Okay, I still got no response from OOW but...

Anyone want to have a master with zero knowledge of magic and is kind of a pampered jackass?
Servant Apps
alright so

some last-minute changes were made

Saber: @Mortifer
Lancer: @Jemnite
Shielder: @notmi
Rider: @Logos
Berserker: @TehChron
Caster: @Wizard_Marshall
Assassin: @Azrael

the extra class of Shielder was included for narrative purposes and better character interactions among the Servants

Archer has been removed for similar reasons

since we hit seven Servants, I'm gonna cap it off here and move on to Master submissions
I'm surprised there haven't been more themed wars, considering how easily they'd have great interactions with each other. Good RPs tend to produce that anyway naturally, but lazy is best.
Hector, Ajax, Diomedes

I know who I submitted

Now to work out Rider, Caster and Assassin...
Yeah, I never even tried to hide who I was. Chron has even seen like 75% of my sheet before. :V
Yeah, I never even tried to hide who I was. Chron has even seen like 75% of my sheet before. :V

Saber should be rather obvious as well, once I start

The surprises would come from what exactly is on their sheet

Also I mentioned Saber so I need to laugh at everyone again
