Evolving Dungeon System

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A quest about evolving and developing dungeons over time.
The world is young and upon it, humanity grows, as they spread across the world slowly the Dungeons of this world are born and grow in power from conflict and sacrifice in their walls. At this age, only 3 kinds of dungeons are existent though they will branch out as more of the world is discovered and the humans they harvest for life grow in power and diversity.

These types are as follows.

Element dungeons spawn monsters, and traps based on the environment.

Beast dungeons spawn monsters, and traps based on wildlife and creatures.

Magic dungeons spawn monsters, and traps based on wild magic and spirits.​

The world's level cap is 5 as no type has any specialization and the humans of this world are limited to that cap as well. Until humanity expands and gains subclasses dungeons are locked to this cap.

Special Feature
Attunement: Elemental dungeons can choose each spawn, trap, boss, or reward to be attuned to one of the 4 fundamental elements - Water, Fire, Wind, and Stone - changing specific effects and abilities.

Elemental cores are creative and experimenting. They like to try and see new things.

Level 1 Spawn and Trap

Spawn: Lesser Elementals
Water: Aqua Squirt - A water squirt sneaky and playful. Focus Attribute: Social - Wit. These creatures are mischievous and clever, using their wit to outmaneuver opponents and create distractions.
Fire: Ember Whisp - A fire whisp quick and hot. Focus Attribute: Body - Agility. These fiery creatures are nimble and swift, relying on their agility to evade attacks and strike with precision.
Wind: Zephyr Gust - A wind gust harsh and cruel. Focus Attribute: Body - Endurance. These ruthless creatures are relentless and enduring, using their physical stamina to wear down opponents.
Stone: Earth Gremlin - A stone gremlin cunning and slow. Focus Attribute: Mind - Cunning. These crafty creatures are patient and strategic, using their cunning to set traps and ambush their foes.

Trap: Pool
Water: Swirling Pool - A pool of swirling water reducing maneuverability. Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. This trap impedes movement, testing a character's agility to navigate the treacherous waters.
Fire: Tar Pool - A pool of hot sticky tar burning at the skin. Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. This trap inflicts pain and requires endurance to endure the burning sensation.
Wind: Air Current - A dent of twisting wings, requiring careful consideration. Challenge Attribute: Mind - Thought. This trap demands mental acuity and strategic thinking to find the safest path through the gusty currents.
Stone: Abyssal Pit - A pit dangerous to fall in. Challenge Attribute: Social - Insight. This trap requires insight and perceptiveness to avoid falling into its concealed depths.

Level 2 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Minor Elemental
Water: Aqua Streamer - Focus Attribute: Social - Charm. These minor elementals possess a captivating charm that can influence or distract opponents, swaying them in the water element's favor.
Fire: Ember Blaze - Focus Attribute: Body - Strength. Minor fire elementals harness their strength to unleash powerful fiery attacks and overwhelm their foes.
Wind: Zephyr Whirl - Focus Attribute: Body - Agility. Swift and agile, these minor wind elementals move with unmatched speed and evasiveness, making them difficult to target.
Stone: Earth Shaper - Focus Attribute: Mind - Cunning. Minor earth elementals manipulate their surroundings, setting traps and using cunning tactics to ensnare their enemies.

Spawn: Elemental Feature
Water: Aquatic Mastery - Focus Attribute: Mind - Will. Water elementals with aquatic mastery exhibit profound control over water-based magic, using it to augment their abilities and manipulate their environment.
Fire: Ember Manipulator - Focus Attribute: Mind - Thought. These fire elementals have honed their magical skills to manipulate flames and control the intensity of their fire-based attacks.
Wind: Zephyr Tamer - Focus Attribute: Mind - Will. Wind elementals skilled in taming the air can alter wind currents to their advantage, affecting movement and strategic positioning.
Stone: Earth Architect - Focus Attribute: Mind - Thought. Earth elementals with architectural expertise reshape the terrain, creating barriers and structures that hinder foes and enhance their defense.

Trap: Spout
Water: Whirlpool Spout - Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. A whirlpool spout traps opponents, testing their agility to escape the powerful currents pulling them inward.
Fire: Flame Burst Spout - Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. Bursting flames from the ground challenge characters to endure the scorching heat and continue their advance.
Wind: Tornado Spout - Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. A powerful tornado spout creates strong gusts, testing characters' endurance to maintain their footing against the forceful winds.
Stone: Boulder Eruption Spout - Challenge Attribute: Mind - Thought. Erupting boulders challenge characters to find the optimal path to avoid the falling rocks.

Trap: Fall
Water: Cascade Fall - Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. A cascading fall of water requires agility to navigate safely through the wet and slippery surface.
Fire: Blaze Drop - Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. A blaze drop engulfs characters in flames, testing their endurance to withstand the searing heat and reach their destination.
Wind: Gusty Fall - Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. A gusty fall with turbulent winds challenges characters to maintain balance and control while descending.
Stone: Quake Fall - Challenge Attribute: Social - Insight. A quake fall conceals treacherous spots that characters need to identify with insight to avoid falling.

Level 3 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Elemental Defender
Water: Aqua Guardian - Focus Attribute: Social - Charm. An aqua guardian can charm opponents, diverting their attention and preventing them from focusing on their objectives.
Fire: Ember Warden - Focus Attribute: Body - Strength. An ember warden utilizes strength to protect allies and hinder foes, imposing physical barriers and powerful fire-based defenses.
Wind: Zephyr Sentinel - Focus Attribute: Body - Agility. A zephyr sentinel excels in agile and swift movements, making them adept at guarding allies and intercepting threats.
Stone: Earth Guardian - Focus Attribute: Mind - Will. An earth guardian employs strong mental fortitude to shield allies and bolster their resilience, creating protective barriers and fortifications.

Trap: Dead Elemental
Water: Drowned Spirit - Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. A drowned spirit entangles characters, challenging their endurance to break free from the spectral grasp.
Fire: Cremating Flames - Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. Cremating flames engulf characters, testing their endurance to endure the relentless burns.
Wind: Lost in Tempest - Challenge Attribute: Mind - Thought. A lost tempest disturbs characters' minds, challenging their mental acuity to maintain focus and find a safe path.
Stone: Petrifying Grasp - Challenge Attribute: Social - Insight. A petrifying grasp obscures hidden dangers, challenging characters to use their insight to identify safe routes.

Level 4 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Elemental Swarm
Water: Aqua Torrent - Focus Attribute: Social - Charm. These swarming water elementals utilize their charm to distract and confuse opponents, making it difficult for them to maintain focus on a single target.
Fire: Ember Conflagration - Focus Attribute: Body - Strength. The fire elementals in this swarm possess immense strength, allowing them to overwhelm enemies with sheer force and relentless attacks.
Wind: Zephyr Tempest - Focus Attribute: Body - Agility. Agile and swift, the wind elementals in the swarm are highly evasive and proficient at dodging attacks while striking back with precision.
Stone: Earth Rampart - Focus Attribute: Mind - Will. The earth elementals forming this rampart-like swarm are unwavering and tenacious, using their willpower to resist mental attacks and push forward with determination.

Spawn: Supporting Force
Water: Aqua Shieldbearer - Focus Attribute: Social - Charm. These water elementals excel in supporting and protecting allies, using their charm to bolster the morale of their comrades and provide defensive barriers.
Fire: Ember Enforcer - Focus Attribute: Body - Strength. The fire elementals in this supporting force serve as strong enforcers, using their strength to shield their allies and keep opponents at bay.
Wind: Zephyr Swiftblade - Focus Attribute: Body - Agility. Swift and nimble, the wind elementals in this force act as agile defenders, intercepting threats and swiftly assisting their allies.
Stone: Earth Warder - Focus Attribute: Mind - Will. The earth elementals in this supporting role serve as stalwart wardens, using their willpower to resist mental influences and fortify the defense of their group.

Trap: Field
Water: Aqua Quicksand - Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. This field of quicksand hinders movement and agility, making it challenging for characters to navigate safely through the treacherous terrain.
Fire: Ember Emberstorm - Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. The blazing emberstorm challenges characters' endurance and requires them to endure the intense heat and persevere.
Wind: Zephyr Cyclone - Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. The swirling cyclone disrupts characters' balance and tests their agility to remain steady and continue forward.
Stone: Earth Stonefall - Challenge Attribute: Social - Insight. The field of falling stones conceals hidden dangers, challenging characters to use their insight and perception to identify safe paths.

Trap: Current
Water: Aqua Whirlpool - Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. This aqua whirlpool creates strong currents, challenging characters' agility to resist being pulled under its force.
Fire: Ember Flamestream - Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. The flamestream emits intense heat, testing characters' endurance to withstand the scorching temperatures while advancing.
Wind: Zephyr Windstream - Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. The windstream generates powerful gusts, challenging characters' agility to maintain balance and resist being swept away.
Stone: Earth Tremor - Challenge Attribute: Social - Insight. The earth tremor conceals hazardous spots, challenging characters to use their insight to identify safe routes and avoid danger.

Level 5 Boss and Reward

Boss: Elemental Lord
Water: Aqua Sovereign - Focus Attribute: Social - Charm. The Aqua Sovereign commands water with unparalleled charm, using their social prowess to manipulate water flows and summon devastating aquatic spells.
Fire: Ember Inferno - Focus Attribute: Body - Strength. The Ember Inferno wields fire with raw strength, conjuring intense flames and unleashing powerful fire-based attacks with incredible force.
Wind: Zephyr Stormbringer - Focus Attribute: Body - Agility. The Zephyr Stormbringer harnesses the power of wind, moving with unmatched speed and striking foes with swift and precise wind-based attacks.
Stone: Earth Colossus - Focus Attribute: Mind - Will. The Earth Colossus is a behemoth of stone, fortified with unyielding willpower, using earth manipulation to crush enemies and erect formidable defenses.

Reward: Elemental Core
Water: Aqua Essence - This core contains the essence of water, granting powerful water-based abilities and enhancing water affinity. Characters attuned to water elements will gain greater control over water-based magic, allowing them to manipulate aquatic environments and summon mighty water spells.
Fire: Ember Essence - This core contains the essence of fire, granting potent fire-based abilities and enhancing fire affinity. Characters attuned to fire elements will gain heightened mastery over flames, enabling them to conjure intense infernos and manipulate fire-based spells with precision.
Wind: Zephyr Essence - This core contains the essence of wind, granting exceptional wind-based abilities and enhancing wind affinity. Characters attuned to wind elements will gain unparalleled agility and speed, harnessing the power of wind to move swiftly and deliver precise strikes.
Stone: Earth Essence - This core contains the essence of earth, granting formidable earth-based abilities and enhancing earth affinity. Characters attuned to earth elements will gain incredible strength and resilience, able to manipulate earth and stone to create powerful defensive measures and launch devastating earth-based attacks.
Special Feature
Beastial Domain: beast dungeons adapt based on the surrounding wildlife, altering its spawns, traps, bosses, and rewards.

Driven by primal instincts and a deep connection with the wild, the core of the Beastial Domain is impulsive, fierce, and always seeking to challenge adventurers. It takes inspiration from the cunning and survival instincts of its wildlife inhabitants, making it unpredictable and formidable.

Level 1 Spawn and Trap

Spawn: Feral Beasts
Swift Prowler - A lithe and agile predator. Focus Attribute: Body - Agility. These feral beasts are lightning-fast, utilizing their agility to swiftly close the distance to their prey.
Savage Mauler - A muscular and powerful brute. Focus Attribute: Body - Strength. These feral beasts rely on sheer strength to overpower their opponents with devastating attacks.
Cunning Stalker - A crafty and stealthy hunter. Focus Attribute: Mind - Cunning. These feral beasts use cunning tactics to outmaneuver and ambush their targets.
Hardy Defender - A tough and resilient defender. Focus Attribute: Body - Endurance. These feral beasts boast endurance, able to withstand attacks and endure prolonged battles.

Trap: Tangled Roots
Vines of Entanglement - Challenge Attribute: Body - Agility. Vines wrap around characters, testing their agility to escape the entanglement and avoid being immobilized.
Ensnaring Brambles - Challenge Attribute: Body - Strength. Thorny brambles entangle characters, testing their strength to break free and continue their advancement.
Tricky Tripwires - Challenge Attribute: Mind - Cunning. Tripwires spring traps, testing characters' cunning to notice the traps and avoid triggering them.
Impeding Thorns - Challenge Attribute: Body - Endurance. Characters face sharp thorns obstructing their path, testing their endurance to push through and reach their destination.

Level 2 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Shadowed Predators
Stealthy Ambusher - A predator that blends seamlessly with the shadows. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. These Shadowed Predators use their mental acuity to strategize and position themselves stealthily, catching their prey off guard.
Evasive Prowler - A nimble and elusive hunter. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Agility. These Shadowed Predators rely on their physical agility to move swiftly and evade attacks, making it challenging for opponents to land hits.
Intuitive Tracker - A beast with heightened senses. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Will. These Shadowed Predators possess heightened perception and intuition, enabling them to track targets with remarkable accuracy.
Resilient Stalker - A persistent and enduring predator. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. These Shadowed Predators exhibit incredible endurance, refusing to relent until they capture their quarry.

Spawn: Venomous Hunters
Serpentine Stalkers - Slithering and stealthy predators that strike from the shadows. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. Serpentine Stalkers use their cunning to lay ambushes and deliver venomous bites to their unsuspecting prey.
Lethal Fangrunners - Swift and agile beasts with deadly venomous fangs. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Agility. Lethal Fangrunners swiftly close in on their targets, using their agility to evade counterattacks while delivering lethal bites.
Poison Darters - Beastly creatures with ranged venomous attacks. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. Poison Darters use their intellect to calculate the trajectory of their venomous projectiles, striking foes from a distance with accuracy.
Toxic Trackers - Tenacious and patient hunters with a keen sense of smell. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Toxic Trackers tirelessly pursue their prey, relying on their endurance to outlast and overwhelm their targets.

Trap: Deep Bogs
Quicksand Sinkhole - (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Characters encounter a sinkhole filled with quicksand that tests their endurance to break free from its suction and escape.
Toxic Fumes - (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Thought. Characters must navigate through an area emitting toxic fumes, challenging their cognitive abilities to find a safe path and avoid inhaling the poisonous gases.
Murky Waters - (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Agility. Characters face the challenge of traversing through murky and treacherous waters, testing their agility to maintain balance and avoid hazards lurking beneath.
Marshy Quagmire - (Challenge) Attribute: Social - Insight. Characters encounter a deceptive quagmire with concealed dangers, challenging their insight to identify safe routes and avoid getting stuck in the mire.

Trap: Enigmatic Illusions
Deceptive Mirage - (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. Illusions surround characters, testing their cunning to distinguish reality from illusion and find the correct path.
Disorienting Phantasms - (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Thought. Phantasmal figures confuse characters, testing their mental acuity to maintain focus and navigate through the illusions.
Elusive Shadows - (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Agility. Shadows come alive, challenging characters' agility to move with precision and avoid being ensnared by the illusory traps.
Endurance Trials - (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Characters face a series of taxing endurance tests, pushing their physical limits to overcome the grueling illusions.

Level 3 Spawn and Trap

Spawn: Climbing Watchers
Silent Skulkers - Agile and nimble climbers, lurking in the treetops to observe their targets. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. Silent Skulkers use their cunning to remain hidden and silently observe their prey from above.
Branch Hoppers - Energetic and acrobatic beasts that traverse the canopy with swift leaps. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Agility. Branch Hoppers swiftly navigate through the treetops, utilizing their agility to move with grace and strike from unexpected angles.
Canopy Observants - Keen-eyed beasts that scan the forest from elevated perches. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. Canopy Observants use their intellect to analyze the movements of creatures below and coordinate with their pack.
Swooping Shadows - Aerial hunters swooping down from above, using surprise attacks to catch their prey. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Swooping Shadows endure long flights and sudden dives, relying on their physical endurance to strike with precision.

Trap: Swarming Bugs
Insect Cloud - A horde of tiny, relentless insects that swarm and obstruct. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Agility. The Insect Cloud inflicts swarming bites, testing characters' agility to fend off the pests and maintain focus.
Venomous Stingbugs - Small but dangerous bugs with venomous stings. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Endurance. The Venomous Stingbugs deliver painful stings, testing characters' endurance to endure the venom's effects and continue their path.
Cunning Swarm Decoys - A deceptive illusion of a dangerous insect swarm. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. The Cunning Swarm Decoys create a false threat, testing characters' cunning to distinguish the illusion from reality and avoid unnecessary panic.
Mind-Altering Phantasmids - Bugs emitting hallucinogenic pheromones. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Thought. The Mind-Altering Phantasmids induce illusions and disorientation, testing characters' mental fortitude to maintain clarity and find a safe route.

Level 4 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Burrowing Trappers
Subterranean Lurkers - Cunning burrowers adept at setting underground traps. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. Subterranean Lurkers use their cunning to create intricate burrow traps to ensnare their prey.
Tunneling Menacers - Powerful diggers that surprise their prey from below. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Strength. Tunneling Menacers use their strength to dig deep tunnels and launch surprise attacks from beneath the ground.
Hidden Snarers - Beasts equipped with concealed snares and pitfalls. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. Hidden Snarers strategically place hidden traps and pitfalls, relying on their intellect to anticipate their prey's movements.
Burrow Ambushers - Patient beasts that lie in wait for unsuspecting prey. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Burrow Ambushers endure long periods in cramped burrows, relying on their endurance to launch surprise attacks.

Spawn: Symbiotic Supporter
Parasitic Leechback - A leech-like creature that clings to and supports other monsters. (Focus) Attribute: Social - Charm. The Parasitic Leechback uses its charm to influence and support other monsters, making them more effective in combat.
Enhancing Weaver - A spider-like entity that weaves supportive webs for its allies. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. The Enhancing Weaver strategically constructs webs that bolster the abilities of nearby monsters, enhancing their combat capabilities.
Empathetic Enabler - A creature that emits empathetic waves, empowering nearby monsters. (Focus) Attribute: Social - Insight. The Empathetic Enabler senses the emotions of its allies, granting them a boost in morale and combat prowess.
Aura Channeler - A creature that channels beneficial auras, bolstering its fellow monsters. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Will. The Aura Channeler projects empowering auras that strengthen the resolve and effectiveness of nearby monsters.

Trap: Obscuring Brush
Thicket Entanglement - Characters face dense vegetation entangling their movement. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Agility. This trap requires characters to be agile and find their way through the tangled brush to avoid getting trapped.
Blinding Pollen - The air is filled with blinding pollen particles, testing characters' endurance to keep their eyes open and maintain visibility. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Characters need endurance to resist the effects of the pollen and avoid being disoriented.
Misleading Mirage - The trap creates illusory images, challenging characters' thoughtfulness to discern reality from illusion. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Thought. Cunning and logical thinking are required to see through the deceptive mirage and find the correct path.
Confusion Seeds - Characters encounter seeds that release confusing pheromones, testing their social insight to overcome disorientation. (Challenge) Attribute: Social - Insight. Social insight is essential to decipher the effects of the seeds and avoid being led astray.

Trap: Steep Slope
Perilous Ascent - Characters must climb a steep and treacherous slope to progress further. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Strength. This trap tests characters' physical strength as they need to exert force and climb against gravity to overcome the steep slope.
Precarious Balance - Characters find themselves on a narrow and unstable path along the slope. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Agility. Agility is required to maintain balance and navigate the precarious path without slipping or falling.
Loose Gravel Slide - The slope is covered in loose gravel, making it challenging for characters to gain traction. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. Cunning comes into play as characters need to find the best path and use strategic footwork to minimize slipping on the loose gravel.
Wind Gusts - Strong gusts of wind blow against characters attempting to ascend the steep slope. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Characters require endurance to endure the force of the wind and continue their ascent without being blown back.

Level 5 Boss and Reward

Boss: Alpha
Dominant Alpha - A powerful and imposing leader of the pack. (Focus) Attribute: Social - Charm. The Dominant Alpha uses its natural charisma and charm to assert its authority and command the respect of other creatures in the dungeon.
Strategic Alpha - A cunning and tactical mastermind. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. The Strategic Alpha excels in devising clever strategies, coordinating attacks, and outsmarting adversaries to gain the upper hand in battles.
Tenacious Alpha - A relentless and enduring force. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. The Tenacious Alpha possesses exceptional physical stamina and resilience, enabling it to withstand prolonged confrontations and tire out its opponents.
Alpha Pack Leader - A charismatic leader that rallies its pack. (Focus) Attribute: Social - Insight. The Alpha Pack Leader has a keen sense of perception, recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of its allies, and motivating them to fight with increased determination.

Reward: Beastmaster's Token
Apex Predator Token - This token bestows the character with the aura of an Apex Predator, gaining respect and admiration from other beasts. With this token, the character can establish dominance over certain types of beasts, making them more likely to listen to commands and even come to the character's aid in dire situations.
Pack Leader Token - This token grants the character the aura of a Pack Leader, allowing them to form a special bond with a group of beasts in the dungeon. The character gains the ability to communicate and coordinate with the beasts, leading them as a pack to hunt down enemies and overcome obstacles together.
Shapeshifter's Mark - This mark enables the character to temporarily take on the appearance and characteristics of a specific beast they have encountered in the dungeon. By activating the Shapeshifter's Mark, the character can gain the abilities and traits of the chosen beast, using them to their advantage in various situations.
Beast Whisperer's Amulet - This amulet enhances the character's ability to understand and communicate with beasts on a deeper level. With the Beast Whisperer's Amulet, the character can form a telepathic link with certain beasts, allowing for non-verbal communication and even gaining insight into the thoughts and intentions of the creatures.
Special Feature
Shifting Foundations: magic dungeons are less real than other dungeon types, and can alter the layout and spawns even when delvers are inside.

Magic dungeon cores are enigmatic and mysterious. They possess a deep fascination with the arcane arts and are constantly seeking to unravel the secrets of magic. These cores are known for their creativity and experimentation, always trying new spells and enchantments to see their effects and push the boundaries of magical knowledge.

Level 1 Spawn and Trap

Spawn: Least Spirit - A faint ethereal entity with minimal power. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Will. The Least Spirit attempts to influence the minds of intruders, subtly nudging their thoughts or emotions to deter or mislead them.

Trap: Twisting Maze - A labyrinth of shifting walls and paths. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Thought. The Twisting Maze challenges adventurers to navigate through its ever-changing layout, requiring logical thinking and problem-solving skills to find the correct path to escape.

Level 2 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Minimus Golem - A small and agile earth construct. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Agility. The Minimus Golem utilizes its nimbleness to swiftly move through the battlefield, making it difficult for opponents to land attacks on its compact form.

Spawn: Restless Sprites - Mischievous and ethereal beings. (Focus) Attribute: Social - Wit. The Restless Sprites use their wit and cunning to play tricks on adventurers and distract them during encounters.

Trap: Cursed Tome - A malevolent magical book. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Thought. The Cursed Tome challenges adventurers' intellectual abilities and logical reasoning, requiring them to decipher its secrets or face dire consequences.

Trap: False Passage - An illusory and deceptive pathway. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Will. The False Passage tests adventurers' mental fortitude and resistance to illusions, compelling them to stay focused and discern the true path amidst the enchanting deception.

Level 3 Spawn and Trap

Spawn: Animated Item - Inanimate objects brought to life by magical forces. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. Animated Items exhibit a degree of intelligence and cunning, using their magically endowed sentience to plan their actions and make strategic decisions during combat.

Trap: Puzzle Door - A magical door protected by intricate puzzles. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. The Puzzle Door challenges intruders to solve complex riddles and puzzles using their cunning and intellectual abilities to progress further in the dungeon.

Level 4 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Illusion Whisps - Ethereal wisps that create deceptive illusions. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. The Illusion Whisps use their mastery of illusions to create bewildering and mesmerizing visual deceptions, testing the thought and perceptions of adventurers to discern reality from illusion.

Spawn: Item Amalgam - A bizarre amalgamation of magical artifacts and objects. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. The Item Amalgam combines the powers of various magical items, using its cunning to unleash unpredictable and potent attacks, keeping adventurers on their toes.

Trap: Return Pedestal - A mysterious pedestal surrounded by arcane symbols. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Thought. The Return Pedestal manipulates the flow of magic, creating a challenging puzzle that tests characters' logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. To progress, adventurers must decipher the symbols and activate the pedestal correctly.

Trap: False Echo - An enchanting trap that generates deceptive sounds. (Challenge) Attribute: Social - Charm. The False Echo creates alluring illusions of distant allies or potential rewards, luring characters into precarious situations. To avoid falling for the trap, adventurers must rely on their social insight to distinguish between genuine sounds and the illusory echoes.

Level 5 Boss and Reward

Boss: Genus Loci - The embodiment of the magic dungeon's essence and guardian of its secrets. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. Genus Loci possesses immense knowledge and intelligence, utilizing powerful magical abilities to manipulate the dungeon's environment and challenge adventurers. With cunning tactics and intricate spellcasting, it tests characters' logical reasoning and magical prowess. As the guardian of the magic dungeon, defeating Genus Loci will unlock its deepest mysteries and bestow valuable rewards upon those who prevail.

Reward: Enchanting Fluid - This magical substance is a versatile and potent resource found within the magic dungeon. Characters can use Enchanting Fluid to imbue their equipment and weapons with powerful enchantments, enhancing their attributes and granting unique abilities. The fluid can also be used in alchemical concoctions or as a catalyst for potent spells, making it highly sought after by adventurers and magic users alike. With Enchanting Fluid in their possession, characters can greatly enhance their capabilities and become formidable forces within the magic dungeon and beyond.

Welcome to dungeon evolution, in this game the questers decide each turn to do one of the following actions, by majority vote. Mutate a type, change something about an existing type making a new type from it. Create a specialization, make a specialization of an existing type or specialization allowing new options for each level of 5, if the specialization would allow a dungeon above the world's level cap it is invalid. Hybrid a type, choose two types, and design a merged type that uses features from both to make a new type. Finally, a type may be produced from whole cloth with no specializations.

Attributes and Statuses.
There are 3 primary attributes 3 secondary attributes, and 4 statuses. They are as follows.
  1. Body (Primary Attribute):
    • Description: Body represents the physical prowess and overall physical condition of a character. It determines their strength, agility, and endurance.
    • Secondary Attributes:
      • Strength: Represents the raw physical power and muscle strength of the character, affecting their melee combat prowess and carrying capacity.
      • Agility: Reflects the character's dexterity, reflexes, and nimbleness, influencing their evasion, ranged combat, and overall mobility.
      • Endurance: Signifies the character's stamina, resilience, and ability to withstand physical challenges, influencing their overall health and fatigue resistance.
  2. Mind (Primary Attribute):
    • Description: Mind represents the character's mental capabilities and cognitive prowess, affecting their intelligence, cunning, and willpower.
    • Secondary Attributes:
      • Cunning: Represents the character's strategic thinking, craftiness, and ability to devise clever plans or tactics, influencing their effectiveness in outwitting opponents and problem-solving.
      • Thought: Reflects the character's intellectual abilities, memory, and logical reasoning, influencing their proficiency in knowledge-based skills and magical studies.
      • Will: Signifies the character's mental fortitude, determination, and resistance to mental influences or mind-affecting effects, affecting their resolve and resistance against mental attacks or manipulation.
  3. Social (Primary Attribute):
    • Description: Social represents the character's charm, charisma, and ability to interact with others effectively, making them influential and persuasive.
    • Secondary Attributes:
      • Insight: Reflects the character's perceptiveness, intuition, and ability to read others, influencing their awareness of hidden motives, lies, or intentions.
      • Charm: Signifies the character's natural magnetism, likability, and ability to win over others, making them influential and endearing to NPCs and potential allies.
      • Wit: Represents the character's humor, quick thinking, and ability to engage in witty banter or verbal sparring, affecting their effectiveness in social situations and negotiations.
  1. Health:
    • Description: Health represents the character's physical well-being and vitality. It indicates their overall survivability in combat or when facing physical challenges.
    • Function: When a character takes damage, their Health decreases. As health decreases all abilities are reduced, and if it reaches 0 a person or creature will die. Health can be restored through healing spells, items, or resting.
  2. Mana:
    • Description: Mana represents the character's magical energy or mental focus. It is essential for casting spells, using magical abilities, or performing mental feats.
    • Function: Casting spells or using magical abilities consumes Mana. Characters with high Mana pools can cast powerful spells, while low Mana may limit their magical capabilities. Mana can be restored through resting or using Mana-restoring items.
  3. Stamina:
    • Description: Stamina represents the character's physical energy and endurance for strenuous activities such as combat, running, or performing physical actions.
    • Function: Engaging in physical activities like combat, running, or certain abilities may deplete Stamina. When Stamina is low, the character may experience fatigue or limited physical performance. Stamina can be restored through rest or using Stamina-restoring items.
  4. Morale:
    • Description: Morale reflects the character's emotional state, determination, and overall group cohesion. High Morale boosts combat performance and resilience.
    • Function: Positive events, successful actions, or inspiring abilities can boost Morale, increasing combat effectiveness and resistance to mental effects. Negative events or repeated failures may lower Morale, resulting in reduced combat performance and susceptibility to mental effects. Morale can be bolstered through inspiring abilities, leadership, or certain items.

When you create a write-in, you describe the new theme, and personality of the new core type, or specialization. You also should describe what you want the new special effect to be but that is less flexible spawn details are up to the QM.
[]Produce Micro: A micro dungeon is all about it being far smaller than the delvers creating fake cities and places the size of their feet. Micro Dungeon cores have a conflicted personalities wanting people to explore them but easily getting mad when their designs are broken by delvers. The special effect should be something to do with swarms or the small status of everything in the dungeon.
[]Mutate Undead: A undead dungeon is a focus of the spirits and animation of the magic dungeon turned to things that had been alive. Undead dungeons are cheerful and enjoy murder so they can have new toys. The special effect should be something about special spawns from dying delvers.
[]Specialization Fire: From the elemental dungeon the fire dungeon has put most of its focus on the flame element. Its personality is passionate and prideful. The new special effect should be something based on fire perhaps altering the existing attunement effect.
[]Hybrid Myths: From beasts, and magic dungeons colluding the myths dungeon is focused on monsters and beasts that are innately magical. Mythic cores have a writer's personality not caring about losing as long as the story was good. The special effect should be an empowerment of the beasts based on the theme of the dungeon.

The Birthland
The only region of the world currently known to humanity and the reach of the cores. Humanity wanders in small communities that allow dungeons to have different class holders explore them without getting used to all the tricks and tips. In the windswept arid planes, the beast dungeons echo the world around them with large open areas. Elemental dungeons are the focus of the humans in the cold season as they give off warmth from fire spawns and traps, as well as the most reliable source of water for the nomadic peoples. The Magic dungeons are feared but coveted with few but the strongest or most foolish daring to try their depths.
[X] Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types

I have no idea if this is okay at all, the rules are confusing to me, hopefully I got it right
If it's not okay I'll just delete it
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[X} Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types

I have no idea if this is okay at all, the rules are confusing to me, hopefully I got it right
If it's not okay I'll just delete it

Honestly it looks really neat just remember it's [X] not [X}
[X] Avary Dungeon: They focus on verticality and birds, Traps that knock people down the dungeon are common as well as flying enemies. Surprisingly easy going at first, they tend to ramp up in difficulty rapidly as the dungeon seeks to test itself against the best available.

This work?
[X] Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types
[X] Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types
[X] Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types

Next turn we make Hybrid Angelic and then the turn after we make Hybrid Fey. Right? Right? :p

Angelic to give an opposite for the Demonic Dungeons and Fey so we've got something which is more 'natural' to the Angelic or Demonic's warped versions. Though uh, considering how the Magic Dungeons are so feared, I think the Fey could be the scariest of the three to the local humans at this point...
[X] Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types

Next turn we make Hybrid Angelic and then the turn after we make Hybrid Fey. Right? Right? :p

Angelic to give an opposite for the Demonic Dungeons and Fey so we've got something which is more 'natural' to the Angelic or Demonic's warped versions. Though uh, considering how the Magic Dungeons are so feared, I think the Fey could be the scariest of the three to the local humans at this point...
I can think up a couple ideas for Angelic dungeons and Fey Dungeons

If I were to design an Angelic dungeon they would most likely be themed after the more strange parts of the bible and religious fanaticism, a Angelic dungeon would resemble towns and holy temples, "Blessed" by the core that formed there, pious villagers with scripture being carved into their skin and little wings growing from their hair, burning people at the stake, small holy orders accidentally creating traps thanks to their various eccentric shrines like pouring scalding oil on the streets and floors leading to important parts of the dungeon to show they're willing to withstand even that for the "Divine One" which all the cores seem to worship

The Fey type I would probably design to be some kind of mix of theatre and fairytales, fae harm and help visitors depending on their "Role" and the current state of their individual stories, each fairy in a Fey Dungeon acting out a strange little story, some play heroes who may mistake you for companions or villains depending on how you act, villains may mistake you for companions or heroes, this dungeon is mostly going to be a confusing mess of trying to play along in ways that don't get you attacked, cause the fey can't think much outside the parameters of their tales and assume most things that don't play along are opponents, the traps are leftover magical props that the lazy backstage workers forgot to fix
If I were to design an Angelic dungeon they would most likely be themed after the more strange parts of the bible and religious fanaticism, a Angelic dungeon would resemble towns and holy temples, "Blessed" by the core that formed there, pious villagers with scripture being carved into their skin and little wings growing from their hair, burning people at the stake, small holy orders accidentally creating traps thanks to their various eccentric shrines like pouring scalding oil on the streets and floors leading to important parts of the dungeon to show they're willing to withstand even that for the "Divine One" which all the cores seem to worship

The Fey type I would probably design to be some kind of mix of theatre and fairytales, fae harm and help visitors depending on their "Role" and the current state of their individual stories, each fairy in a Fey Dungeon acting out a strange little story, some play heroes who may mistake you for companions or villains depending on how you act, villains may mistake you for companions or heroes, this dungeon is mostly going to be a confusing mess of trying to play along in ways that don't get you attacked, cause the fey can't think much outside the parameters of their tales and assume most things that don't play along are opponents, the traps are leftover magical props that the lazy backstage workers forgot to fix
Leaning a bit too hard on the 'Fey are Stories' angle. I definitely think the Fey Dungeons should be more 'trails' than 'beat your way through a warzone', but I don't think it should be entirely narrative focused. Especially as if the Demons seem to take after the 'Beast' aspect of their Hybrid nature, then I'd think that the Fey take after the Environmental and the Angels the Magic.

Or put another way, the Fey Dungeon should feel like a living, thinking landscape which is both composed of individuals and also a 'greater narrative'. Rely too hard on the 'greater narrative', and then the individual quirks of the Fey will kill you dead. If you focus too hard on the fact they are individuals, then you are going to run into an issue where the 'knight' you have been making friends with to entire a Keep comes storming in to slay you for your 'foul betrayal' when you have to attack the hostile Lord of the Keep. Despite you 'convincing' him to hold the door against intruders. He's had 'second thoughts' about betraying his sworn Lord, you know?

It's still going to absolutely tell stories but it's not going to be one big story going on. It's going to be a dozen smaller stories telling the tale of say, 'A village oppressed by their scheming leaders and the oblivious local Lord'.

As for the Angels, I think you are leaning much too hard on the Medieval European concept. So think less 'religious fanatics' and more 'adherents of a strict Order who are Outsiders to how the world works'. They try to convert you to their Lord sure, but the ways they do so can seem... Strange and unbelievable. Sometimes even the inverse of what they believe it will do. The World works the way it does because their Lord and Lady Divinities have commanded it do so. Such is their Will that the World shall conform or be made Conform. None can oppose the Will of their Lords and Ladies, only follow it incorrectly. Which requires Correction.

What said Correction takes the form of is uh... Look, what do you think the Correction for a War Divinity would be? And so what if all the future worshippers are dead, the Lord desires Worshippers and so they shall rise from their graves to follow his Will Correctly this time. Whereas a Harvest Goddess' Correction may involve human sacrifice to Bless their Harvests to enrich the community for the next year, which shall be full of plentiful Harvests and those who Harvest to carry out her Will. What do you mean that killing your best friend for better Harvests and then sleeping with your wife and his wife so they both can bring forth twins which shall grow unnaturally fast in order to take part in the Harvest next year is a Horror and Wrong? How can anything which is Her Will be horrible and she is incapable of being Wrong. You are merely mistaken and thus must be Corrected on the Ways of the Harvest. So stay still whilst I Reap the flawed thoughts from your mind...

In simple terms, the Angels or using what's likely a better term, the Celestials are Strange and Eldritch Beings of magic from an environment other than this world. Whereas the Fey are all too much a part of this world. The part which causes stories, myths, legends and warnings to be written. For the World is a much more dangerous place than you know, and will claim it's price if you believe it under your control...
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It's still going to absolutely tell stories but it's not going to be one big story going on. It's going to be a dozen smaller stories telling the tale of say, 'A village oppressed by their scheming leaders and the oblivious local Lord'.
I never said it was going to be one big story, I was going for more of various fae wandering the woods dragging you into their shenanigans, but good point

As for the Angels, I think you are leaning much too hard on the Medieval European concept. So think less 'religious fanatics' and more 'adherents of a strict Order who are Outsiders to how the world works'. They try to convert you to their Lord sure, but the ways they do so can seem... Strange and unbelievable. Sometimes even the inverse of what they believe it will do. The World works the way it does because their Lord and Lady Divinities have commanded it do so. Such is their Will that the World shall conform or be made Conform. None can oppose the Will of their Lords and Ladies, only follow it incorrectly. Which requires Correction.

What said Correction takes the form of is uh... Look, what do you think the Correction for a War Divinity would be? And so what if all the future worshippers are dead, the Lord desires Worshippers and so they shall rise from their graves to follow his Will Correctly this time. Whereas a Harvest Goddess' Correction may involve human sacrifice to Bless their Harvests to enrich the community for the next year, which shall be full of plentiful Harvests and those who Harvest to carry out her Will. What do you mean that killing your best friend for better Harvests and then sleeping with your wife and his wife so they both can bring forth twins which shall grow unnaturally fast in order to take part in the Harvest next year is a Horror and Wrong? How can anything which is Her Will be horrible and she is incapable of being Wrong. You are merely mistaken and thus must be Corrected on the Ways of the Harvest. So stay still whilst I Reap the flawed thoughts from your mind...

In simple terms, the Angels or using what's likely a better term, the Celestials are Strange and Eldritch Beings of magic from an environment other than this world. Whereas the Fey are all too much a part of this world. The part which causes stories, myths, legends and warnings to be written. For the World is a much more dangerous place than you know, and will claim it's price if you believe it under your control...

Seems less like an angel type and more like a cult or religion type, but I guess by that logic so did my suggestion
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[X] Avary Dungeon: They focus on verticality and birds, Traps that knock people down the dungeon are common as well as flying enemies. Surprisingly easy going at first, they tend to ramp up in difficulty rapidly as the dungeon seeks to test itself against the best available.
[X] Dearth Dungeon: They are dedicated to testing the endurance and depleting the resources of adventurers. Typically, dungeons of this nature possess a debilitating effect that specifically targets a particular concept. For example, within these dungeons, food might spoil more rapidly, saturation might diminish at an accelerated rate, willpower or specific emotions might be depleted quicker than usual, and so forth. The tunnels and chambers of these locations are simple in appearance, yet deliberately designed to prolong travel time. Corridors can be narrow, exceptionally lengthy, and may even take on spiraling formations. Inside, one may encounter numerous steps ascending and descending, passages with uncomfortable slopes, or rough terrain that hampers normal movement. These dungeons exhibit a cruel indifference and an unwavering patience. There almost no monsters or traps - the jorney itself is exhausting and dangerous enough.​
[X] Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types
[X] Avary Dungeon: They focus on verticality and birds, Traps that knock people down the dungeon are common as well as flying enemies. Surprisingly easy going at first, they tend to ramp up in difficulty rapidly as the dungeon seeks to test itself against the best available.
Adhoc vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Aug 6, 2023 at 4:40 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types
    [X] Avary Dungeon: They focus on verticality and birds, Traps that knock people down the dungeon are common as well as flying enemies. Surprisingly easy going at first, they tend to ramp up in difficulty rapidly as the dungeon seeks to test itself against the best available.
    [X] Dearth Dungeon: They are dedicated to testing the endurance and depleting the resources of adventurers. Typically, dungeons of this nature possess a debilitating effect that specifically targets a particular concept. For example, within these dungeons, food might spoil more rapidly, saturation might diminish at an accelerated rate, willpower or specific emotions might be depleted quicker than usual, and so forth. The tunnels and chambers of these locations are simple in appearance, yet deliberately designed to prolong travel time. Corridors can be narrow, exceptionally lengthy, and may even take on spiraling formations. Inside, one may encounter numerous steps ascending and descending, passages with uncomfortable slopes, or rough terrain that hampers normal movement. These dungeons exhibit a cruel indifference and an unwavering patience. There almost no monsters or traps - the jorney itself is exhausting and dangerous enough.​

Special Feature
Cursed Shifting Domain: demonic dungeons shift as foes move through their traps, spawns, and bosses are switched between two dynamics based on what the delvers have succeeded at to make it harder. Injury to spawn by the dungeon empowers the boss for those floors.

Eccentric and sadistic, the Demonic core revels in inflicting suffering, crafting twisted challenges and warped creatures in its nightmarish realm. Its enigmatic nature makes it unpredictable, and its malevolent glee fuels the horrors that await delvers.

Level 1 Spawn and Trap

Spawn: Tormented Phantoms
Dread Aligned - Ethereal spirits cursed to eternal suffering. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Will. They use their tormented existence to inflict mental anguish on intruders, weakening their resolve and causing confusion.
Suffering Aligned - Malevolent apparitions that emanate an aura of dread. (Focus) Attribute: Social - Charm. They use their haunting presence to sow fear in the hearts of adventurers, making them hesitate and second-guess their actions.

Trap: Ensnaring Fleshpits
Dread Aligned - Grotesque fleshy pits lined with razor-sharp claws that ensnare and torment intruders. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Endurance. The ensnaring fleshpits grip and hold onto intruders with immense force, causing excruciating pain and physical damage as they struggle to break free.
Suffering Aligned - Horrific pits of self-inflicted suffering, where even the spawn faces the torment of the claws. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Will. The suffering-aligned fleshpits project a shared sense of agony onto intruders and the spawn, amplifying their suffering and draining their willpower to resist.

Level 2 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Envious Harpy
Dread Aligned - A creature with an unnatural form a union of a crow and a woman, harboring deep-seated hatred for its own form and an envious resentment towards all other beings. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Agility. The Envious Harpy utilizes its swift and agile movements to both evade attacks and deliver swift strikes infused with its envious spite.
Suffering Aligned - Tormented by its own existence, the Envious Harpy inflicts its self-loathing and agony upon intruders, seeking to share its pain with others. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. With cunning tactics, it manipulates its surroundings to amplify the suffering of its foes, using illusions to exploit their deepest fears and envious desires.

Spawn: Twisted Aberrations
Dread Aligned - Human-like creatures with grotesquely warped forms that defy comprehension, wielding unsettling abilities. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Thought. These aberrations tap into their distorted minds to unleash unpredictable and nightmarish attacks on intruders, exploiting their twisted nature to cause chaos.
Suffering Aligned - Tormented beings bearing contorted, self-destructive appearances, inflicting pain on themselves and intruders. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. These suffering-aligned creatures embrace their own agony, channeling it into self-destructive attacks that not only harm themselves but also torment intruders who dare to face them.

Trap: Acidic Maelstrom
Dread Aligned - This trap triggers upon intrusion, releasing a swirling maelstrom of stomach acid that engulfs and dissolves anything in its path. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Those caught in the acidic maelstrom must endure its corrosive effects, testing their physical endurance to withstand the pain and damage.
Suffering Aligned - The trap intensifies the agony experienced by intruders, amplifying their sensations of burning and dissolving flesh as they struggle to escape the acidic onslaught. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Will. It preys upon the willpower of those ensnared, tormenting their minds with the fear of their impending dissolution and forcing them to muster the mental strength to endure the suffering.

Trap: Abyssal Maw
Dread Aligned - This trap features a twisting, serpentine tongue that suddenly lashes out from the shadows, ensnaring unsuspecting prey and dragging them toward an abyssal mouth lined with a million razor-sharp teeth. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Strength. Intruders must muster their physical strength to resist being pulled into the horrifying maw.
Suffering Aligned - The trap is designed to inflict psychological torment on its victims, taunting them with visions of their impending doom as they are drawn closer to the nightmarish mouth of teeth. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Cunning. It preys upon their minds, instilling fear and paranoia, challenging them to devise clever strategies to escape the clutches of the trap.

Level 3 Spawn and Trap

Spawn: Tormented Amalgamation
Dread Aligned - This monstrous spawn is a nightmarish amalgamation of dead and dying creatures, bound together by sinister energies. It exudes an aura of despair and promises to drag intruders into the same fate of eternal torment it endures within the living acid. (Focus) Attribute: Social - Charm. The Tormented Amalgamation uses its charm to manipulate and lure unsuspecting victims into its grasp, compelling them to come closer and experience its agony.
Suffering Aligned - The Tormented Amalgamation is a twisted embodiment of suffering, driven by an intense hatred for its own form and envy for all other living things. It seeks to inflict pain upon intruders and revels in their torment, mirroring its own agony. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Will. This spawn channels its intense willpower to maintain control over its pain, and its attacks are fueled by a sadistic desire to make others suffer as it does.

Trap: Hall of Unseen Gaze
Dread Aligned - The Hall of Unseen Gaze is adorned with countless eerie and unblinking eyes that do not directly attack intruders but rather serve to unnerve and wear down victims psychologically. Those who venture through this unnerving passage may find their nerves fraying, making them susceptible to other threats within the dungeon. (Challenge) Attribute: Social - Insight. The constant feeling of being watched and the unsettling atmosphere test the intruder's insight, challenging them to maintain their composure and focus amidst the oppressive presence of unseen gazes.
Suffering Aligned - The Hall of Unseen Gaze reflects the torment that the dungeon itself endures, as the eyes embedded in the walls represent the suffering endured by the dungeon's twisted form. The trap affects both intruders and the creatures within, amplifying their internal anguish and suffering. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Endurance. The relentless pressure of the unseen gazes can take a toll on an individual's endurance, challenging them to endure the psychological strain while navigating through the trap's unsettling effects.

Level 4 Spawns and Traps

Spawn: Blinded Tormentor
Dread Aligned - The Blinded Tormentor is a haunting and grotesque creature, once resembling a man, but now disfigured and burnt, rendering it blind. Driven by a sadistic and twisted nature, it rolls relentlessly into walls and delvers alike, using its impaired hearing to detect and harm its targets. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Will. Despite its blindness, the Blinded Tormentor relies on its strong will to embrace its tormenting instincts, seeking to break and hurt anything it can perceive through sound, making it a formidable adversary.
Suffering Aligned - The Blinded Tormentor embodies the agony of its existence, hating its own form and harboring envy for all other beings. Its self-loathing fuels its relentless desire to inflict pain upon others, as if seeking to share its eternal torment with anyone it encounters. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. This self-destructive behavior requires remarkable endurance as the Blinded Tormentor disregards its own well-being to fulfill its malevolent desire for vengeance and suffering.

Spawn: Eel-mouthed Healer
Dread Aligned - This eerie and unsettling creature appears as an eel with a human-like mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, while its scales resemble fingernails, which it can rip off to heal other injured spawn. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. The Eel-mouthed Healer's ability to restore its kin is tied to its physical endurance, as the process of sacrificing its scales demands great resilience, making it an indispensable support for the dungeon's denizens in times of need.
Suffering Aligned - The Eel-mouthed Healer experiences a perverse form of healing, which inflicts pain upon itself to mend the wounds of others. This self-inflicted suffering is born from an insidious desire to embrace the pain, believing it brings meaning to its existence. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Will. The creature's relentless willpower drives it to bear the agony willingly, finding a twisted sense of purpose in this sadistic act of healing, further fueling its affinity for suffering and torment.

Trap: Clawed Grasp
Dread Aligned - This unsettling trap consists of a carpet of disembodied hands, each ending in bestial claws, reaching out to grab and trip unsuspecting intruders. (Challenge) Attribute: Body - Agility. The trap tests the agility of adventurers as they must maneuver carefully to avoid the grasping claws and prevent being hindered or toppled by this eerie and unnerving assault.
Suffering Aligned - The Clawed Grasp trap serves to inflict both physical and psychological suffering. The sight of countless hands with savage claws reaching for them can invoke feelings of dread and unease, taking a toll on their mental fortitude. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Will. Overcoming the psychological fear while evading the grasping claws requires a strong will and resilience to press onward despite the unnerving nature of this trap.

Trap: Illusory Temptation
Dread Aligned - This treacherous trap presents a pool with alluring images of great rewards and desires that draw intruders towards it. However, anyone who touches the pool is subjected to a malevolent illusion that unravels their mind and sanity. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Thought. The trap preys on the adventurers' thoughts and desires, testing their ability to discern reality from illusion and resist the temptation to reach for the illusory rewards.
Suffering Aligned - The Illusory Temptation trap inflicts psychological torment on those who fall victim to its illusions. The unbearable disappointment and the realization that the rewards were mere illusions can cause deep suffering and despair. (Challenge) Attribute: Mind - Will. Overcoming the distress caused by this trap demands inner strength and mental fortitude to shake off the effects of the illusion and remain focused on the true path ahead.

Level 5 Boss and Reward

Boss: Tormented Aberration
Dread Aligned - This curse-bound abomination embodies the essence of eternal suffering, with no trace of humanity remaining in its tormented form. Wrapped in razor-sharp chains that dig into its flesh, the Tormented Aberration thrashes wildly, lashing out at anything that comes close. (Focus) Attribute: Body - Endurance. Its relentless endurance allows it to endure immense pain and continue fighting with unmatched tenacity.
Suffering Aligned - The Tormented Aberration's existence is a constant agony, and its pain-driven fury makes it a formidable adversary. (Focus) Attribute: Mind - Will. The intense suffering that fuels its attacks drives the boss to disregard its own well-being, relentlessly attacking with no regard for self-preservation, making it a relentless and fearsome foe.

Reward: Soulbound Chains
Short description: These cursed chains carry the tormented essence of the defeated Tormented Aberration, and they hold potent dark powers. When equipped, they provide the wearer with increased resistance against harmful status effects, reducing the duration of curses, poisons, and debuffs by 50%. Additionally, the chains can be used offensively, allowing the user to bind and immobilize enemies temporarily, draining their life force for a brief moment and inflicting a weakened status. However, the use of such cursed powers comes at a cost, as the wearer becomes more susceptible to dark curses and malevolent influences over time. Properly mastering and utilizing the Soulbound Chains requires great mental fortitude and discipline, making it a rewarding yet dangerous tool for adventurers.

For some reasons the humans begin to gather in larger numbers, this makes lands around those stationary human zones far more valuable. However to many of the dungeons the new demonic dungeons are far to dangerous to leave near the human populations, as the unique challenges of that type are hard for the humans to overcome.

The outpouring when humans don't clean the dungeon drive the humans away from those locations causing dungeons nearby to loose our on growth from humans delving. This causes other types to more aggressively expand around new human settlements to keep demonic dungeons away from the precious resource.

The demonic dungeons for their part seem unconcerned as they grow slowly with the high quality humans that rarely near the dangerous dungeons. The humans generally seem to have shifted away from liking dungeons over all hurting the weaker dungeons like the magic ones that rely on weaker humans exploring them for their slow growth to be fed into.

[X] Sacrificial Dungeon

This is a unique and visually appealing structure designed to accommodate inhabitants. However, it possesses a defensive mechanism that activates hidden deadly traps in response to any attempts to harm its interior, specifically targeting the offender. This dungeon does not feature traditional monsters or challenging terrain. Instead, it consistently includes a spacious room with an altar. By sacrificing a living being near this altar, the dungeon immediately absorbs the offering and grants a reward in return. Notably, human sacrifices yield the greatest rewards. And ones with more struggle and conflict in process (like a duel/fight). Additionally, the value of new types of sacrifices diminishes over time, with the initial few sacrifices being more valuable, gradually decreasing until reaching a conditional minimum. When someone sapient see the altar - they get feeling of what its function. If they sleep in the room with altar - they would get dream of using it and getting prize.​

Edit: So, how abour this idea? Something different.

Edit 2:
Maybe these may be reforged into something else? Is it possible to use heat, anvil and hammer to forge some sword out of them?
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[X] Avary Dungeon: They focus on verticality and birds, Traps that knock people down the dungeon are common as well as flying enemies. Surprisingly easy going at first, they tend to ramp up in difficulty rapidly as the dungeon seeks to test itself against the best available.
[X] Hybrid Angelic: An Angelic dungeon is focused on structured perfection, alongside inspiring worship to some higher power, its symmetrical corridors are pristine and guarded by often identical sentinels, and its construction is largely vertical (be it up or down). Its monsters are hierarchical beings of unwavering devotion, self-disciplined abilities, and manic worship. Angelic cores each have their own ideals and beliefs that they are obsessively devoted to arising from the fusion of the Element and Magic essences.

Edit: I have changed my vote.
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[X] Avary Dungeon: They focus on verticality and birds, Traps that knock people down the dungeon are common as well as flying enemies. Surprisingly easy going at first, they tend to ramp up in difficulty rapidly as the dungeon seeks to test itself against the best available.

If you ask me, sacrificial dungeons remove far too much of the core (metaphorical) of a dungeon.
[X] Hybrid Angelic: An Angelic dungeon is focused on structured perfection, alongside inspiring worship to some higher power, its symmetrical corridors are pristine and guarded by often identical sentinels, and its construction is largely vertical (be it up or down). Its monsters are hierarchical beings of unwavering devotion, self-disciplined abilities, and manic worship. Angelic cores each have their own ideals and beliefs that they are obsessively devoted to arising from the fusion of the Element and Magic essences.
Voting is open