Extradimensional Entity Quest

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    Votes: 2 5.6%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
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  • 6 hours

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • 12 hours

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • 24 hours

    Votes: 25 69.4%

  • Total voters
[X] A Galaxy with many spacefaring races, they don't seem to have met yet

Hey, this way if the various races are hostile to our existance or whatever we do they can't all gang up on us.
First Reality 0.1
You send an Anchor to the Galaxy with races that have not begun communicating. When it reaches the Reality you get impressions of some suitable destinations for your Anchor. At your current state of development you need to be near sapient lifeforms to help develop both an Avatar and to gain your first Aspect. You decide to Anchor to:
[ ] A frozen Arctic world with slim furred bipeds with pointy ears, they value work and effort put into everything
[ ] A Tundra world with tall blue beings with black eyes and thin skin, they seem rather... friendly
[ ] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
[ ] A Continental world with hairless blue bipeds with enlarged heads. they seem to have many universities for the sciences
[ ] A Tropical world with long sinuous arthropods with wide mouths and many legs and arms, they have eager scientists, all proud of their work
[ ] An Ocean world with eyeless three headed amphibians, while empathetic with each other while on planet they seem nervous in space
[ ] A Savanah world with seed like inhabitants that float through the air, they seem content to go about their business
[ ] An Arid world with tall fungal beings with five eyes, they have shrines throughout their cities
[ ] A Desert world with hard shelled six legged arthropods with thin graspers next to a circular face, they are often seen doing small rituals

You may want to be corporeal here... or maybe you want to observe them closer?

[ ] wait to form avatar and watch
[ ] Mimic a lifeform of the society
- [ ] mimic an infant
- [ ] mimic a child
- [ ] mimic an adult
[ ] Mimic a small animal within the city
[ ] Just put a small bit of yourself through, with eyes and a mouth on the front
[ ] Write in (Currently an amorphous shape, can fill a cube that is 8km3​)

Titles: none
Size: 1
Hunger: Starving
Health: 100%
Age: 0 days
Adhoc vote count started by Dragonin on Nov 24, 2018 at 1:10 PM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
    [X] Mimic a lifeform of the society
    - [X] mimic a child
    [X] A Continental world with hairless blue bipeds with enlarged heads. they seem to have many universities for the sciences
    [X] Write in-Bill Cipher
    [x] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
    [x] Mimic a small animal within the city
    [X] A Continental world with hairless blue bipeds with enlarged heads. they seem to have many universities for the sciences
    [X] Mimic a lifeform of the society
    - [X] mimic a child

Adhoc vote count started by Dragonin on Nov 24, 2018 at 1:11 PM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.
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[x] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
[x] Mimic a small animal within the city
[X] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
[X] Mimic a lifeform of the society
- [X] mimic a child
[X] A Continental world with hairless blue bipeds with enlarged heads. they seem to have many universities for the sciences


[X] Write in-Bill Cipher

It's gonna get weird.
[X] A Continental world with hairless blue bipeds with enlarged heads. they seem to have many universities for the sciences

[X] Mimic a lifeform of the society
- [X] mimic a child
[X] A Continental world with hairless blue bipeds with enlarged heads. they seem to have many universities for the sciences

[X] Write in-Bill Cipher
[X] A Continental world with hairless blue bipeds with enlarged heads. they seem to have many universities for the sciences


[X] Write in-Bill Cipher
Extrude a triangle with a brick like surface with one mouth eye orfice
Please don't rip a character from another series.
Just do a geometrical shape of some materisl then put a eye on it and as limbs extend from us as smooth thin tendrils that are pitch black like a drawn black line on paper a simple but safe form to interact with 3 dimensionals
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[X] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
[X] Mimic a lifeform of the society
- [X] mimic a child
[X] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
[X] Mimic a lifeform of the society
- [X] mimic a child
[X] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
[X] Mimic a lifeform of the society
- [X] mimic a child
First Reality 0.2
[x] An Alpine world with bright vibrant birds with enormous displays on their tail feathers, they seem especially eager to find other life
Number of voters: 5

Nevill, Artemis_Fowl_2nd, bioticgrunt, Terran Imperium, BoundaryPhantasm

Focusing upon the Alpine world your Anchor shifts to it. No longer needing to focus as much on finding the destination lets you relax your senses, narrowing them until they focus on a city to find a suitable destination. Settling on a building with many of the natives young, to better adjust your Avatar to mimic the local inhabitants. Your Anchor starts to drift down even as you start to form the Avatar from your own body, using the young of the natives as a template.

You feel a shift as the Anchor finally settles into and around the building that you chose, enjoying the connection as you start to trickle through the Anchor to your Shell. Where the connection's energy enters the Shell a copy of the building forms, allowing you to choose a place to manifest your Avatar in Reality. You choose an empty room and place the Avatar inside through an exterior opening before allowing a shift to take the Avatar into Reality.

It opens its eyes and looks around the room, observing with its terribly limited eyes the holes filled with water that dot one side of the room.There are small walls just around the holes, but they are just far enough off the ground that it can see the water. There is an odor to the room. Belatedly it realizes that the head shouldn't be on the ground, and it should use the limbs of the body to move around to observe its new hosts.

Unfortunately, moving around a body is not actually as easy as the natives make it look, and one of the adults enters the room at the noise that your Avatar made hitting the floor with its body. The adult makes soft noises at the Avatar, which only turns its head towards the noise. The adult starts making louder noises and making gestures at the Avatar with one of its forelimbs, and holding out two of the smaller appendages on it. Confused you direct the Avatar to:

What do?
[ ] [AVATAR] Try to copy the gesture
[ ] [AVATAR] Try to copy the sounds
[ ] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[ ] [AVATAR] Write In

Behavior: pick 2
[ ] [LEARNING] Artifacts, try to learn the use of as many of their tools as you can
[ ] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[ ] [LEARNING] Explore, try to explore where you are try out the senses of the locals
[ ] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy

Energy: What is it that sustains you? Pick 2
[ ] [ENERGY] Emotion, it is strong enough to give them their drives, and you form
PICK THREE... This is more for a preference
-[ ] [Emotion] ALL
-[ ] [Emotion] JOY
-[ ] [Emotion] FEAR
-[ ] [Emotion] RAGE
-[ ] [Emotion] SADNESS
-[ ] [Emotion] AVARICE
-[ ] [Emotion] HOPE
-[ ] [Emotion] LOVE
-[ ] [Emotion] WILL

[ ] [ENERGY] Life, it always finds a way, and Reality is upheld by its continued existence, being near it sustains you
[ ] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[ ] [ENERGY] Society, when everything is working together, they are greater that their whole, and the order lets you think
[ ] [ENERGY] Death, as every life ends it lets out one last gasp and you take it in
[ ] [ENERGY] Pain, when their nervous systems feel it, you feed on it

Titles: none
Avatar: Shantari Child
Size: 1
Hunger: Hungry, gathering energy
Health: 100%
Age: 0 days
Adhoc vote count started by Dragonin on Nov 25, 2018 at 11:47 PM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Dragonin on Nov 25, 2018 at 11:48 PM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Dragonin on Nov 26, 2018 at 3:55 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
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[x] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[x] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[x] [ENERGY] Death, as every life ends it lets out one last gasp and you take it in
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[x] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[x] [ENERGY] Death, as every life ends it lets out one last gasp and you take it in
Sorry please pick one more Learning choice, I goofed up.... aaaand I forgot the threadmark
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[x] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[x] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[X] [ENERGY] Life, it always finds a way, and Reality is upheld by its continued existence, being near it sustains you
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[x] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[x] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[x] [ENERGY] Society, when everything is working together, they are greater that their whole, and the order lets you think
[X] [AVATAR] Try to copy the sounds
[x] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[X] [ENERGY] Life, it always finds a way, and Reality is upheld by its continued existence, being near it sustains you
[x] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[x] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[X] [ENERGY] Life, it always finds a way, and Reality is upheld by its continued existence, being near it sustains you
[x] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[x] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[X] [ENERGY] Life, it always finds a way, and Reality is upheld by its continued existence, being near it sustains you
[x] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[x] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[X] [ENERGY] Life, it always finds a way, and Reality is upheld by its continued existence, being near it sustains you
Inserted tally

Second highest are:
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
Number of voters: 7
Nevill, the swarm, bioticgrunt, RandomDwarf, wingstrike96, veekie, Artemis_Fowl_2nd
[X] [ENERGY] Life, it always finds a way, and Reality is upheld by its continued existence, being near it sustains you
Number of voters: 5
the swarm, bioticgrunt, RandomDwarf, wingstrike96, Artemis_Fowl_2nd

May take a bit before next post, using phone... not the best for typing, also fixing some things with previous posts to try and make them more clear.

First round finished, stat sheet next.
Adhoc vote count started by Dragonin on Nov 26, 2018 at 3:55 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
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[x] [AVATAR] Try to get up/learn to walk
[x] [LEARNING] Locals, try to focus on learning to communicate
[x] [LEARNING] Food, try to find out ways to increase how quickly you gain energy
[x] [ENERGY] Imagination/Dreams, at night when they sleep, you feel stronger as they dream of impossible things... at least to them
[x] [ENERGY] Society, when everything is working together, they are greater that their whole, and the order lets you think