event of a skirmish.
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The past:
"Seent it, lived it, grew up in it, spotted potential shelters along tha way, rejected most cause likely critter nests, or less comfortable than the warehouse. Was prepared ta do a runner to one if needed." The doctor spoke curtly, reminding them he had experience in these matters before relenting. "Kin see how it'd be a challenge ta them ah admit.

Still can't agree with it is all."

My wings shrug. "Not saying I agree either; if they'd gotten someone with wings out they might've gotten help, but... well, who knows what went through their heads?"

"Course, can't have us forgetting yer the big bad armored mare even if yer fussing over cute foals." The doctor nodded his horned head and chuckled.

He listened to the pegasi basically lay claim over it, her ability to enforce it questionable, but he was staying out of that mess. Mostly.

I just stare at the doctor.

"I've been waiting for a younger sibling since I was five," I deadpan, "Guess how old I am."

"Just fer the sake of saying it.. everypony here seems reasonable enough folk to me, for where they're from. Iffen ya ever find yerselves down on yer luck, the Scorched probably would help a bit, but say Sawbone Sid vouches for ya an it ought to make trust come a bit faster."

"I'm not a Dashite," I hiss.

And just like that, the conversation ends.

Dawn listened, neutrally weighing the pegasi's words against his own desires. "Would your superiors accept a narrative of you strong-arming a barbaric mutant tribe into assisting you?" He asked. "Because I imagine it wouldn't be hard to frame this like that. Almost true, from a certain point of view."

"... depends," I grind out, "A find this big would involve the council and we might have the bucking senate snooping around and..." I stop myself before I can open the lightning bottle that is Enclave politics. "For some ponies, that'll be acceptable. Others will want to know why I didn't blast you all the moment I'd 'coerced' you into driving the Twilight to where it could be recovered, rather than risk an intelligence leak by letting you all leave."

The Colonel's smiling face crosses my mind.

"One... specific group of ponies would want to know why I didn't blast you all the moment we met," I add, voice dropping, "I'd have to play it very carefully around them..."

The present:

The idea of getting their hooves on a gun immediately caused half the foals, including Brush, to perk up and scatter to the four corners of the bunker. The older Kirins also spread out, though not before Oak pulled a big old soup pot out of... wherever he'd pulled the rope, before flipping it on its side and dumping even more rope out. "This should work!" He cheerily stated.

Meanwhile, Dawn's horn lit in a somewhat wavery light as he lifted the helmet and brought it to him, carefully investigating it before setting it aside. "If those orbs need a unicorn, then I guess I'll see what they've got. I'm pretty good with vehicles, so maybe I can transcribe the information, if nothing else," he replied, looking at Morning Mist. "So, the orbs?"

Ah, nothing like getting your first gun to motivate you. I pushed a raincloud over gardens for MONTHS before dad got me the pieces to make a little novasurge rifle... bring a smile to my face.

... and then there's the ... rope Kirin? Oak Embers? Who just pulls out a pot he'd been using to store more rope inside.

"... Yes. Yes it should," I say, voice deliberately neutral as I beckon him to bring the pot over. Dawn's voice makes me turn towards him.

... I sigh. Well, worth a shot... "Fine then," I say, sitting down and reaching into the storage pouch I'd put the case in. I slip it out, flick the latch and the lid open, and carefully remove the first orb.

"Basic Operation," I tell Dawn, handing him the orb.
"If those orbs need a unicorn, then I guess I'll see what they've got. I'm pretty good with vehicles, so maybe I can transcribe the information, if nothing else," he replied, looking at Morning Mist. "So, the orbs?"
"Basic Operation," I tell Dawn, handing him the orb.
This was new.

A memory orb was a direct recording of everything physical that happened to someone. Every sense, every motion, every detail kept in perfect clarity. The one thing a viewer was not privy to were the recorder's thoughts- all the viewer had was their own. It was exactly like being a passenger in someone else's body.

Dawn looked out into a windowless hangar from a high vantage in the cockpit. Ponies in dark blue work uniforms carted parts and hauled armor plates around, all of them looking like they could be fitted onto the Twilight.

A light purple hoof itched a chin. The ghostly expectation of meeting his own fluffy mane was never met. Legs crossed and eyes did a quick glance around the cockpit, the edge of Dawn's vision framed by a helmet.

"Hello. I am Starlight Glimmer," the pony Dawn was inhabiting said. She sounded tired. "If you are viewing this memory in hopes of learning the basic controls for the Paladin, I hope you're authorized for it. I have deliberately extended this memory well beyond necessary to give security all the time they need to arrest any intruders. It hasn't happened yet, but..." She let it hang. "There is a code near the end of this memory which is required to start the Paladin at all. A bad input will sound the alarm."

Starlight watched the workers down below for a moment.

"Let's begin.

"The Paladins are the pinnacle of mechanized warfare. A Paladin is meant for situations where megaspell force is required with surgical precision. Currently there are only three in existence, and as you may have guessed from the project name, these are meant to guard our Crusader Mainframes.

"In all honesty, this is a farce. Mainframe defense is only a secondary duty in the event the enemy discovers the location of one. Secrecy is our greatest asset here. These were built to be a fast, aggressive, and nigh unstoppable weapons platform capable of taking on any target and reducing it to ash, whether it be a fort, an army, or the Caesar's palace in the heart of Zebra lands itself.

"You will be equipped with a variety of weapons depending on your mission. The Paladin has been designed to be compatible with most heavy weapons currently in use, the smallest of which are anti-machine rifles and mounted turrets. Your primary threats will be dragons, matrix disruptors, and enemy anti-machine weaponry. Infantry sized variants of the latter two should be treated with respect. While killing you is only likely in the event of a direct, unshielded hit to the cockpit, they can disable your systems. What you must be most concerned about are balefire eggs: take out any launchers on sight."

Starlight folded her front hooves together. A smirk managed to sneak its way onto her face. "Of course, with the range and speed the Paladin provides, you'll find most things simply cannot threaten you."

She flicked her eyes up. The interior gemstones of the helmet could be seen right on the edge of her vision. Magic flowed from her horn into the device, which hummed ever so slightly as it powered up. The cockpit gave a pneumatic hiss as it closed, and an alarm sounded for the workers to clear the room.

Dawn glimpsed Starlight's reflection in the window. Light purple fur, purple eyes, and a dark purple mane with a cyan stripe running through it. It was streaked with gray and tied back.

Suddenly, Dawn felt his senses expand. The Paladin was still a machine, but the alien physical feelings were no longer limited to the unicorn Starlight. Everything connected to the spell matrix was felt in a clinical, detached manner- left arm at rest. Right arm at rest. Legs steady. Cockpit closed. Exterior instruments, nothing unusual detected. Diagnostics. .. ... all systems at full. Spark cells, full. Shield, inactive. Weapons, none. Pilot, healthy, exhausted. Injecting stimulant- override, no injection.

The smirk on Starlight's face expanded to a full smile. "Wait until you try it in person. Controlling the Paladin requires almost no explanation, just practice to get used to the non-pony figure. You think, and it performs. Discipline will be a necessary skill to avoid accidental misfires, but the concentration necessary to perform an action can be adjusted. Run as close to the line as you can- the less you have to think about something, the faster the Paladin can respond. Ideally, you will learn to move this as you would your own four hooves."

Another spark of magic, and the connection was broken. The cockpit hissed open. The alarms had stopped. Starlight levitated the helmet off, stretched, gave her shoulders a satisfying pop, and hopped out of the seat and down the full story of height between it and the ground. Her telekinesis enveloped her, tingling across her fur, and it slowed her down enough that her landing was a light touch-down instead of a bone-snapping crash.

She turned her head up and back, observing the Paladin. Sleek, polished, it simply looked to be in far better repair than the future one Dawn found. "There will be more later, likely divided up into multiple memory orbs. For now, I will be wasting time. The code is 'revenge'."

Starlight then simply walked in a slow circle around the machine. Then she asked a worker if he could fetch her a lunch, as she was forced to remain in the hangar for information security. She ate a daisy and lettuce sandwich and drank a fizzy Sparkle~Cola and they were some of the freshest, most delicious things Dawn had ever tasted. She tolerated an aching joint, and took moments to stretch and relax it. She inspected fuses and joints and matrix hardware and pistons and welds and so many other things on the Paladin itself. She checked crates and pulled out shells as big as her head and turned over smoothbore cannons and disassembled and reassembled huge magic guns.

She kept up with mundane time wasting for nearly forty-five minutes. All for Dawn to be the first to view her memory orb in two-hundred years. Even Starlight seemed to be aware that this was starting to become remarkably silly. She huffed. "I hope Twilight's neurosis ends up satisfied with this. See you later, future pilot. Or prisoner."
The terminal's desk had a few drawers, and inside the topmost one was a memory orb reader. A simple monitor with a built-in battery, connected with wires to a small cup with gem contacts sized exactly for a memory orb to be nestled inside. Power the device, put the orb in, and let it play. Simple.
Golden Gears gave the Paladin a glance, avoiding its disturbingly flat face and unblinking lenses, before rooting through the desk the terminal had rested on. Automated defenses or less than friendly current occupants had kept her out of the few military facilities she was able to spot in her short time outside of Vanhoover, so this was the first time she'd really been inside one. Especially a secret Ministry base. Sites like these were always resplendent in wild stories about ancient treasure but, really, what could even be-

Golden opened a drawer, then blinked as she stared down at a memory orb reader.


Gingerly, she took it out and placed it on the desk for a quick examination. Battery, check. Still has a charge. Screen, dusty but uncracked. Orb slot, in working order. Wires were still there. Looks like everything was in order. Surprisingly so. Then again, they were in a tomb, so its no wonder everything is so preserved, if a bit dusty.

Golden paused for a moment, hoof tapping idly on the desk as she frowned down at the memory orb reader. The thought shouldn't bring her up short like this. It wasn't the first carcass of the old world she'd taken from. Tartarus, one of the very first things she'd done after surviving the Great Storm was take a defunct grocer's protect-buck, comb through it for what she could take, and then read their terminal logs just because she could. Realistically, this secret base should be no different. But for some reason, it was.

Golden sighed, before picking up the memory orb reader with her right hoof, holding it carefully to her chest as she walked over to Morning Mist.

On the way she glanced up at the hole they had all descended through. Upon sighting the bulky shadow of Buddy lurking at the entrance her shoulders relaxed. Alright, it was still there. Good. That was good.

... I sigh. Well, worth a shot... "Fine then," I say, sitting down and reaching into the storage pouch I'd put the case in. I slip it out, flick the latch and the lid open, and carefully remove the first orb.

"Basic Operation," I tell Dawn, handing him the orb.
"Hey! Found it." Golden Gears said with a smile as she reached the Pegasus. "If you've got any more of those memory orbs, I can take a look at them now."

She glanced at Dawn Blaze, who was very much not with any of them at the moment, then back at Morning Mist. "Well, okay it might take a while to look at the whole thing. But I can start." She amended.
Ah, nothing like getting your first gun to motivate you. I pushed a raincloud over gardens for MONTHS before dad got me the pieces to make a little novasurge rifle... bring a smile to my face.

... and then there's the ... rope Kirin? Oak Embers? Who just pulls out a pot he'd been using to store more rope inside.

"... Yes. Yes it should," I say, voice deliberately neutral as I beckon him to bring the pot over. Dawn's voice makes me turn towards him.

... I sigh. Well, worth a shot... "Fine then," I say, sitting down and reaching into the storage pouch I'd put the case in. I slip it out, flick the latch and the lid open, and carefully remove the first orb.

"Basic Operation," I tell Dawn, handing him the orb.
"Thank you," Dawn simply replied. So they went from left to right in the box? Makes sense. Okay. Honestly, Dawn had never done this before. Some part of him had hoped beforehand for like... some kind of book, maybe. Or other, similar sort of manual. It being this sort of technology was... just a bit weird.

Taking the orb in hoof, Dawn reached out with his magic-
This was new.

A memory orb was a direct recording of everything physical that happened to someone. Every sense, every motion, every detail kept in perfect clarity. The one thing a viewer was not privy to were the recorder's thoughts- all the viewer had was their own. It was exactly like being a passenger in someone else's body.

Dawn looked out into a windowless hangar from a high vantage in the cockpit. Ponies in dark blue work uniforms carted parts and hauled armor plates around, all of them looking like they could be fitted onto the Twilight.

A light purple hoof itched a chin. The ghostly expectation of meeting his own fluffy mane was never met. Legs crossed and eyes did a quick glance around the cockpit, the edge of Dawn's vision framed by a helmet.
And the world fell away, only to be replaced with another's perspective. Dawn hadn't known what he'd be expecting, here, but to be reduced to a ghost in another's body? Some kind of wandering spirit? Dawn would struggle, but he can't. Not in the slightest.

Luckily, he had a few moments to adjust before the creator of this orb spoke. Just enough time to calm down and listen.
"Hello. I am Starlight Glimmer," the pony Dawn was inhabiting said. She sounded tired. "If you are viewing this memory in hopes of learning the basic controls for the Paladin, I hope you're authorized for it. I have deliberately extended this memory well beyond necessary to give security all the time they need to arrest any intruders. It hasn't happened yet, but..." She let it hang. "There is a code near the end of this memory which is required to start the Paladin at all. A bad input will sound the alarm."

Starlight watched the workers down below for a moment.

"Let's begin.
On one hoof, understandable.

On the other, Dawn was going to be stuck like this for... however long? Rude. There wouldn't be any security here to get him, anyways!
"The Paladins are the pinnacle of mechanized warfare. A Paladin is meant for situations where megaspell force is required with surgical precision. Currently there are only three in existence, and as you may have guessed from the project name, these are meant to guard our Crusader Mainframes.

"In all honesty, this is a farce. Mainframe defense is only a secondary duty in the event the enemy discovers the location of one. Secrecy is our greatest asset here. These were built to be a fast, aggressive, and nigh unstoppable weapons platform capable of taking on any target and reducing it to ash, whether it be a fort, an army, or the Caesar's palace in the heart of Zebra lands itself.

"You will be equipped with a variety of weapons depending on your mission. The Paladin has been designed to be compatible with most heavy weapons currently in use, the smallest of which are anti-machine rifles and mounted turrets. Your primary threats will be dragons, matrix disruptors, and enemy anti-machine weaponry. Infantry sized variants of the latter two should be treated with respect. While killing you is only likely in the event of a direct, unshielded hit to the cockpit, they can disable your systems. What you must be most concerned about are balefire eggs: take out any launchers on sight."
The mention of 'Megaspell force' immediately grabbed Dawn's attention. The Twilight... it was as powerful as a Balefire Bomb? Or, well, intended to be. It probably wouldn't be at that level of power right now. But, okay. Fast, aggressive, extremely powerful. He got that.Compatable with most heavy weapons... Dawn had no idea how they'd get any of those.
Starlight folded her front hooves together. A smirk managed to sneak its way onto her face. "Of course, with the range and speed the Paladin provides, you'll find most things simply cannot threaten you."

She flicked her eyes up. The interior gemstones of the helmet could be seen right on the edge of her vision. Magic flowed from her horn into the device, which hummed ever so slightly as it powered up. The cockpit gave a pneumatic hiss as it closed, and an alarm sounded for the workers to clear the room.

Dawn glimpsed Starlight's reflection in the window. Light purple fur, purple eyes, and a dark purple mane with a cyan stripe running through it. It was streaked with gray and tied back.
So this was Starlight Glimmer?

...She certainly looked the part. Greying, stressed as hell... she'd have been cute if she was younger.
Suddenly, Dawn felt his senses expand. The Paladin was still a machine, but the alien physical feelings were no longer limited to the unicorn Starlight. Everything connected to the spell matrix was felt in a clinical, detached manner- left arm at rest. Right arm at rest. Legs steady. Cockpit closed. Exterior instruments, nothing unusual detected. Diagnostics. .. ... all systems at full. Spark cells, full. Shield, inactive. Weapons, none. Pilot, healthy, exhausted. Injecting stimulant- override, no injection.
And suddenly, Dawn's senses expanded.

His eyes were both the eyes of the pony in the pilot's seat, and the eyes of the mech. He was simultaneously quadruped and bipedal. At the same time, he lay on the couch and stood still over the room.

'Spark Cells'? Shit, those would be annoying to refuel. Not impossible, but he's too burnt out right now to do it himself. Wait, inject-
The smirk on Starlight's face expanded to a full smile. "Wait until you try it in person. Controlling the Paladin requires almost no explanation, just practice to get used to the non-pony figure. You think, and it performs. Discipline will be a necessary skill to avoid accidental misfires, but the concentration necessary to perform an action can be adjusted. Run as close to the line as you can- the less you have to think about something, the faster the Paladin can respond. Ideally, you will learn to move this as you would your own four hooves."

Another spark of magic, and the connection was broken. The cockpit hissed open. The alarms had stopped. Starlight levitated the helmet off, stretched, gave her shoulders a satisfying pop, and hopped out of the seat and down the full story of height between it and the ground. Her telekinesis enveloped her, tingling across her fur, and it slowed her down enough that her landing was a light touch-down instead of a bone-snapping crash.

She turned her head up and back, observing the Paladin. Sleek, polished, it simply looked to be in far better repair than the future one Dawn found. "There will be more later, likely divided up into multiple memory orbs. For now, I will be wasting time. The code is 'revenge'."
Okay. So it was just... moving a second body. A massive machine second body, that needs to be operated with the same thought as one's normal body. Completely different from the usual vehicles he'd hijacked. But... Yeah. He could do it. He could pilot the Twilight.

With the access code... 'revenge'. Okay. Time to memorize that while he was stuck waiting.

Also, wow she's strong. He'd never heard of a unicorn being able to use telekinesis on themselves to float around.
Starlight then simply walked in a slow circle around the machine. Then she asked a worker if he could fetch her a lunch, as she was forced to remain in the hangar for information security. She ate a daisy and lettuce sandwich and drank a fizzy Sparkle~Cola and they were some of the freshest, most delicious things Dawn had ever tasted. She tolerated an aching joint, and took moments to stretch and relax it. She inspected fuses and joints and matrix hardware and pistons and welds and so many other things on the Paladin itself. She checked crates and pulled out shells as big as her head and turned over smoothbore cannons and disassembled and reassembled huge magic guns.

She kept up with mundane time wasting for nearly forty-five minutes. All for Dawn to be the first to view her memory orb in two-hundred years. Even Starlight seemed to be aware that this was starting to become remarkably silly. She huffed. "I hope Twilight's neurosis ends up satisfied with this. See you later, future pilot. Or prisoner."
Over the next three-quarters of an hour, Dawn's spit only grew. Not because of the time wasting - though that was bad enough! - But that lunch... Dawn had never eaten or drank anything this good. That crisp. It was... he didn't have any words to describe it. With a single orb, Starlight had ruined ever meal he'd ever eaten in his entire life, and countless future meals as well.

...Okay, maybe he was being overdramatic, but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

By the time Dawn came out of the orb, he had an extremely annoyed expression on his face. "That was the best food I've ever had, and I'm annoyed by it," He stated, simply. "So most of this orb is Starlight Glimmer wasting time for security purposes, but there were some pertinent parts. Namely, it's mostly controlled by the helmet - as in, the pilot uses the helmet to control the vehicle like their own body," He continued, nodding over at the helmet. "She also described it as 'Megaspell power with surgical precision', said there's only three in existence, mentioned its compatible with most heavy weapons Equestria had then, listed the few threats it would have had, uh..."

He stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts. "The activation code is 'revenge'," He noted. "Which... yeah. Right, did you guys find a memory viewer-?"
"Well, it happens." Golden Gears said. Living in the wasteland was mentally taxing enough, trying to wander it? Yeah, a mental break here or there should be expected. "Glad to hear you've got the right of it though!" She finished, voice chipper.
The ghoul only laughed in return, a wheezing, hacking thing. The cold sense of mocking seemed to be more inherent than purposeful, at least.

Bitterbriar paced as the group continued to discuss, disinterested in picking through a carcass of the old world. He already did plenty of that during his morning routine, thank you. Once in a while he'd eye the rest of Dawn's herd protectively as they milled about the uncovered site- Other times he'd cast a suspicious glare at the Scorched doctor, unable to shake the feeling he was being taken advantage of or secretly laughed at.
I sigh, and suppress a shudder. "What I'm getting at is this: whoever ends up piloting this thing, assuming anyone here can, is gonna be stuck with me untill I can call in Divisional Command."
"Sounds fair to me," Golden Gears said with a nod.
He bet it did, though the ghoul would deny his interest here falling under anything but personal amusement- What else was he supposed to do while he waited for them to get moving? Stare at the radio? The need for rest- Another trapping of non-ghouls and their inferior physiologies.
I gesture around the cave which absolutely hasn't shrunk while I was rummaging around an old war machine shut up brain. "Look for a memory orb reader; I'm HOPING Starlight didn't expect only unicorns to maintain this thing."
The lack of facial expressions did little to diminish the smug aura radiating from Bitterbriar's strutting like balefire at the mention of unicorns- Though before he could say something racist enough to cross a line, his thoughts soon turned to the practicalities of boiling water in the helmet on his flank.
"Hey! Found it." Golden Gears said with a smile as she reached the Pegasus. "If you've got any more of those memory orbs, I can take a look at them now. Well, okay it might take a while to look at the whole thing. But I can start." She amended.
Any dregs of superiority took a dent as he dragged an envious gaze from Dawn's casual use of his horn to the memory orb reader Gears had found, unable to stifle his disdain. His jumbled heart took a turn for jealousy, yearning, and nostalgia expressed through petulance. "Careful there filly, act any keener to study that cockpit and you'll be stuck flank to flank with our resident claustro-xenophobe jackboot- Least 'till she can run tattling."

He wasn't happy with the teasing. He expected better of himself- It was clumsily worded, and he hardly hit any of the weakpoints he'd meant to test.
"That was the best food I've ever had, and I'm annoyed by it," He stated, simply.
More yearning, tinged with a little more gleeful schadenfreude than was probably healthy.
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And the world fell away, only to be replaced with another's perspective. Dawn hadn't known what he'd be expecting, here, but to be reduced to a ghost in another's body? Some kind of wandering spirit? Dawn would struggle, but he can't. Not in the slightest.

I hand Dawn the orb, he takes it in his magic... and he's completely out of it. Dead to the world, eyes blank, and standing as if asleep. I even wave a wing in front of his face and... nothing.

"...Well, that's not creepy at all," I mumble. "Nope. Not at all..."

"Hey! Found it." Golden Gears said with a smile as she reached the Pegasus. "If you've got any more of those memory orbs, I can take a look at them now."

She glanced at Dawn Blaze, who was very much not with any of them at the moment, then back at Morning Mist. "Well, okay it might take a while to look at the whole thing. But I can start." She amended.

I nudge the box of memory orbs towards Dawn, ignoring the voice in the back of my head that's screaming at me.
You know what'll happen to these ponies when the Enclave comes for you.
"That's good," I tell her, picking the orb labelled Spark Cell Reactor, "You should probably start with this one. If Starlight mentions anything that involves Cloud Tech, tell me so I can have a look."
You think Colonel Autumn will let them walk away? You think General Tornado will believe you if you tell him you piloted that thing all by yourself?
Shut up.
The only way this ends is with their deaths and your branding.
Shut up.

Any lingering dregs of superiority took a dent as he dragged an envious gaze from Dawn's casual use of his horn to the memory orb reader Gears had found, unable to stifle his disdain. His jumbled heart took a turn for jealousy, yearning, and nostalgia expressed through petulance. "Careful there filly, look a little eager to try the cockpit yourself- Which'd mean staying flank to flank with our resident claustro-xenophobe jackboot 'till she can run tattling."

He wasn't happy with the teasing. He expected better of himself- It was clumsily worded, and he'd hardly hit any of the weakpoints he meant to test.

I glare at Bitterbriar through my helmet lenses. "Even if I was interested in satisfying other ponies's voyeurism, do you still have the right bits to enjoy that fantasy, mutant?"

I take the pot Oak Embers offers me, thanking him for it. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to make a cloud."

Not bothering to explain that statement further, I spread my wings, and fly up and OUT.

The walls of the underground chamber are a blur. It takes way too long for me to be under the open (well, "open") sky once more.

Oh my moon and stars. Bucking Hellfire was that bucking unbearable!! I have to fly a couple laps around the entrance hole, speakers on mute and screaming inside my helmet, just to release the sheer amount of tension I'd built up being underground. Eventually, I've burned enough of it away to think straight again... but I'm not going back down there. Not right now, at least.

I've got a cloud to make.

It takes a while. Materials are... less than ideal, to say the least; the best source of water is what's trickling down the warehouse's rain gutters, and the best source of heat is some wooden scraps I've gathered and lit thanks to a really careful use of the now smouldering Nirik flame. It's also raining, so... again. Less than ideal conditions.

I can almost imagine my dad telling me that our ancestors made do with much worse than this as I sit down, back inside the warehouse, and watch the air currents above the simmering pot, wings spread. There's a... craft to making clouds like this, the old-fashioned way. Not quite a science, not quite an art, not quite something learned and not quite instinct. Everypony who can do this does it differently and for me-

I wave my left wing over the pot, feeling the rising heat and vapour... and then swipe, snatching a tiny bit of it before it can escape and letting it settle between my feathers.

-for me it's like this. Grabbing little scraps of vapour and moisture, and then using them to build more and more cloud from them when the pot finally starts to boil. It's a little like a trance as I weave the cloud into existence with my forehooves and wings, infusing it with the magic that'll let it stay rather than precipitate or evaporate into the air. I weave, I knead, I gather and shape; the cloud sparks as electric potential builds up inside.

I keep going until the last of the water boils off, and then quickly remove the pot from the fire, letting it cool naturally. While that happens, I just... get on my new cloud and lie down on it.


My wings flutter. A quick glance at the pot tells me it's cool enough to take back, so I pick it back up and fly my way back into the hole, pushing my new cloud ahead of me as I went.

Over the next three-quarters of an hour, Dawn's spit only grew. Not because of the time wasting - though that was bad enough! - But that lunch... Dawn had never eaten or drank anything this good. That crisp. It was... he didn't have any words to describe it. With a single orb, Starlight had ruined ever meal he'd ever eaten in his entire life, and countless future meals as well.

...Okay, maybe he was being overdramatic, but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

By the time Dawn came out of the orb, he had an extremely annoyed expression on his face. "That was the best food I've ever had, and I'm annoyed by it," He stated, simply. "So most of this orb is Starlight Glimmer wasting time for security purposes, but there were some pertinent parts. Namely, it's mostly controlled by the helmet - as in, the pilot uses the helmet to control the vehicle like their own body," He continued, nodding over at the helmet. "She also described it as 'Megaspell power with surgical precision', said there's only three in existence, mentioned its compatible with most heavy weapons Equestria had then, listed the few threats it would have had, uh..."

He stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts. "The activation code is 'revenge'," He noted. "Which... yeah. Right, did you guys find a memory viewer-?"

I arrive just in time to hear Dawn come out of the memory orb. I crawl atop my cloud and just... lazily float me and it over towards him with long, slow wingbeats, only dipping down to give Oak Embers his pot back.

"We found one," I tell Dawn, using one wing to point at Golden Gears working her way through the maintenance memory orbs and acting as if me laying down on a cloud is completely, utterly, perfectly normal. "'Revenge' as an activation code is... well, the Old World wasn't very subtle about things. You mentioned threats?"
I nudge the box of memory orbs towards Dawn, ignoring the voice in the back of my head that's screaming at me.
"That's good," I tell her, picking the orb labelled Spark Cell Reactor, "You should probably start with this one. If Starlight mentions anything that involves Cloud Tech, tell me so I can have a look."
"Will do!" Golden Gears chirped, already getting started.

While she still thought the entire project was insane, she couldn't deny that she was very interested in getting to know as much about it as she could. Learning wasn't a thing that just stopped, and while she considered herself good at what she did, that didn't mean she was perfect. To take a look at the guts of a metal titan, well, it'd be a novel experience if nothing else.

Any dregs of superiority took a dent as he dragged an envious gaze from Dawn's casual use of his horn to the memory orb reader Gears had found, unable to stifle his disdain. His jumbled heart took a turn for jealousy, yearning, and nostalgia expressed through petulance. "Careful there filly, look a little eager to try the cockpit yourself- Which'd mean sticking flank to flank with our resident claustro-xenophobe jackboot 'till she can run tattling."

He wasn't happy with the teasing. He expected better of himself- It was clumsily worded, and he hardly hit any of the weakpoints he'd meant to test.
It took a second for the words to click.

Golden glared at the broken horned Unicorn as she felt her ears heat up. "Will you just-" She hissed out, only to strangle the words in her throat as Morning Mist spoke. Golden watched the armored Pegasus go for a moment, quickly and efficiently disappearing up out of the hole in the roof. Then she turned to Bitterbrair.

"You know," she said tightly, "I don't think it's very smart to antagonize someone in power armor, and who very obviously does not like you. Can you just-"

Golden Gears swallowed her words, and pushed them aside with a sigh. When she spoke again, exhaustion leaked past her guard into her voice.

"Look–I've got something I have to do here. Why don't you see if Doc needs some assistance or something. Because I don't think a Unicorn with a broken horn will be of much help when it comes to memory orbs."

With that, she turned her back on Bitterbrair, and sullenly got to work on learning what she could.

By the time Dawn came out of the orb, he had an extremely annoyed expression on his face. "That was the best food I've ever had, and I'm annoyed by it," He stated, simply. "So most of this orb is Starlight Glimmer wasting time for security purposes, but there were some pertinent parts. Namely, it's mostly controlled by the helmet - as in, the pilot uses the helmet to control the vehicle like their own body," He continued, nodding over at the helmet. "She also described it as 'Megaspell power with surgical precision', said there's only three in existence, mentioned its compatible with most heavy weapons Equestria had then, listed the few threats it would have had, uh..."

He stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts. "The activation code is 'revenge'," He noted. "Which... yeah. Right, did you guys find a memory viewer-?"

"Oh, hello." Golden Gears murmured, looking briefly away from the memory orb recorder as Dawn Blaze came to.

"Figured the helmet was it." Golden said quietly, turning her gaze back to the memory orb recorder. Magic was key here, more than any other thing that the Ministries had produced. Well, besides Megaspells that is. So of course the helmet would be the lynchpin. A Unicorn was simply the most logical user, for a beast such as this. Or something like one.

Did he say something about food? Unimportant.

"Yeah, I found one. Was right in the desk with the terminal on it. Guess this wasn't an all Unicorn job."

Only three, that made sense. Even for late war Equestria this had to have been an expensive project, nevermind the secrecy involved in it. No wonder why most of the first memory orb was just Starlight Glimmer wasting time. Even as Golden worked through the information on her own, she could tell these things were beastly. Guess this sort of thing just happened when the conventional war just drags on and on, and nobody wants to use Megaspells to bring an end to things. Because who would be that stupid? To just end everything and screw over the whole world? Right? Just-


Golden turned away from the memory orb recorder, head tilted.

"Did you say Megaspell power?"

I arrive just in time to hear Dawn come out of the memory orb. I crawl atop my cloud and just... lazily float me and it over towards him with long, slow wingbeats, only dipping down to give Oak Embers his pot back.

"We found one," I tell Dawn, using one wing to point at Golden Gears working her way through the maintenance memory orbs and acting as if me laying down on a cloud is completely, utterly, perfectly normal. "'Revenge' as an activation code is... well, the Old World wasn't very subtle about things. You mentioned threats?"
Oh. She came back.

Golden Gears waved at Morning Mist. Had she been trying to find the rest of her team? Or radio back? Maybe she couldn't do either, which is why she came back down here. Oh, that was a cloud. Right. Pegasi could do that. She watched as Morning Mist lounged on it, looking perfectly at ease. Especially compared to when she had left. That power armor really was like a second skin. A thick second skin, but still morphed seamlessly to Mists movement. Golden watched the other mares wings for a moment, trying to pick out how the armor interacted with them, before turning back to Dawn Blaze.
I just stare at the doctor.

"I've been waiting for a younger sibling since I was five," I deadpan, "Guess how old I am."

The changeling doctor shrugged. "We all wear our years different and I ain't seen most of you with that armor. Also, mares tend to get fussed around that topic."

"I'm not a Dashite," I hiss.

And just like that, the conversation ends.

Dashite. The heroic war figure, now a term for exiled.. and definitely those branded with her mark.

That was interesting, and worrying. What went down there? As it was, the doctor just shrugged. He had said his offer for all, maybe she'd keep it in mind, maybe not, but he wasn't going to press further.

A few healing potions and some enchanted bandages in a first aid kit were the extent of leftover supplies. None had been used. It'd suffice in the event of a skirmish.

The doctor secured the supplies, pocketing them and placing them spaced out in various areas. Best to avoid an accident managing to smash all the supplies after all. It was good to have that replenishment after earlier, he'd prefer replenishable salves and horn mixed potions but the machine made stuff worked too well to not have on hoof.

The teasing by Briar was sadly a tease to him too. He'd absolutely be happy if a romance blossomed between any of these ponies. But Briar was just being a jerk insinuating things instead of inflaming an already there fire.

Might be kindling, but no sparks yet lit.

Over the next three-quarters of an hour, Dawn's spit only grew. Not because of the time wasting - though that was bad enough! - But that lunch... Dawn had never eaten or drank anything this good. That crisp. It was... he didn't have any words to describe it. With a single orb, Starlight had ruined ever meal he'd ever eaten in his entire life, and countless future meals as well.

At first the doctor was unconcerned, but as time passed, the lack of exiting the orb made him get more so. Reaffirming his decision to never get involved with the things unless he had to. At the half hour mark he suggested somepony get him some water ready. And on checking him closely and feeling the strong desires for a meal part, a snack.

It brought to mind old discussed plans for a perpetuating loop of somepony in a memory orb where they'd feel love, body maintained from changelings for an endless love font. Fortunately for the wasteland it got shot down due to practicalities such as them not knowing how to loop a memory orb, the resources needed to find out and test the theory, the uncertainty of making a pony fall in love with the content, worries of the 'farm' being found and them being hunted down, et cetera. Ternox was grateful for that, they really did not like the orbs, even if it could be endless food, no one.. okay most didn't deserve that even among raiders.

"That was the best food I've ever had, and I'm annoyed by it," He stated, simply.
"Yeah, there's a good few what get addicted to just.. replaying orbs tha have a proper feast in em. Like all addictions, it gets bad for ya when ya let it get too strong. Some on the other hoof just can't take they'll never get ta experience that." Sawbone Sid shook his head sadly.
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Golden glared at the broken horned Unicorn as she felt her ears heat up. "Will you just-"
I glare at Bitterbriar through my helmet lenses. "Even if I was interested in satisfying other ponies's voyeurism, do you still have the right bits to enjoy that fantasy, mutant?" I take the pot Oak Embers offers me, thanking him for it. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to make a cloud."
Cataracts narrowed as Bitterbriar shambled forward to holler up after the fleeing- In his mind, anyways- Pegasus. "Like it'd be a fantasy to peak under that gymsock of a tincan! Surprised you need wings with all that hot air- Storm's probably the first time you've bathed in-!"
"You know," she said tightly, "I don't think it's very smart to antagonize someone in power armor, and who very obviously does not like you. Can you just-" Golden Gears swallowed her words, and pushed them aside with a sigh. When she spoke again, exhaustion leaked past her guard into her voice. "Look–I've got something I have to do here. Why don't you see if Doc needs some assistance or something. Because I don't think a Unicorn with a broken horn will be of much help when it comes to memory orbs."
Mist might've been sorry to leave so soon- Flayed disdain quickly dropped to shock at the mention of his horn, bony jaw going slack as the mechanic (?) bit back and turned away. Humiliation warred with dim resentment as he struggled not to deflate. "W.. Well- Pegasi like that would still sooner bury us alive than- Than take some Stable reject under her wing for shining hooves and- Nosing her flank.." Bitterbriar muttered lamely, "Probably- Left to report us all, anyways.." The ghoul glared at some kirin that'd seen the exchange, wandering off to grumble about weather addled ponies.

Shame, anger, and any attempts at self reflection were quickly overtaken, buried beneath the static and fog of ancient music. Just a burning memory.
"Yeah, there's a good few what get addicted to just.. replaying orbs tha have a proper meal in em. Like all addictions, it gets bad for ya when ya let it get too strong. Some on the other hoof just can't take they'll never get ta experience that." Sawbone Sid shook his head sadly.
Bitterbriar scoffed- He'd bucked that compulsion the first twenty years after the Last Day. Though he smirked watching Golden Gears' eyes lock onto Mist the moment she returned. Their last conversation, and any offense, had apparentally dribbled out his ears in the span of an hour.
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I arrive just in time to hear Dawn come out of the memory orb. I crawl atop my cloud and just... lazily float me and it over towards him with long, slow wingbeats, only dipping down to give Oak Embers his pot back.

"We found one," I tell Dawn, using one wing to point at Golden Gears working her way through the maintenance memory orbs and acting as if me laying down on a cloud is completely, utterly, perfectly normal. "'Revenge' as an activation code is... well, the Old World wasn't very subtle about things. You mentioned threats?"
"Dragons. Matrix disruptors. Anti-machine weaponry. Balefire Eggs. Probably more with how in disrepair it is now, but those were the main threats back then," Dawn replied with a nod. "And yeah, it's not particularly subtle."
"Oh, hello." Golden Gears murmured, looking briefly away from the memory orb recorder as Dawn Blaze came to.

"Figured the helmet was it." Golden said quietly, turning her gaze back to the memory orb recorder. Magic was key here, more than any other thing that the Ministries had produced. Well, besides Megaspells that is. So of course the helmet would be the lynchpin. A Unicorn was simply the most logical user, for a beast such as this. Or something like one.

Did he say something about food? Unimportant.

"Yeah, I found one. Was right in the desk with the terminal on it. Guess this wasn't an all Unicorn job."

Only three, that made sense. Even for late war Equestria this had to have been an expensive project, nevermind the secrecy involved in it. No wonder why most of the first memory orb was just Starlight Glimmer wasting time. Even as Golden worked through the information on her own, she could tell these things were beastly. Guess this sort of thing just happened when the conventional war just drags on and on, and nobody wants to use Megaspells to bring an end to things. Because who would be that stupid? To just end everything and screw over the whole world? Right? Just-


Golden turned away from the memory orb recorder, head tilted.

"Did you say Megaspell power?"
"Yeah. With 'Surgical Precision'," Dawn added, the air quotes so heavy they were almost physically visible. "If I had to make a guess, the idea would be to be able to package the destructive force of a Balefire Bomb into something capable of applying it precisely, instead of in 'Oops city dead and the land is poisoned'. I have no idea if that would have even worked, though."
"Yeah, there's a good few what get addicted to just.. replaying orbs tha have a proper feast in em. Like all addictions, it gets bad for ya when ya let it get too strong. Some on the other hoof just can't take they'll never get ta experience that." Sawbone Sid shook his head sadly.
"Yeah, I'll stick to using them as little as possible. I don't need to be taunted by ghosts of the past," Dawn continued, bluntly. "Okay, where's the next one...?"

"Dragons. Matrix disruptors. Anti-machine weaponry. Balefire Eggs. Probably more with how in disrepair it is now, but those were the main threats back then," Dawn replied with a nod. "And yeah, it's not particularly subtle."

I nod. When we moved out, I'd have to keep an eye out for all those --not that I expect many Wasteander muties to be lugging around many Balefire Eggs-- as those would be priority targets to engage. Interestingly, plasma weapons don't seem to be on the list; I know they were a very late war development, so... Had Starlight simply not known about them? Or had she simply not thought about how the Paladins would fare against their own weapons?

... well, I'm not gonna test that.


Golden turned away from the memory orb recorder, head tilted.

"Did you say Megaspell power?"

"Yeah. With 'Surgical Precision'," Dawn added, the air quotes so heavy they were almost physically visible. "If I had to make a guess, the idea would be to be able to package the destructive force of a Balefire Bomb into something capable of applying it precisely, instead of in 'Oops city dead and the land is poisoned'. I have no idea if that would have even worked, though."

"Technically, a Raptor-class cloudship and larger has 'Megaspell-scale' power," I muse, "It's just spread out across all the weapons it has. This sounds to me like they wanted to pack the firepower of a Raptor or Thunderhead into something much smaller and faster."

I shrug, and let my tail dangle lazily from the cloud. "And judging from what I found in the cockpit, they also expected one pony to fly this thing for as long as you can deploy a Raptor or Thunderhead; there's a water tank in there, plus rations and waste disposal, and basically all the combat drugs to keep you wide awake the whole time."

My tail flicks. "As the only one here who's actually familiar with running big scary military hardware, that is bucking insane," I tell them both, my voice blunt, "Crews work in shifts for very good reasons."

Bitter, now. "Then again, these are the same ponies which sent my ancestors to die against anti-aircraft cannons..."

Oh. She came back.

Golden Gears waved at Morning Mist. Had she been trying to find the rest of her team? Or radio back? Maybe she couldn't do either, which is why she came back down here. Oh, that was a cloud. Right. Pegasi could do that. She watched as Morning Mist lounged on it, looking perfectly at ease. Especially compared to when she had left. That power armor really was like a second skin. A thick second skin, but still morphed seamlessly to Mists movement. Golden watched the other mares wings for a moment, trying to pick out how the armor interacted with them, before turning back to Dawn Blaze.

I flick my tail in Golden's direction in a fascimile of a wave, and settle a little more into the cloud. It's not quite big enough to hold for me without curling up, leaving all four of my legs dangling down. Keeping position is instinct at this point --which pegasus hasn't mastered the art of resting on a cloud?-- needing just gentle motions from my wings to keep me in place.

... I'm forgetting something- Oh!

I push the cloud lower, rummage through my (mostly empty untill very recently) equipment pouches, and toss Golden the gun I'd found. "Here; I said I'd give this to whoever found that reader. I suggest trading it with the Kirins --recoil's a mule if you're used to that laser pistol-- but you do you."

"Yeah, I'll stick to using them as little as possible. I don't need to be taunted by ghosts of the past," Dawn continued, bluntly. "Okay, where's the next one...?"

Out comes the case again. There's some gymnastics involved to keep it from falling through the cloud, but I get Basic Operations back, and give Dawn Weapons next.

"There was another memory orb in there, separate from these," I note, "Found it next to Starlight's gun."
"Yeah. With 'Surgical Precision'," Dawn added, the air quotes so heavy they were almost physically visible. "If I had to make a guess, the idea would be to be able to package the destructive force of a Balefire Bomb into something capable of applying it precisely, instead of in 'Oops city dead and the land is poisoned'. I have no idea if that would have even worked, though."
Golden Gears stared at Dawn Blaze for a moment, then looked up at Paladin-003, then back to Dawn.

"I can't believe they even went through with the project." Golden muttered. "That's insane."

Her mind kept looping back to it. The sheer amount of resources and technical expertise they'd need to even make this viable was staggering. So much, all poured into a giant target. Maybe she was looking at this wrong. The pressures of the war, the need to find something, anything to help secure victory against an enemy that just wouldn't quit…

But even then, to go for something like this?

Golden Gears shook her head and got back to work.

I flick my tail in Golden's direction in a fascimile of a wave, and settle a little more into the cloud. It's not quite big enough to hold for me without curling up, leaving all four of my legs dangling down. Keeping position is instinct at this point --which pegasus hasn't mastered the art of resting on a cloud?-- needing just gentle motions from my wings to keep me in place.

... I'm forgetting something- Oh!

I push the cloud lower, rummage through my (mostly empty untill very recently) equipment pouches, and toss Golden the gun I'd found. "Here; I said I'd give this to whoever found that reader. I suggest trading it with the Kirins --recoil's a mule if you're used to that laser pistol-- but you do you."
Golden watched as Morning Mist returned the wave with the mechanical tail instead of a hoof. Maybe it was a late war addition? It seemed like a natural thing to add onto power armor, but from what she could tell only this Pegasus version had it. With the other models simply putting armor around the tail as well. Oh. Maybe they used it as a bludgeoning tool instead of the precision one on Morning Mists armor? That could be it.

Mists armor seemed to interface neatly with her Pegasi abilities as well, given that the mare hadn't fallen through her cloud yet. It was quite strange now that she thought about it. The weather was an enemy to be endured and planned around, to so easily control it was quite the sight–

The young Earth Pony mechanic yelped when Starlights gun came her way, her front legs coming up in front of her as her mind crossed its wires, the twin thoughts of catch it and protect your face flashing through at the exact same time. The pistol went past her forelegs and smacked into her chest. She scrambled to hold it, fumbling for a moment as it almost slipped out of her grip before managing to secure it. She quickly looked to the memory orb reader, and gave a small sigh of relief that she hadn't harmed it somehow.

Heat rose to her face as her ears flattened against her head.

"I–Ah…thanks?" Golden said. She had completely forgotten about the gun. All that had passed through her mind was the opportunity to learn about something new and truly fascinating.
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"Yeah, I'll stick to using them as little as possible. I don't need to be taunted by ghosts of the past," Dawn continued, bluntly. "Okay, where's the next one...?"

Starlight sat to the side of an outdoor firing range, nestled at the bottom of a grassy valley. The sky was overcast, but not in the way Dawn was used to. The clouds were light and thin, only providing a screen to hide the sky from the ground below instead of darkening it. A creek burbled somewhere nearby.

The Twilight crouched down at one end. Cement blocks of various sizes made up its targets, ranging from about as big as a pony to that of a tank. An assortment of weapons were laid out neatly beside the mech, with a mixed team of mechanics ready to hot swap when needed. The first was almost done being installed- a pair of shoulder mounted guns that looked like they'd be on the upper end of any infantry-usable calibers.

"Starlight Glimmer again," she began, sounding like she had her ears plugged. "Welcome to the weapons demonstration orb. We'll be showing you what types of targets demand which guns, as well as the limitations we're aware you'll experience. As much as Sunset would argue otherwise, there is no such thing as a perfect weapon."

She cleared her throat, then yelled, "Begin when ready!"

A minute passed by as the mechanics cleared the scene, which she filled with a little more talk. "Vulcan cannons. You'll want to use these against infantry at range to avoid using larger, limited munitions. For anything close, just step on it."

The guns opened fire a few moments later. The roar was muffled and still incredibly loud, echoing through the entire valley. The smaller, pony-sized concrete formation was blasted to rough chunks front to back over the next few seconds, and when the Twilight was finished, all that was left was a stump. The cannons smoked and retracted down.

Mechanics leapt to action, the next weapon being attached to the Twilight's arm- a rack of missiles, each only half the size of a pony. "The next one is for when there's a small army in need of routing. Vulcan cannons are really only good for skirmishes. Cluster rockets are for the larger battles against a more conventional mixed force."

A salvo of three shrieking missiles burst over a grid of concrete and dropped a carpet of explosives over it.

"Use them well. The opening volley is the most important. Catch them before they spread out. Next weapon!"

A long, two-pronged barrel reared over the Twilight's shoulder. An electrical charge started building up with a high pitched whine. "The railgun. General purpose high-priority sniper. Standing still to aim will get you better results with any weapon, but it is especially felt with this. The actual slug is small, but..."

Recoil caused the Twilight to flex back and the railgun to jerk. A perfectly straight line of heated, warped air was made at the same time a tank-sized block was obliterated and a colossal crack resounded well beyond the confines of the valley. Most of the chunked concrete went directly backwards into a dirt cone, but a few flew astray and bounced off a shield that had been invisible until just now.

"...I don't think you can frown at the results. Next!"

An oversized rifle was given to the Twilight, lined with five lights on the barrel. This one simply needed to be carried like an actual firearm. "Beam rifle. The cells ended up being too massive to simply integrate with any Paladin, not even the Daylight, so we went with the next best option. This is your go-to for anything shaped like a dragon."

One beam as thick as a carriage shot from the tip for one second, draining one of the lights completely. Three concrete blocks were bored through and cracked outwards from a superheated expansion. The valley behind it was turned into a charred pile of dirt and molten, quickly-cooling bedrock. What grass hadn't been carbonized around the hole was now on fire. A pegasus flew a cloud over to start dousing.

"One clean shot will put anything we know is fielded against us out of commission, provided it doesn't have shields on par with the Paladin itself. You will not get more shots with this out in the field, hence, you should be using this primarily against dragons. Next!"

The Twilight's other shoulder raised a wide, stubby-barreled turret that aimed for the sky. It fired once with a distinctly hollow-sounding thunk, and then the sky was filled with sooty smoke and high-speed, trailing fragments.

"Flak cannon. As you may know, the zebras have alchemy to grant them temporary flight to combat our pegasi. This is your aerial counterpart to the vulcan cannon to clear out the skies. Be very careful you aren't using this in mixed airspace, it does not discriminate. Next!"

The Twilight gripped a cylinder barely longer than its hand, topped on one end with an inset gem. It depressed a button on the side, and a short beam of energy extended from it. One swing, and it cleanly cleaved a tank block from corner to corner.

"Beam saber. Similar to the beam rifle, but potentially usable for longer and easier to use up close. Battery charge is still limited so don't keep it on all the time."

A technological sphere a little larger than the Twilight's head was wheeled out on a large metal cart, but Starlight made a cutting motion across her throat and shook her head. "Not that!" Then, quieter, "It's not finalized yet. While my earlier description of a Paladin being a precise megaspell was meant more as a description of their capabilities, we did develop portable megaspells for them to connect their reactor to to power. A computer would handle the actual spellcasting."

She shuddered. "Twilight's work terrifies me on a fundamental level even moreso than Sunset's and Fluttershy's.

"Next orb."

- - - - -

@Sablonus, @Asmodemus, @Dalek Ix, @triumph8w
The rain subsided to nothing over the next few hours of memory orb watching, though the sky remained eternally overcast. It didn't get any brighter either- the sun was beginning to set, giving the clouds a muted, reddish-purple hue that faded to a deep, royal navy.

"Are you in. Need of some. Emergency medical assistance?" announced Buddy from the surface, its voice sounding extra tinny when coming through the hole. "Healing potions for. Sale! Down at the. Pharmacy. Get right back into. The fight!"

Who was it talking to?

The protect-buck's head then loomed over the hole, partially blocking the dim skylight. "Identified. Ministry of Peace. Medic. Your assistance is. Urgently needed."

Morning airlifted Sawbone up and out of the hole. Both saw somepony extremely relevant to them, trudging forward from the northern tracks like a zombie.

For Morning, the figure was a pegasus. His Enclave armor had been battered and broken, parts of the stallion's matted, mud-caked fur and mane sticking out- but even then, there was no mistaking the sea-green and sapphire curls. Ocean Breeze. The rookie who ended up far too in over his head. He looked like he'd barely crawled away from death.

And for Sawbone, he saw a patient in critical condition. How he managed to shamble along without ghoulhood was nothing short of a miracle. He'd bled profusely, his exposed parts encrusted with scabs and the edges of his armor looking like they'd rusted. Black crystal had emerged from his left foreleg, and he walked exceptionally rigidly on it. His left wing's joints had been forcibly folded in with a sheath of the stuff.

His eyes, glazed as they were, briefly focused on the three in front of him before he collapsed. "H-h-heeelllllp," he moaned, voice dry and weak. "H-he's... my heeeaaaad!"
@Sablonus, @Asmodemus, @triumph8w, @The Fourth Monado

Watching someone else go through memory orbs is boring, I realize. I'm tempted to borrow the Orb viewer from Golden and have a go at one at the orb Dawn's already watched, but... well...

I have to watch these Wastelanders. Who knows what they might do when I'm out?

So instead I just lay on my cloud and... watch. It doesn't take long to notice that Golden seems fascinated by my wings (??), which is a bit... uh.

Okay, she's cute but... Mutie. Also, Soft Feather.

But she's also from some sort of stable built into an MWT hub. Also, Soft Feather. That mare might be nice and sweet and doting, but she's also led me places I wouldn't go with a plasma rifle.

I wrestle with the idea for a while to no result, and instead give up and run some compulsion checks on my power armor. The X‐01's the best thing a pony can wear in public as far as I'm concerned, but it still needs to be taken care of...

The rain subsided to nothing over the next few hours of memory orb watching, though the sky remained eternally overcast. It didn't get any brighter either- the sun was beginning to set, giving the clouds a muted, reddish-purple hue that faded to a deep, royal navy.

"Are you in. Need of some. Emergency medical assistance?" announced Buddy from the surface, its voice sounding extra tinny when coming through the hole. "Healing potions for. Sale! Down at the. Pharmacy. Get right back into. The fight!"

Who was it talking to?

The protect-buck's head then loomed over the hole, partially blocking the dim skylight. "Identified. Ministry of Peace. Medic. Your assistance is. Urgently needed."

Morning airlifted Sawbone up and out of the hole. Both saw somepony extremely relevant to them, trudging forward from the northern tracks like a zombie.

For Morning, the figure was a pegasus. His Enclave armor had been battered and broken, parts of the stallion's matted, mud-caked fur and mane sticking out- but even then, there was no mistaking the sea-green and sapphire curls. Ocean Breeze. The rookie who ended up far too in over his head. He looked like he'd barely crawled away from death.

And for Sawbone, he saw a patient in critical condition. How he managed to shamble along without ghoulhood was nothing short of a miracle. He'd bled profusely, his exposed parts encrusted with scabs and the edges of his armor looking like they'd rusted. Black crystal had emerged from his left foreleg, and he walked exceptionally rigidly on it. His left wing's joints had been forcibly folded in with a sheath of the stuff.

His eyes, glazed as they were, briefly focused on the three in front of him before he collapsed. "H-h-heeelllllp," he moaned, voice dry and weak. "H-he's... my heeeaaaad!"

The boredom is interrupted by Buddy (ok, I know I've been calling it that name in me head for a while, but... really, Golden?) announcing somepony's arrival. Somepony injured.

I'm convinced to airlift the good doctor up to the surface. Not a second after I exit the hole Dawn had made, I'm glad they did.

"... Rook...?"

I feel as if this were happening to somepony else. The doc gets dropped onto the ground. My wings beat the air.


I'm there, a shadow of steel and feathers crouched protectively over the rookie.

"Ocean! Ocean, I'm here, I'm here! You're gonna be okay, you hear me?"

I'm there, urging the good doctor to get here. I'm pawing at the release clamps of Ocean Breeze's damaged armor so doc can get to the injuries.

"I'm here, Ocean. What happened? Who did this to you!?"
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"Are you in. Need of some. Emergency medical assistance?" announced Buddy from the surface, its voice sounding extra tinny when coming through the hole. "Healing potions for. Sale! Down at the. Pharmacy. Get right back into. The fight!"

The robot was talking to someone. It wasn't certain that that someone was a person instead of a feral ghoul, or a tumbleweed, but it certainly registered someone as injured and present.

The protect-buck's head then loomed over the hole, partially blocking the dim skylight. "Identified. Ministry of Peace. Medic. Your assistance is. Urgently needed."

And it knew to address him for healing the target. At least it'd probably (who knew with bots?) protect him if it was violent. "We should probably check that out, ya mind giving a lift miss?" The covered unicorn asked of the armored pegasi. It'd be nice to have the mare with plasma guns around.

And for Sawbone, he saw a patient in critical condition. How he managed to shamble along without ghoulhood was nothing short of a miracle. He'd bled profusely, his exposed parts encrusted with scabs and the edges of his armor looking like they'd rusted. Black crystal had emerged from his left foreleg, and he walked exceptionally rigidly on it. His left wing's joints had been forcibly folded in with a sheath of the stuff.

"Aw shoot, that ain't good." Came the detailed medical analysis of the unicorn doctor. Followed by a oof noise as they get dropped off, shaking off the impact a bit before they trot up to the patient, potions out. This was an emergency supply situation alright, unless they were too far gone already then it was a 'delivering the bad news to a pony that pointed a plasma gun at your head' situation and that was not his preferred situation.

Ensure lack of bleeding, see to healing, ask about blood type and possibility of transfusion if needed, all that. He'd just focus on the medical stuff and let the pegasi do their talking, and if pressed for conversation, being firm about Morning keeping clammed up and leaving them thinking she and her friend were from some mountain pegasi vault or something. Hopefully 'Rook' wasn't a more firm believer in murdering 'muties'. He'd rather not have to dodge attacks, huff every love crystal in his bag and try to escape the sight of two power armored pegasi to turn into a boulder, leave them to slaughter the kirin tribe.